r.v MARCH 20. 1940 rTIN'Ci Ruark. '^Hr )[Ek1 The star point officers present-?"Txe\v Hanover 0(1 the worthy matron with flowof the Wo- ers appropriate to their several M?' '-i^ristian Sen-- stations. ?^'\n next Wednes- At the conclusion of the in ihodist church spallation a social hour was held Tririty r 1 ,(1 * and refreshments of ice cream - rlt,^';''rt?of Wilming- and cake were served. Ms thegea'book! LEGION AUXILIARY 'fc in of Bolivia.! The March meeting of the v ., preside over American Legion Auxiliary was held Wednesday afternoon at the K-.. served in the home of Mis. W. H. Barnett. ,,,, The president real the order of i mom. .. .. , , I - meeting from the manual of cere-1 ?,~7r ., t atION monies. Plans were discussed to J IN- 1 ADDA 1 , raise more money for the new : room at the hospital, and it was H 09" 'nuhlic instal .decided that sandwiches and a - : ' " ' MonTav ?ke be sold at the Legion Birth !S ? r mom Dance Friday night. Fun was tM,the f rptiri wor. enjoyed from the sale of mystery! *i,';/.med the guests packages and a nice sum was, . ,h(. installing of- realized to buy Easter lilies for :,... , Butler [disabled veterans at Oteen. yi Butler in the The hostess sen-ed refreshK? r'eremony were Mrs. "lents of hot chocolate and sand^Mf'roowe installing mar- wiches. Ji: ,-ranmer. instal- Members present were: Mrs. and Mrs. Thel- Wayne Lelnert Mrs. S. B^Frtnk. I i:nt. chanlain Mrs. R. C. St. George, Mrs. L. BL^new offers were T. Yaskell. Mrs. S. D- Sutton. " o sn* Mrs. Edna Bell. Mrs. John Erik !jS. Aiuuc v uuu, ; fron B. J. Holden, sen and Miss Elizabeth Murray. Mrs. Marion Visitors were Mrs. Fred Smith jciate matron: John and Miss Katie Dozier. KX-iate patron: Mrs. ten. secretary: Miss pinochle club N'ewton, treasurer: Jintz. chaplain. Miss Marion St. George was r St. George, mar- delightful hostess on Monday affair Bussells, organ- ternoon to members of her pinnna M. Davis, con- ochle club. High score prize, a s. Julia Sanders, as- set of aluminum cooking utensils actress. was won by Mrs. H. T. St. ; Matilda Barnett; George. Mrs. J. Arthur Dosher allie Holden: Esther, won the bingo prize, a china Butler; Martha, Mrs. sugar and cream set. Electa. Mrs. Vienna; Miss St. George served delicious rder. Mrs. Alice St. chicken salad with coffee to the :t:nel. Mrs. Grace j following guests: Mesdames J. aster Clothes Easter, and the time of year when begins to think seriously of her wardrobe. Whether you wish to ready-made outfit or plan to do \vn sewing, our store is the best [>r you to do your shopping. W. Kirby & Son SUPPLY, N. C. "-m I CLEAN-UP W 9 This is clean-up week for the Git and I earnestly request the citizens of ! to co-operate with the city authorities i ship-shape for Easter. 9 Special attention is called to unsig vacant lots. Do your part to see to it tl of yours shall mar the beauty of our I I he gar bage truck will make specia H day, Friday and Saturday, and additioi H added if necessary to remove the results Program. I JOHN D. ERIE I MAYOR CITY OF SOUTH Arthur Dosher, D. M. Davis, I Carey Reece, H. T. St. George, L. T. Yaskell, ,T. G. Christian and Wiley Wells. MISS WATSON HOSTESS j The Thursday night bridge1 J club met last week with Miss I Elizabeth Watson. Mrs. William I Jorgensen was high scorer for the i s evening and Mrs. Allen Ewing a bingned and received the con-1_ solation prize. Miss Watson served delicious ice S, cream with assorted cakes to p the following guests: Mesdames Allen Ewing, Fred Willing, Robert F Thompson, William Jorgensen, j Willian Courtney, Louis Dixon, W. G. McGlamery, Wiley Wells, t James Harper and Misses Evelyn Loughlin and Leila Hubbard. a THURSDAY CLUB Mrs. William Wells delightfully p entertained her bridge club in < e her home on Thursday afternoon.. Mrs. J. W. Ruark won the high h score prize an attractive vase. v Mrs. James Carr bingoed to re- h ceive two pictures as consolation. Mrs. Wells served sandwiches ^ and coca cola to her guests who v were as follows: Mesdames L. T. Yaskell, Wiley Wells, R. I. Mintz, Fred Willing, J. W. Ruark, Wil- v liam Styron, James Carr, H. T. j. St. George, M. R. Sanders, and ( Misses Winnie Willis, and Thelma Comer. n BIRTHDAY PARTY j Mrs. Violet Hewett celebrated F her 17th birthday in a delightful party Saturday night. Those present were: Misses Violet Hewett, Elizabeth Robin- a son, Alinda Robinson, Irene Rob- F inson, Mary Lewis, Farlee Lewis, il Julia Mae Hewett, Letha Mae Hewett, Eugena Hewett, Gladys Robinson, Burgwin Hewett, Leon Kirby. Garland Varnum, Winfred E Hewett and John Robinson. d Many gifts were received by P Uie iiunurec. 