PAGE SIX SPORT STUFF\Z BY DAVID WATSON |R Jimmie Foxx has donned the of catching outfit and is doing a st good job of backstopping for the ^ Bosox . . . When Jim first broke -3 into pro ball he was a catcher, j. He reported to Connie Mack of; Ji the A's as a rookie the same bi year that Mickey Cochrane start- fi ed professional ball . . . Mickey la was mighty classy and Foxx, or ni rather Connie Mack, decided to is shift Double X to third base. He sj played at the hot corner for a st couple of years and then shifted to first. At first he really made a name for himself by his power-! ful hitting ... So last week De- t? saiutels, the regular receiver be- T came sick and Jim went behind (ti th'e plate. . . . Lou Finney took over first and Dom DiMaggio went to the outfield. Personally: we think they should keep it like st tips the rest of the season and F they have much more power at M th? plate. Desautels is a very weak hitter . . . Now with the additional power it should be a help to the weak pitching staff, o: . . . Carolina lost a good football o and baseball player when Jim > Mallery signed to play with d Washington Senators. He will return to U. N. C. this fall and j winter and report to the Nats at j sprihg training. In football he S was a regular end and in base- ,CI ball he was an outfielder. They R will really miss him at the Hill. .... Lefty Grove has won 292 s. games since breaking into pro ^ ball. Only reason he is still pitching is to win nine games . . He won't do it this year though . . . H Tire Sporting News voted Freddy Fitzsimmons as the player of the s< month . . Johnnie Mize is really j clouting the homers?to date he ft has 31. The baseball world was really j shocked to hear of the suicide of j Hershborger, reserve catcher of ? the Reds. He was having a good year -batting about .315. Only ? 2J1 -Hershberger broke in with c tie Reds in '38. They obtained 1 him from Newark . . . Ducky J1 j|ed\vick, the $200,000 slugger of 1( the Dodgers, was benched Sunday in the second game of the a twin-bill against the Cubs . . . ii Hitting only .287. Hasn't played consistant ball since he was h beaned by old team-mates?the 11 Cards. A few days rest ought to i c ?ut him right. . , . Leland was j r | wiET I Your T UNGRADED C ?Will B BROOKS WH1TEVILLE . . I E. F. HA1 NO FASr-BURNING SMOKES FOR ME. I SMOKE SLOW- uflHi BURNING CAMELS FOR cxtra mtmm K ^ J v EXTRA MILDNESS P^B EXTRA COOLNESS EXTRA flavor PBg III recent lab?rat?^j 25%' slovT than the yaHMjl average of the 15 other ^^Cg|g, of the laigttt-^""^ L0g^t than any of them. That J - ?? means, on the aJ"fgC' extra smokes No Time . i'. ' Well, ladies, we that dilemma. Come py little summer frocl and spic and span. The only thing ab velous than their apf markably low price. Shallotte T: HOBSON KIRE t. \ SHALLOTTE, - lined out Sunday but will get m i action one day this week . . . gi ecommended: In the new issue m LOOK?"Cleveland?The Baseill Managers Graveyard." It 's ;raight stuff. . . G. W. Bunting, jin oach at the local high school in J sc 5 was a visitor in town Monday j Sl . . . Now he is coach at the |b< inior High in Durham. . . Has H sen putting out some mighty 01 ne teams . . . The Yanks have .st seven out of eight extra-in- di ing games. . . . The final punch Si lacking ... It seems . . . The Pi jace is filled?so?it's time to st ;op. M MEDICAL PATIENT B J. S. Oliver, of Southport, en red Dosher Memorial Hospital uesday night as a medical paent. in V, RETURN HOME D Mrs. L. J. Hardee and young >n, Michael Alle, returned home J,1 ' x riday from James Walker ^ ,'emorial Hospital, Wilmington. a) BIRTH p Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gatli'n, f Shallotte announce the birth f a daughter, Lilmarsue, in the v< tarion Sprunt Anne on Thurs- w ay morning. fc "What is a rabbit?" ni A rabbit is a little animal that rows fur that other animals get redit for when Mamma wears ,t w rr Pedestrian (to boy leading a n kinny mongrel pup): "What c< ind of a dog is that, my boy?" n Boy: "This is a police dog." a] Pedestrian: "He doesn't look S( ke a police dog." "None it's in the secret f, jrvice." y 1ARINE CORPS CLAIMS THREE BRUNSWICK BOYS (Continued from Page 1) ettlement on the island. The island's 7000 acres form 0 ne of the most important Marine sl torps reservations in the country. \vo handsome new barracks have g jst been completed there. One is ci jcated at the rifle range and Cl he other at the main station, ^ nd they are the very last word P u comfort and utility. Here the recruit learns the mil- f< tary movements performed in ^ he Marine Corps, and also be- li omes familiar with the service c ifle and pistol, machine guns, m p obacco >R GRADED jj, .REHOUSE . EVERY DAY WILTON 133 FLAVOR I LIKE V ml ABOUT CAMELS. K JuftS si H AND CAMELS L SMOKE SO MUCH e' GET THE "EXTRAS" p WITH SLOWER-BURNING 5 CAMELS THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS ti ? c To Sew ; a can help you