But of The News ^ 4J1 The Time ufotfe t?n no. 2 Umissioners In I Uvular Monthly j?ssioR Monday Qf Monday's Business Devoted To SettleM. Of Tax Matters Other Routine Ac- i HTaL session h held on friday Time Board MemPassed Resolutions ^^ fequesting Special B Legislation ^HL.i the time of the county' ^^E?ners in their regular! ijjB devoted to |H and i,::ne business, but in - --."i, Friday they KL . special legislation which for BrunsH | ((?nty and forwarded re: r enactment to t.: s. Bun Frink and to RcIH > Thomas. to a request for a ]V| change in the jr BH : ihunswick County H following measures fug for ;i meter ad- E Northwest township; J 1 legislature for au>ld a special school Corthwest township: three special levies : county. viz county e. farm agent's of order's Court; adbixcs for 1932 and 1 the descretion of county commission Mrs. Marion S. agent, made her anthe board. A dele- [\j ppeared and asked < nents Ire made in road running from ce station on the > Bolivia. Bits m >ig News \z jal nts Of Stale* i World-Wide jw During Past |y< lo ting w tt ;overnment ol'fici- , or ed Tuesday night j rc ard-prcssed Juan | ct had decided to | cj fight in defense hi fourth of Spanish a( its hands. The an- x indicated insur- a issimo Franco had R1 demand for un-1 ct surrender to end j jr civil war?an in-|h| brought a break- | x !m peace negotiations. w wrnmcnt's decision to m >u was made Known |1, after Julio Alvarez ayo. foreign minister of w anisli government, const Perpignan with (|( rs of the Spanish cor- ir rliament) and then haswscd the border for a r.cc with premier Nc- - / Raise I* ay i Carolina's general as- w reconvening Monday 1 s] sixth week of law-mak- c< ivei! a bill calling for hi itutional amendment to s( he pay of legislators j c< "o 1., $ poo a session. ~ msure, introduccu by . 'iitative Mallison, of i1 ' also would increase ' of the speaker of the "id the lieutenant govroiu 15700 to $1000. The lit governor is cx-offipresiding officer of p ate. tl jovernor Jj; itatc highway and pub- w ks commission declared t that North Carolina's " y system "needs all * ivailable for road purhut voted unanimous- ? upport Governor Hoey's '' a the transfer if ncccs- 0 f $7,000,000 from the y to the general fund. J unmiKsion, meeting in E also went on record u Ting the issuance of a W worth of bonds by a " ral assembly to 1m- * ' 'riniary roads. Tlic pro- a *ars the endorsement tl governor. The resolu- v 1 highway fund trans- B Ovd the second victory a 'enior Hoey on the so- t< hghway diversion ques- tl _> - 1 THI Prea '-^W, I < ."^ < . a : *, ? GOSPEL?The above pic [arshall spoke to a crowd o is the arrival of his church ppointments in this county. fcev. A.H. Mars RoleOfModer *astor Of St. Phillips Epis- ] " copal Church Of South- j port Uses Boat To Visit Inaccessible Points On t Coast j ' IUCH PUBLICITY GIVEN PROJECT ation-Wide Publicity Revived From Work Being : Accomplished By This Brunswick County Minister The role of modern circuit rid- j is being filled by Rev. A. H. arshall, pastor of St. Phillips piscopal church in Southport, ho uses a boat instead of a irse to reach inaccessible places ong the coast. It all started three years ago hen the Southport rector deeid- f 1 to go by boat to the annual j invention of the eastern North arolina Diocese which met that :ar in Edenton. This town is cated about 200 miles from ^ authport on the inland wateray and it was decided to make ic trip In easy stages, stopping . ernight at landings along the >utc. On the first night out the $ lurch boat, which for the trip y ad been fitted with sleeping c jcommodations, stopped over at c ar Landing. Parson Marshall is s goo<l mixer and when the fish- t folks of that community learn-1 1 that a preacher was a visitor f i their midst they insisted upon L is holding a service for them. L ' ' 1' 1 -?I |? nis fiG U1U iiuu ttao ith their reaction to his gospel If essage. Three times more before j e returned did he preach inform- jj lly to people along the inland I g atenvay. jj He came home filled with the j c -sire to carry the word of Godlv ito these out-of-thc way com-1 f (Continued on page 4) Ij o Meet With '* County Board t ;i H. V. Bibberstcin, district high- c ay engineer, will attend a ] iccial session of the Brunswick t wnty board of commissioners ere Monday for a discussion of ( iveral road problems in this 1 jitnty". j c 3id-Fashioned 1 Party Bre When someone wrote The State ] ort Pilot a little news item .