Iednesday^jept^. flic Iffighter ($ur ,jns down for breakfast is a stunt on us but that's ju opened Sunday morning M,'s Burk Rehder (Southfolks will remember her as ,0 Goodman) leveled her to a three-point landing . strand at Long Beach. . . . fn;e and her husband are Avers and they pick-up and lt as you and I jump into - to go some where . . . Iter Wilmington couple teir plane landed to have st with the Rehders . . . that this is a scoop . . . t happened on Labor > . . . I-aVerne and Burk ;o the surprize of the holiJiers . LaVerne took Southporters up for a long them John Shannon, irgensen and two of the guests . . . * * days . . . f to college for the first two of South ports young>seph:".e Moore and Maris going to Lenoir anil we're sure that tir.ue in the leadership displayed at Fassifern. e will enter Greensboro .i we're predicting that :am party of Mrs. Thompson 5 Sunday School class gist Church here were j at an ice cream party! me of Miss Marjorie j Friday evening. There t twenty present, all | ijoved a very pleasant j itjiber 3 IB? third circle of the Method!church met on Monday night It Mrs R I Mintz and Mrs., tes Harper in the home of H Mintz. Be program was presented by % Lottie Mae Xewton, the ,:?t being "America OrientIts M R Sanders read an SB? on The Chinese In Amer?' The Japanese were discusk by Mrs John Boyd Finch, jtMrs. Elizabeth Gilbert read Fillipinos. > contests were held and lb M R Sanders and Mrs. H. I Smith won prizes, a guest j fel and bud vase. Wreshments of punch with' pace sandwiches were served i i? large number of members STERTAIXS BRIDE 'las Mary Elizabeth Robbins, I Washington, entertained on kc.esdav afternoon in the home I Mrs H. T. St. George honorb Mrs James Jeffries, recent Kite was played during the after which ice cream cake was served the guests, lie hor.oree was presented with l-cvely trousseau gift. Mrs. fee: Marlowe, a recent bride, Mr an attractive sugar and fer. set. Met Annie Moore Harker won F score prize, a picture, and fe Doris Corlette received the : prize, a box of candy. jMteis were: the honoree, Marlowe. Misses Louise Elizabeth Watson, Lois 3jssells, Doris Corlette, -i - Barnett. Annie Moore Josephine Moore. Alma, H T. St. George, " P.obbins, Dick Brendle, A Elizabeth Gilbert. SERIOUSLY ILL r -JLJ Weeks of Southport is ill at Dosher Memorial I stR(iI( \L PATIENT # Lloyd Hewett of South-1 B 'as been a surgical patient j - Memorial Hospital since I 'mT v | IT WON'T HA I So Be Sure T S Advantagi I DRESS 0ur entire stock of ladies Bating from $2.00 up, i jrESSES INCLUDED, wil I $1. three b 1 Thursday, Fri I Refunds . . No Exch W Value You W< the specl it SOUTHPO "The Store That ! i^MaaaBSBSSHSBBMBHHiSjJSSBa &ibt (?{ 3Eifc ! vHJ elpmate e( vi | she'll make a record that anyone ^ should be proud of . . . We'll be j watching her progress with interest and will pass on to our 'r I readers (have we any?) each newjH honor which conies to .her ... ! W * * b< Little Alneta Dixon was painfully burned on Friday when her T | dress caught fire from some hi ] matches she was playing with . . I Her father put out the flames j fc j before they had spread over her 1 m ]. . . and her knee and thigh of hi I one leg were the only places burned ... la The burns are healing nicely | M now and she'll soon be as well as ever again ... sj * * * R Mr. and Mrs. Radcliff Mintz motored to New York last week w | to meet Alice and Nellie Cran- 01 mer, and Alice's two girls, Pat1 j and Stuart, when their boat r( j docked on Saturday ... w Nellie (Mrs. Edward Cranmer) cl' has been visiting Alice (Mrs. E. L H. Arrington) in Panama for a while and they both returned in time to put the girls in school p 'here . . . They're staying over at the I Cranmer's cottage at Long Beach | at present but will soon move ** lover into town. NEWS I: DDT1CT7C :n UiXlLI J j!S ? * R ~nf ' INVITES PARENTS j* rincipal W. R. Dingle extends a special invitation to local par- ^ ents and patrons to attend the in opening exercises at Southport to- D morrow morning at 9 o'clock. g(j MEDICAL PATIENT Mrs. M. L. Williamson of Shal- ' lotte was admitted Saturday as a medical patient at Dosher Me- ^ mortal Hospital. . BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kit Bland of Shallotte announce the birth of w a son. Donald Ray, at Dosher Memorial Hospital September 3. ]a jo PATIENT sp Ed Wells of Southport was a patient at Dosher Memorial hos- gc pital last week, being dismissed tu Tuesday. M APPENDECTOMY la Miss Mary Gamer of Bolivia underwent an operation for re- m; moval of her appendix last Mon- to day at Dosher Memorial Hospital. ar HOSPITAL PATIENT be Carbett Anderson of Southport he has been a medical patient at th Dosher Memorial Hospital since Si last Tuesday. to ILL IN HOSPITAL w< Gilbert Messick of Southport is seriously ill at Dosher Memor- hii asr Hospital. sp en RETURNS HOME Mrs. W. C. Reece and young da son were able to leave Dosher sp Memorial Hospital to return home today. tu ial MOVE sh The J. G. Christians have mov- in; ed from the Episcopal rectory he into the Guthrie home beside the se courthouse. na OCCUPY HOME he Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Jorgensen M moved last week into their newly purchased home. This residence was formerly owned by J. R. Hood. OFF TO SCHOOL tu J. B. Ward Jr., son of Mr. and , Mrs. Johnie Ward of Ash, left yesterday for Raleigh where he p, has enrolled as a freshman at . N. C. State. ca in bl< lPPEN AGAIN Is hat You Take I ? s Of This sale : 11 ar ' silk dresses .... Prices I vith ALL NEW FALL I dt II be closed out for only? I 23 IG DAYS F day, Saturday i anges . . No Lay-A ways I th m't Forget. . at 1% an shop t RT, N. C. I JJ Serves Brunswick'9 11 dj Personal Claud A. Ford, Jr., has returnJ from a pleasant three-weeks isit with relatives in Greens>ro and Pleasant Garden. Miss Elizabeth Murray, superitendent of Dosher Memorial ospital returned Saturday from Washington, D. C., where she has ;en for several weeks. Miss Esther Prevatte returned hursday from her vacation with ;r parents in Lumberton. H. W. Hood, state inspectator >r the bureau of weights and leasures, spent the week-end. ;re with his family. Mrs. Fred S. Covington of Atnta, Ga., is visiting her mother, trs. Mamie Moore. Dr. J. V. Davis of Concord is rending sometime here at the ed Top Inn. Mayme Albright of Raleigh as the week-end guest of Mr. id Mrs. S. B. Frink. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Frink have 'turned from Hickory where they ent Tuesday to carry their lughter, Marion, to enroll at enoir Rhyne College. Col and Mrs. Earl I. Brown, [rs. Mamie Phelps and Miss May helps are visiting relatives in arrolton, Georgia. Misses Annie Louise and Eloise t. George returned Friday after month's visit with Mr. and rs. J. W. Weathers in Golds>ro. Miss Lizzie Daniels, of Charl'esin, S. C., is visiting her cousin, rs. Athalia St. George. This is :r first visit here in 30 years. Miss Emma Thompson, of Wilington .spent the past week-end ?re with her parents, Mr. and rs. J. W. Thompson. Mrs. Doris Dosher and son, ichard, returned home Saturday ter visiting: with Mr. and Mrs. I E. Dosher. Misses Myrtle Brown and Mary lice Lewis spent last week end Smithfield with Mrs. John ale. Mrs. Eva Wolfe is visiting: her n and daughter-in-law, Mr. and rs. James Wolfe, in Norfolk, irginia. Bryant and Franklin Potter and iw Swan, who recently joined e navy and have been station1 in Norfolk, Va.. spent last eek-end here with their parents, ley are expecting to leave this sek for Honolulu, where they ill be permanently located. Sam F. Watts, of Staten Is- j nd, N. Y? arrived Monday to in his family who have been ending the summer here with rs. Watts' mother, Mrs. Lanie mtherland. They expect to rern to their home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Messick, of organ City, La., are visiting relives here. Mrs. A. D. Ruark, Sr., of Wil- , ington, visited Mrs. Alfred Minn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jacobs i id daughter, Mary, who have | en spending the past month :re with relatives, returned to eir home in Natchey, Miss., tnday morning. Mrs. Pattie Jones, of Wilming' n, was a visitor in town last ?pk. i Dr. Williamson and members of 3 family, of South Carolina, are ending this month at their mmer home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith and ughter, Doris, of Wilmington, ent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Vera Jergenson has rerned to James Walker Memor1 Hospital, Wilmington, where e is a student nurse, after hav- ; g spent her vacation here with r mother, Mrs. Cassie Jergen- 1 n. Mrs. Joseph Willetts, of Winbow, is spending this week re with her parents, Mr. and rs. John Potter. Seaside News Mrs. Angus McKellar has re- 1 rned to her home in Rowland ter a week's visit here. Leon F. Leonard of Harrisburg l., spent the week end through [ ibor Day here. On Monday he : ,ught 14 sheep-head while fish- ! g from the boiler wreck of a ockade runner that ran aground , i the beach here during the 1 vil War. Mrs. J. W. Brooks. Jack Mcichern and Miss Elizabeth Wilims of Wilmington spent the ?ek end with Misses Carrie and mnie Brooks. Jack entered State ; jllege Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gaines and [Ughter, Roberta, of Fort Bragg, id Miss Ruby Leonard of Richond, Va? visited their aunt here iring the past week. ( Five college boys representing i . I MEET THURSDAY The King's Daughters will meet i Thursday night at 8 o'clock ] ith Mrs. Fred Smith. TONSILLOTOMIES The following patients under?nt operations for removal of ] eir tonsils Monday at Dosher i emorial Hospital: Betty Jane atkins, Winnabow, Norma Mc3well, Dorothy Mae Cox and j -ankie Cox, Southport. On Tues- . :y Eugene Hewett and Doris ] ae Hewett, Supply, under went nsilar operations. Miss Bobbie I ivis of Southport underwent a < uilar operation last week. ( THE STATE PORT Duke, Davidson, N. C. 'State and j the University of Pennslyvania | spent three days last week camp-1 ing here on the beach. Among recent guests here were: j Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Hall, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. E. j C. Huffines, Fairmont; Mr. and J Mrs. Reid A. Page, Aberdeen; B. j A. Brand, Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Turner, Ash- j boro; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bond, i Rowland; Henry Tucker, Char- j lotte, and Miss Jennie Bentone, of Daytona Beach, Fla. CARD OF THANKS The family of William H. Walker wishes to express their thanks for the many beautiful floral offerings and the expressions of sympathy and love that were showered upon them during the period of their recent tragic loss. Mrs. W. H. Walker and children WANT ADS WANTED?Hogs and cattle all sizes. Best market prices at Longwood, N. C., at our station every Saturday, 8:00 A. M. to 4:00 P. M. Cash paid in full same day. Auction sale every Tuesday, 1:00 P. M? Fairmont, | N. C. FAIRMONT STOCK! YARDS, Phone 4011. 5-8-tf I HAVE ON HAND?28 mules, 5 horses, 3 milk cows. This stock is the kind you will like. Prices ranging from $65.00 to $300.00. I will have a big supply of mules, horses and cows on hand throughout the summer. See me when you need anything in livestock. J. P. NEWTON, Phone 2006 Wilmington, N. C. 5-8-tf-c. LEGALS FORECLOSEKE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C.. dated the 6th* day of May* 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Simon S. Davis Estate. Simon P. DaviS, Mrs. Rosie and Husband H. Susman," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th. day of October, 1940. at 12:00 oclock M., at t lie Courthouse door, Southport. X. C\, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of J.tflc.lo, the following described real estate, located in Smithville Township. Brunswick County. X. C., hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of West & Atlantic Street one hundred and sixty five (105) feet to K. Tobiasin's Southwest corner: thence Westwardly with said Tobiasin's South line sixty six (00) feet to the Southwest corner of said Tobiasin's lot; theme Southwardly one hundred and sixty five (165) feet to the South west corner of Lot No. 94; thence Eastwardly with the Northern line of West street to the beginning point and the Southern half of said lot No. 91; according to the plan of the City of .Southport, N. C. and the same that was inherited by the heirs at law of Simon S. Davis deceased, the Father of the said Lily C Lee and the Simon P. Davis, and the same lands that was conveyed to I he said Simon S. Davis by Elijah Piver and wife, as will more fully appear by reference to Book F. F. Pige 130 and 131, records of Briiurv irk Co uity. And all other lands owned by the said Defendants in Bmnswlck County, Not th Carolina. Will be sold subject to City taxes. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before repot t made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd, day of September, 19iu. S B. Prink, Commissioner. 10-2-c FORECLOSE It E NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C., dated the tith day of May. 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus ? Robert R. Bryant And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th. rl?iv n f fVlnlior 194IY ;it 12:00 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door. South- j port. X. C., to satisfy the decree of | said court to enforce the payment > r>f $892.51. the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the first Branch above Howard's Landing on Town Creek: and runs thence up said Branch; with David McQulnns line about one Hundred poles to a sweet gum: thence Eastwardlv with the meanderings of said Creek to a old line known as Akins line: thence Xorth with said line to Town Creek; thence Westwardly with the meanderings of said Creek to the beginning containing two hundred (250) acres more or less. BEGINNING at a Black Gum near Shingle Landing in the Mouth of a small branch on the edge of Town Creek and running thence South 10 degrees 24 poles with said Branch; thence South 12 degrees East 40 poles to a stake at the head of a ditch; thence South 18 East 44 poles to a black gum in Levy Branch; thence down said branch 130 poles to a stake in Richard Sullivan's old line; thence with said line North 150 East to Sullivan's old corner and thence to the beginning containing ninety-four acres more or less. Excepting nevertheless from the conveyance a tract of 25 acres being a part of the above named trait which was sold to Jack Street by VV. r. Ganady also excepting a tract of one hundred and ninety 90-100 one Imndreth acres sold and conveyed by the said parties of the first part to Thomas Bryant, Sr., and Thomas Bryant. Jr. And all other lands owned by Robert R. Bryant and wife if any. in Town Creek, Township, Brunswick County. N. C. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of September 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 10-2-c FOKKCLOSIKK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior L'ourt of Brunswick County. N. C. dated the 5th day of August, 1940, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus ? William Anderson, Sr., And Wife If Any".? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th, day of October, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door. Southport, X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment pf $286.75, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C.f Pounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake Abram loyner's corner runs South *8 degrees west 13 poles to A. W. Ridgers line: thence South 88 degrees East to the river road: thence wtih said road to Abram Joyners corner; thence his line North 88 degrees West 75 poles Lo the beginning. And all other lands owned by the ?ald defendants in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C. allowed for raise of bid before report 1 made. Cash to be paid at sale. v This the 3rd, day of September 1940. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. c 10-2-c s FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby pi veil that by virtue of a decree of the Superior; i Court of Brunswick County. X. C.. . dated the 5th day of August, 1940, in an action entitled '^Brunswick County versus ? v J. E. Grissett And Wife If Any,"? ( the undersigned commissioner will ex- <i pose at public auction sale to the j highest bidder for cash on the 7th. ^ day of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock > M.. at the Courthouse door, South- ; port, X. C.t to satisfy the decree of t said court to enforce the payment j?; of $278.33. the following described I {J real estate located in Lockwood Folly tj Township. Brunswick County. X. C.. } bounded and described as follows: [i BEGINNING at n pine known as s the Hurrican Baker Corner runs 370 c W. 1231 ft. to a stake: thence X. i lft W. to a stake at the run of '| Skipper Swamp; thence up the run \ of said swamp to a stake in the Baker line; thence with Baker line < ; S. 17 E. about 84 poles to the he- v ginning, containing 3ft acres more or > less. i And all other lands owned by the j said defendants in Loc-kwoods Folly \ Township, Brunswick County, North d Carolina. t All sales subject to report to and \ confirmation by the Court. Ten days t allowed for raise of bid l?efore report i, made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of September 1940. s S. B. Frink, Commissioner. * 10-2-c li FORECLOSURE NOTICE Xotice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C., dated the 5th day of August, 1940. . in an action entitled "Brunswick _ County versus ? Chester Bellamy And Wife If Any."? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the j highest bidder for cash on the 7th. \ day of October. 191ft. at 12:ft0 o'clock ! M.. at the Courthouse door. South- J port. X. C., to satisfy the decree of , said court to enforce the.