out of in ancl see the snapks, all crisp and cool out them more martearance is their rerading Co. tY, Proprietor - - - N. C. * ortars, anti-tank guns, handji renades, bayonets and other 1 lilitary weapons. ( After he completes this train- I g he is eligible for service at ' lores of locations in the United tates and at many points in and i ?yond the Pacific, such as j awaii, Guam, the Philippines, j China. < If he is to be assigned to sea . ity he will probably attend the 1 ?a School at Norfolk, Va. i arris Island is merely the first I j ep on the travel trail of the j arines. i ALANCED CROPS ' IS AIM OF NEW FARM COMMITTEE (Continued from page one) 1 g in Winston-Salem; Geo. j ratts Hill for the Durham area; < udley Bagley, Albemarle area; | rancis O. Clarkson, Charlotte j ea; President Meadows of E. C. ( , C. for the Greenville area; i harles G. Rose, Fayetteville'! ea. i ECORDER JUDGE . HAD A BUSY DAY (Continued on page 4) jked he also was convicted and , as given 30 days on the roads. Edgar H. Gore, white, was : rnnd not guilty of possession of i on-tax paid liquor. Albert Bogie, white, was found uilty of drunken driving and as given 6 months, this judglent being suspended upon paylent of a fine of $50.00 and >sts, his drivers license to be :voked for 90 days. Notice of ppeal was given and bond was >t at $200.00. A. C. Edwards, white, was | >und guilty of being drunk on ] le highway. Judgment was su- i -.orx-iori nnnn Davment of costs !?????- -r? . nd a fine of $15.00. James Buie, colored, was found! uilty of driving without drivers cense and was given 30 days 11 the roads, judgment being t jspended upon payment of costs.! Luther Davis, white, was found j uilty of drunken driving and I a mage to property. On the first j ount he was given 6 months, ldgment to be suspended upon ayment of costs and a fine of 50.00. His license was revoked jr 90 days. In the second case e was ordered to make restituon for damage uone the proseuting witness. Calvin Robinson, colored, was jund guilty of possession of nonax paid liquor. Given 6 months n the roads, judgment was supended upon payment of a fine f $25.00 and costs. Mary A. Robinson, colored, was aund guilty of possession. Given 0 days on the county farm, this ldgment was suspended upon ayment of a fine of $25.00 and ost. WANT ADS ..WANTED to rent or buy a wheel chair, write X, care News leporter. WANTED?Hogs and cattle all izes. Best market prices at ongwood, N. C., at our Station very Saturday, 8:00 A. M. to :00 P. M. Cash paid in full ame day. Auction sale every uesday, 1:00 P. M., Fairmont, r. C. FAIRMONT STOCK ARDS, Phone 4011. S-8-tt HAVE ON HAND?28 mule*, 5 horses, 3 milk cows. This Lock is the kind you will like, rices ranging1 from $65.00 to 300.00. I will have a big supply f mules, horses and cows on and throughout the summer, ee me when you need anything l livestock. J. P. NEWTON, 'hone 2006 Wilmington, N. C. -8-tf-c. LEGALS EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executrix of le estate of Jane Robinson, deeased. late of Brunswick County, forth Carolina, this is to notify all ersons having claims against the state of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned at Iceland, T. C., on or before the 1st day of ugust. 1941. or this notice will be leaded in bar of their recovery. All ersons indebted to said estate will lease make immediate payment. This 31. day of July. 1940. Susan Ann Harrison, Executrix of ane Robinson. -4-* COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that under nd by virtue of an order of the Se CRir WAREH EVERY F/ HE 55,000 RAVMO t % THE STATE PORT PI Superior Court in a special pro- a ;eedings brought to make sale of the t lands for partition wherein C. Ed. r Taylor is plaintiff, Clarence Bowen, Et. Ala., are defendants in said s [ ourt, the undersigned will sell the a lands described hereinafter at the v lourt house door, Southport, N. C. IT NOON OX SATURDAY, AUGUST c 24, 1940 a to the highest bidder at public r auction for cash. The said lands are located in Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun- s ty. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Price Drew, Et. Als., bounded as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a \ spruce pine at the head or Boggy ( Branch; runs down the various c courses of the said branch bearing i sbout north 45 degrees west 112 ( poles to a spruce pine, E. Rob- J pins' corner; thence up a small J Irain north 58 degrees east 73 poles t to a spruce pine, said Robbins' cor- j ner; thence south 43 degrees east i 112 poles to a stake; thence to the 2 BEGINNING, containing 50 acres, c more or less. ? SECOND TRACT: Adjoining the c ibove tract and the Fish Pond Bay. c BEGINNING at a spruce pine near r Ncages Creek Bay, runs south 60 rJ Jegrees west 29 poles to a spruce C pine; thence east 42 poles to a pine; thence south 8 poles to a spruce pine; I thence south 53 degrees east 128 poles r to a pine in Brown's line; thence I liis line north 57 degrees east 32 1 poles to a pine, his corner, on said r t)ay; thence the edge of said bay a to the BEGINNING, containing 50 t teres more or less, and being the f <aid two tracts of land conveyed by C. B. Drew and wife, to James c Bowen. by deed dated April 1. 