< vo weeks ago telling of ladies of 1 ic Supply community who had ; ccn holding many old fashioned j 1 uilting bees this winter the ladies 1 j ere naturally pleased. < None of them who hate been j idustriously plying the needles i lought however, that they had ( ccn doing anything out of the ( rdlnary nor that they would car anything more about it. But aey had hardly read the news ' .cm in The Pilot before Mrs. W. j . Sellers got a letter from W. !. Keziah of Southport request- ' lg that one of the quiltings be ' rrangod so that a cameraman ould be on hand to take picures of the work. Mrs. Sellers dvised she was complying with ' ic request and that a quilting 1 'as being held at Mrs. Harry 1 ?binsoh's last Tuesday afternoon j nd that all would be very glad < j cooperate in the making of 1 re pictures. i Fourteen ladies living near Sup- 1 ST A Go< 4-PAGES 10DAY ching To Fishe ture was snapped recent f local residents who gat boat, the Josephine Mai ihall Plays n Circuit Ride Tax Collections Show Increase Tax collection* tor llruiis wick county showed a big in crease during January with i total income of $19,764.81. Of this amount $18,670.1' was from the 1938 levy am $1,094.67 was for delinqucn collections. The matter of tax collec tions is being pushed now bj county officials, who arc fac cd with the necessity of get ting In enough money to fin ance 0|>e rating expenses. Per s<mal property taxes are re ceiving special attention. Wajor Gillette To Visit Her Vill Be Guest Of Gro Of Citizens Friday Ei ning On First Trip Southport Major G. W. Gillette, Disti irmy Engineer in charge of Wilmington office, will be iouthport Friday afternoon i vening as the guest of so ixteen representative citizcni iouthport. The neeasion wi 11 be purely rlendly and social visit to iart of his district that he I lot had the pleasure of visit incc taking over his duties ew months ago. A seafood dinner with tejor and one or two others ;ucsts will be served at lotel Miller Friday evening. 1 late for the visit of the Ma cas arranged by W. B. Kcz lartly because of the fact t Senator S. B. Frink and Rcf icntativc Thomas will also icre from Raleigh and it is ired to have them present he dinner. In a letter last wi dajor Gillette left arrangeme if a date up to the pleasure ocal interests, saying he wo ic happy to come at any tin Local persons hope that Ma lillcttc will be able to meet urge number of Southport fc luring the afternoon. Quilting iaks Into New ;>Iy were on hand at Mrs. Rol son's at the appointed time. T lad worked so swiftly that tl list quilt for this winter i nore than half completed wrl vcziah showed up with W. Sharpc, the North Carolina st fublicity director, and Mis canu in a very short time a do lashlight pictures had been 111 if little groups and the wl larty of larics busy at their w ind talk. Sharpc said that eve me of them made fine sulijc 'or pictures and he was plea it the readiness with which ;arricd out his requests. The ladies present with * iobinson were Mrs. VV. J. 1 ers, Mrs. R. B. Sellers, Mrs. 3. Sellers, Mrs. O. G. Selii Mrs. J. W. Sellers, Miss Liza 1 ers, Miss Frances Sellers, IV \lpha Sellers, Mrs. Odessa H< :tt, Mrs. Berta Hewett, * Ethel Hewett, Mrs. Florence R nson, Mrs. Alton Hewett ; ilrs. Hugh Gray. ATE id News paper Ii Southport, N. C., W rfolk i< 1 ;ly at Calabash as Rev. A. H. he red on the waterfront awaitrshall. This is one of his several Civitaii Club r Supports Bill ? Members Write Letters To Various Members Of The General Assembly UrgL inor Favnralilp A rlmn On ?1 The Frink" Bill " At their regular business meeting Friday night members of the i Southport Civitan club went on record as favoring the establishI mcnt of a Nautical School in 1 North Carolina and the secretary t was instructed to write the chairman of the Senate education committee urging favorable action on f this measure. Facts and figures presented by Horace Glover and other timely comments by M. R. Sanders, C. N. Phillips and C, J, Newton aroused considerable interest in this subject and each member present promised to write a letter to some influential person urging his support for the Nautical School bill, which is due for , _ a hearing tomorrow before the C committee. C. J. Newton led a discussion up of the need for road signs direct,e. ing tourists to Southport and a Po committee was named to begin at once formulating plans for the construction and erection of suit"ict able signs at strategic points in the the county. M. R. Sanders was in named chairman of this commitind tee with C. J. Newton and other me members. 