Wednesday, july i4. Boci ,-K-MARKS ^Ba wedding beautiful in its simBCl;v was that of Miss Louise ^L{ks and Herbert W. Slack, solHni-'ed m the St. Pawl's Luther church m WHrmngton Satur v jUiy third, in the presence "the immediate families and a Hv friends. Dr. Edwin Keever ^Hiciated. H-l Love Von Truly," and "O. ^R.nuse Me" were sung by Miss Rea Marks, sister of the she was accompanied at 0rgsA by Mrs. Marie Schul^Br.V bride wore a beautiful suit blue with navy accessories. H: corsage was of roses and ^ es of the varty K/.r- Slack an the daughter of and Mrs Alexander HamilB Marks of Acme. She has for ^Kietlme held the position of Hpervisor of National Youth AdBittsi ration in Brunswick and ^ uri.bus counties. Slack is the son of Mr. Hi Mrs WiWam Miller Slack s,inbury. Pennsylvania. He reHir.i his B. S. degree from Bcknell University in LewisB-g, Pennsylvania, and his Mas t degree from Duke UniverDurham. He is a member Theta L'psilon Omega and Phi B>ha Sigma fraternities. Brhc couple will make their ^^frne in Southport where Mr. ^Kck is Education Advisor at the C. C. camp. ^KhMTHAN-ALU80* ^Frivnds here will be interested ^Hr.ews of the marriage of Miss ^ 11 Allison to Mr. Dave McHithan on Saturday, July 3rd. ^ diss Allison, whose home is at Fort, is a former member ^H^ the Southport school faculty He for the past three years has Hight at Waccamaw. The groom ^^ from Ash. H ENTERTAINS GUEST ^mrs C. G. Ruark entertained 1 I Peopl Of Sout&port in tile % Cash, balances with otlv United States Governnv State, county and mun Loans and discounts .. Banking house owned, Other real estate owned Other Assets TOTAL ASSI a IX Deposits of individuals, (a) Demand depoei (b> Time deposits Slat*, county. and mu Certified and officers' sold for cash and amc TOTAL DEPOSI' r\?.h />? lifkluikii^Q vfinw jiBwrfrv? o TOTAL LIABILI' /''a aid ^ 1 ft a anf^1 * v C? pi\wl BVvOtifl I (*> Capital stock a (W Surplus ( c) Undivided Pro) fdl Reserves (e) Total capital i TOTAL LIABRjm On June 30. 1037, 1 $15,346 44 Assets repor $32,034.43. 'This hank's capita; per share Pledged assets (except (a) tJ. 8. Goverw pledged to see (0) Other assets (< V " Rett under repurcha (elTOTAL Secured and preferred 1 ( ) Deposits secure law (e> TOTAL I, G. W Bunker. O above statement in true the several matters hei and bene/ STATE OP NORTH CJ Sworn to and subs certify that I am not s My commission expires 1937 [elf , on Wednesday evening, July 7, i in honor of her niece, Miss Eva ! Armstrong, of Asheville, Who is ] visiting her. Bingo was played during the evening and prizes were awarded to Misses Mary E. Robbins, Doris Corlette, and to ' James McKeithan, Harvey Brown 1 and Joe Ruark. After enjoying | ! other interesting games, delicl-1 ous refreshments, consisting of i ice cream and cake, were served, j Those enjoying the evening ] were: Miss Eva Armstrong, of | Asheville,, Misses Mary Elizabeth Robbins, of Washing- j 'ton, Helen Dean Sutton, Louise Niernsee, Lucy Anderson, Doris Corlette, Ellen Newton, Myrtle | Brown, and Joe Ruark, Dan WH- j ker. Eddie Jelke, D. I. Watson, Harvey Brown, James McKeith- [ an, David McKeithan, David Wat- j son and Elliott Moore. OAT RI?E The Intermediate B. T. 0. enjoyed a boat ride and a picnic supper at the Quarentine Station on Friday evening, July 9 There were about fifteen members who '| enjoyed the outing and also Reverend A. L. Brown and Miss Annie Mae Woodside, the latter being leader of the B. T. U. MAKLOW-NGKWENT Mrs. G. L. Norment announces j the marriage of her daughter, Marion, to t-uwara u. Mariowe at Conway, S. C? on Sunday, July 11. Both the bride and groom are | from Southport. BIRTHDAY DINNER Miss Margaret Sullivan, of Southport, was guest of honor at a surprise birthday dinner Sunday. The dinner was given by frieiuls, and was held at the ; .home ot Miss Fannie Wescott, an invalid, in order that she j could attend. The honoree receiv-1 ed several beautiful and useful gifts. Subscribe to The State Port , Pilot? $1 50 year in advance. M REPORT OF THE CONDITION OI les United State of N. C., at the clone of bush ASSETS sr banks, and cash items m process ?nt obligations, direct and fully gu icipal obligations furniture and fixtures 1 5TS \tH1.rmi* AND CAPITAL partnerships, and corporations: ts evidenced by savings pass books n icipal deposits checks, letters of credit and trarve .nn?s due to Federal Reserve Bank ( rs TIES EXCLUDING CAPITAL ACCX md capita] notes and debentures* . fits . account ES AND CAPITAL She required legal reserve against d< ted above which were eligible as lej I ie represented by 250 shares of co !WEM?