4 TUESDAY CLUB The Tuesday Afternoon Bridge if club met last week with Mrs. t J. D. Sutton. Mrs. I. B. Bussells won high score prize, an attractive pitcher. Mrs. M. R. Sanders wis awarded the bingo prize, P a vase. P Delicious mince pie with whip- P ped cream and coffee was served to 'he following; Mesdames I. B. Bussells, Ormond Butler, Carl Gun.nerson, Prince O'Brien, v Mabel Ma-an, M. R. Sanders, a and C. C. Cannon. NEWS Is BRIEFS Ip BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Merritt More announce the birth of a daughter, p Penelope Anne, Thursday, March p 14, at Dosher Memorial Hospital, i SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. Etta Clemmons of Supply was admitted Monday as a surgi- a cal patient at Dosher Memorial a ii o j" ii " ! j Tri/ I! LiC.fi ||) \ >1 it it I y of Southport, jr j| this community ||l n getting things jjj I htly rubbish on I I hat no property I I town on Easter 1 rounds Thurs- i I lal help will be jjj I j of the clean-up | I SEN I [PORT | ' - - . . THE STATE PORT PI LP Persona! George Watson is visiting his nother, Mrs. George Y. Watson, or a few days. Mrs. Doris Dosher and son pent thte week end here with Mr. nd Mrs. W. E. Dosher. Miss Anna Taylor, student at last Carolina Teachers College,! pent Thursday and Friday here \ vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Ed Taylor. David Watson and Malcom 'rink, students at East Carolina unior College, spent the past ;eek end here with their respecice parents. Judge and Mrs. E. H. Cranmer nd sons, Pearce and Morris, re- j umed last week from a vacation a Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ft. M. Wolfe and hildren, Edwin and Julia, visitd friends here Sunday afternoon. Elbert Keziah has returned to is home in Florence, S. C., after isiting his father, W. B. Keziah, ere over the past week end. Miss Bobbie Davis, member of he school faculty at Bladenboro, isited her mother here during he past week end. Joe Ruark, Jr., spent the past eek-end here with his parents, le is a student at N. C. State College. Judge and Mrs. R. W. Richiond, of Providence, R. X.. are uests this week of Mr. and Mrs. . W. Ruark. lospital. SERIOUSLY ILL Fred Smith of Southport was dmitted to Dosher Memorial lospital Tuesday and is seriously 1. ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gore of lolivia announce the birth of a aughter at Dosher Memorial Hosital Sunday. MRS. DAVIS ILL Mrs. J. I. Davis of Southport /as admitted to Dosher Mcmnr il Hospital Tuesday for surgical reatment. MEDICAL PATIENT Mrs. O. B. Butler of Southort was admitted as a medical atient at Dosher Memorial Hosital Friday. ILL IN HOSPITAL J. O. Halbourn of Rocky Mount .'as admitted Sunday as a patient t Dosher Memorial Hospital. HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs._ Mamie Swain of Southort was admitted as a surgical atient at Dosher Memorial Hosital last Wednesday. PATIENT Russell Hewett of Supply is a atient at Dosher Memorial Hosital. IN HOSPITAL J. E. Caison of Supply is a j atient at Dosher Memorial Hos- j ital where he was admitted last "hursday. AT PRESBYTERIAN Rev. J. R. Potts will preach t New Hope Presbyterian church t 11:30 o'clock Sunday mornig and at Southport at 7:30 'clock Sunday evening. His ser- j fion subject will be "The Resurection". The public is cordially nvited. "Hello?Is' this my little honey J unch?" "Yes, and bring home $35." "Excuse me, lady; I got the . rong number." "'^Alan Hale, Frank McHugh, .U THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SA COW Sunday Midnite Show Dorothy Lamour, Bii in "THE ROAD 1 i T. SOUTHFQRT. N. C. Winnabow News Mrs. Dan Seagle of Lincolntoi is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J Ramsuer. and family at Oak Plantation. Mrs. T. M. Summer and litth daughter. Mary Jane, and Mis Lizzie Frank Cannon of Wilming ton spent Wednesday with Mes dames Walker and Craven. Stvron Willetts of U. S. Nav; in Norfolk, Va., spent the weel here with his parents, Mr. am Mrs. Adrian Willetts. Mrs. John Boyd Finch and lit tie son, Jackie, spent Friday witl her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W J. Freeman. M's. D. L. Henry of Rock; Mount and her son, Thomas, wh< has been in army in Honolulu are visiting friends and