'of The program committee of E. R. Weeks, C. C. Russ, Ormand a Lcggctt, R. O. Johnson and C. a J. Newton was left in charge of fias arranging details for a dinner ing meeting on Friday, February 17. a | , *2 Sea Gulls Now K? Beincf Banded jor iali I . hat At Least Maxie Cooker Saw irc. i One Rather Tame Bird br j Last Week Wearing Red dc- j And Black Band at sck Banded migratory game birds nts arc nothing unusual along the of coast. In fact, they arc too com* uld mon to merit much notice when ip. they arc killed or seen by Southjor port folks. But this past week ; a Maxie Cooker ran across a new ilks l wrinkle in banding. Among a j flock of large, gray sea gulls he I saw one that carried a black and red stripped band fully an inch wide on its right leg, He was not able to observe if there was any lettering, but the band wltli r$ the upper part black and the lower red was plainly visible at a 3j?_ distance of ten feet, bey Some of the birds in the flock icir were so tame that they would Kaa stand or fly around within five l,cn feet of Cooker and others on the B dock. Cooker has been fishing and ' had his lunch basket along. He ' ' fed all of the gulls some bread zen i adc I (Continued on Page Four) o?k National Defense ry- Program Planned icts sc<1 February 10-22 has been set all aside as National Defense Ween and a program in observance of Irs. this occasion will be held Thursicl day night of next week at the E. Shallottc high school auditorium, srs. Dr. M. M. Hosenbaum, lientenSel ant in the reserve medical corps liss will be in charge and will be asew sisted by Lt. R. I. Mintz, niemfrs. ber of the reserve officers corps, ob- The public is urged to attend and what promises to be an interesting and instructive ipeeUag. P0R1 a A Good Com ednesday, February 8, Elect Woman's Club Officers For Next Year Mrs. Annie K. Vitou Was Re-Elected President Of That Organization At Business Meeting Last Wednesday COMMITTEES ARE NAMED FOR 1940 Program Last Wednesday Was Under Direction Of Mrs. W. L. Styron And Was On Current Events At the regular monthly business meeting of the Southport Woman's club held Wednesday at | the club room in the garrison building Mrs. Annie K. Vitou was re-elected president for 1939-40. Also re-elected were Mrs. J. W. Ruark, vice-president, and Mrs. James M. Harper, Jr., secretary. Mrs. M. R. Sanders was elected treasurer. Mrs. C. Ed Taylor is the new chairman of the literature department; Mrs. H. W. Hood was reelected chairman of the citizenship department; Mrs. L. C. Fergus is new chairman of the ways and means committee; Mrs. E. H. Cranmer was re-elected chairman o? the music department; Mrs. U. it. uosner remauio umuiuau of the flower show comniittce and Mrs. Harper is publicity chairman. These oficers will not assume their duties until next fall. Mrs. W. L. Styron was in j charge of the program, which featured a discussion of current | affairs in Germany by Rev. A.; H. Marshall. Mrs. Styron read excerpts from "Address Unknown", a series of letters exchanged between a Jew in America and his friend, a Genuan refugee. Seven Cases In I j Recorder's Court I Busy Session Of County Court Monday As Ca e? Covering Variety Of Of-1 fenses Are Tried Before Judge W. M. Stanaland Seven cases covering a wide variety of offenses were disposed of here in Recorder's Court Monday before Judge W. M. Stanaland. Alton Leonard, white, pleaded guilty to charges of possession and was given 90 days on the roads, this judgment being suspended upon payment of a fine of $10.00 and costs. Mcrvin Hall, white, pleaded guilty to charges of reckless operation. His sentence of 4 months on the roads was suspended upon payment of a fine of $20.00 and costs. Johnic Robbins, white, was found guilty of reckless operation. Judgment in this matter was with held for 2 weeks. Elmer Smith, white, was charged with possession of apparatus for the manufacture of liquor but this case was nol prosscd. Calvin Holdcn, colored, was given 60 days when found guilty of assault with judgment being deferred upon payment of $10.00 and costs. Ralph Fowler, white, was found guilty of drunk driving and was required to pay a fine of $00.00 the costs and his driver's license was revoked for 1 year. Clcve Long, white, was found guilty of public drunkenness and was given 30 days on the roads. Judgment was suspended upon payment of a fine of $20.00 and costs. Founders Dav For Lei and P.