E-^ZCK 29, 1939 v m ?? Persona! i,,?.n Miss j Mr. anil Mrs. D. O. Bragdon ol scorer lor Georgetown. S. O., spent tin I Robert week-end here with Mrs. BessU ; tor eon- Eilwaiil Taylor left Tuesday foi Davidson College after spending delirious ,tu. week-end here with his par1,11 Tmts, Mr. and Mrs. C. En Tavlor, t.rs ot ine J who were David Watson. Eddie Jelks and following: Lawrence Willing. students ol turn. H. T. Lonisburg College, spent the nU Vienna spraing holidays here with theii r I. Mintz. respective parents. T Yaskell. Mrs. J. W. Jelks and Miss Anna Thompson. Katharine Garrett of Mars Hill Sanders. L college spent the week-end here William with relatives f n u;ilis iml Misses Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruark ol Willis. Mar- Raleigh visited Mrs. Sallie Runrh : Tlulma Com?r. here during the past week-end. V> < ^ the bureau of weights and menHyjl/'fJJ/ ( llHI'CII suresj spent the past week-end Hp Methodist day for New Bern to spend sev \ Phillips, in Paducah. Ky., and Mrs. L. Leinei . f,> ii.itlv invited guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G veifcGe, % I TEXACO A. JBHJPP EBHoSGDBKV L I Bennett Suppl; Hickman's Cross Roads, Shalk Another Distributor Of TEXACO Gasoline I (JENERAL MERCHAN1 I HARDWARE CROC OUR POLICY IS TO PLEASE OUR C One i )f These Is YOUR Local TE V*0AD \V. R. JENRRTTE ft STATION' Longwood V b'IDRY il. ?"???' ? VV. X. KIRBV Supply v- brooks v- i.. &. .1. Supply "Upon CLYDE LONG Ash l,|fMM0\s ONGWOOD TRADING. CO. Longwood 5R \ IDA AVE 5RNEST MILLIKEN Ash 1^VFTT w. J. McLAMB Longwood BI"Xmix CRAVEN NELSON Thomasboro l""" M. B. WATTS FrwLmd i'arvw, OBELI, WILLIAMSON Bfaih Thomasboro I ebx=kxbssbbsbbxm^wammmm Mrs, Rifton Sellers Entertains Club The Bethel Flome Demojtntra-1 lion Club met Thursday afternoon. March 23, at the home of Mrs. Rifton Sellers. The president, Mrs. Orene Smith, presided. :The club collect was given and a report of the February meeting 1 was read by the Secrei ary. A paper on "Home Gardens", was , | read by Mrs. C. J. Williamson | ir. the absence of the garden ' i project leader. Mrs. W. S. Jones. > The club sang "Tirritomba" the club song for the month of March, after which the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Marion S. Dosher, i home demonstration agent. I Mrs. Dosher gave a most interesting talk on "Color and Finishes I! for the Kitchen", using pictures anil a color chart to illustrate | the lesson. The hostess served refreshments to the following members. Mrs. ] W. H. McKeithan, Mrs. Marcellus ! Cox. Mrs. Roscoe Rogers, Mrs. ' i Orene Smith. Mi s. W. A. Price. ' i Mrs. Herbert Swain. Mrs. C. J. Williamson. Mrs. Geo. Walton and j Mrs. Marion S. Dosher. ' j The club adjourned to meet the 4th Thursday in April with Mrs. | Orene Smith. | MRTDAVIS IU. I Friends will be glad to know , that improvement has been noted j in the condition of R. Will Davis. who has been sick at his home for several days. HAS FI.V I I George Fulwood of Southport is . I a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital with influenza. tee 0 ) y Co. >tte, N. C. and Motor Oil [)ISE CRTPSi 11^1 % / USTOMERS XACO Dealer IBS. P. E. PARKEB Gausp Landing 1. L. PHEI-PS Supply tl. II. ROFRK Shallot to WOODROW RUSS Shallot to II. O. ROBINSON Supply SIG SERVICE STATION Shallotte I. G. SIMMONS Freoland J. V. SMITH Ash t. J. SOMMERSETT Thomas bo ro ). T. WILLIAMS Supply THE STATE PORT FiLOT. | NEWS BRIEFS BIRTH ANTNONCEMENTf Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lanier, of Winnabow announce the birth of a son, Harvey Spencer, March 19. 