B^vJANUARV | ,, \Vjiletts and Miss rotter, of South port were married Fri f" at conway. S. C. | the daughter of John F. Potter, of ' -L was a graduate of Krtieh school class of V .""iftts is the son of w W VVilletts of B, after the ceremony Wf .,ft for a wedding trip Hernia They wil be at B^'jt U'innabow after | r prink entertained B*'f the younger set at W. the Southport Com priiiay night. Those HL pot is Corlette. WilE, Margaret Watts, BTn'olfe. Anna Katherine ;,eK Loughlin. Lois Balls' Leila Hubbard, K"Watson. Emma Lou Robbie Woodsides, An-! "Barker. Helen Dean HLv pick Cannon, \Tan jlarjorie Jones, Waters B'rey McKeithan, Dan Hubbard. Leon McEgjUv Willis, Johnny It jftKeithan. Ormond Bveis Jorgensen. James I Harold Watson, John H Prince O'Brien, Jr., Btter. Edwin Harrelson, jaylo!. Dan Walker, Ponnie St. George Hsthrop. Jack Christian, Mac Donald Gillikin, B Willing and Malcolm s of the chaperone parBjr ar. 1 Mrs. H. C. CorB w H Barnett, C. E. [Henry. Robert d Mrs. Prince id Mrs. S. B. ,trs. Boyd Moore dge. HONORED UTF.R 10 r.dall entertained sts at her home a farewell party Jeannette. er of enjoyable played, delicious e served the folessie Mae Russ dwine, Shalotte; Doris Hickman, Susie Sellers. Jo-Ann Tynaall; hvard Cox, Boli- j ox, Wampee, S. eers, Shallotte; asil Watts. Bobo in D. O'Daniel, e, Eugene Spends. icco B< >\vn and fig Bra tobacco plai Bo out and locate B> year's bed. Bre with a list ol B everything r Bat's the best ad Bar about your tc lUlotte 1 HOBSON KIR Shallott( Farm 5 I Now that the hi { farmers are reai jW* serious busine in the past yi [ ''barters for pi of impleme IB W. Kil [H SUPPl 3, 1940 I BRIDGE PARTY ? b Mrs. C. Gunnerson was hostess L on Monday afternoon, honoring * her mother and sister, at a brid- c ge party in her home. Mrs. Prin- ; ce O'Brien was high scorer and j received a box of dusting powder. I'( i Mrs. Ormond Butler received theic traveling prize, a bottle of Even- Y ing-In-Paris perfume. , Mrs. Gunnerson served delici- Y ous punch, cake, and sandwiches i ? to the following: Mesdaines C.! C. Cannon, Dick Brendle, Prince 11 O'Brien, Ormond Butler, M. R. i Sanders and J. D. Sutton. | v MRS. EWING HOSTESS I* j? The Thursday night bridge club 1 met with Mrs. Alan Ewing. Mrs. Fred Willing was high scorer and v Mi-s. Ormond Butler bingoed for ^ consolation. a Mrs. Ewing served a delectable * pineapple and cocoanut dessert, * with cake and tea to the follow-j ^ ing members and guests: " Mesdames Merritt Moore, of ^ Morgan City, La., Louis Dixon, Y Ormond Butler. Fred Willing, Wiley Wells, William Jorgensen, R. B. Thompson, and Misses Eli- ' zabeth Watson, Marion Watson, Lois Jane Busseds, and Leila Hubbard. ^ | V THURSDAY CLUB !" Mrs. H. W. Hood was hostess I on Thursday afternoon to mem- J bers of her bridge club. Mrs.j Pridgeon and Miss Elizabeth; t Pridgeon. of Acme-Delco, were j I presented lovely handkerchiefs as n guest prizes. ! h Mrs. H. T. St. George receiv- i ed high score prize, attractively wrapped bath salt and soap, and Mrs. Jamea Carr received the bingo prize, a novelty ship. Mrs. Hood served delicious I fruit cake and wine to the fol- [ lowing: Mesdames R. I. Mintz, L. C. Fergus, Pridgeon, H. T. St. I George. James Carr, William Sty- J1 ! ron. M. R. Sanders. J. W. Ruark, ft L. T. Yaskell. William Wells, and e 'Miss Elizabeth Pridgeon. I NEW YEARS PARTY I* " A delightful party was given j on Sunday night by Mr. and Mrs. Carey Reece in their home to ap- L propriately usher in the New a Year. w Delicious punch, hors d'oeuvres e and cookies were served buffet E style to the guests who were tl there. These included Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Christian, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. i | Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William ti Styron, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas St. n George. I. B. Bussells. Miss Mar- ti ion St. George, Mr. and Mrs. w e P 3d Supplies j tl ure out your needs * if hed this season. L i a good place for 11 Then come to our I, f what you need to I * eady for planting. I J vice you'll get this |ip >bacco crop. ' ? rading Co. I BY, Proprietor I ? 2, N. C. Supplies oliday season is over 'j dy to turn your mind j ss of making a living. ou will find our store < ows, plow parts and j nts for farming. J ( :by & Son LY, N. C. I [arold St. George, Dr. and Mrs. j i. C. Fergus, Gus McNeil, John | rikson and Bob Griffin, of Woodland. 