v:FDNE5DAY, AUGUST 17, j;IOUOO-TAYLOR dir jl, and Mrs. Charles Edward Tavlor request the honor of your EI ... ,ence at the marriage of their Vus'hter Elizabeth, to Mr. Ray- 3 l imes Kiddoo on Saturday, ho: !'h ?0th day of August at five' ft* in the afternoon, Trinity bir MetV.cdist church. Southport, he] . :h Carolina. j ,nvitations have been issued se, ithpat*. but friends are in- pla kied t Mtend the wedding ,ai)djBl! jfceptron following the ceremony] w< home of the bride. j gw I ,'| ASS PARTY Mi M.mbeis of the primary de- j pattrr.. nt of the Methodist Sun- pj H hool were entertained at a in the Sunday school rooms afternoon by Misses Vera co] . \nna Taylor and Helen p0 pean Sutton. - | Qa \in.,ei.sis games were played ias ; delicious refreshments, con- su .,,.jn of pink lemonade and a SBj ere served. Tlio-e present were: Doris Lee da I .w ord Wolfe, Eillie Smith,' ge . i' . Ii.tvis. George M. Swain, dc ILivui Floyd, Hemline Doshier, m H erjohatt. Mary Frances gi r iizabeth Wilis. Elizabeth To # jane Calloway. Janie K. Swan, w Sutton. Herman Gilliker.. \y Britv i id Corlette. Emily Brown c. d Julia Wolfe. B EF \i H PARTY ! En | ? I ' Tlininnsiiii nnrl EVnnlr i I" ?' - II' yiernree were hosts last week at a Beach party held at Bald Head I-;.,: Those who enjoyed the Kf :: aere Mrs. F. M. Niemsee, es: jr Mi and Mrs. Joe Jelks, sh Mr t I.ois Jane Bussels, Lelia Ta Hubbard llarel Young and Eve;vr. l .: hlin and Cordon Smith. Lt , He FA Mil ^ REUNION Tt ce The family of W. A. Price will da sold a reunion Sunday at Bethel Ba?ti-: church. This occasion will en a: k the "2nd birthday anniver- tei -arv of Mr. Price. us The day's program calls for br ?..nday school at 10 o'clock, ho church at IX o'clock, a picnic I MAGNOu! SOUTHPOI I FALL CLOTHE 9 FOR THE I ENTIRE FAMIL You men will like our ri Men's Suits. They are t thing for fall and winter food material and right style Hfl ;i look at these clothes befi Pay more elsewhere! 1 M Yo - ne, I % 1938 " -L? ' ' I S3 iner at noon and a progran the afternoon. RTHDAY PARTY Miss Annis Jean Weeks wai stess to a number of he ends Monday afternoon at i thday party at the home o r parents. Delicious punch and c&ke wer ved and several games weri tyed. Those present included inche Weeks, Mary Joyo eeks, Frances Furr, Lula Marl ann, Eloise St. George, Bar ra Weeks, Edna Earl Willis irriel Lee Jones, Peggy Car d Martha Easley. CNIC SUPPER A number of ladies of th mmunity enjoyed a trip t irt Caswell on the boat o ptain HUl'an 'Watts- one nigh it week and after enjoying i 1m in the hot water pool ha picnic supper. Those on the trip were: Mes mes G. W. Bunker, McCrone yers, Coutler, Baker. Warrei isher, George Y. Watson, E Hall, C. G. Ruark, W. C itler, Annie K. Vitou, Effi wnsend, C. E. Brown,. San atts, R. L. Thompson, R. M olfe, Sam Skinner, L. Leinei R. Willing: Mr. and Mrs. J Holmes, Misses Annie Louis . George, Susie Newton, Ev irr and Howard Bunker. ONORED AT SHOWER Mesdames J. W. Thompson an nneth Kinsler were joint host ses Monday afternoon at nvv'Ar linnnrinf Mi?s T^li7.nbpt lylor, bride-elect. In a flower contest Miss Mar mise Smith was the winnei >nored guest was Mrs. T. IK lompson. of Athens. Ga., a rt nt bride, who was presented inty gift. Delicious refreshments of ic earn and cake were served, al r which an imposing array c eful and attractive gifts wer ought in and presented to th noree. Those present were Miss Tayloi Grade W v Milk You are takine a chance with your ggjl I families health when ||||? J you use anything exHh| cept pure Grade "A" |ff & Milk cently was given IGrade "A" rating by \ the state milk inspec\ tor. We invite you to visit our dairy and see the sanitary con^ ditions under which our milk is produced! \ DAIRY IT, N. C. u Ladies' will like our v fall dresses. Come to our latest arrivals. In t, you can complete your I wardrobe right here in store. Quality merchane; latest styles and right ces. 1 W. Kirby & Son SUPPLY, N. G. # i i i =aae=3 ' i? 1 : i n? ma?asa ! honoree, Mesdarnes Lewis Ilarclee, | | R. M. Wolfe, W. R. McAuley, | 'Howard Bunker, Warren