The News 'L*M All The Time SWpWELVE. NO. 19 Monty Has Tw? [ Deaths In j" Bfirst 4 Months The Period From nn^Euary 1st To May 1st, uj^Epdck County Had Two PER CENT uitV DECREASE SEEN 'ur^Beit Reducation For The ^^Rr-Monthj Period Was Si^B Pedestrian FataliIRies, Rocutt Reveals Hnswick County had 2 traffljtsths during the first four Kg of this year. Ronald Ho- J If^^ipirector of the Highway ') ^B-t Division, reported this sate as a whole had 231 * B and highway fatalities dur- j ^Binary. February. March and ' m tompared with 257 for the period last year, Hocutt ten per cent reduction is gratifying, particularly in of an increase nationally deaths during the same he commented. - )argest reduction tor tne ^^Kumths period was in pedeA fatalities only 80 pedestrSsHte:r.g killed up to May 1st vl nar. against 99 through Si 30. 1939. jB ;;i traffic fatalities re- I Sei to the Highway Safety the first four months of | i ?ar included, besides the \ J^kriestrians, 18 persons killed iBultcad crossing accidents, 7 B o.i bicycles and 126 killed sBitcidcnts involving motor P' only. ^ i^pwty-nine of the 100 coun- 3! jS?.' the state reported no high- "] al leaths for the four months, hi HI wenty-one others reported _ I fich. .(H.:foni County had the worst I the state with 13 fatal- X S followed closely by ^ te-.curg and Cumberland S 11 eacl1 and Robeson with cities of the state reported deaths the first iBtts of I1'8 year, and 22 cities jfBotH in April. m Greaser Is H f In Operation Pi B>' Possible For Wild ' ;Hfogs To Tame The Ticks Other Insects That Bive Upon Them Standard Oil Pig Greaser th Hnly installed on Bald Head tic Bol Thursday, and filled to the th' B 'ith grease for the benefit 83 pigs. B. C. Allen and re; Newman and C. A. New- iR( B of the Advertising Depart- w' of the Standard Oil Comp-1 th thought the contrivance down 1 'n placed it. assisted by Chas. w ^Httews. W. B. Keziah and Capt. Bowmer. el< it is going to be rather for a cameraman to ever th 'ar enougtl one of the ^'<1 W1 H'-? uso his camera, members H? above party posed to get of nirti 1 roc nf thfi irroo o_ ! Ju _ - j-.s.-sais-O v?* fe 4 S-M.O I a dozen cameras of all I ?? Br including a standard movie, i ? 9 used. The best of these I P? will be used in Standard ab - advertising and some will spot newspaper features. to J?!1 0. Sherrill cooperated in J10 ,^ 1 *'ay in the placing of the in i^Pivsnce, for the benefit of the 9 9 . Bi Wt SUNDAY SERVICES ha iB*- C. N. Phillips will preach |ar morning at 11 o'clock at Pr at 3 o'clock in the afterat Dixon's Chapel; at 8 at Shallotte Camp. A he mvitation is extended the | ^ HB "t 9^ R' .Brr" " nc 9hite-Face Ibis 9 Found On Island oo rii Ipi _ ra Presen . ?f white-faced ^ ibis imong the hundreds ? - Battery Island has M ol interest <>" .1 B '"rt 01 ir. H. H. Brimley ^Bjbe state museum In RalOie birds were seen two H - Dermid MacBn' of Winston-Salem, *?i Wir'hiu Bragaw and W. B. ? of Sfiuthport. At the they were taking moving j^firrs of the huge colony of ^ 9^ on the island. ,m' B/ Brimley, advised of the kn 9^n?' of the birds, expressed ^P.riv'' He said they were con- Fc 9 '? far western states, "u t in Oregon and Utah. B*8'1' be would have to bring Pr' ^ ^fwhet knife down and sit J, whittle on the whlttlers ^ 7 beneh awhile, while he ^T'^'ed ;ilK,nt ,he birds be- ad 4 Southport. at * v"'.. r. *W - :ii:Mli V-^50C^^P^?S6*k : '' P$f - fl ath to the governor's mansio lent of Lt. Governor W. P. ;k for a second primary for [ believe this action is for armony," was his comment. iuss Gives No Wants Se . * ?y? That He Gave Ftirmhl Notice To Chairman Of Board Of Elections Friday Afternoon ORTON STOPS LOCAL BATTLE rospect For Warm Fight !n Second Gubernatorial Race Cut Short On Monday P. M. Burnice Russ, second man in e race for Democratic nomina>n for Register of Deeds in e primary election on May 25, id last night that he had alady given notice to G. T. >urk, chairman of the Brunsck county board of elections, at he desires a second primary which to contest with W. S. ells the right to be his party's indard-bearer in the general ;ction this fall. Wells led Russ by 94 votes in e four-man race in May. Russ is three votes ahead of B. J. >lden. Date for the second primary is | ' i-i J? " ne 22, ana Since uieie 13 ui I no encore for any of the state ficers it appears that a second ttle will cost Brunswick county out $300. Announcement by W. P. Hor- j < n on Monday that he would it run against J. M. Broughton a second primary cooled off lat promised to be a warm bat! in Brunswick county. Both the oughton and Horton factions ,d their machinery in operation id a spirited contest was in { ospect. [s Monday also brought announce-1 ent from Geo. M. Pritchard that J, i would not ask for a run-off 11 1th Robt. H. McNeill, who was i v gh man in the state race for e 'publican nomination for gover-i{ ir. |t W. Erskine Smith, second man|c the first race, previously had c needed victory to R. L. Har- L i, who had a plurality in their ' r ce with two others for Demo-!s atic nomination for lieutenant; r ivernor. I, i1 t Irs. S. O. Chase t Died Saturday s if Friends here deeply regret to a irn of the death of Mrs. S.11 Chase, which occurred at her I f me in Sanford, Fla., Saturday, t is understood that she had i r en ill for sometime but the im-|0 idiate cause of her death is notiv own here. ' p She has several times visited: c irt Caswell and Southport, her, v sband, S. O. Chase, being the it mer of the former government 11 Dperty. i v 1< HOSPITAL PATIENT s Mrs. Dula Smith, of Ash, wasjb mitte'd Monday as a patient jv Dosher Memorial Hospital. ' - ' 1 ' i ST A GoJ 4-PAGES TODAY [ jQVERNOR | I J ^ I I I v *>iw , "i~ ^UHi II i ? a 'VUgJltUIt W?s given <1 ClCrtl n Monday by the announceHorton that he would not the Democratic nomination, the best interest of party tice He cond Primary Supply School To Colored Children Beginning this fall the graded school building located in Corkwoods Folly township, known as the lower school, will be turned over to the colored |>eople, according to announcement of the county board of education. Students who formerly attended that school will be transported to Shallotte In buses this year. The additional building at Shallotte makes it possible to take care of them all at the same place. This move was prompted by the necessity for making some provision for the colored children, and it is contemplated that Cedar Grove, Shallote A, Shallotte B and possibly Walden school for the colored wlU be consolidated. ^ P AT LUIIUU VJIUWCId Warned Of Rule > Cannot Plow Up His Cotton And Plant Another Crop Other Than Peanuts, Tobacco Or Commercial Vegetables And Retain Allotments County Agent J. E. Todson has his morning made the following tatement: The following regulation was eceived from W. G._ Finn, Direc;or of East Central Region, that vill now allow any cotton growid who does not have a stand of sotton and wishes to ,.low up his :otton and plant another crop ither than tobacco, peanuts, or :ommercial vegetables to do so ind still retain his cotton allotnent. .This is contrary to a regulition written the cotton farmers egarding the classil.cation of :otton on May 13, and corrects hat regulation: Acreage which is seeded to coton but which fails to reach the tage at which bolls are first ormed will not be considered as .creage planted to cotton, except hat where cotton is seeded and ails to reach the stage at which tolls are formed because of ablormal weather conditions, which iccur after the final date on /hich cotton can reasonably be ilanted, such acreage vill be onsidered as planted to cotton. Vhere such a condition exists, he acreage considered as planted o cotton on the farm in 1940 rill be either (1) the acreage al5tment for the farm, or (2) the um of the acreage seeded to coton which reaches the stage at diich bolls are formed and the (Continued on page 4) ATE >d News paper I Southport, N. G.t Wed | R E A Receives I $10,000.00 Fund To Make Loans Notice From Rea Adminis- , trator Reports That This Amount Available For Wiring And Plumbing Installation CUSTOMERS PLEASED i WITH THEIR SERVICE E. D. Bishop, Superinten- ^ dent, Says That Spirit Of Cooperation Is Flourishing Official announcement has been received by the Brunswick Electrie Membership Corporation from Harry Slattery, REA ad- ^ ministrator, that an allotment of J $10,000 has been approved to finance house wiring and plumbing J installation. All phases of the power line ^ which serves rural Brunswick and Columbus have been energized, according to Superintendent E. D. Bishop. This is a total of 320 miles serving 785 customers. "All of thesi folks are enthus- ' iastic over having electric power available in their homes," the proiect suDerin ten dent said today, _ "and applications are being re- ' ceived every week. In fact, the ' project is building service to new 8 members at an average of one per day." Questioned regarding proposed f project extensions, Superintendent Bishop said that a total of 110 miles of additional line has , been requested. "The basic principal of the 1 REA is to provide energy to peo- J pie in communities that have been without electric service in order J that they may enjoy the comfort and convenience afforded by the availability of electrical energy", said the project superin- J. tendent. "However, it is evident because of the cooperative nature J of the project, inasmuch as each ? member participates in the owner- ^ ship, that it will prove to develop closer understanding between . neighbors and communities." Much Interest In ' > Mattress Work ' c Appears Likely That Many > Brunswick County Fami- 1 lies Will Cooperate In 8 This Protect 1 A meeting was held at the 'j Triple A office in Supply last I Wednesday for the purpose of out-lining plans for a cotton mattress project for Brunswick county. I Those present were: C. C. Russ, welfare officer; Mrs. Marion S. Dosher, home agent; Miss Annie May Woodside, Supt. of public school; B. R. Bennett, W. C. Gore and Geo. C. Swain, triple-A com- t mitteemen; J. M. Roach and O. | A. Lewis, county commissioners; , 8 T oo-rimilfiirai teacher: j ?J A ., TTU.g, at Bolivia; Miss Greene, home r economics teacher of Shallotte j( j school; J. Berg, J. J. Loughlin I and Rev. A. L. Brown of Southjport, W. M. Ginn, Farm Security f j Superivsor and Miss Mildred Mc- i' j Donald, Farm Security Home f (Worker from Wilmington, J. E. t jDodson, county agent; Imogen S. j Garrett, head triple-A clerk and Lucy W. White, triple-A treasur- c 'er. I | J. Berg, J. J. Loughlin and Rev. I j A. L. Brown were present for the I j purpose of setting up an organ- I ization to solicit funds for the I 1 Red Cross to be used by refugees. J 1 Nice Trip, Nice j But Fish 1 ^?m j Twelve trained racing homer ,| pigeons, including six that were dubbed "the Gulf Stream Team" sometime ago, were released out on Frying Pan shoals Saturday morning to | carry fishing messages to their ( lofts in Greensboro. The ownI ers of the pigeons were A. a. I Brame, P. Goodspeed, D. E. i j Leonard and Wiley Sholar. I Brame and Sholar were among the sportsmen taking the birds out. Some of the flyers are reported to have reached their E 'oft in Greensboro in good time. Others were still unreported in the last information irr.m Greensboro. In this connection it may be said that of the six released here some time 8ge, five got home the same day. The sixth bird probably stopped at Fayetteville or somewhere. When his owner had about given him up, he showup in his loft Tuesday of last week and was promptly brought back here Friday night to if he could not do bet- i " -v - * r ? P0R1 n A Good Coir Inesday, June 5th, 1940 Request For Red ] Cross Funds Is Growing Urgent i I. Berg, Chairman of Brunswick County Chapter, Has Set In Motion The Organization To Collect ( Funds RECEIVES LETTERS , FROM HEADQUARTERS Community Chairmen Will Serve As Collection Representatives Over The County < Under cover with a letter re- j :ently received from Norman j Davis, chairman of National { American Red Cross, comes a s etter from Miss Mable Boardman, lecretary and veteran of service, .. o J. Berg, Brunswick County j ihairman. Mr. Berg said, "her t vords are a challenge to everyine everywhere." Miss Board- r nan's letter follows: j "The Red Cross obligation is e ? furnish volunteer aid to the c lick and wounded of war, in aciordance with the spirit of the j rreaty of Geneva. ' ^ "With all that we give, with v ill that our hands can