MpyPAV. JUNE 19. IS ;J " W&hc %i$htev | I $ur 3fel t!iern;omPtpr is giving: orpott1 ard its lateSt c?ni- I H. is a hasty retreat to the refugees from the with- I B blast of midsummer heat B:UI a dip in the ocean is ^ c' v sure sut cease from sufH. these days ... a picnic Kr helps too . . . The JimiWprevatte's and the Rudolph fl-s were over at Long Beach night with their lunch Brin-.m'ng' parties find Long f Z, the place to go and well K enduring the stretch of un-1 Hj road . . after all, if its I enough, something may be'e about it . . . a 'M' * * * -.< Christian's prize at the H^sutton bridge party last ' was a pillow slip set. one t Ke covers having "His" and a ^ other "Hers" cross-stitched on the hem ... a clever ^H;e Garrett potted the loveBiianium that Josephine Sty- e ^ eeeived for a bingo prize . . " ^B is quite a gardener, as - by her work in Mrs. Davis* H yard. There is something ry there all through the seaI and Mrs. E. V. Richards! ^Bo: James, and Judge Boah j ^B'ew Orleans, were guests of and Mrs E. H. Cranmer1 v Thursday The Richards are J wring on their yacht, the t tt'ind" and came down B: tVrlghtsville by car. An inK: r.g thing to note is that r. they left. Victor Bartells.d ^ them as seaman . . . ij - 'vAfTanfMOT^ jp 1ST HUMr-oor-o r Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. utton and Mrs. D. M. Davis joint hostesses at a bridge a r for their friends. The party r place in the home of Mrs., r and tables were prepared | thirty-six. the guests arrived they' served vanilla and straw-! _ f ice cream with chocolate cakes Later on during the j T.>3or. a refreshing punch was is. J G. Christian was high ?r ar.d received a set of em- (itacd pillow slips. Mrs. Thorn- a St. George was second and re- ^ ri a bath towel set. ( guest prize, a box of bath ier. was presented to Mrs. ? Daris. x William Styron bingoed c received a potted geranium. Ormand Butler received the ! scire prize, a blue vase. The ding prize, a bottle of toilet " was won by Mrs. L. C. is: guests present were: femes L T. Yaskell, Robert upson, Dick Brendle, W. C. * Prince O'Brien, Wiley -< Mabel Marran, A. J. Mc W Ruark, Carl GunnerE H. Cranmer, M. A. NorthM R Sanders, William Is P. I. Mintz, Louis Dixon, 1 Vitou. Vienna Leggett, H. it George. Allen Ewing, H. Ssith. C. C. Cannon, I. B. t s James Harper, Robert Gtorge. Frank Porter, of Wllflflfl Af i ? IS. Mi. -jrm ?? .maces ivianori c?l. jB-?' Annie Louise St. George, AViiiis. and Lois Jane Busi hospital patient ^fctain Fred Burris of South. e"tered Dosher Memorial as a patient last ThursB 1 ? N( I TO OX I All dogs y I registered at I I $1.50 each mui I All who h I bylaw. ByO I Johi 40 Mk m icifc pmate NEWS n BRIEFS ; FOR OPERATION Mrs. W. H. Smith of Ash enered Dosher Memorial Hospital or surgical treatment Friday. MEDICAL PATIENT Harry Simpson of Southport ntered Dosher Memorial Hospit1 as a medical patient Sunday. SURGICAL PATIENT Miss Mary Hewett of Ash enered Dosher Memorial Hospital s a surgical patient Tuesday. SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. J. M. Roach of Supply ntered Dosher Memorial Hospital laturday as a surgical patient. ARM INJURY H. M. McKeithan of Southport 3 a patient at Dosher Memorial lospital where he is being treatd for an arm injury. FOR SURGERY Mrs. J. F. Johnson of Bolivia ras a surgical patient at Doshei Jemorial Hospital Thursday hrough Tuesday. W a- VOILJ^/ WELLS The Friendly Candidate DTK VNERS OF within the City Li [he City Hall and st be paid before. til to comply will 1 rder Of? ?D. Erit MAYOR INFANT ILL Kitty Holden, 15-months-old laughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R lolden of Shallotte. is a surgical iatient at Dosher