PAGE FOUR | pi 4 *jpv | name our club after Alfred 1 LJCjJL/\1 i D j because he was a prominen ftpff/'X/"kl mni/C ' 'zen Brunswic'1 county. W UviIUUl INLWO 'have our f.irst nieetinS 1 near future. CALLING CARDS The sixth grade organized a The Senior's calling card! citizenship club which will be, here. They made a fifty "The Amelia Earhart Club". The deposit before Christmas ' officers were elected as follows entitled them to a memory They are glad they have ai President. Kathenne Field; vice ar(, thp sehoo, as a whole v president. Marian Barefoot; Sec- | for them a successful gradu retary. Lewis Clemmons; report- | RETURNING TO S< HOC er. Shirley Adams. We are to Many of the students oi study the life story of Amelia school because of sickness Earhart and other famous people returned. We believe most o that have proven good citizens of fiu has passed our school our country. Mrs. Garrett is the.r , FIRST GRADE advisor. ' Mrs. Knox's first grade JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET ents have recently complet The Seniors anil faculty mem-; unit study on farm am bers have received invitations to From their visions of farn the Junior-Senior Banquet. It will jmals life after their study be given at the Crystal dining have made for their bt room on Feb. 21. 1941. at 7:00 board a farm with various p. m. I imals grazing on green gras; XEiV SENIOR (LI B the pupils helped make th< The members of the Sen;or! imals, and have pined thei class have organized a citizenship the green posture with pins, club. entitled. "The Alfred Moore j interesting work, and the Citizenship Club". The officers! dren had great pleasure in are: President. Ethel Douglas; pleting their work, vice president, Emma Lee Wil- WHO'S WHO Hants; Secretary and Treasurer. | The Senior class is begii Sylvia Bordeaux. We chose to to wonder who will be nomi: IWORK CLOTHES We have plenty of warm clothes that will f you up for any kind of winter weather. If y< want to be able to put in full time, you'll have keep well. You owe it to yourself to come in ar pick out what you need from our stock. JJ.HAWES Supply, N. C. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES Yl EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA^ FLA\ " W-i- . .yiX'zsr m t8> & L' . ^ FLAVOR IS SO LE99 i\ ^ Jft, ?*^i . NICOTICS wlWii than the average of the 4 other x t-sWl i n 11 MVHMVM IJBMH Ifl THE IMPKKS CI Y w | ?* ~~T^J?i'" ""^1 The U.S.A. has given its t k^?o5ir?w w cars . . . given it unmistaki ^H^WW^ Uad un UQ Chevrolet sales leadership IwScS1'?.. liil ... makes of cars for nine of the 1 F~ l,!l powtsV111" Ml HO HO 1 and now the U.S.A. is giving \ .r uf ixtHaSS! ... Ml - again by showing clear-cut r \tt?,S2%~r" WH . un 1 new Chevrolet for '41! r"1 tunWUlIaHO HO "The U.S.A. picks Chevrolt on make your own eye it-try itTyjl?!L?\ we're convinced that you'll i VmuMIW*1* *? WW' 1 fflw ? No. 1 car-value as a resull ',0,141 snttiis'iw HQl ^ dealc! ?fo(/((y.' Elmore Motor ( Bolivia, North C Moore I as a member of who's who in | t cit-! American High School. This is a * will' new national organization for c ; high school which corresponds i the J to wjj0's who in American Col1 leges. Hi BOLIVIA SSI SCHOOL NEWS ,'ishes ation. I >L MUSIC RECITAL jt of Monday night the piano studhave ents gave a piano recital. All the j f the piano students took part in this ! recital, playing solos or duets. j BASKETBALL stud- The Bolivia high school boys i ed a tcok a 42-18 victory over the; rnals. Y. M. C. A. boys of Wilmington j i an-1 last Thursday night. Roy Rabon | they was high scorer with 18 points, j illitin , The second team played the en-1 i an- tire second half and outscored the I 3. All visitors 18-9. The games which I : an-1 will probably determine the coun- J n on ty Series Championship will ne Very played here Friday night bechil-; tween Bolivia and Leland. com- j P.