Dosher,: [Henry Goodwin, T. M. Thompson, j C. Ed. Taylor, J. M. Harper, Jr.,; Misses Marion and Elizabeth Watson, Eva Farr, Rebecca Alexand: er, Mary Louise Smith, May ^: Phelps and Anna Taylor. Personal r Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert and son, Tom, spent last Week At Beau1 fort and Bachelor and attended the coastal festival. e . i - Tom Fesh"iy, who is employed : at the Engineer Warehouse, At e Charleston, S. C , spent theWeeke end here. i, Miss Vera Jorger.sen, student r nurse at James Walker Meihoriai Hospital, Wilmington, is spending a two-weeks vacation here. * * Irvin Rourk, of. Wilmington, e spent the week-er.d here. ? 4 f [ Misses Imogen Garrett and t Josephine Moore left 'Monday for a j Washington, D. C., , where they d planned to meet Miss Melva Peifly to bring her here for a i- visit. * * * n ! Misses Elizabeth and Margaret !. Bartells visited Miss Mamie Woli. lie in Beaufort last week, e | * * * n I . Billie and Kimbell Price, of [. [ Philadelphia, Pa., are visitihg Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price. r. e j Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Moore, a Misses Mary Florence and Georgia Faye Moore visited their father, N. M. Moore, in Beaufort, last week. * * * ci Mrs. J. W. Raybcurn has re turned to Georgetown, 8. C\, afa I ter spending a week here With h 1 her father, E. L. Burris. y Mr. and Mrs. S H, Robbins, of I-. Washington, came Wednesday for [. Miss Mary Elisabeth and Sam nuuuiiis, wiiu uavtr ucqii viaunig a relatives heVe. * * e Mrs. Ralph Biddlecomb and > | soil, of Reidsville, Va., are visitif 1 ing her mother, Mrs. Willis. Mrs. <1 Howard Sellers and son, Paul, ale so are visiting Mrs. Willis. ? r, Mrs. Andrew Midgett and children, of Morehead City, are visit" ing her sister,' Miss Winnie Wil. lis. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Davis, of iNortliville, Mich., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Alice Pearce. * * Jack Christian and Joe Young Christian have returned from ! Pearson, Ga., where they visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Young. Mr. and Mrs. * F*ank Niernsee ; have returned to their home in Memphis, Tenn., after visiting Mrs. Niernsee here foi several days. * * * Mrs. Elsket St. George and daughter, Eloise, spent the last week-end in Morehead City. * * * Victor Bartells is spending this week at Wrightsville Beach. m Mrs. Raymond Jacobs and daughter, of Natchez, Miss., is spending two weeks here with Mrs. Amelia Swain. * ? j Mrs. Thomas St. George, member of the nursing staff at a Greensboro, is spending her va. cation here. Mrs. Joe Young and son, Joe III, is visiting relatives in Southport. mmmmmmam??j???:??? I BETTER | BATTER1 I ? ^ I "' |bbbhbhhbhhhhh?HI THE STATE PORT Julian. Sutherland and Arthur Brown spent Sunday ;n -Golflsboro. * * Carl Rogers, of Fort Moultrie, is visiting his brother and sisterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rogers. Iris Newton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Newton, is ill at the home Of her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Rourk, in Wilmington. * * ? Captain and Mrs. S. B. Owens and two sons visited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Butler Monday night. Captain Owens formerly was stationed at Ft. Caswell, and both he and Mrs. Owens will be well remembered by friends here. Miss Zipporah Rice, of Amhurst, Mass., arrived Monday for a visit with Miss Lois Jane Bussels. * * * Miss Mary Louise Smith i3 visiting Miss Rebecca Alexander. * * Louis J. Hardee spent the past week-end here and left Sunday for Georgetown, S. C., where he is engaged in the shrimp business. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Prince, of Frank'.inville, N. J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Price. Shailotte News Shaliotte, Aug. 18.?Miss Margaret Holden was host to a number of her friends Saturday night, August 13., at a party celebrating her fifthteeth birthday anniversary the guest were served lemonade and cake. Those present were -Misses: Maggie and Ethel Edwards, Wilms and Beatrice Holden, Margaret McGee, Bessie Stanley, Charlie Benton, Odell Hardie, Bert Oquin, Lawerce Moore, Nathan Lee, Woodbury and Rock Benton, VVilitam and Leverett Clemmons, The party was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Frank Holden and daughter, Beatrice, were visitors in Wilmington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Simmons, of Mill Creek, were visitors ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holden Sunday. MEDICAL Mrs. L. N. Clemmons, of Supply, is a medical patient at the Brunswick County Hospital. | Put A Fence I And when you d< them in. Come to see fence. FARM IMPLE1V New shipment mowing machines, rak needed by the progress ! Shallottel H Hobson K 1 SHALLO I WE ARE EQtJ TAKE CARE ( YOUR EVERY Auton I Ne . . . Whether it is S^SpLj. Tire or Motor Fuel . ing . . . Remember Iml PURE SEAL! STOP at this FRIEN ^ STATION ... Ask a plan. Ride in comf YEAR TIRES . . G have been needing ES YOU RIDE ON EAS ithport Pure 0 )HN W. FULLWOC (BE SURE WIT^'-'YERE - w.. is...}- s;~m :t , _ > ' PILOT, SOUTHPORT, W. C 1 NEWS ! BRIEFS Ji 1 for treatment d J. M. Marlowe, of Southport, h [was admitted to the Brunswick s i County Hospital Monday for j j treatment. j ix hospital i n Patricia Ann Brown, infant . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. ' Brown, of Bolivia, was admitted i Tuesday as a medical patient at a 1 the Brunswick County Hospital. E v medical patient c j Mrs. Maggie Long, of Ash, is | I a medical patient in the Bruns- I | wick County Hospital. a I for treatment j Miss Fanny Fuiford, of Supply, I is a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital. patient i Benjamin H. Rogers, of South- v port, is a medical patient at the a Brunswick County Hospital. I Treatment t Mrs. A. L. Simmons, of South- d port, was admitted Friday as a 1 patient at the Brunswick County ' | Hospital. , medical patient j j Mrs. E. p. Mills, of Winna- j I j bow, was a patient for two days j ? a 1? r?. 11 ; last WeeK ill. lilt* oruuawitn vuun- : ! ty Hospital. _? , . RECEIVES TREATMENT I L. G. Holden, of Shallotte, received medical attention at the , I Brunswick County Hospital last I week. SURGICAL PATIENT T. P. Benton, of Winnabow, was a surgical patient at the Brunswick County Hospital Sat urday. FOR MEDICAL ATTENTION ' Alonzo Hughes, of Shallotte, received medical attention at the Brunswick County Hospital last week. HOSPITAL PATIENT i Samuel Caison, of- Supply, was admitted Monday as a patient to i >4roi^ 77iem^ ?[ ), put on that will hold us for all kinds of wire ^ IRNTS ? just arrived?including |>fi es and other machinery ive farmer! trading Co. j iirby, Prop. |S PTE, N. G. | wwwwpl! * IPPED TO 3F || )( lobile |i ?d | ? Battery, Accessory, j ( ) i . Greasing or Wash- ?( the SIGN OF THE || i I )! DLY NEW SERVICE | j bout our easy budget ort on new GOOD- i | iet that Battery you ) ( . AND PAY AS || Y TERMS! || il Station II si >D, Operator || he Brunswick County Hospital. Winnab APPENDECTOMIES Winnabow, i During the past week five oper- ^eu''s sPent tions for the removal of appen- Thmsday. Dusiness. ix were performed at the Bruns- i jtiss Rebecc rick County Hospital: Miss Des- Thursday with ie Ludlum and Mrs. H. G. smith, 'and Mrs. D. R. \iesday; Benny Ludlum, Wednes- Mrs- A P' Mi < u r- , D v, ren' A- P- Jr' ay, all from Ash; Ernest Rob- beth Henry , iins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lind- Nichols spent 1 ey Robbins, Southport; Miss in Southport. lora Clemmons, Shallotte, on E- S. Bowers londay.. All patients are doing "^^Neijfe llcely- Johnnie Gre TONSILECTOMIES oTwiStom'' Five patients underwent tonsil- Friday eproute r operations Monday at the Mr. and Mrs Srunswick County Hospital.' They I Mr. and Mrs. D rere Agnes Williams, daughter ton, visited frie if Mr. and Mrs. Jade Williams, afternoon, loll via; Tom Jack Gilbert and Mr. and Mi leriry Gilbert, Jr., sons of Mr. and children a ,nd Mrs. Henry Gilbert, Bolivia; nett, of Walk larold Lyn Gore, son of Mr., and | here Sunday a Irs. Grover Gore, Shallotte; Mrs. , Preston Sav K A. Hewett. his house here ? appendix opera BOLIVIA VISITORS Hospital and is Mrs. James Wrest and Miss Mr. and Mr Cathrine Morie Sykes, of Fayette- visited Mrs. A1 ille, have been visiting their is very ill in V iunt, Mrs. R. H. Maultsby, of afternoon. Jolivia. Mr. and Mi %r: ? xr?....i ? r?.??I. i j lt ..i_ nt. miss mums rarncr reiurneu mis. U.U1U ana o her home in Greenville, Sun- Coleman, Mr. lay after having spent the past Sharp and Wet wo weeks with Miss Daisy Belle | ed the home ilaultsby, of Bolivia. I Baptist churcl LAST : SEARS August Si e- ENDS SA RADIO SPECIALS! 