!>st Of The News \11 The Time rtE TEN NO. 1 ,(ration In jnty Closes bis Saturday. Wishing To PartiIn Either The cratic Or RepubliPrimary Must ReThis Week ^ OFFICIALS OR TOWNSHIPS 1 [ion Books Will Be it Voting Places unty Up To Satr; Next Week For Challenge 1 marks the deadline < ation of voters for the ^ l June 4, and all citiig to participate in the i that date must be ! ered before the end of ' mary in Brunswick ' be of unusual interest j for Republican candieveral offices will seek j on the rival tickets of candidates who will . in the usual manner. May 28. is challenge '' iturday, June 4, is the * primary election. ? itration books will be :h voting place in the Saturday, May 21, and iys this week may be - ? ~ fAoi/Ionna nr nlqpp IBound at uic i50i????v ? i If business of the registrar in ( lis respective precinct. | Hoods Creek: Mrs. Geo. O. Kay-lord, Registrar; G. W. Lenfcwn. (D) Judge; L M. Jacobs (R) | Leland: R. C. Holmes. RegisItrar: S. A. Sue (D) Judge; Dex- ' Iter Raynor (R) Judge. I Town Creek; W. C. Savage (Registrar; J. N. Sewell (D) I Judge; J. H. Mills (R) Judge; (Geo. R. Foulke, Jr. Clerk; D. R. Loiinson, Jr. Clerk. T Bolivia; L. J. McKeithan, Registrar; D. L. Mercer (D) Judge; IH. L. Willetts '(R) Judge; Mrs. [a. R. Mercer Clerk. I | Southport; Mrs. Lillian Caison c Registrar: Thomas St. George * (Di Judge: Lester Davis (R) 8 Judge: W. S. Davis Clerk; W. I H. Walker Clerk. v r Mosquito: J. E. Gilbert Regis- 4 trar: Johnie Swain (D) Judge; r Elwood Clemmons (R) Judge. Supply. Charlie Caison Regis- x trar; Edgar Holden (R) Judge; r Gilbert Brown (D) Judge. c Secession: S. O. Hewett Regis- ? (Continued on page 4) 1 [Little Bits || | Of Big News ! News Events Of State, | - W a a ??r* I _ | Nation and Wona-wiae Interest During Past Week I Transferred I Major Ralph Millis, for the past two and a he If years United State district engineer at WilBmington. has been transferred to Teaneck ,N. J., War department, orders Wednesday provided, acMcording to an Associated Press Washington dispatch. His suc cessor here has not yet been an nounced. Major Millis said he has not yet received official word of Ittie transfer but had previously been informed he might be assigned to duty as instrrotor of national guard engineers. lConvicts Recaptured Three condemned convicts ] who escaped before dawn I Tuesday from the Richland (Columbia) county jail were recaptured the same afternoon and tonight several | niiies north of here. George Wingard, 19, of Columbia, I and Herbert Moorman, 41, of I Detroit, Mich., were taken I about sundown after a 300I yard chase along a creek . bank and two hours later I Clayton Crans of Rochester, J -1"'- Y., was apprehended in I 'he satjne vicinity. The trio, J who \..,y Leon McKeithan, assistant to Skipper Watts, and the turtleigg hunt was on. Scarcely had he party traveled a mile up he beach in the direction of cj 2ape Fear light before the tell- ^ ale tracks of an inbound turtle vere discovered in the sand. A cj ihort search revealed the mother* ?"v f Vio nortv ? urtie on ner ixeav, ou v**? ^ u vithdrew to wait until she had H satisfied herself that she had in- j aired the existance of the next feneration of young turtles. It was a long wait, and the ligh tide was constantly getting tj ower. Before the turtle had de- ^ :ided to call it quits and return :o her patural habitat, the water n n the creek was at a questionible low level. t ^ With the party safely aboard, j Captain Watts decided to have ^ i try at the homeward trip; so . le took off. Most of the trea- 1 :herous, winding cshannel was last when a high sand bar rea- ^ :hed up and grabbed the bow of j. :he boat, and farward progress ?me to an abrupt halt. (Continued on page 4) 0 Mew York Paper 4n Interested Heref< r the remainder of the month, Thursday, May 19, Winnabow (Continued on page 4) Local Boat Res Carrier Pigec Outward bound and at a point two miles off shore the sport fishing boat "Buddy" of S. I. Burris, Captain George Floyd, yesterday answered a SOS and rescued a storm swept carrier pigeon. The bird at a point two hundred