pvTsH W. MARCH 2f W%(ir ItuiMer J I (Our J?r M Davis had her'] H^ .,- Friday afternoon H%- table . . .1 r"p. Sutton was high scorer I, an?l Mrs. Rob- s three Thelma's | H* ". 'Tiler how they j H . It's bad iph's that mix- , y clubbers . . j H vegetable Mm nr.d crackers with f Mf. her guests . . . These , beside the above ( winners, Mes . : - Ceorge. M. A. 1 H MeOnll. H. W. H ; nk. Thomas St. ? Hi v.i Penbo, J. W. Thomp- ( H : son. and Miss ' st j' H that the ladies ; Hi . . After making 3 there were only js H. present at the Red Cross 11 H Monday . . . 3 H;.. of ladies are serv- ' Hi; seme . . . But we're sure 3 H come out next ' H been changed to 3 He 1 I1 already finished andij send are 11 gowns. 9 !3 H 6 slips 3 other undies 1' y shirt . . . When those 3 H completed but not 1 H ported the total 3 K considerably . .. materials for 3 ' ::g secured from I' h > 'quarters . . . so i | a plenty for all to ' * * * L. : Garrett are ' El into their new home in 1 wte this week . . . And an-1' L;- t s. ject: Mr. Yaskcll 1 L t; jt of a possible 105 in j' current events test j1 bv Time ... An intel- j1 L . . . iHe counted them'] *' i1 fc Percy J. Farrell and Miss 11 tfirreil have taken the up- 1 Earartment at Mrs. Ida Pot- 1 toon's They like South(??;; enough to stay indef- ' i-.rere talking to Graced t a: Nellie Cranmer's birthxk last week and she (a statement which we've J or. several occasions and 'various people . . . It's the ; i story of the friendliness of pople of Southport and the ability of them when trouErs.. . Grace said she had Br. how lovely people could Eil Bobby was in the hositcentiy . . . She said that 1 bards were so thoughtful !*as such a help to her to 1 that she had friends who * s to help when sickness * * * ! tale us glad to see the i of yellow blooms in Mrs. Miritz's yard the other day Nothing typifies spring so sarows of daffodils or jon B| annual flower show sponB:v the woman's club will Bh in the late spring this It order to have a variety which haven't been in it flower show time prev^p . . This seems to be a Bjahn as it won't conflict B-- flower show put on by Bnir.e demonstration clubs [ " re was really no point two Brunswick county shows at the same season hctpv apartment B Percy J. Farrell and B^' Miss Ethel Farrell. ' have spent the winter with B^ Mrs. C. Ed. Taylor, have into the upstairs apart ' the home of Mrs. George . |H low IS I ... For all gooci Bnn work. That is, B^ch in the way o car. I if you have been U B'ans. if you need ti Pplies and get dov B come in toda our every farm neei Ishallotte 1 Hobson Ki I SH ALLOTTE, 1041 ~ - ^ - (Of 3?ifc ' V. I ? [pntait vj BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Nellie Cranmor was honored on Wednesday night with a surprize buffet supper followed ] jy a dance. The occasion was : ler birthday. Hostesses were Mrs. R. I. Mintz and Mrs. E. H. Aldington and the supper was ser. ed in the home of judge and 1 Mrs. E. H. Cranmer. A birthday cake with candles 'ormed the centerpiece of the mffet table. Bouquets of spring 'lowers decorated the living, din- ! ng rooms and library. After the supper most of the quests went to Dun-rovin to lance. Punch was served during . :he evening there. Those who were there were: Mrs. Nellie Cranmer, the honoree, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Frink, Mr. ind Mrs. James Prevatte, Mr. ind Mrs. R. S. Harrison, Mr. and , Mrs. Gus McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. it. B. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willing, Mr. and Mrs. Har>ld St. George. Mr. and Mrs. L. r. Yaskell, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAuley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Styron, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Corlctte, Mr. and Mrs. Prince O'Brien, Mr. ind Mrs. Roy McKeithan, Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Harper, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Mintz, , Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Arrington. j Mrs. Blanna Finch, Miss Ethel Farrell, Pierce Cranmer, and Mor ris Cranmer. :lass meeting The Ladies Bible Class of Southport Baptist church held it's regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. George Whatley on Monday evening. March 24th, with Mrs. J. G. Swann and Mrs. Whatley as joint hostesses. After i i short business and devotional jrogram, the meeting was turned into a social. Delicious refreshments. consisting of fruit punch and cake were served to the following members present: Mesdames