B^.p^DAY, FEBRUARY 21 H ,,aN-s CLUB PARTY 'h; L ?'om3n's c1ub had a de" B*. ^day party ort Fri- N f^t' in the home of Mrs. V r^B'p?3..k commemorating the ti V jjmiversary of the found- T B*s, (be General Federation a e games and contests R B^i.vcd during the evening. L B^j William Styron sang bi ;."you Truly" accompanied. 1 by Mrs. Ruark. si i^B^'S;yron told of the found- | ^BJtlie Federatioi. of Woman's , ]\ B; yd explained the reason j -Bl birthday party. prizes were presented, j, 0f the various contests, h Burners being Mrs. Robert g ^ Lrge. Mrs. E. H. Cranmer, iC< ^Hyr.:e K. Vitou and Mrs. ^ Q punch with cakes, Iw R^jnd r.uts was served in the j room " here the table was ' ? .^ t^iy arranged with flow- "J candles. Mrs. Joel Moore Hjed at the pi nch bowl, oth- ^ served refreshments t! M. R Sanders, chair-! and Mrs. C. C. Cannon. i s Bj-g Mrs. Styron with, the I i and contests were Mrs. S 9- Daniel and Mrs. Rufus1 91 e j"VASKELL HOSTESS s pinochle Club met on Mon9i^ht with Mrs. L. T. Yaa- | Mrs. J. W. Thompson was j, B sorer and received a box e rowjer. ~ . 1 " i ' J.i: IYJSKSU wrvcu ueiiwivua | | dj salad and coffee. She ! j out the Washington birth- ] e :r scheme in her refresh- t ] r.d appointments, j those present were: i os K. T. St. George, j St. George, D. M. Davis, tuark. J. Arthur Dosher, Thompson, Louis Dixon { is Marion St. George. j fPARTY I II Eliza be tli Watson was Monday night at a spa- \ upper at a sort of back j hood party for a num- j members of the younger j 11 who enjoyed Miss Wat- < spitality were Misses Leibard and Hazel Young. ] i Mrs. Roy McKeithan. lanr.on. Prince O'Brien itters Thompson. i j E CH'B il Drrr.ar.d Butler was host- ] her bridge club Tuesday | < n. High score for the | ". was compiled by Mrs. < Sutton, who received a f et. Mrs. R. L. Brendle ] for consolation and re- ] erfume. I ] included Mesdames Sut- i 1 Jdle. Carl Gunnerson, An-! j 'itou. Prince O'Brien and j 1 Ewing. 11 lOUXG HONORED | L. C. Fergus was hostess 1 afternoon at a bridge honoring Miss Hazel Young 1 B?.'sor.. Ga., who is visiting : _ ' " I JUNIPER 1 FOR J SEE OR i J. B. V m ASH, M 1 WAREHOU 'fl ' V In our spacious wa fl :!fl street from our stoi iofl ?ur farming equipn fl ltfl you farmers to cor ,9 ?I the new plows, J ~fl tutors we have ws I Day he cheaper fc I '^plements this y? I &t along with pate I Shallotte T HOBSON KIRE SHALLOT 1940 er sister, Mesdames J. G. Chrisan and R. B. Thompson. High score prize was won by [rs. Christian, Miss Elizabeth Watson bingoed for consolation; aveling prize went to Mrs. hompson. The honoree received n attractive guest prize. Others playing were Mesdames :oy McKeithan, Wiley Wells, ouis Dixon and Miss Leila Hubard. Chocolate pie and ! coffee was ;rved. 1 IRS. GRIFFIS HOSTESS Mrs. T. H. Griffis was charmlg hostess on Friday night to er bridge club. Mrs. Elizabeth lilbert was high scorer and reeived a picture. Mrs. Louis Dixn received gn attractive china rail vase tor bingo prize. Mrs. Griffis served delicious ice ream and cake to her guests, 'hese were: Mesdames Charles lew ton, William Oberjohan, JEliabeth Gilbert, Louis Dixon and fisses Elevlyn Loughlin, Helen )ean Sutton and Robbie woodide. PAGHETTI SUPPER Mr. and Mrs. H. T. St. George ntertained their bridge club \iesday evening with an Italian paghetti supppr. . After the supper several' progressions of bridge Tverfc played, drs. William Styron being the ligh scorer. Fred Willing bingoid for consolation. Couples present were: Mr. and ilrs. L.-T. Yaskell, Mr. and Mrs. "red Willing. Mr. and Mrs. Robirt Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Styron, and Dr. and Mrs. ... C. Fergus. FRIDAY CLUB Mrs. D. M. Davis was hostess >n Friday afternoon to her )ridge club. Mrs. J. W. Ruark von the high score prize, a lovey bowl. Mrs. J. D. Sutton binfoed and received a similar prize. Delicious sandwiches and tea vere served to the following: tlesdames H. T. St. George, M. V. Northrop, J: W. Ruark, J. D, Sutton, H. W. Hood, A. E. Huntey, J. W. Thompson, and James Jarr. 3RIDGE HOSTESS j Miss Leila Hubbard delightfuly entertained her bridge club On rhursday night in the home of Urs. J. G. Swann. Mrs. William rorgensen was high scorer and Urs. Fred Willing bingoed for :onsolation. Miss Hubbard served a delici>us chicken salad plate with cof:'ee to the following: Mesdames S*red Willing, Wiley Wells, Wiliam Jorgensen, L. C. Fergus, Louis Dixon, G. W. McGlamery, Robert Thompson, Roy McKeithm, James Harper and Misses -his Jane Bussells- and Elizabeth Watson. BIRTH AXXOUXCEMEXT Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Piggott anlounce the birth o;.' a son at (ames Walker Memorial Hospital, iVilmington, Saturday, February 17. 4 LUMBER 5ALE WRITE ifARD N. C. * \ ,' , ' ' ? SE SPACE rehouse across the . - - ... 