1939 at Bullock Hospital, Wilmington, N. C. u LONG-SHARP Miss Sallie- Bell Sharp, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. C. E. Sharp and John Long of Shallqtte were married Saturday, evening, March 25. at Southport. IN HOSPITAL Garfield Clemmons, member of the crew of Oak Island Coast 'guard station is a patient at ! the Brunswick County Hospital ] with influenza. MEDICAL PATIENT ; Mrs. T. H. Sellers of Southport was admifteil to the Brunswick County Hospital Friday as a medj ical patient. HOSPITAL PATIENT Leon Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lewis, of Winnabow is a patient at the Brunswick County Hospital. MEDICAL Robert Benton of Leland was ndmUI/i/1 Did.lmr tn tbo Prainetpinl.' UUHUllt'l* ri IUUJ iw tnc uiu/untyn County Hospital as a medical patient. INFLUENZA George b'Neill, member of the crew of Oak Island coast guard station, was admitted to the Brunswick County Hospital Saturday with, influenza. OPERATION Mrs. Louis Fill wood of SouthI port underwent an operation for ( I the removal of her appendix Mon! day at the Brunswick County i Hospital. TONSIL OPERATION Boyd Robinson of Supply underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils Tuesday at the Brunswick County Hospital. CONDITION IMPROVES Mrs. B. G. Simmons of Freeland is improving following her serious illness at the Brunswick County Hospital. DISCHARGED William Greer, member of the crew of the Comstoek, was disI J.UUJDEE I WILMING SPRING MEN & WOMEI If you haven't visi you'll he amazed a spring clothes we GOME ON IN YOURSELF I Shallotte 1 HOBSON KIR Shallott SOUTHPORT, N. C. A === ? charged Tuesday after receiving f treatment at the Brunswick Conn- c ty Hospital. AT PRESBYTERIAN The regular Sunday morning * ! warship service will he held at c New Hope at 11:30 a. m. The spcrahient of the Lord's Supper will be administered. Communion j I service also will be held at the 1 evening worship at Southport Prpsbyterian Church. The sermon subject chosen by Rev. J. R. Poss is "The Three Crosses", which he 0 is using by special request. The ! public is cordially invited. a n,L I\ HOSPITAL s Mrs. W. H. Cray of Shallotte f I was admitted to the Brunswick j J | County Hospital Tuesday for v treatment. Jo RETl'RN HERE t Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Rwing d will return this week from Ral-, s eigh to spend the summer at | s their home here. ' C ATTEND CONCERT j, Mesdames J. A. Doshier, R. L. j Jones, E. M. Hall and I. B. Bussels and Miss Lois Jane Bussels attended the concert given by Nel- ( son Eddy in Raleigh Thursday night. I Mrs. Z. G. Ray c CI fib Hostess j1 On Monday afternoon, March:a 20th, a clothing leaders training 111 school was held at the home of i Mrs. Z. G. Bay of Ash. Miss i Louise Adams. Clothing Leader of j tli eiocal club presided. The meeting was opened by singing, "We're Here For Fun". ^ After the announcements Mrs.! I Marion Doaher, home agent, in-1P trodueed Miss Julia Mclver, ass't 1 spencialist in clothing, who gave a very interesting demonstration on "Designs and colors that are f becoming for different type figures". The clothing leader from the l' following clubs enjoyed the demonstration, Exum, S h a 11 o 11 e, |SI Southport and Ash. v Funeral Held Fpr 'p Mrs. Nancv Andrews^} Mrs. Nancy Andrews, 89, died i ^ last Friday after being confined to her bed for a week. She had c been in poor health for sometime. _ She never complained and she . [ bore all her pains with a smile. ' She was the oldest citizen in the ^ community. She is survived .by her husband 1 j, one daughter, two sons, several p j; IIGH'ART : t SPRING SUITS < ie Seasons Newest Fabrics h a And Patterns? 1, 14.75 ,u $22.50 S 1? . . .. J Sport (floats $11.75 : a Contrasting Slacks *4.50 ? $5.50 5 r SON k SON f TON, N. C. t .'