'UESDAY CLUB Mr. and Mrs. William Styron 'ere host and' hostess to their ridge club on Tuesday night. >. T. Yaskell was high scorer and Irs. Fred Willing bingoed for onsolation. Mrs. Styron served delicious ruit cake and coffee to the folnving guests: Dr. and Mrs. L. '. Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. ! 'askell, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. j 'hompson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred . billing, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold I t. George. NTER MISSION PARTY Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Fergus inited a number of their friends a their home during intermission f the Leap Year Dance here on londay night. Punch, sandwiches and cookies rere served the following guests: Ir. and Mrs. L. T. Yaskell, Mr. nd Mrs. Carey Reece, Mr. and Irs. R. B. Thompson, Mr. and Irs. William Styron, Mr. and Irs. H. T. St. George, Miss Marjn St. George, Mrs. Thomas St. leorge, Mr. and Mrs. James Carr Ir. and Mrs. Rufus Dosher and ohn Erikson. IOSPITAL AUXILIARY The auxiliary of the Dosher lemorial Hospital will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. C. R. Livlgston at 3:30 o'clock. iEGlON AUXILIARY Mrs. S. B. Frink will be hostess o the Brunswick County Post .egion Auxiliary Friday afterioon at 4 o'clock at her home ere. Personal W. R. McAuley has returned to he highway camp near Currie fter spending the holiday weeknd here with his family. Mrs. J. W. Jelks has returned i 0 Mars Hill where she is matron j 1 one of the girls' dormitories. * * * * Mrs. Dora McDowell and son, lOnnie McDowell, of Southport, nd Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hardrick, of Wilmington, have return- [ d from Washington, D. C., and laltimore, Md., where they spent he Christmas holidays. ? * Muss Eleanor Russ, daughter of Ir. and Mrs. C. C. Russ, has re- , jrned to Marion where she is a . lember of the school faculty af-1 ir spending the holidays here rith her parents. ? ? Mrs. Vergil Harris and daught- , r, of Marshalburg, and Mrs. , lobert Flemming, of Hopewell, j 'a., visited relatives here during , he holidays. * * * Miss Jeannette Tyndall spent ( he Christmas holidays at home j rith her mother, Mrs. Evelyn . 'yndall, and her grand parents, Ir. and Mrs. J. N. Arnold. * * * Mrs. Athalia St. George, Mrs. , Uizabeth Gilbert and son, Tom, j pent Christmas with Mr. and , Irs. Houston Robbins in Washlgton. * # ? Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Danie! and ' on, Roy, have returned, from ' trlando, Fla., where they spent 1 he holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T OnVikinc I. J . lVUUUillu. * * * * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Durham, 1 f Raleigh, have been visiting 1 'aptain and Mrs. I. B. Bussells 1 Dr several days. * Mrs., Fred S. Covington has reumed to her home in Atlanta, 1 !a., after visiting her mother, frs. Mayme Moore, during the 1 olidays. Her sister, Gloria Faye, eturned with her and will attend chool there the balance of this ear. * John Garrett left Monday aorning for Salisbury, after pending the holidays here with lis mother, Mrs. J. J. Garrett. AT is /DISHES ami CLOTHES HHOSPITAL CLEAN iiiilirSfci^l J with I CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS I SIM THE BLUE BOX) r ? n I i ' r r mom GicuiMaar# XTAGON SOAP (Giant) ...5c ICTAGON POWDER (Large) 5c JCTAGON TOILET 5c JCTAGOX CLEANSER 5c )CTAGON CHIPS 10c 1CTAGON GRANULATED ..10c RYSTAL WHITE SOAP 5c lollywood BEAUTY Soap 5c RE.ME OIL SOAP 5c ILEX (Pumice) SOAP 5c Universal Hardwater Soap 5o rRIPI.E CAKE SOAP 5c D. E. ARTHER SOUTHPORT, N. C. THE STATE PORT PIL( NEWS BRIEFS * ?- I J : 1 HURRY CALLS Tuesday morning was a bus; day for Hoyle Dosher and Johnnii Swain as they answered dis tress calls sent out by folks wty had failed to cut off their wate; works the night before and hat suffered frozen pipes as a result POP-CALL The Coast Guard cutter Talla poosa stopped here briefly Tues day while she took aboard i motor launch from Oak Islam station to be transported to Nor folk, Va. LINGLES MOVE Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lingh moved into the down-stairs apart ment in the Jelks home on th< waterfront last week. