PAGE FOUR Funeral Sunday ! Three Men Will j For Mrs. Pigott Leave For Camp I * Mrs. Alice R. Pigott Died One Colored Selectee And Friday At Her Home At Two White Boys Will Supply Following Short Leave Before First Of Illness Month Funeral rites for Mrs. Alice ' The Brunswick County SelecRisa Pigott, 67. who died at her j tive Service Board has announced : home at Supply Friday morning' that one selectee, Morton Rockafter a short illness, were held ; weii Holden, will leave Friday for from the Concord Methodist j Ft. Bragg. His alternate is Aichurch at Supply Sunday after- bert Berton Quinn. Both are neon at 2:30 o'clock. whjte ouths Interment followed in the ? church cemetery. ?n January 30 WllIiam Jo3mer' Active pallbearers were: V. E. Jr., and John Harvest Hill, Jr., Galloway, Roy McKeithan, Ken- both colored, will be sent to Ft. neth McKeithan. I. G. Clemmons, Bragg. The alternate for this call Roger Clemmons, and C. T. is Alonza Edward Hankins. Clemmons. All of these men have volun? ?? *-? ?- tee red for one year's training! sne is surviveu uy iww sioicto, * . Mrs. R. Galloway and Mrs. Etta through the local Selective Sery-; Clemmons, of Supply; two bro- 'ce Board. Volunteers from 18 thers. R. C. McKeithan, of Nat- years up are being accepted by chez, Miss., and D. H. McKeithan, the local office, the men to be of Tampa, Fla. &iyen preference in filling any quota required to be filled by the Brunswick county office. p A n A /IT-'OOf American electric refrigerators |"I /\ [y | ["* f\ now lead in popularity In Burma. You can get Red Heart CHILDREN'S Wheat at Nelson's Ware- ^ house, Thursday, Friday, CD! D^ and Saturday. WPWr ?OR DIRECT RELIEF from COUghWAGCAMAW ? throat, chest, and back with Vicks MILLING CO. VapoRub. Its poultice-and-vapor action brings relief without dosing. M. O. Nelson, Jr. SSJSME $j?k\ Judge Myers ^Tv/po^b^n WHITEVILLE, N. C. | ^e'VhV'ihild 4 J|C|7C breathe in the \M IWf%^ HHHBanmnl|BM| 1 (teamingvapors, w VapoRub ?STATEMENT OF CONDITlOf SOUTHPO BUILDING & LOAN ASSOl Of Southport, N. C., As Of December ? ASSETS ? THE ASSOCIATION OWNS:? Cash on Hand and in Banks I State of North Carolina and U. S. Government ] Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgage Loans , Money loaned to shareholders for the purpose of en to own their homes. Each loan secured by first mortg improved real estate. Share Loans i Advances made to our shareholders against their shai exceeds "90% of amount actually paid in. Accounts Receivable Temporary Advances for Insurance, Taxes, Etc. Office Furniture and Fixtures Real Estate Owned $10, Real Estate Sold Under Contract Noi Other Assets TOT A! : ? LIABILITIES ? THE ASSOCIATION OWES:? To Shareholders Funds entrusted to our care in the form of payment as follows:? Installment Shares ....$64,1 Full-Paid Shares 49,' Running Shares 2, Other Shares Nont Notes Payable, Federal Home Loan Bank Notes Payable, Other Money borrowed for use in making loans to members, matured shares. Each note approved by at least t\ entire Board of Directors as required by law. Arenuntjs Pnvahlo Undivided Profits Earnings held in trust for distribution to share-holder ity of their shares. Reserve for Contingencies To be used for the payment of any losses, if sustain serve increases the safety and strength of the Associ: Total Liabilities TOTAL State of North Carolina, County of Brunswick?ss J. E. Cair, Secretary-Treasurer of the above personally appeared before me this day, and bei that the foregoing statement is true to the bes and belief. Sworn to and subscribed before ' me, this 20th day of Jan., 1941. ! MARGARET DOZIER, Notary Public. My Commission Expires 11-23-12. fc . . - \ Patrol Boat ' Here In Night Southport had its first Navy visitation Sunday, and it was a case of the ship that passed in the night. Some kind of a Navy patrol craft came in at about 8 o'cock and in a short time quite a number of blue-clad sailors were enjoying shore leave with a couple of ships patrolmen