feet on the port side of the fishing craft, made its own distress signals. The crew noticed it beating its wings mightily, vainly attempting to rise from the water. Floating, but unable to swim, it was evidently trying to reach the boat. The Buddy put about and headed back to pick it up, the mate standing in the cockpit with a bailing net as the boat rolled close up. The Jaflding pet was not peeded# ATE 1 J News paper In Southport, N. CM Wed Great Interest Is ] Being Shown In The Baby Show Event Will Be Staged Next ^ Thursday Under Sponsorship Of Members Of Circle Members Of Trinity Methodist Church VOTING NOW IN p PROGRESS HERE * Cards Have Been Placed , In Two Drug Stores And 1 Votes For Popularity Of Babies Are Pouring In There is considerable local interest in the Baby Show which , is being sponsored by circle mem- lr bers of the Trinity Methodist hi church next Thursday. hi Already voting is in progress d| for the selection of the most a< popular babies in town, and the official voting places are the two ? drug stores. . The following babies have been entered in the contest: Patsy Burris, Harriett Corlette, Dannie Danford, Roy C. Daniel, L. Clark Fergus, Jr., Robert Galloway, s| Dannie Harrelson, Gloria Lee 0 Hewett, Jaque barling Larsen, Mary Anne Loughlin, Dickie Mar- ? shall, Mary Minta Mintz, Ger- J3 , trude Gause McNeil, Charlene , Newton, Jerry Newton, Herbert Oberjahnn, Elizabeth Parker, ? 11 Charles C. Parker, Mary Ann | ? i kuss, rsiine oanuers, ii aiicy juiic Swann, Joe Elwood Swain, Billie Watts White, Karen Marie ? Swann, James Walton Willis, Julia Elizabeth Wolfe, Joe Anne P Sutton, James Marion Lewis, ^ Peter William Larsen, Bruce H. ' Ludlum, Joseph Your.g, III. Capture Stills ? In This County Federal Alcohol Tax Unit e Officers Staged A Sue- j si cessful Raid In Bruns- t< wick County Monday, v Capturing Two Stills J Two stills, one in full opera- r! tion and the other being fired li up for a run, were seized in the l? Pheonix section of Brunswick L county Monday morning by fed- P eral alcohol tax unit operatives N from Wilmington. Three negroes taken in the two f< raids were bound over to federal court in $300 bond each following hearings before U. S. j D Commissioner Porter Hufham. ti At one still, agents said, they d arrested Mose Robbins and Heze- J; kiah Cobb. They seized 35 gal- 2, Ions of whiskey and 400 gallons ir of fermented mash. a At the other still, agents said, n they arrested James L. Cobb, who n had several hundred gallons of j mash and was preparing to make a run. c: Useful Gifts ? Hospital Day a Visitors At Brunswick Couni ty Hospital Thursday J Afternoon Brought Varie- jj ty Of Useful Articles A number of visitors called at | | the Brunswick County Hospital ^ Thursday, bringing useful gifts . for the institution. Among the articles received i were pillow cases, sheets, wash cloths, bureau covers, table cov- S . ers, towels and a tea wagon, i The doners were Mrs. J. Berg, Miss Annie May Woodside, Mrs. > C. Ed. Taylor, Mrs. James M. Harper, Jr., Mrs. Price Furpless, i Mrs. B. J. Holden, Mrs. E. R. j Outiaw, Mrs. J. A. Dosher, Mrs. j R. L. Jones, Mrs. H. H. Thomas, h (Continued on page 4) ? scues Tired in From Waves > f; for as the prow of the boat t glided alongside the bird, \ with a half jump and half I flight managed to rise from c the water and reach the for- c ward deck. 1 By the time the crew got c forward it was already asleep c on the deck. In a couple of e hours it was aparently entire- t ly recovered, drinkihg and r eating ravenously of everything given it. It was evi- 1 dently blown from its course I by the recent storm and be- J came exhausted in its efforts J to reach land. The right leg J has a metal band with < 288 AU 37 MAC. On the ( left leg is a sealed rubber i container with the numerals ( 217T. The oird will be liber- ' ated Friday. J 1 P0R1 A Good Comr nesday, May 18th, 1938 lower Show To | Feature Meeting " Of Federation !ounty-Wide Flower Show Will Be Held At Shallotte School Friday Afternoon Preceeding Evening Meeting '1CNIC SUPPER WILL BE SPREAD nteresting