I Sales On Monday I Best Of Seasoi I Over 850,000 Pounds O H Tobacco Sold Monday B; K Three First Sales, Super visor M. S. Smith Report I The sales on the Whiteville To I t8CCo market Monday were bes j tne season as 85u,000 pound B e sold on three first sales to .y highest prices yet recorded ;?ys Supervisors M. S. Smith re I ported just before this paper wen '"jraitn said that the market wa si:;rigei than at any day thi v.,3r "on all grades and a grea quantity of high quatity tobacc I v-5s soid for fancy prices. Com ..ftition was keen among the buy j't? and the floors were clearei mis afternoon. With today's sales, the loca . ,:Ktt forged ahead of last year' wt3i on the same number of sale ,,vs by approximately 2,000.00 pounds. Tobacco poured int ivhiteville over the week-eni H lr0ni a wide radius, coming fron I Chatham County, Kinston, Golds H Kro and as far north as Danville According to Supervisor Smlti 13 mere have been no block sale I jn the Whiteville market to date whereas rumors have it tha I many of the Border Beit market H have had blocks of 3 and 4 day: I The local market is making U3 H cf ah the available seling tim I this year he said which account H in part for the increase in sales I Last year because of the rapidit' H of sales, much of the availabl' I selling time was not used. K Typical of some of last week' ^B sales on the local market ar I me following: J. P. Gore, Na kina, 690 lbs, at 34 cents, S234.2C -- . , ij, m. nancisuii, v/a xu(??*uk TOO lbs at 32 cents, $224.00. F W. Rav, of Mollie, 700 lbs. at 3: cents, $231.00. A great number of piles of to haeco weighing around 700 lbs were on the market today a farmers competed for the $10 cas.' award given each sales day fo the heaviest pile of tobacco. Th $25 cash award given to the hold er of the lucky ticket each da; is also creating considerable in terest. Brunswick Escapee Held hi Jail Heri Alex McAlister, negro, who wa arrested by Whiteville police fo being drunk Friday and lodge b the county jail, is an escape H ;lu HI< I jil I 5j Sales Monday, Ai I t Previously sold tl Total Sales Tt | SALES FIRST 8 | SALES FIRST 8 While these a I S er prices; Merely I ? co know the quali I | Remember this: I I ket?A popular it 1 A Gr< I ? Jdfara^majeagigfaffiiareia II LUMBERTOt 11 Market Ha 11 Increased It 11 Sales 27 Per C 11 Over Last Y< | ggiBJBiagjg/BJZfBjaraiaia 17, 1938 'Says Country Has i Too Much Gov'mt f Ford Motor Company Offi-! Y cial Says That The Blame for Too Much Govern*! s ment On People Them' selves i 1 In a recent radio talk W. J. \ s Cameron of the Ford Mptor Com-! * pany made a statement in which he places the blame on the people t for too much government in oujr daily life. His statement follows: g | "There need be no recriminag' tlons?if there is blame, it rests t! with all of us. The situation in 01 our nation today is the logical result of fallacies we as a people | have been nursing for forty years. j We have formed the habit of j being entirely beyond its sphere I and, as a result, administrators of j g government have contracted from ! s us the habit of trying to be someg thing that they are not and cannot be." a I think we can agree with Mr. j I Cameron that administrators of I government have been quick to respond alike to the voice of the l masses and to the clamor of minorities seeking service from | government that a self-reliant j people might perform for them-1 selves. ( | The result of this system has! ^ I reduced us as a nation to a condi| tion of dependency unknown heretofore in this land of the free, s ~ . i ii Mr. uameron is correct in y his analysis of present conditions e and if regimentation is what we have been asking for, we should be satisfied; for we are now most s assuredly controlled in almost e every act of life, business and pri-1 vate. l. I am not critical of reasonable >, regulations. All of us need to conform in many ways