ivV. JANUARY \ 2H \ii:ftinc. ' it Parent-Teacher j1 I its regular meet-1 Jay night. The j . .ducted by Mrs ' president oi' the J J devotional. j1 'Iess was disposed eiited under the ' I. B. Bussells, !' program com- ' MacDowel) C. Corlette, R. isicell. and J. i ' >ng." You mans, lying' For You," >hine Marshall, anmer made an nn poetry, read , >y well known iginal composi- ' I Tune," Kountz, Mrs. Corlette. i iiotkss lit Mrs. Nellie j nt a lovely snrart.v for her 1 T. Phillips. The : many lovely ' ere piayed and its were serv Mesilames R. ni Lewis Mahnson. Charlie tldridge, Jack '. John Lewis, ifton Arnold, Esther Mae garet Watts, hester Watts, I I. Mrs J. > Aiariage, jar. i Mrs Harry Aldridge. and i and Mrs. Walter Aldridge. CIRCLE NO. 3 OFFICER vcle No 3 met with Mrs. R. or. Monday night. Of-1 is ?r the new year were Sd Mrs. E. M. Hall will be pr. Miss Robbie Woodside will: * as secretary and Mrs. John c as treasurer. LEWIS-PARSONS herds of the couple in this j ;iv will be interested to learn ie marriage of Miss Mary ibeth Parsons of Spartanburg, '.. to Kerman Lewis, son of aad Mrs. W. D. Lewis, of j nabow. on Monday, January i I Check the CHEVR You11 save "THE THRIFT-C Save on purchase pri Imore R 3, |9?.S MRS. RFARK HOSTESS Mr*? Cronlv Ruark delightfuiy entertained the Eptvorth Leapie at a party at. her home on Monday night. Games were play d during the evening. The hosP9S served delicious refreshments I )f hot chocolate and sandwiches. League members and their juests who enjoyed Mrs. Ruarks lospitality are Misses Mary Hood. iVilma Harnett, Doris fiorlette. Marion Prink, Annie Laurie Wilis. Hit let i Newton, Josephine Moore, Mrs. .1 M. Harper. Jr., mil John Hall. Part .Bellamy, Porn Gilbert, Donnie St. George, lames MeKeilhati, Jiminie Hood, lack Christian, Edward Taylor, Arvil Cottrell, Elliot Moore and Edmund Newton. Miss Julia Croniartie. member j it' the liK-al school faculty, visit- I cd her parents in Garland Sun-1 day. Miss Imogene Garrett and Mrs. Charles Parker spent Sunday in Pavetteville. ? Miss Olivia Miller, spent her of; I he Southport school tnctilty. i spent the past week-end at her home in Rocky Point. Mrs. Robert Willis spent the i week-end in Wilmington with her husband. Mrs. B. R. Page, of Bolivia, was a Southport visitor Saturday. Lanier Furpless and Bernice Russ. of Raleigh, spent the weekend here with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Burriss. of Camden. X. J., are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. C. R. Livingston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ed Barringer, of Buras, La. * Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Weeks and children of Wilmington visited relatives here Sunday. As many as 35.000 men will be employed during the height of the building season this year at the New York world's fair. Tuberculosis is an important factor in poverty, because it attacks most often individuals beteween 20 and 50 years old, just when they are in the "earning" stage. Edlettru in all ways with Chevrl Iarriers for theI Ice Save on gas and oil Scfl flotor CoJ NEWS 1 BRIEFS I ( IN HOSPITAL Albert Long, of Ash, was a medical patient in the Brunswick County Hospital last week. HOSPITAL PATIENT H. I,. Millican, of Marshalburg, was a patient at the county hoa-' pital last week. HAS PNEUMONIA Wood row Hart, of Southport, is ill with pneumonia in the Brunswick County Hospital. ATTENMNO MEET IXti Mrs. Marian S. Dosher is in Raleigh this week where she is attending the annual meeting for home agents of the state. MEDICAL PATIENT Miss Hat tie Millikin, of Supp-. ly, entered the Brunswick County Hospital on Sunday for medical treatment. HOSPITAL PATIENT Charles Sellers, of Winnabow, was admitted to the Brunswick County Hospital on Monday as a medical patient. KINGS UAVGHTESs The regular monthly meeting; of the Kings Daughters will be) held Thursday evening at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. G. D. Rob- < inson. CHILD DIES Barbara Gray Sellers, daughter ( of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sellers, of Bolivia, died Friday in the Brunswick County Hospital of bronchial pneumonia. MRS. SMITH BETTER Mrs. Fred Smith, county health nurse, is a patient in t he Brunswick County Hospital and is improving after a bad case of malaria. RETURN HOME Mrs. J. K. McDowell and son, Lonnie, have returned home from a trip to Jacksonville, Fla. Enroute home they visited relatives in Atlanta, Ga. VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Greage, of New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Aspinwall, who moved here several months ago from 8^ ^ jBp* I irices of js?2? I LA CJ c*r8> "> fi 0 Va * lengths, wit! Chevrolet n< OletS trade. All NATION" ??"1 I the lowest ] ive on upkeep newtnickft, aqd prove tk power for le ' , ^T ', S e*?r' I j Cmrrxtl Motorl tm Afonfk/y Payr CHEVRC General DC x Boli\ Ttffi gATt W?T I Brooklyn, a. 