-T. A. The Leland high school ParentTeacher Association will celebrate their thirteenth year of it's exis.tcnce at a Founder's Day meeting in the high school auditorium Tuesday night. February 14, at 7:30. The high lights of the meeting. which is expected to draw a large crowd, will be the history of the organization which was begun by a few of Leland's faithful patrons in 1926. A pageant "Along The Way," will be presented py members of the local association. The traditional birthday cake will be given mention. The Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Dorothy Waddell, will render several srlectior.3. All patrons of Leland high school are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served. . j . ? ? i , r piL munity 1939 PUBLISH Electric Project f Will Start Soon In This County 150-Mile Construction Job Is Planned In Columbus ? And Brunswick Counties ~~ In Immediate Future MEETING WAS HELD ON FRIDAY NIGHT .. ? Power Lines Will Be Erected In This County In The Southern Section, Cross River At Pireway SHALLOTTE, Feb. 6?A 150 | mile rural electrification project will be started in the next few days in Columbus and Brunswick counties at a cost of $150,000, it \vas decided here Friday at a meeting of citizens from the two counties. Approximately 200 persons attended the session, held in the Shallotte High School auditorium. The meeting was called by Senator Cornelius Thomas, who presided. E. E. Karns, of the examining division of the Rural Electrification administration in Washington, outlined the program to the \ members present. Dr. E. D. Bishop, of Shallotte, Pj was appointed project co-ordinator, to head the preliminary stir- w vey work which will be start- Zi (Continued on page 4) fI Hearing On Tin School Bill ? * Board Of Health Will Organize Members of the Brunswick . County Board of Health will meet Monday to complete its i membership, three vacancies having been created by e.v- ' pirafion and death. 1 J. M. Roach, chairman of the board of county commissioners, J. D. Erikscn, mayor of Southport, and Miss Annie May Woodside, county superintendent of schools, will j'e meet mid elect two practicing physicians and one registered dentist to membership on the j" hoard. es Following this oiganiuitiou ^ meeting there will lie a call meeting for the election of a health officer to succeed the late Dr. ,f. Arthur Dosher. ,, T< Residents Now X Keep Registry ' | : cl Impressed With The Large |j,j Number Of Visitors To Sc Bald Head Island, Coast; Guardsman, Willetts Is R Keeping Record !o G While a lot of visitors may be ; p; fount! on Bald Head Island from i al different states during the sum-1 mer months, Adrian Willetts and! C. C. Davis, the two coast! f guardsmen who look after the [old Cape Fear station anil mainstain a watch over Frying Pan, | have become deeply interested in [the number of visitors who arc tc now coming during winter. el So last week Adrian got him- tt self a brand new registration C book and within four days after ff I purchasing it visitors from three states had inscribed their names w and addresses in it. Adrian has ai (Continued on page 4) cl ^Picture Story O Boarding Bill Sliarpe, state publicity director, got some pictures here last week that could not have been better if the scenes hatl been made to order. For a long time Mr. Sharpc has desired pictures of a Cape Fear Pilots Association member boarding or leaving a ship at the entrant? to North Carolina's mightiest river. The. huge Italian freighter, Lucia, was scheduled to arrive at the bar at about sundown, en route to Wilmington for a cargo of scrap iron. Mr. Sharpe and W. B. Keziali boarded the pilot boat and met her at the bar. There Mr. Sharpe took a number of shot3 of Captain H. T. St George climbing the steel sides of the great vessel to bring her into the harbor. It was rough outside, and not knowing it the pic OT [1 ED EVERY WEDNESDAY "rink Introduce Change Hosp To Doshit , ?* No HONORED 1 < 1 V ,.#? cha mm B S 1 nig! When the minute book >r the Brunswick Baptist j .. ssociation comes off the Dos ress a picture of the late orij Ire. J. T. Robbins, above, jwic ill be included in recogni-1sine ition of her work in af-l " iir< <>f the association. !tee: _ m<x 5 Nautical Jet Tomorrow ?* anil ~ dor ill Introduced By Senator C|0C S. Bun Frink Will Be live Given Hearing Thursday ory Morning Before Commit- we tee fis} bee OCAL PEOPLE ing GO TO RALEIGH the ero ffort Has Been Made To Sain State-Wide Support For Measure Providing stri School For Seaman Training to i her The Senate education commit-, on e will hold a hearing Thursday We orning at 11 o'clock on the pro- as >sal for North Carolina to enter hos brand-new field of education? sus tablishment of an academy to Arl ain seamen. The bill calling for establish- p ent of the nautical academy as introduced by Senator S. B. _ . rink of Southport. Captain Hor- Jy| :c Glover of Southport, an ofcer in the Navy during the 'orld War, will appear at the Sol :aring for the bill. | Naturally there is much local tcrcst in the bill and Southport