Memorial Hoslital. CONDITION IMPROVING VfVc U?if?nr Uairott of Snnnlv iWlo, Iianj usnvvt v? . surgical patient at Dosher Menorial Hospital, shows improvenent in her condition. FOR TREATMENT Green Lewis of Bolivia was a latient at Dosher Memorial Hoslital for treatment Sunday and fonday. ON VACATION Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carr and laptain and ' Mrs. Fred Willing .re spending ten days in New fork City where they are atending the World's Fair. MEDICAL PATIENT Lewis Robinson of Supply reeived medical attention at Doshet MY FRIENDS:? " In the second primary election to be held Saturday, June 22, I am depending upon your same loyal support that made me high man in the first race. ri77 r /r>tt t \ ! Memorial Hospital beginning Tuesday. retain home I Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Bell ,litUe daughter, Joyce, of I v*a, have returned after (spending a week with friends I and relatives at Wilson, FarmYille, Greenville and Kinston. QFARTERI.Y CONFERENCE | Quarterly conference will be held at Shallotte Camp Methodist church Sunday afternoon at which time Rev. W. A. Cade will preach. ) revival services A one week's revival service will begin at the Methodist church at Shallotte Village on Monday night with the preachI mg to be done by the pastor Rev. C. N. Phillips. in" hospital Harry Weeks of Southport has been, a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital for the past week Friends will bo glad to know tnat his condition is much ;m. proved. i tonsilar operation The following patients had their tonsils removed at the weekly -'tonsil clinic held Monday at I Dosher Memorial Hospital: Bobbie Barber, Southport; Rudolph Sullivan. Winnabow. back home I Miss Evelyn Loughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Loughlin, Jr., has returned home after spending several weeks in Washington, D. C., preparing to take L the nurses training course at , the Episcopal Eye, Ear, Nose ami , Throat hospital. Continued illness made her withdrawal from the institution advisable. :! Persono! Mrs. J. I. Davis is spending today in Whiteville with her ' father, S. E. Memory. * * * Clyde Thomas and Miss Annie Norwood of Washington, D C land Mrs. C. F. Hardwick of Wil! mmgton spent Tuesday here with ! Mrs. Dora McDowell, mother of I Mrs. Hardwick. Mrs. Viola Guthrie of Arlington, Va., and son Eugene, of I New York City are spending their vacation with friends and rela tives in Southport. * ? * Mrs. R. J. Kiddoo has returned to her home in Charlotte fol' lowing a visit here with her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed. Taylor. MMHOHaenanB V. :e DOGS imits must be license fee of July 15th. be prosecuted [sen ? THE STATE PORT PILCH John D. O'Daniel has returned from Charlotte where he spent, several weeks with his father. o * * ? a Pearce Cranmer of Raleigh H [ spent the week end here with his s parents, Judge and Mrs. E. H. s> j Cranmer. fi * * a i Mr. apd Mrs. Hubert Warren e lof Wilmington visited friends o | here Friday evening. b * John Carrett of Charlotte spent j the week end here with his moth- y |er, Mrs. Sallie Garrett. Mrs. H. C. Corlette and cliiljdren have returned from Wendell [where they spent last week with her parents. f * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Townscnd / of Lumberton spent the week end here with her parents, Capt. and I Mrs. J. I. Davis. * ? * s Miss Jennie Alston of Louis- F burg is visiting Misses Marion $ 1 and Elizabeth Watson. o . h Bolivia-A ntioch ... j9 - (Ann Meeting? 5 I The Bolivia-Antioch Home V Demonstration Club met with si j Mrs. G. R. Holden on Monday j , afternoon. 