iWpVFSDAY, FEBRUARY |NtH-|!!.r CI.I R aft I Mrs i u J,>llis was hostess j wit pinochle club Monday jMr M| tier- home here. De- pri I eshinents of salad ahd | Ru Sffl . voi served the following I I : >11 of l!i.> -sal, OjBJC. mis I. A. Doshei-; Mrs. 'he B .1 hir ? i'-orge. J?'l eR" \fnri.'t> St Geoige, Mrs. D. M^Kpsvi Mrs R. f Carroll an.I M? Vi< |lWl, N .me of the Methodist H,n et on Monday afternoon ?r Be Mi's .1. I Davis. The meet- j Mo r. ?-as in charge of Mrs. c. G. hot lea ter. The Reverend E. 1 Pa I jj Hull presented a section of! wit tvt of Aldersgate". the study jW( for the circle concerning tho|Ra Havrsgate commemoration. The j ' ^jis sot-veil delicious refresh- (tri B"??'s J hot rtmvay party I Miss Ksther Mac Potter enter-1 J"* of her friends at , urthilay party at her home on J n j from eight ,U M - dock (James and ^Brt-ds wen* enjoyed during the ' B - t prize being award- ... I., .Miss Miiiga'et Watts and'" McDowell. while second rj! were awarded to Miss Vera . ^Bjors-ensor. Dan C'lenimons and ** . Lancaster. Refreshments, consisting of 2?' Buj,: punch, cake and candy, were ' Mte-mi Miss Potter received 1 ~:r?n >0111 ilany aunu-uve gma. , m{ Those present were: Lu'le 'ft'n joivn. Margaret Watts. Mar- cci jjrvt Bartels. Annie Laurie Wil- j is. Vera Jorgensen. Leatha A i n- Cj. :i Irene Clemmons, Mary Hood. (1p Louise Rees, Delphia Lennon. < (try Catherine Northrop. Mar- ni( crie Potter. Robert Marlowe. J xvj rotor Bartels. Jack Hickman, d,, tor. Clemmons McDowell, Leon m KcKeithan. Elliott Moore. John Lancaster, Bryant Potter. Frank | cj, Mter. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert A. at Livir.gstorr. Mr. and Mrs. John jj. "otter. Jr . and Mrs. John Potter, ot llrs. Northrop Hostess Mrs M. A. Northrop was hos- Ml ess to her bridge club Friday esl .V:. \ PFR ir jljii, HYD BF |) 0 I I GENU 85-H.R VI FISHER N i All these vitally at low prices, < CHEVROLET MOTOR Dl' ^ Stntral Motors Inslalmtot PlanElmore M< t .:-M . v.-y 1938 ernoon at her apartment. Bri was palyed at two tables h high score prize going- t s. - D. Sutton. Oonsolatio ze was out by Mrs. J. \\ ark. v tefreshments consisting of ail course and tea were serve following guests: Mrs. Sul i. Mrs. Ruark, Mrs. J. \\ ks. Mrs. Lee Garrett, Mrs. r Davis, Mrs. J. C. Christiat s Harold St. Geotge and Mr: una I^eggett. VSTERN STAR Hie Live Oak Chapter of th tier of the Eastern Star m< >nday night for a prograt soring Past Matrons and Pas trons. Each was presente th a gift from the preser >rthy Matron, Mrs. J. V ark. Miss Lottie Mae Newton. Dis ct Deputy Grand Matron, pai r official visit to the Iocs ipter and made an inspirin k. She was presented a silvc ing cup by members of tl al chapter. \t the conclusion of the bus AT n/ii !AK I and with INE KNEE-Al 1LVE-IN-HEAI 0 DRAFT VE 'On Master De Luxe models on/ important feature only in the new'] VISION, General Motors Sales Corporate Convenient, -JHL-, Economical i mm >tor Co. 0 I th? importance of manual train- ing in public schools. P.