for the 3 benefit of society, but should we not seek relief from too drastic j government control and managej. |ment of agriculture, business and s not strive to make use of the exh i perience and knowledge of the r many trained minds in each of e these occuptations, gradualy re . suming independence of though y and action, while at the same! . time seeking to work out our business salvation in close cooperation with our follows, in whichever field we earn a living? > convict from Brunswick county, city police were advised here s! yesterday. r State highway division officers d said they would send to White(j ville for him. t-RADF. B MBE W-V 4 ' fA CHER 1938 ; Jgust 15 838,968 P< lis season ....5,244,390 P( lis Season ... 6,083,058 Pr DAYS 1938 6,083,( I DAYS 1937 4,7S1,J iverages are high they ai r to show the trend of tl ty of the leaf in the war! Your best indication of larket is a growing marl >wing Mar] HIGH M i paiiM?? t ? ' pwrn rSzjg/g f ^ uM ISIZISIS I ? --- /gjgl^lgjgjgfSJSfgIg]2ISJZTiBJZISlZISJZfi THE STATE PI The merchants of this county will be interested in the following item: It seems that in New Jersey recently a young grocer faced a crisis. He was out of money, his creditors were pushing him, and his back was to the wall, However, on his book3 he had $2,700 owing him, a sufficient amount to carry on his business. But the accounts were slow and there was little hope of collecting enough to keep the sheriff from the door. His ingenuity saved him. First he put a sign on his door to this effect. "Notice: Owing to bad debts, this store is forced to close." Beneath were three columns?one for the names of the debtors, one for their address and the third for t9ie amount owed. Seven names were already on the list. The plan worked like a charm. His debtors poured in writh the cash, or a stout promise to pay in 24 hours. A farmer from the Bolton section admonished the hired boy recently, "why are ye comin' home with your milk pail empty? Didn't the old cow give anything?" The pei'son who told us the difference between a father and a mother recently obviously had a deep insight into human nature. "A father is one who is afraid that every young fellow who calls at the house is trying to marry his daughter, "he said" and a mother is one who is afraid that he is not." A prominent youth imbibed too freely recently ntid found himself within the arm of (lit* law. Ah the officer took him in charge the youth shouted, "But officer, you can't arrest me. I come from one of the best families in Columbus County." "That's all right, nuddy," replied the officer, "I'm arresting you for breeding purposes." TONSILECTOMIS At the tonsil clinic held Monday at the Bmnswick county hospital operations were performed 011 the following: William Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Moore, Winnabow; Karen Marie Swann and Nancy Jane Swann, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Swann, of Southport; nedell Clemmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Clemmons, Bolivia; Jeimie Elizabeth Cannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cannon. Bolivia. jafgiH^rgjaiarifHrafajasraiBJafHia Y GRA :rt YS nn i n f Kll_ 5ALES )unds $1,319,967.37 )iinds $ 226,048.55 nmds $1,546,015.92 )58 Pounds < 102 Pounds *e not exhibited as an le market. Every man leouse determines tht higher prices is the p< <et .... ket Is Alv fARKET ISFACTION | j i ' i 11 3RT PILOT, SOUTHPORT; 1 ATTENDS MEETING E. R. Weeks, city tax collec' tor, attended the convention ol ' j the league of municipalities held 1 j last week in Asheville. | CONDITION IMPROVED Friends will be glad to learr ;! that Miss Wiima Barnett, dauj ghter of Captain and Mrs. W. H [Barnett, is much improved from 1 her recent serious illness. ,1 MONUMENTS ; I AM AGENT FOR Palmer Stone Works j ' The South's Largest And Most Modern Monumental Factory | J. D. SUTTON