I Most Of The New I All The Time I VOLUME TEN JV Schools Opening For Fall Tern I Next Wednesda foun 1 y * Wide Teachc I Meeting Will Be Held , Southport Tuesday, Au ut 31, At 10 O'clock | The Morning principals TO MEET with the TEACHEJ Faculty Meetings For In< I vidua I Schools Will B Held Tuesday Afternoon Of Next Week I : *>ls of Brunsw f0Ui:ty will open next Weflnesc B >r i ho fall term, i I, of important teache will be held here s , i lual si hoots on Tu day before opening <iay. I lock Tuesday mom B ithport high school au i there will be a meet white teachers of schools of the coi v Tlio principals will also atti I as well as a c I;. them and B y superintendent which \ B cdiately. : afternoon there will B::<i>ial faculty meetings of I ith their principals respective schools. L B-.t to plans for the opening Bf school year will be discuss o'clock Tuesday afterm : v. ill no a mooiiiiK ui teachers of the county !- ihunswick County Train s I. at Southport. One important law govern of pupils enrolling t v i in the first grade has b< c ohasized by Miss Annie ii county superintend oI schools: "Children to be entitled to : vnt 'n the public schools the hon] year 1937-38, and e: c ontinued on Page 2.) Little Bits Of Big New: Newt Events Of State Nation and World-Widt Interest During Past Week Mystery The body of pretyt Jan Weir motion picture actres.' the subject of a coroner' autopsy in t,os Angeles, afte hei physician said he wa r ;r.-led by the cause of he ceath and would not sign i death certificate. The 21-year old former society girl wh ?as regarded as a promis tar. died suddenly in hospital after apparentl making a quick recover t"tn .in appendicitis opera tion. 1 11/ iv/eee i- p H i llf IM I C' f O Sheriff Laurence E. Brow I Tuesday signed murder wai I two escaped cor I nets. William (Bill) Payn and Wash Turner, alias Jac I Borden, charging them wit I the slaying of George Peni 23-year-old State Highwa I Patrolman who was sho' I fingerprints taken from th I blue sedan in which the ol I tfi'er s two slayers escape I have been identified as thos I of Payne and Turner, whll M from Kstelle Miller, a woma I picked up for investigatio I early this morning, deputie learned Turner and Payn -vere stopping at a tourii I amp (nly a mile from Ash? ville three days before th I ' I Economy Axe The government's WPA e< onomy ax will fall on Sep I embei l and lop off entire! the five WPA district office I thus cleaving about 30 pei sons from the administratis I Personnel. Following a confei ">ce here yesterday with Ma oolm J. Miller, field reprei I entstive of Region Four i - ew Orleans. State WPA A( I winistrator George W. Coa: I -'r announced the complel I reorganization of field a< ministration by the abolitic I of d trict offices and the e I tabhshment of 12 area office to be responsible directly I the :;tate headquarters in Ri 'fleh The reorganization, ?o into effect September :1 reduce the field personn rrm 168 now employed the district offices to aboi I ! :i; who will be retained at transferred to teh area o I<,( s. Coan said. Also, a bo i "ght will be added to tl ?,3te administrative offic aod .he rcst will fell tl sharp edge of economy. ~ TH1 o. 31 10-PA I jjrs' n.r kl NAMES?Following i: ing' John W. Sample, 1st Lt., ! idi- H. W. Slack, Educational ingr1 Foreman; George Chocona the LEADERS IM un: Fred Ashburn !J< Eugene S. Benton William H. King Fi 5 James R. Marr R James W. Raybourn Ji Walter J. Simmons. M * ASST. LEADERS Li Alford W. Arnold V\ *: Alton Blackman A Horace N. Brown |L. ?I WiHiam R. Fenegan B :on George B. Grant, Jr. L< th Harvey Little |H _t Ivon L. Ludlum [Li Royce Q. Raybon |L. L. H. Singletary G ing Johnny C. Stiller H his James D. Ward D een F- M. Bradshaw. \\ Iav MEMBERS V ent Carlton Anderson F: <? Bus Drivers W I Safety M Bus Drivers Will Come Ir On That Day For Theii Vehicles, And Will At. 3 tend Important Safetj Conference '* PATROLMEN WILL ATTEND MEETING Four More New School Busses Have Been Allotted Brunswick County, Making Total Of 8 Safety will be the watchword j! of the school transportation pros gram in the county this season r and a meeting of all school bus a drivers will be held Monday morning, August 30. at 10 o'clock ir o the Southport high school audii .torium. The school bus driven a will come in on that day foi y I their vehicles. y | The safety meeting will be at i- tended by members of the count) board of education, principals ol ! the various schools, the count) j mechanics and members of th( I state highway patrol. n j Special attention is called t( the following law governing th< operation of school buses: "It shall be unlawful for an) 14 person to operate or drive i h ! school bus loaded with childrer ' over the public roads of Nortl y ' Carolina at a greater rate of ' speed that thirty-five miles pel ? I hour. I "Any person violating this acl d ' shall, upon conviction, be finec ie inot more than fifty dollar.' e j ($50.00) or imprisoned not mor< n j than 30 days." n Following a conference Thurs 18 i day between Miss Annie Ma) ie Woodside, county superintendew of schools, and G. T. Reid, mem ber of the board of education ie ! with members of the state schoo commission, in Raleigh, four mori new school buses were allottei 1 this county, bringing the total t( eight. I The Corner Store I Born Thirt1 i- _! s- One of the prize stories !n rom the lower end of the I county is that told by T. M. [ ' Hickman, of Hickman's J- Crossroads. in Mr. Hickman has beein in s- business there for a long s, | time, and the community reto ceived its name from his i- place of business There are to | several other families of 1, ; Hickmans living in that secel tion. in Back when automobiles at 1 first were used in this counld try motor oil was shipped to f- dealers in wooden barrels lit similar to those used then ie and now for handling molases ses. ae One day Mr. Hickman was drawing a quart of oil for a ? ____ ^ ST A Goo GES TODAY 427th CON 5 the official staff and mem 527th Inf., Commanding; S. Adviser; P. H. Gallagher, E s, Student Asst; William C. arvin D. Anderson iThos. ;ssie C. Andrews ! Harrj ibert L. Baggett Georj niton E. Baker (Lewis ichard B. Baker j Troy ones F. Batson [Adam Malcolm E. Beck Alton tban E. Bennett Fred rilliam H. Bland *?W . W. Bradsher H. A. P. Broadwell Eugei . C. Brock. Jr. Ben I jster C. Cabe James orace A. Caison Joe I *wrence Caison Earl , C. Campbell IIurb< rady Caulk Thos. arry Chadwick Varlii elbert Clewis Barcy H. Coleman Karri: oyn L. Cook Malcc rank J. Cox L. A. ill Attend A leeting Mondaj !| VISITING MINISTER CAPTURES KINGFISH While many beautiful catches of blues, "mackerel and trout are now being made by fisheri men on the shoals and old 1 wrecks off Southport, it remained for Rev. Mr. Waesiein ' of Baton Rouge, La., to make the prize catch. Trolling for blues and mackerel with Rev. A. H. Marshall, the Louisiana | preacher got a tremendous I ; strike and reeled in an 11pound king fish. Both ministers reported see ing several sail fish, barracu' (la and tarpon break water near them on this trip out to ' the Cape Fear shoals. They j made a large catch of blues ' and mackerel in addition to the king fish. j Injured Seaman , Is Landed Hen Members Of Oak Islan ' Coast Guard Crew Wer 1 Out Fourteen Miles O | Thursday Night To Met r His Ship Members of the Oak Islar t Coast Guard Station crew wet 1 out to the "nuckle," fourtee i j miles off-shore, Thursday nigi ' to bring in H. Carpenter, engim jman aboard the tanker Bulk Oi . who was suffering from an ej r i injury. He was brought to tl t1 Brunswick County Hospital f< - treatment. Captain W. H. Barnett, 1' charge of the Oak Island coa ?I guard station, and his men wei I; to the vessel in response to a r j I quest relayed by the U. S. coa (Continued on page 2) Loafer Was y Years Too