Program Has Been Prepared For The Evening Session Following The Show In Afternoon The County Federation Meetig 4-H club service club and ome demonstration clubs will be j eld at Shallotte School on Friay, May 20. The public is cordilly invited. The Federation features a c ower show beginning at 4 o'clock, tl . picnic supper at 7 o'clock and n short program of entertainment t 8 o'clock. Mrs. Estelle T. n mith. Dist. agent, will be chief peaker. The Bolivia-Antioch lub will present a short play 1 nd musical numbers will include solo by Mrs. Harry Corlette, of outhport, a Male quarted from ongwood and Group singing. _ Service Club Officers will pre- ide. Everyone is invited to bring long a basket and join the fun. i 1UD exnioits supplementing W1C|| 'lower entries will be as follows: | .sh, a tray for a sick room, ~ Ixum, floral designs; Tiland, osters featuring flowers; North /est, a collection of Native hrubs and evergreens, labeled; 'hoenix, Odd and Unusual Conliners with flower arrangements, outhport, a miniature garden; hallotte, A luncheon table; Town Ireek, recommended literature on lowers and home beautification; /innabow a collection of wild lowers, labeled General chairman of the flowr show is Mrs. J. E. Dodson, asisting on the following commitjes are: House, Mrs. Lillian Olier, chairman, Mrs. Ernest Parer; Posters and placards, Mrs. . E. Dodson, chairman, Mrs. BurIss Russ; registration, Miss Sale B. Knox, chairman, Mrs. Charis Russ; arrangement, Mrs. acy Bennett, chairman, Mrs. reston Henry, Mrs. Carl Ward, [rs. Henry Verzaal. / Entries will be made in the " jllowing classifications: Class A Artistic arrangeme.it: 1. Roses, Sweetpeas, Poppy, iaisy, Zennia, Verbena, Nastur- I um, Larkspur, Petunia, Snap- j B ragon, Phlox, Gladiolus, Cape asmine, Lilies, Shrubs, Others; . arrangement suitable for dinig room; 3. arrangements suitble for living room; 4 arrange lent suitable for hall; 5. arrangelent suitable for porch. ^ Class B. Perfection of hloom: ^ Roses, pink, red, wnite, yellow, ^ ream, verigated; Sweetpeas, anual perennials; poppy, single, h( ouble; Daisies; Coriopses; Zen- . ia; Verbena; Nasturtium: Phlox; "j .arkspur; Petunia; Snapdragon; f lladiolus; Cape Jasmine; Lilly? lr ny variety; others. Class C. Potted plants; ? 1. Non-flowering plants, any ariety; 2. Flowering plants, ? lactus: Geranium; Begonia; Oxa- b s; Lillies; others. ir Wen Of Church J To Meet Sunday ? ipring Associational Meet- n ing Of Brunswick Baptist o Association Will Be Held e. Sunday & The spring associational meet- f< ng of the Baptist churches of the f< Srunswick association will be eld at Mt. Pisgah church Sun- lay. May 22, at 3 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting is I o get the pastors and laymen ogether to discuss matters reating to our church work in the issociation and make plans for he improvement of our work, so ir as possible. The pastors from he churches in the association vill discuss special topics in the >rogram indicated herewith and ipportunity will be given for dis,'ussion of any phases of work n the association, by any presint. All members of the Baptist ihurches, or members of any oth;r churches of any denominaion, will be welcomed at this neeting. Program topic is: "Every Man Unlisted in the Work of the jord", 3 o'clock song and praise; 1:10, Jesus Taught Men; 3:30, lesus Gave Men Work to Do; t:50, music; 3:55, Work that Men Dught To Do, 1 In Our Churches 15 minutes); 2 In our communties (15 minutes); 4:25 How 3an We Enlist Our Men To Serve? 