SOl'THPORT, N. C. Curly Top Beauty Shop 121 Market St. WTUMINGTO.V, N. C. Special On Permanent# ! Fine and Gray Hair, regular $6.50 value for $3.50 Duart all types of hair, regular $6.00 value for $3.50 , Oil Permanents- good for children $2.50 : Truart Permanents $1.50 j End Curls $2.00 ! MRS. S. S. HAG WOOD, Mgr. LEGALS ENTUY NOTICE Entry No. 284J Mary Eliza Phelps. Emma T. White, .lames W. Thompson. Annie T. liro.wn, .Marlily Fisher William SOU, IMIZUUClll neigri. nuicin,. >,<. eger. and Horace I). Glover, by Horace l>. Glover, enters two (-,) acres, more or less, of vacant and unappropriated land in Southport, County. North Carolina, bounded on the North by the Southern line of \V. Hay Street, on the east by a liii" projected between Gertrude Loughlin and the Thompson heirs, soutwani to the Intra Coastal Canal, on the South by the Intra Coastal Canal and on the west by (he w?v tern line of Caswell Street, projee1 ted southward to the Intra Coastal ! Canal. ! This the .10th day of July, 19.18. it. I. M1NTZ. 8-31 e Kx-Officlo Entry Taker. FORI i I 081 RE SALE <>i It DA 1< K ST ATI: MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of llie power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed made ami executed I by Harriett Williams, Louise L. Wil, Hams Lee. and husband. J. E. l*ee. to T. H. Williams. Mortgagee, for $720.00. dated the 20th day of Jan., 1 1934. duly recorded in Hook No. 58. I at I'age 45, in the office of the | Register of Leeds of Brunowick County, to which reference Is hcrej by especially., made. Default having zrajararagjgreJHiHJHrajajEjaaarra >E f 0N ' I Average $25.16 Average $27.00 3 Average $25.42 | SAIN IN SALES 27. Per Gent ' ? indication of high- ja 1 that grows tobac- s ; market average. Dpnlarity of a marrays A | lis Is The Fourth | cessive Year The | UMBERTON 1 MARKET HAS | SHOWN AN J INCREASE! J uaajHrafBfg/araiaatHJHja/Bre S S'OftTH CAROLINA T 1 been made in the payment of the . indebtedness therein described, the undersigned T. H. Williams. Jr.. adf mlnistrator qf. X- H. Williams, deceased. will offer for sale at public [ auction to the highest bidder for I cash at the courthouse door In the City of Southport. and the County of Brifnawiok, on Saturday, Apgnst 27th, 1958 at 12 o'clock noon, the following, des. cribed piece or parcel of land lying and . being in Brunswick county. * North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a Holly In the edge l of Dry Leaf Branch{ *htj.ice North 9 degrees east U. to a wqter oak. William Groves corner; thence with nls line n^i'th 80 ,de. grees West 28 poles to a stake; thence South 39 degrees west 105 poles to a stake, W. E. lioudinot's corner;, thence with his line, south : 22 degrees east 4G poles to the edge of Dry Leaf Branch; thence with I the edge of Dry Leaf Branch, to the beginning, containing fifty (50) acres. more or less. Also that other tract of land adjoining the foregoing tract, and beginning at a pine, John ilintz corner; runs thence south 9 degrees 64 poles to a forked Bay Tree in the edge of Dry Leaf Branch; thence I down the edge of said Dry Leaf j Branch to the Howell Branch; i thence up the said Howell Branch to i John Mintz's line;, thence with said! .John Mintz .line to the beginning, saving and excepting several small tracts heretofore conveyed to various parties, carved out of the said tracts but leaving in the tract hereby conveyed forty-six (46) acres. j Dated and posted, this the 26th day of July. 1938. ! 'C. H. WILLIAMS, Administrator of estate of T. H. Williams, deceased. S. B. Frink. Attorney. 