-T. A. ! The P.-T. A. of Bolivia will hold its regular meeting Feb. nning; 17th. A Founders Day program nated , is being prepared. COUNTY CONTEST ; On Thursday, Feb. 13th, the ^ annual recitation and declama^ tion contest will be held at Bol/ I ivia. This contest is sponsored i by the County Council P.-T. A. , The Bolivia contestants are Billy ! Robbins and Ruth Rabon. LINCOLN PROGRAM )U 1 Last Friday the seventh grade presented an interesting program to centering around the life of Lin; coin. A short play "Abe Lincoln's ,c* Birthday" was given. Several poems were also read. ' SOUTHPORT SCHOOL NEWS ) BASKETBALL | The Southport Basketeers ex??, perienced their first loss of the season Tuesday night when they split a double bill with Burgaw fOR H'S*1 School at Southport. The Southport girls emerged victor? ious with a score of 14-8 while the Burgaw quint trounced the ) Southport five 14-13. The boys ^ game was nip and tuck through * out. The end or the nair iounti ' J Southport lads leading 8-7, end J of third quarter found Southport still in the lead, but Williams' M long shots and Farrell's free throws soon put Burgaw on the offensive with a 14-13 margin ! which they held throughout the ' remainder of the game. High H scorer for the winners was Willi liams with six markers, while IpjL 1 Willis with six points starred for ^{B the losers. Referees were Robert Thompson and Herbert Rogers, t On Wednesday night the Southtm port basketball teams met Atkin- , jOH [ son at Southport gymnasium. Our oB i boys came out of the game vicI torious with a score 15-3. The | girls fought a hard game but lost by a large margin, the score bell njVuiTLiH |111 |j | LUlHi IAI IliVliOLliT RMH mfl erdict on motor /^nnif}v~ ibly by awarding / VntrJj \ over all other / rrmcE \ last ten years [ AA'DfDViu j this same verdict v mm it / (reference for the /jjfjffftVXt J .t!" And, if you'll ?buy it test of the new Chevrolet for '41, (ick Chevrolet, too. And get the nation's t! Please see your nearest Chevrolet ^ pfPVPVPWvniiMi a? Company arolina | THE STATE PORT PILOT, S ing 40-19 in favor of Atkinson. Marjorie Hickman led the Southport girls with six points. Our first conference game was played at Waccamaw Thursday night. The boys played a fine game and won with a score of 25-11. The girls were not as lucky, because the odds seemed to be against them. The game ended with a score of 35-2 in Waccamaw's favor. PEP MEETING The South port high school held | its first pep, meeting last Wednesday in the auditorium. Mr. Lingle introduced the players on the two teams to the student j body. Then the meeting was turned over to Martha Grey Brown, j head cheerleader, and her assist- j ants, Martha Easley and Tom Gil-1 bert. The students practiced their school song and yells which they would use at the basketball games. A declamation contest, sponsored by the Brunswick County Council of the Parent Teachers 1 Association, will be held Thursday night at the Bolivia high school. The boys will recite declamations or orations while the girls con- 1 testing will have humorous readings. The bov and girl represent ing Southport will be chosen Monday night when our school will have a preliminary contest. Exum News Friends will regret to know that Mrs. J. A. Simmons has been quite sick for the past few days. Ray Hewett of Fort Bragg visited his sister, Mrs. Bill Anderson recently. Mrs. Emma Russ is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph M. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson and little daughter, Catherine were in Whitcville Saturday. Mrs. Sarah J. Mintz has been seriously ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Jacobs from Pireway were here for a short while Thursday afternoon. J. J. Russ continues ill at his home here. Roddie Bennett made a business trip to Shallotte Monday. The epidemic of flu which has been prevalent in this community seems to be about over now to the pleasure of all. Winnabow News Put in last weeks and add this to it please. ? Mrs. Carl Galloway left Wednesday morning for Coosawhatchie, S. C, to live. I Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dickinson | of Wilmington visited the Johnsons and Taylors Sunday afternoon. Everett McKeithan of Wilmington was a visitor here Thursday. I Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson of Wilmington visited the Reids and Henrys Saturday afternoon. Preston Savage in Gov. service, Savannah, Ga? is spending a few days here with his family. Mrs. Vivtor Swanson, a returned Missionary from Morocco, is visiting Miss Tryon at the Wayside Gospel Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tucker of Bolivia visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henry Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. P. Henry and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, visited Mrs. Hattie Galloway and family Sunday afternoon. Roy Daniels of Wilmington spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Savage. Clyde Beck of Wilmington visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beck, Wednesday. National News WINANT TO LONDON WASHINGTON ? New ambassadors were named to Great Britain, China, Uruguay and Panama today in an extensive diplomatic shuffle which brought only one new comer, John G. Winant, into the service. Winant, former republican governor of New Hampshire and a labor expert, was nominated by President Roosevelt to succeed Jescph P. Kennedy. Charles E. Gauss was nominated ambassador to China, succeeding Nelson T. Johnston, j who in turn replaces Gauss as I minister to Australia, and William Dawson was shifted from envoy to Panama to the newly created post of Ambassador to Uruguay. Edwin C. Wilson, now minister to Uruguay was named to the Panama ambassadorship. ?b/tGHT COUGHS YOUR CHILD'S coughing at night ?caused by throat "tickle" or irritation, mouth breathing, or a cold?can often be prevented by rubbing the throat and chest with plenty of Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. VAPORUB'S SWIFT poultice-andvapor action loosens phlegm, relieves irritation, clears air pas- [ ? sages, tends to stop mouth breathing, and invites * aw VISITS'. OUTHPORT, N. C. INTRODUCE BILL (mo: TO SAVE MONEY ,of (Continued from page 1.) Jhas of deeds covering grants of right- 'arf of-way for electric distribution f,U| ver systems in form adopted by li{ Brunswick Electric Membership ma Corporation, a fee of ten cents; for registration, thirty cents. <(R Deeds required to be tendered for probate and registration printed or typewritten) Introduced by Ruark and Sikes, February 7. CALENDAR ACTION I (Status of Bills as of February abe 8) hea HB 58 (Joint Arrests)?Enrol-1 led and ratified, February 4; HB 'ava 205 (Brunswick Probate)?In hel' House Salaries and Fees Commit- watee. ! c are FOUR CASES ARE TPiFn IN COURT Wi FEE! WE Af We ai we to CIL You bri it, and > for any I WE Located hmmmmmmmmmmrnmrnm nth has the highest death rate the year. This year the reverse occurred. There have been a ;e number of sufferers from but the disease has been y miid and thus far no com:ations have set in among the ny who were afflicted. ASHFUL BOBBY" TO BE PRESENTED (Continued from Page 1) even surprises himself! lelen Norwood, played by Elizth Rabon, who is Bob's sweetrt, encourages Bob, but to no | s AmaMw " - " ~ | JDUI (Continued from page one) Gi)| pleaded guilty to charges of be- Leg ing drunk and disorderly. Given roQ 6 months on the roads, judg- gQn ment was suspended upon pay- am| ment of a fine of $10.00 and gm costs and upon the further condition that the defendant pay the sum of $5.00 per week to Gn the clerk of court for support1 of