A. L. Brown. B. P. Finch, C. C. Russ, D. I. Watson, Homer McKeithan, Lee Hewett, R. C. Daniels, J. Fred Smith, Clifton Arnold, J. D. Robinson, W. L. Clemmons, Melvin Lewis, Thompson McRacken, Lizzie Southerland, Ethel Fulwood, John Fulwood, E. H. Smith, Sam Rees, J. L. Robbins, Mamie Swain, Phelps, John G. Swain and Geo. Whatley. woman's club Mrs. J. I. Davis was hostess on Wednesday afternnon to members of the Woman's club. Her home was decorated with early 1 spring flowers, camellias predominating. A book review, presented very ciDiy DV iwrs. r\. o. namouii nao the feature of the afternoon. The book was "Trelawny" by Margaret Armstrong, the story of the life of the English buccaneer. Mrs. Harrison very graphically described the adventures of this dashing pirate. Refreshments of tea with angel food cake and whipped cream were served by the hostesses. These were Mrs. H. H. Thomas, Mrs. J. E. Prevatte, Mrs. R. L. Thompson and Miss Susie Newton. BACK TO SCHOOL Miss Mary Avant has returned to Western Carolina Teachers College, Cullowhee, after spending spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Avant, at Longwood. REGISTRANT James Pearl Jones, white, is the latest registrant listed with the Brunswick County Selective Service Board. His serial number is 1914, his order number 516A. IE TIME... I I men to begin their I if they expect to do I f raising crops this I irdy in malving your lj a catch up on your I! vn to business right I y and let us outfit l| rRADING CO. I rby, Prop. - . . N. G. I NEWS 1 BRIEFS l HOSPITAL PATIENT Representative J. W. Ruark ivas admitted to Dosher Memorial f Hospital last Tuesday for treatment for influenza. IN HOSPITAL Malcolm Frink of Southport sntered Dosher Memorial Hospital an Wednesday of last week for treatment for influenza. PNEUMONIA G. C. Earp of Winnauow is a pneumonia patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital, having been admitted Saturday. . FLIT PATIENT James Caison of Supply entered Dosher Memorial Hospital Thursday as a flu patient. HOSPITAL PATIENT Lawrence Perkins of Port Arthur, Texas, was admitted Monday as a patient at Dosher Memorial Hospital. Personal Mrs. Butler Thompson left Sunday to spend a month with her parents in Lumberton. Major and Mrs. Kenneth Kinsler and son spent the week end here with Mrs. Kinsler's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Edgar Finch of New York spent the past week here with his mother, Mrs. B. P. Finch. iviiss j&jizaaeui vvaisun spent)last week end in Georgetown, S.'1 cIvan Ludlum returned to Nor- 1 folk, Va., Saturday after having v spent a week here with his fam- ( ily. 1 Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Hall, of Grifton, attended the funeral of ' Mrs. J. B. Church last week and 1 remained over for a visit at the 1 home of Mrs. Geo. Watson and 1 other friends here. I Mrs. Wilbur Taylor has return- ' ed home from Norfolk, Va., where she has been visiting for the past e week. 1 Archie Watson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Danford at their home in Charleston, S. C. Mrs. W .L. Aldridge spent last week in Wilmington with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Teague, who have been visiting at the home of C. R. Livingston for the past few weeks, returned to their home in Elkton, Md., Tuesday. W. L. Aldridge, of Charleston, S. C., is spending this week here with his family. Holmes Harker of Norfolk, Va., has been visiting his sisters, Misses Cassie and Annie Moore Harker, for the past week. John L. Hall, student at Elon ] College, visited at the home of Mrs. Geo. H. Ruark, last week. Mrs. H. B. Smith spent last week end in Charlotte with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Calendar Newton. A. B. Weeks, of Wilmington, spent last week here with his family. Pearce Cranmer visited in Ral eigh last week. Ted Lewis, son of Mrs. Elbert ' Lewis, left Saturday for Montgomery, Ala., to continue his studies in a U. S. Aviation school for mechanics. He has been at home on leave for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. St. George returned to their home at Penns Grove, N. J., Monday. They were called here by the illness and death of Mrs. J. B. Church, sister of Mrs. St. George. Mesdames C. R. Engle and B. | Grey and Miss Vivian La Marr j of Washington, D. C., are spending several days on Bald Head j Island as the guests of Mr. and ' Mrs. Chas. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardee and Robert Hardee and Miss Doris . Sea of Hemmingway, S. C., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hubbard. Mrs. Mary Nail and son, Jerry, of Sanford and Thomas Enes of Lexington visited Mrs. George P. Howey and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAuley here Sunda}', BCHJViA SCHOOL NEWS The chapel exercises Friday were given by Miss Reid's first grade. The class sang some songs and acted out some of the things done in the song. P.-T. A. The Bolivia P.-T. A. held its regular meeting last Tuesday night. The first part of the program consisted of a Founders Day tableau presented by some of the faculty. The remainder of the program dealt with safety. Several of the first aid students explained and demonstrated some of the practical things they had learned in the First Aid Course. The fifth grade also gave a play about safety which had been written by a member of their class. BASEBALL The boys are beginning their THE STATE PORT P " iaseball practice now. There are >r several boys who are Interested 0 11 baseball and we are hoping ll :hey will have a fine team. t( SEES G. \V. T. \V. In appreciation of the fact that lis basketball girls .are chain- / lions of Southeastern North Carilina, Mr. Rosser, coach, took he entire team to see "Gone j vitli the Wind" Wednesday afterloon. The team wishes to thank j ^ lim and have it plainly under-: M itood that he is the best coach T if all. The members of the team j p, ire: forwards, Catherine Stone, Iladys Lewis, Leperlis Smith, j v Hdith Lewis, Rebckah Tliarp. jsi Christine Willetts: guards, Veona j ^ lanford, Juanita Lewis, Mabel L, fields, Mabel Lewis, Helen Dan-! ti ord and Mary Louise Burnss. in FRENCH CLUB MEETS D The second year French class: jc net and held its regular club j is neeting, March 24, 1941. A very IA nteresting program was given. Two essays entitled "Benjimar.to "ranklin in France", and "French I C ndustries" were discussed by the I K ollowing students: Rebekali M rhorps, Virginia Clemmons, Caro- P ine Thorp, Louise Johnson, Elsie ei tabon, Raymond Gilbert, Emma tabon and Juanita Lewis. Parents of seniors are invited o visit the classes and attend dub programs. SENIOR PLAY On Friday night at 8:00 o'clock '' he senior class of Bolivia high j1 ichool will present the annual '1 :lass play, which is this year "A I fortunate Calamity". Final re- c learsals are being made this 1 veek, and final touches added to nake this the outstanding play P' if the year. The comedy, hilarious from beginning to end, includes the folowing characters: Mrs. Merkle, a proud, cold nother, played by Virginia Clemnons; Alta, her daughter, who | nust have riches at any cost, ^era Mae Smith: Ruth, another I lo iifrVttor inct nloin nnrl Invahlp Slsie Rabon; Bernard, who elopes I vith Ruth, Roy Rabon;* Albert, a ;rook, who marries Alta, Billy tobbins; Jae, a revenue officer, lack Cox, who is in love with he cook, Gladys Lewis: and Dinah and Rastus, colored serv- j ints, played by Juanita Lewis I ind Junior Hilbum, both of whom iroduce unlimited fun throughnit the play. t This very popular play has tvery thing it takes to make a j let feet hit?good plot, interest-1 wmmammmmmmmmmmmmm EASTER Easter, high-spat Spring, is just arotif ready for this gloriou. outfit. We have thei girls, wen and hoys, a, are reasonable. If you ladies wouli and do it inexpensiveI our dress materials. Q. W- KIRB' Supply, I BRUNSWICK COURT U April Ter ?Civil c WEDNESDAY, A Frink?No. 1758?Herbert Go Frink?No. 1748?Rabon vs. ] Frink?No. 1744?Reaves vs. Fvink?No. 1739?Varnam vs Frink?No. 1729?Robinson v Frink?No. 239?Brunswick Frink?No. 32?Brunswick Frink?No. 113?Brunswick Fvink?No. 298?Brunswick Frink?No. 3l3?Brunswick THURSDAY, AP Frink?No. 1683?Stanley vs. Frink?No. 1684?Brown vs. Mintz?No. 1700?Brown vs. Frink?No. 1719?Jenrettp vs Mintz?No. 1706?Shelton vs. Taylor & Prevatte?No. 1726?MOTION D Kellum?No. 1617?Todd vs. Rodgers?No. 1632?Tucker Webb?No. 1685?Allen vs. 1 Loftin?No. 1733?Wilmingtoi C Frink?No. 1749?Miller vs. McClammy?Special Proceedi S. r Clerk Superior ? 