Is | lin Li. Wil, *, , announce^ the 1,1 . , their daughter, ' \v,lletts. to William 1 I n take Place S"' June 27. at seven 1 ,-vvcu'sit the Mill Creek j t Church M -'tives of 1 . n purvis live-year- ' I ffjvii entertained a num ! ". ion. s at a birthday ] ? Air:: day afternoon, j ?1 sH G H iv Patricia's Sun- ; W ' cted many . and contests. ; invited into ] i where they were ind cake. The ' n,K was attractively dec- ] I r pink and white. Pink E I ?ere given The honoree received v nice gifts. Sose enjoying the party were: pairisi: Iiiss Rae Evans, ft' i", ' . m.vvis Lois Phelns. JO*" 4 H Ruth Phelps Doris McKei|H McKeithan. Harry | pi;rr.y Duval. Louise Sim- j Barbara Ann Lous'. Avis , Evans. Melva Jean Babson,! | S fc-.ton Babsor Billy Joan Hew- j. I ? jerry Long. Annie Mae :. ;h ar i Retha Mae Smith. assisting- Mrs. Purvis j Mrs. Marv Long;. Mrs. . Mrs. Louise Formy i and Mrs. Corb Smith. W I _ ? i Rt-t.i Cross sowing unit 1 hostess at a baby shower 1 If. I British babies on Thursday 1 ^ftrrocr. in the sewing room.! i V purpose of the shower was j socks, shirts and safety ,: for th. layettes which have | i ^ our Next Cr ^ quirements Are Reasonabl Hi good credit standing { Ability to repay mont Ui'rom regular income. Ability to make requi JMriown payment. wACCAMAW BAr WHEN Al is .. . Stop at the Standai ffltion of Highway No. 17 a jHaddition to the petroleum Incomplete line of merchand I JJ-ha J| Supply, I You C I 19 jEv The following di py, Brunswick County Ti I 9? 1 l^o I 1/2 Per Gent IF I 1 Per Cent IF I |T.'i This is your op] it': Taxes. I Ch I PRUNSWIC1 941 A just been completed. Punch and cakes were served to the guests by Mrs. Harold St. George and Mrs. L. T. Yaskell. Regular work was in progress so that guests could see ivhat was being done. Some ladies who could not attend sent shower gifts. Those present were: Mesdames Harry Dosher, Valle Fredere, L. T. Yaskell, Frank Niernsee, Hickman, L. C. Fergus, Hulan Watts, Harry Weeks, Harold St. George. G. E. Hubband. C. Ed. Taylor, James Harper, G. D. Robinson. George Whatley, Joel Moore, George Y. Watson. R. S. Harrison, M. R. Sanders. Alexander, Frank Plaxco, C. N. Crapon, Cronley Ruark, John Caison, Percy J. Ferrell, Swain, R. J. Kiddoo, md Misses Margaret Parkhill, Annie Zue Newton, Mary Weeks, Ethel Farrell, Bess Plaxco. Marion Fredere. Anna Taylor and Sue Fredere. BRIDGE PARTY Miss Mary Dick Cannon honored Miss Anna Taylor on Tuesday afternoon with a bridge party in her home. Miss Taylor's marriage to Earl I. Brown will take place next week. Bridge was played at three tables. Miss I,ois Tanp RiioqpIIo being the highest scorer in the group. She received as prize a box of powder. Traveling prize, a patriotic pin, was won by Miss Bobbie Davis. Mrs. M. R. Sanders bingoed and received "a vase as prize. Miss Taylor was presented with a reading lamp by her hostess and Mrs. Pearce Cranmer, a recent bride was given a flower cart. A three-tiered wedding cake was the center of interest 011 the beautifully apointed table, \yhen the guests went into the dining room for refreshments. Punch ivas served by Mrs. Earl I. Brown and Mrs. Percy J. Farrell. Various sandwiches and mints were 11* With A Bank Loan "4K & TRUST CO. ; SUPPLY "d Station at the intersecnd Highway No. 130. In products you will find a ise. i WES N. C. ? !an Save 1 ON YOUR 41 Tax scounts will be allowed for j i xes. F PAID ON OR BE JULY 1st, 1941 PAID DURING Jl >AID DURING AU< portunity to earn a substar as. E. Gai v COUNTY TAX ( I I I| passed. Those who played bridge are j i Mesdames Pearce Cranmer, R. I. \ | Mintz, Kenneth Kinsler, M. R. j Sanders, R. J. Kiddoo, L. C. Fer- | | gus; Misses Elizabeth Watson, | j Lois Jane Bussells, and Bobbie, i Davis. Others who came in for re- j freshments are Mesdames C. EM. 1 Taylor, C. G. Ruark, Percy J. | Farrell, Earl I. Brown, R. S. ' | Harrison, Frank Niernsee, Robert c I St. George, E. H. Cranmer, James