7 j; *e we have most of lent, and we invite ne in to see some ilanters and districting for you. It ir you to get new jar than to try to ;hed up plows. rading Co. IY, Proprietor TE, N. C. f NEWS 1 BRIEFS : r | HOSPITAL PATIENT James Cederic Milliken1 of Longwood, > son of Mr. and Mra. J. I. Milliken, was admitted to Dosher Memorial Hospital Thursday for treatment, IN HOSPITAL Bob Hewett of South port was admitted to Dosher Memorial Hospital, Southport, for treatment Thursday. SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. A. A. Dennis of Ash was admitted last Wednesday 'as a surgical patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital. FOR TREATMENT Mrs. Harry Hewett of Shaliotte was admitted to Dosher Memorial Hospital Saturday for treatment. AT PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. R. Potts will preach Sunday morning at 11:30' o'clock at New Hope Presbyterian church. He will preach at Southport at 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening. PERSONALS Captain and ,MrS. I. B. Bus; sells and daughter,. Miss Lois Jane, and Skippy Stiller are spending a few days in Florida. Gus McNeill is visiting ; relatives in Fernantlina, Fla, Mrs. Ida Potter Watson is visiting her brother in Jacksonjn. *C " V1I1C. Marion Frjpkv. left Saturday for Durham where she spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell before returning- to school at Hendersonville Monday* She spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Frink, here. Malcom Frink has returned to E.. C. -k T. C., Greenville, after spending- part of last week here with his parents. W. R. McAuley of the state highway department spent the past week end here with his . family. . , Mrs. R. Gaskin is getting along- nicel^-following an attack of flu but is still confined to her home. Mrs. Roy Sharp is out again after an attack of flu. ' i Cliff Bird of" the Hill 'Dredging Co. is still5 confined with atj attack of flu.* ' f Mrs. J. G. Christian and sister. Miss Hazel Young, accompanied the former's husband on. a; business trip last \yeek. . Mrs. L. Leiner of wiimingtofi is visiting 'her sister, Mrs. VV. G. Butler,/this week. Postmaster Wilbur Dosher, of Wilmington, was a visitor here Sunday. E. G. Griffis and son, Robert Griff is, <of Woodland, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. 1 W. C. Reece. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Dosher and children were among the visitors from Wilmington in Southport Sunday. D: M. Davis, who is employed by the Fisheries Commission in j (ne eastern part ox uie sxaxc, spent part of the weeft here with his family. , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dye and little son of Wilmington spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Robinson, parents of Mrs. Dye. Register of Deeds Harry Lee Mintz spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mintz, Sr., at Shallotte. Sunday was the 92nd birthday of Mr. George W. Bell, venerable Southport citizen. Mr. Bell still enjoys remarkable good health. Mrs. Blanche Jenkins has returned to her home in Durham after spending two months here with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Wal1 ker.v : k Julian Southerland who is em'. ployed on a dredge at Norfolk, is spending part of a month here with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Southerland. Warren Swain has returned to his work on a government dredge at Atlantic, after spending two weeks here with his mother, Mrs. tyamie Swain. I William' Jenkins has ^returned to his work on a dredge in New YDrk after two weeks here with Mrs, Jenkins, who is spending the jvipter with her parents, Mr, and Mrs." R. T. Woodside. Mrs., Prince O'Brien Spent part -of. the past; weelf \yith relatives at Warsaw, her former home. D. B. Ga'rrish, who was transferred from the Okk Island coast guard station to the Coqulle Run coast guard statjon at. Bandon, Oregain, a year ago, has been returned to Oak Island. Mrs. Ben-' Pierce of Hallsbore spent last week inhere with hex sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs', W -,E. Bell. Pearce , Crannytr 9f Raleigh spent the week eri<3 here with hif parents, Judge and Mrs. E. H i Cranmer. He was accompanied by Mr. Hearn of the circulation j department of the News and Observer. Visitor: "Is there an encyclopedia in the office?" Office Boy (politely): "No sir but what is it you wish f the state port Pit : Shallotte SCHOOL NEWS On Wednesday night, Februar 14, the senior class was entei tabled'by the class sponsor, Mi.