1L0T, SOUTHPORT._N._C_ lg characters, spontaneous hum- j r, fast action, and comical svtua- j I ons. Everyone is invited to at- i :nd and enjoy the evening. Admission is 10 and 20 cents.;' .eland Club Wo in en Meet v Members of the Leland Home1 emonstration club met with j [rs. W. C. Cook, March ISth. jr he meeting was opened by re- j1 ;ating the American Creed, Mrs. * . B. Dresser, president, preding. e Mrs. O. W. l'erry, clothing f ader, reported on clothing using " i her topic, "It's Spring 1911." lie lesson, a demonstration, was j charge of Mrs. Marion S. I osher, agent, using as her sub- * ct the question "Why Do Tourts and Traveling Men Complain 3 bout Coffee ?" j The hostess served refreshments th'e following: Mrs. Douglas j ook, Mrs. J. D. Withrow, Mrs. . . B. Dresser, Mrs, O. W. Perry, 1 [rs. J. C. Chadwick. Mrs. G. D. arker and Mrs. Marion S. Dosh- o \ E CARD OF THANKS We have been deeply touched f y the many acts of kindness and v cpressions of sympathy from our s fends and neighbors during our t cent bereavement. Everyone has _ :en very kind and helpful. The 1 jctor, the nurses, at home and t the hospital, were so eager ii > help. These memories will C nger with us. We wish, through f le medium of this paper, to ex ress our warmest gratitude to II. . Jas. B. Church and family a \t%NIOHT j COUGHS r YOUR CHILD'S coughing at night c ?caused by throat "tickle" or ir- \ ritation, mouth breathing, or a t cold?can often be prevented by rubbing the throat- and chest with plenty of Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. , VAPORUB'S SWIFT poultice-and- j vapor action loosens phlegm, re- ' lieves irritation, clears air pas- I , sages, tends to stop mouth breathing, and invites ? healing, restful l/ICKS* sleep. Try it. YVAPORUB NOTES i s <1 in fashions for the 11 ul the corner. Be ! s s event with a new J n, for women, and j' nd all at prices that ! li t * 1! / like to he in style ; 'y, come in and see A ?????? j c ^ Zr QnMQ I A 1 -N-c- \\ HHHBHHHIHHHHI -i ?? fl COUNTY : lLENDAR m, 1941 | lases? - i a PR1L 9, 1941 re vs. Gore. ' Fiabon. Reaves. ij . Varnam?Taylor and Prevatte. v s. Robinson. J County vs. J. B. Church? Taylor and Prevatte. I t County vs. Danford?Cole, j County vs. Kennaday? v Jones. ' } County vs. B. Ross?Cole. t County vs. B. Bellamy? Bellamy. I RIL 10, 1941 Cobb Construction Co.? j Taylor, Bellamy & Sons. rf Crouch?Mintz. Morrison, ct al.?McEwen and Frink. J . Gwynn. Carr, James Carr ' Gulf State Creosote Co.? ' PoissQn and Campbell. ?Spencer vs. Lewis?Frink j OCKET? Long. vs. Stanaland?Mintz. J Vatts?Frink. n Iron Works, vs. Carolina ? aswell Corporation?Frink. ' Willetts ? Holmes, ngs?Potter vs. Wolfe, et. * al.?Bellamy. 1 ( r. BENNETT, Court Brunswick County. . < Tiie next regular meeting will >e with Mrs. P.ufus Williams, VpriU 15th at 2:30 o'clock. rhree Men Off For Ft. Bragg Three colored youths registered rith the Brunswick County Selctive Service Board left this norning for Ft. Bragg where hey are to be inducted into the Jnited States Army. The men arc Henry M. Jenrtte, Lishous G. Frink and Jeferson D. Jenrette. WANT ADS ''OR SALE: Used Dalion adding machine. Mrs. S. B. Northrop. -19-* "OR SALE: No. 1 X. C. Seed peanuts. R. H. Maultsby, lolivia, N. C? 4-16-* HJLES, MULES, MULES: I have just received 2 carloads f nice broke mules. Already had >0 head on hand which makes i total of 93 head of mules in ny barn. I will sell or trade on asy terms. Come to see me or vrite me. I will sure trade or ell you. J. P. Newton, Wilmingon, N. C. Dial 3580. VANTED: Will pay cash for Dogwood logs (5-in. and more r diameter). Write "Dogwood," 'are State Port Pilot, Southtort, N. C. 1-29-* i"OR SALE RCA and Maiestiee Radios. If you would like to lave a radio and not have to pay i cent on it until September mail is a card and one of our men vill call on you without any obligation on your part. Columbus dotor Co., Whiteville. N. C. i-l-c ~OR SALE: Would you like to have your automobile or radio epaired and not have to pay a :ent on it until September then ve invite you to bring the job 0 our shop. We do not add a larrying charge. Columbus Motor Ho.. Whiteville, N. C. 5-1-c LEGALS MiTII i; <>l KX K1TTION HAM: IN Til K SI' PERIOD cor KT STATE or NORTH CAROLINA CorNTl in rttl nm\i< k .1. W. WIISON VS. IIA It RY L. WHIf.HT 15V VIRTUE of an execution dire* td to the undersigned from the Su erior Court of Brunswick County in lie above entitled action. I will, oil londay. the -1st day of April. 1941. 1 12 o'clock noon, at the Court-house loor of said County, sell to the lighest bidder for cash, to satisfy aid execution, all the right, title ml interest which Harry L. Wright, he defendant, has In the following letu'ribed real estate, lo-wit: If l?l J INNING at the mouth of helps and Bozeman's canal on Waoamaw River, runs with the north ide of said canal to the public road, mown as the New Britton and Wilmington I toad; thence with said road bout SO poles to a pine on north ide of said road: thence north 22' Jast to a branch, W. A. Inman's ine; thence with said W. A. Inman's ine to Waccamaw River: thence lown said river to the beginning, coiiaining 100 acres, more or less, save iiid except three acres, more or less, leeded by the parties of the first art, t?? Etta Simmons, which deed s hereby referred to and made a art of this deed. This the _0th day of .March. 