4:30 music; 4:50 Will our tlen Answer the Call? , r Pit nunity ; PUBLIS For Coroner ? H \^l M. A. NORTHROP?Is a andidate for the Demoratic nomination for Coroer in the Democratic prilary on June 4. \dvises That F Be Ended I * Speaking Dates For Two Parties II Politics continues to hold the center of the stage in the interest of Brunswick county citizens, and both the Democratic and Republican candidates have speaking engagements scheduled for this week. Democratic meetings will be held Friday night at Leland; Saturday night at Battle Royal; Monday night at Upper School; Wednesday night at Peterson's store. Republican candidates will meet Thursday night at Mill Creek; Friday night at Leonard Skipper's store; Monday night at Maco; Tuesday night at the schoolhouse at Mt. Pisgah and Wednesday night at Gore's store. bounty Council Will Meet Here runswick County Council Of Home Demonstration Clubs Will Be In All-Day Session Here Next Wednesday The County Council of Home emonstration Clubs will meet ; Southport Wednesday, June 1, jginning at 10 o'clock in the lorning. All Club members will ; welcomed since the program icludes two interesting demonnations in which they may be iteresting. However the officers nd Foods leaders are urged to ttend as well as the County hairman of each project. "Program planning" is the leme of this meeting, and will e followed by a demonstration i "Re-upholstering" by Miss auline Gordon, of Raleigh. This ;sson . will not be repeated in >cal clubs, so any person desirlg information on re-upholstering leir old furniture should make n effort to attend. Members will spread their picic lunch at 1 o'clock and at 2 'clock. Miss Mary E. Thomas, ^tension foods specialist, will ive a demonstration of "Cottage heese" which will be in the )rm of a training school for >ods leaders. Any foods leaders (Continued on page 4) Dbject Of This NewF Skipper H. T. Bowmer, versatile in his desire to give service to the fishing patties that go out on his- boat, wants all sport fishing boats at Southport to get together one day this week, equip themselves with shrimp trawl and chains and go out in a body to search for the wreck of the Virginia, a huge freighter that went down many years ago in about 25 feet of water, eight miles or more off shore. This wreck is not chartered, but once or twice in the distant past a fisherman has happened on it by chance and made a haul that has created legends that the Virginia is j the greatest trout fishing spot on the Atlantic Coast. A year or two ago a JocaJ | ,0T HED EVERY WEDNESDA For Recorder HERBERT M. POTTERIs seeking the nominatioi for Judge of Recorder' Court on the Republicai ticket in the primary, Juni 4th. 'aralysis May ^mong Oysters Dr. Z. P. Metcalf, Stati College Professor of Zoo logy, Says That Killin) ? ? ? ttf'tl TV TL Mud-CraDs win uo i m Trick MUD CRABS HAVE VERY LITTLE VALUI These Shellfish Are Host To Parasites That Threaten Future Of Oyster Industry On This Coast A method for controlling th sporozoan parasite attackin oysters in North Carolina coaati waters has been advanced by D: Z, P. Metcalf, professor of zo< logy at North Carolina Stat College. Simply kill the mud crat which carry the parasite, advii ed Dr. Metcalf. An account of the parasit menace to oysters was given th North Carolina Academy < Science meeting at State Colleg last week by Dr. H .F. Prythercl director of the government mai ine laboratory at Beaufort. Mu crabs act as hosts to the pare sites, which give birth to th sporozoans, he stated. Germs are carried through th water to the oysters, paralyzln the open-and-shut mechanism t the bivalves. The oysters are lei prey to natural enemies and vil (Continued on page 4) Name Candidates For Health Queei Winner Of Annual 4-1 Club Health Oueen Titl Will Be Crowned A Federation Meeting O Friday The folowing girls were selec ed by Mrs. Lou H. Smith, Count Health Nurse, as scoring higl est in the preliminary 4-H Healt contest: Lillie Rogers, Odell Smitl Catherine Willetts. Dorothy R( binson, Nellie Galloway, Edit Sellers. The final examination will t given by Dr. L. C. Fergus, fre of charge to the girls on Thuri day, May 19. One junior and one senior het 1th queen will be chosen an crowned at the federation meel ing at Shallotte, May 20. Search Is 'ishing Grounc shrimper strayed out of the beaten paths with his trawl and happened up on this wreck with his net. Of course, the net got hung on the wreck and was practically ruined. However, most of the beg was finally pulled up, and it was found to be entirely full of huge trout. Captain Bowmer proposes that the ^wreck be definitely located and a marker placed