on active duty to see that they did not get into any mischief. Some of the boys stated the ship was from Charleston and it was the understanding that it and other like patrol craft would put in here often. The ship was gone before daylight Monday morning. Bank Participates In Defense Work Will Supply Proper Authorities With Information About Small Manufacturing Plants Able To Produce Supplies The Waccamaw Bank and Trust Co. will have charge of the defense program of the N. C. Bankers Association in Columbus, Blaken, and Brunswick counties it was announced in a meet ing in Lumberton last Tnursday. The local bank was represented in this meeting by H. B. Wyche and L. R. Bowers. Mr. E. A. Wayne, Secretary of the N. C. Bankers Association, urged banks to cooperate in the defense effort by supplying the proper authorities with information about small manufacturing plants that may be able to produce supplies and materials for the armed services. Mr. Allen RT CIATION 31st, 1940 $ 1,725.04 Bonds .... 1,300.00 2,000.00 107,640.26 abling them age on local * 5,580.50 es. No loan 551.95 496.24 254.94 ne 10,251.91 '... 2,130.48 $131,679.41 \ s on shares 244.75 000.00 222.33 ! $115,467.08 5,780.00 None or retiring vo-thirds of None 4,646.23 s at matur 4,038.36 ed. This reation. 1,747.74 $131,679.41 s named Association ng duly sworn, says ;t of his knowledge J. E. CARR, icretary-Treasurer. g t iiAnifiiv THE STATE PORT PILOT, S Boiling of the Federal Reserve j Bank of Richmond asked the bankers to support the program by meeting reasonable demands for credit from manufacturers and contractors with government orders. Several local lumber and woodworking plants have already been referred to the proper Federal 1 agencies by the local bank. This Man Ought To Make Top Hand In Infantry (Continued from page 1) out for Southport on foot. He had never been here before, knew nobody and had no money, not even for a mouthfull of food. It is understood that he did not say anything to anybody about his troubles, just tried to find the examining doctor. At the draft offices over the postoffice he was told the doctor was in the courthouse, where a trial was in progress. After waiting for sometime for him to return and as it was well in the afternoon, he was advised he could go home and return to see the doctor the next day. No one had an idea he had walked 40 miles without food and would have to get back the same distance and way. Refreshed with the information that he could see the doctor next day, Eddie had set out for home, where he could at least get a bite to eat. He arrived home at about the same time he had left, two o'clock in the morning. He got something oiont- two hours and w V?v, W.vr? then set out and walked to Southport again. This time he found the doctor, was examined \ and had covered 13 miles of the homeward journey when Frink I picked him up. The Thomasboro - Southport distance is 36 miles. Covering this three times, plus a fourth start of 13 miles, made the two days and night traveling distance total 121 miles. The first round trip, embracing 72 miles, Eddie didn't have a bite to eat from the time of his leaving until he returned home. He did not have to walk the 15 miles from Shallotte to Thomasboro. Mr. Frink took him straight on to his home. RUARK CO-AUTHOR OF BILL REMOVING TAX FROM TABLE (Continued from page one) and has been named a member of 10 other committees, including the important Finance Committee and Judiciary No. 2. A full list of his committee appointments follows: Commercial Fisheries, Conservation and Development, Courts and Judicial Districts, Engrossed Bills, Federal Relations, Finance, Higher Education, Judiciary No. 2, ' Roads, Public Buildings and Grounds, Oysters and Oyster Industry and Drainage, J. W. Ruark, Chairman. PASTOR RESIGNS^ AT PRESBYTERIAN (Continued from page one) tery. On the last Sunday of his pastorate here, Rev. Mr. Potts will hold both morning and afternoon services. At the 11 o'clock hour his sermon subject will be "The Call Of Calamity". For the evening service he has chosen the same title that he used for his first sermon at Southport, "Ashes". The public is cordially invited to attend these services. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING 1 ?? CAMELS GIVES YOUAND 28% LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested ? less than any of them ? according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself. OUTHPORT, N. C. Wilmington Men Pledge Ericksen, J. Berg and Dwig Aid In Securing Project McEwen sP?ke For Brunswick County A en Ewinf Pfef'^d ?ver (Continued from page one) meet'n& and introduced t "You have great quantities of spea s' good land in Brunswick county." R.tcy HAY IN he said, "that will be ideal for COURT MONDA small farms." He spoke of the (Continued from page one) development of New Hanover and a fine of $25.00. Notice county's agricultural resources appeal was given and bond w and said that was responsible for set at $100.00. the fact that New Hanover had Hester McKoy, colored, plea the highest per capita purchas- ed guilty to charges of reckle ing power of any county in the operation and was given 90 da South with the exception of only on the roads. Judgment was s three. spended upon payment of cos Bruce Cameron. Wilmington and a fine of $25.00. businessman, spoke briefly re- Frank Clyde Paine, white, w garding the possibility of develop- found not guilty of reckless ops ment here and pledged the sup- ation. port of Wilmington in obtaining projects for this locality. He was Optimistic Note At particularly impressed with na-1 W'accamaw Bank - ? nava)| Cl^kknMeri Me I lira J manuca nv. .v. ~ u base and for a ship yard for (Continued from page 1.) construction of small vessels. lowing such periods is hazardoi Finally, he pointed to the un- jn p]ans we have made ai matched opportunity the coastal , , , . regions of this area will have in are maklnS to meet Present co providing recreational facilities ditions, or the developments for soldiers at Ft. Bragg and at the immediate future, we mu Camp Davis. not lose sight of these hazar John Alexius, third member of and the abrupt change whi the Wilmington delegation, advis- would certainly follow a cess ed his listeners to get together > tion of war in Europe and t on projects for which this area probable discontinuance at soi is suited and pledged Wilming- stage of our own program for N ton support in any undertaking tional Defense, local citizens may decide upon. "We realize such a program S. B. Frink and R. I. Mintz, an emergency and necessary members of the local defense assure the stability of our Go committee, made a few remarks ernment and the perpetuation in which each of them expressed our way of living. Banking fac appreciation for the spirit of these issues with full confiden cooperation shown by Wilmington and a willingness to co-opera visitors, and arrangements were and provide the necessary mon completed for a meeting today of I and credit to make this progra the local committee with repre- most effective. With our lar sentatives of the Wilmington de- cash reserve, and the high qui fense committe. Mayor John ity of bur asset position, t A STITCH IN TIME You know that old saying . . . Well, it's the same way about putting off buying the little things you need. You'll have to have them eventually, so why not come on in to our store. Practically any order can be filled immediately, and you can enjoy from today the things you have been putting off until tomorrow. . G- W- KIRBY & SONS Supply, - - N. C. NOTICE FIRST CALI I Will Be At The Places Citei For The Purpose Of Collecting T; February 1st, 1941. PAY NOW 1 SHALLOTTE?Post Office Square?S EXUM?Vereen's Store?January 28th FREELAND?Simmon's Store?Janua ASH?Post Office?January 28th LONGWOOD?January 28th HICKMAN'S CROSS ROADS?Janu THOMASBORO?January 28th GRISSETT TOWN?January 28th . LOCK WOODS FOLLY?Varnum's S LOCKWOODS FOLLY?Roach's