JANUARY mc\ " b- ii ' ' in ! i and e i: ir. i ,.v v i y ^t-1. 1 'if" "<" T Mo Impairs t!- v. x in' . <:! ! gj'tr government economy. The : s itancv in C as to di t loans to Fin'and is also i nsidert cd a r liticol gesture to K- Ml r trends in public opinion. I It is ro seciet. of cours". thi' the legislators are desperated" - tiying to ward off the r e8 r ?ity for higher t this y t The slashes in ar pcop1 ia' 'i measures are indicative of thi.-.-desire. Nothing definite as to a tax1 program can be formulated " until the Treasury has comnlct n ; reports-from the income tax re' turns which ate due March 15. 1 There is a lot of political inxins r ity involved in the .economy ' rave in the House. Thev know fi:'l well that the Administration "jwill put pressure on the Senile , to restore cuts considered dorriniontnl to their broad program. ' Tlie House thrift brigade insists s that they will fight to the last | ,!i; i] in (onferer to hold their n' r< ili- :i on savin...x in govr re m< nt expenses against any Sernte liberality with the public n purse. Doubt is express. 1 n official 11 t il i s mai a mice in in.1 r" ? European war may be expect 1 s this spring. The persistence of n these reports has obviously acII c: untoil for the unwillingness of Congress to make a direct Cont gressional authorization for a u Finnish loan. Instead they will t probably find a way out by utilizing the R.F.C. or some other loan agency. Congress is in a ' dither about the foreign policy '* because of the pronounced p-1 ground-swell of sympathy from :1 : PLOWS! P j ; cl\ k " * I . %> s | Equip yourself now I n J have turn plows, disc h y | rows, guano distributors, In fact a complete line o :! G. W. Kin lrl supp; ' tilde in a political year. The unions in the building trades, which have felt the heavj hand of the Department of Justice, are pulling political string at Capitol Hill to reduce app.priations and thus restrict tht activities of Assistant Attorney General Thurmond Arnold ii much of these anti-trust actions it Mr. Jackson is as political!-, ambitious as he is represente, then he is riding the horns of i n lemn i in policy-making in ruiguiated by his predecessors I po li e lit of Justice h e - i -in- 1 t; it building costs an lily-high and in somi i.i - are p.Vifflhitive 1;i gely '19-* u e of uenls between labia an i certain building sup ply < ..ntiactor.. If he puts a reii on tin enforceni nt agency J id: n will find it ha d to expl iii in case he is the candidate am it the same time continuance oi the oases may b?ins him in< - '"a vt i- with the labor unions Th ' Federal Ti i Commissi-a this week t k unpi : nt ip by including trade unions it a complaint against glass com p inles, which indicates that tw< govciument agencies are on tin warpath against building costs. Beer Campaign Ir State Progresses investigators For The Beci Industry To Visit Even Countv In State Durim 1940 ' tm t r I' r' T r < ' s f ' 'ih* h> > ii < ry \\~.'I v -It ev. ? 010 to l: ( ' ' ' ' i (! >' -s c ' fine t i < pit - > f - ' cj , ... J " t.Un F.i v a? B ('..niin'tt'". ar?'.' i::irc" voke tlv lit iu. " : alfeSl ?fi" Syt-ctiovc'dhtrcaseasily,quickly, i raswiSitt . ,-j dwtn?>- ^VAPORUB :?? USSD BY 3 OUT Of- . MOTHERS iTflTTOE F^NO^I mi l > I NT I I I>! : OLI) TIRI.S ' 5'arh tire guaranteed unconditional' ] y in writ ins for twelve monthns-iinst all road hazards. j \Imi All Auto Parts and Accessories Second & Grace St., Wilmington LKGALS ! t?KKt l.lisl ]{K \ ll l it K Xutiee is hereby given that by \ irtae of a decree of the Superior 1 ' ' uniy versus? 1 Newell And Wife If Any".? iie undersigned commissioner will ' xpose at public auction sale to thel iglust bidder for rash on the Ith, I l,iv of Mareh. lft In. at ll': 00 o'< lock ] A. M.. at the Courthouse door. South- I port. X. i'.. to satisfy the decree of I lib court to enforce the payment of ; 11% 17. the following described real j state located in Lockwoods Folly rownship. Hi unswiek County. X. j _ bounded and described as follows: r.KCIXNIX'f'i at the Hi veil I toad in * 'lie run of School Mouse Rraneh or | i S.iy: thence Fast with the run of j ? i?i Hay 110 yards to a stake: thence; Soulh across the Swamp to the Lud| lurii line b? a stake: theme West ! I'M yards to the Hi veil Itoad: theme with' [ said Road to ill*- Beginning contain-1 ins acres more or less. And all other lands owned and list- | ?l by .i. O.. Hewett And Wife If Any, In Hrunsuirk County. North ('arojina. 1 All sales siibje" t to report to ami confirmation by the Court. Ten da\allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st, llay of January 19 S. H. Brink, Commissioner. 'J-'JS-r POKE! M)BI RE If? I ICE Notice is hereby given that by; virtue of a decree of the Superior ! Court of Brunswick County. X. C.. dated the 1st. day of January, lain. J in an action entitled "Brunswick I County versus? Brady Hewett And Wife if Any",? I 1 he "undersigned commissioner will I ! expose at public auction sale lo the j j highest bidder for cash on the 1th, day '?f March. 