j Pierce, E. H. Arlington, Minnie I Davis and Miss Ethel Farrell. v j HONORS BRIDE-ELECT u Miss Lois Jane Bussells enter- h I tained on Friday afternoon at a s j bridge party honoring Miss Anna \ Taylor in whose wedding next v week she is to be a bridesmaid, t After several progressions re- ii j freshments of ice cream and cake v j were served. The honoree was s j then given a surprise shower of j t i a number of attractive and use-, r ful gifts. j ti Mrs. Roy McKeithan was high u scorer and received a double deck t I of cards. Miss Wilma Barnett i< | bingoed and received a bottle of j J perfume. s Others present were: Misses y } Elizabeth Watson, Marion Wat[ son, Doris Corlette. Josephine ! Moore, Louise Niernsee, Evelyn g | Loughlin, Mary Dick Cannon, t I Marion Frink, Peggy Carr, Anna L j Kathryn Garrett, and Mesdames j h R. J. Kiddoo, Fred Ashburn apd j q James Harper. L L Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Davis, of IF ] Northville, Mich., are visiting rel- *1 j atives here. t * # * | Miss Florrie Radliff, of Tampa, 1 Fla., is visiting Mrs. Ethel Ful- a wood. v * * * Miss Bess Miller Plaxco left w this week for Richmond, Va? h where she will visit relatives. * * * Mrs. Hattie Tharp and grand- f daughter, Gloria Lee Hewett are v j spending the week with relatives " j in Kinston. * * * Harvey Brown, of Wilmington, v I spent the week end here with his 1 j mother, Mrs. A. L. Brown. Mrs. L. Leinei* of Wilmington, 11 spent last week here with her ^ sister, Mrs. W. G. Butter. * * . J Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pcarce, who * have been visiting relatives here 11 for the past two weeks, have returned to their home in Camden, N. J. c * * * J Jerry. Rivenbark, of Wilmington, C spent last week here with his cousins, Johnnie. Larry and Carl Fulwood. 0 li Mrs. Lindsey Patience and little I son, of Crescent City, Fla., are visiting Mrs. J. J. Garrett. i Mis: B. P. Finch is visiting * * * relatives in Wilson. Holmes Harker, of Philadelphia, 0 | spent last week here with his t sisters, Misses Carrie and Annie i] 1 Moore Harker. ii Mr. and Mrs. L. *D. Smith and j. r- daughter, Doris, of Wilmington, t onont Qnnrlnv Vinrp with Mrs TJz- ? "r^" * ~ j ? ( 1 zie Southerland. * * * y Realto Sorrensen, of New York, t is visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. Fred I Smith. c * * ? a I Dr. and Mrs. K. u. Daniels and v S son, Roy, Jr., Mrs. Ida Daniels s and their guests, Mrs. Alvin Starl- d ' ing and two children and A. J. I ? t j g I Money I res pre-payments of 1941 :fore jly, 1941. gust. itial savings on your use COLLECTOR ______ THE STATE PORT (The lighter 4 Our M' At last we've found a reader! | . . Really and truly ... so now [ /e feel more like writing this olumn every week . . . who can; ell but that maybe someday . e'U hear about someone else .'ho has read and liked this . . . The incident which has caused is so much joy and has given us ieart took place at the Red Cross hower Thursday . . ., Mrs. Hulan Vatts says the column which we .'rote several weeks ago about he Southport ladies not responding to the Red Cross need for! olunteer workers made her concience hurt so she came up to ] he sewing room that very after10011 . . . and has been every ime since! . . . That really made s feel good because we'd thought hat maybe every body had over-; joked the column . . . Now if aore ladies would be conscience-, tricken we'd soon get underway rith our next quota . . . * * Not only the older ladies but ome younger ladies are doing heir bit for the Red Cross . . . .ittle Karen and Swann are elping Mrs. Hubbard with the uilts she's making out of the craps . . . They fold the pieces he right way and then iron them o Mrs. Hubbard can stay at the lachine.. . . Also Sue Fredere, who does' verything at the sewing room' lobbins of Orlando, Fa., spent he week end touring the mounains of Western North Carolina. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Doshcr nd children of Wilmington were isitors here Monday. Kenneth Briih of Greensboro ;as a week end fishing visitor j fere. * * * I John Carr Davis has returned rom a visit of several weeks ,'ith Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Moore i Morgan City,, La. * ? * Mrs. A. K. Goldfinch of Conway visited friends here during In? past week end. * ? * Mrs. Melvin Lewis is visiting er son, Irving Lewis, in Norfolk, ra. Miss Mary Jacobs, of Natchey, liss., arrived last week to spend ! he summer with her grand-1 nother. Mis. Amelia Swain. * ? Mrs. Parker Howey and son, Jeorge Parker, and Mrs. J. R. icQueen of Rowland visited Mrs. leorge P. Howey here last week. * * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gold f High Point spent several days ast week here with Mrs. Edna tell. 4 ntioch Club Women Meet Members of Antioch Home DemnatfotiAn filth mot .TllllP 9 at. he home of Mrs. D. C. Harvelle n their regular monthly meetng The meeting was presided over >y the president, and following he business session she had I harge of the lesson for the nonth. A general discussion of east breads was entered into iy members present. The recreation period was in harge of Mrs. Carl S. Ward, I iter which refreshments of sandwiches, wafers and iced tea were erved by the hostesses, Mesames D. C. Harvelle and Geo. 5eck, to the following club memiers: Mesdames G. R. Holden, F. Cox, Frances Dixon, Carl >. Ward, Horace Johnson and iCelvin Smith. * Pauline Harvelle was a visitor, rhe next regular meeting will >e with Mrs. Alice Lewis, on July 4, at 2:30 o'clock. TOBACC We have all net repairs and r See our D0BBI1 SPRA ?Insecticides SHALLOTTE' Hobson Ki SHALLOTTE, PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. C ?f 3?ifc In elpmate from clipping threads and pack ing finished garments, to nursing kids who are in the way . . . ? * ? We spent the most enjoyable week end we've had in a long time over at Bald Head wit! Mary and Charlie Matthews . . They are perfect host and hostess and their entertainment reaehei a high spot when we drove with them in the station wagon or the strand all the way to corr Cake Inlet ... It was the mosl restful and enjoyable ride imaginable ... On the way dowr we stopped to look for plover nests and found hundreds, some with baby birds in them . . The kids were delighted . . Mary and Charlie have fixec up their beach cottage in the gayest colors and with the most attractive built-in things . . . The cottage is small and everything is in its place . . . Mary has het piano there which she enjoys . . The young one was fascinated with the bunks, the ocean, ant the tractors . . . Now we know why the .beach especially Bald Head, is so attractive to folks up-state .- . ycu feel as tho' you haven't a care in the world, and the facl that their isn't a road to the island makes it seem miles away from hurry . . . So they'd better not ask Uf again unless they mean it . . ACCEPTS POSITION Miss Robbie Woodside has ac cepted a clerical position al Camp Davis. CARD OF THANKS We are very grateful to al who have shown kindness to oui son during his long illness, am to friends and neighbors and t< members of the American Legior for their sympathy and help dur ing his funeral and burial. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams anc family. WantTdsP AVAILABLE AT ONCE nrurbc Rawleigh Route. Good oppor tunity for man over 25 with car Trade well established. Route ex perience helpful but not neces sary to start. Write at once Rawleigh's Dept. NCF-211-102 Richmond, Va. MULES, MULES, MULES: j have just received 2 carload! of nice broke mules. Already hac 50 head on hand wmcn makes a total of 93 head of mules ir my barn. I will sell or trade or easy terms. Come to see me oi write me. I will sure trade oi sell you. J. P. Newton, Wilmington, N. C. Dial 3580. WANTED: Middle aged white woman to