1911. P. U ilanev. Sheriff. -H?-c NOTICE OF SALE IN HE It MORTGAGE DEED Vnder and by virtue of authority ontained in a certain .Mortgage Deed xecuted by L. T. Vaskell and wife, jouise T. Vaskell. to the Southport Kullding St Loan Association, on the 1th. day of April. 1931. recorded in took f?f>. page 229. Registry of Brunswick County. North Carolina, default ii" indebtedness secured thereby, the indersigned Southport Building & *oan Association will offer for sale, t public auction, for trash, in front f the Brunswick County. Courthouse loor on Monday April 21st. 1011. at welve o'clock noon, all that certain ot or parcel of land locale.! in the 'ity of Southport. Brunswick Coi.ny. State of North Carolina, and lescribed and defined as follows: BEGINNING at a point being *>f> eet westwardly from the northwest orner of Lord and Moore Streets, aid point being the southwest eerier of Lot Xo. 33. runs thence northwardly and parallel with Lord Street G5 feet: theme westwardly and parIell with Xash Street 33 feet: hence Southwardly and parallel boundary Street 1G5 feet o a point in the northern line of Joore Street; thence along the norhern line of Moore Street eastwardy 33 feet to the beginning point, ame lot conveyed by \V. A. Moore ml wife to Isaac T. Stout and Edward F. Davis, 27th, September, 1905, look .1.1, I'age 200, and same coneyed to E. F. Davis, Book 15. page -. and one undivided half interest ?v E. ! '. to C. W. Hasley. 8th. Febuary. 1911. Book 10. page 339. and levised said Easley by E. F. Davis, mri by said E. \V. Easley hnd wife o L. T. Yaskell by deed dated 17th. Vpril. 1920. recorded in Book 42, page 18. records Of Brunswick County, to which reference is hereby especially nade. Dated and posted this 20th. day of larch. 1941. Southport Building & Loan Associaion. S. B. Frink, Attorney. i-16-c NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of authority osted in me, under the Consolidated itatute 2435. of North Carolina Code, will, on the 8th day of April, 1911. it one o'clock P. M.. at the garage >t* Robert Phelps, at Supply, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder or cash, to satisfy my mechanics ien. for labor and repairs done by ne February 3. 1941, to the following lescribed automobile, together with he storage from the 3rd day of February. 1941 until the date of sale. lII the right, title, and interest which he owner. Lester Perry, of Jackson ille. Florida, has in the following lescribed automobile: One 1935 model Ford Tudor sedan, notor number 8-1505835. Taylor and Prevatte, Attorneys for tobert Phelps. -2G-C A 1)M I.VIST It ATKIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix >f the estate of Mrs. Rosa Pigott, leceased. late of Brunswick County. Corth Carolina, this is to notify all lersons having claims against the state of said deceased to exhibit hem to the undersigned at Supply, C.. on or before the 12th day if February 1942, or this notice will >e pleaded in bar of their recovery. VII persons indebted to said estate vill please make immediate payment. Hits 8th day of February 1941. Mrs. R. Galloway, Administratrix if Rosa Pigott, Estate. 3-26-c MORTGAGE SAFE Under and by virtue of the power if sale contained in that deed of trust of August 20. 193." from William Jones and wife -Millie Jones of ]i the first part to Fannie 1C. Telfair, h 1>. L. Grady, II. I,. Batts. \V. C. h Lawrence. Louise Kelly, trustees of a the Grand United Order of Salem S and conveying the title to the land n hereinafter described to I). L. Grady 11 i in said deed of trust to secure the loan therein recited, default having :l ; been made in the payment of the P I debt, interest and taxes, the said ' J trustees of the Grand United Order a l of Salem having demanded fore- a closure in order to satisfy the terms a [and conditions of the trust set up o by said instrument which is duly re- ti [corded in Hook 58. Page 1(12 in the a office of the Register of Deeds of y Brunswick County. North Carolina. 1 I the undersigned will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash ; at the court house door. Southport. J* North Carolina at noon on .Monday. April 7. 