1 e Mrs. Carl Ward, president, con- 1 I ducted the business session. As r,i T [the secretary called the roll mem- ^ hers answered with "Aims of N. \[c. Federation of H. D. Clubs. _ ! The home agent thoroughly explained the mattress project. Mrs. Carl Ward was elected delegate to "Farm and Home ,, ! Week" with Mrs. Melvin Smith : alternate. Announcements were made of n j district federation meeting at J', Burgaw, June 12, and training oi j school, June 18. Mrs. Geo. Beck poultry leader, J gave monthly poultiy notes, and ! several bulletins were distributed. Several humorous songs were v sung after which Mrs. Dosher, c agent, gave the lesson on "Enjoy Jji Your Porch". v, Dividing the social hour the hostess served a delicious fruit cup with cookies and grape juice, [j Members present were: Mes- J dames John Cox, Alvah Ward, '' Jr., Geo. Beck, Clemmons, Geo. r: Cannon, D. L. Mercer, A. R. Mer- -p jeer, Carl Ward. Ed. Mercer, Mar- 1" I ion Dosher and Holden. I j Hardboiled: What are you look- ^ jing so sheepish about this morn- ? ling? hi Egbert: I couldn't sleep and ? was countin' 'em all night. IR^ WW^ V/ONDER^p C l\W PACKAGE kf stationery! 2 If 75 sheets ? 7*5 envelopes ? r finest quality white veffum. J Cellophane wrapped. J jpSi. ^ FACZTALtB ^ F TISSUES \ ( f You need tliem for removing ! Kpr 75c SIZE %?ott T!l eatrical ^jj fCOLD CREAM V The pore cleansing actors have *n I used for many years. ^ ' ff^iiltlriT^^iTrTfTTi SOUTHPORT. N. C. DESTROY THE RATS A few rats can kill a numbi f chicks in short order, as wc s destroy considerable feed lat-proofing of buildings, d traction of harbors, use of pc oned baits, use of gasoline moti Limes or the use of calcium c; nide as a poisonous gas, are i: xpensive measures which evbr ne can use to reduce the nur ei's of the pests. Gold production in Kenya la ear was valued at $2. 100.000. WANT ADS 'OR SAT.E?two cottages Southport. See Mrs. .T. idams. 6-26 HAVE ON HAND?28 mulf 5 horses, ,1 milk cows. Th tock is the kind you will lik rices ranging from $65.00 300.00. I will have a big supp f mules, horses and cows ( and throughout the summc ee me when you need anythir t livestock. J. P. NEWTOi 'hone 2006 Wilmington. N. C, -8-tf-c. i'ANTED?Hugs and cattle a izes. Best market prices i iongwooU. N. C., at our statk veiy Saturday, S:00 A. M. :00 P. M. Cash paid in ft ime day. Auction sale evei tiesday, 1:00 P. M.. Fairmon r C FAIRMONT STOC ARDS, Phone 4011. 5-8LKGALS NOTICE To all whom it may concern, Croc lgs: .Notice is hereby Riven that t ndersigned will apply to The Nor arolittu State liar at its July met >g for Ye-instate met it to the rig practice law. Anyone having ai bjection thereto will file same 1 r before said meeting with lie dward I.. Cannon. Secretary reasttrer, Hnleigh. N. C. This June 1910. E. 11. Smith. FORECLOSURE NOTICE Xoliee is hereby given that 1 Irtue of a decree of the Superi ourt. of Krunswi.k County, X. ( a tod the 3rd day of July. 1030 11 action entitled "Hranswlck Conn t?rsus? nson Daniels And Wife If Any". io undersigned commission! r w wow at public auction sale to 1 Ighest bidder for cash on the 1 \v of July. 1910 at 12:00 0VI0 at the Courthouse door. Sont [ rl. X to satisfy the decree id court to enforce the payment ?8.8t?. the following described re date located in S li a 11 o t ownship. lirunswick County, X. i Dtnnled and described as follows: TRACT Xo. 1 In a survey by E. [owett Co. sur. on 22nd day ow 1920. IfKCINXIXf; at. a slake on t feBi side of the Pealandlngs Roi i C. C. I Hand's line formerly knov s tn W, It. Elands line ru ten e X. vn degrees .30' W. 13.10 fe Iill said line to a stake. The lice 1 1*1. 