Sooi | customer when a loafer in the store noticed the clear, amber liquid that was pouring out of the faucets. Thinking that it was molasses, he remarked "That sure is fine looking syrup, Mr. Hickman. How is it?" "Good as it comes," responded the storekeeper, never changing his expression. "Try it." The man tore off a piece of wrapping paper and went over after a sample. Taking a generous sample in his improvised cup, he threw back his head and poured it in his mouth. There followed much spitting and sputtering, and finally the man managed to gasp, "What you trying to do, kill me?" ATE d News paper Ii Southport, N. C., tPANYCCC, CA; I j 1 ^ ** <- * ^ ' i in ~ii i n 1 i in bership roll of 427th Compan; W. Hill Project Suptrintende ngineer; Vallie Freedere, Fori Marr, Senior Leader; Lewis 1 O. Crisp I Carl Gross ' Croom ' Robert B. ( ;e H. Davis I James W. A. Davis 'Burley Har E. Dehart Otto Harpt i J. Dills John T. Hi Dixon ill. G. Han Edwards ' R. C. Harr< m. Edwards 5 C. V. Hem Elixon, Jr. ,Earl G. He le Eubanks ! Finley Her] 3. Faison W. H. Hew ^ t-i I t r n t 5 r aison | rienrv vj. r Yedare | Floyd Inms Futrell |KarryJack ;rt D. Ganey iTalmage E. Garity 1 Stephen W 1 T. Gavin Orlin Levin Gore Albert C. 1 s V. Gore iWoodrow I )lm M. Gore Alton Long Grissett I Daniel E. I C. C. Russ Named j Welfare 0 f f i c er -For This County Is Native Of Brunswick County And Served For Eight Years As SuperinI tendent Of Schools In Columbus WILL ATTEND U. N. C. DURING FALL TERM Special Training In Administration Of Social Security Program Required By State Members of the board of coun. ty commissioners last week appointed C. C. Russ, a native of Brunswick county and for eight years superintendent of schools | in uoiumous cuumjr, lu out^u 1 I Frank M. Sasser as superintenI dent of public welfare. Mr. Russ was approved for the - position upon the condition that he would attend the University of North Carolina during the fail term in order to take a course p in the administration of the So^ cial Security program. Mean! while, it is not definitely known J how the affairs of the local of,[ fice will be handled. It is believn ed likely that a temporary ap. pointment will be made of some' one to fill this place. The new welfare officer was born and reared in Waccamaw lc township. He is a graduate of (Wake Forest College, and has n done summer school and post it graduate work at the University e" and at State College. He was " principal of the Cerrb Gordo re high school in Columbus county ,e before being made county super5r (intendent. During the first three years in ln I that position he served also as st head of the welfare department 't for Columbus county, there being e" I no separate department then. st, For the past three years Mr Russ has been principal of the ? Meadow high school, large consolidated unit in Johnson county Mrs. Earp Dies II Near Winnabozi j Funeral services for Mrs. Mar1 celine Earp, wife of George Caldwell Earp, who died Thursday night at 11 o'clock at her home near Winnabow in Brunswick county, were conducted Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Selma The burial was made in the family plot in the cemetery neai Selma. The funeral rites were conducted by the Rev. B. R. Page of Bolivia. Mrs. Earp had been ill foi about a month. She was for s number of years a member of the Lebanon Baptist church. Besides her husband she ie survived by two sons, George Earl Earp and Lester Jones Earp both of Winnabow, and twe daughters, Mrs. V. T. Sullivai .... j and MjS3 Mattie Earp, both o: j Wilmington. i POR n A Good Cor Wednesday, August MP NC P-62, SC f CCC at South port: nt; K. R. Cotton, Ensign, eman; Arthur C. Furgurson V. Riley, Store Keeper; Lev IWoodrow Loni juffie j Frank Lovette Guthrie I James G. Low nilton Erastus II. Ma sr Robert B. Ma irrell Dave McKeith elson Shelby McKeit ;lson ) A. N. McLai^g bree Henry W. Me nry James E. Merr