*AN?A real estate), rediscounts, and securi went obligations, direct and fully are liabilities except real estate) pledged to seen m and brita redSncounted and sec se agreement I liabilities: d by pledged assets pursuant to ret ashier of the above named bank, do and that it fully and correctly rep 'em contained and aet forth, to tin G. W. BUNKER, Cashier 8. B. PRINK, J. W. RUARK, J. W. TATES, Directors. LROL1NA, COUNTY OF BRUNSWI cribed before me, this 12th day of in officer or director of this bank. 3-11-39. SUSIE MAE LIVINGS' n i' Lm' Persona! Miss Kathleen Nelson, of Wat- j erbury, Conn., who has t?een vis- j itlng Miss Eleanor Niemsee for J the paat few days, left today (Wednesday ) for her home. Frank Nierneee, who has been visiting his mother for the past i two weeks, left Friday to return ] to Memphis, Tenn., where he is employed) V Mrs. Etherton ana daughter, i Miss Florine Ether'jon, have re- \ turned to their home in Miami, 1 ( Fla., after visiting friends here |; for the past few days. ... |' C. Ed Taylor spent the past (1 week-end in Blaclf Mountain with ( other members otf his family. ... Miss Dorothy Robinson and J. ( A. Gilbert, of Raleigh, visited the 1 former's parents here this week. ' " Mrs. G. D. Robinson visited ( her daughter, Miss Dorothy Rob- j inson, last week in Raleigh. ... Miss Lucy Anderson is spending a few days in Wilmington, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe j Taylor. ... Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dye and , son vi6ited relatives here Sun- j day. a Mrs. Leo Dow ling' and children, of New York, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dosher. Miss Eva Armstrong, of Asheville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. j G. Ruark. see Mrs. Herman Canady and little daughter, Barbara Ann, of Wil- { mington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKeithan, parents of Mrs. Cannady. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Garrett and children, of Danville, Va., are \isiting relatives here. * Prank and Bernard Williams, of Charleston, West Va., and Sam Coward, Jr., of New Bern, have been spending the past week here with the Reverend Mr. and __________ i . | 1 ' V\ p r Bank less on June 80, 1987 X ft of collection. $ 32,675.04 aranteed 8,033.38 U 8,954.67 88,787.87 6,342.00 IP | 1,2282.08 ||l 3,465.42 $149,540.46 j|| $ 62,365.36 jj 14,614.04 37,430.80 j lees' checks i transit account) 968.77 ...$115,378.97 980.02 , MINT $116,358.99 $ 25,008.00 , 1,000.90 729.65 {I ! 6,451.82 $ 33,181.47 $149,540.46 ^posits of this bank was gal reserve amounted to irvmon stock, par $100.00 :| ties loaned: guaranteed, $ 8,000.00 re labilities ur Sties sold 7,000.00 $ 15,000.00 pjireinent of It 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 j solemnly swear that the resents the trwe state of j best of my knowledge CK. July, 1937, and I hereby TON, Notary Public. B THE STATE PORT OPEN FORUM A column dedicated to opinions ot the public. A mouthpiece (or the views and observations of our frlende and readers, (or whloh we accept no responsibility. Contributions to this column must not . exceed three hundred words. Editor, State Port Pilot: Southport, N. C. Dear Sir, Southport has often entertained visiting ships and has brought in crowds to visit them. The visitors could come and see all that was to be seen in an hour. Phey came and went. To tell the truth, very little business resulted j'om the visits of the vessels for the simple reason that most of the people who came to see them returned to their homes immediately, having seen all that was to be seen. For the yachting regatta on August 12, 13, 14th, we win have something entirely different. New program will be put on each day. Each day will offer something more interesting than the preced- i Ing one. The folks who come for J the start of the 1937 regatta will come prepared to stay three days , or longer at Southport and Fort' Caswell. And