of The News fhe Time ifekTerm | Krior Court ~ arts Monday i *" ^a" 'S\V^k| 11 1 Murder^ Case \ j^ed^To Come I [ ? < mixed term of rfi l":riv Superior court, ; liere Monday with 1*JJ Harris of Raleigh Lf B m3rk the first ap- B since his election I B--"David Sinclair and BH BfjL supporters in this K"be interested in seeBpccutc his first Bruns- ; of BARD TAKES FAVORABLE ACTION j ill Ask Highway Body or Joint Meeting With Commissioners And Association >awson Jones, G. T. Rcid, J. O. rner and George R. Foulke. appeared before the board of inty commissioners Monday resenting the Upper Brunswick ad Roads Association. Jone^ lirman of the planning commit, read a report of the com:tec explaining the purpose of association and asking the ird of commissioners to give official sanction to their proim, also that the board ask a joint conference with the nmittcc from the good roads ociation. the division highway nmissioncr and the board of nmissioncrs. following this report and dis- R ision, D. A. Lewis made a mo- I" a that the board of commisncrs give its official endorsent to the association's proim, pledging its cooperation and P :ing a conference for the comttee to meet with the Highway nmissioncr and his engineering ff and the Board of Comisioners. This motion was secled by L. C. Tripp and was inimously adopted. jr eturn Bouts 'in Planned Friday1f nateur Pugilists Wills Stage Second Program ir Of Season Friday Night(p In Local Gym w I CI uc to popular request the local | atcur puglists will hold their; \ ornl boxing exhibition at the T h school gym on Friday, April tl i, at 7:30 P. M. Thirteen bouts, tl : battle roya 1 and four wrcstl- \ ' matehs liavc been scheduled, e two feature bouts will be d; >sc of Johnny Simmons vs tl in Joy and Rothy Simmons vs E liter Jones. Also 'considered a rr iture is the big battle royal. t< ,'e boys will be blind-folded and t in the ring-cvcry man for I nsclf. I A big crowd is anticipated, as : card was compiled from the jue.sts of local citizflfhs. The st bouts were held last Tuesday d went over big. Claude Mc- C 11 was unable to find an opnent. The pairings have been ccted in the manner that foil's: Boxing: Corky Newton vs ck Swann: Ituby Sellers vs Joe ristian; Jimmy Smith vs Fran- J Mollychcck; Bobby Jones vs ? hn Carr Davis: Skippy Stiller s Douglas Jones; Walter Jones I Rothy Simmons (130 pound t iss); Johnny Simmons vs Irvin a ye (110 pound class); Glenn 1 ties vs Joe Loughlin; Tom Ful- ii tod vs Marion Doshcr; Nix Cole- v in vs Bob Thorsen; Joel Moore E. C. Watts; Ed Newton vs jn Hornsby; and Jim Sutton vs t inny Potter. In the Battle Royal t 11 be W. A. Russ, Jimmy Rubs, j yatt Gay, Nix Coleman and A1 s (Continued on page 1) : stj A Good 4-PAGES 10DAY n Square Is Beai towering live oaks of Frai other municipal park in ; Byana, gardener, are now isiastic in their praise of th ^sk Shad And Fishermen * ] Southport Men Leave On Boats ; Between 20 and 25 of the ] Southport colored fishermen j were enlisted and left Monday for fishing operations in j] Florida. Boats coming down from the north stopped for two or three hours while I those crews were getting i aboard. Others of the local men have already gone on the annual trip southward. The boats now going south 1 will bo returning in a couple , of months for operations above here. Some of the lo- | cat men. merely go for the. , two months or so of Florida i fishing and obtain their dis- , charges as the boats stop here on the return trips. j Others will remain with their , boats through the summer | and fall operations between here and Delaware Bay. ] Meanwhile, a local plant |i started a boat to scouting t around in search of fish this , week. Local operations may commence any day. L /Ian Succumbs To Injuries aul Willis, Young Wilmington Man, Died At Brunswick County Hos-, pital One Week Follow-1 ing Wreck Paul Willis, 26, assistant superitcndent of the Cape Fear Term ml company, injured in an autolobilc crash at Shallotte early si Monday morning, died Saturiy morning at 7:45 o'clock in runswick County Hospital. Willis' car crashed into a | ridge abuttmcnt just south of | hallottc early last Monday morn-! ig, causing him to suffer multi- j le fractures of the right lcgji hic'i was subsequently amputatJ, and serious head injuries. He is survived by his mother, Irs. Paul Willis, of 106 Soutn hird street, Wilmington. He was < ic only son of Mrs. Willis and ic late Taul Willis, of Dulutli, linn. Funeral services were licld Sun-1 ay afternoon at 4 o'clock from j ic First Presbyterian church by ir. D. P. Gilmour, pastor. Intcrient took place in Oakdalc ccnic:ry '!.