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gallowaj announce the birth of a daughter December 31, at the James Wal ker Hospital, Wilmington. FOR TREATMENT Mrs. Orville Willis of South port entered uosner Memoria Hospital Monday for treatment. APPENDECTOMY Master Cecil Ellis of Shallott( underwent an operation for th< removal of his appendix Mondaj at Dosher Memorial Hospital. MEDICAL PATIENT Joe Arnold of Southport wai admitted to Dosher Memorial Hos pital Monday for medical atten tion. PRESBYTERIAN SERVICES Rev. J. R. Potts will preach a1 Southport Sunday morning at 13 o'clock instead of evening at 7:3< o'clock. His sermon subect wil be: "Facing the Future". Then will be no night service. At Nev Hope the Woman's Auxiliary wil meet at 11:30 A. M. There wil be no preaching service. TAX LISTING For the first time in recen' years Brunswick county tax pay ers are called upon to list theii property for taxes during th< month of January. This is a departure from the old custom of listing in April but should work as a convenience for farmers, who usually have been pretty busy at tax listing time. Miss Marion Watson has re turned to Asheboro, where she teaches, after spending the holi lays here with her mother, Mrs Ida P. Watson. ' * * * * Mrs. Raymond Kiddoo of Char lotte returned home Saturday af ter having spent Christmas wit! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E( Taylor. * * * Miss Dorothy Bell and TonSold, of High Point, spent Xmai here with Miss Bell's mother Mrs. Edna Bell. * * * Miss Anna Taylor returned or Monday to E. C. T. C. in Green' rille, after spending the holiday! here with her parents, Mr. anc Mrs. C. Ed Taylor. * * Miss Melva Peifley, a formei member of the high school facul ty, has been visiting Miss Imo' ?ene Garrett. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lingle re turned Sunday after visiting their homes for Christmas. Thej have moved into the downstair! apartment of Mrs. Josie Jelk's heme on Bay Street. * * * Edward Taylor returned Mon day to Davidson, after spending the holidays here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Taylor * * * Mrs. Early Gill left Saturdai for a short visit with her par ents in Henderson. m m Mrs. M. E. Chadwick is visitinj her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Frink. * * * * James Wolfe, M. Sanson, Hoi mes Harker and Otto Frasei members of the crew of the U S. Dredge Chinook, are visitinj relatives here. t * * Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hinton am daughter of Norfolk, Va., vis ited Mrs. James Wolfe last week * Mrs. W. A. Johnson is visitinj her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Holden, at Shallotte. Mr. and Mrs.* T. J. Tobiasei and son, Tommy, of Wilmingtor spent the Christmas and Ne\ Year holidays at Southport witl his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. To biasen. * * * Mrs. Charles Matthews and lit tie daughter arrived last weei from Carlsbad, N. M., to Joij Mr. Matthews, who came severs months ago to serve as superir tendent of the Bald Head islan property. * * * Mrs. E. R. Weeks is visitin Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dowling i New York for a few days. yr. SOUTHPORT. N.'C. - f ??i STATE 4-H DAIRY TEA Jp North Carolina 4-h and extension work received a fine I recognition in the awarding of eastern state honors and $23fl college scholarships each to the s above boys. They are John McDowell, 15, and Eugene Berryhill, 17, both of Charlotte. They rep> resented Mecklenburg county and were coached by County Agent Oscar Phillips. * The award was made in the finals of the National 4-h dairy demonstration contest as a feature of the Nar tional Dairy Show late in October at the world's fair in San Francisco. The contest was conducted by the extension service and de * # " Miss Ruth ^Wallace and Hugh ' -1 Wallace of Hickory and Miss I Margaret Wallace of Whiteville,' are spending a few days here with 1 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wallace. ? ^ Robert Griffin of Lumberton , spent the holiday week-end here j visiting his sister and brother-in- i I law, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reece. ' Winnabow News | Mrs. A. Livingston of WilmingI ton and her son. Rev. William ; J. Livingston and his friend of II West Virginia and Clark Orrcll of L Wilmington spent Wednesday aft) ernoon with Mrs. J. C Maultsbyi 1 and family. 