- payment ' of $201.03, the following described j real estate located in Lockwood Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. (., ' bounded and described as follows: J BEG IN.XING at a stake with * pointers K. Galloway's corner & also J, a corner of lot 7 runs with said * Galloway's line S. 86-40 E. 1337 feet t? to a# stake a corner of lot 1 thence ? with a line of lot S. 3- 15 W. 911 ' feet to a stake another of said lot: thence X. 85-10 W. 273 feel to a . stake; thence S. 13-25-W 95 feet to , a stake; thence X. 80-10 W. 879 ft. t to a lightwood stump in Jack Daniels i. branch; thence about X. 6-15 W. 1000 feet to the beginning, containing 26 j 4-5 acres be it the same more or less. ' And all other lands owned by the . said defendants in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and a confirmation by the Court. Ten days j allowed for raise of bid before report u made. Cash to he paid at sale. 1, This the 3rd, day of September 1940. } CJ 1J CV.n.?LMiniuM< : . 10-2-c } FORECLOSIIHE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by \l virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., a dated the 5th day of August. 1940, p in an action entitled "Brunswick f County versus ? J. Jack Mitchell And Wife If Any".? c the undersigned commissioner will ex- ., pose at public auction sale to the I J, highest bidder for cash on the 7th. | day of October. 1940, at 12:00 o'clock M., at the Courthouse door, South-; j port. X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment " of $314.27. the following described real estate located in l.nckwood Folly Township. Brunswick County. X. ('.. v bounded and described as follows: C BEGINNING at a stake on the r Juniper Creek road sail I stake being i a corner of a subdivision line, tuns y thence X. 15 E. 2024 feet to a black v gum Neal Galloway's corner, thence v S. 39 East 919 feet to a stake, thence c S. fiO East 4Sy feet to a stake; thence n S. 587 feet to a stake at f thence up said branch G2G feet to tin* 1 head, thence S. 40 East 411 feet to f a stake; thence^ S. 15 W. 177 feet to ( a stake at the road, thence with said < road to the beginning, containing 50 $ acres more or less. e And all other lands owned by the I said defendants in Lock woods Folly, b Township. Brunswick County, North Carolina. r All sales subject to report to and t confirmation by the Court. Ten days j allowed for raise of bid before report y made. Cash to be paid at sale. .1 This the .3rd. day of September 1910. j S. R Frink, Commissioner. o 10-2-c v | KOItKCI.OSl KE .NOTl( E !| Notice is hereby given that by 0 virtue of a decree of the Superior p Court of Brunswick County, N. c. j. dated the 5th day of August. 1940. , In an action entitled "Brunswick r County versus ? a Avon Privett And Wife If Any."? ,| the undersigned commissioner will ex- s pose at public auction sale to the t j highest bidder for cash on the 7th.1,. day of October, 1910. at 12:00 o'clock [ M., at the Courthouse door. South- ,| port, N. C., to satisfy the decree of p said court to enforce the payment j. of $80.80. the following described ,| real estate located in Smithville ? Township, Brunswick County, X. ('., bounded and described as follows: v Situated on the Northeast side of ,j Lockwoods Folly Itiver and on Mill Creek against Mercer's Old Mill-BE- f civvivc nt a stake oil a small oak r. Hide of the Creek below the mill and I jj dose to the landing, runs thence j, with McDuffie Peterson's line North K 45 West, two hundred and sixty (260) j, poles to a stake in Full woods old i line; thence North 38 Fast about i seventy-five (75) poles to a cypress n in a " bay which is also Singletary j. Peterson's corner; thence with his ,| line South 15 degrees E. two hundred |. and seventy-five (275) poles to the ^ run of Mill Creek, thence down said 7 Creek to the beginning, containing 3 one hundred & twenty (120) acres J, more or less. Saving ana excepting V. one acre where Sim Tharp has his j. home, and being a strip one-half acre \ wide and two acres long. ( And all other lands owned by the s said defendants in Sinithville Town-1 j. ship, Brunswick County, North Caro- ,. lina. All sales subject to report to and > confirmation by the Court. Ten days ^ allowed for raise of bid before report > made. Cash to he paid at sale. j This the 3rd. day of September 1050. t S. B. Frink, Commissioner. # 10-2-c * J 3 FOKECI.OSl RE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by * virtue of a decree of the Superior f. Court of Brunswick County, N. C? s (iated the 5th day of August. 1010. h in an action entitled "Brunswick r County vers lis ? d Mrs. E. O. Willis",? t the undersigned commissioner will ex- ti pose at public auction sale to the f highest hidder for cash on the 7th. F day' of October. 1040, at 12:00 o'clock j M? at the Courthouse ioor. South- > port. X. C., to satisfy t ie decree of > said court to enforce he payment > of $350.67, the following described a real estate located in Smithville <] Township, Brunswick County. N. C? > bounded and described as follows: ji BEGINNING at a point in the t Western line of an Alley or Street v the said Alley or Street being the > Westward Old Fort Johnson, locally s known as the Garrison, and now or |; formerly called Davis Street, one t: hundred feet and six inches (100 ft. 6 j| in.) Northwardly from its intersec- r tlon with the Northern line of Bay C Street, runs thence at right angles to said Davis or Alley, and parallel h with Bay Street forty-two (12) feet c to a stake, the course being West- } wardly thence at right angles North- 1 wardly and parallel with said Alley or Street, sixty-four feet and six c inches (64 ft. 6 in.) at a stake; a thence at right angles East wardly n and parallel with Bay street fortytwo feet to the Western line of the 1 said Davis Street or Alley; thence at right angles Southwardly and with C the Western line of said Davis Street or Alley: sixty-four and six inches (64 ft. 6 in. ) to the point of beginning being a part of number fourteen (14) according to the official v plan of the City of Southport, and a < part of the same sold to A. J. Rob- d bios by E. R. Taylor. R. T. Bensel. ii E. Jj. Pepper and others by several C conveyances duly recorded in Bruns- r wick County, to which reference is tl hereby especially made. p And all other lands owned and h isted by Mrs. E. O. Willis in Bruns rick County. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to ani ciifirmation by the Court. Ten day illowed for raise of bid before repor nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of September 194C S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 0-2-c FOREl'liOSritE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that b; irtue of a decree of the .Superio ,'ouit of Brunswick County. N. C. lated the 5th day of August. 194f n an action entitled Brunswic) 'ounty versus ? ilinnie Burnette And Husband T Oiy."? he undersigned commissioner will ex ose at public auction sale to thi lighest bidder for cash on the Till lay of October. 1910. at 12:00 o'dod J., at the Courthouse door. South tort, X C., to satisfy the decree o aid court to enforce the paymen if $287.1f. the following describe! eal estate located in Smithvill "ownship. Brunswick County. X. C, toiinded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on tlv loulh side of Marsh Branch, runninj vitli said Branch to a staake on tlv Corth side of the Branch, thence run ling North 88 b. degrees West I toles to a long leaf pine: theme S 4 j>oles to a stake; thence X. S legrees E. 75 poles to a stake hence with Hampton Weary lin tack to the beginning 80 poles, con aining thirty (30) acres* more o BSS. And all other lands ow ned by tlv aid defendants in Smithville Town hip. Brunswick County, North Caro ina. All sales subject to report to am onfirmation by the Court. Ten day Jlowed for raise of bid before repor nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of .September 191(1 S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 0-2-c FOHKri.OSrilK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that b; irtue of a decree of the Superio 'ourt of Brunswick County. N. C lated the 5th day of August. 19411 n an action entitled "Brunswicl bounty versus ? D. Smith And Wife If Aiiv".he undersigned commissioner will ex in ;it public auction sale to tlv lighest bidder for cash on the 7tli lay of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clocl (I.* at the Courthouse door. South iort. N. C., to satisfy the decree o aid court to enforce the paymen f $102.09. the following describe' eal estate located in Waccamav 'ownship. Brunswick County, X. C. ounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on a gum in Pole] {ridge Branch runs thence North 8 legrees West to the Patric I-ienr; iine: thence with the Patric Henr; ine S. 30 degrees West 118 poles t< stake; thence South 88 degrees K o East side of Foley Bridge Brand o a stake; thence down said Brand o the beginning, containing <40) acre; nore or less. 'i?i> w?i?. nrmvvivr. i r?i'A.u?u i i . Ki.i i ^. .. stake on the South side of Pole; {ridge Branch .1. I). Iridium's cor ,er; thence about West course wit.l lis line to the said Policy Bridg Iranch; thence down -said brand o the mouth of a small Branch hence up said small Branch abou iouth opposite the beginning; thenc bout East to the beginning, contain ng 3 acres more or less. And all other Heal Property ownei nd listed by K. P. Smith And wifi f any. in Brunswick County, Xortl 'arolina. All sales subject to report to am onflrmation by the Court. Ten day Mowed for raise of bid before repor undo. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd, day of September 1910 S. B. Frlnk, Commissioner. 0-2-c Ft) KEC I.OSF It F. XOTICE Xotlce is hereby given that b; irtue of a decree of the Superio 'ourt of Brunswick County. Xortl 'arolina. dated the 17th day of April 939. in an action entitled "City o iouthport. Xorth Carolina, and Bruns .irk County vs. Phillip Allen am .ife, Helen Slater." the undersignei 'omtnissionerp will expose at publi uction sale to the highest bidde or cash on the 7th day of October 910, at 12 o'clock A. M.. at th. 'ourt House door, Southport, Xort] 'arolina. to satisfy the decree of sail "ourt and force the payment o 0.882.09, the following described rea state located in Smithville township Munsuick County. Xorth Carolina ounded and described as follows: A certain 01" acres of land oi 'rices Creek being the same lam hat was conveyed to the defendant 'hillip Allen by County of Bruns . irk, by deed dated the 1st day o aiuiary. 1910. and duly recorded ii look 22. at page 300. Records of th fine r,f the Register of Deeds o brnswick County, hereby referrei a for the purpose of including sail ascription herein as fully as if se lit herein in detail by metes am ounds; that a part, of said tract o ind. to-wit: BKHIXX1XCJ at a storn ?orner Xo. 3 of Phillip Allen Land tins thence S. 23% \V. 901 Feet t< Brown Sand Stone; thence S. 00" legree E. 117 Feet to a white marbl tone, (same being the corner of : 'hillip Allen Tract) thence sarm nurse and with the Xew Cemeter; ,ine 08" ft. to n stake; thence S. 23*: ejjrees W esi Wui I* (*L'l lu a auiivc hence North 66% degrees West ">8' 'eet to a stake: thence South 23$ legrees West 1355 Feel to a ston* i.arked SLS No. 6 at the Canal oi he North side of the Drain; am . ith said Canal or drain South 7 egrees Fast 175 Feet; thence Soutl 5 degrees Fast 5ft Feet to a stake hence North 23% degrees Fast 33 'eet to a stone So. 8. thence Soutl ft degrees Fast <130 Feet to a stak n the hedge row of ;i n old field tone No. ft; thence South 79 degree last 01 Feet to a stone No. 10 hence S. 23% degrees West 33ft Fee r? stone No. 11. marked SLS, sairv n the North side of the Canal o 'iddlers Drain, thence South 78$ egrees E. 225; thence S. 71ft degree last 13h Feet: thence South 02 de roes Fast 100 Feet; thence Soutl 0% degrees Fast Oft Feet; thenc iouth 511 j degrees Fast 200 Feet ti bridge, thence South -1ft% degree last Oftft Feet to the mouth of sai< 'iddlers Drain or Canal at Higl V'ater Mark of Cape Fear River hence with High Water Mark o aid Cape Fear River X. 07% degree last 2500 Feet; thence N. 59 % de roes Fast 1120 Feet to a stake ii he edge of High water; thence N 3% degrees West 170 Feet; thenc v. 20*.j degrees W. 300 Feet; thenc J. 29% degrees West 300 Feet hence X. 32% degrees W. 300 Feet hence X. 35% degrees West 5ft Feet hence S. 4ft dgrs W. 225 ft. to ; take: thence X. 66% degrees Wes 705 Feet to the beginning. Also another portion of said Phillii tllen land which is described a ollows. to-wit: BEGIN XIN('? at ; tone No. I marked SLS, said stonl ping about 75 Feet from Cape Fea toad, and running thence South 00$ egrees Fast 2140 Feet to a stake hence N. 53% degrees West 95 Feet hence North 56% degrees West 30 'eet; thence N. 50% degrees W. 3ft 'eet: thence N. 02% West 300 Feet hence N. 65% West" 30ft Feet; thenci ?. 