n-rnsESPAV. JUNE 11. IRJAAUIEMWCH jfo Mrs. Blanna Fir h. of Raleigh, and |K ,, t A p,-arc. Cunmer, of SouthiB . innized at noon .'me 1. in a private .... the West Raletgh UKwbrtcil-in Church, with the . Roivit K. Atkins, Baptist ^B^ster j!lf. Ciar.n.' i is the daughter B .. y,. Waliam George Mathews, Hi:,ei,y of Virginia, now ofRal!l late William Georv i i Mi the s Clifton Forge, B promibiicr.e man, who was . . Virginia Public ^Bju;-,:ie 0 and organizer ;ht, aipary which acquired ifVeiej-fi! the famous Na Virginia. She was 9 St. Marv's Junior ;iese Raleigh, and Virginia ^Bmtewcr.t college. Bristol. Va. ^B j(] C: .aimer is the son of ^Bkidac an.: Mrs. Edward H. fBcrannier. ' Southport. He is a ^Br trite N'orth Carolina State ^Bvp.ge i member of the $ I After a wedding trip to White ^ sulphur Springs. W. Va.. the ,ple h s returned to Southport. Bweddixc reception Judge and Mrs. E. H. CraniBrd irceived their friends on I^HM' r.: night at their home l^H;. - their son and his wife, and Mis. Pearce Cranmer, 9' ; "'ere married recently in Raleigh. B The hon.e was decorated with H picfusii r. of summer flowers. where ice cream "-ac hoon. iilKi were sent" ..?? tifuiiv arranged with a large I vl of larkspur in the center. Candles provided the only light. Punch was served on the sun r : and sifts were on display in the libraty. Guests weie greeted at the iioor and introduced to the receiving line bv Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Mrs. C. Ed Tay!.: The receiving line was made up of Judge and Mrs. Cranmer inn the couple. Assisting with serving were Mesdames P.. I. Mintz. Harold 5: George. K. H. Kinsler, J. W. P.uark. >r. Pi. Sanders, James Can L. C Fergus. James Harf-r and Misses Marion Watson, Elizabeth Watson, Ethel Farrell, Anna Taylor, and Little Mary Finance Your Next C It's Economical .... Don't high financing charges?us< plan at regular LOW B S6.00 Per Hundred Per ^ 1VACCAMAW BA ? OPE IS^)UAKfc Saturday Ni And Every Sat. N HOLDEN'S BE ?ADMl Gents: 25c Ladit STRA^ W e have them l or wear in the fielt Jnd for the ladies a I hese are just i ?f merchandise tha care of our custome SHALLOTTE Ilobson K SHALLOTTE, 1941 Newton. Others who assisted in various rooms and to say goodbye to the guests were Mesdames C. G. Ruark, George Y. Watson, W. G. Butler and R. B. Thompson. I SURPRISE SHOWER Miss Ethel Farrell was hostess ; on Saturday afternoon at a lovejly bridge party honoring her couj sin. Miss Anna Taylor, whose enjgagement was recently announced. The party took place in the | home of Mrs. George Y. Watson. A shower of towels, which I came as a surprise to the honoree j was a feature of the afternoon. ! Miss Taylor received a number | of towels of all kinds. When the guests arrived they ! were served ice cream and cake, I the ice cream having a wedding | bell motif in the center. The dining room, where the gifts were assembled, was beau1 tifully decorated, the large white 'wedding bell over the table being I the center of interest. The table I was arranged with a bowl of | white roses in the center with | candles surrounding it. Mrs. Kenneth Kinsler was high scorer and received a bottle of cologne. Miss Elizabeth Watson was second high and Miss Kathryh Johnson, of Winnabow, bingoed. j Others who were there were Mesdames C. Ed. Taylor, Percy J. Farrell. George Y. Watson. Henry Goodwin, J. W. Thompson, IR. I. Mintz, Robert Thompson. jR. J. Kiddoo, James Harper, and i Misses Marion Watson, and Alice j Johnson. BIRTHDAY PARTY Johnnie Fulwood entertained a