B^nWFSPAY, OCTOBER I flic 3?tgliter I <&ur $ ^B ... depend on I /.^er Side" to fill our society ' week we have unc tions to report H -pje Woman's Club had it's I literature social of the year, HL^' ;v c was honored on her ^B and the teachers I ."j party honoring one of their Richards . . . I of the most interesting we've heard of is one ^B at Mrs. Dudley's tarty oafh of the guests v picture of her : the object was to guess IJ game of each baby . . . I y.; cranmer identified the most > 1 I nv wish that we could have ^B ... ,'okimn some short and Irappy items like "Not Exactly ly,.,v . . hut by the time we ^B already writI for that column . . . and B.,;r if we do hear anything first ^B stolen or made Hedged story . . . Hale the story about Miss Josie |H| , (here's no honor among ofi'spaper columnists . . . * * * ;Ve were thinking the other H^r about nicknames ... Do H who in town answers "t Sky? . . . Gator? \m1 ,.. Toby" . . . who is Tiddledy 'r-.fcC .... who is called would it be hardwho Toddy is or ask rat her real name is? . . . from nicknames to real M Who's middle name is Fern ^B Thst two ladies have for THE GREATES1 THE GRE; We don't believe tha say that the location of sition to be of the great jreatest possible number Already, many perso of the county to do their not only is more convenie more satisfactory?and n run. Shallotte 1 HOBSON KIRBY, Prop. FREE I Shady I FORMAL OF I TWO ' I BIG : I DAYS 23, 1940 ??e ?f fife |! [cipmatr I thetr first and middle names the name of a famous queen of Scotland? . . . what is the Zue in Miss Annie Zue Newton's i name a contraction of ? . . . Who's first name is Minhette? There are a lot more inter| esting names in Southport . . . j but it might be boring to you, jour gentle reader. If it isn't and I you'd like to hear them . . . and you let us know . . . we'll [dig up some more . . . RANKIN-ALDRIDGE Of much interest to her wide circle of friends in Southport and ; vicinity is the announcement of the marriage in Washington, D. , C? on Wednesday evening, October 9. of Miss Margaret Eliza- j ,beth Aldridge, daughter of Mrs j Lee B. Aldridge of this city, to Mr. Salem Dickson Rankin, son j ! of Mrs. Anna M. Crowe of New' Castle, Pennsylvania. The wedding took place at the home of Mr. : and Mrs. Harry L. Edwards, 9126 I St. Andrews Way, Silver Springs, 1 Maryland, at eight o'clock, the jRev. C. F. Phillips officiating. The home was beautifully decorated throughout for the occasion, the improvised altar, banked with palms, ferns, white i chrysanthemums and lighted j candles, being particularly lovely, j Soft music preceded the cere| mony and was played throughout. Miss Sue Tate, the bride's only ! attendant, preceded her to the 'altar. She wore light gray crepe anu cameo an arm nouquei ot bronze chrysanthemums tied with bronze satin ribbon. The bride entered on the arm of Mr. Harry L. Edwards by whom she was r GOOD FOR EST NUMBER >t we exaggerate when we our store places us in poest possible service to the of citizens of this county. ns who formerly went out trading are finding that it nt to trade here, it also is nuch cheaper in the long j rading Co. SHALLOTTE, N. C. GIFTS ?AT? Park Esso O. G. HEWETT, Prop. Shallotte, N. C. 'ENING, SATURD/ CTOBER 26 -; On Friday and Saturday we will Rive away Absolutely FREE one Cigarette Lighter with each Can of Esso Lighter Fluid, or one 4-oz. Can of Esso Handy Oil with each purchase of 5 Gallons or more of Esso or Esso Extra. I ( Also About FREE Gre . given in marriage. She was radi antly lovely in a gown of soft j blue crepe trimmed with silver | embroidery and wore a delicate silver chain at the neck. Her bouquet was of talisman roses tied with yellow satin. Mr. James Wallr.ee Rankin, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held, with about thirty-five guests extending congratulations and best wishes to the | young couple. Shortly thereafter 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rankin left on a short wedding trip, after which they will reside at 5005 15 Street, North Arlington, Va. HONOR RECENT BRIDE Misses Doris Butler and Nora Stevenson were hostesses on Tuesday night in the home of Mrs. James Prevatte honoring Mrs. Ray Richards, who before her recent marriage was Miss Thelma Comer. Bridge was played at three tables with high score prize, a ladies billfold, going to Mrs. Robert Willis. Mrs. Warren Hood received the traveling prize, a box of Old Spice Talcum. The bride