8-24-c YOTICK~Of S'AlifoF HEAL ESTATE By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Edna Fields Loftin to Kate K. Marks, ou the 3rd day of July. 1936, to secure three promisory notes of even date therewith for One Hundred Twenty-seven A 50-100 ($127.50) Dollars, bearing in- I .terest Jrora date, at the rate of six' per cent per annum, due and payable on-tfcie first note due and payable March 8, 1937. second note due and payable November S. 1037. third note due aiul payable July 3rd, 1938: said .mortgage, being recorded in i Book No. 5fJ Page 411, in the Office of -the Register of Deeds of Bruns- i wick County, North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment of j Haid Promifiory- notes ut their rnaturi- ' ly. the undersigned will expose for 1 sale at public auction to the highest f bidder for cash, at the Courthouse | door in the Town of Southport, N. C. on Monday. August 22. 1938. at 12 o'clock noon, the following realSA I.E OF LAW 1 Notice is hereby given that L hu Described real estate situated within Southport, N. C? to satisfy Taxes due and will sell same to the highest bi said City at 11 o'clock A. At.. Sep! | according to law. ^ ^ WHITE J Name. De|<*., of prof i Mrs. J. J. Adams 1 fcwamp harden 1 I .1. S. Aldridge 1 lot Brunswick St. Phillip Allen Water Skirt Mae Anderson 1 lot Brunswick St | .Mr8. Annie Arnold Est. 1 lot Brunaw George Arpold 1 lot West St I James Arnold 1 lot Brunswick St I J. C. Arnold 1 lot Brown & 1 Bay St. J. J. Arnold 1 lot Spt. Hgts J. N. Arnold 1 lot West St S. V. Atkinson 2 lots Spt. Heights .... Mrs. Rebecca Autrv 1 lot West & Atla Mrs. Betsy Ballard 1 lot Brunswick .w , Bank of Hanover 2 lots No. 11 12 Bunk of Southport i lot Clarendon W. H. Barnette 1 lot Bay St H. T. Bell 1 lot Atlantic Ave. Alleto & Ruth Boyette 1 lot Lord St. W. J. Brooks. A. M McKoy. D. Vau( Spt. Heights Dr. R L. Brown 1 lot Atlantic _ .\ve. . John W. Bryan 1 lot Brunswick Ave. S. J. Bursas 1 lot Water Styja John G. Caison 1 lot Nash i T. 13. Carr fist. 1 lot Bruns. St Caswe! Central Commercial Co. 1 lot St. Gee , Mrs. C. H. Chamblee & Marsh 1 lot J. B. Church 1 lot Moore & Lord 2 Spt. Heights Allanl Clemmons 5 lots Spt. Heights L. W. Clemmons 1 lot Howe Mrs. Sabra Cooker 1 lot Brunswick H. C. Corlette 1 lot Bay 1 lot Wate C. M. Crapon 1 lot Moore J. N. V. Crawford It.Jot Bay St. B H. Creech 1 lot Howe Si Brown J. 8. Crowley 1 lot Brunswick N A. Currie 1 lot Moore Mrs. Adria A. Dallas, 1 lot Bay D. M. Davis 2 lots Howe. 1 Bay Mrs. Fannie G. Davis 1 lot Caswell ,S. P. Davis 1 lot West St. Atlantic Lucy Dixon 1 lot Spt. Heights George Doshier fist, l lot West & Ci Dr. J. A. Doshier 1 lot Howe 1 Moor Mary A. Doshier 2 lots Caswell 2 Smi Richard Doshier Est. 1 lot Clarendon. 2 Rhett 1 Boundary & Clarendon Weeks T. Hoyle Dosher & Wife 1 lot Moore I T Hoyle Dosher 1 lot Burlington Edwin Dozier 1 lot Nash Gladys Dozier 1 lot West Airs. Gertrude Drew Heirs 1 lot Lord H.. L. Drew 1 lot Leonard T. M. Raman 1 lot Howe Jasper Evans 1 City lot - Mrs. Joseph Fariedo 1 lot Spt- Heigh George Floyd 1 lot Dry Fodale Bros. Waterekirt C. A. Ford 1 lot Arnold Alley Mrs. Almira Farrester 1 lot Atlantic . W. B. Fountain 1 lot Spt; Heights I Mrs. W. A, French 1 lot su. ueurgr . I Mary E. Fulcher Est. 1 lot "Dry I Mrs J. W. Full wood 1 lot West Lewis Fullwood l lot Burlington I Thomas Fullwood 1 lot Clarendon \V. T. Fullwood 1 lot Dry I James Furpless 1 lot Turlington I Dr. W. C. Galloway Water Front I W. M. Gay Est. 1 lot West I Mrs. Margaret Guthrie 1 lot Lord & > I Mrs. Viola Guthrie 1 lot Dry I Mrs. Mary G. Hewett 1 lot Brown I John Holder. Est. 1 lot Spt. Heights I Jot? I ah Holt 1 lot Howe I H W. Hood 1 lot Atlantic I James R. Hood 1 lot West I Mrs. John Jenrett 1 lot Atlantic I Jocelyn Co. 1 lot .West ? I Geneve Jones & Son 1 lot Spt. Heigh I Jonnie Jones 1 lot Back Alley I Rebecca Jones Eft. 1 lot Ix>rd I Neils Jorgensen Est. 1 lot Dry I Willie H. Jones 1 lot Brunswick I Charses G. Kerr Est. 1 lot Atlantic . I Peter Larsen Est. 1 lot Brown I P. W. Larsen 1 lot Brown I J. O. Lennon 1 lot Atlantic I Frank Lewis Est. 1 lot West I Mrs. Jennie Lewis 1 lot Brown I Mrs. <Miriam Lewis 1 lot Lord I S. S. Lewis 1 lot Burlington I T. K. Lewis 1 lot Dry J