ron I Boyd A. Milh ett jVance J. Mill linson ] Atwood G. Mi in I David Modlin son Leon A. Modli tu rtr. i rirnvov r1, Mnr tfliUIICO I . Kellum Ned A. Norris ler [Eddie Morse ..ewis Lacey M. Nort . Little Verlon D. Par Leroy Patrick ^ong J. M. Penning Pulp Mill Will Draw Upon This County ForWooi Southern Craft Corporatio Already Has Acquire Large Holdings In Brun wick County CONSTRUCTION OF DOCKS IS BEGU One Loading Dock At Se; side And Another Neai Southport Already In Process Of Being Constructed i The Southern Kraft Corpor tion mill at Georgetown has b . gun work on two loading doc) 1 *"? pmintv One in Drill iow ivi\ ww.v. these is at Seaside in the low part of the county and the oth , is two miles below Southpoi Both are on the inland wate way. Plans and all preparatio: to construct a substantial doi i on the river in Southport we abandoned at the last momer ; some time ago, when proper J owners raised the ante on a si that the corporation was i ready to acquire. Other loading docks may 1 constructed at various points the county, all of them perm nent and substantial structure. According to information, tl Georgetown mill already has ov I two hundred thousand acres 1; timber lands in Georgetown ai Horry counties, S. C., and Brun ' wick county, N. C., and the expe j tations are to continue purcha 1 until half a million acres ha' been acquired. This acreage ai the pulpwood that is bought ou j right from land owners who pr fer to harvest and market the pulpwood is expected to furnii j (Continued on Page 2.) ;l jFuneral Services I For Mrs. Lancaste 11 ; Funeral services for Mrs. Jol ! W. Lancaster, 40, who died | her home here Wednesday mor ing, were conducted Thursdi ' afternoon at 2 o'clock from tl cemetery at Sabbath Home Ba tist church, six miles southwe of Supply. The services were ' charge of the Rev. A. L. Brow s pastor of the Southport Bapti : church. r | The death of Mrs. Lancaste . wife of one of Southport's lea !; ing business men, was unexpecte i She had been ill only four daj ! In addition to the husbar , Mrs. Lancaster is survived 1 j three children, John, Voctoria ai j Jesse Lancaster; four brothei l | C. L , R. E., Hubbard and Yat !, Sellers, all of Brunswick coun j and one half-brother, E. Sellci s! of Whiteville; four sisters, Mi :jw. J. Sellers, of Supply; Mrs. , W. Hewett, of Southport; Mrs. ) N. Lancaster, of Supply, and Mi l B. K. Caison of Southport a: f one half-sister, Mary Lou Selle of Whiteville. T PIL nmunity 25th, 1937 published ev )UTHPORT .' ? ''' ' '"''v ''? , , ?I:?_ USNR., Exchange Officer; L. C. Fe , Foreman; Oscar L. Shclton, Fore ,'is Dixon, Mess Steward. 5 I John G. Phipps I Earnest C. Pittman ery | Joseph A. Porter son | Stanley E. Powell xwell James L. Raynor, Jr. ien James R. Redwine ,hen Wilbert Register ;hlin Lucas P. Rivenbark rritt jWillard T. Roberts itt |R. R. Robertson ?r 1 Bennie S. Scott er jColton E. Scott illiner iWoodrow Scott ! Bernice J. Simmons n Neuman R. Simmons ire Claude J. Smith i Elwood J. Smith Evret S. Smith an Hubert II. Smith ker .James R. Smith Adell Summersette ton ISanford W. Squires Big Game Fish ^ > Sunday By De d *u, P. M. MAKES ANGLERS | HALL OF FAME in i I a There is not a thing out of i s" the usual in catching two or three salt water bass at one BjA time, but it is something to M have two fresh water big " nioutli bass strike a plug at p|( the same time and to land both of them. This is what Postmaster L. T. YasUell did last week Fishing with Ensign K. It. Cotton, ol Camp Sapona, lie made a ^ pretty east and the instant his mal a. plug struek the water lie got boa a trcmendiinus strike. Keeling ear in with expectation of having larf a big fellow, he found he had the of two big mouths, each firmly hou er honked. The smaller weighed if er two pounds and the larger the rt. | two-and-a-half. The plug had tha r- several groups of gang hooks. ?l't ns 'I :k ~ ~ ~ Spr " AH Defendants