'X Ams. ~lf.Quf.TT n|pR Q\Tp4 C Friends will be glad to know r thai Mrs. P. O. Ceggett is able I to be up after a two weeks illBess. Mrs. Leggett ligs been a, patient at the Brunswick Hos- D pital with bronchial pneumonia. -M U j. 'IVK.. BUSINESS VISITOR R. B. Sentelle, former county superintendent of schools and representative from Brunswick at the last session of the North ()f Carolina General Assembly, is here this week on business Bi To MOVE HERE F Prince O'Brien, cashier of the o local branch of the Waceamaw k? Bank and Trust Co., will' moye tk his family here from Fairmont O this week. They will oceupy the M M. A. Northrop home. A DIRS IN FLORIDA qi Mrs. Mary C. Anders died th Sunday at the home of het bt daughter in St. Augustine, Fla. ^ She was mother of the late Tom or Carr and was step mpthcr of Mrs. J. Berg. as ? ot MARRIAGE LICENSE R The last marriage license tf issued to a white couple F from the local office of C5 of Register of Deeds during M 1937 was to Miss Bstelle Furr pi and LeRoy Swain, both of South- m port. to ct SCHOOLMASTERS MEET *5 Mr. and Mrs. Z. G; Ray. of Ash, were hosts Monday night th to the regular monthly meeting of the Brunswick county School- w masters club. C. C. Russ, county hi superintendent of public welfare, ft' was a guest w ei QUARTET BROADCASTS P "The Gospel Four," a quartet 'a composed of local negroes, broadcast a program Sunday in from raido WRAM, Wilmington. w Members of the quartet are William E. Brown, John H. Hill, Eugene W. Gore and Ernest C. Jones. ti Fiber can be made from meat; ~ but that doesn't mean we shall ? be wearing edible clothes, appar- J ently. 1 American toys will be introduc- j ed into Zurich, Switzerland. The newest of Germany's trans- ^ port planes is a Junkers that will have five compartments to accommodate 40 passengers. The plane has four motors with a top speed f of 255 miles an hour. B !* ' I C< y 0 p1 f i IRsiaSffii di I ** mi | I 1 1 I I w m A m B 1 Jtfvl _ A m V m n ??- m. w ? 1 w M '.r 01 B i: <i? ' v " <i< ^^^BRPBBBiP i?; m r^ ^ L "1 " 1 y .m i. >f:^ w b| |. ifgnn^B !?P?kir| I :K$FOHj938 m ' ???* ?? I ' '0/o/7 I 5 VI Building six great lines >f trucks and commercial ^ ve separate \vheelbase i thirty-one basic models, oi >w offers trucks for every d< d< models are w>dem-to- jjj and bring you the most ? vice available today in price range. Test these ?l t your Chevrolet dealer's, lat they give more pulling a: 88 money. v lalmrnt Plan?Convenient, Economical nrnts. A General Motors l alue. j c )LET MOTOR DIVISION , &, Motors Sales Corporation ** . | j* TROIT, MICHIGAN w da, N. Cj 'OPT. SQUTHPOKT. W. < "larkton Robbery )enied By Payne esperadoes Admit Series ?f Infractions, But Deny bat THoy Were Participants In Robbery At Clarkton Bill Payne %nd Wash Turner, iSperadoes captured in San ford week readily admitted to anepmba officers in Asheville nday robberies of banks at indor, Troy and Laurel, but >pt mum about the robbery of le Waccamaw Bank Trust >mpany's Clarkton branch last ay. Newspaper dispatches from sheville said that they were testioned about the robbery of ie Clarkton banking institution, it while the desperadoes admitd the other three robberies of ink9, they did not admit the ie at Clarkton. It' has been pretty definitely itubliahed. however, that Payne t Turner or both were with obert Smith, who escaped with letn from Caldonia farm last ebruary, when they entered the larkton Bank around noon last ay 31, and at the point of a stoi ordered the cashier. Spellan Troy, and two customers ini the vault while they looted the iah drawers for something like 1,000. Turner admitted to officers iat he was the man who escapt when Bowling Byrd, a pal, as captured pear Wilmington, it said nothing of the theft oi i automobile in Hallsboro a eek later. The machine, prop tv nf Mrs Sarah Creech Formv uval, was recovered in Durham st Tuesday. Both Turner and Payne are beg held in Asheville where they til face trial for the murder ' a N. C. Highway Patrolman. The chief centers of rum manuicture are Cuba, Jamaica, Marnique and British Guiana. I recently have been Commissioned as Notary Public Susie Mae Livingston j mmmm i n jw -? WANT ADS OR RENT- Store and filling station at Ward's Farm?RFC Olivia, N. C. 1-12-" [AN WANTEP to supply Raw leigh'a Household Products t< msumera. Sales way up this ear. We traia and help you ood profits for hustlers. No ex eiience necessary. Pleasant, pro table, dignified work. Write t( jy. Rawleigh's Dept. NCA-211-53 iehmond, Va. 1-12-" LEG ATS" FOHKd.osl RK NOTH K Him" * 'jamb* given that bj n,,H , , 2 decree ot the. Superioj ourt 01 Brunswick County, ,V. c. tiuy of December, 1937 LS 3iiion gntlMed "Brunswiel fti * ./??"