512 feet to ; stake: thence ; degrees 30' E 122." feet to a st:t VRMACY CO. r, n. c. needed for greater hcnl h. : now is lire time and the e. Riksrs PETROFOL pound Tjmjes*. Dorics;.cp'QJS^ orlcss. Mechanical relief for that costly corrtif?f pation. FULL??S . Pt. Rep. 45c Jtj i $$C '"OOUC SPECIAL -20c l ubes Colgate rOOTH PASTE 29c 6 BARS Colgate Scented SOAP Jg/ 27c BLACK DRAUGHT 25c Value i9c \Wampoles COD LIVFR ^3^ OIL PREP. gg|| $1.00 Val. Si 89c 3HBffiE3SSfl !cn the Pealanding Road; thence S. gl? 12 degrees E. 5 degrees 25 feet to j ^ ?]j the beginning. Containing 15 acres I . ' and marked on the Plat as tract No. 's* 1 one. I ec' C- i And all other lands owned by the! said parties in Brunswick County.: *n ,1- i North Carolina. | ? or All sales subject to report to and R confirmation by the Court. Ten days I r*l > " i allowed for raise of bid before report j OI n- made. Cash to be paid at sale. ? i This the 29th day of May. 1940. 10 y ' S P. Frink, Commissioner. I ?* I ! ru FORECLOSURE NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that by , gj- ! virtue of a decree of the Superior | p Court of Brunswick County, N. C., \y ' dated the 22nd. day of May. 1939 In I a an action entitled "Brunswick County j ^ , versus? I Jf ; .1. L. Knox And Wife If Any",? ! >n the undersigned commissioner will ,)e j expose at nubile auction sale to the or i highest bidder for cash on the 1st j . 'day of July. 1940 at 12:00 o'clock'01 ? M.. at the Courthouse door. South-; a n pert. X. to satisfy the decree of' |"u J. said court to enforce the payment of j + J. rhe following described real'1'1 I estate located in Town Creek, ? i Township, Brunswick County. N. C"., j ,s j bound*"' and described as follows: \BEGINNING at an iron stake on ;r lis | the edge tjf right of way Running *y p I SouIh 22' , K. 24 rds. to corner of al, ' lot fence: thence South (19 W. 78 rds. Jvl to ro a staki in middle of field road: la iv thence center of said road South 15 ' - degrees K. 25 nls. to iron stake; . 5n ! thence South 5G deg. \V. 29'? rds to ... a pine or wire fence: them e North i00 ' j 1 ; \Y. 12'- rds. to a stake on rail- 'J* lg road tight of way. Thence parallel J'1 yr with right of way Xorth 5f? deg. K. 10 ' ' II ids. to the beginning. ''n Said land consisting of ten acres 1 more or less including barnes and ,a I dwellings of the late W. W. Drew . _ deceased. The Deed held by J. J. Ia ii Knox and Minnie I. Knox registered a. l" at South port Brunswick County in 01 at Book X pages 271. 272. 273. a Vnd all other lands owned bv the *"x m said J. I.. Knox And Wife If Any. J? to iii Town Creek Township. Brunswick 1,1 | County. 1,1 All sales subject to report to and V confirm ifion l?v the Court. Ten days 1 allowed for raise of bid before report r* made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1., K This the 29i.h day of May. 1940. *>' . f. S B. Frink, Commissioner. U f.-?li-C 151 I'dllKi I.vAI KK NOTICE ?? !. Sov.'iv civoii Ihnt bv virtue of a decree of the Superior1 ? Court of Brunswick Countv, N. C'.. rf' dated the 3rd. day of April. 1939 in aI ?t- an action entitled "Brunswick County 1,1 vert* us? he R. A. Clancy And Wife If Any",? th the undersigned commissioner w'll "" t- expose at public auction sale to the lit i highest bidiler for cash, on the 1st tiy I day of .Tilly, 1910 at 12:00 o'clock nit M.. at the Courthouse door. South- tu at. I port, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of of ) s-'id court to enforce the payment of til $605.72. the following described real ac estate located in Town Creek ve Township. Brunswick County. N. C.t Ai ? bounded and described as follows: wi Book 27 I'age 5: Book 27 Page 92; th by Book -115 I'age 131: Book 4(1 Page Is or 537. M And all other Real Property owned pc in and listed by hi A. Clancy And Wife sa