the number of these visitors will run into thousands. To be perfectly frank, I do not expect Southport and Fort Caswell to be able to accommodate anything like half of them. The bringing of these people to Southport will mean a lot of money to boarding and rooming houses, to our boatmen who carry passengers, to stores and soft drink stands. General benefit wlH result. A:ill with this to be expected, it is up to the people of Southport to d" everything possible to make the affair a huge success. Committees should be cooperated with, and there should be individual as well as teamwork. Dur-1 ing the month that is to elapse 1 before the regatta is staged, home and property owners should exercise their individual efforts | to the fullest in cleaning up, repairing and painting. The appearance of the town will react much towards the impression that the visitors gain of Southport. And the matter of helping financially should not be overlooked. It will take money to put this thing over, and we hope there will be a general response to the various r.eods. W. B. Kcziah, Chairman Invitation Committee. 1 Mis. A. L. Brown. Mrs. L. J. Mills and daughter, Gertrude, of Iceland, visited Mrs. j Ruth Gay last week. ? ? Tom Meshaw returned Monday , to Atlantic City, N. J., where ! he is employed on the U. S. I Dredge Comstock, after having spent his vacation here with friends. Miss Bessie Xanthos, of Wilmington, is visiting friends here. Dr. D. I. Watson and daughter, Miss Louise Watson, returned home Sunday from Seven Springs,, where they have been. spending the past two weeks. Mrs. Oscar Coleman and children. who have been visiting rel- I artives in Bolivia, returned home Monday]. J. H. Caison, of Hallsboro, Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Creech and children, Mrs. Ed Hooks and children of Whiteville and Mrs. Lulu Skipper, of Bladenboro, were Southport visitors Sunday. Stout Lady (to little boy): | "Can you tell me if I can get j through this gate to the park?" j Little Boy: "I guess so. A load ot hay just went through." | Jimmy: After all, fools help to ] make life interesting. When all j the fools are bumped off, I don't want to be here. Gracie: Don't worry, you won't. | BOYETTE HC TOBACCO SMITH'S HAP* jj ROOT E Arsenate of Lead 1 ONE HORSE I WALKING CI ^ Plenty of Good So I HARDWARE I We Are IN i| McCLARI IAnd would like fo see this new Wilson Implet WHITEyi HgjtfHJEf5JEf5fEJHJHjgjHJEf5fEf?fEf^l PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C f NEWS BRIEFS I PAINTING HOME The J. W. Ruark home, which is nearing completion, was given a coat of white paint this week. NO GAME The Loris, S. C. baseball team failed to show up Friday for a scheduled game with Southport. ACCEPTS POSITION John Shannon has accepted a position with The News Reporter in WhiteviHe. LAYING BRICK Brickwork has been started in the construction of the new R. F. Plaxco home on Moore street. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Mintz announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Minto, on Wednesday, July 7 in Wilmington. AUDITOR LEAVES D. R. Hollowell, who has spent the past several days in town on business, left Sunday for his home in Greens1 oro MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage licenses were issued last week to Miss Retha Galloway and Bert Robinson, both of Supply. BREAKS ARM Tom Gilbert, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert, suffered a fracture of his left wrist Monday afternoon. BEAUTKFICATION Work of beautifying the grounds about the Waccamaw school has been completed, according to] Principal Z. G. Ray, who was a Southport visitor Monday. CORRECTION In an article which appeared in the June 23 issue of The Slate Port Pilot it was stated that the Hale Beach Corporation was seeking to recover $50,000.00 from the Waterway Commission, A. G. Myers et als for property damage sustained when the let-' ter condemned a right-of-way for. the inland waterway. The amount being sought iB $150,000.00. VISIT RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Stanaland, of Wilmington, Del., are spending a three weeks vacation with relatives in this county. Mr. Stanaland has been employed in government service for the past tgjt years and is stationed at