do, with j ill our minds can plan, and with g ill our hearts can pour out in ^ angible sympathy, let us as Red j Dross Chapters, as men, women j, ind children of America go 0 orth with all our might to ful- f ill the first and greatest of all p ted Cross obligations. c "I appeal to the men of Amerca to remember those other men vho, facing danger and death 1 hemselvea, must undergo the J nental anguish of fear for their lewildered, suffering mothers, vives and children. "I appeal to the mothers of Vmerica, whose children sleep n the safety of their homes, who , valk under peaceful skies, for lelp for those other mothers withlut their men, fleeing from their uined homes, babies in their irms, frightened children cling- . ng to their skirts, while bombng planes rain destruction from heir ak&V "I appeal to the happy chlldlood of America for their aid to essen the sufferings and miseries if their fellow-children overseas. "For all these men, women and :hildren, the great beacon of hope s the symbol of the Red Cross. : plead to you for their sakes ind in the merciful spirit of the ted Cross." Death Claims Winnabow Lady Mrs. Josephine Lewis Died At Her Home Near Winnabow Tuesday Following Long Illness Mrs. Josephine Lewis, wife of he late D. G. Lewis, who died . everal years ago, died at her lome near Winnabow Tuesday norning at 6:30 o'clock after a ong illness. Funeral services will be held rom the home Wednesday mornng at 10 o'clock and burial will ollow in Mill Creek church ceme ery. Surviving are 5 sons and 4 laughters as follows: Frank, .indsay, Roland, Edmund and c blither Lewis, of Winnabow, Mrs. J Carl Wescott, of Southport, Mrs. f Nellie Wescott and Mrs. J. B. c 'otter, of Winnabow and Mrs. fi im Gore, of Bolivia. f People ; Wouldn't Bite' ter the second time. f> A number of fine Greens- ? boro sportsmen came down with a the birds and made the trip & out to the ship. The party consisted of Dr. Claude Whit- p tington, Dr. Oscar White, A. j A. Brame, Wiley Sholar, C. O. Sj Eatman, W. B. Ellison, Joe Cor- h others, William Balsley, Curtis q Stone and from Southport a, Churchill Bragaw and W. B. | Keziah. ! g The trip was made on the a Maude and Mable of Captain w tarkley Tomlin. A good catch ai of fish was made, but was not c< featured by any specimens of the Gulf Stream game fish, g Mr. Sholar got a strike from a tt huge barracuda and fought qi with it for several minutes. He in had brought it more than half way to the boat and the mate g\ was standing by with the gaff gj when it broke lose. Estimates Ji placed its. weight at all the way pj from 30 and 50 pounds. A num- ai ber of large amberjack were seen, but did not seem to be fa Btriking that day. r pil imunity I PUBLIS Local Legion P St. George Foi * enthusiastic Meeting Of i Brunswick County Post' Held Friday Night At Legion Room In Community Center :rawford rourk IS COMMANDER} Dther Officers Of Brunswick County Post No. 194 Elected At Meeting; Other Business Settled At a meeting of Brunswick i bounty Post No. 194, American1 .egion, held Friday night in the egion building here Crawford L. tourk was elected commander, | lucceeding J. J. Loughlin, Jr. | At the same time the local iost went on record as favoring' t. C. St. George for the posiion of district commander. >vtAA4inn> tnoo A# tVin i lie lucciiiig waa v/iic ui LH?nost enthusiastic held in recent | ears, and was attended by vet-1 rans from every section of the ounty. Other officers elected were: J. ] 5. Carr, adjutant; W. L. Daw;ins, Jack Potter and J. V. Gore, I * ice-commander; J. J. Loughlin, 1 r., service officer; J. D. Sutton, ' uardianship officer; Wayne j einert, sargeant-at-arms; Jack; ] 'otter, chaplain; R. C. St George, < istorian; W. S. Davis, athletic ] fficer; C. C. Russ, child wel- j i are officer; L. T. Yaskell, Amer- j s :anism officer; J. D. Sutton, in(< harge of grave registrations; J. j Expect Investi Of Loci * - ( Un-American Acts To Be Investigated Brunswick County Post No. 1 194, American Legion, is planning to do its part to aid in the detection of any un-Amer- 1 ican activities in this region. L. T. Yaskell, R. C. St. George and J. D. Erikson were appointed Friday night as a central committee to which reports concerning Brunswick county may be made. Community committees with the following membership, were named to make local investigations before turning in a report: Supply, Chas. M. Trott and Willie Mills; Winnabow, Jackson Potter and W. L. Dawkins; Shallotte, W. M. Stanaland and Roland Mintz; 1 Leland, G. B. Skipper and E. ' L. Krahnke; Bolivia, C. P. Wil- ! lefts and J. V. Gore; YVacearaaw, Walter Jenrette and San- 1 dy Miiliken. 