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henry and Miss Elizabeth Henry visited I i Mrs. Charles F. Jones and chil- i II dren Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Meigs and son. Henry, of Philadelphia, Pa., spent part of the holidays with Mr. and t Mrs. Geo. P.. Foulke and family. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Knox of r; Raleigh spent the holidays with i j j his mother, Mrs. Minnie Konx. Lindsey Skipper of Rocky > Mount spent the holidays here . with his mother, Mrs. Lila Skip- 1 ; j per. : Styron Willetts of U. S. Navy, 11 ; Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday and i [Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Willetts. ' ! Charles Dawkins. Jr., of Biscoe, i 5 is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lacy ' Dawkins. C. Ed Taylor of Southport was a visitor here Friday morning'. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hodges and ' daughter, Henrietta, Miss Bessie " Williams, John L. Tharp and Pel- i 1 ton Ellis of Wilmington spent ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zibelin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Maultsby i left Sunday for Savannah, Ga., ; 5 after spending the week with his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. I: Maultsby and family. J. C. Maultsby spent Sunday; j i and Monday in Wilson with his ; . brother, W. E. Maultsby and other < i relatives. 1 Misses Esther Skipper and Mary Elkins, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Steljes and son, Fritz, Jr., and j . Roy Hart of Wilmington spent . Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George . Richman. Watch night services w^re held Sunday night at Zion M. E. church here with a good crowd r in attendance. r u. uooaman leu jviunuay lo ; resume his studies at Duke ? school of medicine, Durham, after spending the holidays with his mother and aunt. J. E. Gill of Southport and | Early Gill of Henderson were vis' itors here Tuesday evening. Miss Gladys Dosier of South port visited Mrs. J. L. Henry Monday on her return to resume ' her work in Columbia, S. C. after " spending the holidays at her | . Here's MELVYN D< Intriguing Detec Joan Blonde i';*? f M-J J' [*^01 ?ADI The Season's Football Re k Shows at 1:15, 3:1! r. Feature 33 W d SATURDAY MORNING? d COMING "REME g ROBERT TAYLOR 1 M GETS SCHOLARSHIPS ODUCXION DEMONSTRATIONS i ; . : . . , " i I : * ! signed to encourage clucsters to i learn and practice good dairy 1 methods and demonstrate them to others. * * * Stressing the wide use of dairy products and the responsibility of the dairyman to provide wholesome products, the boys went through all the steps j of handling milk, such as preparing the row and milker, straining, cooling and so on. Teams from 10 counties competed for state honors and were awarded gold medals. The winner was provided with rips to San Francisco, through the Kraft-Phenlx Cheese Corporation, In addition to the scholarships. home. The junior and primary classes Df New Hope Presbyterian church and their parents and friends were entertained at a Christmas party Wednesday evening at the old New Hope School. A Christmas tree with gifts for each pupil and fruit and candy for all was prepared by the j teachers. Misses Gertrude Maults- j by and Alice Johnson, and homemade punch and cookies were served to about 35 present. Games were played and all enjoyed a j pleasant evening. Lockwoods Folly Club Meeting Manners 01 me lulkwuvus v uily Home Demonstration Club met November 28, at the home of Mrs. George Swain. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. Eunice Varnam. The roll call was answered by each club member telling what she was thankful for in club work. Christmas gift suggestions were exchanged by each member, after which refreshments of pie and milk' were enjoyed by the following: Mrs. Eunice Varnam, Mrs. Ray Sellers, Mrs. Albert Dixon. Mrs. Julia Lancaster. Mrs. Clarence Varnam and Mrs. A. L. Dixon. The next regular meeting will be held1 with Mrs. Clarence Var- j nam. Four Brunswick Boys At U. N. C. There arc four Brunswick county boys enrolled at the Universityj of North Carolina at Chapel Hill this session. They are: Charles M. Gaylord. son of Mrs. Geo. O. Gaylord, of Leland; Norwood Orrell Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Brooks, of Seaside; Cornelius Dickinson Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Thomas, of Thomasboro and'Daniel Evans Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walker, of Southport. WANT ADS A searcbe is being instituted for relatives in this county of Lot tie MCINailie, wno was Dorn auuui 1866, and lived in Brunswick about 1901. An estate of $5,000.00 is involved. Relatives communicate with W. C. Cox and Co., Federal Reserve Bank Bldg., Chicago. 