Sto BOONE'S NECK?Robinson's Store? LOCKWOODS FOLLY?Kirby's Stor NORTH WEST?Lonnie McKay's Sto NORTH WEST?Mrs. A. M. Chinnis' LELAND?Post Office?January 30th LONG REACH?Robbin's Store?Jam NAVASSA?Lewis' Store?January 31 WINNABOW?Henry's Store ? Janua BOLIVIA?January 31st chaTe TAX COLLECTOR OF WEDNESDAY, JANUARY v, - M ~~ Bank is, indeed, protect"^" ht waccama ^ a poaition to interest of our fortunate d to stockholders." ' fl| *e contribute its full share. W 21 m(&JL SPEA FOR THEMSELVES 'I'. | IM THE NORTH OJJOUWJ MB1 MM* U s I "Clean "Up or Mffle "P Cm^H its I) ft ?th? aao this Committee launched a as 0 Twenty mo gUte an<j local authorities w?d I .... ,fi program wred few beer retailers who, hy ?Uac?. unbecoming good citizens, tended to I practice ^ t ma)onty 0f j^H bring reproach^ on t^ejr up ^ ^ ^ ^ H ,} abiding ie -phe iesulta. we feel, speak lot I et X the ultimatum. lnc nd Jj To date, 142 retail beer lieenteea have been elim. flffi n" | | inated because they used their permits to shield SB of | | illegal activities. Thus are being removed the 13t 11 bad spots that, left alone, would ignore the high S| 11 standard of conduct demanded by public aenti- Hflj a. ! ment and by the legalized beer industry. HaH he | | MR ne 11 Aa a new year begins, this Committee renews JK a- I I its pledge to carry forward its program of self. IH 11 regulation for the beer industry m North Car0. i3 j lina. YOU can help by restricting your patron- H| t0 , i sure to orderly, law-abiding outlets. lV" of 11 |H es j j Editorial Comment from Over The State H ce ^Hfl ,fe ' I I Asheville Cttlien: 'The beer Harnett County Vews m. HI ey 11 industry in this state as rep- llngton): . . when ? H I I resented by the Brewers and dustry sweeps its pre?, ?8 ge 1 North Carolina Beer Distrib- clean and seeks to compel iu HB i 11 utors Committee is making a kin and comrad-s to do a* Bfll "' II serious and intelligent eHort same thing, it at once ccche I 11 to keep beer sales on a legal mands the respect Ireo a II basis and to divorce them who admire cleanliness" B| W ; , i completely from the illicit H | | handling of hard liquors " Asheville Times: "The con- IS mittte representing the brct11 Durham Sun: "As a result f? and distributors has bee H I . another check will have In action long enough In the ? ! been applied to booOegglng to state t0JPr?v,e lts sincerity. . M| '' the material benefit of the quite evidently it means ban. H| 11 community and the state." ness. Bn | Popular Government (Chapel H Hlfi): "The beer Industry's seeirTA clean up or close up cam ^ handied by firms whiei paign has . . received wide are viewed as respectable in MB 11 praise from officers. their respective commum11 ties . . fl| J I ?. ?. *r ? J - . . nH i* wmienilt news - neiiorici. m| 7 "That group, headed by Col- New Bern Tribont: "The BB II onel Edgar H. Bain, is re- Brewers and North Carolina l> sponsible for the 'clean up or Beer Distributors Committee 11 close up' program for this has demonstrated quite platsX state and there is no doubt ly that Its motto'clean up or that they mean just what close up' was chosen as a IB II their slogan implies . . idle boast . .jWB !! r-BREWERSrftND NORTH CAROLINA H I B&R /DIj&HIBUTORS COMMITTEE I A J l\ V EDGAR H. BAIN, SUle Direct* H I I I \ I V ' Raleigh, Nerth Carolina NOTICE I . FOR TAXES I d Below At The Time Designated I Pne ^er Penalty Begins I WD SAVE COST. I aturda> Ja". 25th 2 to 5 !>. M. I 10 to 11 A.M. I ry 281,1 11:15 to 12 A. M I - 12:30 to 1:30 P. M. I 2:00 to 2:45 P. M ary 28th 3:00 to 3:30 P. M I 3:45 to 4:30 P.M. 4:40 to 5:30 P. M tore January 29th 10 to 11 A. M I re?January 29th 11;]5 t0 12:30 P. M ean,Uary29'h - 12:4510 2:Wr.,-m e-January 29th 2:30 (0 4M p January 30th 10:30 to 11:30.4. M f ?re "uary 30th 12 to 1 P. M ua,7 30tb I:1?2:00 R * I sj. to 3:00 P. M B rv 12:00 to 1:00 P. M B 1:30 to 2:30 P.M. B 3:00 t0 4:00 P }L M gause i BRUNSWICK COUNTY J

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