* Janded Goose ' From Canada* ioose Killed Last Fall By Arthur S. Mowery Of Salisbury Was Reported To Bureau Of Biology Late last November Arthur S. fowery, prominent citizen of Salisbury, shot and killed some peels of wild goose in the Bald toad group of islands. The bird ore a metal band with lettering ,nd numerals on one of its legs.; 'here was nothing, however, to1 adicate what country the banding i ras done in. In behalf of Mowery, the South-1 >ort Civic Club secretary wrote he Bureau of Biology of the j Jnitcd States x Department of I Agriculture, inclosing the band aid askuig information. fContinued on Page 4) News paper In Southport, N. C., Wet itiful t 1 I IV I N V' I u I 'r u I r< hmc?jh9bbbi t lklin Square now is a scene this section. The azaleas, p in their glory and visitors h e park. f( $i Herring >: To Cooperate' Former Assistant Commissioner Of Commercial Fisheries J. H. Stone Wants Uniform Shad f, Season h MEETING CALLED ci FOR SATURDAY Fishermen Of This Section I Asked To Meet At Wilmington Fish Market To Make Plans For Request Hi A special meeting of shad and norring fishermen of this section jf the state has oeen called by J. H. Stone, former assistant commissioner of commercial fishcries., for Saturday morning at. b 9 o'clock at the Wilmington fish ? market. I a He has addressed the follow- ! e ing communication to all inter- J v listed parties in Brunswick coun- ( l*: L "I ant asking tlie shad and | c] icrring fishermen and dealers of j ^ this and other sections of the state who arc interested in the I conservation of the shad and her- j ring industry and in the policy . ot equal rights for fishermen to _ meet me Saturday, April 8, at 9 o'clock A. M. at the Wilming- " ton fish market. "As you know, the season for ' taking shad and herring with ? nets closes on April 15, while J seine fishing for these firs con- 1 tinues until April 25. It is my ^ belief that the shad and herring fishing season should close at the same time in the state, regardless of the kind of gear used in J taking these fish. "Due to the flood stage of waters in this section continu(Continued on page 4) d /\-T. A. Meeting ' j! Postponed Week c s The Parent-Teachers' Assoeia- 11 tion will meet April 10, in the Southport high school auditori- c uni. This date has been changed c by order of the President of the f T'l.i-ont . Teachers' Association, b Mrs. C. Ed Taylor. Every mem- c ber is urged to attend and be E on time at 7:30 o'clock. r Keziah Turns P And A Gh Data and the outline of a scenario for a moving picture that could be made locally has been sent to Hollywood, California, by air mail. The plot centers around the beautiful Theodesia. Burr, beginning with her tender girlhood as the only daughter of Aaron Burr. It swings through her school days and through the social whirl of the beginning of the ISth ccntiiiy in New York and Washington. From there it speeds to South Carolina and the illstarred heroine is depicted as the beloved wife of the South Carolina governor in the mansion at Columbia. From the Governor's mansion in Columbia we sec her accompanied by the governor journeying to Charleston by stage where her husband kissed her goodbye and she set sail on the sloop Patriot for a visit to [ the scenes of her early social j triumphs. Sh& the go id sbp L_ POR' A Good Con inesday, April 5th, 1 deputies Named iy Sheriff And Salaries Given [embers Of Board Of The County Commissioner: Henceforth Will Hold Regular Meeting On The First And Third Mondays EXT MEETING ON APRIL 17TH Zith Present Set - Up Ol 5 h e r i f f's Organization Every Township In The County Is Represented As a result of the action o le board of county commissioner i regular session here Monda; lis body henceforth will have a: igular meeting dates the firs nd third Mondays in each month he next regular meeting