1 f fudge Stanaland ; Has Busy Day | * 1 Crowded Recorder.-; Court i Docket Disposed Of Here i Monday By The Judge l And Other Court Offici- ] als t Monday was a busy day in Re- < order's court for Judge Walter ' f. Stanaland and other court of- i1 iciais as a large docket of cases:' overing a wide variety of of-1 ? enses was disposed of. Buddy Brown, white, was sent up J or possession of materials and! pparatus for the manufacturing:' f whiskey. He was given 12! lonths on the roads and appeal c ond was set at $500.00. ,e Sam Burris, white, faced a imilar charge. He was found. uilty and was given 8 months jc n the roads, judgment being su- j I pended upon payment of costs j* nd a fine of $100.00. Appeal'' ond was set at $200.00. E. D. Hollingsworth, white, 11 leaded guilty to charges of jr runk driving. Judgment was su- [1 sended upon payment of costs, n is fine set at $50.00 and his! rivers license revoked for 90 ays. |{> U. T. Wilson, colored, pleaded c uilty to larceny of goods valued c t more than $20.00. Probable *luse was found and the defendnt was bound over to Superior jurt, bond being set at $800.00. j E. P. Hackney, white, pleaded uilty to charges of parking on ie public highway and was rejired to pay one-half the costs [ the case. S John Sellers, colored, was found :H uilty of possession and was, it Iven 4 months on the roads, j tl udgment was suspended upon 0 uyment of one-half the costs p' id a fine of $25.00. I& Prince Wilder, colored, whoiw iced a similar charge, received n (Continued on page 4) m , 9 " 1 ? - ; ; ,0T p HED EVERY WEDNESDAY ost Endorses D * District Head F El. i IM *1 wr&f\^y < J M> Jf J H Ht A Ikv BL_. ^ . U Ele WU&^mSr 4"H fSmT stn Bui H X pro ku Je-JI IbS&sL^HII^^^I pre son R. C. ST GEORGE be D. Eriksen, employment officer; F. J. Loughlin, membership chair- Mr man; L. T. Yaskell, publicity latl :hairman. "T1 C Notice was given by Father . frank J. Howard of the removal mg if his membership from the local 71?! lost to Whiteville, where he now esides. He is chaplain of the g itate department and is retiring gav 'hnnlain nf the Rrnnswirk countv am f"~ "" in >ost- Ha ~~????????- anc sist igation j il Advantages ,c; " wi< as 5enator Robert R. Reynolds cot Appears To Be Doing All In His Power To Secure /* Consideration Of Southport OTHER OFFICIALS ARE COOPERATING " ~?. Fii Local People Are Hopeful That One Of New Military Bases May Be Established Here Senator R. R. Reynolds 'orought ^ 5"ort Caswell and the Southport jer iarbor to the attention of offi- prg :ials in Washington on the 24th nig )f last month. Since then he has daj jeen working, assisted by Sena- SpC ;or Bailey and Congressman J. Tri Bayard Clark, to have a detailed the nvestigation made of the possi- tak jilities that exist here for na- par ional defense, especially along c ;he line of training navy air ch0 jilots. ma W._ B. Keziah, of the bn'i.t ' e. vick County Chamber of Com- mo nerce, says that it is his impres- ma iion that the investigation is al- are eady underway; that the records g Fort Harwell and the harbor. I tl*v< n Washington, are being thorou- g fhjy gone over. Uniformed men Mr! lave been here during the past Mc] veek taking pictures and making rey lotes and more than the usual ? lumber of planes have been over. Mr.' Some of these machines have q. >een flying high, evidently for the j lurpose of taking pictures from sim :he air. p Senator Reynolds has not voic- ]eg id anything that had a note of Art iiscouragement in his various q iommunications to the Chamber >f Commerce. Neither has Sena- p or Bailey or Congressman Clark. p Senator Bailey, while stating last atje veek, that he did not know what he outcome would