1-3-* FOR RENT FOR 1940 GROCERY Farm?Town Creek. Two Tobacco Barnes. Five room dwelling, new tractor, desk. Leland Farm?25 to 50 acres? one tobacco barn, dwelling 6 rooms, fronting on highway. For terms and particulars, apply to John D. Bellamy, 416 Southern Bldg., Wilmington. 1-10-c MHBniB 3UGLAS in another ;tive Role With 11 as his foil CAROLINA WILMINGTON iljL FRI. & SAT. )ED? view. Cartoon. News 5, 5:15. 7:15, 9-15. linutes Later. -SHOW AT 11:15 A. M. MONDAY MBER" and LEW AYERS ???? ?? LEGALS FOltKC I.OSl HE NOT HE Notice is hereby pwn that by I virtue of a derive of the Superior I Court of Brunswick Count v. N\ C., dated the 2nd day of November, 1020 I in an aetion entitled "Brunswick , County versus? George .lewett and Wife if any. ' Albert Plato. Mtgee.".? the undersigned commissioner will ex-j [ipse at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the ath. I day of February. 1010 at !2:00 o'clock j A.M., at the Courthouse door. South-j port, X. C.t to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of1 $178,117. the following described real j estate, located in Town Creek Town- : ship. Brunswick County. N. bound-1 oil and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the i East bank of l?orr's Creek: runs thence North M deg. <. E. l'?2 feet | to a holly tree, thence North !."? deg. ' 15' 111! 3 feet to a light wood stake: ! theme South 12 deg. 15* E. Ill feet \ to a iron stake: thence South 10 deg. j 14' \V. 522 feet to a stake in an old i stump: thence down the line of spring branch 680 feet to a large black gum tree: thence South 02 deg. 45' W.I 167 feet to a small maple tree on the I East bank of Dorr's creek: thence with the run of Door's creek 575 feet j to the Beginning, containing sixteen and one half (16 b.) acres. And all other lands ow ned by the { said defendants in the County of] Brunswick. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day of January. 1010. S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-31-c FOREC LOSr RE NOT1C1 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree 'of the Superi. : Court of Brunswick County, N. (*., dated the 2nd day of November. 1930 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? M. F. Mercer and wife if any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th, day of February. 1940 at 12:00 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. c.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $263.46, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: 34 Acres Home. And all other lands owned and listed by M. F. Mercer And Wife If Any. in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made Cash to he paid at sale This the 1st. day of January. 1940. S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-31-c FORECLOSURE IfOTICI Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree 3:57.77, the following iiescrioen reai i estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as follows: 320 Acres Heck. 21 _> Acres Bolivia. All other lands owned and listed by | Mrs. Olivia .1. Mercer and Husband | If Any. in Brunswick County. N. C. j All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day ol' January. 1910. S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-31-c FORKt I.OSIKE XOTH'K Xotice is hereby given that by 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C? dated the 3rd day of April/ 1939 authorizing not exceeding $10,000.00 bonds of the Town of Shallotte for paying a portion of the cost of constructing a water works system for the Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? I (2) Shall an ordinance passed December 5. 