-T. A. MEETING The local Pa rant-Teachers Association held its regular tneetthg on Thursday night lit the Soutjiport high school auditorium. Mrs. j ^ J. D. Sutton, rice-president, con' ducted the meeting. Mrs. H. W. Hood served aii secretay. ^ " The devotion 41 was led by the ' Reverend J. 15. Potts, Presby- f terian minister. A report of books v ** already donate d to the school li' brarv was mail". It was reported "" that the individual grades had ' raised the reo,nested amounts to ' purchase dru rns for the school e 1- band. The gfreiles raising the most C * j money were the third and the nin- p th. The eleventh grade had the largest atter..lance of parents for th" highschoi i? at the meeting and will be presemted with a cake by n e Mrs. VV. E. [ Bellamy. Mrs. Sut- t d ton will mrtfie a cake for the II seventh gradje which had the most ' parents for the grammar grades. d j An intererrting program of songs d was present cd by the high school ^ ! glee club r aider the direction of 1 Mrs. Josephine Marshall. The en- t tire glee c Itib gave two numbers, j d | "Can't You.' Hear Me Calling, Car,j oline?" ami "Neopolitnn Nights". The Sexte t sang, "A Song of the ? Moonlit ! Sea", and "When My ! Dreamboa fc Sails". r 10 ' 1 t ! Personal; i ? Mr. n c.d Mrs. Fred Ashbum. I b I. D. Hr irrellson and Miss Gladys is Dosher visited Lt. and Mrs. J. W. r-1 Sample in Raeford Sunday. j ; . . ? j-! Otto "Frazier, Holmes Harker ? ie and Gilbert Creech, all members 1 iv of the (crew of the U. S. Dredge is Chinools, spent the past week-end t- here with their respective families. f i- ... # { in W. E. White, member of the 1 o crew of the Henry Bacon, spent ( a the v reek-end here with his wife te and .?on. e ' ... i- W. Ft. McAuley, of the Highway ( Dopn rtment, Fayetteville, spent I is the i)Jist week-end here with his 1 >d wife. s. ... n. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley G. Wells te have' returned from their honey- 1 s. moon. They will make their home { in Wilmington. ' >n ... Mr. and Mis. A. S. Mowery and r- sons, Arthur. Jr., and Billie, of ><1 Salisbury, spent the week-end 1 5- - ( t /i(VM| TED JLICI ES . ' ? <1 * .. t * i . "'/ ^ Hf ! CTION* 9 ENGINE NTILATION ; r *. V ; is are available, 1938 Chevrolet. I ?V DETROIT, AMCHIOAN 1 MmMy PaymenH. A Gmtnd Milan Volu?. ^B Bolivia, N. C. i; ?THE NEWS REPORT NEWS I5 BRIEFS RETURNS TO WORK Japtain E. F. St. George has I etumed to Ft. Moultrie, S. C., i ollowing a vacation spent here i ja rith members of his family. T hi BACK AT HOME f( Mrs. George Grimes has return-1 ^ d home from the Brunswick l bounty Hospital where she was a m latient for several days. I ir COMES HOME ?< Mi's. Clyde Newton was dis- R' nisseU from the Brunswick Coun- hl y Hospital Friday following an n iperation. cl ; ft BACK AT WORK ir Mrs. Lou H. Smith, County lealth nurse, is back in her office P his week following a six weeks ^ llness. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT * Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Furgus an- &| tounce the birth of a son Triors- n lay, February 3, at ttie Brtins- p vlck County Hospital. jy TO NEW YORK J. R. Hood and William Styron eturned today from New York Uity where the former went on i business trip and the latter for ilea sure. \\ RETURN HOME d Captain and Mrs. I. B. Bussells n ind daughter, Lois Jane, and i' Skippy Stiller returned Sunday E 'rom a one-week trip to Florida, j w HOSPITAL PATIENT c; Homer McKeithan, of South- a iort, was admitted as a medical >atient to the Brunswick County c Jospital last Tuesday. He was b lismissed this week. ? I