08% degrees West 3ftft Feet; thenc w". 71% degrees West 300 Feet; thenc lorth "74% degrees West 240 Feet ti n old wire fence: thence South 25$ egrees West 62 Feet to said Ston ?o. 4, the beginning corner, contain ng 240 8-10 acres, more or less o he Phillip Allen lands which lie ithin the City Limits of Southporl ?. C. as per plot of H. R. Hewett surveyor, June 20. 1938. which sail inrl was duly listed and returned fo axation at the. time, or times, here iiafter set forth as apfiears from th< ecords of the City of Southport, N and the County of Brunswick. The above described property wil e sold subject to all taxes due tin 'ily of Southport. and the Countv o trunswlck. for the years 1937-1938 93ft and 1940. All sales subject to report am onfirmation of the Court. Ten day llowed for raise of bid before repor lade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 2nd day of September 940. S. B. Frink, J. J. Loughlin. Jr. 'ommissioners, 10-2-i FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that b; irtuo of a decree of the SuDerfo! 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C ated the 5th day of August. 194(1 i an action entitled "Brunswicl ounty versus ? diver Bellamy And Wife If Any",he undersigned commissioner will ex ose at public auction sale to thighest bidder for cash on the 7tli i- day of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock | | M.. at the Courthouse door. South- I [1 i port. X. C., to satisfy the decree of s j said court to enforce the payment , t of $204.21. the following described j real estate, located in Town Creek >. J Township, Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the - i .South side of the old Wilmington i & Georgetown Road, the James Tharp y j & Sykes & J. B. Reynolds corner r j and runs thence South 59 degrees . | East with the James Tharp line 130 '. I poles to a stake near the head of \ j Wart Branch; thence South. 52 deI grees West HO poles to a pine stump, f formerly a pine: thence South 70 degrees W. 180 poles with the Robert -'Gardner line to a stake near the e Watering Pond. thence the same | i, course, South 70 degrees West 26 , It J poles to a stake at edge of and - : old road, thence with said road f Xorth 50 degrees W. 20 poles to a , t stake thence Xorth 86 poles to the j I aforesaid old Wilmington & George- , e I town Road, thence Eastwardly with > . j the various courses of the aforesaid | ' road to the point of beignning, rone talning to the same 85 acres more s I or less, excepting as of followers 9 J r*; tracts of the following descriptions of ( - i one sold William Hardie & one sold . 8 John W. Bellamy as will be shown j - by reference to the records in the , 8 Register of Deeds Office; also an ; j other to John W. Bellamy 20 Cornele ius Bellamy. 1 to .McNear & Bear- ' - sail, 1 to Allene Bellamy. 1 to Joseph ] r Bellamy. & one to Visa Bellamy. , And all other lands owned by the | c said Defendants in Brunswick County. } - Xorth Carolina. , All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days i allowed for raise of bid before report ^ s made. Cash to be paid at sale, t This the 3rd, day of September 1940. j S. B. Frink. Commissioner. , i. 10-2-C FORECLOSURE \i>TICE Notice is hereby given that by j virtue of a decree of the Superior y Court of Brunswick County. X. C., , i dated the 5th day of August. 1940, ; . in an action entitled "Brunswick ?. County versus ? . \ J. W. Bellamy And Wife If Any",? the undersigned commissioner will ex- . - pose at public auction sale to the j - highest bidder for cash on the 7th. e day of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock i. M.. at the Courthouse door. South- < \ port. X. C\, to satisfy the decree of j - said court to enforce the payment f of $164.43. the following described t real estate, located in Town Creek II Township. Brunswick County. X. C.. 1 H bounded and described as follows: < . ! BEGIXXIXG at John W. Bellamy's J f corner in the Green line, and runs 1 y . thence with J. W. Bellamy's and < S | Cornelius Bellamy's line to Estelle i' ; Bellamy's corner and Joseph Bel- ' ir lamv's corner, thence with J. W. 1 ) Bellamy's and Joseph Bellamy's line ' to Cornelius Bellamy's corner thence ' d with J. W. Bellamy's and Cornelius i Bellamy's line to the Green line; I s thence with the Green line and the ! J. L. Allen line to the point of be- ' t ginning, containing to the same fifteen > y (15) acres more or less. y And all other lands owned by the i said defendants in Brunswick County, e North Carolina. i All sales subject to report to and * ; confirmation by the Court. Ten clays t allowed for raise of bid before report < e made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd* day of September 1940. < S. B. Frink, Commissioner. ? i I 1U---C B IOKK4 I.OSI RK XOTK K . Xoti<is hereby given that by i 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior ' Court of Brunswick County, X. C., J 1 dated the 5th day of August, 1040, in an action entitled 4 Brunswick ' County versus ? \v. x. Mint/. And Wife If Any".? ; the undersigned commissioner will ex- = pose at public auction sale to the . highest bidder for cash on the 7th, ^ day of October, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock . .. .M? at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. C? to satisfy fhe decree of said court to enforce the payment . i of $101.49, the following described ; real estate, located In Town Creek ' j Township. Brunswick County. X. C., ! bounded and described as follows: . 