was presented with a corsage by the hostesses and with a set of crystal sherberts and dessert plates by all those present. At the conclusion of the playing the guests were invited into the dining room where a threetiered wedding cake was arranged on the table. Satin ribbons were drawn from the cake and each guest found her fortune attached. Bride and groom baskets filled with nuts were favors and each guest was given a piece of bride's cake to sleen on. Bridal ices with coffee and cake were served the following: Mesdames H. W. Hood, Robert Willis, W. R. Lingle, James Pre-1 vatte, Vienna Leggett, and Misses Perry, Bert Calvin, Marjorie Wellborne and Louise Asbury. SEVENTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY Mrs. S. W. Dudley was honored on her 75th birthday, which was on the 10th, with a surprise party by Mrs. J. G. Christian. The Christian home was attractively decorated for the occasion with cut flowers. During the evening contests J were played, the winners being Mrs. E. H. Cranmer and Mrs. C. G. Rourk. The prizes they received were an ash tray and two guest towels. The dining table was centered with individual cakes with candles, giving the effect of one lighted cake. Sandwiches and hot tea were served the guests. Those present were: Mesdames H. C. Corlette, Sr., H. C. Corlette, Jr., W. G. Butler, R. W. Davis, Sr., Edna Bell, L. Leiner, E. H. Cranmer, Sallie Medlin, C. G. Ruark, George Y. Watson, Annie K. Vitou, Ida Marshall and J. D. Sutton. Mrs. Dudley received many gifts to remind her of the occasion. WOMAN'S CLUB The Woman's Club met on Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. H. B. Smith for it's first literature social of the fall 1 FREE I Service i I I ' IY-SUNOAY 17 DON'T MISS THESE ase Job!? '1 1 *\ THE STATE PORT PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. ( _ , , i of Mrs. Carl Galloway. Th< The home was decorated with | ^ 35 ?UPgtg prpsent to j0 seasonal cut flowers for the oc-1 the games and contents, aft casion. which a salad course was sew Mrs. L. C. Fergus presented a Mrs- Galloway received ma: . . .. , , beautiful and useful gifts, most interesting review of the book "Statesman of the Lost -? ?Cause". She told of conditions in T4 Y 4 ? J 7 ?3 the South before and during the fW [H \ftj Civil War, and told of the men X ^ SLi t ? lUt who formed the government of the Confederacy. DDII?r I ly, we decided to sacrifice it at Public Auc- Of Their Ti tion. Don't let anything keep you away. Fur Our loss your gain! COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! T. M. McKENZIE A U STARTING FRII AND CONTINUING TWO SALES I), Store Opens 8 A. M. till Closing Time. C< Comfort. Beautiful Presents Absolutely J. T. M L. M. SVVE1 9 ?rf lin HOSPITAL PATIENT pr Lewis P.obmson of Supply en ,t! tered Dosher Memorial Hospita tl? a3 a medical patient Saturday ENTERS HOSPITAL A. Rv Willetts of VVinnabov ! entered Dosher Memorial Hospita \ Tuesday as a medical patient. MEDICAL PATIENT ! Kenneth Hewett of Shallotb is a medical patient at Doshe 1 Memorial Hospital. J IN HOSPITAL Mrs. H. T. Bowmer of South at port is in Dosher Memorial Hos jU j pital for medical attention. FOR OBSERVATION J. O. Garner of Southport wai admitted to Dosher Memoria Hospital for observation Sunday te ' SKALLOTTE VILLAGE NEWS al Miss Len Cliadwick returned ti Wilmington Wednesday nigh after spending Tuesday and Wed ncsday with her parents. Mr. am 13 Mrs. J. M. Chad wick, th Mrs. Ed Millaken of Wilming *r , Jo ononHincr inmn timp vvritl 1- | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alber ? Williams. ' J&usj WED * THUR * FRI SAT WATSONS SOUTHPORT, N. C. CARD OF THANKS 5 We take this means of thank | ing the mny friends and relative! j for their sympathy and help givei I us in every possibly way, durin; the illness and death of ou: [ sister, Mrs. Lucretia Long. Ma; ! God's richest blessings rest upoi ; them all. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Russ fTANTADSWANTED: Man for Rawleigl Route. Permanent if you ari a hustler. For particulars writi Rawleigh's, Dept. NCJ-211-103 Richmond, Va. 10-23-* WANTED?Hogs and cattle al i sizes. Best market prices al jLongwood, N. C., at our statior every Saturday, 8:00 A. M. t< 11:00 P. M. Cash paid in ful j same day. Auction sale everj Tuesday, 1:00 P. M., Fairmont |N. C. FAIRMONT STOCK YARDS, Phone 4011. 