B. pel>ni B,,ner en V... ., reception Hon ' I k Butler. Tlx 1 V Urtiitu'iiily decoratec WL wfW- ( tfc. r r. Blissels SI Sirs. 1 ' to tlK y nV M)?. Butler, the) W in,0 the 'hn.up roonr T,I Hall. Delicious reI ...rv served i>y Mrs m . Mi- George What p. Strickland am SB *ir.ts centered will j||H candles in crysta coffee bj Mrs. A ; Mis Frank N'iern ^vcniyfive guestyV ihours of foui I : gcc-clls was hostess .(,,5 ?f her Friday |H yw,n! street. contests were playe< y.quail dinner was H mowing: guests K K Vitou. Mrs. C. G Mrs. W y . George Y. Wat Bp H Thomas and Mrs I:: of the Methodist meet with Mrs. R c next Monday evei) o'clock Each memjtnl to twins a mysrt-Teachers Associa ts regular month!) arsday night in the auditorium. The everam was unuer the Mrs. \V. R. Lingle. tara Myers gave t calling- followed by f ucv Mayo Northroi TJiorson Rev. E. M jced the speaker oi W A. Cade, of Wil esi-Jing Elder of the district. Mr. Cade lasting effect which first teachers had or ien contrasted the ( day with those oi who served tea ant Ifsdames Harry Aid Arnold, Charles N Nellie Watts. Lnnghlin, Jr., was the Setback Cltil turuuif: ill ner nomt ^fcame? 0. E. Hubbari Newton won prizes. ^^ ;l2v:r.^ \ve presents., BRIDGE CLUB i Mrs. M. R. Sanders was hostess . to her bridge club on Thursday I afternoon, Mrs. James Carr being high scorer. Mrs. W. R. Lingle ?)UR LAND ; time preparing your )o it the easy way by ly. Use modern plows have them. . . . O SEE US. Irading Co. IBY, Proprietor te, N. G. ==aaaa5S5a New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ganey of Leland announce the birth of a son, John D. Jr., on February 1 at the Brunswick County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tvon Ludlum of Southport announce the birth of a son, Ivon Wayne, on February 3 in the Brunswick County Hospital. received the consolation prize. Those to whom Mrs. Sanders served refreshments of fruit jellc and cake Included Mesdames William Wells, L. C. Fergus, J. W. Ruark. R. 1. Mintz, Robert Jones, W. R. Lingle. James Carr, H. T. St. George. L. T. Yaskell, William Styron, and Miss Thelma Comer. CIRCLE NO..~ONE Circle No. 1 of Trinity Methodist church met Monday afternoon with Mrs. C. G. Ruark with | Mi s. Valle Fredere hostess. Mrs. George Y. Watson is leuder of this circle. CIRCLE NO. TWO Circle No. 2 of Trinity Methodist church met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Ruark. Mrs. | 171 IjT Unll n.iannnfArl iViA oonn?/I x_j jvi. null yii c.itiucu uic ncvuiiu i chapter of the Missionary Study book. Refreshments of punch and cake were served. fersibnal i Stacy Wade and Guy Guthrie I of Beaufort were here for the I week-end. ? Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Conady left i today for Tabor City after spending' several days here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reece and Mr. and Mrs. George Whatley | spent the week-end in St. Augustine. Fla. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wells and Mrs. Mabel Mar ran spent the | week-end here. ? ? Mrs. Vernie Barber spent the week-end in Wilmington with her sister, Mrs. Whitus Hester. ? ? * Ike Robinson and Joe Fudge, of Covington, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gilbert, Miss Ruth Williford, of Raleigh, Miss Emily Williford, of Rocky Mount, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Early Gill of Pender county were business visitors here Friday. * ? ? MI'S. H. 15. ftmuil spent ia?i week in Raleigh with her husband and both of them returned home for the week-end. j * * Miss Dorothy Bell spent the past week-end here with her mother. C. Ed Taylor was a business visitor in Raleigh last Thursday and Friday. Senator and* Mrs. *S. Bun Frink spent the week-end here, returning to Raleigh Monday afternoon. ? * 41 Miss Louise Neirnsee, student at Peace colelge spent the weekend here with her mother. * ? ? Mr a.nd Mrs. D. O. Bragdon, 1 Miss Clai'a May Bragdon and | Roger Bragdon visited Dr. D. I. I Watson Sunday. ? Mrs. H. N. Porter and Miss Elizabeth Murray we"e visitors in Wilmington on Saturday . ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wolfe and children, Julia and Edward, visited relatives in Wilmington Sunday. E. C. Newton of Raleigh spent the week-end here with his family I Mrs. L. Leiner, * Mrs. H. B. i Strickland, Mrs. Louis Leiner and Mrs. Bertram Leiner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will G. Butler on Tuesday. WASTED ZEAL MISSOLUA, Mont.?A war veteran's desperate attempt to qualify himself for a civilian conservation corps post brought only bitter disappointment. The veteran, name undisclosed, pawned his false teeth to buy food to strengthen his body for the physical examination. Then he was rejected because of lack of teeth. Now he is attempting to raise money to reposses his teeth. THE STATE PORT P NEWS BRIEFS ?_?ii MBA. GRIMES ILI. Mr.-. G. C. Grimes is ill at her J home here. FOR TREATMENT Mrs. Elmer Long' was admitted to the Brunswick County Hospital Saturday for treatment. OFT AGAIN Mrs. P. O. Leggett who has' been confined to her home for the past two weelw because of illness is able to be out again tins week. FOR OBSERVATION Mrs. Addie Varnuiu of Shallotte was a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital two days last week for observation anil treatment. APPENDECTOMY Miss Marion St. George underwent an operation Monday at the Brunswick County Hospital for the removal of her appendix. TREATMENT Beatrice Mintz. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mlntz of Battle Royal, is in the Brunswick County Hospital for treatment. HIGH SCORERS McDonald Glitiken bowled a score of 208 to win the week's high score prize for men while Miss Blanche Lewis knocked over 158 pins to win the ladies' prize. IN ACCIDENT Mis. G. R. Sellers of Supply was injured Saturday afternoon in an automobiie accident which occurred near Kirby's store. She suffered six broken ribs and other injuries. KICKED BY MUI.E J. T. Clemniona of Supply is resting comfortably at the Brunswick County Hospital where he was carried Sunday after being kicked by n mule. Mr. Clemntons, who is 79-years-of-age, sustained several broken ribs. IN RALEIGH Mrs. E. M. Hall went to Raleigh on Monday to attend the annua! banquet of the "Raleigh Music Club" of which she was formerly a member, anil to visit friends for a few days. CHURCH SERVICES Regular services will be held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Southpoit Presbyterian church. The sermon subject of Rev. J. R. Potts will be "Convict No. 1". The public is cordially Invited to attend. DISCHARGED Vhe following patients were discharged from the Brunswick County Hospital during the past week: Wesley Bowen of Shallotte Tuesday; Mrs. Edgar Holden of Supply on Friday; Mrs. R. H. Wlinderlich and baby on Friday; Mrs. C. L. Wescott and baby of Bolivia on Thursday. PREPARE OPERETTA The Southport high school Glee club is going to present an operetta on Friday night, February 24. It is entitled, "The Gypsy Rover", and is in three acts. The entire glee club is in it. but the -..u/ilnla -oovfo qvo tfllfpn hV T?Pthfl pi uivipic pnivo " V ? ?J Arnold, Carrie Hewitt, Delphia Lennon, Gilda Arnold, Lulu Brown, George Lewis, Rivers Wescott, John Juluis Swain, S. V. Russ, Marcellus Cox, Clarence Lennon, Leonard Davis and Theron Price. CHILD ILL Little Fay Mooncy was a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital two days last week. LEAVES HOSPITAL Mrs. Lucy McDowell of Southport was a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital for several days last week. ^ MEDICAL PATIENT Mrs. Curtis Coleman of Shallotte was admitted last Tuesday as a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital anil remained one week. SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. Russell Hewett of Supply has been dismissed from the Brunswick County Hospital where she was a surgical patient. OPERATION Friends here will be glad to know that James Wolfe is improving nicely after an appendicitis operation recently performed at a Tampa, Fla., hospital. GOING PLACES American farms are now being electrified at the rate of 200,000 a year, a far more rapid acceleration than was reached in all the years prior to the depression. Nearly a million and a half farm homes are now using