fedgemore, Del. Mrs. Stanaland, the former Miss Hazel Gore, ib visiting her mother, Mrs. J. P. Wheeler, in Wilmington. Grissett Town News Mrs. PoHy Grissett is ill at the home of her son, M. W. Grigsett, of GriBsett Town. Cecil Ashery, of Swanquarter, visited Miss Irene Grissett Sunday. Eunice Grissett, Orvie Mints and RHdolph Rubs, of Swanquar-1 ter, spent the week-end at their homes in Grissett Town. Miss Bertha Jane Russ was the dinner guest of Miss Gladys Min- J tz Sunday. Mrs. Lettie Pope and daughter, Ruby, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ellen Hewett. Brnce Moody, who has been a patient in the Brunswick County Hospital, will return to his home Tuesday. Mrs. Bruce Moody spent Sunday with her husband, Bruce Moody, in Southport. Hollice Williamson was visiting; Miss Gladys Mintz Saturday night. Mrs. Johnson (learning; to drive): Henry, that little mirror up there isn't set right." Hubby: "Isn't it?" Mrs.J.: "No, I can't see anything but the car behind." )RSE-DRAWN SPRAYERS JD SPRAYERS HJSTERS I I and Paris Green BENTHALL 1 JLTIVATORS und Soy Bean Seed jj| ) and PAINTS | fow Selling iN TIRES r our customers to I tire we have! nent Company | LLE, N. G. 1 jtfi 1 I j Qocial Qecurity ( Question j^ox j -V As another service to its readers, The News Reporter each week wBi give authoritative answers to questions on the Social Security law. By ,j I special arrangement with Stacey W. Wade, Manager of , the Social Security Board of- i ticf at 116 S. Salisbury Street in Raleigh, the Sociat Security { Board has consented to pass on the accuracy of answers to | questions on Social Security, which may be asked by employers, employees, and others, through The News Reporter. Address inquiries to the Editor, The News Reporter. Answers wHI be given here in the order in which questions are received. This is an informational service and is not legal advice or service. In keeping with Sociat Security Board policy names wilt not be published. THE EDITOR. Q. 1: I work in a roadside hotel, which is on a farm. Part of my work consists of serving dining room guests on Saturday and Sunday, and the rest of the time I am employed by the same employer as a hired girl for the family. I get $6.0? a week wages. Should I get an account number, and how much should I pay a week on mv social security ac count? A. Presumably you are confused by the fact that agricultural labor and domestic service m a private residence are excepted employments under Title VIII of the Social Security Act. Domestic service is excepted only when it is performed in a private residence. A hotel is not a private residence. If your employers reside in the hotel, the service you perform for them is not done in a private residence. The fact that the hotel is located on a farm does not make your employment agricultural labor within the meaning of the exception. You should apply for a social security account number, using employees application Form SS-5. A copy of this form may be obtained from your post office or your nearest Social Security Board field office. On the basis of the information in your question your employer is required to deduct one percent of your wages, which include value of meals and lodging as well as cash, when and as paid, and he also is required to pay an equal amount in taxes out of his pocket. Your question, however, may not be as definite as it sounds and, if your employer has any doubt, he should put all the facts before the collector of internal revenue for a ruling. Q. No. 2: I go to business school and work in a cafeteria for my meals. I don't get amy [ pay. Should I get an account number and give it to my employer? A. Although you do not receive any wages in cash, your meals constitute wages under the Social Security law. Your work in a cafeteria is not an excepted employment. You should, there | fore, have a social security ?count number. Keep your account card, as you wiH use the same number for the rest of your life, but make your number known to your employer. Q. No. 3: I filed an SS-5 application in March of this year. I moved away and never received my number. Do I have to file another application? A. You shouM file another SS5 application. Get the application from your post office or nearest Social Security