ty Clc Si To Higher Court ? ~ Me Defendants In Two Cases ^ ^ Tried Wednesday Before i Judge Joe W. Ruark mo le Were Bound Over, And tiia er Third Appealed Case cd of '!ft 1(j The defendants in each of the me s. three cases tried last Wedensday 1 oth c_ before Judge Joe W. Ruark were in se j bound over to Superior court a i ye! under bond, two when probable bar 1(j j cause was found in their case, I I and the third when he appealed, rea e_ Thomas Motley, white, was haci ,jr given a preliminary hearing on she 3jj I charges of breaking and entering, mai Probable cause was found and his leai , bond was set at $500 for appear- a nc | ance in Superior court. He also bar ( was bound over on charges of j S >pl (Continued on Page 2.) at Tug And Barge Run Z On Shoals Off 1 p. gt The tug Pejebscot, Captain i a in Parkins, out from New York ! 9 n, I went aground on the Cape a lSt Fear shoals at about eight r o'clock Monday night. The il ir, barge John Frederick, in v <j. tow of the Pejebscot, also 1 d.! piled up aground a short rs. distance away. The tug and C id.: barge were returning to 1; tjy New York after delivering a i fid J cargo of creosoting oil to li rs, Wilmington. The accident t es happened at high tide, and I ty the bows of the tug were s rs, found entirely out of the r rs. | water, but deep in the sand i J.1 when the tide receded some I s J. i hours later. I 1 rs.1 There was apparently some i a nd serious blunder in navigation j t irs to cause the grounding. The | t | shoals are not navigable to OT ERY WEDNESDAY fi 1 r~ '"fTw 7 " < - " * - * ' - - ll vv $ .rgus, Contract Surgeon; ^ man; Raymond Monroe, V Jasper J. Sullivan > Frank R. Sullivan ti Lee B. Sullivan a Walter T. Tharpe c Elbert Todd c Mack A. Trivette fi Earl L. Twiggs . ti Sidney D. Turner ? Willie J. Walker t< Furmon Walters i i_l /"< ur,i r milium v,. vv iusuu ? Major Wheeler In Floyd M. White i< D. F. Williamson v Thos. H. Wolfe, Jr. is Clarence Wood Johnnie F. Woodell t *?Deceased ! f i S J t a \ ire Hooked j ep Sea Party J rge Fishinp Party Num- ' oering Ninny Members Of y New <no- Fi*h< . Club, Went Out To GulfJj Stream For Sport iRRACUDA AND OTHERS TAKEN' ' :nty Of Evidence That ( Waters Of Southport AfFord As Fine Fishing As May Be Found listory may have boon in thej king when a fleet of 5 sturdy j ts embarked from Southport | r ly Sunday morning with a - s ;e number of the members of a New Hanover Club abroad. 1 nd for the Gulf Stream to see | y they could do anything with j much-talked of big game fish j a t are always being reported'i there. 'he boats were the Silver < wiitviinrrtrm Captain c ..J,, ? -... 1 Godwin; the Vaggabond, ( i of Wilmington. Captain Eddie mmons; the Volusia, of Lod. Captain E. L. Krahnkc; the i Duke, of Southport, Captain rritt Moore, and the E. M. I lis of Southport, Captain Ian Watts. t was a late start in the i ning for a trip as long as i t planned. The Volusia return-! to port at about two in the ernoon with one large and one dium sized barracuda, also er fish. The Silver Spray put at about the same time with air sized catch of fish, but no racuda. It 1 o'clock the Vaggabond ched port, but as all her party I boarded her at Wilmington, ' did not stop and the catch j de by her passengers was not , rned, other than a report from ] ither boat that she had several i i racuda and other fish. Ikipper Moore's big Sea Duke (Continued on Page 2) Aground ji Bald Head Island! nything drawing more than feet of water, but the tag ,nd its tow were heading ight across, the tug drawtig 12 feet and the barge, ihich was empty, requiring 3 feet. Lookouts at the Cape Fear ,'oast Guard station, recenty abandoned by the Treasiry Department but with a imited watch being mainained by Captain W. H. Sarnett of the Oak Island tation as a precautionary neasure, spotted the trouble mmediately after the ves- | ids went aground. Oak Isand was promptly advised aid the