RECEIVES TREATMENT * Will Webb, of Little River, S. ? ?., received treatment at the Brunswick County Hospital from 11 Wednesday until Tuesday. a a PRESBYTERIAN CHIROH There will be services in the a 'resbyterian church next Sunday c 'vening at 7:30 o'clock. Sermon lubject, "A Mother' s Reward." The public is cordially invited. tl APPENDECTOMY 1' Doris Robinson, daughter of a tfr. and Mrs. Harry Robbinson, 3' >f Supply, underwent an opera- * ion for the removal of her ap- C icndix at the Brunswick County v -lospita! last Friday. FOR TREATMENT Miss Mae Chinnis, daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Harris Chennis, of * Ainnabow, is a medical patient ? it the Brunswick County Hos- P )ital. s' C: IN HOSPITAL John D. Gainey, of Supply, was h idmitted to the Brunswick Coun- A ;y Hospital on Sunday for treat- n nent. cl ? MEDICAL PATIENT James E. Piner, of Southport, mtered the Brunswick County 31 iospital Thursday for medical ? ittention. ii ON HONOR ROLL Dan Walker, son of Mr. and u Urs. W. H. Walker, of South- ? >ort, was on the honor roll last ^ nonth at Louisburg College, J1 vhere he is a member of the T iophmore class. * Northwest Club d W nntfin The Northwest Home Demonsration club met with Mrs. T. M. Villiams Friday. The meeting c vas called to order by the presi- ? lent. The opening song was sung md the club collect repeated. A , eport was given by the House furnishing leader, Mrs. R. J. Peferson. . The meeting was then turned ov- , ;r to Mrs. Marion S. Dosher, who J rave an interesting talk on light c n the farm home. Refreshments were served by hostess. . Those present were: Mrs. J. E. Johnson, Mrs. E. R. Skipper, Mrs. J. J. Peterson, Mrs. R. J. . Peterson, Mrs. T. M. Williams, . Mrs. Dosher and Lula Mae Skip- Q ^r- o Buried in full dress 3,000 years jgo, a chieftain has been dfscov- j ?red in a tree-trunk coffin weigh- ^ ing four tons near Castleton, Eng- s land. here at the hotel Miller. The MoWery's are strong on the ^ South port fishing and this trip F was partly to get a line on the 1 spring and summer outlook. 1 Mrs. E. M. Hall is a visitor in c Raleigh this week where she is J spending several days with fri- ' ends. 1 i Mayor John Ericksen and Gus 1 Neill returned today from a ' week's trip to points in Florida. I Mr. McNfeil visited relatives in ' Ferpandina. Miss Emma Thompson has 1 left for Ft. Brady, Mich., where 1 she will visit her sister, Mrs. Ken- 1 neth Kinsler. i' < t ER, WHITEVTLLE, N. C. " Schedule For < Club Meetings Lighting For The Farm < Home" Is Topic Of Home Demonstrat ion Clijb Meetings For This Month TIip home demonstration clubs sted bp low will hold their regu- v ,r monthly meetings next week, t he demonstration given by the 1 Jme agent will be on "Lighting u >r the farm home", which is e le major subject for February, ocal dairy and homo manageent leaders will make contribuons. Their subjects are: "Makig better butter?methods and juipment" and "Convenient hei-1r hts for working surface in the jx ame". The recreation leader in each j( spective community will be in f large of a short porgram. A . ill attendance is urged for meet- J igs scheduled as follows: Monday, February 14, the hoenix club meets with Miss ena Brew at 2:30 o'clock. Tuesly, February, IS, Leland club ipets with Mrs. K. B. Dresser