< Ida Creech, at the home of Mr Deli^os Mewett Numerous games were plkyd throughout the evening. Refreshments were served b the hostess, assisted by Mr Hewett! and Miss Mary E. Stan' i?n- A ' < Among those present were:. V G. Reynolds, Harry Foard, Fran Floyd, Elbert Gray, Talmadg Phelps, Riley Sellers, Leo Sirr mons, Mildred Andrews, Oriri Atkinson, Ina Mae Bellafm Ethel Bert Bennett, Lena Ch'ac wick, Mary Lewis, Emma Ne Pierce, Clarice Russ, Lucille Se lers and Ted Bennett. Department Visited Mr. Murphy, superintendent c Pender county schools, and M Thompson, principal of Burga' schools, visited the commercii department last Wednesday. Mr. Thompson stated that the were planning to add commercii si.ojects to their set-up next yea Both seemed impressed wit the progress of the students i the class they visited. New Building The construction of a newbrlc building on the Shallotte schoi grounds directly behind the hig school building is the subject < much discussion nowadays ar not a little interest on the pai of the school and community, sharp increase in the number < [students in the primary gradi I has necessitated this buildin; Strictly speaking, it is being bui to meet the needs of the primal grades, but it will not house a J the students in these grades. T1 buildipg is so constructed as 1 [provide for six large classroon land a smaller room to be usi 'possibly as a book-room. Furthe (more, it provides toilet facilitii ! for both boys and girls. The building is growing rapii ly and will be ready for occup: tion at the beginning of the ne: school year. Junior Class Activities The juniqr class is sponsorir a performance entitled "Wilfor The Wizard" Friday night I help raise money for the Junio | Senior banquet. This is said I be one of the "greatest magicif : shows of all times. We sincere hope everyone will come out < j the 23rd and enjoy this show. 1 The juniors have been sellii Icandy at all the tyqsketbr I games. ( They plan to g>vg,jl play som time in. March. This, too, will j toward helping out with the c jpense of the banquet. I LELAND SCHOOL NEWS Ball Game The boys' and girls' teams Southport high school met in tl 'Leland gym last Friday night jplay both of our teams. Both !the Southport teams were defea ed by a good score. Return Game The Leland basketball tear went to Elizabethtown Tuesdi night to return a ball game pla I ?LISTE Make the Specialty Shop y< THREE BIG SPECTA (1)?Two bars of .Terpens S (2)?Four bars of Colgates (Conies in Old Colonial Lavei (8)?Three bars of Cashme and one Cashmere Boi BI T SOAP AS CHEAP AS And Ladies! when you c ber that we now stock In tei names as .Terpens, Fitch's, Johnson & Johnson, Etc. THE SPEC SOUTH ! A WHOPPING, 1 THRILLING P] Robust American Era Clima Launching Of The First "Ship Without Sails"! ? Alice * Richard * FA YE GREENE Mac! Thurs., Fri., Sat. WILMIIS OT. SOUTHPORT. N. C. ed in the Leland gym earlier in I' .'the season. ' * Jv Chicken Supper j I A chicken supper was sponsored tjy the P.-T. A. last Friday c from 5:30 o'clock until 7:30. A { y large crowd attended. Tlie pro- j r. ceeds will be used in buying c ;s home economic equipment. j 1 s Interested The student body and faculty 1 1(j I of our school zee very much in- ? ! terested in, the county basketball r ,y i tournament that is tp be held in s , our gym beginning February 29-!J t;. ] Last minute plans are being ic < I made. The large balcony in the j x j 1 gymnasium will afford ample Jr k [ room for spectator's at the games * !c j Various committees will co-ope' rate with the ball teams In every ie , . f ) way" i '' I Meeting j The upper Brunswick County j r i] I Good Reads. Association met in , C | the school auditorium Tuesday j t | night fbr a business meeting. The r ! members are instrumental in get- t ting the bus routes and other; r- roads improved. |? * Chaj>el Postponed 1t The members of the eighth. * grade- were1 to have charge ofj y chapel Tuesday. They postponed j their progi-am because - of the illr. | ness of their teacher, Miss | h Marshburn. We hope that she j n will soon be well enough to resurrte her work. At the present. ? Rev. J. D .Withrow is substitut- f Jf ing for her. i 3i Make Posters t 'Mi The librarians are busy making t if1 attractive posters announcing the 1 l(i Bookmobile. It will be held at ['t Leland school from 9 'o'clock uti- t A til 1 o'clock for the students, and t from 2 o'clock until 3 o'clock for ( -S the' community. The dates are: ? March 15, 22, 29: April 5, 12, 19, It 26 and May 3. Winnabovv News ho ' ls Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Kye re .