dat< ill be April 17. Sheriff Dillion L. Gancy re orted that the following deputie avc been named, to be paid tin allowing salaries: E. V. Leonard 50.00 per month; M. R. Tripp 10.00 per month; Wrcnt Mintz 10.00 per month; W. H. Potts 10.00 per month; R. L. Sullivan 10.00 per month. This means that overv townshil -y - . i the county is represented ii le set-up of the sheriff's organ :ation. A delegation apcared before th oard and requested that the roai om Mt. Pisgah church to U. S ighway 17 be added to the high 'ay system. A resolution to thi Ffect was passed. Twenty - Three To CCC Camf ncluded In Group Enrollei Tuesday Were 14 Whit Boys Scheduled For Th< Camp At White Lake Twenty-three Brunswick count oys were enrolled Tuesday ?.i he ranks of the Civilian Conscrv tion Corps after passing the ncc ssary physical examination t Wilmington. Fourteen of this number wcr . hite boys and will report fo uty at White Lake; the remain ig 9 were colored youths wh ill be stationed at Bolton. The'white boys enrolled were oscph C. High, William O. Bel imy, James S. Hcwett, Tommi Hcwett, William W. Lconar nd James B. Caison, Shallottc .ec H. Wcscott, Winabow; Le irnith, Howard Phelps and E' cne Millikcn, Ash; Arthur ( terccr and Leon W. MeKeithai lolivia; Oris McArthur, Frccland Lugustus J. Wilson, Calabash. The colored boys were: Robcr (Continued on Page Four) Revival Closes At Local Churci The revival service in scssio uring the past week at Trinit r?thrvtiat rhurch with Rev. P. 1 holds of Rose Hill as prcache amc to a close Sunday. Th crvices were well attended an luch interest was manifested. A training: class for prospcctiv hurch members is being conducl d this week by the pastor, Rci 1. M. Hall and members wi e received on ne.t Sunday. Th hoir will prcsen'i a program c lastcr music and the pastor wi ireach on the "Resurrection". iaywright iost Is Heroine fades away down the Cooper River neither to ever be heard of again, the beginning of that voyage marking the beginning of one of the unexplained tragedies of the sea From the docks at Charleston the story resumes with the Patriot aground on Frying Pan shoals off Bald Head; faulty navigation having brought her on the treacherous sands. Pirates swarm out from their stronghold on Bald head; the crew of the Patriot arc all slain, the cargo plundered and the wreck burned. Theodesia Burr is brought to the island, the prize of the pirate chief. As high spirited as she is beautiful she docs not submit to restraint and the rapicious wishes of the freebooter. She is constantly seeking escape, both from him and from the island. He assigns three of his hirelings to guard her and prevent her escape. , (Continued on page 4) r pii lmunity 1939 nm Triangular D Between I 1,1 Negative Teams Win Out Precluding Any Team | To Ch j Three negative debati; j posed of Whiteville, Tabc schools, were victorious in at the three respective tow district will go to Chapel I ent upon both affirmative given school. F This'will be the. first tijue i five years that Whiteville ha not sent a representation to til state debating contest in Chapi Hill. It's affirmative and negati\ f teams having won each time f< s five years. f The winning negative tearr j were composed of the followinj Whiteville: Sarah Martha Harre a son and Sarah Prcvatte; Tabc City: Ruth White and Robe "'Cartrctte; Southport: John Ha 9 S and Josephine Wolfe. ? In Southport, WHiteville's neg: ' Uve team, composed of Sara Martha Harrelson and Sarah Pr ' j vattc, debated Tabor City's a ' | firmative team, composed of Eth '*. Bell Williamson and Genc\ 0 Watts. | Whitevillc's affirmative tear II j composed of Ronald Berry at " j Dora Jane Lumpkin journeyed Tabor City to meet Southport ,! negative team, composed of Jol 1 | Hall and Josephine Wolfe. '' | In Whiteville, Tabor City's n I gativc team, composed of Rul luri.ii.. nnri r*nt-irette. ni Southport's affirmative teai composed of Lula Brown ai jLeatha Arnold. The query for debate was: "R | solved, that the United Sta ) j should' form an alliance wil I Great Britain." [Tentative Pla Island A Welfare Meeting n Here On Friday C ( Superintendent of Public | Welfare for Southeastern 01 North Carolina counties will 4 i meet Friday for their