1 FIRST TRACT: BUG IX XING at ' a spruce pine in Mossy Branch* runs , ! thence with road North 75 degrees ; West 52 poles to a stake in Schulken's line; thence South 25 degrees ' { West with same 100 poles to a gum i jn .Mossy Branch; thence the run of J I the same to the beginning containing , 1 15 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: COMMENCING J at a Short Leaf pine; D. L. Jenkins . corner, running with the road to a ] light wood stump. Abram Mc.Millian's ? 1 corner, thence the road to Mossy ; Branch to a spruce pine the run of j " the Branch to C. O. Mints' corner, . 1 thence to a stake, thence to II. O. . | Peterson's line to a stake v. ith W. '1 X. Watson's line to the beginning < , and being the same lands conveyed j J to W. X. by George XV. Johnson by 1 deed dated 5th. day of January 191t?. , I duly recorded in Book 40 Page 193. . ' And all other lands owned by the J r said defendants in Brunswick Coun- . e ty. North Carolina. ' All sales subject to report to ami . 1 confirmation by the Court. Ten days , - allowed for raise of hid before report \ e made. Cash to be paid at sale. 1 This the 3rd. day of September 1940. ( S. B. Frink, Commissioner. i f 10-2-c i FOKECI.OKCItE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by . 1 virtue of a decree of the Superior e Court of Brunswick County. X. C., J dated the 5th day of August. 1940, 1 in an action entitled "Brunswick , s County versus ? 1 G. T. Tharp And Wife If Any",? : the undersigned commissioner will ex^ pose at public auction sale to the . * highest bidder for cash on the 7th, < [- day of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock 1 *' t "rtiM i iwinso dnor. South s poil. X. to satisfy the decree of \ * said court to enforce the payment . 1 of $101.89. the following described p real estate, located in Town Creek , r Township, Brunswick County. X. C\, ( ? hounded and described as follows: i 3 BEGINNING at a stake on the i " Southport Public Road in J. W. . * Hankins and Jim Green's line, it be- . e ing the Xorth line of old Dant Sul- , 0 livan's 360 Acre tract running thence 3 with said line S. 70 degrees \V. 486 1 feet to a stake Green and Hankins i I corner; thence Xorth 7 degrees East , \ 1122 feet to a stake Xorth 70 degrees ' Hast 470 feet to a stake in the edge ( s of said Southport Road, thence with j " the Western edge of said road to II the beginning containing 12Vfc acres. BEGINNING at a stake, Ids North- ( e west corner; thence S. 70 W. 13 poles e to a stake, thence 11 W. 31 poles , '? to a stake; thence X. 7 degrees Hast ! J 37 poles to the beginning containing * two acres more or less. Also another I piece or parcel of land lying on the J ' South side of his own land. HHGIXXIXG at the edge of SouthII port road in a line runs by Ralph s Edwards order of the Court. S. 70 * degrees \V. 320 feet to J. W. Beck e and Potter's corner, thence with J. 1 r W. Beck ?: jiffies t<? his own corner; ; * thence with his own line to the . * Southport road; thence with the : Southport road to the beginning, con- ; taining one acre more or less. 0 And all other lands owned by the : said defendants in Town Creek Towiie ship, Brunswick County, Xorth Car- 1 e olina. e All sales subject to report to and 0 confirmation by the Court. Ten days * allowed for raise of hid before report c made. Cash to be paid at sa'e. This the 3rd. day of September 1940. S. B. Prink, Commissioner. * 10-2-c J FORECMISI'RE NOTICE r Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior | " Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 5th day of August. 1940, ' in an action entitled "Brunswick 1 County versus ? e A. J. Robinson And Wife If Any."? C the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th. . day of October, 1910. at 12:00 o'clock s M.. at the Courthouse door. South* port, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $131.70, the following described ' real estate located ir North West Township. Brunswick County. N. C., ' bounded and described as follows: p BEGINNING at Allen Evrett's - comer in Clay Bottom Branch running with said branch to a ditch; ,, thence East with said ditch to the r road with said road to Nora Nash's corner, thence West with said Nora I' Nash's line to John Kelly's line with I said John Kelly's line to Allen Evrett's line with said Allen Evrett's line _ to the beginning, containing six acres _ more or less. e And all other land" owned by the , said defendants in Northwest * ship. Brunswick County. North Carolina. J All sale^ subject to report to and B confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to he paid at sale. -1 This the 3rd. day of September 1940. .3 S. B. Frink, Commissioner. FOKEC'I.OSrRE XOTICIL*^ j Notice is hereby given thajY oy ,b| virtue of a decree of the Superior ' Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated the 5th day of August. 1940. in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus ? James E. Weston And Wife If Any", the undersigned commissioner wilKexpose at nubile auction sale to,-Abe highest bidder for cash on the *Bi, day of October. 1940. at 12:00 ojdpck M.. at the Courthouse door. Routnport. X. C., to satisfy the decoeuPf said court to enforce the payment of $293.73. the following described real estate located in North West Township. Brunswick County. X. C.? bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a Black gum in Jerrices Branch on Mt. Misery Road, run thence with said road South 48 legrees 45 minutes Fast 027 feet to it iron stake at a black gum on he West side of said Mt. Misery road, thence 41 degrees 30 mfrrates West 495 feet to a stake, thence I. North 52 degrees West to a gum in Ferries Branch; thence down Branch as it meanders to the be- ' ?I lining. containing 7'?. acres more or ess. Excepting from this tract 3 1-20 teres sold & described in deed recorded in Book 46 Page 191. BEGINNNING at a stake on the Mount Misery road runs In a Southwardly direction to a stabs on the i North side of Kitty Branch 190 feet: hence un the run of said branch o a stake: thence Northwardly 514 "eet to R stnice .in said main road: hence Eastwardlv down said road 504 feet to a stake to the beginning, Containing five acres more or less. ! And all other lands owned by the ; laid James E. Weston and wife if J my. in Northwest Township. Bruits- 1 ,vick County. North Carolina. i All sales subject to report to and otii'ii motion bv the Court. Ten days l| lllowed for raise of bid before report nade. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of September 1940. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. KORECl.OSI HE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by rirtue of a decree of the Superior ffi Jourt of Brunswick County, N. C., j lated the 5th day of August. 1940. n an action entitled "Brunswick wOUtity versus ? > * T. Jj. Benton And Wife If Any,"? he undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the 7th, lay of October. 1940. at 12:00 o'clock B M.. at the Courthouse door. South)ort, X. C., to satisfy the decree pf laid court to enforce the payment >f $229.01, the following described eal estate located in North West Pownship. Brunswick County. N. C., ounded and described as follows: 3 Acres Home. And all oilier lands owned ny me ni laid defendants in Northwest Towndiip. Brunswick County, North Cgrjlina. All sales subject to report to and ior.firmation by the Court. Ten days tllowed for raise of bid before rejiort Tiade. Cash to be paid at sale. i This the 3rd. day of September 1940, S. B. Frink, Commissioner. / 9 NOTICE OF SAI.E OF LAND FOR PARTITION 9 Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the Superior Jourt of Hru lib wick County, N. C., H lated the 19th, day of August, 1940, ii a special proceeding entitled Wfarylily Fisher-Williamson, et. als. ,*s. Annie Thompson Brown, et. als. 'the undersigned commissioner appointed for the purpose, will on Monlay, Sept.. 30th, 1940. at 13 o'clock. Nor n, at the courthouse door In Miuthport. N. C'.. offer for sale to he highest bidder at public auction 9 for cash, for the purpose of |*arM- i ion, the following described lands f iiul premises, lying and being in 'the City of Southjiort, N. C.. and being noie particularly bounded and de- j icribed as follows, viz: Known as j part of Lots, Nos., 1 and 2 In ffte plan of the town of Southport, ,X. Beginning at Thomas M. Thompson's North line on Boundary street ft n Lot No. 1; running thence North ' nrardly with Boundary street 50 feet: Tj hsjnoe Eastwardly across said lot No. h l and half way across Lot No. -2 ! 19 feet: running thence Southwardly j >0 feet to Thomas M. Thompson's ; ine; thence Westwardly with said Thomas M. Thompson's line 99 feet | :o the beginning, the lands herein i (escribed i?-ii g 60 feet ill length, and 1 ;| )0 feet in width; Also another tot | 'routing on Bay street 99 feet and tinning back 148 fact being part of ? Lots Nos. 1 and 2 according to the j plan of said city of Southjiort, X. C. J The lands and premises to 1x3 sold . ire further described as being the ij >iii T. M. Thompson Homeplaoc on i he corner of Bay and Boundary ? dree t s, bounded on the South by v Hay street; on the West by Boun- t\ lary street; on the North by lands I pf Robert Thompson and on the 9 East by lands of Gertrude Ixpugltlln. ?ald lands will be sold for cash and [he successful bidder will be requir- ]}i id to deposit ten per cent of his pid with the commissioner jieivding confirmation. Dated and posted this August 29th. 1940. j ^ J. W. RUARK. Commissioner. COM MISSION F. ICS SA LE Notice Is hereby given that under ij %nd by virtue of a decree of the fa Superior Court of Brunswick County, August 12. 1940. in an action enlitled "J. Berg Vs. Abram Gibbs and r wife Mary Gibbs, Et Al., in the ?>u- ! >erior Court of Brunswick County, :hat the undersigned commissioner 1 will soil to the mgnesi oiauer iar ash at public auction at the courthouse door. Southport. N. C., on SATTRBAT, SEPTEMBER 11. 1840, B u 12:00 o'clock noon, the following p (escribed lands located in Brunswick County. Smithvllle Township, designated as follows: B All those two tracts or parcels of land set forth and described in the following deeds: 1, W. J. Parker and wife, to London Glbbs. April 21. 1873, recorded in Book V, Page 199. .. 2. W. J. Potter and wife, to BonIon Gibbs, September 3. 1877, recorded in Book CC. Page 249. The said land lies east of Rhett Street, adjoining the lands of Taylor and Berg, bought from Kate Stuart. This August 12th., 1940. C. Ed. Taylor, Commissioner. 1-11-c NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust executed by M. A. Northrop and Thelma Northrop, his wife, to Robert \V. Davis. Trustee, on the 25th. day r>f August. 1934. recorded in Book No. 53, at Page No. 633. registry of Brunswick County. North Carolina, Default having been made in the payments of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersinged substitute trustee, having been substituted to the right and duties of the said Robert W. Davis, as provided by I law. will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, at twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse Door In < Brunswick County, on the 16th day of September. 1940. all that certain S lot or parcel of land located In the ?' City of Southport, Brunswick County, l State of North Carolina, and descMo- ' ed and defined as follows: I BEGINNING at a point in fhe Eastern line of Boundary and Nash Streets. runs thence Northwardly with the Eastern Line of Boundary Street 45 feet to a stake; thence Eastwardly Sixty-Six (66) feet to a stake; thence Southwardly and parallel with Boundary Street 45 feet to a stake. Wm. Guthrie's corner, thence fl Westwardly and parallel with Nash f! Street 66 feet to the beginning, atfd being the same land conveyed to M. A. Northrop and S. B. Northrop, parties trading as M. A. Northrop & Company, by Southport Building & Loan Association. Mortgagee, by deed dated the 5th, of September,' A. 1 D. 1930, duly recorded in Book 54. ' at page 30. Records of Brunswick County, to which reference is here- I by especially made, and by Lucy Northrop to M. A. Northrop. 12th. day of January, 1931, duly recorded in Book 54. at page 110, records of Brunswick County. V Dated and posted this 15th day of August, 1940. S. B. Frink. Substituted Trustee. 9-il-c

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