* ,& T\ Sellers a.,. tlf i an>'-.. *'ie underalgne< imroissioner u lit expose at pulilii ,J? ,, highesl bftlder for rani } -- 'la> of January, 19.18. a o<aO(( St., at the Courlhousi ?,:.? y hpr'r - S c- 10 Atlsfv ih, suee of naul court to enforce tin lyrnent of $14.04, the followfn seen bed real estate, located tl miMi\?? V1 H ^ To? Brunswiel i foilows: t,OUU,lexl describe. 45 Acres Home and all other ren iff ? ?^d "y '? {' Fo,,; Se?rr^K,er^ r P the 21' (lay of December.' 19,17 Jorgeiiseu, (otnmisfiioner. l-9-< WI*Kri,OSl'*K NOTiei: Him or ? hereby given that bi irtue of a decree of the Sunerini ?Ji2 ,?J 5fu5KW,rk County. Sl^g .lied the day- o,f December. 19:17 i an action entitled "Brunswhl ounty versus w. I? KWnk auj J any, the uuder.sieriici nnraissioner will expose at rmbJil | bigheet bidifcr for nil I o'f.io7i ?/ of January, 19.18, a jor Km'.lhnnH if'n C'Olirl llOUHl J ' P> lo satisfy the Ba ,,aS i foMows: '""""fed a?<l describe. 4 Acres Home and all other rea Ife if &T J* J" Pri"k atu tie if any. m lsiekwoods Folli Ownshio Brunswick County. All sales subject <o retiort to am i'ioJ a"?"} h? Court Ten (lay Jmyed for raise of bid before re,.or Thu p#aiJ at sale. 7 t> T ^ day ?' December, 1937 < 1. Jorgensen, Commissioner. l-9-i FORECI.OSIHIB XOXUE H.m"'of aerehy 5lven that bj rtue of a decree of the Sunerioi ourt of Brunswick County \ t ited the 22 day of lieremiier 1917 i an action entitled "Bruiiswic ounty versus J. H, Hewelt am ( any'?, lke undersiRnei immissioner will expose at publii ^00S5\4' N? c ?o Sis ft, s?Ufo^w"- ^Hided and describe! ?' * Home. 7a. Clemmons and al Ifass ? mwf iw >. P, JorgSnsen, Cominfasioner. 1-9-, "rw e irtue of a decree of the Superio" ourt of Brunswick County. N. C .".ted the 22 day of December. 1937 i au action entitled "Brunswicl ounly versus Foslej Thomas am ife ir any," the under^ignei immissioner will expose at pnblli tie to the lughest bidder for casl a the 22 day of January. 1938, a ! o'clock M? at the Courlhousi oar, Southport, N. C, to satisfy (hi eerea Of said court to enforce thi ayment of 813.54, the tonow.,.; ? Townahlp^aU'B r'unsw I c] g m County. N. C, bounded and described r| 1 as follows: * J; 23" a. Thomas Est and all other C teal property owned by Poster Tho: a mas aha wile if any. it* Shallot te < i Township. Brunswick <A)unty s All sales subject to report to and a confirmation by the Court. Ten days { avowed for raise of bid before report j made. Cash to be paid at sale. d This the 22 day of December. 1937. p \V. P. Jorgensen. Commissioner, 1-9-c d FORECIOSVBE SOTICK C Notice is hereby given that by a virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. r dated the 22 day of December. 1937. ? in an action entitled Brunswick J County versus I M. Todd and wife if any." the undersigned c commissioner will expose at public a sale to the highest bidder tor cash p on the 22 day of January. 1938. at 12 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse \ door. Soulhport. N. C-. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $9.05. the following described real estate, located in Shallolte Township. Brunswick v County. X. L\. hounded arid described < as follows: d 15% a. Home and all other real . property owned by I. M. Todd and wife It any. in Shallotte Township. C Brunswick County. v All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days c allowed for raise of bid before report s made. Cash to be paid at sale. c This the 22 day of December. 1937. j W. P. Jorgensen. Commissioner. 1-9-c ^ POltFAMbSlHE NOTICE ii Notice is hereby given that by j virtue of a decree of the .Superior <i Court of Brui'.sw.^k County, N. C., 1 dated the 22 day of December, 1927. 1 i iii an action entitled Brunswick a County versus M. J. Thomas and wife' if any." the undersigned I , commissioner will expose at public v sale to the highest bidder for cash " on the 22 day of January, 1938. at 12 o'clock At. at the Courthouse ? door. Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the ? decree of said court to enforce the t . payment of $3.92. the following described real estate, located in ' Shallolte Township. Brunswick * . County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: 5 a. Home ami all other real pro- t i pertv owned by M. J. Thomas and { wife if any. in Shallolte Township, J Brunswick County. I All sales subject to report to and t confirmation by the Court. Ten days ? allowed for raise of bid liefore report ? made. Cash to he paid at sale. ' This the 22 day of Decejnber, 1937. 1 \V. 1. Jorgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c 1 KOUFC 1.0*1'HE NOTICE < Notice is hereby given that by I virtue of a decree or the Superior < . Court of Brunswick County. N- C.. J ' r? Ua.. Id'f7 I < la ten t lie 22 uay 01 t in an action entitled "Brunswick f County versus Rebecca Gnuse and Uushnild if any." the undersigned j commissioner will expose at public j r sale to the highest bidder for rash ? on the 21 day of January, 19.18, at > 12 o'clock M? at the Courthouse door. SuuChport. X. C.. to satisfy the < decree of said court to enforce the '< payment of $23.32, the following i , described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. It r u n s \v i c k 1 County. X. C., hounded and described as follows: 200 a. Home and described in that certain Heed recorded in Rook 8. ^ l'age 19 in the office of the Register t of Deeds of Brunswick County to f which referring is hereby made for i a more, full and complete description. < and all real property owned by Re- ' be.rra Cause and husband if any, iri ? Shallotte Township. Brunswick Coun- > (y. < All sales subject to report to and 1 confirmation by the Court. Ten days t allowed for raise of bid before report < ? made. Cash to be paid at aft 1ft. I This the 22 clay of December, 19.17. < \V. P. Jorgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c FtH( KCI.OSV ItK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by r virtue of i decree o? the Superior 1 * Court of Brunswick County. N. C\. s I dated the 22 day of December. 1937. ; i in an action entitled "Brunswick i County versus D. J'. McKeithaii and { wife it' auy," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public < ) sale to the highest bidder for cash t on the 22 day of January, 1938. at i i 12 o'clock iM.. ul the Courthouse! door. Sout report, \. ('.. to satisfy the decree oi said court to enforce the j Say mem of $97.06, $he loitowing escribed real estate. located in | Town Creek Township. Brunswick.' ) County. X. C? hounded and described ' as follows: < ' 160 a. Woods. ISO a. Home and all ' ( othor real j?ropert.v owned by 1). P. - McKciihan and wife if any. in Town . Creek Township, Brunswick County. < All sales subject to report to and l confirmation by the Court. Teh days < allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to he paid at sale." ' This the 22 day of December. 19.17. ' W. P. Jorgensen. Commissioner. 1-9-c I . . i FOKEf'l.OMl HE NOTICE i* Notice is hereby given that by 1 . virtue of a eleer*-" of 'he Superior ' . Court ol Brunswick County. .V C., t dated the 22 day of December, 1937, [ in an action entitled "Brunswick ' County versus R. R. Bryant and wife if any," the undersigned i commissioner will expose at public 1 > ii,a VtiirhAat i>ifiilcr for cash I ? on the 22 day ot' January. 19.18. at ? 12 o'clock M? at the ConrthOuse i door. Southport, N. to satisfy the I decree of said court to enforce the i payment of $00.80. the following t described real estate, located in 1 Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, X. C., bounded and described 1 as follows: I 205 a. Home as described in Book ' 18, page 462 in Hie office of the Register of Heeds, also 11 Ml .a. known 1 as the Fortune .leiiretle land and all n other real property owned by R. ii. t Bryant and wife If any, in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. All sales subject to report tp and [ - confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. ' This the 23 day of December. 1927. r W. K Jorge nsen. Commissioner. 1-9-c i FORKCLOHU RK NOTICE c Notice is heryby given that by 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior i ' 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C., f dated the 22 day of Decemlier, 1917. i in an action entitled tsi%;!'sw?ck t County versus A. B. Mercer and 5 wife if any," the undersigned e commissioner will expose at public t? sale to the highest bidder for cash ? on the 22 day of January. 1918. at i 12 o'clock .\f., at the Courthouse c door. Southport. N. C., to satisfy the 1 decree of said court to enforce the payment of $89.17. the following 1 described real estate, located in 1 Town Creek Township. Brunswick f County. N. c.. bounded and described as follows: 1 175 a. Home, 1 a. Funston. 