number of his friends at a party at his home on Saturday afterI noon from three until five the occasion being his tenth birthday. After enjoying games and contests the guests were served delicious ice cream and cake, as refreshments. There were fourteen girls and boys present. COTTAGE OPEN' | The Tomlinson Cottage at Long i Beach is open for the summer. Guests this week are Mrs. C. N. I Watkins, Carl and Bill Watkins, all of Louisburg, and Eugene I Tomlinson of Fayetteville. "ar With A Bank Loan .NK & TRUST CO. NING- I I DANCE I ight, June 14 I ight During Season ACH PAVILION I [SSION? I js: A Pleasant Smile I V HATS I ?hundreds of them. I d, to wear on Sunday, I I nd children. I i part of our big stock I t was laid in to take I rs during the summer I TRADING CO. irby, Prop. I - - - N. G. I I (Lbs lEtghter I 5B(fittr 3Hr I Tho' the local Red Cross sew- < ing unit is only about halfway through it's present quota, the fall quota is already here . . . and its two and a half times bigger than the present one . . . J. W. Lancaster very kindly j had the huge packing boxes taken from the station to the sew- j ing room where they will await1 the departure of the present j quota before the boxes are even i opened. Two large boxes have already been shipped and the volunteer workers are trying to get off a box of ten layettes this week The call is still urgent for volunteer workers at the serving room in the city hall and the j days are still Monday and Thurs' day . . . The faithful few re] main (he only workers so it seems ! our little society page editorial ] on the disgrace of Southport's reaction to Britain's crying need did no good whatever . . . j It's discouraging . . . but maybe, someone will read this and show I up Thursday ... we hope so,, anyway . . . Personals Mrs. G. V. Leal and daughters, I Lib and Tudy, Margaret Powell, I of Chester, S. C., and Sarah i Frances McLauren, Laurinburg, visited the S. B. Frinks at Long Beach during the week end. Hi * # Mr. and Mrs. Martin McCall j and Mrs. Tom Larsen left Sunday | tor Charleston, s. C. MiS3 Anna Katharine Garrett spent the past week end at Car- j olina Beach on a houseparty. I Miss Elizabeth Davis is visit- j ; ing relatives at Glouchester. Miss Helen Dean Sutton of j Wilmington spent the past week i end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sutton. Misses Doris <5orfette and Wilma Barnette and Donnie St. George, Jack and Brother Christian have returned from a house-, party at Myrtle Beach. ? ? * * Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Watson. D. j F. Danford and Bobby Brown I spent the past week-end in Char-1 Wheat1 """""" Due To Our Connection We Can 1 Cole's B< FOR YOUR WHE PRICES Pay Yo AT FULL MA Cole's ( COMPLETE LINE GR< WHITEVU DELAY YOUI WHY CERTA] When repair an are needed in a hurr; or car and come stra our business to be a tomers out of tight f ces are 10-to-l that i G- W- KIRE Supply, . . THE STATE POR" Sifre ?f Ittfe a Ipmaie ii i A i i i??r.a^ leston, S. C., with Mr. and Mrs Clarence Danford. # * * C. C. Russ returned home las week, from the government hos pital in Fayetteville where he hai been receiving treatment for thi past month. Miss Patsy* duthrie, of Wil mington, visited Miss Sallie Am McNeill last week. Julian Southorland, of Norfolk Va.t is spending his vacation hcri with his mother, Mrs. Elizabetl Southerland. * * * Mrs. Dave Swain and littli daughter, Bettie Jean, of St. Aug ustine. Fla., are visiting relative here. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Fulwooi and children spent Sunday a Myrtle Beach, S. C. Harvey Bro*wn o*f Wilmington spent Sunday with his parents Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. Miss Vera *Jo?ge*nsen, of' Wil mington spent the week end her with her mother, Mrs. Cassie Jor gensen. * * * Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Smith am daughter, Doris, of Wilmingtor spent Sunday here with Mrs. Eliz abeth Southerland. * ? * Waters Thompson spent Tues day and Wednesday in Rockwell T. H. Lindsey, of Raleigh, wa a visitor here Monday. * * * Miss Anna Taylor returned Fri rlaxr frAtn Ta rlrcnn vi 1 1p whpfP sh visited Miss Murriel Ketchum tw days last week. * * * Miss Marion Frink. daughte of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Frink, ar rived home Wednesday night fror Lenoir-Rhyne College where sh was a student this year. * * * Mrs. R. M. Wolfe and chil dren, Edward and Julia, visitc friends here Thursday. * ? ? J. G. Christian spent the pas week here with his family whil on his vacation. * * * W. T. Fulwood and Joe Coch ran spent their vacation with th latter's parents at Boston, Ga. Wanted With Cole Milling Co. Exchange jst Flour AT A 1 MlLLtK'3 ... OR u Cash .RKET PRICE irocery 3CERIES AND FEEDS JLE, N. C. I FARMING? INLY NOT! d replacement parts y, jump in your truck ight to our store. It's ible to help our cus>laces, and the change can fix you up. ;Y & SONS . - N. C. I r PILOT, SOUTHPORT, W. C. NEWS I I BRIEFS J; ; ! J j'? IP OCCUPY APARTMENT iv Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKeithan I t' have moved into the upstairs j ! apartment at the C. M. Crapon d home. h 3 . ON* rURLOUGH a Adrian Sellers, who enlisted | last year in the U. S. Navy, is " spending two weeas here with i relatives. He is now attached to the Aviation Ordinance Pensacola, Fla. j ON THE BEACH The S. B, Frink family moved 1 over to their cottage at Long Beach last week to spend the summer months. a MEDICAL PATIENT s Ellis Ganey, of Leland, entered Dosher Memorial Hospital as a medical patient Friday. 3 SURGICAL PATIENT Mrs. Ivan Ludlum of Southport entered Dosher Memorial Hospital Thursday as a surgical ' patient. ' I PATIENT Ashton Willis of Morehead City " entered Dosher Memorial Hose pital Tuesday as a medical pati" ent. i Bolivia Club Women Meet Memoers UI DOllvm numc UCHI- j onstration Club met June 3 at | the home of Mrs. W. A. Kopp ' in their regular monthly meets ing. Mrs. Marion Dosher had charge I of the lesson for the month. Due to the absence of the president, e Mrs. Dosher took charge of the 0 meeting and gave a demonstration on "Yeast Breads." The recreation period was in r charge of Mrs. George Cannon, after which refreshments of salad 11 and iced tea served by the hostess e to the following club members: Mrs. George Cannon, Mrs. D. L. Mercer, Mrs. A. R. Mercer and ~ Mrs. Kopp. The next regular meeting will be with Mrs. VV. K. Cox on July { 1, at 3 o'clock. Square Dance At Holdens Beach e The first square dance of the season will be held on Saturday night at the pavilion at Holden's . How's Your PICK-UP? Do you pick up the receiver promptly when your telephone rings, or do you sometimes delay a little? ! You know, unless you an swer a call just as soon as you can, the calling party j may think you're absent and hang up .. . And it might be an important call you've missed. And how about your HANG-UP? When making a call, be slow to hang up if you don't get an answer immediately. The person you're calling may be some distance away from his