Board field office. In answering: question 14 on this form be sure to state clearly that you filed an SS-5 in March with the post office to which you sent it, and state that you did not receive a number in response to that first application. Q. 4: In filling: out SS-5 for an account number what name do I give in answer to question Id, which asks my mother's full maiden name? A. Your mother's full maiden name before she was married and her maiden name does not indued her married name. For example: if her name was Miry Ellen Smith before she was married to your father, you would give her name as Mary Ellen Smith and net as Mary Ellen Smith Jones, or any other variation or combination of the surnames Smith and Jones. Your father's name is no part of your mother's maiden naric. Somebody is asking the information column for a definition of "the happy mean". The happy mean, nowadays, we guess says the Boston Herald, are those [who saved something when they [had it. , First Walter: "So I asked if his grapefruit was juicy." Second Waiter: "What did he say?" First Waiter: "He Just looked at me, but I read the answer in his eye." I Farm And Home Speakers Named Prominent Men And Women WiH Appear On Program Being Prepared, For Week At State College Addresses by prominent men and women will be a feature of the Farm and Home Week program to be held at State College, August 2-6. Among the speakers announced by John W. Goodmen, assistant director of the State College extension service, are: Harry L. Brown, assistant Secretary of Agriculture, and Gover nor Clyde R. Hoey, Thursday evening. Congressman Harold D. Cooley, Tuesday. J. B. Hutson, assistant director of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, and Louis H. Bean, economic advisor to the AAA, Wednesday. W. W. Fitzpatrk*. manager of the Quail Roost dairy farm, O. | E. Pollock, hay specialist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture; and Hugh McRae, who has built i up an outstanding dairy near Wilmington .... Wednesday. Perkins Coville, of the U. S. | Forest Service, Thursday. The Reverend L. P. Burney, rural I minister near Charlotte, Tuesday. | Congressman Marvin Jones, cha- i irman of the House committee on Agriculture, has been invited to j speak during the week. Speakers on the special program for women will include: Mrs. Bess Rosa, of the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina: Miss See (correct) Rice; of Louisville, Ky.; Miss Louise Weaver, Franklin County home agent. Subscribe to The State Port $1.50 a year. LEGALS NHTWF, OF SI M HONS State of North Carolina, County of Brunswick. In The Superior Court Dalton Rupert Blanton vs. Janie R. Blanton The defendant, Janie R. Blanton. > will take notice tnai an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff tor absolute divorce upon the grounds of adultery as provided by, law of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take no-; tice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse in Southport. N. C.. on or before the ll)th day of July. 1937. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 19th day of June. 1937. M. B. WATKINS. Assistant 7-14-c Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SIMMONS State of North Carolina. County of Brunswick. In The Superior Court Emma Tart vs. Clyde Tart The defendant. Clyde Tart. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff for absolute divorce upon the grounds of fwo years separation as provided by the laws of fhe State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear a- the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Courthouse in Southport. N. C.. on or l>efore the 29th day of July, 1937. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in i said complaint. This the 29th dav of June. 1937. M. B. WATKINS. Assistant I 7-21-c Clerk Superior Court., FfOTWF OF HI M M ON A State of North Carolina. County of Brunswick. lu The Superior Court tJrace Ford vs. r A irneil The defendant, C. A. Ford, will ' will take notice that ail action en- 1 titled as above has been commenced j in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff for absolute divorce upon the grounds of two years separation as provided by the laws of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of checks ?