be, added a lualifying sentence to the effect ' hat things looked good and iverything was well worth the P] iffort. i J From a memo received by the Chamber of Commerce from one . if the Naval Air Stations, it aplears that an inquiry has been xj' lirected to the said station from ^ he Chief in Washington. The ^ nemo received here, which was q nerely a copy, stated that infor- ^ nation was being forwarded from | he air station for such action as [ light be deemed necessary. | Several strong outside sources j lave taken up the cudgels for an! nvestigation of the local possiilities. Among them, Clarence J:1 ). Kuester, of the Charlotte lhamber of Commerce has writ(Continued On Page 4) 8:1 0 ho tie Service To Island Stops 10 Owing to the fact that the rounded tanker, ashore on Bald lead island from Friday morn-; lg until Sunday afternoon, broke ' le telephone cable that runs to} lak Island, there has been no [ 11 hone service between the island nd any points during the pasti eek. The service will probably j ot be restored for several days; 12 lore- , . ? ! ? rhe Pilot Covers trunswick County $1.50 PER YEAS istrict Meeting . or Clubs To Be Held At Burgaw :venth District Home Demonstration Clubs, 4-H Clubs And Service Club* Will Hold Meeting Simultaneously [PORTANT SPEAKERS APPEAR ON PROGRAM 's. Marion S. Dosher, [ome Agent, Urges A Large Delegation From Brunswick County 'he annual meeting of the venth District Federation of [, Service and Home Demonition Clubs will be held at gaw next Wednesday. The gram will begin at 10:30 lock in the morning. "he home demonstration clubs I meet in the Pender county irthouse, the meeting to be sided over by Mrs. R. E. Bat. Included on the program will Mrs. Estelle T. Smith, district nt, F. H. Jeter, agricultural tor of N. C. State College and s. Jane S. McKimmon. The :er will deliver an address on le Country Woman's College", limultaneously with the meetfor the demonstration club mbers, the program for the 1 Club and Service Club deleno rinll Ka ir> nrnrrrooa of Pi I r to wv. *?* {/iwgibm 1?? ?% ? 1 v high school. Outstanding ong the persons participating this program will be L. R. rrill, state 4-H Club leader, I Miss Frances McGregor, aslant state 4-H Club leader, following the morning program, s meeting will be adjourned a joint picnic lunch to be ved on the Courthouse square. 4rs. Marion S. Dosher, Bruns:k county home agent, urges many as possible from thist inty to plan to attend. hoir Presents Sacred Concert - *. r \ sr rst Presbyterian Choir Of Wilmington Appeared In Southport High School Auditorium Last Wednesday 'he choir of the First Presbyian Church of Wilmington, sented a sacred concert in the h school auditorium on Thursr evening. The program was rnsored by the third circle of nity Methodist church, and silver offering which was :en was turned over to the sonage fund. ieventeen members of the iir with their director, J. Cy-, n Congdon, their accompanist,' H. Munson, and their chotrj ther, Miss Mary NorthrSp,, de up the party. Those who in the choir are: lopranos: Mrs. Sam Trop, Jf, ?. Cameron Sinclair, Mrs. Farthing, Mrs. Charles Wright, 3. Z. K. Bell, Miss Robert* Kenzle and Miss Hazel Kim. iltos: Miss Violet Roderick,' i. R. M. Sheppard and Mrs. J. Burxneimer. 'enors: John Tinga, Cameron clair and Frank Sears, lasses: Harper Hewette, Char-. Wright, Thomas Hall, and hur Craig. he complete program follows:> I rp Up, My Heart?Beach, [ear My Prayer, O God?ArcIt. (Continued on page 4.) ride Table I Following Is the tide table r Southport daring the nest eek. These hours ere appremately correct end were furshed The State Port Plied irough the courtesy of the ipe Fear Pilot's Association lgh Tide Low TttT TIDE TABLE . ' Thursday, June 6 >0 a. m. 2:01 a. m. >7 p. m. 1:55 p. in. Friday, June 7 12 a. m. 2:44 a. m. 18 p. m. 2:39 p. m. Saturday, June 8 18 a. m. 3:26 a. m. !3 p. m. 3:23 p. in. Sunday, June 9 :09 a. m. 4:09 a. m. :14 p. m. 4:09 p. m. Monday, June 10 :03 a. m. 4:54 a mu :08 p. m. 4:39 p. m. Tuesday, June 11 )n| :58 a. m. 5:44 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Wednesday, June 12 )5 a m. 6:42 a m. :55 p. m. 7:09 p. m. ? , til'f