t 2:30 o'clock. Thursday, Feb- ' jarv 17, Winhabow club meets t 2:30, Friday. February 18th, uounced later, February 18, oon's Neck club meets with irs. Carrie He wet t at 2:30 clock. BOLIVIA NLWS 1 i Club Meets 1 Home Demonstration Club met 1 1th Mrs. J. D. Johnson on Thurs- 1 ay afternoon, Mrs. George Can- 1 on, president, called the meet- < ig to order using "America the leautiful," and the Club Collect. Minutes of the last meeting ^ ere read and approved. Roll was I ailed and treasurer's report was 1 ccepted. Mrs. Elo Ceareo read an artile on "Clothing". The new year ooks were given out and the Hacnvan \fl'Q nilTlIlltrc: rnia. v^v.,u. iercer, Mrs. Mintz, who had fill- ( d them out was given a vote j f thanks. , Plans were discussed for raising inds to furnish a club room and y ways and means committee was , ppointed. I Members were asked to bring nnual offering for loan fund and , lub dues to Feb. meeting. Mrs. Dosher gave an interestlg demonstration on color in J lie home. Miss Winnie Johnson served do- , cious sandwiches and coffee, and . delightful social hour was en- ^ jyed by the following members: . Ie8dames Alex Mercer, Elo j lesareo, Thurston Clemmons, Carl i'ard, J. P. Johnson, George Can- ( on. Earl Danford, Troy Danford, 'rank Mintz. I Mrs. Cesareo Hostess The F. E. B. Club met with j frs. Cesareo on Friday evening, everal interesting games were j layed, after which the hostess , erved delicious hot chocolate and > ake. Those enjoying Mrs. Cesareo's | ospitality were Mesdames B. F. idkins, Chas. Knox, George Can- < on, Leon Galloway, H. H. Honey- , utt, Dewey Edwards, Frank i [intz, and J. D. Johnson. Present play The senior class of Bolivia high ihool presented "Romance in a ' loarding House", to an apprecia- ' ive andience on Wednesday even- ' ig The following cast displayed 1 nusual ability: Mrs. Smith, Cath- 1 rine Cannon, Mr. Smith, Mildred 1 tercer, Mary Anri Smith, Evelyn Pilletts, Mr. Throttlebutton, Leon .eonard, Mrs. Throttlebutton, j T nnno HAt'timor Phot'lpQ I lull LiU W lO, 1KU1 viltivt I ?vw 'aylor, Duke of Sussex, Marvin Catkins, Mrs. Benson, Viola Anerson. Miss McGilllcuddy, Bessie fae Lewis, Bill Lee Wescott, Hetie, Lillian Benton. BIRTHDAY TARTY Miss Jennie Elizabeth Cannon elebrated her seventh birthday n Friday afternoon with a party, fumerous games were played, afer which Mrs. Cannon invited he guests into the living room here a lovely birthday cake cenered the table and delicious rereshments were served to the allowing little guests: Betty and Irline Danford, Amelia Malpass, lue Page, Elaine and Peggy Stalings, Mary Einma Rabon and ane Cannon. GIRLS WIX The Bolivia Girls basketball earn continued their victories of he season by defeating New Hanver high school in a fast game n Tuesday, February 1st. Misses Juanita and Jane Canion visited their little cousin, tary Jane Sumner, in James Valker Hospital, Wilmingtn, or. Saturday. P.-T. A .MEETS Bolivia P.-T. A. met on Thurslay evening. Mrs. D. R. Johnson, (resident, was In the chair. Minites were read and approved and Treasurer's report was accepted, ifrs. Stone reported 53 free lun:hes given to needy children in ranuary and a net profit of $9.50 or the P.