??4GE SIX OPEN FORUM A column dedicated to opinion* of the public. A mouthpiece tor the Tlewa and observations ot our trlends and readers, for which we tecept no responsibility. Contributions to this column must not exceed three hundred words. FAVORS PAGEANT Southport, N. C.( Sept. 2, 1940. State Port Pilot, Southport, N. C. Dear Editor:? Why doesn't Southport follow th? suggestion of Mr. H. H. Thomas as made in the Pilot last w ?k and have a historical pageant here in Southport? t"here is a wealth of material about our town and county that could be turned into a pageant that would rival Paul Green's "Lost Colony." Too, we have a lot of talent right here in town that could take care of the acting, costuming, scenery and other phases of production. Last year for the Class Day exprcises of the Shallotte high school, one >of the teachers, Miss " ' " ^ ~w Uinl/AMf vcrntp jaa r. vreou, and produced a pageant: "The Birth of Brunswick." It was very effective and was presented on the order of the "Lost Colony" at Manteo which many of our citizens have already seen. This only goes to prove that we could have a pageant even if we should not be fortunate enough to have Mr. Green come and write it for us. Surely it would assist in making our little town more picturesque and would bring many visitors to see it. It is up to us. Will Southport have an historical pageant? Sincerely, SUSIE E. SELLERS. BOLIVIA NEWS t. Mrs. Lillian Mercer and children, Dollie and Guy have returned from a visit with relatives in Andrews, S. C. Mr. Foster Mintz, has returned from Duke Hospital, Durham, following an operation. His condition is much improved. Rev. Woodrow Robbins was the gidest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Johnson last week. Rev. Robbins conducted a successful revival at the Bolivia Baptist church. He is a promising young Baptist minister. Friends of Eolo Cesareo, a former member of the Bolivia school f^ctulty, will be interested to la&in that he has accepted the position as athletic instructor in |bb&?11 SEE US EOF EFFICIENCY FC The "common sense ful farm operation i ern, scientific farm r ment! Plan now to n See us for detailed i G. W. Kil SUPPI ?"m &9Ka&j S T R E 4 Through I Through L&r Through Soum TO SI YOU 1 f WACC. h BANK & 1 WHITI FAIRMONT CHAD * / CLARKTON TABOK KENAN NORTH C ?Member Federal Depoe JoneoMh^ai^e^^ew^erse^iigh | schools. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson | spent Sunday in Sumter, S. C., I where they went to enter Miss Mary Johnson as student nurse in a Sumter Hospital. Miss Ina Glenn Maultsby left Monday to enter Roper School of Nursing, Charleston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cowan of Virginia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hood last week. Miss Catherine Cannon has returned from Charlotte where she has completed a secretarial course at Carolina Business College. Miss Lucy Hand is visiting relatives in Petersburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Dresser, Alvin Dresser and Miss Martha Blake of Woodburn, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cannon Sunday. Hugh Mercer, Leon Leonard and Ed Mercer are at home on leave from the Navy at Hampton Roads, Va. Mrs. J. W. Danford of Hope Mills is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Leonard. The women of Bolivia Methodist church organized a Woman's Society of Christian Service on Monday afternoon with Mrs. B. [ M. Wilson, president; Mrs. J. E. Gill, vice-president; Mrs. Geo. Cannon Secretary-Treasurer. " " "? ..,{11 Ko j An lnstaiiaiiun aci vivc *>i?* | held on September 22nd at 8 p. m. Mrs. J. P. Hand, Misses Lucy and Vivian Hand, Mrs. Boyd McKeithan and children spent the week end at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Taylor have gone to Kingsport, Tenn., where they have positions in the Kingsport school. Mrs. Bessie Pate, Miss Edna Maultsby, Don Newsom, and Lenard Gaskill of Kinston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Maultsby and family. Friends of Lee Phelps will regret to learn that he is ill at his home here. Mrs. Alfred Standly and children visited relatives at Shallotte last week. Friends of little Joyce Bell will be glad to learn she is much improved after several weeks ill! ness. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Milligan and little son and Mr. Gore of Ash. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Milligan and little son of Bolivia visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mintz and family at Winnabow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phelps and family visited relatives in Charlotte and South Carolina last week. Hampton Austin accompanied them home. Mrs. T. B. Player of Wilming] ton visited her sister, Mrs. S. |> I LOW COST )R YOUR FARM! solution to successs answered by modnachinery and equipaodernize your farm, nformation. by & Son LY, N. C. <rmmr SwSPw NGTH i experience ^ ge Resources d Management ERVE ? * WELL \ AMAW [RUST CO. iVILLE BOURN ROSEHILL CITY SOUTHPORI SVILLE AROLINA It Insurance Corporation JgP--*^ E?riorr?s wr j LIABILITY INSUBAACE f WAUSAU. WISCO W. Maultsby, last week. Mrs. Evelyn Bell and litl daughter visited Mrs. Beami j Huette at Shallotte Tuesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Milliga S. W. Maultsby, and Rasti I Maultsby were in Whiteville business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Huette Wilmington spent part of la week with Mrs. Huette's paren Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Phelps. Bolivia Club Women Met The Bolivia Home Demonsti tion Club met at the Boliv Lunch room on September 3i In the absence of the preside) Mrs. Geo. Cannon conducted t business session. The club voted to join t "Associated Country Women the World", and to invite t country council to meet at B< ivia on September 18th. The secretary read the resol tions passed by the N. C. Fed< ation of Home Demonstrati Clubs in Raleigh August 1 and a letter from the State Pr< ident. Officers of Bolivia Club ai President, Mrs. J. E. Gill; President, Mrs. Frank Mini Secretary and Treasurer, M Weston Willetts. Mrs. Marion Dosher hor agent, explained the 4-H co tests and asked the women assist the 4-H girls in any w they could. TTie lesson on "Simple Wat Systems for the Farm Horn was given by the agent. Members present were: M( dames W. K. Cox, D. L. Merci J. D. Johnson, A. R. Mercer, Tr Danford, Geo. Cannon, W. W letts, FranK Mintz, ana a Kopp. Winnabow News Miss Louise Swain is visiti: her aunt in Petersburg, Va. Adrian Phelps spent the pa week-end at Franklinville. Robert Puckett of Wilmlngt spent the week end with Jo! William Savage. Miss Mattie Johnson has e tered James Walker Memor Hospital for training. Mrs. W. A. Kopp and childr spent Sunday afternoon with t Taylors. J. L. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. P. Henry, W. C. Savage, A. Henry, Jr., and Kemp Holden, t latter of Supply, spent Sunday Banner Elk. Dalton Sellers we to Banner Elk Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zibbe and Mrs. W. D. Tharp spent St day at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Eldrid of Carolina Beach visited I Zibbelins Sunday . Miss Julia Taylor has reporl for work as a member of I school faculty at Graham. Miss Mary Johnson returr to Charlotte Tuesday to resu studies at Queens. Jack a Charlie Taylor took her up. Jack Taylor returned to Rii mond Wednesday to resume work at University of Richmo Miss Alice Johnson and lit Sophie Anne Johnson spent 1 week end at Waycross, Ga., \ xlPPlif' ^ I |g^ll mW 4 A AjbJiM 'ifiN r 8MTPBHw I j . |B :>" ' fl rum COMPANY ^Ml 'lyi..^"*!! H JBf ^Bh4| NS1N ^a^gr J iting Miss Katherine Johnson, tie Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cavanaugh !f an spent Sunday at Wnghtsville with I j of their daughter, Mrs. Lubie Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. George Richman I in, moved to Wilmington this week. 1 ce H. C. Reynolds has returned I ( on j home from Oteen. I Mr. and Mrs. Rifton Sellers^ of visited the Earps here Sunday. ist ts, (Crowded out last week) Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Knox and I children of Raleigh, spent the , week end with Mrs. Minnie i Knox. Mrs. Ed Newton and children I a. of Southport, Lindon Knox, of Wilmington and Harold Lund, of m N. Y., spent Sunday with her also. Mrs. Jeanette Deaton and chilhe dren and Mrs. C. M. Dawkins and children of Biscoe spent the he week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. of! W. Dawkins. Chas Dawkins, Jr., he returned with them after a pleasal ant visit here. Miss Laura Akerman of Acmelu Delco faculty spent the week end :r-1 with the Reids. Mrs. Reid conon | tinues very feeble, st, j Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Withrow ;s-1 of Leland spent Sunday with the j Reids. e: | George Cannon and 2 daughters V- of Bolivia spent Sunday afternoon -,z\ with the Taylors, rs. Sgt.. Lee Kye returned Saturday afternoon from a pleasant ne visit with relatives in Winstonm Salem. Miss Violet and Vivian to Shields returned with him to ay visit. Jr., and little daughter, Pauline, ;er Mjatuaaj^ -f _ 'M SJIV pun 'xjft e>? anu jwr. ana mrs. u. ai. r reeman of Charleston, S. C., spent ;s_ the week end with their parents. jr Miss Magnolia Cavenaugh spent 0 ' the week in Wilmington with her il_ sister, Mrs. Lubie Kelly, who is till sickFriends will sympathize with Mrs. Rex Wunderlick in the death of her brother last week in Mullins, S. C. They spent part of the week there, ng i Mrs. J. C. Maultsby