??? I . -?ar,E SIX r\ ? ' I Skipper H. T. Watts of th Uon tarpenter sea Giri has aire&dy promised t * m ' be cooperative with the visitor! krnminrr RorL He win see that they &et fish ' vUllllllg DdLlY they don't pick a time when th weather is too bad to get out Outdoor Writer For Wash-! ^ k . , _ rj * Other recent visitors here, a, mgton Uaily News is editors or writers, who are plan Planning A Return Visit ning to return early in Januar Here Soon i are Dave Roberts of the Cincin nati, Ohio, Enquirer; Joe Brooks Don Carpenter. hunting and Maryland sportsman and fishinj fishing editor of the Washington j authorlty and Jonn Alaen Knjgh Daily News, is roaring to come i of New Jersey. Knight is the lec back to Southport for some more turer on angling at Columbii fishing before Christmas. He University and is the author o writes he wants to find out how various works on fishing. Rob long a fishing season Southport er'3, Brooks and Knight, and pos - sibly J. Hammond Brown of th< n- ^ Baltimore American, plan to comi Carpenter and companions from . . ... , . . ... . ._ . , , down together for a week of hunt Washington were here three . 'B weeks ago and made a fine catch. ln? a "**' Since then he has been singing cook: "I'm leavin' in exactly the praises of Southport as a new three minutes." cldorado for the sportsman in Mrs timothy: "Then put th( the Daily News at every oppor- eggS on to boil, and we'll hav< tunlty, also in his contact with them right for once." sportsmen. His companions on the trip are no less enthuasistic boost- "I wonder why it is we can'1 ers. Now they want to return save anything?" and' try it again to see how long "It's the neighbors, dear ;thej a fishing season this section can are always doing something we reaily boast of having. can't afford." BICYCLES i -for christmas? SURPRISE YOUR YOUNGSTERS CHRISTMAS MORNING WITH A NEW PACKARDBIKE reduced now ?|$24.95 IfT# PI Daisy Rifles . . Philco and G. E. Radios . . Boxing Gloves . . Darts . . ^enn's ' ' Badminton . . Skates? \ ?km Union Hardware . . Taylor Velocipe\ J ^eS ' ' ^mer'ca s Finest Footballs . . Basketballs . . Archery Sets. I SNEEDEN'S CYCLE CO. I 114 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. 1 REMEMBER TO SHO 1 WHITEVIi ? $ AND ASK YOUR MERCHA | Trade Ticke m $ A TOTAL OF | $125"InP ': % TO BE GIVEN AWA I SATURDAY, DEC. 14 and .1 ?2:00 p. m. AT A. C. L. DE d| ?YOU MUST BE PRESENT I Whiteville Mei j . | Associatio v?* 8 e| FARM AGENT 0 s.! Poor farming comes more f from not doing than not knowe ing how to do. 1 In managing pullets, the personal factor is very important. If the ' 11 caretaker attends to details j fe - promptly and takes time to ob- 8 y serve the condition of the pul- I - lets daily things usually go along .9 i, O. K? but if he lacks interest :j y and lets things slide along he is, 9 j headed for trouble. j m _ j Lights should not be used onL pullets during the first layingj 9 1 cycle in early fall. Later, when I f days get short, the production be-1 9 ' gins to drop and the birds begin j 9 " j to drop a few feathers, turn on i 9 21 lights. Do not work the birds for j 9 21 more than 12 hours daily. Sow Carala or Red Heart i 9 | Wheat between November 15th I 19 r j and December 15th. s j All farms owned and operated , [jby the same operator within a! 9 ' | county can be combined if oper ! ated as a unit. Any part of a t farm rented for cash shall remain ja part of the original farm or wi r be treated as a separate farm. f0 In no case will the combination (of the cash rented tract with ' .! the farm operated by the renter' ? be permitted. | Pr j The above is part of a letter m received from the chairman of fo the state committee. pc Sunday School Lesson Z ! By GROVER C. PHILLIPS Sp pr< must be borne in mind while we accept the truth that all prevailing prayer is heard and answered: First, our prayers may th: be answered negatively, and one T'' must be willing to accept a neg-;of ative answer, even as Jesus (Matt. IGo 26: 39) and Paul (2nd Corinthians 311 12: 7-9) accepted such answers J ?vl Second, our prayers will not be "G answered merely because they are often repeated, but that fact should never deter us from pray- Th ing much and often. We are admonished to "Pray without ceas- J ing" '1st Thessalonians 5: 17); to "continue instant in prayer" Po (Romans 12: 12) and to "be careful for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with qui thanksgiving, let your requests be wil made known unto God" (Philip- ati pians 4: 6). poi It has been said that a life of to prayer is a life of heaven and pec some of us would not exchange : sor our prayer-life for all the wealth i to of this world. "Oh, the pure delight of a single yy hour That before Thy throne I spend? be When I kneel in prayer and with jn Thee, my God, j t i I commune as friend with I tri( SSSRMSSSSSiRSSSM to M lg ? i & I ^ ?" M I & I PIN | & I: LLE I ? m .NT FOR | 1 % I 'ts S1 18 ^ 1 ny nzes I1 f' DEC. 21 | | pot? | TO WIN? ? : chants I; & j 5 ; n | i i i 6 ' S ' 1 s * W. A mmmmmmm | - THE STATE POR Receives Some WWe Mention ?y ;?4m M , '.; > :> " . ", '; whi^'ok' '' ' BT^ fetftii ^SB$? ?' ^SIHHBHB^^ '-.