5-8-tl r have on "hand?28 mules 5 horses, 3 milk cows. Thii stock is the kind you will like j Prices ranging from $65.00 tc ! $300.00. I will have a big supplj of mules, horses and cows or 'hand throughout the summer See me when you need anything in livestock. J. P. NEWTON i Phone 2006 Wilmington, N. C. ! 5-8-tf-c. ie & L< NNOUNC earancc emendous Stock 0 0 niture, Stoves, Rug Home Furnishings r pubi CT1 )AY, OCTOBER 25 ULY?2:30 p. m. and 7 3me Early And Make FREE. Courteous Tr cKenz WH1TEVILLE, N. ( [T (AUCTIONEER I ? Ontario's mines yielded six per " cent more gold in the first six r j months this year than in the I first half of 1939 and reached an i all time high record for a single v month in June. This Fastpn EU E KIT Action Helps lltEl EH I .Colds Developing 1 Put Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril at first sniffle, sneeze, or nasal irritation. Its stimulating action aids Nature's defenses against the cold?and so helps " prevent colds from developing. Try VICKS VATBOHOl LEGALS 1 xoTirn or roitK( i.osrHF. sai.e j Notice is herel>y given that under and bv virtue of a power of sale I contained in a certain mortgage deed s I executed by C. T. Lewis ami wife to ) i D. B. Lewis, dated May 30th. 1933, recorded in Book No. .13 at Page No. t1 406, records of Brunswick County, N. C\, to secure pa>1nent of a eer" lain note therein recited, default hav, ing been made in payment thereof. 1 the undersigned mortgagee, to satisfy said note, will on Monday Nov. 11th 1910, at twelve o'clock Noon, offer for sale to highest bidder for cash 1 at public auction, at courthouse door in Southport. N. C., a certain tract L of land, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a blackgum .Ion a ditch in a small hrattch; runs thence S. 15 degrees 16 poles to a stake; thence S. 0U N. 11 poles to a stake; thence S. 50 |-:. in poles to a pine; theme N. 87 K 157 poles to a pine; in U. R Lewis line; thence with H. F. I^ewis line to a line of Samuel Beck land; theme with said Beck line North of a small branch that makes out of Cross branch; thence up said small branch to beginning, containing 50 tyres, more or less. Dated and posted this (X*t. 9th, 1940. D. B. Lewis, Mortgagee. J. W. Buark. Attv.. Southnort. X. C. t;-n-c " . FOIIECLOSI UK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue fit a decree of the Court of Brunswick County, \. c. dated the 1st day oT September 19iu, , i? an action entitled "City of Southport versus James A. Clemmons and wife, et al". the undersigned oom? mlssioner will expose jit public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 1th day of November 1940. at 12:15 o'clock A. M. at the Courthouse door. South port, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court _ to enforce the payment of $1741.1!. the following described real estate, located in City of Southport, Bruns wick County, N. C? bounded ami c, described as follows: FIRST TRACT: BEING ALL OF 1 LOT No. 10, in Block No. 8 in (3. r F. Swasey Addition to Southport, as shown on plot of said addition, and r recorded in Registers office of r Brunswick County, on page 123. Book 4, said lot fronts on Lord Street 33 1 Feet and runs back 132 Feet the same width to the center of said Block No. 8. ami being the same lot or parcel of land heretofore conveyed to Ben . Parker by O. F. Swasey and wife 8th day of August, 1912, duly recorded in Book 20, at page 05, Records of Brunswick County. SECOND TRACT: BEING all of - lot No. 11 in Block 8 in O. F. 1 Swasey Addition to Southport, N. C\. said lot being 33 feet front on Lord - Street East front and runs back to ? the center of said block no 8, one Hundred Thirty Two feet and being '? the same lot conveyed to Maggie .Mc Kay by O. F. Swasey. and wife 7th August. 1911, duly recorded in Book 10. at page 178, and by said .Maggie McKay widew, to Ben Parker, by 1 deed dated April 5, 1918, duly rel corded in Book 32. page 29f>: and r being the same two lots or panels 1 of land conveyed to James Clemmons by I. E. Watson and wife, by } deed dated 17th January. 