relative: here. Henry, Fbert and Harve; Lanier and their families spen the week end in Hollv Ridge t< attend the funeral of their grand father, S. E. Ottoway, who diet there Thursday at the age of 94 He is survived by 3 sons and ' daughters, 38 grand children, 10' great grand children and 7 great great grand children and wa: well known and highly esteemet in his community. Mrs. Jim Allen of Wilmingtoi visited Mrs. W. J. Freeman Sun day afternoon and Mrs. Freemat returned to Wilmington with hei to spend awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gallo way spent Sunday with Mrs. Hat tie Galloway and family. Mrs. Rufus Hodges of Wilming ton was a visitor here Monday Miss Mary Elkins of Wilming ton spent Monday night with Mr and Mrs. Geo. Richman. Misses Ethel Satterfield ant Virginia Pope attended Bible Con ference in Columbia, S. C., thii week end. Pat Hardy of Norfolk, Va. was a visitor here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Spradlej and little son of Whiteville spen' the week end here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Garner Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Withrow 01 Leland visited the Reids Wednes day. Exum News Rev. M. h. Mintz filled his regular appointment at New Lift Baptist church here Saturday night and Sunday. The G. A.': and R. A.'s met Saturday nigh for their regular monthly meet ing. An epidemic of measles ha: been so severe here for the pas several days that Waccamavi school was forced to close all las week. They were able to reopei Monday of this week. Friends will be sorry to knov that Miss Drucilla Millican ha; been very sick with measles. Mis: Millican is in her seventies anc this is her first attack. Her con dition is improving. Kermit Mintz, U. S. Navy, ha: finished his training at the Nava Training Station at Norfolk, Va. and before being transferred t( the Pacific Coast is spending hi: vacation with his parents, Mr and Mrs. J. L. Mintz. Mrs. T. R. Phelps had th( misfortune' to fall on Tuesday o: last week and badly hurt hei knee. She is still unable to stan< or walk. Word has been received her< of the serious illness of Mrs. H F. Mintz of Bolivia. Prior to hei marriage Mrs. Mintz was Mis: Stella Edwards of this commun ity. She has a large number o; friends here who wish for her i speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McKeithar lUGHS, action, hrills galore! ffrv Lynn, Dirk Koran TURDAY, MAR. 21-22-23 [1NG ?.nd Mon., Tue., Wed. ng Crosby and Bob Hope rO SINGAPORE" and Mrs. Annie Millican of Ash spent Sunday here visiting Miss Drucilla Millican. I Friends of Mrs. M. L. Babson will regret to know that she is 9 ill. Mrs. James Little has been e sick for several days. s J. L. Bennett made a business " trip to Whiteville Monday. "I O. L. Evans Major Formy Duval and R. I. Phelps of Ash >' J visited here Sunday afternoon. < | Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Edwards 3 and children from Shallotte visited relatives here on Friday of -: last week. II Miss Martha Phelps left here | for Fort Mill, S. C., last week where she has accepted a book V keeping position. ~> D. B. Edwards and son. Earl, , made a business trip to Fairs mont on Tuesday of last week. B. L. Russ from Fayetteville J j spent the week end. here with his t family. i Mrs. W. E. Jacobs of Pireway - spent the week-end here with 1 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Phelps. Her brother, W. A. I Pheips. accompanied her home on f Monday afternoon. ; BOLIVIA NEW S 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Robinson, _ | of Wilmington, were week-end , guests of Mrs. Robinson's parents, r Mr. and Mrs. John Hand. Mrs. Ri r?f \tlantn fin is the guest of Mrs. J. D. Johnson. Glenn Tucker attended the meeting of N. C. Education Association in Raleigh last week. Mrs. John Gill is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Steve Wilkins, at ' Rose Hill. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Dresser, j Mrs. Lee Blake and Miss Martha Blake, of Leland, were guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cannon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor 'i spent the- week-end with their , | daughter, Miss Ruth Taylor, at j W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. Miss Taylor returned with her parents to spend the Easter holidays, f Friends of Mrs. Frank Mintz . will be glad to learn that she has returned home from James Walker Hospital, following an operation. Thomasboro News ? 