PAGE c "Seventh Heaven" new type setting t 1 machine arrives Lomtng lo A muz a A now type setting machine "Seventh Heaven", one of the has been purchased by The finest screen entertainments of News Reporter Company, pubthc current season, comes Fri- lish,rs of The 8tale I>or1 Pi" , ,, lot, and is being installed this day and Saturday to the Amuzu Week theatre. This improvement means Simone Simone and James Ste- that the capacity for turning: | wart are co-stared in a picture newspaper type has Ix-en . . ,, , .. , , doubled, and will Rive The I'i^ lot :,n w>rtunlty to print inn. |#iw.w6i v.. "*v'" ""7 biErirrr aim wnn :*???-? a background of Paris, and in- * th(. (.?minR vear. IXM.a, fhienced by the situation of the >oll(,,.nts who have ncgWorld War. the story is one of |pcted ((1 in ,.opv r(.t.PIlf. the most unusual an.l touching , an. ? d (o mak(. n.KU)ar ol the year. "Seventh Heaven" ,.Jontrlblltiolls the n.iMl,.r |?. is sure to rank among the top of ,h(.ir roun(v news. pictures of the season. . paper. Poet: "I put my whole mind into this poem." 1 Subscribe to The State Port Editor: "Evidently: I see th?t < it's blank verse". $1.50 per year. ^aavihg-ovbk thehnishuni KlJri/^ Mulford Scull - Class "A" #Vj^# Outboard Motorboat Champion ? says: /lN A RACE. I EXPECT CUOSE CALLS. AND WITH "\ / ?. ( HEALTHY NERVES, I REEL READY EOR THEM. I LIKE Ji TV / A MILD CIGARETTE THAT DOESNT JANGLE MY fl V NERVES. THAT MEANS CAMELS TO ME _J. * " .' - ~ - : -r-. ' -r- .-T -T; -r- : >. I Clean-Up j Campaign I AH property owners are urged ? ) 1 # I | to clean up their yards and lots | 1 a . | and remove unsightly rubbish J ! | and buildings prior to August | 1 1 !j 12th, the date of Yacht Races. H I I I i J. D. Eriksen ! ; Mayor, City of Southport | r-::-r: : -v : II !( )( )( )( || Notice to Dog ( || Dog Tax $1.50 Due July 15, | J E CAR || Tax Collector, City of S< x )( if m )! ? _ llQ^SNAPSW SPOOK P! jl FROM time immemorial, from generation to generation, there ' have always been honest people who claimed to have seen ghosts. And during the three generations photography came into existence people believing in ghosts have ! maintained that, since ghosts have ! been seen, they can be photographed. Even though no ghost believer, when confronted by one, seems ever I to have had a camera handy to prove this claim, speculation on the qucsj tion has gone so far as to suggest | that, surely, photographic chemistry : will some day evolve an emulsion sensitive to the emanations of the j spirit world, if such there be. The , discovery and photographic use of ! the invisible rays of the spectrum. > Infra-red and ultra-violet, and of 1 x-rays, Grcnz rays and other kinds ; of radiation for which photographic emulsions have been developed, is pointed to as giving grounds for the 1 speculation. Certainly a fascinatj ing, not to say alarming possibility to contemplate, but meantime, whether or not spooks exist, present day photography has 110 trouble at 1 all in making synthetic spooks. Bohold the spook illustrated. It is the work o? an amateur photos1 rnphcr. How was it made? rir. . 1 with the camera 011 a tripod, the door : was photographed and the camera j shutter closed. Then without the i camera's being moved or the film wound, the ghost walked into the Mountain Park Attracts Many Nature's Beauty Has Been Aided By Man In Pisgah ' National Forest And Good Roads Lead To All Sections Each year an increasingly larigc number of persons seek the inviting coolness of the North I Carolina mountains in which to ! spend the sultty days of sunijnter. The Pis.pth National Forest | offers to the visitor 0110 of the 1 state's most al.ractivc recreation and vacation centers. Here the U. S. Forest Service hns built surfaced roads into isoI luted sections of the Forest that ) take the traveler through scc! tions of unsurpassed scenic beauty of waterfalls, gorges, ami mountain peaks, which rear their heads inlo the clouds. Amid these settings of rugged natural beauty. the Forest Service has develA I r*k? BlULJJUL t THEATRE [ Southport \ i ? Friday-Saturday, July Ifi-17 % "7TII HEAVEN" I (Love Drama) I Simone Simone, James Stuart, Jean Hersholt ? Short?"Dental Follies" | I. Monday-Tiles., July 19-20 f "THE KING ANI) THE ? CHORUS GIRL" (Romanee with Music) % Fernand Gravet, JoanBlondell 4 Edward Everette Horton f Short?"The Village Smith" With Porky The I'ig i Wednesday-Thurs., July 21-"J | "FIND THE WITNESS" ? (Action Drama) Charles Cringley, Rosalind ^ Keith, Henry Mollison jf Short?"Gifts From The Air" )wners j Will Be | 1937 || Rii 9 >< X nithport || >i x X X ! THE STATE PORT PILOT, OT GUILD*. ICTURES picture, the ghost heing a person dressed as such. Then a second exposure was made tor half the time given the first exposure. In other words, it was simply the old trick " ' ~ * " You don't believe in ghosts? Pray how did this one get there? of double exposure, by which all sorts of weird miracles may be performed in photography, depending upon the ingenuity of the