monthi ly In-Service Institute. The meeting will convene ^ at 9 o'clock and will adjourn at 1 o'clock for a seafood '' dinner at Miller Hotel. Ime mediately following the din' ner the group will leave for Orton to visit the azalea gar!' dens. ' j Included in this Southeast. I em group of counties are I Bladen, Brunswick, Columbus, Cumberland, Duplin, Sampson, Pender, Robeson, New Hanover, Scotland and Onslow. rJ ^ ? Ohio Students I Planning Tri c , fl Botany Class From Marie ta College, Ohio, Will E c | Here Latter Part Of Th I- Month hor I rip 10 r>a ' Head ll c A group of men and woni ?f students in botany and the hca II of the department of botany Marietta. College. Marietta, Oh _ will arrive here on April 25 f a week's stay on Bald He; Island. The party may numb anywhere, from 20 to 50. T Civic Club secretary has be , advised that a party of 50 a anxious to come but the nunih is being held down to confor with sleeping facilities on t island. W. B. Keziah is borrowing t use of the cottages at the Con Guard station formerly used the families of the men. A lii ited number of beds will be ava able, and the Ohio folks so f as the men arc concerned ha advised they will not mind slee ing on the floor of the cottage They urc bringing an abunda supply of blankets to carry o tilts objective. As usual the Civic Club sect tary will play host. The proft sors in charge of the party ha already been urged to mclu among the young lady students beautiful girl who will have t courage to w.lk across the isla with Keziah at midnight in ore1 to lure forth the ghosts of t three headless pirates, who e supposed to be searching I Thcodesia Bun-. Duke University, the Univcrs of North Carolina and the U Veriity of Maryland are all < i (Contir.ufed oz page I) .OT [ 1SHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ebates Held ' Three Schools i In All Three High Schools, ( I In This Triangle Going lapel Hill ng teams of this triangle comir City and Southport high the debates Friday afternoon rns. None of the teams in this 1 Hill, since the trip is contingand negative victories for a j n* i 1 r-rt :| Both Debating ;:i Teams Win For < J Leland School ij r 5 * ] 1- i The Leland high school dert haters won the right to re- i II present this section in the '< state debates to be held in Chapel Hill April 20th and ih 21st, by winning over both Shallotte and Bolivia. To be i 'j clcgiblc to take part in the ' ,a | State finals at Chapel Hill ' a high school must win both n, I sides of the debate, Nega- , tivc and affirmative. < . The question for debate this uj year is: "Resolved that the United States should form an j c- alliance with Great Britain", tli The debaters for Leiand were, J ct negative, Mary Wells Rourk n, and Gertrude Mills; for the ( id affirmative, Betty Lou Powell and Philips Dresser. Miss , e- Burnett was their coach, te In the debate at Lcland j tli j Philip Dresser was judged the best debater. I I ns For lade By Sherrili "" Owner Of Bald Head Island Was Here During Past Week - End And Spent Several Days Overi ?' j There WORK TO BEGIN IN NEAR FUTURE j Plans Embrace Idea Of, ' Making Island Into An j Ideal Resort For Both Winter And Summer Immediate beginning of oper- i ations that will bring Bald Head | island to the position of being I one ol the outstanding summer j and winter resorts on the Atlantic Seaboard were discussed this j 1, u.. whn! past WtKR ujr r I aim wuv* - - 1 spent the week-end on his island.! W. B. Keziah, secretary of the! Southport Civic Club was on the j island for several days and nights j | in company with Shcrrill and scvj cral others, including J. L. Rca Pof the Blackland Test Farm at Wenona. Rca is assistant director of the North Carolina Department | it- of Agriculture and is in charge le j of test farms, J. D. Lincbcrgcr js of Shelby, Ralph Robinson and ! Martin Boycr of Charlotte also [were in the party. Boycr is an |architect and his coming with cn'thc party was for the purpose of getting local color that would aid ;lt in the drawing of plans. j0 First operations which are likc011 ly to start right away will be the | |(lj construction of a dock running cr out into the Cape Fear river and hc a permanent fishing camp of cn I sonic 30 