. I I ?? c noTHEs ; V, ATTENTION! ! < ted our store lately it th,e assortment of have in stock. i AND OUTFIT -OR EASTER! [fading Co. :BY, Proprietor e, N, C. > frandchildren and one greatgrand hild. She was laid to rest in the tillage cemetery. Active pallbearers cere: James and John Chad wick darvin Sellers, W. R. Register, >. T, Williams and Horace Frink Mrs. ff. T. Benton Hostess To Club The Eoone's Neck Home Demnstration clnh met at the home >f Mrs. XV. T. Benton Friday fternoon at 2:30 o'clock, tjie leson subject being on color and inishes for the kitchen. Mrs. farion S. Dosher, home agent, , as in charge. Following the meeting delicius punch and cake were served a the following guests: Mesames .1. i>. Roberson, Willie Calon, M. S. Dosher. L. M. Roberon, \V. S. Roach. S. W. Lewis. 1. W. Davis. Everett Hewett. iobbie Davis. J. E Robinson, and tuss Fajrlee Lewis. Miss F.rsell .ewis and t,he hostess. 7ommissioners In Special Session Members of the board of county ommissioners in special session ere Saturday spent most of their ime in making tax adjusments nd attending to other matters lertaining to taxes. Winnabovv News Mrs. E. Paul Du Pont and on, Benjamin, of Moutchanin, V ~ 1 ..Inltnd knH Kf/\tVrn?' 'ci., viaucu iici uiukiin, ucvigv Foulke and family Wednesday hursday and Friday. Madames Grier and Baker, of 1'ilmington, were callers here hursday. Dr. Henderson Rourk, of Shal>tte, was a visitor here Thursay. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Taylor and sn, Edward, of Southport, were isitors here Thursday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Orvis Miller, of lelly, and Rev. Neprasli, of 'hiladelphla. Pa? spent Thursay night and Friday with Miss fiss Satterfield and Mr. and Irs. Smelser. J. A. Purvis, of Ash, was a aller here Friday. Miss Margaret Measamer, of ialeigh, was a visitor here Friay. Lawrence Bennett, of Greensoro, Walter Bennett, of Wallace, nd Kenneth Corbett and son lenneth, Jr., were visitors here aturday. Mrs. Maggie Nichols, of Southort, spent Saturday night and lunday with Mrs. Lizzie Henry Miss Annie Mae Heniy, ol ames Walker Hospital nurse.? taff, Wilmington, was a visitoi ere Saturday afternoon en route o visit her aunt, Mrs. Willie talker, in Southport. Mrs. J. B. Finch, of Southport Jr. and Mrs. William Freemar nd Leonard Freeman, of Char? --.i *#.. .....i ler-a Pi.II.. SMUII, mm 1*11. auu iui o. ftuu> ard Register, of Sliallotte, visitU their parents. Rev. and Mrs . W. Freeman, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Johnson f Wilmington, visited Mr. and firs. J. I.. Henry Sunday afterioon. W. D. McCaig, Mrs. Emma Valker and Mr. and Mrs. Char?s Dickinson, of Wilmington isited Mrs. E. W. Taylor and amily Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sawyei jul daughter, Anne Carrol, anc Irs. Sawyer's mother visited th< teid's Sunday afternoon. Misses Lois Copper and Olivi; 'reason, of Wilmington, visitec diss Julia Taylor Sunday after ioon. Mrs. Robert R. Meigs and tw< hildren, Henry and Mary, ol Chestnut HiU, Pa., are visiting dr. and Mrs. George R. Foulkf his week. Rev. D. D. Traynham. of Leas lurg, visited friends here Mon lay. Cushman Newhall, of Phaila lelphia, is spending some timi lere with his sister, Mrs. Georgi X. Foulke and family. E. G. Goodman has returnee n nnrham to resume his studie it Duke University school o Hedicine, after spending th ipring holidays at his home here To The State Port Pilot We wish to thank our friend Tor sympathy and assistance rend ered during the illness and deati af our father and husband. Mrs. Mary Lewis and family WANT ADS FOR SALE: 120-acre tract o fertile land with good crop o timber. Originally part of J. H Frink estate. Price $2,000.00. In terested parties may contact S. B Frink, Southport, or make in qulrey direct to owner Ralph F Frink, Seaman Barracks, Nay Yard, Charleston, S. C. 3-8LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Under and by virtue of an ordt of thfe Superior Court of Brunswic County, made in the special proceet Irtg entitled: Edgar D. Warren, et at V* Mary M. Warren, et als., tti undersigned commissioner will, o the 