{1 turned from Winston-Salem j r- Tuesday evening accompanied by JS Mrs. Kye's sister and her hus- J band, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Men- t 3. denhall. Mrs. Kye returned with 1 fl_ them Wednesday afternoon to i Winston-Salem and Mr. Kye. ac- . companied by Ray Kye, moved i j their household furnishings Thurs,g. day afternoon to Tobaceoyille j d : where they will live. We are sor- j ! ry to lgse them as neighbors. r_' Lee Kye, Jr., and family have 1 t0 moved here from Jonesboro to ; ln live and we are glad to welIv come them. Rev. W. J. Freeman accomp- j anied by Geo. Cannon of Bolivia spent Thursday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs.'-'James Albright' i' of Burtlngbwn visited MVs. Preston -Shvaige Friday and Mbs. Sav-j: ro age and'"lfftle daughter,'"SyWtt, j; rettlrned to Burlington1 with j them Saturday "afternoon to spend awhile. ' Mr. and- Mrs. J. F. Vines, of Wilmington, were visitors here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Tharp spent the week end in Maxton1 with Mrs. Tharp's mother. George Zibelin and childnen, I George Henry and Mary Molly, j of of Wilmington, visited Mr. and | he Mrs. C. H. Zibelin, Sunday, to | Clint Daniels and family of | of Wilmington visited W. C. Savage it- and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hucker and son, Kenneth, of Bolivia, vis- j ns ited M. B. Robbins and family ay and A. P. Henry and family Suny day afternoon. N! LADIES! >ur headquarters for soap values! LS FOB THIS WEEK . . . Snap 5c ^oap 19c ider, Charmis, Orchis, White Rose) re Bouquet Soap (ten cent size) lquet Lotion 25c i WATER . . . . ! heck your personal needs, rcmemn cent sizes such nationally Known Collates, Pond's, Cue, Woodbury, IIALTY SHOP PORT, N.(C. WONDERFUL AND [CTURE OF TH AT ixed By The ^ Feb. 22-23-24 IGTON, N. C. ? Mrs. Robert Sullivan spent the n" veek end iri Southport with Mrs. I yp tussel St. George. j ?'> Mrs. M. A. Sullivan has been jtJ' [Uite ill in Dosher Memorial Hos- lis >ital but is at home now. Ar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maultsby if Southport were visitors here eoi ifonday evening. J. E. Dosher of Ash and Mr.!)!USaker of State Forestry Divi- _ lion were visitors here Tuesday! ~~ norning. ] Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Freeman, I vlr lr? and little daughter, Pauline, | if Charleston, S. G., spent the ,,, veek end with' Rev. W. J. Free- Co nan, Sr., and family and little Jauline remained to visit awhile, ex BIRTHDAY PARTY Jla' Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holden and a. amily of Wilmington honored 'a Jrs. J. L. Bishop, Mrs. Holden's JJj nother, at her home at Town To ?reek Sunday with a surprise bo| lirthday dinner. Mrs. Bishop was Ml iresented many lovely and use- 5o( ul gifts. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holden 't|? ind children and Jack Corbett 'hi if Wilmington spent Saturday or vitli Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bishop, sn Poor Results From e?i Shad Fishing So Far So far this year shad fishing it Southport has not been fruit;ul enough to pay for the dam- q" ige that bad weather caused to da he Hgs, let alone recompensing he fishermen for the time they Jo lave put in. JJ,' Very few of the fish have been ex aken so far and the season is da ;oo far gone for any great hopes a. ,o be entertained this year. LEGALS 1 [bo NOTICE SA1.K IN I) Kit UKEU'n, OF TRUST yj Under and by virtue of authority "5 contained in a certain Deed of Trust ,'xecuted by 1'. (\ Tharp and Sallie Tharp. his wife, to Robert \V. Davis, de Trustee, on the 8th. day of-- August, th 1936, recorded in Rook Xo. 58, at rni Page Xo. 393. Registry of Rruns- sa iviok County, Xorth Carolina. Default Bi laving been made in the payments Cc if the indebtedness secured thereby, :he undersigned substitute trustee, aii laving been substituted to the right If md duties of the said Robert \V. Davis, as provided by law. , will offer oo for sale, at public auction tor cash, all it the Courthouse door in Rrunswick mj Countyt on the 18th day of March, 1940. at twelve o'clock noon, all that ertain lot or parcel of land located ~ n the City of Southport, Rrunswick County, State of Xorth Carolina, and described ami defined as follows: vn FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the Cc amis of .t. C. Wisweil,. j. a. i-uiiun. ' ? Independaut Order of Odd Fellows ?i? uid others, hounded ug follows, viz: Cc Commencing at a point on the W Fast side of Howe Street 132 feet th from the Northerfsrt. corner of Howe c* and Hay Streets, runs thence Fast hf ill feet to the West line of Hot No. da LL; thence South along the line of A. hot So. 11. 'Twenty-five (25) feet; P? thence abouj West (E feet to the 8a East line of Howe Street; thence *.