telephone or otherwise unable to answer promptly. So allow his telephone to ring until you're sure no one is going to answer, j Just a few moments waiting on your part will save you time in the long run, because you'll complete more calls. BE QUICK ON THE PICK-UP.:: SLOW ON THE HANI-UP.;. And you'll gel more satiitaction from your telephone service SouTHERn BeliTelephode PUD TELEGRAPH COM INCORPORATED Jeach. These dances will be i egular Saturday night' featuri hroughout the summer. Reports have been received o: nuch building activity on thi! lopular beach, and property own rs are all pepped up over thf irospect of having REA powei rithin a few days. ^ Father: "Son, every time yoi o wrong I get another graj air." Little Boy: "My, dad, you musl been awful! Look at grandpa!' WANT ADS IE WARD: I will pay Si.00 foi the safe return of one malt abby cat stolen from or neai MOTHS Do $12,000,000.00 worth of damage each year in the United States. Let us clean and put up your clothes in mothproof bags. SOUTHPORT DRY GLEANERS SOUTHPORT, N. C. DRIVE IN You're Always Welcome? ?at? W. RUSS, Station TEXACO PRODUCTS Shallotte, N. C. R CO Taylor & PrevatteTaylor & PrevatteSanderson?No. 17 Frink?No. 1763? Taylor & PrevatteMintz?No. 1743? Frink, Mintz, Varser, Mclntyre Is and Henry Frink?No. 1719? Mintz?No. 1700? Ruark?No. 1603? Frink?No. 329?I Bellamy & Sons? Ruark, Wright?N< Ruark, Mintz?No, 1 Cole?No. 1679?F Frink?No. 1721? Cole?No. 1500?F Wright, Frink?Nc Frink, Mintz?No. Bryan?Shannon vs Frink?Brunswick Frink?Brunswick Frink?Brunswick Taylor & PrevatteTaylor & PrevatteFrink?Brunswick Frink?Brunswick Frink?Brunswick Frink?Brunswick Frink, Varser?Bit Mclntyre & HenrySi i' my house on Sunday night. No|Ro? > question asked. B. L. Furpless, "f j Southport, N. C. f WANTED?Man with ear. Route ;) experience preferred but notj f.eo necessary to start. Rawlelgh's ($oa' j Dept. NCF-211-M, Richmond,'Va. Bru > i n I ? I r! MULES, MULES, MULES: I have just received 2 carloads j ^ I of nice broke mules. Already had \o '! 50 head on hand wmcn makes I pMa total of 93 head of mules inN-om my barn. X will sell or trade on ! " t easy terms. Come to see me or Frii ' ! write me. I will sure trade or! j sell you. J'. P. Newton, Wilming-, Bru ton, N. C. Dial 3580. MALE HELP WANTED will -1 MOVIE OPERATORS and manr: agers ? Southport District ? Cou 'Movie Circuit Work ? 1622'j^, "! Rhodes Haverty Bldg., Atlanta, I villi ijca. ',es' LEGALS ~~ :? . and NOTICE OF SAI.E UXDER DEED OF TKI'ST Under and by virtue of authority contained In a certain Deed of j!1.'1 TRUST executed by Louvenla Park- j Jr* er. to 8. B. Fritik. Trustee, on the ,ne 3rd. day of January, 1940, recorded In Rook Kb. ?)7, at Page No. 567, registry of Brunswick County. North r I Carolina, Default having been made; ^ in the payments of the indebtedness' :",M secured by thereby, the Undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, at public ' ; auction, for cash, at twelve o'clock lim! noon, at the Courthouse Door in!a,,(' Brunswick County, on the nth. day of June. 1941. all that certain lot or line parcel of land located in Brunswick j cott County. Smitjivllle Township. North ;X?ei ? Carolina, and'described as follows: tree BEGINNING on the north side of. the [St. George Street, at a point fifty- Bra one (51) feet westwardly from tne.Spr I northwest corner of Howe and St. gun i George Street, some being J. R. , We i Kvans' southwestern corner of his : pon .? u ! ^#ol store lot, ana runs inenw nuun-ima, wardly and parallel with Howe . 