tv If "Any. in Town Creek Township, $2 Brunswick County North Carolina. es All sales subject to re nor t to and sh ill confirmation l?v Ihe Court. Ten days bfl he allowed for raise of bid before report st mafic. Cash to be paid at sale. sa rk This the i'OUi day of .May. 1940. ac li- S. B. Frink, Commissioner. ru of 6-26-r ?c of ar aI FOItKCI OSI ItK NOTICE co te Notice is hereby given that by a virtue of a decree of tin4 Superior wi Court of Brunswick County. N. (\. on B. dated liie 23rd. flav of October, 1929 in sa of an action entitled "Brunswick County lit versus? pc lie Wallace Jones And Wife If Any".? etl id the undersigned commissioner will 50 ui expose at public auction sale to the Hi ns highest bidder for cash on the 1st m el d ;y of July. 1919 at 12:00 o'clock N. i .M ! at the Courthouse door. South- j Sc S. j port. N". <\. to satisfy the decree of j st; ke s-k.;d cfairl to enforce the pavnient of. M. $129.14. the following ilescrihe?l real' BJ 55 estate located in Town Creek J 30 Township. Brunswick County. X. C? jut bounded anil described as follows: dc BBC INN IXC at a stake James he .Topes corner on the Bell Swamp and lei .1. C. Maultvhy road: runs thence S. t deg. 30' R 1S.T to a stake; thence idder for cash on the 1st sa day of July. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M.. st at" the Courthouse door. Southport. d< N. (\, to satisfy the decree of said w court to enforce the payment of 1C w * \ 07.97, the following described real tate located in Town Creek Townip, Brunswick County. X. C., boundi and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake: runs ence South 75 West 26 poles to stake: thence North 17 West 26 iles to a stake; thence North 75 ist 26 poles to a stake at the run Reaves Dam branch; thence with e run of said branch to the George* wn road. BEGINNING at D. L. Gores eor r of the S. J. McKelthan Tract >ns thence South 71-. West 732 ft. a stake South *>6 East 936 feet a stake: . theiKe about West 44 >les with Harris line to a stake D. Gores corner: thence North 63 est with said Gores 970 ft. to stake another of Gores corners: ence North 13 West with Gores 0 ft. to a stake in Gores line; ence with Gores line 52 i>oles to the ginning. Containing 27 acres more less. FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands D. T. Tharp et. :tl Beginning at stake near the Georgetown Road, n thence South East 174 poles a stake- in A. L. Mercer's line, ence South 25 West 26 poles to a ike. thence South 71 West 54 poles a stake: thence North 12 west poles to a stake: thence North West 16 poles to a stake; thence arth 11 West 120 poles to a stake the said Georgetown road, thence th said road lo the beginning conining 74 and *j acres. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the lid of S. A. Howard, et at. Helming at a stake. P. L. Sellers rner. runs thence North 128 poles a stake on the Georgetown road, ence West about West :il poles a stake; iffenco South. 3 East 171 iles lo a stake, thence North 25 est 48 poles to the beginning, coiiining 28 acres. THIRD TRACT: Adjoining the rids of D. L. Gore, et al Beginning a black gum on the South side Georgetown road al the head of small branch, runs thence with id road South 66 c West 549 feet a stake. D. L. Gore's corner, ence South It East L>112 feet to a ak?*. thence South 7l- West 732 feet a stake: thence South 66 feet ist 986 feet to a stake; thence orlh 12 West 1315 feet to a stake a smu'l branch: thence North II * est 228 feet to a stake: t hence >rth II1.- West 1978 feet to the helming, containing 10 acres. And all other lands owned by the i?l defendants in Brunswick County. )rth Carolina. All sales subjecj to report to and nfirmatlon by the Court. Ten days lowed for raise of bid before report ade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 29th day of .May. 1940. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. 2t: e FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vire of a decree of tin- Superior Court Brunswick County. N. c., dated e 1st, day of April, 1940, in an tion entitled "Brunswick County rsus B. G. Clemmons And Wife If ny," the undersigned commissioner ill expose at public auction sale to e highest bidder for cash on the t. day of July, 1940. :it 12:00 < 'dock .. at tin? Courthouse door, Southirt, N. C., to satisfy the decree of id court to enforce the payment of 00.38, the following described real tate. located in Smithville Fownip. Brunswick County, X. ('.. uiuded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake by a pond id Swain's corner of a hundred re tract known as the Baker land, ins thence with a line of said land tilth lo degrees Blast one hundred id twenty <120) poles to a stake rner of said Baker land in or near line known as Rutland line: thence i tli said line X. 7'-' degrees West le hundred (100) poles to :t stake id Woodside corner, with his le North 30 West thirty eight (38) ties to a stake in said line at the Ige of a small bay: thence North degrees Fast thiriv-cight noles to e beginning, containing 25 acres ore or less. BEGINNING at a stake runs tilth 30 degrees K. 201 poles to a uke corner; thence X, 00 degrees 09'.'. poles to a corner stake?ill <:. Clemmons own line: thence X. degrees W. 100 poles to a stake the run of Coplnr Swamp; thence twn the run of said Swamp to the 'ginning, containing i ftATOK OK WILLIAM ELMER D WARDS VS. PHILLIP ALLEN ET ALR. BY VIRTUE of an execution direct[ to tfif undersigned from the iperior Court of Brunswick County the above entitled notion. I will i Monday, the 1st. day of July. 10. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court nise Door at Southnort. in Brunaick County, sell to the highest bidir for cash to satisfy said cxecu>n. all right, title and interest which e said Phillip Allen, one of the fondants, has in the following deribed real estate, to wit: TRACT NO. ONE: liOJIANNON ftACT, 139 acres and so much of e Swasov and Wilwell and Drew act as "lies within the corporate nits of the City of Southport, meang and intending to include all the nd of the Southport Land Company thin the corporate limits of the ty of Southport that is described id set-forth in that certain deed to e said Southport Land Company ade bv John C. Bossier dated arch 15th. 1902. recorded in the ofe of the Register of Deeds of runswick County in Book S S, at ige 282. and conveyed by the ( ity Southnort to Phillins Allen by deed ited Mav 8th. 1916. recorded in K)k No. 27. at Page 361. in the of e of the Register of Deeds of runswick County, to which reference hereby made for a more complete rticular description. TRACT NO. TWO: Two Hundred id Seventy acres. Swain tract, lirtv acres. Bowenvllle Tract, thirtyne "acres, Drew tract, one Hundred irty-nine acres. Fremont tract. 100 res. Piatt tract, however descrilaed. ing the property formerly owned by ihn C. Bossier consisting of the ihannon tract. Swasey and Wis well act. Swain tract. Pinner tract, Pepr and Smith tract, Woscott tract, id Pyke and Pullan tract, all oonining 607 acres, more or less. Said operty being more particularly fieri bed ami set-forth in that certain ed from John C. Bossier to the mthport Land Company. dated arch 15th. 1902; and In mg the nie land conveyed to Phillips by e County of Brunswick by deed ited June 1st. 1916. recorded in ,k No. 27. at Page 366. in the flee of the Register of Deeds of runswick County, to which referee is hereby made for a more full id complete description. This the 21st day of May. 1940. Dillon L. Caney. Sheriff of Brunsick County. 