1% a. g Bolivia, 20 a. J. I). Dan ford. 30 a. t A. B. Mercer and all other real property owned by A. B. Mercer and . wife if any, in Town Creek Tow lies ship. Brunswick County. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days { allowed for raise of bid l>efore report r made. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 22 day of December. 1937. . W. P. Jorgensen. Commissioner. 1-9-c c FORECIiO.Hl'RE NOTICE 1 Notice is hereby given that by j virtue of a decree of the Superior i Court of Brunswick County. N. C., t dated the 22 day of December. 1927, 6 in an action entitled "Brunswick a County versus Chas. Morgan and a wife if any." the undersigned p commissioner will expose at public t sale to the highest bidder for cash c on the 22 day of January, 1938. at 1 12 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C, to satisfy the 1 decree of said court to enforce the . payment of $21.00, the following - described real estate, located In Lock woods Folly Township, Brunswick 1 County. N. C., bounded and described a as follows: t 12 A. Woods. 25 A. Woods. 108 A. Home, and described in that certain . Deed recorded in Book No. 14, page a 302. & Book 20, page 350 in tne - office of the Register of Deec^ of Brunswick County to which referring / is hereby made for a more full and r complete description, and all real pro , perty owned by Chas. Morgan and , wife If any. in Lockwoods Folly c Township. Brunswick County. ] All sales subject to report to and I confirmation by the Coiyt Ten days c allowed for raise ot bid before report i made. Cash to be paid at sale, t This the 22 day of December. 1937. a W. P. Jbrgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c B FORECLOSURE NOTICE j Notice is hereby given that by 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior t Court of Brunswick County, N. C., vf ' *. A. , 1 t~ nM the 22 day ?f B?oember. 1JS7. a an action aniittej B?unaVick 'ouAly vefmiA \i<>Iy<R *w?th ^nd v . rfc If a ay." tn* undet'sigRwl c cmmK-tiOB#! J,d( (>\>esi> al pafcliv ,1 air, to ilia bighesi liiddet lui task ii n tin- 22 day' of Jatuiaty. 1938. af C 2 oVhwk Sr.. ai rtn> < oii.tbousp h oop, Soulhyiopi. N. 0.. la salisfy the o erprtt of said toun to <mforr? the s aypnenl of ?14.27. the following a oiuribed real estate, located i? 1 orkwoods Fofly 'fotvaahip, Biuruitwck d 'nuntv. -V c\, bounded ahd destutbed d ,s follows: p 19 Acres Home and all other real a roperfv owned by Xfelvin Smith and 9 nfe if at}'-, is Look woods Folly C 'owreihip, Brunswick Oounty a All sales" subject to report to and oniiimation by the Court Tea days p Mowed for raise of bid 'before report e bade. Cash to be paid at sale a This the 22 dpy of Pete tuber, 1927. s V. P. forgeRswa. Co'mniissi'onef. f-9-i for pc to 9 yft f notice L Notice is hereby given that by u irtue of a decree of the Superior ^ 'ourl of Brunswick Oounty, X. C., . Inted the 22 day of December, 1937, n an action entitled "Rrupswick 'ounly versus Albert Mitchell and q rife if any." the undersigned d omrnissioner will expose at public | ale to the highast bidder for cash (, in the 22 day of January. 1938. at c 2 o'clock Mi. at the Courthouse I s loor. Southport, S. C.. to satisfy the J lecree of mo Id court to enforce the tj aynient of $15.21. tV following ,j Icscribed real estate, located in n .oekwoods Polly Township. Brunswick tj 'P.uniy, N'. C-. hpuiuloU and described ^ is ii.llttsvs: ( 45 Acres Home, and all other real a roperty owned by Albert Mitchell irid wife if any, in Irockwoods Folly p township, Brunswick County. e All sales subject to report to and j) onfirrnntion by the Coqrt. Ten days i illowed for raise of hid before, report nade. Cash la be paid at sale. < This the 22 day of "December, 191?. u A'. P. .Torgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c ri FOKFC'T.ORCMR NOTICE \ Notice is hereby given that by irtue of a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C.. lated the 22 day or Decemlber. 19117. v n an action entitled "Brmtsw.ick (. 'ounty versus Mrs. Je-ssa P. Robinson C iiul husband if any." the undersigned i omniissioner will expose at public t sale to the highest luddei; for cash > )ti the 22 day of January. 