10th day of April, 1939. at 12:f (twelve) o'clock, noon, at the cour house door in Southport, North Cai ollna, offer for sale to the highe: . bidder, for cash, that certain tract j 1 of land lying and being in Town U Creek Township. Brunswick County. (r North Carolina, and more particularly | * ' described as follows, to wit:-? it BEGINNING at u Black Gum tree,; r I W. H Robbing corner in the fun ;i 01 the western pfong of Old Held . '! branch; run* then, e up said run ot ? . i the branch Souih 98 degrees West. r 143 feet to a Puff Wood tree; y . thence up the run South 11 degrees, j \ 12? minutes. West. 1S3 feet to a'i (stake; thence up the run South 34 11 I degrees West. 136 feet to a stake; jc I then. e up the run South 87 degrees | ( West. 83 fget to a Spruce Pine: if thehce South 47 degrees West, 18 feet j j I to a Jightwood r.tufnp at the itioutbj 1 of the ditch in the above mention-; c cd branch; thence up said ditch South ]f ' I 38 degrees West. 350 l'eet to a stake t c In the edge of a mma.ll pond; thence i I South 80 degrees West. S3U iVet to a \ Spruce rine in the edge of said pond; I f i thence up said ditch South 31 de- j grees West. 4121? feet to a stake; S j thence up the ditch South 7 de- j grees East. -111**2 feet to the public i .road; thence South about 73 degrees ,| j East, wiih J. L?. IlarreJson's line to )i I 1. T. Bobbins corner: thence \vith his j 'line N'ortli about ?." degrees East. t about l.tfoO feet to a stake. I. T. j Bobbins corner in J. F. Swain's line; 'them-e with Swain's line North 73 r degrees East. 17.5 feet to a stake, n (paid Swain's co.rner; thence North > j 74 degrees. 30 minutes West. 317 iWt t to the Beginning. Containing about * 3. acres, more or less. ,S SFB.IKCT MOWllVKli to the (Tower f interest of Mary .M. Warren, widow <| of G. A. Warren. , This the 6th day of March. 1039. i J. H. Ferguson. Commissioner. j 4-12-e TKI STF.F.'S S\I.K OF UFTT J FJITATK ,1 (By Substituted Trustee! , Pursuant to the power and author- , ity contained in a certain deed of e trust doled the 11th day of August. y 1934. executed by Ma.vme Moore and ( husband, N. M. Moore to C. -ij. 8 II Noble. Trustee, which deed of trust * . j is duly registered in the office oi f ' i lie Register 1>i l?ee?is ??i nrmikn n:i\ . I ' Count v. North Carolina, in Hook tio, ' , j i?r.qro tJ7. securing a certain note i?uy- f able to Home Owners' Loas Corpor- . ation. detault having hem made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in tMe payment of said note as provided therein and in the performa nee of certain convcjnanis set out in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said indebtedness, the tin- ' dersigned Trustee, having been sub- f i stituted, as trustee for C. S. Nobles, said , substitution being duly recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds of ' Brunswick County, North Carolina. : in Hook f?8. page 18. will offer for J . sale at public auction lo the highest ; bidder for cash at the Court House J door in Brunswick County, Southport. ^ North Carolina at 12 o'clock noon on J1 Hip 15th day of April. 1939 the fol- ' lowing described real estate, to-wit: * All that certain lot. tract or parcel ? of land situate, lying and being in ; the City of Soiuhport, Smithville * Towjiship, County of Rrunswick. State of North Carolina, and more pariiculAlly ilescrilied and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of .Mrs. \V. S. *j . Dosher. C. S. Van.Amridge. T. 11. Lindsay and PoltM Street. BKfilN- ? ' N1N(J at a point in Hie eastern mar- J gin of Poits Street in the City of , Southport, N. c.. ?;?; feet southwardly J ; from intersection of said margin of Potts Street with .southern line \ 1 of Moore Street: running thence with line of Mrs. \V. S. Dosher at right ' angles to Potts Street and parallel to . Moore Street eastwardl.v li'rt feet 1 to C. S. VanAmridge's western line: *j theme with western line of C. S. Van- ? Amridge parallel with Potts St. \ southwardly 50 ft. to T. if. Lindsey's ^ northern line; thence with T. H. Lirnlsey'S northern line parallel with Moore j St. westwardly 1-0 ft. to the eastern J margin of Poits St.; thence with said eastern margin of l'otts St. north- 1 . Wnrdlv r?0 ft to tile HKCINN1NC 1 . corner. Being all the land conveyed * by John R. Ames and wife. IClizaheih * Knight Ames, to N. M. Moore, deed , dated June 27. 