6-26-c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rtue of a decree of the Superior >urt of Brunswick County, N. C.. ited the 5th. day of June. 1940 in i action entitled "Brunswick County rsus? . ? . B. Williams And Wife Tf Any e undersigned commissioner will ;pose at public auction sale to the ghest bidder for cash on the 1st Ty of July. 1940 at 12:00 o'clock the Courthouse door. Southport. . C\, to satisfy the decree of said urt to enforce the payment of 23.99. the following described real tate located in Northwest Township, runswick County, N. C., bounded id described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the East Je of the twenty foot road runs nrthwardly from the said Wilmingn FayettevJIle road towards the x-tion House West of Leland CI Regan's line 824 feet from said 'ilmington Fayetteville Road and inning thence North 40 minutes est with the Easterly line of the tid twenty foot road 412 feet to a ake in said line; thence South 76 agrees 50 minutes East and parallel Ith Wilmington-Fayettevllle Road I8S feet to a stake; thence South ' r1 " . PAGE THREE r=- * 140 minute* Tlast and parallel with j [said twenty foot Roadway, 112 feet i to ia stake; thence Xorth 75 destroy * ; 50 minutes West 1089 l'eet to the t* i inning, cont rilling Ten (10) aeres^ j more or less and being known as , part of the farm No. 1 of the Subdivision of the John M? Rao TracU... j and being a part of the land evu ? , veyed by I . F. MeRao Trustee Carolina Real Estate Trust Company j l>> Deed dated May "2nd. 100.". ; And all other lands owned by II. B. Williams and Wife If Any. ! Brunswick County. Xorth Carolina. ! All sales subject to i port to aid confirmation b\ the Court Ten dragO ' allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale xlk' i This the "9 th day of May. 1940. . S U. Frink. Commissioner. ** | of July. 1929 in :an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? J. J. Peterson And Wife If Any".? i the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the i&L (day of July. 1910 at o'clock i at the Courthouse door. Southpon. X, t'.. to satisfy the ti-cree of s.ijd I court to enforce the payment or ^ I ?it>. 10. the following described real estate located in Northwest Township, Brunswick County. X. t\. bounded , and described as follows; Beginning at a stake on Bluebank*, Avenue at Dundy Ballard's corner' j in front Samuel Jordan's lirwl and running; thence Wotwurdiy with the Ballard line lhf?0 feel to a stake at Ballard's corner; Ihcim Southwardly 1050 I'cet to a stulye iu i George Ballard's line; thence Eastwardly with George Ballard's line to t lie M'Koy road to Bluebank Avenue; thetuv along said Avenue to j | the. point of beginning. containing : nineteen acres more or less. 1 And all other Real property ow tiled and listed by I .1. Peterson, and jwife it any. in Northwest Township, Brunswick County. All sales subject to report to and [confirmation by the Court. Ten day j fallowed for raise of bid before report I made. Cash to ne paid at sale, j This the 29th day of May. 1910. j S. B. Frink, Commissioner. ! ? \ FORKCI.OSl'KK XOTII V. j Notice is hereby giv? n that by i virtue ol" :i decree ot the Superior j Court 01 Brunswick County. W C., dated the litli day of .1 100 feet to a stake, thence in a West* wardly direction parallel wild the Northern Boundary of said Highway ? 