1931, duly 1 recorded in Book 54, at page 135, Records of the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County. N. ('.. , to which reference is hereby especial. ly made. k Also any other lands owned by ? sthe said James A. Clemmons and wife in the City of Southport, N. C. " All sales subject to report to and ? confirmation by the Court. Ten days j allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 4th day of October 1910. ) J. W. Ruark, Commissioner. r 10-30-c ' [ FORECLOSt'RE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior ' Court of Brunswick County. N. <\, ' dated the 1st day of September 1910, in an action entitled "City of Southport versus George A. Clemmons and wife, if any, et al", the undersigned commissioner will expose at public ). Whitev es? n O 1 i Sale = if High-Grade Lin' ? tine s and dox wot I 1 trul can den [ON th, 2:30 P. M. :30 p. m., FOR A LIM] Your Own Selections eatment And Wonderf ie & ( N CHARGE) ille,N.C.| j ome of America'# st furniture includ- ? Fogle, Mersman, ndt, Huntley, Tomon, Globe, Virginia :oln, Simmons, Conntal, National Madand others in solid >ds and veneers. 'he Auctioneer will hfully describe I ry article sold. You buy with confice. ) J j j [TED TIME ONLY . Chairs For Your1 ul Bargains For All. ?o. ; I i ; ' ' PAGE THREE ljj auction sale to the highest bidder for In cash on the Ith day of November 4*1 1940 at ll' o'clock M. at the Court- 8*9 house door, Southport. N. C, to By satisfy the de< ree of said court to BA enforce the payment ot' >176.34. the 2W following described real estate, local- Wfl ed in City of Southport, Brunswick nl?; County. N. C.. bounded and describ- 81 ed as follows: BEGINNING where the West lino B!1 of Clarendon Avenue is intersected 8i| by the North Line of Leonard Street, : runs thence North with Clarendon IU j Avenue t:?; Feet: thence Westwardly, . Til parallel with Leonard Street 182 Feet; :f.i thence Southwardly parallel with tl, Clarendon Avenue titl Feet to the North . ?f| ; Line of Leonard Street; thence along jjjj : tlie North line of Leonard Street a , Eastwardly 132 Feet to the beginning. i and being Lot No. 2 and 4 in Block flll Six (<;> in Swusev Addition to the City of Southport. as recorded in ijLJ i Book 22. at page 124. office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick rPi| J County, to which reference is here- ]|kj i by especially made. ' | Also all other lands owned by the tIN saiil George A. Cleminotts and wife in the City of Southport. X. C. All sales subject it* report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days |f' i allowed for raise of bid before report jP|'; I made. Cash to be paid at sale, i This file 4111 day of October 1940. Be! J. W. Ruark, Commissioner, j10-30-e 81 COM MISSION F 11*8 SALE OF REAlj ESTATE In accordance with the judgment Sfl rendered by the Superior Court of 8* ; Brunswick County July 22. 1940, in :fi* I re: Tlit* Citizens National Bank of flM J Emporia, Virginia. Executor vs. 88 Sampson Rower Company, appoint! iug the undersigned commissioner to CP I sell the land condemned in said judg- flUj ment to satisfy a mortgage made by \ J i t he said Sampson Power Company i y to G. L .Vincent and duly recorded ipj in Book 39 page 315 in the Office Hfl of Hi-' Register of Deeds of Bruns- 'jW wick County. I will, in conformity iSl-j with said judgment, offer for sale jIH at public auction on .Monday the 28th day of October. A. !>. 1940 at ? ?. 12:00 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Southport. North Car- H persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit a| them to the undersigned at South- H purl. Ncrtii C;iiol:ii:i. on or before /IN (the 2nd day of 1 ntoher, 1911, or this jl| notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All >ersons indebted '<> ;| said estate please make immediate payment. ij | This 2nd day of October. 19|0. May Phelps. Executrix of the Will $X of .Mrs. Emma T. White. , r NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the w 19th day of September, 1940, I did lease to W. T). and J. C. Clifton of _jpf Old Dock. North Carolina the fol- *f-W lowing described oyster bottom. I.EASE NO. 233 Located at Jank Longs' Landing : in Tubs Sound, Brunswick County, W ( N. C. Beginning at a stake on tho H western margin of W. A. Longs' IChannel in Tubs Sound near Jank 'If ! Longs' Landing, said stake ranges S. *i 15-30 W. 317 feet from a large live [oak tree and runs with the margin | : of the channel the following courses H land distances N. 12-15 E. 116 feet; IN. 61-30 E. 135 feet; N. 71-45 E. > Ills feet; N. 80-15 E. 142 feet; S. 61-00 ftfl E 170 I; S 56 l- i: 232 feet; S. SI 84-15 E. 396 feet to a. stake on the H north side of the channel; thence across the channel S. 36-30 W. 242 feet to a stake; thence N. 77-Oft W. H 1068 feet to the beginning, containing M 5.34 acres. This the 19th day of September, John L. Caps, Fisheries Commissioner. 10-23-c