19:M. and registered in \ I Hook 40, page .183, in the office of 1 Register of Deeds of Rrunswick , County. N\ C., and also conveyed by N. M. Moore to May me Moore by deed dated N jv. ti, 102U. filed for I regisleration Nov. fi. 192?J. and regist. ered in Hook 43, Page t>08. in said office, to which said deeds and the J ' records thereof reference is hereby \ , made for greater certainty of descrip- ' tion. Heing the lands plotted on map ; designated as "Map Showing Location . ( Property of Mrs. Mavme Moore. Potts J Streets. City of Southport", said map : 1 being made from :? survey by R. I. . .Mint7.. <*. K.. July 21, 193). which t said map is on flleywitli ih? Home , Ow tiers' Loan Corporation. Its sue- { cessors and | or assigns and which is f hereby referred t?? for greater cer' fa inly of description. i Tills property will he. sold subject j to 1939 taxes. , tiic purcnaser hi mis saic mu ?r required to make a cash deposit of . r> per rent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, iho 13th clay of March. 1939. I T. C. Ahernethy Substitute Trustee S. 11. Prink, Attorney. 4-12-c , NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE I Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by ('has. E. Cause and . wife Gertrude Cause to Peoples United Hank on the ltlth. day of Septem1 her. 1929. and there-alter on the 19th. ? day of July, 193f?, duly assigned to If. T. St. George. J. Horg and R. I. Mint/, trustees, to secure the payi rneiif of a ceHain note therein recited, , which said mortgage defed is duly 1 recorded In Hook Xo. 48 at Page Xo. - 49:5. records of Hrunswick Uounty. X. C? and default having been made in the payment of said not-, lite under) signed trustees, assignees of the p Mortgagee, will on Monday, the 17th. day of April, 1929, at 12 o'clock. At., f at the Courthouse door In Soulhport, * N. (". offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, the I following described tracts of land. . tow it; 1 1st. Tract: That certain island he" tween the waters of Putchmans Creek and Elizabeth river formed by what is known as the "go through", consisting of a marsh island and heft ginning where the "go through" enters a Elizabeth river; thence down the Elizabeth river to where the waters of DUtchm&ns creek at low water flow ] into the Elizabeth river; thence up the run of Dutcbmans creek as it 9 meanders to the "go through" which f is below Fraziers Neck; thence with the run of the "go through" as it e meanders to the beginning. Heing the aotifn irant nf land conveyed to C. V.. Cause by R. M. Wescoit, by deed dated April 2Sth. 1921. and recorded f in Hook No. 10, Page No. 2.10, records of Brunswick County, N. C. 2nd. q Tract: Known as Bush l'oint tract of 8 land. Beginning on North side of - Rush Point and runs with Calf Gully u marsh to the old Bridge; thence South 10 West to Fraziers Branch at a light wood stake, a corner: thence with the branch to a pine, a corner. 