*P FRANK BROWN, who is last year an auctioneer r the Crutchfield tobacco irehouse here, recently it his picture in all the incipal magazines and e t r o politan newspapers r his endorsement of a ipular brand of cigarettes. friend." rhe more we pray, the more come to realize the need of ich prayer. On one occasion urgeon, the great English " * * - ? ut ;acner, saia to a menu. ? ve so much work to do today it I cannot get along with less in three hours of prayer", -eless prayer, based on a sense need and with a quest for d's will, always brings abundt answer from the "fount of ;ry blessing." h, Thou, by whom we come to God, rhe life, the truth, the way; e path of prayer Thyself hast trod: Lord, teach us how to pray!" istmaster Asks That Mailing Be Done Early (Continued from Page 1) icker, cleaner service if they 11 exercise the proper consideron and cooperation", the Southrt postmaster says, hastening add that the response of local >ple to these pleas in past seals has indicated a willingness do their part. Oman's Club Begins Planning Christmas Tree (Continued from page one) for third and fourth places the above contests. V discount is offered on elec:ity by the city and in order secure this discount the lights 9 Meeting Industry's I Defense I Telephone rk Needs f Many southern in- I dustries are strenuously at work building new plants, expanding existing ones, and generally gearing their facilities and man-power to advance the nation's defense program. It is a tremendous and urgent job they have taken on. Their rapidly increasing communications needs create an equally important job of service expansion for theTelephone Company, including the engineering and installation of enlarged telephone facilities in many localities. These industries are going ahead with their production and expansion activities and plans, with confidence that the Telephone Company will meet their telephone needs promptly and fully. Their daily requirements are being provided now, and the thousands of highly trained telephone workers are prepared with materials ana experience to meet whatever servce demands the future holds. OUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ND TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCOarultATEB m :T PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. [must be outside the house, mustj ,be on by the 20th of the month, | and must be reported to E. R. | Weeks. Trees and house decorations to be judged should be reported to Mrs. William Styron by Christmas Eve. This is for the convenience of the judges who will J make their decisions on Christmas night. FUNERAL FOR CAPTAIN CRAIG (Continued From Page 1) I ceived his pilot license when he I was 21 years of age and was | ' active on the Cape Fear river un-1 ! til he retired April 1, 1937. At j that time he was manager of the! ; Wilmington-Cape Fear Pilots as- j ; sociation. ROWLAND TALKS TO LELAND FOLKS (Continued from Page li get and finance committee. He reported that the motion picture projector had been received by I the school and was ready for im| mediate use. Miss Gertrude Maultsby's first: grade won the attendance prize.; ____________ LONG SESSION FOR RECORDER (Continued from page one) I Similar action was taken re- j garding a like charge against j Paul Willis, white, and also on' ' ??. I janouier cnaige ui pwaimwng *?*?*?-, ors to trespass. Nettie Parker, white, was in I court to hear judgment in a case | charging her with possession of | non-tax paid liquor for which she j was tried several weeks ago. She ? | Pay For It $? As You Lovely Lamps Refl 38 Of The Giver | For Cf jy What a gorgeous gift 58 Choosing lamps for prese wj a pleasant task?made dc |j 1 $ A *"* ^ > * m vr * ^ iT % 4 | k 38 "" jgj Good Lamps Rc I The Wil 8 j| 208 North Front Si h c. was given 2 years in the county t jail, judgment suspended upon ubly so by our gala array v?.. Dm, Pa uu majr uujr on a budget! ially Cost Little mington Fi t. "THE OLD E WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER n, J - ! m WUmingt R I 1 I he mansion f . arv matle by Dl w A uring the first week in Qf the honoree. who u he sprunt ^ of the Masonic Lodge at"* ides at Orton only 1,^ ary, February ana j c Ed Taylqr qf ach year. jmade a few brief remarks .T^rrF~MAN Other members of the iHAU?UnRED SUNDAY tee headed by i: HONSpaee 11 M' T*> ' (Continued fro ed & r. Sanders and forth Carolina P. behalf | Mintz, Jr. A *> present were fcfl er of his fam>y . ara of i Mary E. Rourk and G. T p5B n emblem denoting o" * | gigter and hrolhr.r of ,ha ervice. * The presentation was made Dy ana h. l. Mint*. Sr Honnet 1867 I IB Jewelers S 14 North Front St. Telephone.?/, J Won't you Call To See Our New Shop And The Careful H i Gathered Collection Of? 9 Beautiful Jewelry for Christmas I i We really believe you'll be surprised to find originally desier B , pieces so reasonable in price for quality so fine AN ESPECIAL ACCENT UPON- 9 Diamonds ? Bracelets ? Lockets Si Watches ? Novelties 9 May We Serve You I ifwwtw'wS. I ItXUClA I [h up on your Christmas gift list for the family H ay to make the Holiday happy?and the hap- H new furniture lasts for many years. Choose H l Gifts Galore . . Practical Presents H Of Every Description .. jjH Bring Us Your Gift List jfl A wise selection of gifts that will help make thi:H the merriest Christmas ever?one that will bnng^J recurring joy! 9| Magazine Racks Smoking Stands flj Hassocks End Tables Card Tables P wwBH MANY" OTHER V'; I ?&' 'JL ft ;?B ft lrniture Company I RELIABLE" ^ Wilnimgton'