1 > Misses Ruth High, Junella j Thomas and Elizabeth McMurry , plan to attend the spring cont ference at Columbia Bible Col. lege, Columbia, S. C., this weekend. ? Mrs. Stephen Conder and small t daughter, Tommie Jean, of Char: lotte, are spending this week with t Mrs. Conder's parents, Mr. and i Mrs. Tom Dillenger, of Calabash. Cornelius Thomas, Jr., and j! Frankling Overcash, of Charlotte, ? left Chapel Hill Saturday for 3 * Annual and Financial report of th - Court of Brunswick Count v. North Cj (JENERA I. 3 Cash Account * j VVaccamaw Bank & Trust Co., Getters Waooamaw Bank & Trust Co., Trust , Trust Funds j Miscellaneous Account Advanced Court Costs 3 Superior. Court Costs, Criminal Superior Court Costs, Civil Recorder Court Costs Clerk Superior Court Fees & f r MISCELLANEt 1 nnl.emi Brown vs Brown - ... s Brunswick County Brunswick County vs. Fennell .. David Bryant .. I j. B. Capps Co 1 City of Southport. Tax Suits J. H. Dixon Heirs Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. vs. | Coy Formyduval p, J. H. Frink Estate Walter D. Frazier ? i I Government Bond Account Gregg Bros. vs. Frank Norris I Inland Waterway Account Elton Jackson 1 Jenrette Referee Fee Jenrette vs Jenrette et al ! Justice of the Peace Fees H. J. King Alex Loftin ? L. J. & .Mary McLamb W. J. .McLaml), O'Quinn Estate Gladys McKay vs J. J. McKay Norden vs. Ganey George Parker Estate Peoples United Bank vs. D. F. St. G J. O. Smith vs. L. B. Clemmons Unemployment Compension Comm. vs M. B. Watts ? Jesse Wilson Estate TRUST Nova & Velma Long Bradlsher Heirs Trust Fund Interest Account Rosa Lee Galloway ? (It to Frazier .. ? Lizzie Pinner Heirs ? Mrs. M. V. Skipper Roscoe Eva .Tones Carrie O. Hasket Estate Van Reynolds Heirs J. D. Phelps Estate ?... r. H. Frink Estate W. T. Pinner Heirs Elizabeth Roach ~ Jacob Frink W. S. Cook Heirs Laurence & Francis W. H. Phelps Dorothy Russ et al W. M. Willitts Heirs Jacob D. Phelps M. E. Rennett Heirs - -J. D. Mears, Gdn '. Analysis of money on hand. Showin and to what account it belongs. Cash in vault ? ?? Government Bond Wacc&maw Bank & Trust Co Due amount advanced County. Office i Otto Fralzer ? Alex Loftin Trust Funds Account Miscellaneous Account Advanced Court Costs Superior Court Costs. Criminal Superior Court Costs, Civil ?. ! Recorder Court Costs Superior Court Clerks Fees ? STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY. To Chairman Board County Commlss Southport, N. C. . _ I. S. T. Bennett. Clerk Superior Co certify that the foregoing is a true ar in mv hands by virtue of my office. J deposited In the aforesaid Bank and S. T. Be Sworn and subscribed to before me M. B. Watk Filed, accepted and ordered recorde This December 11th, 1039 Palm Beach, where they will spend their holidays visiting friends. The floor of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Calabash, is resplendent with paint due to the courtesy of the Atlantic Paint and Varnish Co., through the Shallotte Trading Co., Shallotte. The church is grateful for this gift. Miss Wilna Thomas will spend Easter in Charlotte as the guest of Miss Blanche Thines. One Case Tried Before Recorder In an informal session of Brunswick county Recorder's court Monday morning Harry Richardson, colored, appeared before Judge Walter M. Stanaland and pleaded guilty to charges of driving a motor vehicle without an operator's license. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs. Other cases were postponed due to the fact that Superior court is in session. SCOLDS ^"1 Relieve misery .direct -without "dosing". Use swift-acting VICKg VAPORUB POLITICAL Announcement FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS Fellow Democrats: As there seemed to be some question about my announcement last week, I wish to make myself very clear. I am definitely a candidate for I the office of Register of Deeds j in the May primary. I have had jan hereditary background of over j forty-five years of service and loyalty to our party. I myself have taken an active part in its interest for the cast ten vears: first as a worker In elections; later as a candidate (four years ago) for this same office. Considering these and other things I am offering myself, subject to j your will and support, for J Register of Deeds this coming j May twenty fifth. BURNICE RUSS WANT ADS I WANTED: To sell or trade for anything used pianos. Drop us a card. Southport Music House, Southport, N. C. 2-28-tf-c WANTED: To make dcmonstrai tion right in your own home ! with a BALDWIN-made piano. Modern in every detail. Write us a card. Easy terms. Thrte years i to pay. Southport Music House, j Southport, N. C. 2-28-tf-c o office of the Clerk of the Superior rrolina as of November 30, 1939. CONTROL Dr. Cr. $17,563.85 $16,003.57 il Fund 11,599.08 13,131.42 ' Fund ;.. 