12." yards; thpnee South 10 West to "" the highlands on the South side of Fraziers branch, a lightwood stake, a corner; thence down Fraziers - branch to the crossing; thence North 1 to the highlands on the North side; * thence the Marsh back to the begin1 fling,' containing 50 acres, more or f. less. 3rd. Tract: Beginning at Campbell Log across Calf Gully: runs thence down the run of Calf Gully to 1. I) lit Chilians creek; thence down Dutchmans Creek to the mouth of Fraziers branch; thence up Fraziers branch to \ the Spencer landing at highwater v mark; thence to the beginning, cony tair.ing 100 acres, more or less. The C last two above mentioned tracts being -i same conveyed to C. E. Gause by Walker Newton and others by deed dated Jan. 15th. 1926, recorded in Book No. 42 at Page No. 298. records of Brunswick County. N. C. 4th. - Tract: Beginning at Northwest corner of Pasture fence and running thence North 10 degrees 55 minutes East to the Northern boundary line T ot' the Southport Fish Scrap and Oil k Company's lands; thence with the 1- Boundary line of said lands as ina. dicated on a plot East. South and le West to a point on the Elizabeth n river where the first line projected 10 would intersect the same; thence r- North 10 degrees 55 minutes East to r- the beginning, containing 162 acres of st hill land and 127 acres of .Marsh PACE THREE amis, more or less. The above deirribed tract of land being the tract ohveyed by Southport Fish Scran ind Oil CO., to J. \\ Dey and C. K. lause a? will more fully appear by ? efeiefue to Book No. 24 at Page Xo. Sw. rec ofds of Brujisw ick County, X. ?. to wM( n M'efer.re hereby made o as to include the plot heretofore efered to as fully as if included * -4 kerein and attached hereto, same be- , ng recorded as above set forth, savng and excepting, however, from the ands hereby conveyed all that part f the above described tract of lands onveyed by .1. W. Dey and C. 17. Ifluse to Portsmouth Fisheries Comp- -.*v thy. May 31st, 1921?. recorded in look No. 37 at Page Xo 167. records rf ?i B/unswick County. X. P. hereby . specially refered to and the said ' xcepied part of said lands, being hat certain parcel Of land in Brunswick County. X C. on the North ;tde oi Elizabeth river, hounded by he lands ol Dey and Cause, the 5outhport Fisii Scrap and Oil Compiby and by Elizabeth river, containng about i'rt-4-10 acres more or less, lesc ribed and defined further as fol6ws. viz: Beginning at a concrete wist marked "THIN*" 19.1 and indiated on plat accompanying deed from touthporl Fish Scrap and Oil Combine to Dey and Cause. recorded in . v look Xo. 3t at Page Xo. 33?;. records f Brunswick County, X. c\. as c'orlhwt-st corner of Pasture: runs hence Xorlh 1ft degrees 55 minutes!ast 275 feet to a corner; thence iomh 8C degrees 37 minutes East 899.5 eet to a corner; thence South f. legrees 2f? minutes West about 525.5 ee; to the Northeast corner of Pasuro fence; thence with Pasture 'enco same course about 287.7 feet to orner No. 4. the total distance from ori?er 2 to corner i being 912.2 feet hence with Pasture fence South 7 ler.rees 9 rnimiles Fast about 231 feet o corner 5 on the Elizabeth !liver; hence up Elizabeth river as it meand;rs to corner ii Pasture fence; thence vith Pasture fence < degrees 22 ninutes East about 7it feet to tbe be;inning corner, map hereunto attach(I and forming a part hereof, recorded >ii Page Xo. 168 of Book No. 27.words of Brunswick County. N. C. )nted and Posted this the 14th. day >f March. 1939. 11. T. St. fleorge. J. Berg ami R. . Mint/. Trustees ami assignees of eoples United Bank. Mortgagee. .1. W. Runrk. Atly., Southport. N. C. NOTIUF OF FOHKt l.OSl HF rruler ami by virtue of a power >f sale contained in a certain mortgage Meed executed by A. M. Rice iml wife. Margaret Rice, to People.