1886, 1 recorded in Book MM, Page 433. r This July 23, 1940. s W. H. Walker, Commissioner. I 3-21-c c i NOTICE OF SALE j Under and by virtue of a Consent s Judgment docketed in the Superior Court, July 10, 1940, in an action t entitled, "G. T. Rourk, Plaintiff, Vs. ^ J. J. Ludlum and his wife, Rosa L. 1 Ludlum, Defendants", the undersign- e ed commissioner will, at noon, on ( TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1940. t offer for sale at the court house door, I Southport, N. C. to the highest bidder f for cash, those two certain tracts of land located in Lock woods Folly s Township. Brunswick County, North : Carolina, bounded and described as follows: . t FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at j an iron stake on the North side r of U. S. Highway No. 17, same being the eastern corner of Lot No. 1 of the Hoklen and Goley property in I the Town of Shallotte, as surveyed by A. J. Brown, Surveyor, February 1938; runs thence North 34 degrees 35' west 71.5 feet to a stake, a corner > of Lot No. 2 of the Holden and < Goley Property; thence North 53 j < degrees 17' east 30 feet to another |j stake; thence south with the line of the Pierce Estate lot 71.5 feet to an iron stake; thence south 53 degrees west 30 feet to the BEGINNING; corner, and belfig the same land conveyed by mortgage from J. J. Ludlum and wife, to G. T. Kourk, recorded in Book 55 at Page 208. SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a stake in the eastern edge of Mulberry Street and running North 75 degrees east 528 feet to a stake in Browning Branch canal, W. R. Goley's line; thence south 22 degrees west 150 feet with the run of said canal to a stake; thence south 36^ degrees west 215 feet with the run of said canal to a stake, T. A. Holden's corner; thence south 77'as degrees west with T. A. Holden's line 192 feet to a stake in Eastern side of Mulberry road; thence North 33 degrees West 212 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and being the same lands conveyed by mortgage from J. J. Ludlum to G. T. Rourk, recorded in Book 65 at Page 209. This July 11. 1940. C. ED. TAYLOR, Commissioner. 8-8-c-4-t FOUECLOSt RE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 1st, day of July, 1940, In an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? W. A. Williams And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2nd, day of September, 1940. at 12:00 o'clock M? at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $309.40. the following described real estate, located in North West Township, Brunswick County N. C., bounded and described as follows; Acres Home. And all other lands owned by the said W. A. Williams And Wife If Any, in Brunswick County, North Carolina. (North West) All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at Sale. ' This the 31st day of July, 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 8-28-c j FORECLOSURE XOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of -the Superior ' Court of Brunswick County, N. C., < dated the 1st. day of July. 1940, < in an action entitled "Brunswick | County versus? ' George Granger And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner will ex- ' pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2nd, day of September. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M.t at the Courthouse door, Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $223.28, the following described real estate, located in North West Township. Brunswick County N. bounded and described as follows: 5 Acres Home. And all other lands owned bv the said George Granger and wife if any, in North West Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July, 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 8-28-c FOKKl'LOSCKE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C\, dated the 1st, day of July, 1940, in an aetion entitled "Brunswick County versus? S. G. Williams And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the * 2nd, day of September, 1940, at 12:00 1 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door, i Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree i of said court to enforce the payment 1 of $134.33, the following described real estate, located in Shallotte I Township. Brunswick County N. C.. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a lightwood Stump in the Simmons line, runs thence 1 about East with the road to the run I of the second branch; thence about > North with run of said branch 145 yards to a stake; thence about West 145 yards to the Williams line; thence i dl "IT" J FCHFIE 0USE.... WHIT S.CILITY TO SELL 1 GHER AND QUICK) Square Feet of Well Lighted ND and GAITHER CRUTC1 LOT. SOUTHPORT, N. C. ibout South to the beginning, con- l aining two acres where the house low stands, on this tract of land. ( And all other lands owned by the , aid S. G. Williams And Wife if * ny. In Shallotte Township. Bruns- < vick County, North Carolina. f All sales subject to report to and ^ onfirmation by the Court. Ten days j Jlowed for raise of bid before report j nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1940. S. B. Prink, Commissioner. . t-28-c ; FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by J irtue of a decree of the Superior t ?ourt of Brunswick County, N. C., , lated the 1st, day of July. 194U, j n an action entitled "Brunswick j 'ounty versus? ( tlrs. W. C. Leonard And Husband , f Any".? he undersigned commissioner will ex- j at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the ? nd, day of September, 1940, at 12:00 > 'clock M., at the Courthouse door. ( Jouthport, N. C., to satisfy the decree ?f said court to enforce the payment ( ?f $150.95, the following described . eal estate, located in Shallofte J township, Brunswick County N. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stone D. Lee j iewett and P. W. Milligan's corner, uns thence Southeastward with D. -ee Hewett's line to the run of ittle Sausepan Creek; thence the , un of said Creek to the run; thence ( md Eastwardly course with the road , o the beginning, containing thirty- j ive acres more or less. < BEGINNING at a stake near an < ?ld Tarktln bed I*. W. Sellers. J. H. , Register and J. L. Williams corner , uns thence East 250 ynr^s to a j itake; thence North to thi middle Jam branch; thence up the various J ourses of said branch to J. R. ? Register's corner; thence South 86 ( >oles to the beginning containing 25 ( teres more or less. ] BEGINNING on main road at a >ranch crossing the road which leads < (Vestwardly through the village one tundred and twenty five yards to a j itake; thence Northwardly to Indian ] Treek; thence down Indian Creek to j he aforesaid branch; thence up said j >ranch to the beginning containing , ive acres more or less. And all other* lands owned by the j laid defendants in Brunswick County i "forth Carolina. j All sales subject to report to and j :onfirmation by the Court. Ten days , illowed for raise of bid before report , nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1940. S. B. Prink, Commissioner. , l-28-c . j FORECLOSURE NOTICE , Ncticc is hereby given that by , .'irluc of a decree of the Superior J Jourt of Brunswick County, N. C., iated the 1st, day of July, 1940, n an action entitled "Brunswick ; bounty versus? Willie Stratman And Wife If Any", he undersigned commissioner will exiose at public auction sale to the , lighest bidder for cash on the , Ind, day of September. 1940, at 12:00 ( ) Clock M., ai me tourinuuee uwi. ] Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree , )f said court to enforce the payment >f $394 37. the following described , eal estate. located in Smithville , I'ow ns hi p. Brunswick County N. | J., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South- j irn line of Lot Eighty one (81) Nine;y-seven (97) feet from the corner of j Khett and Nash St. running thence , Bastwardly along Nash Street thirty- , five (35) thence Northwardly sixty- jne (61) feet; thence Westwardly , hirty-five (35) ft. thence South wardy sixty-one (61) feet to the beginning, being the same lot purchased from George and Maggie Littleton ^pril 15th. 1896. BEGINNING at the North East corner of Lord and Brown Streets, uns thence about North along the Bast line of Lord Street one hundred md thirty-five (135) feet; thence Bast eighty-two feet and six inches ) (82 ft. 6 in.) thence about South one nundred and thirty-five (135) feet to he North line of Brown Street; , hence about West along the Northirn line of Brown St. eighty-two feet md six inches (82 ft. 6. in.) to the , beginning corner, it being a portion )f the property conveyed to Sol. C. Smith by deed dated 1878. BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lord and Brown st. running thence about S. to the line of Lord Street Fifty-two and one half (52%) feet to Brown Street; thence Sixtysix (66) ft. along the line of Brown Street to the place of beginning beng a part of Lot. No. 86, according to the plan of the City of Southport, S. C., and the same that was conveyed to the said A. J. Bobbins by I. 11. Buss, and wife the 19th, day ;>f June 1919. And all other lands pwned by Willie Stratman and wife if any. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of bid before report , made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 3-2S-C FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rirtuc of a decree of the Superior Court of Brurtswick County, N. C., Jated the 1st, day of July, 1940, : in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? I. N. Todd And Wife If Any," , the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the , highest bidder for cash on the 2nd, day of September, 1940, at 12:00 V clock M.. at the Courthouse door, J Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree saia court to emuuc mc iw/iirem 5f $200.85. the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Township. Brunswick County N. j l\, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stump corner ree hole; thence about North to Ben Inman's corner; thence with said line Lo a stake on the old Avenue, thence with the old Avenue to a cedar :ree stump at the Mill Pond; thence ibout East with the Mill Pond back :o the beginning, containing 15% teres, more or less. And all other lands owned by the said I. N. Todd And Wife if any, in Shallote Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 5-23-c FOHECIiOSl'KE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 1st, day of July, 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? R. D. Hewett And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner will exnose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the of September, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $158.45, the following described real estate, located in Lockwoods Folly Township. Brunswick County, N. r v ID'S EVILLE rOBACCO ER Floor 1FIELD i in ir Ill o.. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on ;he North side of the road one of the 1 Jlemmdns corners. West of James Thomas Hewett's house, runs thence South 61 degrees West 24 poles to a jtake in a Savannah, then North 16 degrees West 90 or 100 poles to he Joe Hewett's line near Jackson ' Bagles, ihen North 54 degrees East ibout 122 poles with the Joe Hewett . ,ine to a stake David A. Hewett's < corner, then with his line South 18 legrees East 67 poles to his and lames H. Hewett's corner, then with James H. Hewetts line South 10 legrees W. about 53 poles to a jtake James T. Hewett's corner, then with his line North 74 degrees West J 110 yards to his corner, then with J lis line South 15 degrees west to the ' L'lemmons line, thence North 85 de- j jrees West a few yards to the be- ' finning containing about 58 acres nore or less. And all other lands owned by the jaid defendants in Lockwoods Folly. J Township, Brunswick County, North ' Jarolina. < All sales subject to report to and ? jonfirmation by the Court. Ten days J illowed for raise of bid before report 1 nade. Cash to be naid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1940. < S. B. Frink, Commissioner. < l-29-c ( ( FORECLOSURE NOTICE < Notice is hereby given that by ( irtue of a decree of the Superior t Ztourt of Brunswick County. N. C., lated the 1st, day of July, 1940, n an action entitled "Brunswick bounty versus? 2. E. Sharp And Wife If Any." he undersigned commissioner will expose at publ.c auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the hid. day of September. 1940. at 12:00 j'clock M? at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the decree >f said court to enforce the payment )f $124.52, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County N. p., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a slake on the road, runs thence North 30 degrees East 102 poles to a stake; thence North 85 West 26 poles to an ash. ihence South 30 degrees West 102 poles to a stake on the road, thence with said road to the beginning, confining eighteen and one-half (18Vfe) I acres more or less, the stake above referred to being on the Mney Grove road leading from the old Sam Jorien place to Winnabow Station, ex- 1 repting however from this convey- \ ance one half acre. And all other lands owned by the said defendants in Brunswick county. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July, 1940. I S. &. rnim, 8-28-c F0RECL08UKE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 1st. day of July. 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Walter H. Blair And Wife If Any.' the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2nd, day of September, 1940. at 12:00 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door. Southnort. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $69.06. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek i Township. Brunswick County N I C., bounded and described as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a stake on the Lewis Branch Road, runs thence with line of No. 2 Tract North 30 degrees East 258 poles to the back line of whole tract, thence North 70 degrees 17 poles, thence South 30 degrees W. j 246 poles to a stake on aforesaid I Lewis Branch Roan thence with said road to the point of beginning, containing to the same 26 acres more or less, excepting always 4 acres sold to E. O. Rabon. And all other lands owned by the said defendants in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and I confirmation bv the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report ! made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st day of July. 1910. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 8-28-c FOKECLOSritE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C? dated the 1st, day of July, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick 1 County versus? Z. D. Mosley And Wife If Any," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2nd. day of September. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M? at the Courthouse door, Southport, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $198.78, the following described real estate, located in North West Township, Brunswick County N. C., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on Fayetteville Road in Purdies line; thence with said line about North 35 yards to a stake; thence about East 35 yards to a stake; thence about South 35 yards to a stake on Fayetteville Road; thence up said road to the beginning containing % acre more or less. And all other lands owned by the aid defendants In Brunswick County North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and Confirmation by the Court. Ten days nllmv-Ari for rnisp nf hid hpfnrp mnnrt made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 31st dav of July, 1D40. S. B. Krink, Commissioner. B-28-c FORECLOSE RE NOTIC E Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 1st, day of July, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus? Charlie Patrick And Wife If Any," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 2nd. day of September. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Court house door, Southport. X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $178.83, the following described real estate, located in North West Township. Brunswick County N. C.. bounded and described as follows: GREAT CHINESE P 0 ?* WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ' L. Baxter I. l; Ij^H TZT Home. . by the followinK described 111 , ? other lands ilhwest "fown- i" Nor,h tfV&ndaV \"J^h North Car- c-nunl>, X - hili Brunswick d FIRST: In ulna Meet to report to J* (he south-west All aaies subje Court- T^ fL^t River, bounded :uid -ontlrmation bid betore "port descf,bed as M, ^ ,?inwed ra Hp oaid at 8 it in NINO on the N<>u!'nv.e?t f liade Cash to be paQ'( July. I"0' Kear River a- w This the 31*^ commissioner. P?, l.,n*enh i.2S-c . ? ... _I running the'',.. NOTICE OF 8AI.E pole* <o a stake ,?u!* 1!T? UNDER EXECUTION south 48 ?eM ''e IN THE SUPERIOR COURT wood stake 1' lo* :?B?S STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA or unknown COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK William,' p. L. FORMYDUVAL AND C. H. line with it, , SIBEI.IN, (ASSIGNEES OF ST. Cape Fear Hiv,.r 1 ? 'M LOUIS UNION TRUST COMPANY, to the HKCl \ , xi 1 \ND JAMES H. GROVE, EXEC- axles. ^^B [ TOR AND TRUSTEE). SECOND: it,; " 'MM VS. tree in Henry tvii 1*1 ' c . 1 Es L. BAXTER ROGERS, JR. ner, running ' the, .P'11By virtue of an execution directed south 4(in , " ?'tl . o the Sheriff of Brunswick County north 63 ^^B rom the Superior Court of Bun- in Hannah I, ; '"'Us to' ombe County. N. C.. in the above her line nort '.!^H ntltled action, notice is hereby given river; thence |n? , , .^BD hat by virtue of said execution, and meander, t? . .. ^^B >y virtue of the decree at the March talning 300 acre SW Term Superior Court, Brunswick being tw . I'ounty. N. C.. that I will on Mon- land conveyed l,v , ' 'ral lay September 9th.. 1940. at 12;00 |>oration to ,'clock noon, sell at the court house deed August p. ioor. Southport. N .C.. to the high- 46. Page 381 " r""t"'icl ,*#1g ist bidder for cash tn satisfy said This Augu.-i txecution. all the right, title, inter- p. U Oa.vri B9 ist and estate, which the defendant BRUNSWICK << i-xyy *^if7 SELL YOUR TOBACCCHvt^^M TUGGLEsI IN WHITEVILLE H Frank Hayes and Johnny WarjB FRESH MEATm You don't have to wait until a/ H weather for fresh pork. You don't b.;^| to wait until your next trip to townifH beef-steak or roast beef. We keep ;ic.l ply of the finest fresh meats in our iic/H electric meat counter. ?1 J. J. HAWES I Supply, - - - - i\\ C. ||| : ?? mi i.i i M THEY MUST BALANCE I We seek to maintain the proper balance BH between our lending policies and the safety BEg of our depositors' money. Bw The interests of our depositors of course MB come first, for it is their money we lend, rejl Therefore, while we are always ready and Mig willing to lend money, we must first assure 8|| ourselves that the loan will be repaid when due. ?E58 " If you can meet our requirements of SgS soundness and safety, we will welcome your w|| loan application. jffijj WACCAMAW I BANK & TRUST CO. WHITEVILLE E? FAIRMONT CHADBOURN ROSEHIU CLARKTON TABOK CITY SOTJTHFOBI NORTH CAROLINA flfcS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |gp|f HILOSOPHER Iff yjiwicw* I REAT AMERICAN THIRST QUENCHER

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