electricity. DEADLINE Growers of spring wheat who want to insure their 1939 harvests under the "all-risk" wheat crop insurance program must have their applications on file in county AAA offices by March 1. iLOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. BASKETBALL RESULTS BOLIVIA vs. LONG ('REEK GRADY The Bolivia high school boys defeated the Long Creek Grady high school basketball team Tuesday, Jan. 31, 31 to 15 in a. game { played in the Bolivia gym. Score ; at the half was 21 to 12 in favor j of Bolivia. B. Tliompkens led the attack i for the losers, with 5 points. A Lesh with SI. J. McKeithan with 8, and R. Rabon with 1, led the offense while E. Lewis and J. I Johnson played well at guard for j the winners. The line-ups:? Long Creek Grady: C. Rivenbark P 3, Langston P 4. Tompkins C 5. Moore G 1. Clark G 0. j Keith G 2. Bolivia: A. Lesh P 0. J. McKeithan, P., 8; Sellers, P., 0; R. Rabon, C? 7; Johnson, G? 2.: Lewis, O., 5.: Murrell, G. Referee: S. Johnson: Timer: C. Cannon: Seorekeeper: R. Randall. BOLIVIA vs. LONG CREEK GRADY The Bolivia high school girls defeated the Long Creek Grady! high school basketball team Tuesday night 38 to 1C in a game j played in the Bolivia gym. Score j at the half was 10 to 9 in favor of Bolivia. High scorer for the winners j were C. Stone with 18, and J. j Cannon with 14 points. Russell, led the attack for the losers, with 9 points. The guards, Mills. Sowell and Johnson played their j usual good game. The line-uns: I lie iiue-ii[js. Shallotte: Haze! Bennett K. C. Stanaland F. V. Stanaland F, K. High C, P. McLamb G, A. Bennett G. Southport: L. Arnold F, G Arnokl F, L. Brown F, A. M. Watt G, J. Tyndell G. SOI'THPORT vs. LELAND The Leland high school girls defeated the Southport high school basketball team Friday night 7 to 35 in a game played in the Bolivia gym. Score at the half was 5 to 15 in favor of Leland. High scorer for the winners was Ethel Douglass and 2-1 points. G. Arnold led the attack for the losers, with 4 points. With fast passing and sharp shooting the Leland girls ran away with the Southport girls to the tune of 35 to 7. The line-ups:? Leland: Douglas, Ethel F 24. Powell, Betty L. F 3, Clark, Mildred F 0, King, Elizabeth C 8, Mintz, Betty G, Allen, Evelyn G, Bordeaux, Sylvia G. Southport: L. Brown F 2, G. Arnold F 4, L. Arnold C 1, M. Watts G, J. Tyndall G, J. Arnold G. Referee: Nat Pepper. SHALLOTTE SCHOOL NEWS Foot light Players The Footlight Players, dramatic organization of this school, have entered "That Younger Generation," a one-act comedy by Mabel Allwyn, in the State Dramatic contest. The preliminaries or district contests will be held sometime in early March. Glee Club Organized A glee club under the direction of Miss Stanfield and Mr. Early has been organized. Work will soon begin on part-music, but at the present attention is centered on school songs, the state song and the national anthem. Commercial Work Students in the commercial department are progressing nicely. Several of the girls are getting practical experience by taking letters and typing them for the principal. The bookkeeping class will begin on their second practice set, R. W. Collins, single propi^etorship. Working on the Long: Creek: L. M. Wilson F D. Clay F 2, Moore F 2. Russell F 9. Smith G. Rivenbark G, Barnhill G, Gore G. Bolivia: C. Stone F 18, G.! Lewis F 0, J. Cunnon F 14, G. I Mercer F 6, L. Hand C 0. M. Johnson G, J. Sowell G. M. Mills J G. Referee: S. Johnson: Timer: L. McKeithan: Scorekeeper: C. Cannon. SHALLOTTE vs. SOUTH PORT The Shallottc high seliool boys defeated the Southport high I school basketball team Wedner- [ day afternoon 20 to 18 in a game | played in the Shallotte gym. High scorer for the winners | was Ruffin Red wine with 3 points. Lewis and Shannon led the attack for the losers, with 0 points. Southpoit line-up: T. Lewis F, J. O'Danals F, B. | Shannon C, D. St. George G, W. Cooper G. SHALLOTTE vs. SOI'THPORT The Shallotte high school girls defeated the Southport high school busketbal! teuin Wednesday afternoon 08 to 5 in a game played in the Shallotte gym. High scorer for the winners was Hazel Bennel, with 6 points. G. Arnold led the attack for the losers, with 4 points. mu - ,,nn. J I newspaper. typeuTu!iij* Thf Tte^^ | oils is also proving to be very1 [helpful. New Side Walk | A new aide walk around the j main building is now under eon-j ntruetlon and will be completed in the near future. Thin side| walk is being financed bv the j [p.