there. He, and other boatmen, all believe that it will be a rich treasure for the sportsmen if it is so found and marked. The boats of Bingo Burris, the Watts Brothers, the Arnolds and Captain Edward Nelson are all understood to be eager to join in the undertaking to locate and mark the wreck of tie Virginia. The Pilot Covers Brunswick County t $1.50 PER YEAR Democrats Hold I Convention And I Re-Elect Mintz I Brunswick County Register B Of Deeds Is Named To I Succeed Himself As The H Chairman Of County Ex- S ecutive Committee fl W. B. CAMPBELL IS . I PRINCIPAL SPEAKER I Indication Is That There H Will Be A Large Delegat- 0 ion From Here At The Jg State Convention In B Raleigh M Brunswick county Democrats I met Saturday afternoon In the I Bolivia high school auditorium C and re-elected R. I. Mintz, Bruns- fl wick county register of Deeds, to B - the office of chairman of the 1| 1 Democratic executive committee. H S Mrs. J. L. Stone, of Shaliotte, B j was named vice-chairman and B George P. Ward, of Ash, was H named secretary. B Principal speaker for tne oc- B " casion was W. B. Campbell, city H attorney of Wilmington, who B brought a stirring talk to the fl enthusiastic members of his audi- B , ence. His address elicited much H i favorable comment fl Largely due to the enthusiasm H . created by Mr. Campbell's talk, H there was an indication the Bruns- ^b wick county will be well repre- H * sented at the Democratic state !H s convention in Raleigh Thursday, and it was decided to designate H all regular Brunswick county De- B mocrats in attendance at the convention as delegates. Brunswick county is entitled to 18 s votes in the convention. H One item of business transacted at the convention was a re- M solution to request each candl. date for member of the North IB Carolina General Assembly to JKj e name the members of the county board of education next year for 2. 4 and 6 year terms, the ap- IB pointment being made in const- B r. deration of-the number votes re) ceived by the candidates. The re- IB e solution also asked that no ad- IB ditional member be added to the 'H is board. fl i- H I Forestry Meet I In Wilmington I Meeting To Be For Best fl Interest Off All Who Are fl ,e Either Directly Or In- B directly Affected By Our Hj e Forestry Program 9 g 9 if The North Carolina Fonestry ft Association, the State Forester's ^B r- Oft ice, and the Agricultural Ex- BW tension Service of State College ^B are sponsoring a Cooperative- ^B Forestry Meeting to be held at H| ; Wilmington, Thursday, May '26. ^B The meeting will be held with -' the cooperation of the Wilming- IB ,1 ton Chamber of Commerce, the county agricultural agents in the Ifl nearby counties, representatives * nf the lumber and nulowood in- j^B * dustries, timber owners, and far- U * mers for the purpose of creating n a broader Interest in the development, management, and use of ^K the forest land and forest re- IH sources of eastern North Carolina. KB y How we use our timber re- IK sources is a question of vital ^Bj h importance to both the economical and social welfare of all Jjfl i. classes of citizens alike whether HK ' they be farmers, industrial opera- ^E9 h tors of workers, commer< ",;il men or professional people. The basic IC source of income must not dry MB 'e (Continued on Page 4) H J- ; .BB TideTable 1 Following la the tide table 11 for South port daring the next j H week. These hours are appro- I H ximately correct and were far- ill nished The State Fort Filet IK I through the courtesy of the |]3E * Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tlds Low Tide H TIDE TABLE I Thursday, May 19 [ BB 10:47 a. m. 4:07 a. ni. HSR 11:10 p. in. 4.01 p. m. HH Friday, May 20 K 11:32 a. m. 5:40 a. m. I^K p jo. kM Saturday, May 21 ']K 11:54 a. m. 6:26 a. m. IfiH 12:22 p. m. 6:30 p. m. H Sunday, May 22 EH 12:41 a. m. 7:13 a. m. C 1:15 p. m. 7:28 p. m. E^K Monday, May 23 J ^H 1:34 a. m. 8:07 a. m. IK 2:12 p. m. 8:30 p. m. HI Tuesday, May 24 i^H 2:32 a. ni. 8:59 a. m. I^K 3:10 p. m. 9:32 p. m. 1KB Wednesday, May 25 HH| 3:28 a. m. 9:52 ai 4:07 p. m. 10:32 pi m.E2S