\>n;t?li .along the East line of Howe s'thoel 25 feet to the beginning, and Tc A' 0?Qi'tion of Hot No. 10. ac- afJ cording io the Official Plan of the City of Southport. North Carolina. ?v SECOND TRACT: Beginning at Ai lt\e Southeastern corner of E. A. <-( fIrtssom'.s adjoining lot, runs thence Eastwardly 40, */ecl to a stake; c? thence the same width in a North- a' wardly direction 35$ feet to an alley; rn thence Westwardly 40 feet to a stake: thence tlie same width and parallel with E. A. Grissom's adjoining Hot . Southwardly 355 feet to the HAgi nning. and being a portion rff tlic H?t formerly owned by Drew J>f and Davis, and known as. Hot No. 3, o? the Francis Morse ^Estate, and ^ the same lot conveyed to J. I. al Stout by E. F. Davis by deed bear- re ing date of February, 24th. 1905, and recorded in Hook W. AW, at page '' 22. et scq.. records of Brunswick ec County, and the same conveyed to 81 1. .1. Sternberger by the Bank of Southport, N. C.. as will more fully J" appear by reference to Book 2. at page 207, records of Brunswick County, and being the same that was conveyed to P. C. Tharp, by Seidell Delmar and wife, by deed dated 1st. Jm day of February, 1922, and duly recorded in Hook 37, at page U3, to which reference is hereby especially made. tl Dated and posted* this 17th day In of February, 1910. ol S. B. Frink. Substitute Trustee, h; 3-13-c th tr EXECUTOR'S NOTICE C Having qualified as executor of the J; will of Miss Kate Evans, late of pj Brunswick County, North Carolina, notice is hereby given that all per- w sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment; and that all persons who have claims r against the estate are required to 2< "> oomo tn flip tindersicmed t'icnviii. c?ivi w on or before February 7, 1941, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This February 2nd., 1910. K. L. Krahnke, Executor. C .Ed. Taylor, Attorney. ef 3-13-c vs FORECLOSURE NOTICE ta Notice is hereby given that by a. virtue of a decree of the Superior Si Court of Brunswick County, N. C? dated the 1st, day of January, 1940, in an . action entitled "Brunswick di County versus? oi J. O. Hewett And Wife If Any",? w the undersigned commissioner will m expose at public auction sale to the a highest bidder for cash on the 4th, tl day of March, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock tl A. M? at the Courthouse door, South- tc port, X. C\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of 2! $128.17, the following described real estate located in Lock woods Folly a Township, Brunswirk County. N. C.. H: bounded and described as follows: n' BEGINNING at the Blven Koad in Jr the run of School House Branch or Bay; thence East with the run of said Bay 140 yards to a stake: thence s South .across the Swamp to the Lud- olum line to a stake; thence West 140 _ yards to the Biven Road; thence with 0 said Road to the Beginning containing .18 acres more or Jess. And all other lands owned and list- o ed by J. O. Hewett And Wife If Any. g In Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days \ allpw-Qd for raise of bid before report i, made. Cash to be paid at sale. u This the 31st, day of January 1940. 0 S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 2-28-c S( Ft> It EC LOS t* RE NOTICE p Notice is hereby given that by b virtue of a decree of the Superior c< Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. dated the 1st, day of January, 1940, ,} in an action entitled "Brunswick tl County versus? s Brady Hewett And Wife If Any".? the undersigned commissioner will tj expose at public auction sale to the v highest bidder for cash on the 4th, p day of March, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door. South- s port, N. C., to satisfy the decree of a said court to enforce the payment of (j $185.51, th? following described real estate located in Lock woods Folly p Township, Brunswick County, N. C., r bounded and described as follows: d A tract of land known as the Randolph Hewetr back place, lying on the North side of Oxpen Swamp. 2 Beginning at a cypress about a North course from th^bquse. Thence about West to long ^Branch; thence the meanders of said branch to a black * gum in the said branch near the 1 road, thence, about Northeast to Wade Bryants corner; thence about North with the Baker line to the beginning. \ Containing- 30- acres more or Jess. Also another tract beginning at a stake in Bakers line; runs thence to J. L. Hewetts line South 88 E. 80 PAGE FIVE HUNT FOK LESPEDEZA Cattle hunt for every sprig of lespedeza in their hay ration and will hardly touch the other hay until every wisp of the lespedeza is consumed, says R. E. L. Plummet of Walnut Hill, Ashe County. Next year Mr. Plummer says he will feed up his grass liay before he starts on his lespedeza. FORF.L'f.OSrHE SALE OK R1?A1. ESTATE MOItlOAUF. DEKI> Under and by virtue of the power i of sale . contained in that certain i Mortgage Deed made and executed I by Newman Babson and-wife. Mvrlie Babson. to J. W. Schwartz. MortSagee, fqr $125.00, dated the 29th. ay of October. 