W. E. Lewis 1 lot Spt. Heights I Lindsey & Berg 1 lot Howe - I T. H. Lindsey 1 lot Howe 1 Howe & I T. H. Lindsey Trustee 1 lot Smith & II Hiiro. Ruth Lucas 1 lot Brunswick 11 Mrs. A. T. McKeithan 1 lot Howe 1 S I M. A. McKeithan Eat. 1 lot BrunawiI John R. McRacken Est. 1 lot Spt. Heig & Nash 1 Howe 11W. C. Manson 1 lot Lord & West I L. A- Marsh 1 lot Spt. Heights I R. H. Maultsby 1 lot Atlantic I Howe II A. B. Mercer 1 lot Spt. Heights .. M. B. Mintz Est. 1 lot West St .. I Mrs. Mamie S. Moore 1 lot Atlantic I Dr. T. V. Moore 1 lot Caswell Ave. . I W. B. Moore 1 lot Clarendon Ave I Neighborhood Store 1 lot West St I Ed C, Newton 1 lot Leonard St I John R. Newton 1 lot West & Caswell I Miss Lottie Mae Newton 1 lot Caswel I Mrs. S. D. Newton Est. 1 lot Caswell . I Walker Newton Est. 1 lot Moore & L I Mrs. W. J. Newton 1 lot Moore ......... I J. R. Newton Heirs 1 lot Nash St. . | \V. J. Newton & Heirs 2 lots Owens J II G. H. Nicholson 1 lot Spt. Heights . I Mrs. E. S. N tern see 1 lot Moore St. I Northrop's Funeral Home 1 lot Casw? | Mrs. Lucy Northrope 1 lot Casttell A' | Mrs. Annie D. Parker 1 lot Lord St. C. E. Perry Eat. 1 lot Howe & West | Nelson Perry 1 lot Spt. Heights B. R. Phillips 1 lot City | M. M. Pigott 1 lot Howe ...... I J. A. Pinner 1 lot West & Lord 1 Bu I Mrs. Mattle Pinner 1 lot West I W. T. Pinner Est. 1, lot Dry 1 H< lot Owens & Atlantic I Mrs. J. C. Potter 2 lots Spt. Heights I John F. Potter 1 lot Brunswick | Jessie D. Price 1 lot Atlantic & Bro* I J. E. Price 1 lot Lord .. W. D. Pulley 1 lot Atlantic I John Reece 1 lot Nash I Edward. Reno .1 lot Atlantic ? I S. B. Rhodes Est. 1 lot Spt. Heights I A. M. Rice 1 lot St. George & Atlan I A. J. Bobbins 1 lot West 2 Howe V4 Int. Howe 1 Lord &. Owens 1 I *G. D. Robinson 1 lot Atlantic II Harvey Rogers 1 lot Howe .... J. W. Ruark 1 lot Nash & Atlantic . ' ' ' ? estate described in said mortgage? to-1 wft: Being all thai certain tract or par-1 eel of land in Northwest Township, | Brunswick County, X. C. and being. known and designated as lots Nos. 38. 40 41, and 42, according to a map or plan of the subdivision of "FAIR OAKS PLANTATION/' made by W. K. Allen, C. E. and more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Western edge of the right of way of the W. B. & S. Railroad, and about 60 feet South of an old cart road crossing of said Railroad: runs thence South 70 West ISO feet to 20 feet Avenue. thence along the Eastern edge of said Avenue 225 feet to a stake, thence North East about 330 feet to the Western edge of W. B. & S. Right of way, thence along the Western edge of said right of way | about 260 feet to the beginning: i excepting however, a right of way for a road 20 feet wide between lots Xos. 40 and 41 from W. B. i S. Right of Way to the aforesaid 20 fr. | Avenue, excepting also i IS ft. strip along the said right of way of said railroad tor a road as show n on the I Blue Print of the subdivision of said "FAIR OAKS PLANTATION." This 14th day of July, 1938. Kate R. Marks Mortgagee Porter Hufham, Atty. For Mortgagee FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C? date the 25th, day of July. 1938. in an action entitled* "Biunswick County versus V. T. Sullivan and wife, Lula Sullivan; A. G. Warran and wife, Mary G. Warran; Richard F. Warran. unmarried: John B. Warran and wife. Isabel Warran; W. Lawrence Warran and wife. Addle M. Warran; Mary M. Warran, widow, and Ollle Warran. widow." the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 12th, day of Sept. 1938, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, Southport, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce.. the payment of $14.61, the following described real estate, located in Towncireek Township, Brunswick County. N. C.. bounded and described as follows: All that certain parcel or tract of fand described in that certain Deed from Emma Rich Lewis to G. A. Warran. dated June 3rd, 1926, recorded in Book No. 38. at Page 385, in tlie office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County. North Carolina. to which reference is hereby especially made for a inore full and complete description. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 12th. day of August. 1938. W. J. JERGKRSKN. COMMISSIONER 9-7-c ^eFthUTdayElevied on tlie following the corporate limits of the . city of Southport for the >ear 1937. dder for cash at City Hall dooi in lember 1938. unless sooner redeemed It. Weeks, City Tax Collector. ie?tyCE Tax & c"oV lot Howe St. 1 Brunswick S -2.89 297A0 8J 8 ;?".iT*flt 13.68 " k M 17.06 10.10 23.13 1.13 17.88 lis 17.44 Tit!< - :t 7.JJ IB 1.48 [ 41.80 4.10 10.48 rhn Allen l'i- lot Brown St. i 9;31 , - ; yg ^ iy.43 II. 1 Burlington ~ 21.55 ?rge 2.58 Moore & Howe - 0.28 S. &. W. Vi Interest in 3 lots 21.47 ,.Z!I"'^~"ZZZ;ZZ!ZZZZZ!Z ii.7g rskirt 23.13 ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.I!I..I!I1,;Z" ic.'si 10.18 ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ""'Z! iol'S 83.18 .. 11.97 29.45 - - 1.79 iswell 14.75 e & Atlantic ..- 58.70 th & Weeks 1 West 8.90 1 Boundary & Brown l Bay 1 Swamp Garden 1 Smith & ppiZZZZZZZZ IZZZZZ! is! 23 2945 .ZiZZZZZZZZ^ZZZZZ"""! i.19 ? j..~ ~ G.53 - IM ZZZZZ^ZZZZZZZZZI s.2s - 53.17 14.92 ? Ml ZrZZ!"!ZZZZ"Z~ZZZZ nit - ~ ~ 10.17 zz;zzzzzzz;"z!"";!i"z"z! ZZZZIZIZZZZZZZZZZ r,.*58 ? 8.90 .'ash .. 23.13 21.5J z;~z"zzizzzzzz"... zi VAl its ZZZZZZZZZIZ^ZZZZ J'.ii . .. - 6,53 ZZZZZZZZIZZZZZZZZ 18.86 ZZZZZIIIIZZIZIZZIZIZZIZIZZIII lilri ZZ!ZZZZZZZZ!!ZZZZIIZ laici* ZZZZZ"ZZZ"!ZZ!!!ZZZZ"! 1.79 Aiiey ::z::z:zz:::zzzzzz:: 2?>7 Weeks 16.23 ..T ... 21.55 5pt. Heights 6.77 :hts i Howe & Moore i Atlantic 108.83 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz: t.h ^ZZZZZZ.ZIZ.ZZ.".Z.ZZ.' 39.02 13.65 .. .............. 1.63 I 37.36 1 & Xash - 16.81 18 39 ord'"i'w^r*8t *:::izz':::zzz... s&oe - 32.70 i Brunswick St 9.69 eiiZ^'ZZZZZZZZZZZZ" ll.'U ve. 1 Moore ? 108.96 ? 13.50 38.98 ZZ.*.ZZZZ!ZZ1Z"ZZZZZZ! 7.32 rlington i West 31.27 8.90 Dwe & Dry 1 Spt Heights 1 16.17 i - 1.79 17.60 irn 16.81 Z.ZZZZZZ.ZZZZZZZZZZ 4.16 ? 10.88 7.32 ? 2.19 Lie 3 38 1 Nash & Howe 3 Leonard Howe 152.28 ? ? - 31414 - 10.48 10.48 - PAGE THREE r B Ft. George Pit 1 lot Spt Heights,,..* - C. B. 9c D. F. St. George 1 lot Nash & Dry 6.1 U Russell St. George 1 lot West St ? - ? ? R. D. St. George 1 lot Howe & West - - - ? Luther Sellers 1 lot Dry & Brown ? ? ? 11 Mrs. Eva Mae Shepard 1 iot Nash ? ? - 2?*^^B^B| A. W. Smith 1 lot Clarendon S-SBH Isaac B. Smith Est. 1 Iot Moore & Nash - - - 34 jBHHN John E. Smith 1 lot Atlantic ? ..... ? - V Airs. Minnie Smith 1 lot Howe - - - - -? ? 2 J ^BK W. L. Smith 1 lot West - ? 4.^BPSfl C. G. Southerland Water Front o.^fl Q Spt. Inv. <fc Pro. Co. 1 lot Turpintine 4 Gallowav 1 Swamp Garden K^B 1 Caswell 1 Moore 3 Near Ice Plant 1 Hankins ? ? 29.SBBkBJ Mrs. Fannie Spencer Est. 1 lot Atlantic & Leonard Harry Spencer 1 lot Atlantic ~ .. 3. M. C. Spencer 1 lot Brow n ? 172 V B A E. Stephens 1 lot Brown 2 Howe 1 Burlington 24 Moore & Weeks 62. W. M. Styron Est. 1 lot West ..? - - - 14.' ^B^M W. A. Sue Est 1 lot Lord St, 4 jH B Mrs. Mammie Swain 1 lot Moore St. ? 19.1 BgSdf C. N. Swan 1 lot West St ? 25.1 BM Mrs. John 0- Swan 1 lot Atlantic 26.1 B|B Taylor & Berg 7 Acres of Swamp ? 40.1 ^^^^B Ed. Tharp 1 lot Spt Heights l.fl B P. C. Tharp Est. 1 lot Brunswick 1 Howe St 26.<fl^B?9 M. G. Thompson 1 lot Howe 1 Dry St ~ 20.^^Bx2H C. S. Van Amringe 5 lots Bay 1 Bay & Atlantic 1 Davis 1 Dry SIB 5 Nash ? lira a. K. Vitou l lot Bay 1 Moore 29sB B Cora Watkins l lot Swamp Gardens C. W. Watts Est. 1 lot West St 15(B^^bS S. W. Watts 1 lot Lord 38.6 BHH J. W. Weathers 1 lot Moore & Brunswick 32.