-T. A. Xew Management The .school paper, "The Tar- j heel," has been taken over by the sophomore English class. j Each section of the English class j will publish the paper every other week. Both sections have elected their officers and typists. i Home Economic 4 The home economics girls have been studying the preparation of [ food. Last week they serveil lunch to the basketball girls and several of the teachers. They are j now learning to bake cakes. Khnlloftc vs Wilmington 'ilic gi:l.-.' basketball tram ate ilh.ne. '..1th Mr.".. f'.l.r.ie last Friday afternoon. The menu consis- i teii . Also 2 mules and 2 cows. A. W. J Moore, Southport, N. C. 2-8-"'j' FOR SALE OR TRADE:?Com- 1 blnation saddle and farm horse. Ten years old and in good condi- ' tion. Price $400.00. Will . give terms. Will consider trade for hogs, cows, corn or pea?, whte : P. O. Box 918, Southport. N. C. j J 1-18-* 11 KODAK FILMS Developed and j . printed. 25-cent coin with each i roll. Our permanent rate. Lee | j Hobbs Studio, Clinton. N. C. 2-r i, LEGALS XOTIf'K i SKItVICH 111 1*1 BIU \TlltN I statk of north carolina \ co i'.n't y of rkcxhwick in thk scpkkiok court ,? CITY of NoCTHPoRT. NORTH'* carolina am' rrl'nswick j 1 county j vs , i phillip m.? kv :>' 1 iiri.kn'h slxtf.r a 1.1.fn his wife (i notion | h The defendants. Philli|? Allen ami , i wife Helen Slaior Allen, will take \ notice that an action entitled as i j above has hcon cninmeticed in the | iv.uri Hnm.-uvick Coiiniy. i No till Carolina, to foreclose tax lions j ( .igaiusl tin* pro|K*rly ?1' the defend-Is a nr. Phillip Allen. as described in j tlie complaint filed in this cause; u ami the said defendants will further | take notice that they are reiptiivd | to afipear at the office of the Clerk j\ of the Superior Court of Brunswick County in lite Court House in South-1.] port, X. within thirty days after I the 1st day of March. A. i>. !?:?. ? and answer or demur to the com-1 plaint filed in said action, or the. plaintiffs will apply to the Court foi > tlie relief demanded in said eompluint. I f This 7lli day of February. A. D. {\ 1939. It S. T. Bennett. Clerk of tlie Superior .] Court of Brunswick County. N. c. i; t'- : I llKKI I.BSI KK SAI.K IIKA I, KSTATK MOKTUAfiK ; Under and hy virtue of tlie power ; of sale contained in that certain I c mortgage deed made and executed | ' the 1.1th day of January, I?. BUM. o by Jane Johnson to ?!. II Stanley. ., and duly recorded in Book I'? *?. at !j page ::J. Berords of the office of the J legister of I mods of Brunswick I i County, to which reference is here- I v by especially made, the undersigned 11? Administrator of 1It. Stanley. ? ?*- a cejir.eil, will offer for sale to the f highest bidder for cash at public nuc-j'l tiou at the Court House Hour in the I city of Southport. North Carolina, on L Thursday, the !ith day ol March. A. I t I >. pt:W, at 1 _ o'clock Noon llie follow- | e iug descriiicd lot, tract, piece or parcel | f of laud lying and being in ShnlloPe, s Township. Brunswick County. North u Carolina, ami hounded ami described , I; ks follows to-wit: : a BUtll.NNINC :if :i stake in Woss! Joyner's line; runs thence about West I Bib yards to a stake; thence about 13 is'"EXCHANGF " R OF MUI Dually vouch for this ci ked them out myself. T es that are chosen aft< n Dealing with the wot I AS:?CASH OR CRE ... Smith EVILLE, . - \"T PAGE THREE ' k'orth 210 yards 10 a pine: thence ibout East 160 yards to a gum: heme about South 210 yards to the Mglnning, containing six and nineenths (t? 9-10? acres, more or less. P?. B. Stanley, Administrator G H. Stanley, deceased Dated and posted this ith day o'r ? February. A. D 1929. *~r"" Robert \\ L?a?i i. Attorney for theA. Administrator. C-8-* a: I.EGAL NOTICE The following regulations were tdopted by the \ofth Carolina Hoard tf (Conservation and Development at is regular meeting in Raleigh on -v\ [ lanuary 17. 