-T. A. from the lunch oom. The report of the play comnittee was accepted and second veek in March selected as time >f presentation. Mr. Cesareo reported much progress and coaperation over the district for the gymnasium. The president asked :hat a note of thanks be sent Bob Lewis for pipe donated for playground enquipment. Mrs. SVeiss gave an interesting article Dn "Founders Day" and Mary Organize Club For ShallotteLl" Organization Meeting Held y At Shallotte Last Week P]9) And Officers Of Group . Elected t0rc _________ b Mra. Marion S. Dosher met !*on' vith the ladies of the communi- " y at the home of Mrs. Ernest w 15 'acker Monday afternoon, Jan- ^ lary 31, for the purpose of or- e corr :anizing- a Home Demonstration j Hub. was The enrollment was seventeen. Fri< Follwing the organization Mrs. \ losher discussed the topic for the wee nonth, "color in the Home" in a \ rery capable manner. wee At the close of the meeting a the lelicious salad course was serv- Wh d by the hostess. .. of Those attending were: Mes- gob lames H. G. Hewett, H. L. V, dints, J. J. Ludlum, Cecil Tripp, and 5. L. Gore, E. V. Leonard, Har- you ley Stanly, Lillian Oliver, G. W. ers 'arker, Ernest Parker, Preston E 'arker, Chas. Russ, Jr., Avis Lee Mui .Vatts, and Misses Gladys Frye Wil md Rexie Tripp. Sat Officers were elected as fol- k' ows: spe President, Miss Gladys Frye: in ice president, Mrs. Cecil Tripp; frie lecretary, Mrs. Ernest Parker. ti Major Project Leader: tun Mrs. Chas. Russ foods and aft< lUtritlon and food conservation: Rei Mrs. Bailey Russ: clothing, Miss P lexie Tripp: house furnishing, por Mrs. H. G. Hewett; home garden, moi Vfrs. H. L. Mints: home poultry, whi Mrs. J. J. Ludlum: home dairy, Mrs. G. W. Parker: parent Edu- ? :ation, Mrs. E. V. Leonard; SW Committees: Health and Relief: Mrs. Har- X ;ey Stanly, chairman: Recrea- X Jon, Mrs. J. A. Russ; 4-H club X eader: Miss Gladys Frye. X "* -1 ? -? 1 XT ah ,,, X lviaKaumu news X Makatoka Feb. 9?R. Q. Little, j listrict manager for the Life Insurance Company of Virginia, at J 3urlington, spent the week-end ,vith relatives. Willie Hufham has resumed his ,vork in this section. He has sold j several thousands poles in the J j ast few years. J J P. P. Vereen was a business j ,-isitor in this section last week, j j The epidemic of flu that caused j' so much trouble and killed sever-1 ?1, seemes to be dying out. L. N. Little, of Bolton, past j j j through here enroute to Southport to see his brother, M. J. I j Little, who has been in the hospital with pneumonia for some time . j ) Cleo S. Little made a flying j trip to Waccamaw last week. j Miss Dorothy Gray, who is tak- ) j ing training at James Walker |) j Hospital, spent the week-end with I) ( Per parents. j j J. J. Little was a visitor at I j ( Southport Saturday. He was ac- j :ompanied by his children, Mabel,j) ( Talmadge J., and D. Rex Little, j j Thurston Little made a business j ( trip to Whiteville Saturday. j j Many are congratulating the j j iVaccamaw high school bus driv- j j ;rs for their fine co-operation I j j ivith principal and mechanics in j j Jarner and Chas. Robbins lighted j j the forty-one candles on birthday j :ake. The high school group pre- j iented several short plays, read- | ngs and duets. j The guests were invited into | the reading room, where the hos-! i " ?,1 V,nf 1' lliaiuy CDIIIIIIIUCC a CI vcu n\ji ? chocolate and cake. 1j?f, J FLASH! 