big lifeboat hurried o the scene. They found >oth tug and barge fast (Continued on Page 2.) ' The Pilot Covers I Brunswick County 9 *** i S $1.50 PER YEAR ' I bounty Tax Rate 1 s Set At $1.75 1 >y Commissioners I 1 iSB 'entativc Rate Of $1.50 I Announced Two Weeks Ago, Advanced To Take fl Care Of Obligations De- D manded By Bondholders 8 tELIEVED THIS IS 9 STEP IN COMPROMISE !reak-Up Of Tax Dollar 9 Provides Funds From Which Bondholder's fl Payment Is Antici- I pated B Memhers of tlio hoard of coun- H , commissioners in special sess- ' ]fl hi here last Wednesday adop- jfl ;d a budget for the ensuing year fl hich provides for a tax rate of jjfl 1 75 for Brunswick county, an ( ,^fl tcrease of twenty-five cents 9 ver last year's rate. B The direct cause of the ad- iH attced rate was the demands of 9 ondholders for full payment of H he debt obligations, and their |H ction in bringing suit against B ertain rounty officials. An inrease from sixty cents to eighty- B ve cents in the amount of the | 'fl ix break-up to be used for debt .fl ervice accounts for the full fl ivcnty-five cent increase. B Locally it is believed that this , fl ction on the part of the com- B aissioners will bring to a halt H <gal action commenced last H rnolr hv n hnnHhnMor's comniis- I m Asked if this would obviate 9 he necessity of seeking an in- | ;H unction restraining the commis- H ioners from diverting the funds H rom the bond fund to the gen- jl ral fund and for pri locution of 8 , suit filed in federal court in . i'H Vilmington seeking judgment for |H layment of monies due in prin- ' ipal and interest on Brunswick ; JH ounty bonds. Judge K. K. Bry- tfl n. one of the attorneys for the H londholders. said. "It may and it ! nay not. I'll have to submit the H natter to my clients and see 9 vliat their reaction is. I wish I JM mew." j jfl CCC Boy Killed By Electricity I {H Contact Sunday Night With I High Tension Wire Caus- B ed Instant Death Of Wil- I liam E. Edwards, Of Camp Sapona H William Klmer Edwards, an en- 11 H ollee at the local Civilian Con- j I lervation Corps camp, was in- 1 fl itantly killed Sunday night when | H le came into contact udh a 1 I lighly charged power line. The i routh was 20 years of age, wast jt'ijH ind orphan and his home was in - ifl yoris. S. C. ftU The youth was visiting Henry i A tingletary. a few miles from | louthport, when the fatal acci- I-mH lent occurred. He was sitting on ' iingletary's porch, when grass , n the front yard caught fire |tfl rom a live wire that had fallen, jjjm -Ir> rushed into the yard to put iut the blaze and in some man- fl lcr became entangled in the , HH A coroner's jury Monday afernoon decided lie- boy died as jSjfl he result of accidental electro- jHB ;ution, Coroner John T. Caison ' Ipfl innounced. fl|ffl Coroner Caison said investiga- I I'fin disclosed the wire with, |)>fl vhich Edwards became entangled J I ,vas an abandoned telephone line It I' I Lhat became charged when a i righ tension wire was brought ' iown when lightning struck a I ,B (Continued on Page 2.) I Tide Table I Following Is the tide table I for Southport during the next I week. These hours are appro- I xiraately correct and were fur- B nished The State Port Pilot ij through the courtesy of the 1 3 ! Cape Fear Pilot's Association. i jfl ! High Tide Cow Tide 1 J TIDE TABLE " Thursday, August 26 9 111:01 a. m. I I V a. m. jTH 111:23 p. p. m. ' j|B Friday, August 27 I [ 11:57 a. m. 5:30 a. m. I|3 | 6:31 p. m. I1 B Saturday, August 28 jal I 12:22 a. m. 6:29 a. m. 1SH | 12:56 p. m. V : I . p. m. Sunday, August 29 1:26 a. m. 7:47 a. m li I 2:00 p.m. 8:57 p.m. |l Monday, August 30 ' I 2:34 9:03 a. m. glH | 3:10 p. m. 10:01 p. ni. I I Tuesday, August 31 I I 3:47 a. m. 10:09 a. m. j3|l I 4:23 p. m. 10:57 p. m. fl I Wednesday, September 1 I I ! 4:59 a. m. 11:08 a. m. I 9 j 5:27 p. m. 11:50 p. m. jl^fll

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