take care of anc operate a small private laundry (Electric Washing Machine anc Ironer) Small Salary and Roon and Board. Write Mrs. J. Napier 111 So. 5th St., Wilmington, N C. LEGALS \OTKF (IF SALK OF HF \I. KST \ I K FO|{ V \ KTITION Notice is ' hereby given that pur suant to a decree of the Superiot Court of Rrunswick Count}', N. C made in special proceeding entitle* Marylilly Fisher-Williamson, etals vs. Annie Thompson Rrown. et. als. the undersigned commissioner appointed in said decree for the pur pose, will on Monday, the 28th, da} of July, 1941, at 12 o'clock M.. offet for sale at public auction for cast at the court house door in .Southport, X. C? for partition among tin several tenants in common, to th< highest bidder, the following deserib ,ed tracts or parcels of land, lyini and being in the City of South | port, X. and being more particularly bounded and described as fol I lows, viz:? Tract No. 1. Fronting oi | Hav Street 99 feet and running had from Hay street 113 feet, beinj parts of Ms. Nop. 1 and 2 accord ing to the plan of the town o ISouthport. X. C. Tract Xo. 2. Knowi las part of Lots Xos. 1 and 2 it the plan of the town of Southport 0 FLUES :essary parts for eplacements. IS horse-drawn YER. of all Kinds? rRADING CO. rby, Prop. - - - N. C. 1 IX. C., and beginning at Thomas M 'Thompson's North line on Boundary' ci : street in Lot No. 1; running thence; ai j Northwardly with Boundary street 50 feet; thence Eastwardly across sajd1 ot ' Lot N OKDlNWtK AITHORIZINK *17.0011 <; k m: it vi. kki imh.xi IKiMis OK I'll K MTV OK soi l II PORT lie it ordained by t lie board of aldermen of the City of Southport a.s follows: 1 1. Bonds of the city shall be issued to the maximum aggregate-principal amount of ?17,000 for ih?& purpose > J I of refunding by way of exchange the following valid outstanding bond> cd debt of the city, namely, ! $15,000 5 per cent bonds, j 'i July i. lf'ii and payable July . i. 1941 $2,000 per cent Sinking Fund bonds, dated March 1. 1928 and pay- . . able $1.0ftn on lite 1st of .March in j ' each of the years 1917 and 1918. fl A statement of the debt of the city has been tiled with the clerk . I and is open to public inspection. [ This ordinance shall take effect I on ii^ passage and shall not be I submited to the voters. fl The foregoing ordinance was pas- (I * sed on the 12 day of June, it'll, and ,1 ' was first published, on the IS day I . of June. 1941. I An> action or proceeding question-II . ing the validity ot s;?i?i ordinance I must be commenced within thirty l| davs after its first publication. O. K. HCBBAKD. Clerk fi-25-c ISON It ORIMN \M K M TllOltlZIMiJ ?11.500 (; K N K It \ I. RKI-TN III Mi ok i ii k: cm ok sof'tii port [ Be ii ordained by the board ofj aldermen of the City of Southport as I 51 follows: [| i. Bonds of the city shall be issuedl to the maximum aggregate principal j amount of $41,500 for e purpost ofj refunding by way of exchange the ' following valid outstanding bonded i debt of the city, namely. G per cent Street Improve-1 meat and Funding bonds, dated Aug- J ust 1. 1925 and payable $1,000 on; Vugust in each of the I " years in:::; to 1942, inclusive, SO,500 5 per cent Hospital bonds, dated January 1, 1929 and payable try in each j of the years 1934 to 1946 inclusive, j j ; $25,000 per ??-nT Public im- I provement bonds, dated Decembei 1, J1922 and payable on the 1st of | i I December $1,000 in each of the years 1933 to 1940, inclusive, $2,000.1 i in each of the years 1943 to 1947 inclusive. $1,000 in 1949 and $2,000 * iu each of the years 1950, 1951 and 1952. - w err ;| During the n for advertising pi not been paid, fo payers this notice pay before this is SAVE ADDITI LESS EMBARB 1940 TAXES Dl PR SAVE MOI BY P 2 Per Cei E E* CIT PAGE THREE ' ? \ statement of the debt of the'HOM) OK III % \ \ c I: W TIIOKIZIN* ty has been filed with the clerk I *3.41IXTKKKST Fl'MlMSt; id is open to public