1939 authorizing not exceeding $7,000.00 bonds of the Town of Shallotte for paying a portion of the | cost of constructing a sanitary sewer system for the Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? The ordinance referred to in question (It above authorizes not exceeding 5in.000.tui Water Bonds to pay a portion of the cost of constructing a water works system for the Town. The ordinance referred to in question (2) above authorizes not exceeding $7,000.00 Sanitary Bonds to pay a portion of the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer system for the Town. It is expected that the Town will receive a grant from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for paying the balance of the cost of each of the two improvements mentioned in the two questions hereinbefore set forth. If said bonds are issued, a tax will be levied for the payment of the principal and interest thereof on all taxable property in the Town of Shallotte. which tax shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized or limited by law. For said election the regular registration books for elections in* said Town shall he used, and such books shall be open for the registration of voters, not heretofore registered, from 9 A. M. until sunset on each day except Sundays and holidays beginning December 9. 1939. and closing December 23, 1939. On each Saturday during said period said books shall remain open at the polling places. The polling place and the Registrar and Judges are as follows: Polling place. R. D. White's Garage; Registrar, S. C. Tripp: Judges, J. W. Russ. Mrs. Ava Milliken. By order of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Shallotte. PAGE 3 1 C. K. Tripp. Town Clerk and Tren- ^ k-V* m 12-20-ci **' J COM MISSION E Il'S SALE 1\ i ll i: SI PERIOR COURT .* STATE OF NOIM ii CAROLINA .one 1 COI'Mi OF IIIM NSWII K JaU"l fl W. C. >1A NSON. XSSIONFK 1 VS. A A * '? JAMES II. ( IIIIM II. A ISTUA* ' A &}j loll OK THE ESTATE OT . Uli- . fl l.l\M WEEKS. IIECK \SEI>. ?. iiy virtue arid in pursuauce .of?An - ?J j) order of Hale made in " the * abojw .* k| entitled cause on the ' day of .* /* { October, A. D., 1!>S9. by Henry I.. Jsl Stevens. Judge riding the 8th Judicial * District of North Carolina, the under > signed commissioner duly appointed ??, v by the court in said judgment in ax J8' i the above entitled cause will expose fjJA ? f for sale to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in the City of South- HIHJTr ' l-oit. County of Hrunswick. and the ? 2 State of North Carolina, for cash, on .Monday, the 8th of January. A. P., 1JM0. at 12:00 M. all of the lands ? and premises of which the said William Weeks, deceased; died, seized, and possessed of except the following descrioed lands and premises, lying. ? being and situated in the City of Southport, County of Hrunswick. and the State of North Carolina, descrih- ? ?? ! ed and bounded as follow'sTTluit house and lot fronting on Howe / Street on the East, and Lord Street on the West, and Nash Street on the North, and .Moore Street on the South. and being the only lands and pre- Vf'3/fT mises owned by the said William Weeks, deceased, in said block which ' Utr\t is known as Block . Lot S8. JUUV, The lands and premises specifically ft* V advertisee furnished /. at said sale and being that property .. on \he Northern extension of the ' City of Southport. a cumber of which lots front on the public highway .pftnriil J leading into the City of Southport and cou-ni specifically set forth in said map ','i which will l?c recorded in the Register of Deeds' office of Hrunswick f'f \ County which reference is made for a more specific and detailed descriplion together with any and all other real estate of which the said William Weeks died, seized, and possessed of [jOj ,'fl ;j which will he fully described on tho day and date of said sale. ,, This the 6th day of December, A. ,,J / I P.. 11130. H S. H. Frink, Commissioner. M tl,: JfOTICE OF HA LB , , I NIIKIt i|olill.,\(.K l?EEO SJflSH . Under and by virtue of authority jof the power of sale contained in P.Uiff'il that certain Mortgage Deed, dated November 30. 1!?37. given by H. I. ! Sommersette and wife. Viola Som- _ ?