6-Tube Console $26.88 $3.00 DOWN $5.00 MONTH SMALL CARRYING CHARGE An amazing Bargain! Not an old model, but a brand new 1939 Radio worth every penny of $35.00. Long and short wave. Airplane" Dial and Tilted Instrument Panel. 1-TUBIi BATTElRY SfeT $24.95 $3.00 DOWN $4.00 MONTH SMALL CARRYING CHARGE Priced complete with Batteries! A goodlooking Table Model that will give positive satisfaction! All White! Porcelain Erian KENMORE WAS! " 11 B ^ 4^/ more standards . J- - * - ^M<: ? ^:ir ubhmbbh iUMtlli OW NeVVS (Sunday. H lug. 17. G. K. I ^r* all<^ Mrs. T. A. ^1. Mil JagJ? Wednesday and jof Leland, visited the Tayjpj shwood, S. C., on | Sunday afternoon. Misses Evelyn and Sarah I fl :a Johnson spent 1 David and Baxter Wilson, her parents, Mr. 1 charlotte, spent the week-SfliB Johnson. , 6M mry and two child- wlth 0,6 Ta>'lor3' f13" Lrwz H H and Miss Eliza- relson accompanied them umeu and Mrs. Maggie spent the week-end with SSgS .'hursday afternoon father, I. D. Harrelson, and tafimjU and son, Jerome, Mr. and Mrs. William Kopp .; visiting his sist- little son, Bill. Jr., agd . ifl B Walker. Henry Maultsby and daughjKWB er, and wife, of Miss Daisy Bell, visited the id his two sisters, lors Sunday afternoon. H were visitors here Rev. and Mrs. D. Traynafl H to .outhport, of LeasKurg, and Mr. and J. F. vines and' Traynham, of Danville, Va., wf$y| odson, of Wilming- callers here Monday enrouteSSM nds here Saturday spend awhile at Holdens Beac j^Hl The Town Creek Home DemoU^^R s. Homer Lanier tration Club held its montW nd Clarence Ben- meeting in the form of a recKjHH ice, were visitors tiona 1 meeting at Zion M. p gpj fternoon. Church Monday afternoon a M age returned to number were present to enjoy ii H Sunday after an afternoon. Dfl tion in Brunswick ? i doing nicely. North Carolina has one Of. s. W. C. Savage most intensive peanut produbjjj^K Ifred Flowers who areas in the world, reports FetsHH Vilmington Sunday al Statistician Frank Parker flHfl the State Department of AvVHjj s. C. H. Zibelfn, culture. In fact, eight countieBjftnflj up, Mrs. Furman the state produce 15 per centdE^H and Mrs. Hershel a" the peanuts grown in jjjjj one Tharp attend- United States and the Statafl&S coming at Bethel a whole produces 19 per centWMj li near Southport fhe National crop. fflB 3 DAYS! ale For The Hotn^l iTURDAY ? I r GSH 5-feURNEfc Oil. RANGE I $24.88 I $3.00 $4.00 MONTH jH SMALL CARRYING CHARGE H A handsome, Semi-Porcelain Enameled Rang j3BH| that will give years of trouble-free service. QftSBgi size wickless burners, smokeless, odorless. Lamfln. quick oven with heat indicator. flH A REGULAR *3.1.00 VALUE H Electric B HF.R WATER PUMP fl ; $34.95 ] / I $4.00 Down $5.00 Month I J Small Carrying Charge R Pumps 250 gal. per hour. Auto- 'IH matic. Pumps water direct from ?|g| 00 Month wen at the turn of a faucet. No | M Charge tank required. . I jjfl 1th a good small size ?' IM cular Ken- 7-Qt. CANNERS J /er! Silent, S mechanism jj w Ififi ds oiling. yj ? r* led motor. ed indpar- Reg. $1.39 Values! n constructed 20.Qt L(quid capacity. Hold 7 fl jhest Ken- one-quart jars. Complete with B brou*ht wfre rack. ft low price! - ~ . ??? if ami itirTtit Timr I H?An ALLo 1A1 Ei 1UDL | EVERY CRUSADER TIRE!* SS THAN THE PRICE YOU'D EXPECT 1 rO PAY FOR THE TIRE AlONE!* | yll _ Size 6.00x16 1 GRANTEE!) TIRE And TUBE -.9 conditionally JA QP M 12 MONTHS sJiUO 'I OTHER SIZE 1 Carry A Complete Proportionately ; | Of Truck Tire? LOW 1 ,r* K?fl