or 10 rooms. The camp j | will provide accomodations for i ^ j (Continued on page 1) hc i County Council % Meets Tuesday m-1 . ? p. [ Declamation Recitation! ar Contest Will Be Held On vc Tuesday Night At Bolip via School is. I nti The Brunswick County Council' ut of Parent-Teachers Association [will meet at the Bolivia high e- school on Tuesday, April 11th at s- 7:30 P. AT. vc F. W. Taylor Mil conduct the dc devotional. A brief business scsa sion Mill be held Mith Mrs. George he Cannon, presiding. New officers nd Mill be elected and final reports Icr Mill be give. hc The declamation and recitation ire contests, composed of high school 'or students from all of the county schools. Mill take place at this ity time. Medals Mill be aM-ardcd the ni- winners of thesi? contests, a silver ;x- loving cup Mill be presented to (Ctontiauai cn page lout) 1 The Pilot Covers Brunswick County $1.50 PER YEAR Special Exhibit ; Feature Added To Flower Show ihadow Boxes Made Entirely Of Flowers Will Be On Display But Will Not Be Entered In Contest 'OSTER CONTEST FOR SCHOOL KIDS lules Governing This Feature. Of F|ower Show Have Appeared Previously; Much Interest Mrs. Annie K. Vitou, chairman >f special exhibits for the Flowtr Show to be held on April !7, reports that the show will lave this year something entirely lew for Southport and of special nterest to everyone. The Woman's Club which is sponsoring the show will put on i number of special exhibits, rhese exhibits will not be judged out are rather to lend color to the show . Before this year, the Southport J show has not had any "shadow ooxes". The Woman's Club is preparing for exhibition a group if these boxes to represent "morn ing", "noon", and "night". This will be done entirely with flow:rs with appropriate backgrounds. The Woman's Club is doing this Lhis year in the hope that intcr?st will be aroused in this mediim of expression and that such i class for competition may bo i included in the 1910 show. Another interesting feature of :hc show this year will be a :ollcction of various ntlractivo rases which will be on exhibition, rhere will be also a miniature liut and garden which everyone will want to sec. Each of these exhibits will be labeled and pluced in the room with the flower exhibits. A good collection of these special exhibits has been reported. j Anyone who knows of anything in town which will be suitable for exhibition in this group will please contact Mrs. Vitou. Mrs. Marion S. Doshcr, general chairinan of the Flower Show, announces that all posters entered for competition must be in not later than Saturday, April 22. They may be left at Watson's Pharmacy. This contest is open only to school children. Cancer Control Given Support - ? ? I Members Of Southport Woman's Club Are Taking Active Interest In Control Program This Year Members of the Soulltport. Woman's Clubs arc actively enlisted In the war against cancer, and through the medium of liter- ' aturc and talks arc attempting to stimulate a new attitude to- ! ward cancer control. A new spirit of courage and optimism is felt today in the fight to control cancer. Cancer is no longer to be thought of as" a hopeless, incurable disease. It is now known to be curable. There . j arc thousands of men and women in this country today who have been successfully treated for cancer and who arc well ami enjoying life. The American College of Surgeons have registered within! three years no fewer than 21,140 persons cured of cancer. There arc other statistics to (Continued on page 4.) m Tide Table Following Is the tide labia for Southport during the Jtgyt week. These hours are appm ximatelv correct and were furnished Tho State Port Pikrf through the courtesy of thr Cape Fear Pilot's Association High Tide Low TMr TIDE TABLE * OThursday, April 6 9:01a.m. .1:11) a. iu. 9:26 p. m. 9:12 p. m. Friday, April 7 9:19 a. ni. 3:51 a, m. 10:11 p. ni. 4:10 p. ro. Saturday, April 9 10:36 a, in. 1:37 a.m. 11:00 p. m. 1:45 p. til. Sunday, April 9 11:25 a. m* 5:22 a. m. 11:49 p. iu. 5:32 p. m. Monday, April 10 6:14 a_ m. 12:16 p. ni. 6:29 p. m. Tuesday, April 11 0:39 a. in. 7:13 a. m. 1:11 p. ni. 7:89 p. m. Wednesday, April 12 J 1:34 a. in. 8:14 a. tn. I 29)8 p. m. 8:44 p. nfc " " . ,