5,980.67 3,174.19 - 2.509.51 4,636.15 ..." 2,579.11 3,397.78 725.82 1,539.05 - 310.07 798.23 20.25 90.21 7,785.50 10,601.69 197.16 276.42 52.301.71 52,301.71 ItS ACCOUNT Dr. Cr. $ 5.00 10.00 $ 12.08 151.01 - 2.21 7.23 32.70 2.29 Furpless 3.25 2.00 3.90 w 1.50 100.00 15.00 68.25 0.00 _ 75.00 36.25 :. 18.00 15.10 6.00 7.20 400.09 ? 4.55 eorge ZZ ^sloi - 2.24 . Rourk 14.82 - 3.00 62.50 149.58 967.95 FINDS Dr. Cr. $ 2.00 - $ 616.85 832.90 .. .. 123.98 374.51 .. 22.00 75.96 ;zzzzzzzzzz;r. i4!53 2.00 - .. . 38.01 106.32 38.32 8.34 ZZZZZZZiZ.'ZZ 353.15 ZZZZZZZZZZI 13.20 10.00 133.08 3.05 ZZZZZZZZZH 26.17 536.15 693.99 221.99 383.58 553.04 l.?78.16 2,084.01 4.234.85 g where said money deposited or kept 1,433.92 r 100.00 Supplies - 42.08 - -. 1.50 - 6.00 7,181.42 2.126.61 - 818.37 - 813.23 458.16 69.96 .. 2.816.13 7,181.42 ioners Brunswick ^ounty, urt in and for said County do hereby id correct statement of all public funds November 30th 1939, and said funds are kept In vault as stated, nnett. Clerk Superior Court, this the 3rd day of December, 1939. ins, Assistant Clerk Superior Court, d. Af. Roach, Chm. Bd Comm. PAGE THREE NOTICE Entry No. 4348 ? The undersigned entorer, Eleanor M. Horack, hereby applies to enter and be granted the following lands in Shallot te Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina: All that vacant and unappropriated land lying east of the property line between Eleanor M. Horack and C. C. Goodwin, and the northern exten! sion of said line j~o the low-water mark of Goose Creek and the southern extension of said line to the Intra-Coastal Waterway: said vacant, * lands being bounded on the south by the Intra-Coastal Waterway: thence on the east and north by Saucepan Creek and Goose Creek; ) and on the west by the above mentioned property line as extended from Goose Creek to the Intra-Coastal Waterway, and containing thirtyfive acres more or less. This the 12th day of March. 1940. H. i j. Mintz. Jr.. Ex-Offlcio Entry Taker. Mch-20-c NOTICE Entry No. 4349 The undersigned enterer. C. C. Goodwin, hereby applies to enter and be granted the following lands in Shallotte Township, Brunswick County. North Carolina: All that vacant and unappropriated land lying between the property of C. C. Goodwin and the Intra-Coastal Waterway, being bounded on the west bv the extension of the property line between Laurence Stanley and C. C. Goodwin and on the east by the extension of the property line | between Eleanor M. Horack and C. C. Goodwin, and containing twelve acres more or less. This the 12th day of March. 1940. II. L. Mlntz, Jr.. Ex-Offlcio Entry Taker. Mch-20-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 5th, day of February 1940, in an action entitled 'Brunswick County versus C. C. Greer and Wife If Any." the undersigned COftlmisloner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 1st. day of April. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock A. M.. at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $132.40, the following described real estate, located in Town CreeK Township. Brunswick County, X. C.. bounded and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a pine Stump. Sam Hines corner of the South side of State Highway No. 30, same benig witnessed by two postoaks and runs thence Northwardly with the said Highway C2V.. feet to an iron corner thence South 51 degrees and 45 mill. East 435 feet crossing a gum pond to a small blackgum; thence South 487 feet to | a spruce nine in the Viola and I?ee Hankins line; thence North 51 de[ grees 45 mln. West 300 feet to an l iron peg. C. C. Greer's corner: thence North CO degrees East 115 fc-et with C. C. Greer's line to the East corner of C. C. Greer's 1 acre trad; : thence North 51 degrees 45 min. [East to Sam Hines corner; thence | North 66 degrees East 218^ Feet with | Sam Mines Line 10 sam nines corner; thence North CI degrees 45 min. West with Sam Hines Line 210 feet to the first station, containing 3 acres more or less, according to a survey made by J. B. Atkinson July 2nd. 1030. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at an iron corner of a one acre tract belonging to Sam Hines on the South side of the State Highway; runs South 51 degrees 45 minutes East * with Sam Hines line and continuing j'.o an iron corner on an old tarkiln bed; thence South G6 degrees West 115 feet to an Iron corner of a 4 acre tract belonging to Joe Johnson; thence North 51 degrees -15 minutes West 432 Feet with Joe Johnson's line to his corner a sweet gum on the aforesaid State Highway; thence with said State Highway to the point of beginning, containing ! one acre more or less. fourth TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake on the edge of Rattlesnake I Branch Julius Wilson's corner, runs thence with his line about North 33 degrees East 110 poles to a stake in I Scott Patrick's line; thence North PO degrees West about 140 poles to a I nine In Galloway's corner: thence South 13 East 141 poles to said Rattlesnake Branch* said J. D. Galloway's line; thence with the edge of said Branch to the beginning, containing 31 acres more or less. And all other lands owned by C. C. Greer And Wife If Any, BrunsI wick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before re| port made. Cash to be paid at sale This the 28th, day of February, 1940. I S. B. Frlnk, Commissioner. 3-27-c FOItECI/OSTTRE NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that by ! virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. P., dated the 1st, day of January, 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick I County versus J. H. Evans And Wife Roena Evans," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 1st, day of Anril. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock A. M? at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satis* fv the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $154.10, the following described real estate, located in Lo'-kwoods Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as fellows: BEGINNING at a stake In Caesar Evan's West line Morris Evans cor ner .runs thence North 30 degrees \V. fi2f) feet to a stake near the old Tarki'n bed. Caesar Evan's and M. D. Reaves corner; runs thence with said Reaves line N. 10 degrees East 222 feet to J. R. Evan's corner; thence Enstwardlv with said Evan's line to the Run of Pinch Gut, Swamp; thence . down the various courses of the run thereof to a small Branch; thence un the various courses of the run thereof it being Morris Evans line to near the head thereof to a gum corner; therce South 86 degrees W. 510 feet to the point of beginning, containing by estimation 25 acres more or less. And all other lands owned by J. H. Evan's and wife Roena Evans, in Rock woods Folly Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation bv the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 28ih day of February, 1940. S. B .Frink, Commissioner. 3-27-c NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLF.RK STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK R. S. McKelthan, Administrator Vs. Alice Ottoway McKelthan, Et Al. The defendants. Royal Maultsby and wife, Maultsby: Roy Ottoway; ? Ottoway, the widow of Marion Ottoway, deceased; Howard Ottoway, Elmore Ottoway; Irene McAInch and her husband ? McAInch; Edna Evans ard her husband, W. W. Evans will take notice that an action entitled above has been cctmenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., by the administrator of Thomas S. Ottoway, Deceased, to sell the real estate of said intestate in which they have an interest for the purpose of payin* the debts Hied against the said estate, and the defendants above named will further take notice that each and every one is required to appear in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court within (30) days after the 28th. day of February, 1940, to answer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in the petition. S. T. Bennett, Clerk Superior Court, Brunswick County, N. C. 3-20-c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. W. Clemmons, deceased, late of Brunswick county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport N. C. on or before the 13th day of February, 1941. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 13th day of February. 1940. S. B. Frink. administrator of the Estate of A. W. Clemmons, Deceased. 3-20-c II

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