1939 and are now in till force and effect: ysft Protection of Prop; and l ivestock ' Against Hfar^ lidMMT it shall be lawful for anv land- -?=?. uvner, lessee, or tenant, for the proection of his crops or livestock io un. hunt or take bears at any time if the year in Brunswick, Currituck, tfi.l Washington Counties Trapping in Brunswick County It shall he unlawful to trap or lunt opossum. rae.-oo?? uqskrai in Brunawi.sk County at any iine except from No\ ember 15 Ybruary 15. i'uiil Kelly. Secretary in Board of Conservation and Development. .... S-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrate! ?f the estate of Raker E. Bobbins. (creased. late oi the County of g Brunswick, N'orth Carolina, this is to lotify all persons having claimr j i gainst the estate of the said decased to exhibit them to the underlined at his home at Winnabow, X. '.. or to Robert W. Davis, attorney, a his office in Southnort. Xorth 'aroliria, on or before the 7th dav >f December. A. I). 1939, or this will ?e pleaded in bur of any recovery. All persona indebted to said estate vill please make immediate pnvment. This 7th day of December. 1938. c \V. SWA IX. Administrator of he Estate of Baker K. Bobbins. COMMISSIONER'S SACK OK It F A I. ESTATE In accordance with an order signed it the .lanuary Term 1939 Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County, X. c. In Ite: D. B. Lewis, et als. vs W. \. ,ewls. tin- undersigned Commissioner nuvlofore appointed bv Ihe Court in ..^.i ...III faa? snip :it i ublir auction to the highest bidder or earth ut the Court House Door n the City of Southport. Brunswick 'outity, N. on Monday the 20th lay of Fobruary. 19.19. < being the hint Monday in February) at 12 /clock Noon the following described ot. trai t, piece or parcel of land j ,< virig and being in the State of [forth Carolina. County of Bruitsvick in Town Creek Township, and lOMuded and described as follows, tovlt: BlOOINXIXtl at a black gum on a ' ? lit"h in a small branch. C. T. Lewis' orner; runs thence with his line S. 5 10. 1?: poles to a stake; thence v l',?> \v. II |?oh's to a stake. D. O. >-wis ?orncr; thence with his line S. ?\i \ :{ w. <;S poles to. a stake In C?. W. .ewis' line; thence N II \V. to a take; thence N. Ml poles to a 'stakes hence X. 25 W. tI4 poles to an ash on he run of Mill Creek; thence down the tut of said Creek to the lien Sclera' corner; thence with the Sellers' ine to the mouth of a small branch, Lewis' corner; thence up sail' j until branch with said C. T. Lewir ine to the beginning, containing Irtti icres, more or less. The said sale to he made subject j 0 the life estate of Mary C. Lewis vidow of l> .ti. Lewis, deceased. Dated and posted this L'Oth day ol lanuary. 1919. ' Robert \V. Davis, Commissioner M5-c \OTl4 I OT SA1.F. At the reouettt of ttie noteholder secured thereby. and in accordance v it h the terms and provisions of lint certain deed of trust dated Itine '15th.. 1927, registered in Rook 10 at page |9l. Brunswick County Registry, as executed by Llewellyn Miillips to I'aul Jones, trustee, under- ; r] ;iuned will oil. Moiulay. Mnr.li lilh.. IflSS. al tl V. .M. o'clock at court-house door if Rrunswick County, in Southport, x'. c. offer for sale, and sell for ash to highest bidder, to satisfy said lehl. the lands and properties in said ndeiil.ure described, viz: on the Inland Waterway, about hrec miles from Sonihpoil. in Bruitstick County. North Carolina, and aiown as the Aleiihadcii Fish Scrap 1 ml Oil Company, a menhaden fish aclory owned by Llwellyn Phillip'. 'he laud being 2M acres more or ess. together w if lis nil machinery. In- ' lulling boilers, presses, conveyors, anks, hoists, chains, hells, sleait, 11 gi lies, with all buildings hnluiliiit Im factory buildings, seine houses, all bouyes. and two dwelling house* ii said lands. Property formerl) . * amwn as the Sonihpoil Fish Scrap \ nd oil Company. This January ::nth.. 1929. Paul Jonos. Trustee. -1-c ' ? 1 seal i [able ' v. .v.v! lifphihs^ sssshp r , " -. '.j.!' Ill, kfl JES ?????i >, .,fii ir of mules, h .:, hey are the er years of k Animals! dit ;", &Co. N.C.