tizens have lined up solidly be- ' nd the measure in an effort to j cure suoDort for the bill. jt,or Particularly active have been gat . O. Johnson, commander of the ppj, cal legion post, and Captain wjc lover. Advices from various fou irts of the state lend cncour- me, jement and hope is held out i (Continued on page 4) "-pi Chi 1 hecks Sent Out ^ /iv Superintendent gra A total of $1,672.00 in checks ttoi needy aged and to dependent nic lildren liave been distributed for I le month of February by C. Chi . Russ, Brunswick county wcl- *' ire superintendent. To 201 residents of the county ? cnt $1,115.00 in old age assist- ?nee payments, while dependent M lildren received a total of $527. J f Pilot Ship Is Taken i ? n tures made from the deck of ( the plunging pilot boat would p show up well, Mr. Sharpc bided his time. When the Lucia dropped her mud hooks in the South- , j port harbor to wait for daylight passage the pilot boat drew alongside again and J ( more pictures were made of I j Captain St. George as he descended the ladder. These last pictures arc bound to lie good. The freighter was anchored in calm water and the pilot boat from which the pictures were made was scarcely moving. If these shots do pan out they will be used by the advertising department for release to newspapers throughout the United States. One picture taken of Captain j Tonunie St. George here last i J year received nation - wide [I publicity! -a he Pilot Covers runswick County $1.50 PER YEAS s Bill To y 1 tital Name 1 i it Memorial jj thing Appears To Be In Way Of Changing Name Df Hospital To Doaher ,* Memorial USTEES WRITE RESOLUTION imbers Of That Body j raise The Life And Work Of Man Who Started Hospital Movement f enator S. Bun Frink Tuesday a -oduced a bill providing for the nge of the name of the hosil at Southport to the J. hur Dosher Memorial Hospital. * lembers of the board of coun- J commissioners in their special sion here Friday passed a rcso- "B on requesting this change, teanwhile, the board of truss for the hospital met Monday It and passed the following 3lution showing their respect .1 the late Dr. Dosher: WHEREAS. Dr. J. Arthur ther. our chief of staff, and final promotot of the Brunfck County Hospital, has passed 9 :e our last meeting: and WHEREAS, the board of trust are moved to express in a. lest way their personal loss I the particular loss to the pital and community that the in mav enter on our records: NOW. THEREFORE, be it ro,'ed that we be mindful of 1 i-ecognizc that the good works le by an unselfish country fit tor like Dr. J. Arthur Dosher :s on, even beyond the mem- a of succeeding generations; and ft acknowledge here the unsel1 and signal service that has J n rendered to the hospital durthe past years by Dr. Dosher. } details of which are too num- \ us to enumerate and record. 'Resolved, further, that we, jj o are officially connected with I s worthy institution, feeling angly the great loss which we fer now, wish to pay tribute ? ( the great life which was lived e in our midst and has passed 1 to eternal reward, and this do with hearts full of sorrow we record the great loss the ipital and county people have taincd by the death of Dr. J. :hur Dosher." ounty Teachers | leeting Saturday J uthport Teachers Will Be I Hosts To County Group j And Will Present Pro- j cram { p " Tic faculty members of SouUit high school will be hosts *1 urday to the teachers and icipais of the various Brunsk county schools, in the rth county - wide teachers' sting of the school year. Tie topic for discussion is ic Health of The School Id." Members of the faculty 1 present a program stressing 1 i topic. The text of the promi is as follows: ' j icripture and prayer, Miss i rothy Craven; Talk, Miss An- f | M. Woodside. 1J fealth play: "Princess Rosy | -eks," by elementary pupils. A Health Unit," Miss Bertha (Continued on page 4) Tide Table Following is the tide table >r Southport during the gggt. eek. These hours are appro- j imatcly correct and were finished The State Port Piled irough the eourtesy of the j?|?o Fear Pilot's Association, Ugh Tide Low TU)E TABLE j Thursday, February 1 :.1(i a. m. 5:30 a. m. 5:53 p- id, | Friday, February 10 11:10 a. m. 6:27 aPW. 2:27 p. m. 6:47 ft. Ml Saturday, February 11 1:02 a. m. 7:29 a. in. 1:21 p. ni. 7:19 p. tn. Sunday, February 12 1:59 a. m. 8:32 a. m. ? 2:19 p. in. 8:01 p. in. Monday, February 13 2:59 a. m. 0:32 *. m. jj 3:23 p. m. 9:48 p. in. Tuesday, February 14 1:02 a. m. 10:20 a. tn. 4:27 p. m. 10:41 p. m. Wednesday, February 15 4:58 a. m. 11:15 a. tn. | 5:25 p. m. 11:31 p. nu ,

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