1010, at 1 li:00 o'clock j A. A!., at the Courthouse door. Southi port. X. C\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment qf s'lJn.." 1. the follow ing described real estate located in Lock woods Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. bounded and described as follows: A tract of land known as Hie Randolph Hew hi back place, lying on I he North side of Oxpen .Swamp. Beginning at a cypress about a North I course from the house. Thence about West to long Branch; thence the J meanders of said branch to a black ; gum in the said branch near the i road, thence about Northeast to Wade I Bryants corner; thence about North I with the Baker line to the beginning. ' I Containing HO acres -more or les?. I Also another tract . beginning at a stake in Bakers line; runs thence to I. L. Hev. etts line . South -SS K. MM I oles to a stake; thence North so | ioIps fo a stake, thence North 1!. Vest 111 |Miles to linkers line; thence: nth- his line to the beginning, eon- j aining 50 acres more or less. Ami all other lands owned nn?i j sted by Brady Hewett And Wife If | kiiv. in Brunswick County, North \ kuolina. AH sales subject to report to and oniJrnmtiou by the Court. Ten days | Jlnfafl for. raise to| |..jd before report n:iJliV?w 10 ;V-sn,e'"Wih^Isi 'ctay V- Jhhuary 19bi. S. "K. Frink. Commissioner. 2-28-c j FOltllf KIM ItK XUTII K Notice is hereby given that by , irtue of a decree of the Superior , 'ourt of Brunswick County. N. C., lated the 1st. day of January. l'JJO. , n an action entitled "Brunswick 'ounlv versus? '. S. cianey. Jr.. Ami Wife If Any",-? ; he undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the Ith. ; lay of .March. 19-W. at 12:00 o'clock \ M? at the Courthouse door. South- . wrt, C? to satisfy the decree of J said court to enforce the payment of ill8.Hl', the following described real 1 state located in Town Creek I Township. Brunswick County. X. jounded and described as follows: BFCIXMXC at a slake in S. \V. Mints; litie with said line 729 poles o a stake: thence North 87 West' JUO poles to a stake; thence North j .'i'u Fast 127 poles t<> a stake; thence louth S7 degrees Fast 155 |>oles to; ;he beginning. containing one and three eights acres l :;-.x acres, more ?r less. And all other lands owned by the said Defendants located in the County j ?f Brunswick. All sales suliject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days Allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. 'This lite -list, day of January 1910. S. B. Friuk, Commissioner. 2-28-c FOHKM.OSt HF N't IT It "F Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree ot the Superior I .'ou ft of Brunswick County. N. C.. iated the 1st. day of January, li*Hi. j in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? John Jordan And Wife And (I. F. j Benton",? the undersigned commissioner v\ill| expose at public auction sale to the j highest bidder for cash nil the -Ith. 1 day of March, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock I A. .\l.. at the Courthouse door, Southport, 4X. c.. to satisfy the decree of I said court to enforce the payment of, $159.20. the billowing described real estate located in 'Town Creek [Township. Brunswick County. X. C.. j bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a maple in .Mossy j Branch and run thence; North 221 1.. at the Courthouse door. South-! i. V. . imuei. on .March t<>. 1030. <>n the State highway by striking him with an automobile which the defendant was operating at the time of said death: and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county to be held on the 1st .Monday in .March. 11M0, at the courthouse in said county in Southport, X. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 30 day of January. 10in. M. H. Watkins, Assistant Clerk of Sunerior Court. 2-21-c ORDINANCE U'THOKIZIXO $7,M# SAMTAIM SKM Kit RON OS. HE IT ORDAINED by the Hoard of Commissioners of the Town of Shallot te: Section 1. That the Town of Shallot tc issue its bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act. as amended, in an amount not exceeding $7,000 r the purpose of paying all or part o* the cost of constructing a sanitary : wer system for said Town. Section 2, That a tax sufficient to nay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied' and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and is open to public inspection. Section I. That this ordinance shall lake effect when approved by the voters of the Town at an election as provided by law. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 30th day of January, HMO and was first published on the 31st day of January, 1040. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publication. s. T. Hums. Secretary. 2-7-c ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING *10,006 WATER BONDS HE fT ORDAINED by the Hoard of Commissioners of the Town of Shallotte: Section 1. That the Town of Shallofte issue its bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act. as amended, in an amount not exceeding $10,000 for the purpose of paying all or a j part of the cost of constructing a I water works system for said Town. 1 Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the ?1? bt of the Town has been tiled witit the clerk and is open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect when approved t>v 'he voters of 'lie Town at an election as provided by law. The foregoing ordinance was passed on tin; ..-tyih day of January, WIQ a.ird , was "firstV pj)bHMu?d , on the 31M day of January. 1910. ' V i Any action' or proceeding question- / ing rhe validity of said ordinance must be commenced within t'lirtv days after its first publication. S. T. Puss. Secretary. ? 3-7-c .... , NOTIt'K OF SI'Kt'l AI ItO.M) hl F.( TION TOAA N OF S|| \ I.I.OTTF, NORTH t VKOIINA A special election" will In? held on Saturday. March 3. WW. between 7 A. .M. and sunset. Pastern Standard Time, at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the Town of Shallotte. the following questions: 1. Shall an ordinance passed January Moth. l? 10 authorizing not exceeding $10,000 bonds of the Town of Shallotte for paying all or part of the cost of constructing a water works system for said Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? 