inspection. HOMIS )! ' TJIK CITY* OF This ordinance shall take effect SOI'THPORT t I its passage and shall not he sub- | lie it ordained by the board of itted to the voters. aldermen of th'e City of SouthpoM. The foregoing ordinance was pas- I as follows: * d on the 12 day of June. 1941. and ( 1. Honds of the city shall be issued fis first published, on the 19 day of to the maximum aggregate principal ^ ine, 1911. j amount of $3.416.66 for the purpose Any a.tinn, 01* question- of rulldill(t hy way of exchange iff-"" us< he " w?thh. ISirt? . ,"" !u',inK upo.?0 unpaid ami i.vs after its first publication | accrued to October 1. 1939 on the I. H. HL'BRARD. Clerk ! following outstanding honds of the -5-c 'city in the following amounts, nameSIU^U'INTSKKST"rims' !" ??*? "? *?'"*? HOMIS Of THK t i l l OF I dated July 1. 1911.; interest <>Vjr* SOt'THlMJRT I.Sinking Fund bonds dated March L He it ordained by the board of j ljpjjj. HfTa , Uermen or the t ity ol Soutbport i 2. A statement of the debt of the follows: rcitv has been filed with the clerk aim 1. Honds of the city shall be l88tied . ..... ,, , llAM the maximum aggregate principal |1810 * RSiitoW rffw nount of , published. nil the IK day e city in the following amounts, jf)f June. 1911. imely, .\nv action or proceeding question$2,680 Interest on Street Improve-|j,,? jhe validitv of said ordinance ents and Funding bonds dated | nius( |lt? .ommenced withiii thirty ifust 1, 1925. j days after its first publication. $1,462.50 interest on Hospital bonds I j.? Hl'HHAUD. Clerk, ited January 1. 1929, $6,810.81 in- tj-25-c ??? rest on Public Improvement bonds f rest on Water and Sewer bonds a ! 1 inin >81 07" 50 Interest I ^ fy 9 _ | i Water 'bonds dated October 1.1 V LjiLiinjin IT S.T, 17" interest nn Water ami ijlIIIlIIlCl l/tllLS J wer I dated I'Vl.ruaiy 1. is:;". WU"?MVI l/UHO ,00i) interest on Water Works and i?'* iwer bonds dated February 1. 191*1. ! IC \ 2. A statement of the debt of the i are no problem if ly lias been filed with the clerk ?rtlt id is open to public inspection. you use our dependable, This ordinance shall take ef- i _ i ct on its passage and shall not economical service f"'? submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was pas- C/'AT TT^l-I T3/r~\T) 1 <1 on the li' day of June. 1941. and U I.fl lv/lx. 1 # is first published, on the IS day Any action or proceeding question- j DRY CLEANERS! g the validity of said ordinance ( list be commenced within thirty QOI1TUPHDT M C ys after its first publication. , juuinruixi, li. k,, (i. K. HCIiHAKD. Clerk I ??^w , FORT CASWELL Coastal Carolina's Vacationland Caswell Lodge . . . American Plan $3.50 to $5.00 per day . . $22.50 to $32.50 per week Furnished Homes, Trailer Park. Yacht Basin. Fishing; Pier. Deepsea and Gulf Stream Fishing. Surf and Mineral Pool Bathing. Private Dance Pavilion. Tennis. Water Sports OCEAN-FRONT HOME SITES Water, Lights, Paving. Sensibly Restricted?$250 to $500 CASWELL-CAROLINA CORP. ) t t TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS P. O. SOI THPORT, N. C. WHEN YOU BUY AT HOME... No\v-a-davs, you save more than time . . j y J t YOU SAVE MONEY . . . Because of unusual demands being made upon the merchants in several neighboring towns 1 rrr I r 1 1 - ?nn murk ' j they have Deen rorcea iu increase pi iw? ....... _ of their merchandise. Compare prices and you'll [ S ] find your home merchant not only serves you better, he saves you money. '(i { G W- KIRBY 8C SONS r'i Supply, N. C. !,: 0 TICE Y TAXPAYERS ' > - > lonth of July we will make up our list *operty on which the 1940 taxes have r sale for taxes. We are giving tax' . i \ ; in order that they may come in anu Ktf. i done. -ii .,1 . ONAL EXPENSE AND NEEDlASSMENT BY PAYING YOUR JE THE CITY THIS MONTH. (it j dt Blf E-PAYMENTS ; NEY ON YOUR 1941 TAXES AYING IN ADVANCE. tit Discount If Paid On Or % iefore July 1, 1940 R. WEEKS : i Y TAX COLLECTOR. i-f I f If r