* M*?* Malaria ODD <28? l iquid. Tablets WEA f>A('HE, Salve, Nese Rrops t#MINl'TES I Try "Rub?.M y Tlsnt"?World's I Best liniment TOBj I SUPI Tobacco Barn Th< j Tobacco Twine? II Lanterns? j j Flue Parts? | Come To Us For ! Shallotte 1 Hobson K\ SHALLOr i lucmCKmCKMMMMWKWM " THftfife 38 . the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county -at the Courthotaa* in ^^B Kouthport. X. C.. on or before the BBS Jth Jay of AUfru*. 1937, ami an- ^B swer or demur to the complaint in BB said notion, or fhe plaintiff will an- i^B| ply for the relief demanded in said fl^B complaint. ^^B This Gth day of July. 1937. ^^B M. B. WATKINS, Assistant ,^^B 8-4-c Cleric Superior Court FIHtKriMCRK SAI.E MB RKA-I. ESTATE BB Under and by virtue of the power ^^B of sale contained in that oQfain mortgage deed, made and executed .^^B the 37th day of February, 192VF by ^B Jake McMIUon, to Richmond Gfcllo- ^B way, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds' of ^H| Brunswick County in Book 35. at BSH page 401. to which reference is here- ^Bfl by especially made. Default having ^B| been made in the payment of the ^B^ debt secured by the said mortgage. I will offer for sa*e at public auction to the highest bidder for cash m the M < ourfhouse door iTi the City of South- Kflfl port. X. C., on Saturday. 17 day of July. A. Jh, 19?7, R^B at 12:30 o'clock p. m . the following described lot. tract, piece or parcel ^^B of land lying and being in the Statu B of North Carolina, coilnty of ITrariH- ^B wick, in lyoclc woods Folly township, j^B and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: ^B Beginning at John Sellers' corner 9^fl on the Juniper Creek Road; running about West with John Sellers' Mne ^B to north corner; thence With V*)va H Hankins* line to Elijah McMilTons ^Bfl line: with his hne to the Jggfper ^B Creek road, thence back the roatf to W^M the beginning containing seven acres, ^B more or less. Dated and posted, this 16th day of ^B| June, 1937. RTCHMOXD (1AKLOWAY. .Mortgagee |^B Robert W. Davis, Attorney for Wort- ^^B gagee. 7^4-c fl^B FORECLOSURE SAKE OF |B REAL ESTATE M Under and by virtue of the power ^^^3 of sale contained in that certain IBM mortgage deed made and executed B3 the 10th day of June, 1937, by Riley ^^B Hew ett and Delphta M. lfeweuv.Jitg i^B wife, and duly recorded In Book 44, at page 7. of the office of the LV'g- I^^B later of Deeds of Brunswick county, sB| to which reference is heTeby esfceo I^B ially made Default having been mad# BB in the debt secured by the said B8B mortgage, 1 will offer for sale at B public auction to the highest bidder j^^B for cash al the court house door in B^B the City of Southport, X. C? ontM . sat., iTtit day or J my, a. i?., at 12 o'clock noon, the followiugi(tea- |^B crtbed lot. tract, ptet-e or parcel of |^B land lying and being in the State of ^B North Carolina, county of Bruhirwick. ^B in Lockwooris Folly township. ana bounded and described as follows, ^B to-wit: } 4 ^B Hceiiming at a pine stump, Wads Bfl Bryant's liie, in a branen. pints then- |^B ce with said Bryant's line about northeast to an oak. Governor Garb's KB corner; thence about norrtvweat with 9fl said Core's line to a stake, hie .'dortier; thence about south to- the run 8MB of Oxpen Swamp; thence up the run SB or' said Swamp to the run of said Branch, thence up the run of ths branch to the beginning. containing BK fifteen acres, more or less. \ ^B Dated and posted, this the loth a^H day of June, 1P37. S RICHMOND GALLOWAY. Mortgagee I^B Kobert W. Davis, Attorney for Mortgagee. 7-14-c j^B I recently Have been ^B Commissioned as M Notary Public fl Susie Mae Livingston,, > mmmrnmmmmm mi tm M TNI, ,Ml ((used car J J '( I 1935 Ford V-8 Sedan 1935 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Plymouth Coach ' B 1933 Chevrolet Coach fl 1934 Ford V-8 Coach ' fl 1934 Ford V-8 Coupe fl 1935 Chevrolet Standard B Sedan. ' fl 1936 Ford Coach ?w'*h* fl 1936 Dod?e Sedan | 1935 Chevrolet Master >||(, Coach |T MANY OTHERS TO * ! I SELECT FROM jj I ?EASY TERMS? in B BRAXTON: 1 Auto Service I Whitevilk, N. G, .,i \CCO II >LIES | ermometers? t H What You Need! ? I rading Co. 11 irby, Prop. \ I ITE, N. C. i I MKMMMItMMAKMMKMMwi I

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