his child. Arny Jacobs, white, was called of to answer charges of drunk driv- G ing and failed to appear. Capias in was issued. LITTLE TYPHOID FEVER IN COUNTY DURING PAST YEAR (Continued from Page 1) j * able disease, including syphilis, were reported to her by physicians of the county. By far the best cooperation in the matter of reporting cases has come from I ? Dr. M. M. Rosebaum of Shal-; lotte, she said. The death rate in Brunswick county appears to have set a low ? January record. Usually the F FARMERS! I , We are equipped with a new GRIST MILL to do| your grinding. I ? IV \ complete feed mill to grind rour feed and mix same for you TOLL or CASH j N Try our molasses mixed feed ! WACCAMAW MILLING CO. M. O. Nelson, Jr. Located at Rear of Nelson's A' Warehouse , | WHITEVILLE, N. C. , M ,11, until Harry, Araeu r?r??, ps her get what she has al/s wanted. ither characters in the play Joan, Florence Swain; Ann, ola Cox; Jim, William Hufn; Mrs. Matthews, Mary Louise riss; Miss Odessa, Mildred oert; Madame DuPont, Sadie Cavenaugh; Jerry, the classm "bully", Junior Mills; Judthe butler, Windell Sellers, I Louise, the maid, Leperlis ith. :ape yield SHOWS INCREASE i (Continued from cage 1.) 26 per cent. Irapes are produced primarily the eastern and central parts the State. \MUZU THEATRE southport Program For Week Of Feb- 14 - 20 riday and Saturday "SING DANCE PLENTY HOT" ?With? ohnny Downs, Ruth Terry Also "MARCH OF TIME" "Gateway To Panama" londay and Tuesday "ESCAPE" ?With? erma Shearer, Robert Taylor Uso "SELECTED SHORT" Wednesday & Thursday "GOLDEN HOOFS" ?With? ane Withers, Buddy Rogers \TEST MOVIETONE NEWS TOE M. 0. NEL \NNOUNCES TH accamaw Whitevilh )milT IE PREPARED TO iv\ m v w jlvt\xi v x x xjux/j xx MOLASSI e equipped to gi elieve will be the \CKEN SCRATCH YOU FROM Y ing the feed and we c; vill take Corn, Oats, thing we make or sell -CASH oi CAN SER\ DAY YOl At Rear Of' WEDNESDAY. FFRPn^ Other 1940 fruit and nut crop 962,000bushel7i^!^5^R reports show: der 1939; average , ^ Pears?Production, 312,000 bus- a bushel, slightly J1"**'"? hels, exceeded only in 1931 and which accounts 1938, 36 per cent above 1939 and cent decline in th? ' 10 per cent above the 10-year the crop. The Statt0til average; price received. $250,000 crop is produced or 28 per cent above 1939, but ry, Alexander Ku five cents per bushel under 1939. wood, Henderson a"1?011* XBbL Peaches?Production, 1,344,000 ties. ' r'* Polk bushels, slightly above 1939 but Pecans ? Products ai n?p rent below the 10-year pounds, no n,.r iuHH average; average price, $1.15 a average price' Y't ^^B bushel or 15 cents under 1939. cent less than 1930. T^^BB Commercial Apples?Production, 000. MAKE THE START I More than 2,000 years ago, a wise old Chinese Be philosopher wrote this proverb: BR "A JOURNEY ... OF 1,000 MILES .. BEGINS B . . . WITH ... A SINGLE STEP" fl| The passing of many centuries has not dim. R| med the wisdom these few words suggest. To BBS get somewhere, the thing to do is to take the EE first step. The going may not always be easv I fl but to find good fortune one must make the IB start. For many, the first step toward financial sue- B cess has been an account at this friendly bank. ^B We cordially invite your business. ^B WACCAMAW I BANK & TRUST CO. I WHITEVILLE Sf FAIRMONT CHADBOCRN ROSEtnu. H ClARKTON TABOK CITY SOUTHPOBI ? KENANSVILLK flg NORTH CAROLINA H ?Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- Mj? )AY'W^) I SON, JR. | E OPENING OF Milling Co. I N. C. I ? IT COMMERCIAL AND H |U I CUSTOM GRINDING B JL I 1 VJ OF ALL FEEDS. B MIX CHICKEN FEED, OG FEED AND 8 IS FEED rind corn meal which B best in this section. FEED MADE FOR I OUR CORN. an fix it any way you want B I lay or W heat in payment K is TO L L ? I ^ YOU ANY I J COME I Nelson's Warehouse 1

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