photographer. Ghost pictures are among the j simplest. John van Guilder. oped, tor inc iree use ami vnjy>ynicnt of North Carolinians anil the visitors to the State, a number of areas for camping, picnicing, swimming and fishing. One especially alluring spot under development is the ten-acre center on Highway No. 10, three miles west of Old Fort, about 'J'.i miles cast of Ashevillc and 10 miles west of Marion. The entrance to this area is just across Swannanoa Creek from the main highway. Here the visitor enters a spot that appears as secluded as any cove in the heart of mountain wilds hundreds of miles from civilization. The banks of the swift mountain 1 streams are carpeted with ferns and wild flowers. Rhododendron, and laurel grow in profusion among as great a variety of hardwoods as ever delighted the , heart of a tree lover. Hikers will delight in the nature trails, which wind past huge rock boulders among the dense woodlands, or follow the hanks of the small clear streams, spanned by rustic , log foot bridges. One of the longer trails follows the crest of the j mountains for five miles, coming out at Kitsuma peak, near Ridgcj crest. The Forest Service has carefully preserved the natural beauty of this spot and all improvements have been kept natural and rustic in type. The picnic facilities here include tables and benches made from chestnut logs hewed from trees killed by the chcsnut blight. i These tables and benches arc located adjacent to the open-air fireplaces with iron grill work for cooking. These fireplaces have been built under the great trees and grouped in a manner to provide adequate convenience and privacy for different groups of cam ne rs. Three rack fountains have been brilt in this area and arc supplied with water which is piped down from a spring high up in the mountain. For the convenience of motorists adequate space for parking d as been provided. This space is : encircled by an attractive rock wall. Yr.c U. S. Forest Service maintains this area for the public to use a;a enjoy and is eager to ma:.' available to the greatest p .ssibio number of visitors the healthful recreational opportunities which it affords. ! The U. S. Forest Service has prepared for free distribution an illustrated map folder showing the location of the various recreational areas on the Pisgah National Forest. This leaflet is the . Forest Service's response to the !' demands of the public for inforj mation concerning the places in | the Forest where entertainment | and relaxation may be found. ( This map folder may be secured ; upon application to H. E. Ochs| ncr, Supervisor, Pisgah National ! LITTLE BITS i OF BIG NEWS i, (Continued from page 1) !, Musician Dies | George Gershwin, one-time $15 j a week song "plugger" who ati tained sudden fame when Paul I Whiteman himself "plugged" the ! I composer's "Rhapsody In Blue" in New York's classic Aeolian ! Hall, died Sunday after an op! eration for a brain tumor. Bailey Speech Senator Bailey climaxed a turII bulent day of senate debate on the court reorganization bill Monday with an assertion that the measure is clearly unconstitutional 11 Before a crowded senate, taut 11 with the strife the measure has i provoked, he shouted that the purpose of the bill is "to control the decisions of the supreme : court", an objective for which there is no sanction in the con SOUTHPORT, N. C. stitution. A cquitted A jury in federal court Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock acquitted James N. Bryant, Wilmington lumberman, of charges of evading income taxes aggregating $3,300 for the four-yeai period 1930-33. The verdict cams in after the jury had deliberated the case slightly more than ar hour. OPENING IS SET FOR AUGUST 10TH (Continued from page one.) your costs and may seriously in flucnce the volume of busines: that you may do in foreign coun tries . . "I consider the Wagner laboi act and the Black-Connery bills,' he said, "important factors it determining the future develop ment of the different branche! of our industry." O'Brien said all crops producet and marketed during 1936, ex cept in Georgia and Maryland showed a decline in production and that Maryland's was the on ly crop that sold at a lower av erage than in 1935. He said when the burley croj started to market in Deccmbe it was the general opinion tha the crop would be much smaller which accounted for the "extrc mely high prices paid during thi early part of the marketing sea son." The final yield, however was only about 4,000,000 pound: under 1935, though the price wa: $15.43 higher per thousand. An active demand for the one sucker air-cured crop, principal!; from the manufacturing ami re handling (for African trade) in terests, no said, accounted tor ai increase of more than 100 pe cent in the price of that type. "During the past year expor in practically all countries failei to show the improvement fo which we had all hoped," he said DR. J. A. DOSHER RETURNS HOMl (Continued from page II three o'clock and the Southpor