150 feet to a stake, thence in aSouthwardly direction at right an-, Kirs lo said highway inn iv> t to slake in the Northern boundary of . said highway, and thence in an Hast-' '' wardly direction with tin; Northern boundary of said highway l"n feet to 1 the beginning. - ^ And all oilier I teal Property owneU Poland Il8t0(l by W. II- Chiiiiiis. Ami [Wife, If Any, in Northwest Town* > ship. All sales siihjecl to report to am confirmation by the Court Ten day. allowed for raise of hid before repory made. Cash l" lie paid at sale. ' This the -!>lli day of May. 1910. > ' ' i S. H. Prink, Commissioner. ( ! I -ivl NOTICE OK KAI.K I'M) Kit DEED Ol-' T 1(1 ST Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Deed of Truest' exeeuteil by Albert ftuss and Mary I Cuss, ills wile, to Robert W. Davis,, Trustee, on tin- 21st. day of January, 1939, recorded in Book So. H7, at page No. 217. Registry of Brunswick County. North Carolina. Default having been made in the payment? of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned substitute trustee having been substituted to the rigli' ,, I and duties of the said Robert W Davis, as provided by law, wJll offe* t . | for sale, at public auction, for cash, at the Courthouse door in Brunswick County, on the 17th. day of June, 19-11*. at twelve o'clock noon, all that* t. certain lot or parcel of land located \ % in the City of Southport, Brunswick County, State of North Carolina, and described and defined as follows: B KG INN IN <5 at the Southeast corner of Ijord and Brown Street^, , running thence about South along ' the line of Lord Street Fifty Two and One Half (52'/..) feet; thence '( 1 *?;.i-in.-t with Brown Street Sixty-six feet; thence about. . North and parallel with Is>rd strec. Fifty Two and One Half . Bellamy. Trustee, bearing date Maji' ' 20th. 1927, and duly registered in Book 13. page 393. of the record* ,!?' of Brunswick County, default having, been made in the payment of tie*' ' debt thereby secured, the undersigned will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court . house door in tin* City of Southport.' ' ! N. C., at 12:00 M.. on Tuesday. July the 2nd. 1940. the following described '' 1 property, to-wit: ,, First Lot: That certain lot of larid situate in the City of Southport, County of Brunswick and State of North Carolina, having thereon a ten l'oom dwelling, and BEGINNING at a stake on Dry Street 60 feet S. of the Southwest corner of Dry and -?1 Nash Streets: runs thence South with Dry Street 40 feet to the line of the Davis lot; thence with the said line 66 feet to the line of lot No. 42f - 51; thence Northwardly, with the line of said lot No. 42. 40 feet; thence East- ''"* wardly 66 feet to the Beginning, and being part of lot 43 of the said City ' .; of Southport. Second Lot: A lot of land in thoF^f i City of Southport. State of North Carolina, BEGINNING at the S. E. >'> ? corner of the lot of W. G. Curtis on 1 Bay Street known as the Brunwlckf' ' Hotel lot; runs thence with Bay; Street Eastwardly 45 feet to the loc' known as the Frink lot; runs theme with ihe Western line of said Frinlc lot Northwardly 330 feet to the Southern line of Moore Street; thence Westwardly with the Southern . line of Motfre Street 45 feet to the North- '1 *' east corner of said Curtis lot; thence - with the Eastern line of said Curtis ",I* lot Southwardly 330 feet to the Beginning corner on Bay Street, and bo- > '' 4 ing part of I^ot 21 and the Western half of lot 22 in the plan of Southport, N. C. . .fx Third lx>t: A lot of land In thdr/.f. City of Southr>ort. State of North Carolina. BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Bay and Potts Streets; runs thence West 33 feet; thence' North 100 feet; theme East 33 feet to the Western jjne of Potts Streetp - ? I thence South along the Western fine A of Potts Street 100 feet to the Be-// ginning, and being part of I