11 Yessir, Folks, Th( JS Seen! . . . I ( Come Look 'em I | j Over . . . Select II Yours Now .... Thoroughbreds . . I! All Young Mules! I; CASH, TERMS j AND TRADE jj All Broke ) ( it Heady For Is Work! if if if Columbus | County's I i Largest || Mule Stables i: HACKNEY WA< I SethL | WHITEVILLE, ? H ~ " PAGEJ H ing for school busses. ! and returned Monday morning, j inley Don- and Leo Marsh Mr and Mls ^nk PUixcxfl e business visitors .1 ,T. J I, ch!M|,en and ^onas St. Geoj? les Monday. jrge, of Southport, were visitonJ^^J n' : rr here Saturday afternoon. Winnabow News Mrs. Bessie Blumb. of WilmlngljBB finnabow, Feb. 9?David Sin- ton, came out Saturday afternooij^M| r. of Wilmington, was a visi- tl)wsP*nd awhile with tiy ReidJ^H ^ ? Mi. and Mis. J. B. Potter here Tuesday afternoon. daughter> Eva Reiie, 0r Chariotte^^H gt. and Mrs. Lee Kye and spent Sunday witli their parentsT^^^J Ray, spent part of the week Mr .,nj Mrs. .1. C. Potter anutHH Pittsboro with Lee Kye, Jr., Mis Lila Skipper. H > has been ill. Mrs. Hattie Galloway and sonf^^H everend D. D. Traynham, of james cf Supply, Mr. i\hd Mrs sburg, was a visitor in this Euptne Williams, of Wilmington'; imunity Wednesday 'spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs;^^H , T. Barker, of Wilmington, J Lizzie Henry. i a caller here Thursday and The Ladies Aid Society of ZtoiT^^fl lay mornings. ! Methodist Church met with Mrs irs. Annie Brent spent the Henry zii>elin Monday afternoon I :k with the Foulkes. J tiss Fifl Foulke spent the Mr- arul M,'s' Zll>e1'"' k in MoClellnnville, S. C. at Tharp and Mrs. .1 L. Henry wen Santee Club with friends, visitors in Southport Tuesday I ile there she had the pleasure n'Bht. jj^H killing an 18 pound turkey Mrs. Victor Sullivan spent Tues |H bier on one of their hunts. with O. E. Earp and fnnnly I tr. and Mrs. R. H. Maultsby Mrs. William Kopp and I IT f A I C ng son, of Bolivia, were call- Lj ti \J A L J here Thursday afternoon. 'rmjere d', fje7in a"d d''; stoti: ,? x.urm ak.m.ixa ' ii rchison and Earl Boushee, of ihuxty ok iuuxswick mington were callers here ^ tlS^\wx' vs^KKVA H?S?OLDE> WM urday afternoon while hunting. NOTICE OF SUMMONS Tr. and Mrs. George R. Foulke The defendant, lteva li. Holden. wM( ri u i i_a j ? i. , take notice that an action as anov BHB tit Friday night and Saturday J1;l< hcen commenced in tlie sunerio I McClellansville, S. C. with court of Hrunswick County, Nortl* Carolina. divorce on the wound-, W Uds. 0f tvvo years separation. Said defend fiss Elizabeth Akerman re- ;? .? will further take notice that s?u , . r-? i is required to appear at the nitin ned to Elberton, Ga. Friday ot- u,e chM-k of the Superior Cour' sr spending sometime with the ?>f said county at ti.e Courthouse in Smith port. X. C. on or l?efore the *? US. day of March. and answer o * *u in tho i-oinnlaint III said actlotijj^^H^H teverena j. k. rous, 01 ? cA?.... i..r or t,u' plaintiff will apply for t, was a calloi here Saturday i-etier ?hnminUMl in sahi complaint. 1 rning* enroute to Waccamaw This the 7 ?iny of February. 1938. >re he held sen-Ices Sunday , 1 " M' ' ",t 1IIII JM8B Mules Arrived Today j I i Finest Car Of Mules You've Ever l iONS?(Both one and Two Horse) $|H Smith & Co. 1 . - - NORTH CAROLINA |9 ? HCKiCKgMlilClgMKgKinHtMggKKintglCIIKKKM^W ?