(|BH| I Harry Weeks 1 lot .Moore 39.1 H B Mary Louise Weeks Est. 1 lot Moore and Weeks 48s EBB Wm. Weeks Est. 1 lot Leonard 1 Swamp Garden 5 Owens 162 Smith ffiW & Weeks 27.1 Joe Wells 1 lot Spt. Heights" M BbBQ John Weseott Est. 1 lot Atlantic 6.1 R^^^B P.. M. Weseott Est. 1 lot West End 1.4 Mrs. E. O. Willis 1 lot Davis W. B. & S. R. R. Co. I lot Bay. Rhett & Moore 66.j Mrs. Eva Wolf 1 lot West 9.( I' 1'. Xamhos 1 lot .Mmoi" 38.: |!HH| L. T. Yaskell 1 lot Moore - 16.:' Mrs. L. T. Vaskell 1 lot Moore & Caswell 28.1 S^H^D May 1-s Moore .......... J.j ^B COLORED j Ada Banks Est. 1 lot Lord .. 6.1 Flossie Bell 1 lot Caswell 6.1 BU| il. V Bellamy l lot Clarendon Jasper Bel. ;nv 1 lot Clarendon 13.Bi Aggie Berry 1 lot Rhett g.^BS Bertram Berry 1 lot Lord A. owens 20.^^BB Henry Berrie Est. 1 lot St. George St 6.^BB 1 S a a in 11 Garden 1 Cred Iron ^^^B Sam Betts 1 lot Caswell 1 lot Caswell Ave. 1 Lord . s5 < v8H^H Phillis Blount I - lot Caswell i^BB James Bowen Est l lot West St. 2 5? Calvin Brinson 1 lot Howe 1 Ovens 1 Brown 23.3^HHM Elizabeth Brown Km l lot Brown 11 j^HB Jane Brown Est. 1 lot Grid Iron J?T TBfi Olivia Brown 1 lot Clarendon 4<4B9H Sallie B.rown 1 lot Clarendon . . 5 W. H. Brown 1 lot St. George 1 I^ord 11.3 David Bryant l lot Loaghlin Ave. i 4^B B Henrltta Bryant l lot Howe 2.3 , BX Henry W. Bryant 1 lot Brown 7.^^BHB Bryant l lot Rhett iB George Claridy 1 lot Owens & Castle g^B^^B Gertrude Clark 1 lot Brown :< IB B Annie Clem mo as 1 lot cord 1 Brown ?... George A. Clemmotis 1 lot Leonard & Clarendon V j Btfl i Cottage i ,]H B Janes demmons 2 lots Lord St 20.<^^| John Cleimnon.s l lot Brown B9BP Sarah l lot Brown Alice Davis 1 lot Clarendon 3 Antbon* Davis Est l lot Rhett A West lo'i^B^I El me i Davis i lot st. George St H?ISI\ h haw- I |..I Clarendon B John Davis i lot Nash st , Lydianna Davis l lot Rhett St. . ifBB Tliorna- l?avis 1 lot tt St ^ W. I' h.tVls 1 lot West St iun Mai> hixon lot Caswell | jfl^B Esther Eagles t lot Caswell . j i^^| Itose J. Eagle 1 lot Owens & Castle St. 10 kE0 lot Lord St. I . ft^^B India Evans I lot Rhett St. John Evans Est. 1 lot Lord & St. George J. R. Evans Est. 1 lot Lord & St. George 1 Clarendon 1 Howe 31 bailie Evans lot West St |j <BH Anna Five man 1 lot Knell ?v \>est m. John 8. Frink 1 lol Clarendon St. John \V. Frink Est. I lot Caswell Lizzie Frink 1 lol Caswell Parish Prink Est. l lot St. George 6 Tom Prink 1 lot St. George Caroline Galloway 1 lot Brown p op; Alexander Galloway 1 lot St. George ... -.50 George Galloway Kst. 1 lot Caswell & Leonard John W. Galloway Est. I lot I (owe 7.3^^HBI Joseph Galloway I lot Clarendon ? "'r^^^Efis! Vmi Galloway 1 lot Caswell l.i:.\ .'alloway 1 Howe Marinda Galloway 1 lot Cottage Oscar Galloway 1 lot Owens & Castle 1 Brown ^Ti^BU Nancy Galloway Kst. 1' lots Brown 13.6^^^BS Hannah Gibbs Kst. 1 lot Nash & West < '.i>iclla Goodman 1 lot Coitaee IBH Carrie Gordon 1 lot Caswell ..... ? C. P. Gordon Est. 1 lot Lord - 1 7U|^HH Frank II. Gordon 1 lot Bountry & Caswell ? ? Maggie Gordon 1 lot Clarendon ~'5B^^BH Mary M Gordon 1 lot Lord Peteo Gordon lots .Mitts l 79Bg^^B Viola Gordon 1 lot Clarendon 6 Alex 1 1 Lord '! : jJ Brittle Gore 1 lot Caswell 3.<Q^B M - 1 lot Burlington 6 4KjH John M. Gore 1 lot Caswell i .m..i i ha Gprf i:>t i lol SI George ^ JB lot Fred Green I lot West - Henry B. Green 1 lot Clarendon Ar la?on '*9HH J v.; ?v Brown 4.6^^H Joe Green '1 lots Howe & Brown 1 Caswell . 22.3^^^^D Whitfield Griffin Eat l lol Lord A nard 5 7RB Daniel C. Grimes 1 lol Burlington l-^nS An. Ii i ki i- l I. t i t.iiiku.-A ill" 0 P. ii Hankins I lot Clarendon Ben liankins Kst. 1 lot Cottuge 12.7^HH3c Edwards Nankins i lot West & Brown S-^^^HjAfl Km Hat.kins 1 Glai.-ndoii 4 o[^l J. H. liankins 1 lot St. George - John T. Nankins U lots Cottages - 4 lister Hankins 1 lot Khett A West * ? Ma H.inkins Kst 1 lot Collage 1 Sa.a liankins 1 lot llankinsvilh- 1 41 Sara C. liankins J lots St. George X Wade Nankins 1 lot Clarendon 4 7|^^HO| Win. H. Nankins 3 lots Cottage .?? 4y^^H l.ulu V. Ik-welt I lot Lord t Burlington Olympus Hewett Kst, 1 lot Burlington - ? 