19.18. at < 2 o'clock' M., at the Oourthbuse s loor. South port, N, P.. to satisfy the o lecree of said court to enforce the i a.vment of $24.91, the following d lescribed real estate, located in <| jock woods Folly Township. Brunswick j 'ounty. X. C\. bounded grid described d is follows: 9 2(1 Acres Home and all other real ( roperty owned by Mrs. Jesse P. a tobinson and husband if any. in .ockwoods Folly Township, Bruits- i vick County. T All sales subject to report to and t onfirmation by the. Court. Ten days l dlowed for raise of h?d before report ti nade. Cash to be paid ai sale. t This the 22 day of December. 1917. .1 A'. P. Jorgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c 'I KORKCI.OSVUK NOTICE c Notice is hereby given that by a irtue of a decree of the Superior ti ourt of Brunswick County, N. C.. luted the 22 day of Heceraher. 1917. > ? an action entitled "Brunswick - 'o.unty versus a^rs. a. k . \\miamwn Hid husband if any", the undersigned ommissioner will fPCDQM at public lalo to the highest bidder for cash o hi the 22 day of January, 1928. at r 12 o'clock Af? at the Courthouse C loor, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the C lecree of said court to enforce the J layment of $16.92, Hie following S lescrihed real estate. located In v >hallottc Township. iBru iifivick 1 'ountv. M. C.. bounded and described i, is follows: t 90 a. Band Est. No. 5. 6.2 a. a Bland a. Bland Est. No. 6 and 1 ill ther real property owned by Mrs. 1 \. C. Williamson and husband if any. < n Shallotte Township, Brunswick 1 bounty. All sales subject to report to and 1 confirmation by the Court. Ten days illovyed for raise of bid before report < made. Cash to be paid at sale. ? This the 22 day of December. 1927. VV. P. Jorgenseri, Commissioner. 1-9-c i FORKf LOSl'KE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of (he Superior < Court of Brunswick County. N. C\. j tinted the 22 day of December. 1927, in an action entitled "Brunswick < bounty versus P. O. Frtnk and J wife if any." the undersigned ? commissioner will expose at public J sale to the highest ladder for cash on the 22 day of January. 1938. at I 12 o'clock At . at the Courthouse 1 door. Southport, X. c.. to satisfy the [fecree or said conrf to enforce the. ' payment of $12.20. the following described real c uate. located in ' Shallotte Township. B r ii nnwick j County. N. C.. bounded and described as follows: 27 a. Homo and all other real pro- I pert.v owned by p. (>. Kriuk and < wife if aiiy. fn Shallotte Township, ' Brunswick County. i< All sales subject to report to and ) confirmation bv 'ho Cuuri. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report ; made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 22 day of December. 1927. 1 W. P. Jorgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c < : j I'OltKL'I.OSl HE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by i virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 22 day of December. 1927. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus J. S. AlcKoy and wife if any," the undersigned ' commissioner will expose at publicsale to the highest bidder for cash ' on the 22 day of January. 1928, at 12 o'clock M., ot the Courthouse 1 door. Southport, >?. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $17.2S, l he follow! ug 1 i escribed real estate, located In Smitbvdle Township. Brunswick Count v. N. bounded and described ' as follows: i 1 lot on Howe SI. in the City of Sotythpori, being all real property t owned by J. S. McKoy and wife if I any. in KmithvUle Township, in Brims wick i oumy. All siller subject to reporl (o and confirmation by the Court. Ton clays \ allowed for raise of hid before reporl made. ('ash io he paid at sale. This I lie 22 day of December, 19.17. W. P. .Jorgensoii. Copimissiouer. 1-9-c. NOTICE Notice * is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. dated the 22 day of December. 1337. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus llurbert Parker and wife if any." the undersigned commissioner will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 22 day of January. 1938, at 12 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C\, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $25.58, the following described real estate, located in SmithvUle Township, Brunswick County. X. C\. bounded and described as follows: 170 Acres Farm and all other real property owned by Hurbert Parker and wife of any. in Smithville Township. Brunswick County. All sales subject to report to and confirmation bv the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 22 day of December. 1937. W. P. Jorgensen, Commissioner. 1-9-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of tho Superior Court f Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 22 clay of December, 1937. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Jack Hewett and wife if any." the undersigned commissioner will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on the] 22 day of January. 1938, at 12 o'clock M.. at 'the Courthouse door, Southport, G, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $17.29, the following described real estate, located in Txxkwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: 87 1 Borne, 1*4 a. Full wood. 8 a. Browd and all other real property owneid by Jack Hewett and wile if any. In Loekwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 22 day of December. 1937. W. P. Jorgensen.. Commissioner. 1-h-c tAGE j 'M FOB?( r OSUBE NOTICE I Notice i* herebv given that hf fjfl irtue of u decree or the -dpetlor MH curt oz' Brunswick County. N. C, H 4 leu un* Jzv of pecenibei. 1937. |^8 t u'i .n non ?ntiika Liunswlck taunty versus Bailie Evans and B uiiband if any", the undersigned B otnrnissioner will expose ut public |il ale to *the highest bidder for cash J1H n the 22 day of .January. 193S.' at , B 2 o'clock M . at the Courthouse V-|B oor. Southport. X C. to satisfy the HI ecree of said court to enforce the ?> ay meat of $11.16. the following k- B escribed real estate, located in p fl rnithvdle Township. Brunswick fB 'ountv. X 0. bounded and described sifl s follows: fl 1 lot on West St in citv of Southon. bung all the leal property own- B a by Bailie Evans and husband if 'B ny. in Hmithvi^fe Township Bruns- Xfl uk County B All sales subject 'to report to and ontirmation b> tin- Cr.urt fen days 1 fl Mowed foi raise of bid before report 1 fl iade. Cash to be paid at sale. B This the 22 da\ of Per i-mber. 1937. fl V. P. JorgenaeA. Commissioner. 1-y-c gj?B FOKECLO.Sl KE NOTIC E ill X'otue is hereby given that by l.fl irtue. of a decree of the Superior ' ourt of Br\uiswick County. .V. , fl ated the 22 day of December, 1937. Jj<fl it a<i action eut?t * i Luiuswhk j! fl 'ounty versus Lizzie C. Heaven and IBS usband if any", the undersigned ill oniruisHioner w ill expose at public 11 | ale lo the highest bidder for cash 'IB n the 22 day of January. 193$. at ,!( 2 o'clock >i.. .it the Courthouse Mfl oor. Soiithport. N c.. to satisfy tho ;jfl ecree of said court to enforce tho mB ayment of $12.80. the fojowing ^1B escribed real estate, located in >B .mithvdle Township. Brunswick j.l 'biinty, W C., hounded and described I s follows: if]I 1 lot on Caswtll St.. City of South- ' II ort, being all the real property own- I (1 by Uzzie C. Heaves ar-d husband , u Srnithville Township, Brunswick jl 'ounty.' , ] All sales subject to report to and }|| onfirmation by the Court. Ten days II lh-ui-d for iai-1- of bid before report I iade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 22 day of December, 1937. II V. i\ .Torgenseii. Commissioner. 1-9-0 uB iukii lesi |(K HOTICl II Note "h> given that l>y IB irtue of a decree of the Superior M 'ourt oi Brunswick County. N. ; IB iatei. the 22 day of 1 Jocciiiher, 1987, ;ifl a an aetion entitled "Brunswick ] IB 'ounty Versus J. S. and J. iU Packer." the underalgiiad | II ommlwionei will expose at public. j'JB ale to the highest bidder for cash I II the 22 da \ of .laiiil.il>. 193S. at 2 O'clock M.. at tho Courthouse IB loor, Soutliporl, N. C., to satisfy the jfl lecree of said court to enforce the ] H ayment of sin.::?;. the following j |M Inscribed real estate, located In nallotie Township. R r u n s w I c k I IB 'ounty. X. ('.. bounded and described , II is follows: J 116 a. Parker Est. and described il n that certain Deed recorded in g3I took 37. page 464 in the office of ?, II he Register of Deeds of Brunswick I 'entity lo which referring is hereby ' uaue. for a more complete desorip- I ion. and all real property owned by . s. and J. M. Parker in shallotte 'ownship. Brunswick County. I'l All sales subject to report to and ijtJI onfirmation hv the Court. Ten days J { 1116wed for raise of bill before report x'l hii.Ip. Cash to be paid at sale. | yl This (he 22 day of I December, 19^. m V. P. Jorgensen. Commissioner. 