3. Shall an ordinance passed January Rut h. 111-10 authorizing not exceeding $7,000 bonds of I lie Tow n of Shallotte for paying all or part of the cost of constructing a sanitary Sewer system for said Town, and a tax for said lioiids. be approved? Kach of the two questions hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the purpose for which the bonds are authorized by the ordinance referred to in such question. If said bonds are issued, a tax will be levied for the payment of the principal and interest thereof on all taxable property iti the Town of Shallotte. For said election the regular registration books for elections in said Town shall be used and such books shall be open for the registration of voters, not theretofore registered, from J? A. .M. until sunset on each day except Sundays and holidays, beginning Saturday. February 3. l!Mu and closing Saturday. February 17. WW. (>ti each Saturday during said period said books shall remain open at the polling place. The polling place and the names of the election officers, subject to change as provided by law. are as follows: Polling Place P. I >. White's Garage Registrar S. <*. Tripp Judges .Mary It. Kuss Mrs. Ava Millikeii S. T. Puss Secretary. Ill It Ft I.OSI' ItF NOT IFF Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 2nd day of November, 1 !*:;!? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? George Jewett and Wife if any, Albert I'lato. Mtgee.".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to tho highest bidder for cash on the 5th, day of February. 1940 at 12:00 o'clock A. M.. at Hie Courthouse door. Southport. N. c. to -satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $178.07, the following described real estate*, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: BKG INNING at a stake on the Fast bank of lion's Creek: runs thence North 81 deg. O. K. 102 feet to a holly tree, thence North 15 deg. 15' 110.1 fed to a light wood stake: thence South 12 deg. 15' K. 141 feet to a iron stake; thence South 10 deg. 11' W. 512 feet to a stake in an old stump; thence clown the line of spring branch 080 feet to a large black gum tree; theme South 02 de?? 45* W. 107 feet Pi a small maple tree on the Fast bank of Dorr's creek: thence [with the run of Door's creek 575 feet to the lb-ginning, containing sixteen laud one half <10'-_.) acres. | And' all other lands owned'by the |,.vwitU -defendants in tlie County of Brunswick. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by tin* Court. Ten days, allowed for raise of bid before repoit made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day of January, 1910. S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-11-c FOItEi liOSrKE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by, virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 2nd day ? f November, 1919 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? M. F. Mercer and wife if any".? tlie undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on tlie 5th, day of February. 1910 at 12:00 o'cloc k % A. M.. at tiie Courthouse door. Southport. N. C\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of Sibil. Pi. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Towiislsp. Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: II Acres Home. And all other lands* owned and listed by M. F. .Mercer * And Wife If Any. in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to rej>ort to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day of January, 19in. S. B. Frink Commissioner j 1-11-c KUtKt MINI HE NOTICE I1 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 2nd day of November. 1919 J in ail action entitled "Brunswick County versus? 1 i if JSlrs. Olivia .I. fiercer ami .? any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 5th. day of February. 1940 at 12:00 o'clock A. M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of ' $227.77. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C.. boundled and described as follows: I 320 Acres Heck. 2?_. Acres Bolivia, j All other lands owned and listed by Mrs. Olivia .1. Mercer and Husband If Any. in Brunswick Comity. X. C. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. Tliis the 1st. day of January, ID 10. S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-31-c l-OKFt I.OSI KK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. ('., dated the 3rd day of April, 1939 in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? II. F. Mint/ and wife if any",? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the iiighest bidder for cash 011 the 5th, day of February. 11)10 at 12:00 o'clock A.M.. at the Courthouse door, Southport. X. (\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $228.56, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C.-, bounded and describe ! as follows: 82 Acres Home. Book 28, Page 150. And all other- Real Property owned and listed by II. F. Mint/, and Wife If Any. in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. Xorth Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day of January, 1940. 4 S. B. Frink Commissioner 1-31-c FXECXTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. Arthur Dosher, deceased. late of Brunswick county. Xorth Carolina, this is to notify all t persons having claims against the | estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport. X. C., on or before the 15th day of Xovember, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of Xovember, 1939. Grace K. Dosher, Executrix of the Estate of J. Arthur Dosher, Deceased* 1-17-c