1937. duly recorded j in Bdok 05. a J. !*age 90, records of 1 Brunswick County, to which referI euro is hereby especially made. I>e1 fault having been made in the pay1 ment of the indebtdanetii therein described. the undersigned E. K. Proctor. Executor of J. \V. Schwartz, deceased. will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse Door in the City of South port, and the County of Brunswick. on .Monday .March ISth. 1910. at 12 o'clock noon, the following described piece, lot or tract of land lying and being in Brunswick County. North Carolina, and bounded and described as follows, to Lying and being in Brunswick County. W'accamaw Township, aud Beginning at a stake, Anson Babson lino, runs thence S. 59 deg. W. 27 poles to a stake in another of Anson Rabsons lines: thence with said line S. 82 .ties. K. 22 no'es to a stake iti J. F. Phelps lino; thence his N 20 ?l<-" E. 18 poles to a Lightwood Stump: thence X. 45 deg. \\". 18 poles to the beginning, containing two and three quarters acres, (2%) more or less. Dated and posted, this 16th, day of February, 1910. E. K. Proctor, Executor of J. W. Schwartz. Deceased. S. B. Frink, Attorney. 3-13-c. A 1>M IN I ST It A TO It's NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. W. Clemmons, deceased, late of Brunswick county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit 4 l..~> " ?!./> H.wloHalitiin,) ?,? C. .1lf lli.ni'l les to a stake; thence North 801 les to a stake, thence North 44 | est 114 poles to Rakers line; thence | th his line to the beginning, con nine 50 acres more or less. ; \nd all other lands owned and ted by Brady Hewett And Wife If ly. in Brunswick County, North i rolina. \11 sales subject to report to and tifirmation by the Court. Ten days1 owe 1 for raise of bid before report ide. Cash to be paid at sale, rhis the 31st. day of January 1940. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. 2-28-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE S'otice is hereby given that by tue of a decree of the Superior urt of Brunswick County, N. C.. : ted the 1st. day of January. 1940. an action entitled "Brunswick. unty versus? S. Ganey. Jr.. And Wife If Any",--j ? undersigned commissioner will pose at public auction sale to (he rhest bidder for cash on the 4th. v of March. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock j M? at the Courthouse door. South rt, X. C.. to satisfy the deoree of I id court to enforce the payment ot ! 18.92, the following described real ate located in Town Creek wnship, Brunswick County. N. C\, utided and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake In S. W. ntz line with said line 729 poles a stake: thence North S7 West ( ) poles to a stake; thence North ) East 137 poles to a stake; thence ! uth 87 degrees East 455 poles to 1 ? beginning, containing one rami j ree eights acres 1 3-8 acres, more j less. , , A1 And all other lands owned by the id Defendants located in the County Brunswick. \\\ sales subject to report to and nfirmation by the Court. Ten days owed for raise of bid before report uie. Cash to be paid at sale, rhis the 31st, day of January 1910. 3. B. Frink, Commissioner. 2-28-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rtue of a decree of the Superior mrt of Brunswick County, N. C.. ted the 1st, day of January. 1940, an action entitled "Brunswick unty versus? , , hn Jordan And Wife And u. I*. niton".? , , ... e undersigned commissioner will pose at public auction sale to the chest bidder for cash on the 4th, v of March. 1940. at 12:00 o clock M.. at the Courthouse door, Southrt. N. C.. to satisfy the decree or id court to enforce the payment ot 59.26, the following described real tate located in Town Creek wnship. Brunswick County. X. C.. j untied and described as follows: Beginning at a maple In Mossy, anch and run thence: North 2grees 45 min. West 1419 feet to a ike in the edge of the field, apple id gum pointers, thence North 85 grees West 321 tt. to a stake in p. field, thence South 22 degrees 40 in. East 1215 feet to a gum n id Branch; thence down said anch to the point of BEGINNING, attaining 10 acres, more or less. And all other l'.eal Property owned id listed by John Jordan And Wife Any. in Brunswick County. All "sales subject to report to and nfirmation by the Court. Ten days lowed for raise of bid before report ide. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st. 'lay of January 1040. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. 2-28-c Ft) It EC I/OS CUE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rtue of a decree of the Superior turt of Brunswick County. N. C., ted the 31st. day of January. 