and daughter, Miss Gertrude and Miss Ida ust Mae Mintz spent Sunday afternoon at Carolina Beach with Mrs. on Mayo. hn | Miss Clarice Swain visited I friends in Lumberton and Whitem ville during the week returning iai Tuesday morning. The Young People League of en New Hope and Woodburn parhe ticipated in a Bible baseball game Sunday evening at Woodbun A church which was very interestp ing. New Hope won 16 to 3. he The questions were on the first at 14 chapters of Acts. They will ,nt have another on the last 14 chapters of Acts at New Hope the !jn first Sunday in October and all ,_ are invited to attend, int Shallotte News ted (Crowded out last week) the Miss Betty Anne Johnston left Friday for her home in Washled ington, Penn., after spending the me summer with relatives. .ml Miss Marion Mills and Mrs. Pat Moore, of Wilmington, spent ah- the week-end with Mrs. Moore's his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Russ. nd. Billy Russ and Raney W. tie Cheers, Jr., left Tuesday for the Boone, where they will attend Is- school at A. S. T. C. SOUTHPORT, N. C. fMre.. Johns: ''Is Mrs.^ Amos The "Durham* And Their Refugee Warmly Receivt (Continued from page 1.) Katharine McGregory. She tall heard in the movies. He que; tioned her more closely. Everj thing got settled, and the fan ily was sitting out on the fror porch. Major Durham called lit tie Katharine over and had he I Keziah to come around and ge ! a nhntopraDh for the newspa 1 8 Wm SB& SWff'? "I don't believe that would W ^9? a good idea, Bonner," object ? 'I Major Durham. terrupted, "You're being too mo MliPilPP^PH^ d est. That picture of her sittii j "III1 MlililiftllljMIIMlllPTtrl on your knee would look migh good in the up-state newspapei They'd all be glad to know th ^j|rl refugee children are so well car for." He noted with some sati I faction that Major Durham w ! getting a little flushed, and th *j his wife was showing signs being a little uncomfortable. "I'll just go find Keziah", 3 said, and started down the stej i "Hey, Bonner, wait a minu he said. "But he'll be on aroui A MM here a little later. He's era: to get the picture and an inte K J | " view." 1^I "Listen, Bonner", said Maj Durham, mopping his brow. Miss Annie Laurie Swain, is have something to tell you. Yi ipending the week with relatives 1 !iee' th,s. ro.ally is"^ f little Scc r,. i.t ?i t,s^ S11-' a' a"- Shes my seer n r ayetucvuic. lary up a I me pension uepaiwie Mr. and Mrs. Marion H. Gatlin | in Raleigh and Lois and I thoug ire spending a while with Mr. ! ft would be fun to dress her i Jatlins' parents in Raeford. |?"d f??' ** fo'ks' But ^ ^ . T , thought it would turn out th Mrs. R. D. White and Jack way jjere j Want to introdu eturned Thursday from Western j her to you. Captain Bussells, th ^orth Carolina where they have ! is Miss Louise Upchurch of Re >een vacationing since July. leigh." Mrs. Gene Russ returned last J "Yes", confided the captai veek from Hampton Roads, Va., | "That's what she told me abo vhere she has been visiting her' three minutes after you all g sister. here." I SIX s I Ever] "No B I FARMERS CAN SI I THE DAY. PRIC I UP. DEMAND I GOOD WHITE SE1 I TOBi | HIG WEDNESDAY, SEPT. n ...I - good nlTuhbor a! ATTrecej ve stress In f,1' I 1- (Continued from page 1.) much lobar, ? , ? ,l:ig he ing the local representatives were as $30 to .>4., : , , hun.Jred ,r" taken to the various new devel- Mr. Stafford said. jjWj ooments of the city by radio Farmers continue t0 sh0w s, B . patrol car and the new two-way faction with the prices that^B Sd radio system of these cars was are evnlained and demonstrated. , said. 3 ' The notes were taken off the Mr. Staffoi : I- , qnno I Pairmnnt iv pigeons rnuttj cmciaw.. ,? , . '".was mailed to the Wilmington | main open as l.,^ a. "oul1 it^E d Mayor for inclusion in his book;any tobacco in p,,,,,', of mementoes and as a proof to | sold. that body that the birds had made i ? the flight, unmistakcably.. O'Brien NUMEROUS CAV*~ ?L it stated in the accompanying let- j BEFORE KEinon-M ter that this opening step is just I fContinued i. : , i , r a sign of the continued amicable j Nettie Parker, '' fiP S relations between the two cities. I fore Judge S; r . , ? <as e (with violating FAIRMONT MART apendcd sent. . '' a 1 AVERAGES GAIN 130 days by h . ? (Continued from page one) fairs in shape bofr,t(. 'r e ferings of medium and common I serving her ti e jJ3j WHITE VILLI-: ^ ty FIRST SALE?Monday, Sept. 16 flj at FIRST SALE-Wednesday, Sept. IS 9 ? FIRST SALE?Friday, Sept. 211 9 ^ BRING YOUR TOBACCO WHILE PRICES 9 of ARE GOOD! . . PLENTY OF SPACE! 9 ALES I V Day I ilocks" I 'it a inr iiAirn rvr B iLL AN I MUUK Ur ES ARE HOLDING B IS STRONG FOR B I LEAF. B VILLE LLS I 1CCO HER J

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