-, suited Bank on April 24th, 1928. ami ecorded in Book No. 48 at Page No. Hi. records of Brunswick County, N. V. to secure the payment of a ceruin note therein recited, and thereifter on the lSlh. day of July. 1935, issigned to II. T. St. (ieorge. .1. Berg Hid It. I. Mint/, trustees, and default idving been made in the payment of iaid note, the undersigned trustees, issignees of the mortgagee will on tfomlay, Apri! 17th, 1939, at 11' o'clock. d? offer for sale to the higiiest bid- 1 i t ler lor cash at the courthouse door n Southport. N. liie following lescribed tract of land, towit: L>1rig iml l?eiiig in the city of Southport. v\ t'.. amL heginnlng at the South nsl corner of Si. t No. 0; thence about South -along the in*-* of Lot No. ftO. 32.53 feet to the Northern line of lot No. 2*3; thence tbout West along the line of lot No. 3. 132 feet to the eastern line of fOttB Street; thence about North ilong the eastern line of f'f Brunswick County, to which refer???/'*? is hereby especially made, and ipplicatioh having been made by rue mid Southpori Building and Loan \ssoclaiioti lo the undersigned Trusen the undersigned Trustee will offer '. 1939. at 12 o'clock Noon, the folowing described lot, tract, piece or in reel of land lying and being In the *ity of Southpori. Brunswick County, V. ami bounded and described as 'ollows, to-wit: HEfJINNINO at n point In the Eastern line of Boundary Street said mint being 12ft Feet Northwardly Tom the Northeast corner of Boundary and Nash Streets, runs thence Northwardly with the Eastern Line of Boundary Street 45 Feet to a stake; > hence Kastwardly fir. Feet to a stake; hence Southwardly and parallel with Boundary Street 45 Feet to a stake; tviibani Outhrle'fe corner; theme VVestwardly and parallel with Nash Street fifi Feet to the heginning and being the same land conveyed to M. A. Northrop by Lucy Northrop 12th r day of January. 1921. and duly recorded in Bool: 54. at page lift. Records of the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, to which reference is hereby especially made. ROBERT \\\ DAVIS. Trustee For Southport Building and Loan Association DATED AND POSTED This 8th day of March. 1929. 4-5-r ^ TIM.STEP'S SALE OF UFA I. ESTATE Default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness secured ^ l,y the deed of trust executed the lftth day of June. 1936. b.v I,ouis Full wood and jQsie Fullwood. his wife, to Robert \V. Davis. Trustee for the South|K>rt Building anti Loan Association, duly recorded in Book j 58. at page .169. Records of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Bruns- i wick County to which reference is hereby especially made, and application having been made to the undersigned trustee by the said Southport Building and I.oan Association, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House Door in the City of Southport. Brunswick , County. X. c.. on Saturday the 8th day of April. A. D. 1939, at 12:30 P. M.. the following described lot. tract, piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Southport. Brunswick County, X. C.. and bounded and described as follows, towlt: Adjoining the lands of P. C. Tharp. et als. being a part of Back Lot No. 1 of the. William Taylor Tract, and BECINNINO at a point in the Western line of Burri gton Avenue 150 Feet Northwardly ?rom the intersection of the Northern Line of Brown Street with the Western Line of Burri ngton Avenue, runs thence Northwardly with said line FTFTY (60) Feet to the P. C. Tharp line; thence Westwardly with said P. C. Tharp line 191.31 Feet to the dividing line between back lots number 1 and 2 of the Taylor Tract; thence with said dividing line South 2 degrees 42' East to John Jones corner; thence Eastwardly with said John Jones line to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to I-oul* O. Fullwood and wife by L. H. Fullwood and wife by deed dated the 2nd day of April. 1934 and recorded in Book 69. at page 254. Records of the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County. to which reference is hereby especially made. Robert W. Davis, TrusteeehbEeecfrn ROBERT W. DAVIS, Trustee For Southport Building and Loan Association . . DATED AND POSTED This 8th day of March, 1939. 4-5-c \