1941. all that certain tract or parcel of land in Brunswick Couii- p jty. North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Located in Smith ville Township, COMMENCING at n stake on the 'J i brick yard road, and running in an 1 easterly direction to a pine at the west end of the lane; thence down 0 (the said lane to low water mark. and up the river to the middle tract I or Cane line; thence in a westerly I direction to three sweet gum trees on the brick yard road: thence down vi said road to the commencing slake. C It being the same tract of land con- d; veyod to G. \V. Pugh by T. A. ii Bobbins, by deed dated January 12. C 1871. recorded in Book .MM at page 11 117 of the records of Brunswick tl County, and conveyed by G. ]>. Pugli e: and wife et als. to C. W. Messick on h June 18. 1923. by deed recorded in d; the offiee of the Register of Deeds A of Brunswick County, in Book 37. pi at page 483. to which reference is si hereby made. Also being the same $] land conveyed to William Jones by ei \V. V. Parker and Alex Mines, by si deed tinted June 25. 1929. recorded hi in Book 50 at page 117. in the office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, North Carolina. s: Dated and posted this March 4th. N 1941. D. L. Grady of the third part et Taylor and Prevatte, attorneys. ?l t-2-c ir l'UItKt l.DSI HK NOTII K Notice is hereby given that by 3virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. dated the 3rtl tlay of Fehruary. 1941. in an action entitled "Brunswick v County versus? c P. M. Cox And Wife If Any." ? 4j, the Undersigned commissioner will j,' expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th day of April. 1941. at 12:00 o'clock A. M.. at the Courthouse door. South- , port. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment oi . 8133.55. the following described real ^ estate located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C? s. bounded and described as^ follows: ^ j! HKUINXING at a staice on me Southeast vomer of Cox & Mercer J Streets runs thence with the East- j, era edge of said Mercer Street to a stake where it crosses J>. II. Mercer's line: thence with D. It. Mercer's p line North to the old public road: thence with the said road to the South edge of the Cox Street: C*, thence with said street to the begin- p ning containing l acres more or a less. j i And all other lands owned by the ( said Defendants in Town Creek Town- j, ship. Brunswick County. North Car- s| olina. Iji All sales subject to report to and jl( confirmation bv the Court. .Ten days rt allowed for raise ot' bid before report j, made. Cash to be paid at sale. ,, This the 3rd. day of March, 1011. (! S. B. Prink. Commissioner. 3--*"- a FOKKCI.OSl'KK NOT 1(1. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior a, Court of Brunswick County, N. C., 0 dated the 3rd day of June. 1010, j)( in an action entitled "Brunswick p County versus? ir Bodrick Hill And Wife If Any," ? ,|! the undersigned commissioner will n expose at public auction sale to the \ highest bidder for cash on the 7th s day of April, 1911, at 13:00 o'clock 'jA. M., at the Courthouse door, South- j, port, N. C\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of j,' $107.75, the following described real j, estate located in Town Creek Town- p ship. Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as follows: y BEGINNING at a stake in Snow w Field Avenue 110 feet Eastwardly from the Bight of way of the W. (>( B. & S. II. B. runs thence North a SO degrees E. 1083 feet to a stake. *n thence S. 17 degrees W. 530 feet to a stake: thence S. 80 degrees \V. 730' to a stake: in the aforesaid Avenue: 3 thence with the Northern edge of _ the same 185' to the first station, containing 10 acres more or less, according to a survey of several tracts v made by K. W. Taylor 1919 of c which this is the No. 3. r] And all other lands owned by j, the said defendants in Brunswick < County, North Carolina. jj All sales subject to report to and p confirmation by the Court. Ten days e allowed for raise of bid before report p made. Cash to he paid at sale. < This the 3rd. day of March. 1941. ^ S. B. Prink, Commissioner. n 3-20-c I l.'/diret viiTirr Notice is hereby given that by sj virtue of ;i decree of the Superior fo Court of Brunswick County, N. dated the 3rd day of February. 1941. H in an action entitled "Brunswick c County versus? M John Billops And Wife If Any," ? a the undersigned commissioner will K expose at public auction sale to the n highest bidder for cash on the 7th jj day of April. 1941. at 12:00 o'clock > A. M.. at the Courthouse door. South- tl port. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of ,] said court to enforce the payment of n $180.11. the following described real a estate located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C.t s bounded and described as follows: si BEGINNING at a stake and fence c corner post Joe Reed's corner runs ,] thence his line South 84 degrees K. tl 232 feet to an iron stake: thence North 20 west 205 feet to a stump t) and fence corner, of a fence owned by John Mallett runs thence North ,i 83 degrees with said fence. 232 feet K to the Andrew Williams line, thence t.) with said line 188 feet to the 1st. s station, containing ljy estimation 1 t! acre more or less. a And all other lands owned by the n said Defendants in Town Creek (t Township, Brunswick County, North tl Carolina. * All sales subject to report to and a confirmation by the Court. Ten days p allowed for raise of bid lie fore report the undersigned commissioner will . expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 7th day of April. 1941. at 12:00 o'clock v A. M.. at the Courthouse door. South- c port, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of ,] said court to enforce the payment of p $313.30. the following described real c estate located in Town Creek Town- p ship. Brunswick County, X. C.. p bounded and described as follows: e Beginning at a black gum in Mos- p sy Branch John F. Mints corner, <] runs thence with his line S. 30 deg. ji M. 35 poles to a pine; thence S. B0 p deg. W. 25 poles to a pine stump; s thence X. 74 deg. W. 80 poles to a $ stake in the Schulken line, thence with said line X. 26 deg. W. 58 poles s to a pine stump at the X. edge of p Bone Branch: thence with Willie Ben tons line X*. 74 deg. 16 poles to t a Holly at the run of Bone Branch, t thence down said Branch about 17 f poles to a black gum. MrCullen's c corner, thence with his line S. 32 E. 3 82 poles to a black gum. in Mossy t Branch; thence down said Branch to c the beginning containing by estima- t tion 30 acres. BEGINNING at a* 1 stake in the Wolf line, in Red Head ( Branch, rims S. 70 deg. E. 43 poles to a stake; thence X. 46 deg. E. 48 s poles to a stake; thence N. 10 deg. t W. 72 poles to a stake: J. F. Mintr corner, thence with his line 8. CO deg. c W. 03 poles to Red Head Branch: a i maple thence said branch to the be- i ginning, containing 32V^ acres, more or less. BEGINNING at a Black gum In J # Page three Tossy Branch, runs with Jordan's ne X. 25 XV. 70 poles m a stake is corner; thence with another of is lines S. t?0 deg. W. 51 poles to black gum in Bonev Branch: thence . 'VI B. 82 poles to a black glim in iossv Branch, theme down said tr.mcli to the beginning containing acres more or less. BIXIINNINO i a stake runs S. 78 deg. \V. l!0 oles to a stake; thence S. .10 deg. ;. 60 poles to a stake ten (In) ores more or less. BED INN I NO at stake in the Wright line, it lieitig corner of Liiulsey Walker's land n which Henry now lives, running nence S. 25 degrees K. 139 feet to stake, thence S. S3 degrees 45 k\ 1170 feet to a pine corner, thence ~ i a direct line to the beginning, \ mtaining 6', acres or land, more j, r less. Excepting a life time right % i Henry Benton and wife. And all other lands owned, by tlie efendants in Town Creek Township, irunswiek County. North Carolina. | All sales subject to report to and mfirmation by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bill before report lade. Cash* to be paid at sale. [ Tills the 3rd. day of .March. 1911. " S. B. Brink, Commissioner. ;) 2f.-e 1 FOREC'I.OSl* KK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by irtue of a decree of the Superior ourt of Brunswick County. N. C.. ated the 6th day of January. 1911, i an action entitled "Brunswick on nty versus? T. B. Manuel And Wife If Any," ? le undersigned commissioner will spose at public auction sale to the ighest bidder for cash on the 7th ay of April, 1911. at 12:00 o'clock . M? at the Courthouse door. Sotilhort, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of iiil court to enforce the payment of 188.34, the following described real state located in Northwest Townilp, Brunswick County. X. t\, minded and described as follows: 5 Acres Home. And all other lands owned by the lid Defendants in Brunswick County, ortb Carolina. All stiles subject to report to and mifirination by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of bid before report iade. Cash to be paid tit sale. This the 3rd. day of .March. 1911. S. B. Brink. Commissioner. 