1040. an action entitled "Brunswick lunty versus? P. Benton And Wife If Any, ? e undersigned commissioner will pose at public auction sale to the ghest bidder for cash on tile 1th. IV of March. 1040. at 12:00 o clock "M at the Courthouse door. Southirt, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of id court to enforce the payment or to.80. the following described real tate located in Town CrceK nvnship. Brunswick County. N. C-. untied and described as follows: 20 Acres Home: Ami all other lands rued and listed by W. P. Benton nd Wife If Any. in Brunswick mnty North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and nfirmation by the Court. Ten days lowed for raise of bid before report ade. Cash to be paid at sale. This til" 31st. day of January 1040. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 2-28-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator the estate of Thomas S. Ottoway. te of Brunswick County. North irolina. notice is hereby given that 1 persons indebted to the estate are quested to make immediate payent: and that all persons who have aims against the estate are requir1 to present the same to the utniergned administrator, or his attorney, f or before the 1st. day of February, 41, or this notice will be pleaded in tr of recovery. This January 23rd.. 1910R S. MrKelthan. Administrator. C. Ed. Taylor, Attorney. 6-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of te estate of A. G. Swain, deceased, te of Brunswick county. North Carina. this is to notify all persons iving claims against the estate 01 ic said deceased to exhibit them the undersigned at Southport, X\ on or before the 17th day of muary, 19-11. or this notice will be ended In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ill please make immediate payment. This 17th day of January, 19-10. R. I. Mintz. administrator of the state of A. G. Swain, Deceased. 21-c NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK Sallie Tucker, administrator of the date of James N. Tucker, deceased * Thomas Stanland. The defendant above named will ike notice that an action entitled s above has been commenced in the uperior Court of Brunswick County, orth Carolina, to recover of him the im of $15,000.00 for the wrongful sath of the late James X. Tucker, n March 10. 1939, on the Slate highay by striking him with an autolobile which the defendant was operting at the time of said death; and le defendant will further take notice tat he is required to appear at the ;rm of th? -Superior Court of said mnty to be held on Monday. March 5th, 1940, at the Courthouse in lid county in Southport, N. C.. and nswer or demur to the complaint in lid action, or the plaintiff will ap"? 'l?o i-altof 11,._ ly 10 me wuun ivi w.^, .vmv. landed In said complaint. This 30 day of January. 1940. M. B. Watklng, Assistant Clerk ol uperior Court. 21-c KDIN ANCK AUTHORIZING #7,00(1 S4MTAHY SEW EH IIONDS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board f Commissioners of the Town ol hnllotte: Section 1. That the Town of Shal>tte issue its bonds, pursuant to the lunicipal Finance Act. sis amended, i an amount not exceeding $7.00C ?r the purpose of paying all or pari ' the cost of constructing a sanitary ewer system for said Town. Section 2. That a tax sufficient tc ay the principal and interest of saic onds shall be? annually levied anc ollected. Section 3. That a statement of the ebt of the Town has been filed wit! tie clerk and is open to public in pection. Section 4. That this ordinance shal ake effect when approved by th< oters of the Town at an election ai rovided by law. The. foregoing ordinance was pas ed on the 30th day of January, 191! nd was first published on the 31s ay of January, 1940. Any action or proceeding question ng the validity of said ordinance aust be commenced within thirt; ays after its first publication. S. T. Russ. Secretary. -7-c Boogy: It's a good thing ou vives don't know where we wen ast nigt.t. Woogy: It is, indeed. By th vay, where did we go? Boogy: Hanged if I know. V. C. 011 or before the 13th day of February, 1941. or this notice will he pleaded In bar of their recovery. 49 All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pnvmcnt. This 13th day of February, 1940. S. B. FrlnK. administrator of tho I Estate of A. \V. Cleramons, Deceased. 3-20-c FORECLOSURE SALE OK HEAL t ESTATE MORTGAGE DEEP Under and hv virtue of tho power I of sale contained in that certain Mort caere Peed made and executed by Willie DeVane. to M. 11. Hart, mortgagee for $7#.3fi. dated the 27th, day of March, 1939, duly recorded in Bonk 07, at page 293. records of Brunswick County, to which reference is herehv especially made. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein described, the undersigned M. M. Hart, Mortgagee, will offer fbr sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at tho courthouse door in the City of Southport. and the County of Brunswick on Wednesday, , March 13th, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described piece, lot tra?'t or' parcel of land lying a"?i fnr 1 n Brunswick County, North Carolina and bounded and described as follows, to wit: <nllnnlnrr il.wcli lifil t !"JI ('t. DiOCl*. parcel or iot oj" land. Beginning ;'t tlm run of Fiords Branch In T. S. Willetts Hue, the David DeVane corner. and run* thence South 70 decrees East with the David Dr-Vnne ' line, and I. S Wlllett* line (72fl) feet i to a stake, the Willetts and DeVane ! corner: thence South -A decrees (.120) feet to a Spruce nine. Sheperd DeVane corner: thence South 25 degree Kast with Shepard DeVane line* ninth feet to a small Red Oak in or near 1 h? I teVt ne end i i - relson lii" : I thence South f?0 decree? West with the DoVatie and H&rrelion line abopt nnnO) feet to a g"m corner in Taenia Branch, now tin- Harrelson and De? Vane corner; thence down the various courses and meanders of the run or center of Lords Branch to the point of Rectinniinr, containing to the same, (35) thirty-five acres, more or less. Dated and posted, this 10th. day of February. 10 to. M. IF. Hart. Mortgagee. S. B. Frink, Attorney. 3-6-f NOTICE OP SPECIAL BOOT* ELECTION TOWN OF SHALLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA A special election will be held on Saturday, March 2. 1010. between 7 A. M. and sunset. Eastern Standard Time, at which there will he submitted to the nualified voters of the Town of Shallotte, the followint questions: 1. Shall an ordinance passed January 30th. 1040 authorizing not exceeding $10,000 bonds of the Town of Shallotte for paying all or pari of the cost of constructing a water works system for said Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? 2. Shall an ordinance passed January 30th. 1040 authorizing not exceeding $7,000 bonds of the Town of Shallotte for paying: ail or nart of the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer system for said Town, and a tax for said bonds, be approved? Each of the two questions here- J inabove set forth contains a Statement of the purple for which the bonds are authorized by the ordinance referred to in such question. , If said bonds are issued, a tax will \ be levied for the payment of the \ j principal and interest thereof 'On all \ taxable property In the Town of Shallotte. For said election the regular registration books for election*? in said Town shall be used and such books shall be open for the registration of voters, not theretofore registered, from 9 A. M. until sunset on each <bty except Sundays and holidays: ' begin nine Saturday, February 3, 1940 and dosing Saturday, February 17, 1940. On each Saturday during said period said books shall remain open at the polling place. The polling place and the narties of the election officers, subject to change as provided by law. are as follows: Polling Place R. D. White's Garage .Registrar S. C. Tripp Judges Mary B. Russ Mrs. Ava MllUken By order of Board of Commissioners of the Town of Shallotte. S. T. Russ Secretary. FORECLOSFRE NOTICE i Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior i Court of Brunswick County, N. C.. ; dated the 2nd day of November, 1939 . i- on* inn nntitlpd "Brunswick . County versus? i George .Tewett and Wife If any, , Albert Plato, Mtgee.".? l the undersigned commissioner will ex: pose at public auction sale to the r highest bidder for cash on the 5th, day of February, 1940 at 12:00 o'clock { A; M., at the Courthouse door, South} port. N. C\. to satisfy the decree of ' said court to enforce the payment of $178.07, the following described real J estate, located in Town Creek Town1 ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bound ed and > described as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a stake on the > East bank of Dorr's Creek: runs g thence North 81 deg. O. E. 102 feet to a holly -tree, thence North 45 deg. . 15* 1163 feet to a lightwood stake; ) thence South 42 deg. 15' E. 441 feet t to a iron stake; thence South 40 deg. 14' W. 532 feet to a stake in an old _ stump; thence down the line of spring e branch 680 fee* to a large black / gum tree; thence South 62 deg. 45' W. 467 feet to a small maple tree on the East bank of Dorr's creek; thence with the run of Door's creek 575 Mt to the Beginning, containing sixteen - and one half (I6V2) acres. r And all other lands owned by the t said defendants in the County of Brunswick. All sales subject to report to and e confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st. day of January, 1940. - - rS.-'B; "FrfTiR Comnitestoflef 1-31-c

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