1925, ami same land con- i | veyed by George Parker and wife, to 6-4RUNSWICK COUNTY URT CALENDS JUNE TERM, 1941 CIVIL CASES Monday, June 16, 1941 ?No. 1709?Blue vs. Blue. ?No.1765?Knight vs. Knight. 60?Sibbett vs. Sibbett. Walker vs. Walker. ?No. 1615?Lennon vs. Lennon. Odum vs. Odum. 1 lo. 1683, Stanley vs. Walker, etals. Ci Jenrette vs. Gfyn Car Tuesday, June 17, 1941 Brown vs. Morrison, et als. Frin -Finch vs. McDonald hunswick Co., vs. Church No. 1628?Morris vs. Vereen o. 1518?Grimes vs. Hooks , 1706?Shelton vs. Creosoting ( Wednesday, June 18, 1941 '. D. I. C. vs. Clammey Stone vs. Jenrette, et als. 'eoples Bank vs. J. W. Thompson MOTION DOCKET>. 1752?Chinnis vs. Baucum. 1749?Miller vs. Willetts, et als 3. W. B. & S. County vs. Reaves County vs. Potter County vs. Potter ?No. 1771?Rogers vs. Machine < Thursday, June 19, 1941 ?Cliff vs. Rhodes County vs. Smith County vs. Manson County vs. Danford County vs. Kennedy inswicq County vs. The Concordii ?Taylor vs. Fire Ins. Co. S. T. BENNETT, C! iperior Court, Brunswick PAGE THREE I >ert W. Davis, Trustee. 28th, day 9B January. 1926. as will more fully .'^B ear by reference to the records Brunswick County, to which ref- ^H ice is hereby especially made, and |^^B ig the same land conveyed to f^^B irge Barker et ux, by Robert VY. ^H ,*is. Trustee, recorded in Rook Xo. ^^B at page Xo. 4.16. records of j^H inswick County. Xorth Carolina. ^H a ted and posted this 6th day of ^H ^B S. B. FRIXK, Trustee. BH 1 B^B TICK OF SAI.E IXDHH BRED O F THl'ST nder and by virtue of authority tained in a certain Peed of j^B st executed by Maude Price and ^H husand. J. D. Price, to S. B. iik. Trustee, on the 6th day of ^H i 1, 1939. recorded in Rook Xo. Bfl at Page Xo. 357. registry of nswick County, Xorth Carolina. ^^B ault having been made in the ^^B ments of the indebtedness secured HB thereby, the undersigned Trustee ^H offer for sale, at public auction. ^B ash. at twelve o'clock noon, at |^B Courthouse Door in Brunswick ^B ntv. on the 6th day of June. 1941. . ^B that certain lot or parcel of land BB ited iti Brunswick County. Smith- ^B Township. Xorth Carolina, and ^B ribed as follows: ^B FIRST TRACT ^B KG IX XIXG at a stake In Prices |^B Wescott's line, and runs thence {^B t about 650 Feet to a dead pine ^B iron stakes; thence South 85 j^B rees Fast about 1150 feet to a !^B ce at the run of Nancy's Creek; ^B u-e up said Creek to Spring ^B nch; thence up said Spring ^B nch said \V. A. Price's line to ^B BFGIXNTXG. containing 60 acres, ^H e or less, same conveyed to W. ^B Price by T. J. Wescott. ^B SKCOMI TRACT SOWS AS THE PRINK TRACT H adjoining the lands of the BB nestead tract of F. 1). Price, BF- BB CXIXG at a stake in the dividing ^B between said Homestead tract ^B F. M. Wescott's land in an line, running thence with this ^B Fast 72 poles to John L. Wes- ^B "s comer, thence South 73 dc- H ?s Fast 18 poles to a white Bay IB in the head of a drain, down ^B drain nearly South to Spring inch, thence along the run of ^B ing Branch 80 poles to a black ii: thence North 35 degrees 80' ^B st 77 i>oles to a cypress In a H| d; thence West 8 poles to a ^^B eeds of Brunswick ^B inty. >ated and posted tins 6th day of y. 1041. M S. B. FRIXK. Trustee. ^B tR ; i 'aylor & Prevatte, Bellamy & Sons, irr, James & Carr j r, James & Carr 2 k, McEwen, Sykes I Taylor, Prevatte H Lyon & Lyon I So. Poisson & I Campbell. I Wright I Thompson I Bellamy & Sons I Holmes Mintz Mintz Mintz So. Pittman m Goldberg I McClammy I Murray Allen I County. I * M / * M /?I