1-9-e II FOKKCLOSI KK SAI.F OF RF.AL I KWfATt M (i UTO AOK [I Under and l?y virtue of the power . II if sale contained in that certain I nor t gage deed executed by D H. Jl 'vwHi and Bslie Cieerh. his wife, II m the 17th day of August, 19.10. to { 'rice Purpless. duly recorded in Hook jl 8. at page 387, Records of Bruns- [ jjl rick County, to which refe.cnee is I leraby especially made, default liav- jl ng been made in the payment of the 1 I lent thereby secured. I will offer for I tale at public auction to the highest ' fl ddder for casfi at the Court House I i)oor in Brunswick County, North I 'arolina, on Saturday January 15th, I .938 at 12 o'clock Noon, the follow- (jaI ng described lots, tracts, pieces or yl >areels of land, lying and being in . dm hnithvillc Township, Brunswick VI Vainly. \. (\. and bounded and r!H leseribed as follows, to-wit: I l. Beginning at a point 202.C9 Feet Clfl >outh nr<- degrees Bast of a stone nonument which marks the nortli- |l vest corner of what was the old HI Uinta tract; runs thence South 7-1% fl legreoK West 462 Feet: thence South cjfl ?Vi degrees Host 883.45 Feet to the ,{7J McDonald line: thence with the Mr- f'I Donald lim South 77 degrees Fast j-lfl 184.08 Feet to t.u- Southwest corner m A the old Mint;: tract; thence with im die West lit.c of tin; < >ld Mint/. jl Tract North A- derives West 1117.31 ('l Feet to the Big inning, containing jH 10.48 acres. I Beginning :u a marble stone Oil lie South west corner of the old Mini/. 1 Jl Tract and the southeast corner of til he 0 i: Uauoe Trait, formej-ly the ill V B Peterson tract; runs thence HM North 70 dag reus and 35 minutes IVest 484.08 Feet to a marble stone. I he Southwcsl corner 01 the C. R. IB iiause tract, furmcily A. K Peterson ract; thciH i' wiiiilining the saine j^H in 1.1 North .'ii degrees minutes Bfl West 1' on Feet to the side of the Hfl New Township Bond; theme South ,1 It dearies 30 minutes Bast _ along .be side of the said road S7."? Feet ;o All Iron stake; thence North 73 III iegrees Bast 221 Feet 10 an iron ' I ; hem c North 16 degrees West -jjl 151.3 Feet to the beginning, contain- All [ng, 11 $cnj I'll Price Furpk-ss. Mortgagee. Dated and posted this 14th day Of r| December, 1927. qS| Robert \V. Davis Attorney for Mortgagee. 1-13-c jfll NOTKK " lj NORTH CAROLINA I Brunswick County jl Ill Hip Smu-iii'i < "till jgm Chin li s II. Clause. Administrator of William Elmer Edwards. tit-eased, v? M City of SouJit1iih i. Phillip Allen And i,fin smith Tom wan IM The defendants. I'liillip Allen and .M Lelu Snnih Torgersoit will lake notice Hint cm Hie 11 Hi day of I . inlif i. 1937. n summons in tlio said action us alcove enlilled was : Issued against said ilefciiduiils by B. 1] J. Moldeu. Clerk of the Superior II Court of Brunswick County. North ? Carolina, plaintiff claiming Hie sum ll nf Fifty Thousand (?W>.ikK?.00? l>ol- H Inrs. due him for Hie wrongful death nf William Elmer Edwards on the j 22nd of August. 1937. caused by the negligent, wrongful and unlawful I owning, maintaining anil nfieraling ait I electric power and light line from flH llie City of Snulhport ai ross the property of I'liillip Allen and terminuting on the property of I-cla. j Smiiii Torgerson. which summons Is ] returnable on the 20th day of January. 1938, to the Superior Court of Hrunswiek County. The defendant, M I'liillip Allen and l.ela Smith Tor- H gerson will also i.il.e Hiat a Vu warrant of attachment was issued [1 by the said Clerk of the Superior * H Court of Brunswick County on the . S| lltb day of Decemlier. 1937, against n the property of the said defenda-ita f I'hllllp Allen and l,ela Smilh Tor- , gerson. which warrant is returnable S on the 20th day of January. 1938, i s to the Superior Court of Brunswick I County at the lime and place named 1 for the return of the summons, when and where the defendants are re- r quired to appear and answer or H demur to the complaint or the relief J demand therein will lie granted. 4 This 13th day of December, 1937. B, J. Holdeti. Clerk Superior Court* \j Brunswick County. yd D-14-21-28-J.-G-12 NOTICE OF SALE OF V-8 FO*J) ? ArTOMOBIJ.E FOR ItF I'Alltli W ACCOl'NT |1 WHEREAS. F. T. Rutledge and B, Robinson left one V-8 Ford automo- All bile. Motor No. 18-1165665. with the W undersigned to be repaired, and 5 WHEREAS, the undersigned re- if paired said automobile and the i cat of said repair is $184.99. and WHEREAS, maid repair accour t MB has not been paid and said automo- M bile has been left with the under Higaed for more than ninety days: if NOW. THEREFORE, under and 3 by authority of the laws of North H Carolina as contained in C. S. No. 2435. the undersigned will offer for I sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at R. D. White's fl garage in the town of Shallotte. and fl County of Brunswick, on Saturday. January 8tji. 1938. at 12 o'clock noon. fl the following described automobile. I 1934 model V-8 Ford Automobile. I Motor No. 18-11551185. . fl Dated and posted this Sth, day of fl December. 1937. fl a ?2- .White. Claimant. D H. Frink, Attorney for claimant. fl

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