| mersette. to M. L. Mint/, recorded j in Hook 6.". Page 120. office of tho Register of Deeds of Hrunswick Conn- jvj JcJ j IV, .Miue Aorm urnniiiH, ueiiiuH 1^.7 having been made in tb? payment of the matured note and interest there- ' }[ j ,011, in order to satisfy the terms of ,:(T * the mortgage. therin recited, the undersigned mortgagee will sell the 'jjfj 'i 1 land hereinafter described to the highest bidder for cash at the Court ri'19VO Mouse Door at Southport. North Car- 4 olina, on Monday. January 8, \OIft, .TT'J'i 9 at twelve o'clock noon. Said land is located in Shallotte Township, Brunswick Coujily. North Carolina, hounded and described as follows:? Beginning on the run of Shallotte Swamp where a small branch enters r t| said swamp a short distance below C. Jiir / the road at the old Baptistry. the same being a corner of the land of ^ It. I. Sommersette; runs thence with , "m the run "f said swamp about 2t>0 feet lujb to a stake on said run; thence north V 3 cast 712 fee! to a stake; thence 2^jPS south 8.7 east 55 feet to a stake in the fJ. E. Brooks line; thence with : 0fjffl the (I. E. Brooks line south 2 deg. 47 . min. easj 721:5 feet to a stake; thence .OilUirl | north r.2 deg. 30 min. east 1102 feet , ,w j to a ditch; thence? north 36 deg. 70 i) ODli.ji min. east 287 feet to a corner in the I ditch: thence north 8 deg. 70 min. Jl fTldfj least 20! feet t#> the run of Opossum| Branch; thence down the run of said .< Jl/0C I branch, as it meanders, 343 feet to rf | a stake in the line of the lands of ;*> i/Jff? I the ,\V .A. Bland Estate; teepee with the AV. A. Bland line and the Thomas jit jf Reaves line south 71 west 1030 feet to : stake in Ropier Branch. - fh* (5. 15. Brooks corner; thence with the Brooks line North 80 deg 50 min. west 631 feet to a stooping pine: f thence north 32 deg. 23 min. we^t 1 - If 336 feet to a stake; thence north 71 ti'i deg. 13 mill, west 66 feet to a stake. " [J! the corner of 11. I. Sommersette Lot No. 3; thence with the said IT. T. Sommersette line north 32 deg. east . \ 17! feet; thence north 74 east 221 * 9'" ,r feet; thence north 70 1 twelve o'clock noon. l'Vil/ifil Said land is located In Shallotte Township. Brunswick County. North ry j>Q 1 Carolina, hounded and described as t'u follows: ? Reginning on the run of Shallottt Swamp where a small branch enters said run just below where the road crosses said swamp at what is known as the old Baptistry, runs thence with said taniVf ' small branch as it meanders S. 88 jyiiiri , , W. 1550 feet to a gum* thence S. 1321 feet to a stake; thence S. 70 iWJJlj' W. 900 foot to a stake: thence S. ../fori*/' 71 \V 221 feet; thence S. 32 deg. \V. 171 feet to a stake in the O. , F-:. Brook's line on the branch: thence liwfc, X. 71 deg. 45 mfn. W. 340 feet to a ? stump 011 the road; thence down said ^"l * road 98 feet to a stake on the west , ,j side of said road; thence continuing "f* with saiil branch X. 58 deg. 31 A min. W. 190 feet; thence X. 43 deg ' " 45 mfn. W. 576 feet; thence X. 35 +tM dig. W. 159 feet; thence X. 11 dest "a 20 min. W. 129 feet: thence X. 2 deg. 35 min. K.- 319 feet to a maple on the canal: thence down the canal 1 and Poplar Braneh to where said branch enters into Saw Pitt Swamn; * ' thence with the run of Saw Pitt ' DfiSt: .swamp M'lwn 10 wnere me uiu i.nunn .? road crosses said swamp; thence with J* Dl{ the road to the ?a*t edge of said jy Saw Pitt Swamp: thence along the * JwL said east edge of Saw Pitt Swamp , f|?ACTLi northeast to the edge of Shallotte ?in" f| Swamp: thencr down the southern edge of ShalloCe Swamp as it mean- J sni| ders to the r>ad; thenee with the ?. J* road northeastwardly to the run of 10 Sllr Shallotte Swamp: thence down the il run of Shallotie Swamp to the begin- fllrfOfl'ning. containing lift acres more or ii less, and being lot No. 5 of the John ^uBJln Sommersett division. [ : Dated and posted, this the 5th day of December, 1939. , .'3 Y< L. Mints, Mortgagor 1J ft? I E. J. Prevatte, Attorney. 1-3-0 -L PXECITRIX NOTICE rr{* Having qualified as executrix of 11J '>! the estate of J. Arthur Dosher. deceased. late of Brunswick county, I >j? North Carolina, this is to notify all ^ Yo persons having claims against the :l r'! estate of the said deceased to exhibit \r'k them to the undersigned at South- tuuH port. N. C.. on or before the 15th day of November. 194ft. or this notice . /Ill" will he pleaded in bar of their re- I covery. 00 W I All persons indebted to said estate _ will please make immediate payment. ">1 JTC- , This 15th day of November, 1939. flraee K. Dosher, Executrix of thei *y\ V?? Estate of J. Arthur Dosher^Deceas^j ' j 9