20-c I OltE( I.OSI UF NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that by iriue of a decree of the Superior ourt of Brunswick County. N. ('., ated the 2nd day of December, 19-10 i an action entitled "Brunswick ounty versus? S. Willetts And Wife If Any," ? le undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale lo the ighest bidder for cash on the 7ih ay of April, 1911. at 12:90 o'clock M- at the Courthouse door, South- f art. X. in satisfy the decree or iiranch, egi lining at a Cum in Thompkins iranch runs thence Xorth ?"? degrees !. 200 poles to a stake; thence S. 58 egrees West OS poles to Pounds Dinerr thence South 01 degrees West 20 poles Cumbee's corner; thence outli 30 degrees Fast 80 poles to hoinpkins It ranch: thence down said iranch to the beginning being the ame land granted to P. X. Caney y State Grant So. 13250 recorded 1 Hook P. P. Page 277 records of irunswick County. All other lands owned by It. S. I'illetts A: Wife If Any. In BrunsIck County. All sales subject to ret?ort to and bnflrmatlon by the Court. Ten days Mowed for raise of hid before report lade. Cash to l?e paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of .March. 1011. S. H. Frlnk. Commissioner. 2fi-c . j FOKEt'l.nsritE NOTICE Xotice is hereby given that by irtue of a decree of the Suneflor ourf of Hrunswick County. X. C.. ated the 6th day of May, 10 in. 1 an action entitled "Hrunswick ounty versus? tobert R. Hryant And Wife If Any", le undersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the ighest bidder for cash on the 7th ay of April, 1911. at 12:00 o'clock . M.. at the Courthouse door. Southort. X. to satisfy the decree of Aid court to enforce the payment of 392.51. the following described real state located in Town Creek Townhip, Hrunswick County. X. C., ounded and described as follows: HKfllNNIN'G at the first Branch hove Howard's Landing on Town reek and runs inenre uj> sum Eranch: with David McQuinns line bout one Hundred poles to a sweet um: thenee Eastwardly with the leanderiiigs of said Creek to a old rie known as A kins line; thence .'orth with said line to Town Creek: lence Westwardlv with the meaner! ngs of said Creek to the beaming containing two hundred (250) ores more or less. BEGINNING at a Black Gum near hiuvle Landing in the mouth of a mall branch on the edge of Town 'reek and running theme South 10 eg. 21 poles with said Branch; lence S. 12 degrees East 40 noles ) a stake at the head of a ditch: hence S. 18 East 44 pole* to a lack gum in Levy Branch; thence own said Branch 130 noles to a take in Richard Sullivan's old line; deuce with said line N. 150 East to ullivan's old corner and thence to ie beginning containing ninety-four cres more or less. Excepting evertheless from the conveyance a ract of 25 acres being a part of lie above named tract which was old to .lack Street by W. 1'. Candy also excepting a tract of one undred and ninety 90-100 one hunredth acres, sold and conveyed by he parties of first part to Thomas tryant Sr.. and Thomas Bryant Jr. And all other lands owned by tobert R. Bryant and wife if any. i Town Creek Township. Brunswick 'ounty, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation bv the Court. Ten days Uowed for raise of bid before rejKirt mde. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of March. 1911. S. Tt. I*'rink. Commissioner. -SC-o , FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by irtiio of a decree of the Snnerior 'ourt of Brunswick County, N. C? ' lated the 6th day of January. 1941. ri an action entitled "Brunswick 'ounty versus? J. A. Melts And Wife Tf Any," ? he ufidersigned commissioner will xpose at public auction sale to the lighest bidder for cash on the 7th lay of April. 1941. at 12:00 o'clock i. M.. at the Courthouse door. Southiort. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of aid court to enforce the pavmertt of 92.80. the following. described real state located in Town Creek Townhip. Brunswick County. N. C? K>unded and described as follows; BEGINNING on a pine stump near he Run of Bee Tree Swamp runs hence South degrees West 351b pet to a stake; thence North 72 legrees 45 E. 422 Feet, thence North degrees E. to Bee Tree Swamp: hence with said Swamp to the point >f beginning supposed to contain hirty four and one half acres, in Pown Creek Township, Brunswick Pounty. And all other lands owned by the laid Defendants in Brunswick Couny, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and 'onfirmation by the Court. Ten da?s illowed for raise of bid before report nade. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 3rd. day of March, 1941. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. 1-26- c