people t cached here shortly afte one o'clock. Dr. Dosher appar ently shod the trip nicely am has been receiving numbers o visitors at his home at Hillcres this week. Floating Prep School In Southport On Way Nortl (Continued from page 1.) crew of husky young boys, whi Attentioi a The members of F 27, Jr. O. U. A. M? i Monday, July 19th, 1!) changes in the law of i partment, raising the every members is cone R. L. THOMPSON, Councilor. ., i"... B 11 Be CH ' CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION, Cm | DETROIT, MICH] Elm were given instruction in naviga- < tion. The Indria was a sailing [ i schooner with auxiliary engine, j | The Polaris, for which the Indria s was traded, is also a two-masted t schooner. She is about twice as . ^ large as the Indria and presents ( ' (a handsome appearance. The ., vessel was on its way to take ( part in the cup races at New- t I Port. ' j :1 ' BEGIN LISTING ELDERLY NEEDY ' (Continued from page 1.) I young people have come in ask- | I y ing permission to sign for their I j - aged parents, but this is not j 5 permissable due to the fact a j personal appearance is required, j i and the statement of the appli- J [ cant must be sworn to before a | r Notary Public. jf " c ' LAND DUTY FOR t COAST GUARDS' ' (Continued from page one) I, had just received the attention I' of having a foot or more of sand | and dust scraped outward on the j shoulders, forming an embankment on either side. A single truck was hauling dirt and dum-1 U'ng it into the holes that the scraper had failed to reach. ' While this was going on, passing ? trucks and cars were creating aj new succession of holes and for-; ' ming a new layer of soft sand j ~ and dirt on the recently scraped j surface. I STRAY CATS AND , DOGS ARE MENACE (Continued from page one) . to rehabilitate and maintain the y Supply of birds and animals," Mr. . Chalk stated. . | Game is no match for the 3 great numbers of agile and cunr ning cats roaming our fields and w oods, gobbling up next fall's i t bag limits. The sooner this is, I realized, and the fact that the i r destructiveness of dogs and cats | l_ though constituting a grave game problem, can be remedied through vigilance and control, the better , off the landowners and hunters " will bo. "This i3 a fight every one in-' tcrested in wildlife should enter 1 into wholeheartedly. Cats should I lie provided a home and food. If ' this is done and they continue to Jiforage in woods and fields, then) L they should be destroyed prompt-! jly. Hunters can relieve the dog' problem by keeping their hunters i : confined, i "In several states laws have i been passed to check the stray 3 cat and dog problem. In North j : i Juniors? ort Johnson Council No. ire requested to meet on :J7, to consider important the Funeral Benefit Deassessments, in which ... i erne ii. E. R. OUTLAW, Recording Sec. ? ~. 'u l KEVROLET USES LESS D 'cHevR0l OIL" yKS*VlRsS | B|fc% ?|g^^^^MH|||^H gc0no^lZ? * EVfiO^ rai Motors Sales Corporation [CAN ore Moti Bolivia, Nor wednesday, july 14 , j Carolina, we still must depend The supervisor will tak/l f pon the cooperation of the peo- picture to the farm and jje J >le who own cats and dogs to with the help of the farmer'^B f see that their activities ahe con- different fields and the .fl ( irolled," said Mr. Chalk. growing on them. J .Acreage can be checked j :hecking farms an accuracy within one per 1 1 for compliance when the photographs are M I (Continued from page 1) Thjg method >e set down the acreage of de- :ds?r more economical than nin. 1 ilcting and cops and ^ ^ [ he areas on which soil-building North Carolina farmers wactices are being conducted. more than $12,000,000 und? Since farmers have until Octo- program last year with some j 1 ip- :U to plant certain conser- ; 000 farms cooperating. 'H ,ing crops and start soil-build- ??? ? | ? ng practices under the 1937 pro- Former Southport Atty I 1 pair-, the task of checking com- Forms Law PartnerV-^H -hanee cannot be fully completed j (Continued from page on?l intil after that date, Patten' Mr. Sentelle states that 6 *j jointed out. planning to spend some tiir, I In 60 counties, aerial photo- Brunswick county as sonn - B jraphs being made this summer is through with some pr,. B )i taken previously, will be used work in Newton and in Havt^l :o determine the acreage of dif- county, where he has f ? erent fields on individual farms, torests. 'fl P i all road/ lead Tel WHITMUl FOR J \ TOP TOBACCO/ \PRICifl \ I c 7x k 11 9 /#< yy y < \ a I: /. ^ \ T ? / / <& \ ' j vl V V" ^ ?n3U \ / ? ? A y? ,</* / ? V. b / ,rjy yy / \ 1 n J *\ ^ r? tySB"*''<1 -j / 2%^ V \ I / \ .',y ' ,<<> 1?-' >* \l ., / /# /tf V .,i?ur* ' . I ' ? ? 4L.-.1- TOBACCO , / e! / ? / ? cfNTe^ s ? .' 9 V^/ ^ * | ,, ajfiVr P /mi WAREHOU)EI\/BUYE J \ REDRYINc) PLAMT hMIUieN^GeAL-lpjfl W ml Pffjl Bfj I .^gI VKfu^gS fo B . ifl T/S/IIflflli -Sif i, ^^Rhb& sSi? VB SSSB'-V:' JflgF.' 5 H ;$>%&: .AS J[^ .ft&* >$$r >*^ -1

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