6 9c Hill 1 lot Caswell 6JKM Nora Holmes 1 lot Cottage . - M ftHi Sara A Howe 1 lot St George 1 West - - ?- 8 Frank Jackson 1 lot West & Cottage 16 Ju'-kson lot ell 6 John .lark .'i. 1 Clarendon 10 3?^^B Thomas Jackson 1 lot Clarendon 6.lf^H Carrie Johnson 1 lot West - ?? ? l j^HE Charles W. Lee 1 lot Caswell 8 Dan Lee Kst. 1 lot Brown & Howe v? 16.8*1 Florence Lee 13 lots Cottages ? - 15.2S^^BBI George Lee 1 lot Leonard A Clarendon 11 11 MH 1'hosie Lee Kst. 1 lol Clarendon .. - .......... 4.11 James Lewis t lot Cottage ~ ? 1'fi^^Hfl Elizabeth McDonald Kst. 1 lot Khett - 4 U 1MM John McDonald Sr. 2 lots West ... - - ? 15 M-^Bnl Maggie McKay 1 lot Caswell - - - ? ? Wm. McKenzie 3 lots Howe -? - ??? 49.3B^^HB K. K. McKoy 1 lot Howe ~ - ? 'S.3S^^Hj Martha McKoy Kst. 1 .West .... ?? Mary McMillan 1 lot Hnnklnsvllle Wade McMillan 1 lot Hanklnsvllle - 1-J^B^B Kva McNeil 1 lot Hankins - - ? ? 2.W W|*B l.cu Mi Nell l lot Hankins .1^1 Torn McNeil 1 lot Hankins ? - ? HllW James Miller 1 lot Hankins ..., - ?'HH Kichard Mills 1 lot St. George & Caswell 7 <IHlM George Mitchell 1 lot Abe Galloway ..... - 1*B^H1 Henry Mitchell 1 lot Howe ? ? ^ G. VV. Mitchell 1 City lot - If J > PBB Josey Mitchell 1 lot St. George - ? - - * Fied Moore 1 lot St. George ? - Fred D. Moore 1 lot Lord ? - - ?.....?- 8.9(vBBHB James .Moore 1 lot Brown ...? - - - ? mIM Julius .Moore 1 lot St. George - .......... ij Sarah Moore 1 lot Nash & West 1 St. George JflHfl Wm. Moore Sr. 1 Lord 1 Burlington - 7 ^ vHH Claude Morris 1 lot Khett - - Henry Morris Est. 1 lot Khett -t.L&^^Bjl Rebecca Murphy Kst. 1 lot Lord A Leonard 2.5flPj Walter Murphy 1 lot Boundary & Caswell - - f 'ilW iioru. 3iurrary 1 101 i-uiu ... - ? - Albert Parker 1 lot Caswell & Leonard 2.5aMHB Geo. Parker Est. 1 lot Clarendon & St. George 1 Caswell - 6..5J t Levenia Parker 1 lot St. George - 19 H'ir \V Parker Eat. 1 lot Lorn - - ? - ??- 3.3c ljn Althla Prestridge 1 lot Nash - - ? Anthony Price 1 lot Burlington - -< .......... Sam Price 1 City lot ? - - ? 1.IHK Harry Price 1 lot Clarendon Ave. ...- - ? Joseph Reaves 1 lot Howe St - - ? ? . 6.74H|^H Lizzie C. Reaves 1 lot Caswell ?. 12.7^^^^H Perry Reaves Est. 1 lot St. George St ? Sol Reaves Est. 1 lot Howe A St. George St. ... ? 1.1',"1M1 Almira Smith 1 lot Cottage - - 7.7J]^H| Alfred Smith 1 lor Burlington St - ? C 7r 3 |Sd G R. I'.ichardson 1 lot St. George St ? U9 Kl ' Florence Smith 2 lots Cottage - 9.i4WBH rbhn Wesley Smith Jr. 1 lot Caswel! Ave 6 7FB9S John Weslev Smith Est. 1 lot fsord A St. George St . 5.7?]^H Alex Smith 1 lot Clarendon A Owens ? 3 % MB Lorenzo Smith Est. 1 lot Clarendon A Lord St 1.1(4 ? Lucy Smith Est. 1 lot St. George St. ? - ?....... Kobt. Smith 1 lot Burlington Rosa Smith 1 lot Rhett St. 4J^^H G. H. Stanley 1 lot Clarendon s.ll fl^E Joe Stratman Est. 1 lot Rhett A Nash 107/BBBE Willie Stratman I lot Brown 1 Brown A Nash 1 Nash 21.9tl^BB Frank Suggs 1 lot Rhett St G 6*1 Ben Swain 1 lot Lord ? - - 4 9S|IM| Ben). W. Swain 1 lot Lord , LMHUm Delia Swain 1 lot Cottage ., - 7 a SBKJ Ed Swain 1 lot St. George I Lord St. i 8.31 jfl jWff Estell Swain 1 lot Lord 1 Caswell ?.2i Knox Swain 1 lot St. George ..... 9.6fl|HH Rose Swain 1 lot Caswell ... ?? ? GllflM Susan Swain 1 lot Clarendon 17ftflRfl Walker Swain Est. 1 lot Cottage A Brown ? 70 iiHM Wellington Swain 1 lot Clarendon 12ow^HB Nelson Vereen Est. 1 lot Cottage 1 7? HOB Sarah Vereen 1 lot Cottage r 1 4GnE9 Alillie Walker Est. 1 lot St. George J 2ta^K| Bertha Warnett 1 lot Howe St. g ] jJB fl: Eddie Warnett 1 lot Burlington .Tames R. Warnett 1 lot Burlington Viola Warnett Bit. 1 lot Lord j Phyllis Warnett 1 lot Caswell __ > John Warnelt Est. 1 lot Brown 1 Clarendon ' " <j Julius Wilson Est. 2 lots Howe St 19 971^HH George Wortham I lot St. Ueoige St ""* 3.7(maHi Lucy Wortham 1 lot Caswell Ave.

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