? j PAGE FOUR boll Weevil Is ? Jfow A Nuisance! ~pinty Agent J. E. Dodson c Skives Instructions Regar- s ing Best Practices For ' Weevil Coutrol JJoll Weevils -have made their j i ippearance and many squares are ailing due partly to infestation ind partly to wet weather, says * :ounty agent J. E. Dodson. We :onsider the very best method of s o control at this time is to pick tip and bum all fallen squares jluring the first few weeks of ^ plooming. The fallen squares f Should be picked up at least once j 4ach week, preferrably ahead of Cultivation. j"Where cheap labor is available, this practice will prove a iractical supplement to pre- j aquare poisoning. Then dust with t ;alcium arsenic. When 10% of the j i leveloping squares shows boll j ^ vecvil egg punctures, begin dust- n ng immediately. The percent s lamaged is determined by count- Sl ng 100 squares at each of sever-I il points in the cotton field.! y ; Squares should be examined at' a loints in the four porners andj enter of each field. "With from four to six pounds J AMUZU THEATRE * cniiTUPflRT ir I^VW 1 g. B _ n? IT Program Week Of pi August 1 - August 7 ' ki Thursday and Friday? D "CONVOY" 11 Clive Brook and Edward ChapmaH Also: MARCH OF TIME. j y. _i | q' Monday and Tuesday? ^ 'MEN OF BOYS TOWN* Spencer Tracy and ai Mickey Rooney af Also Selected Short Subject. ni iCC sc Wednesday and Thursday? 'THAT NIGHT IN RIO" Alice Faye and , ot Don Ameche J gt Hho, Fox Movietone News. al l3 'hi The World's News 'f The Christian Sc An International D Aj is Truthful?Constructive?Unbia . X ism ? Editorials Are Timely am ( Features. Together with the Wee J the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper ', I The Christian Science >i I One, Norway Street, Be I | Price $12.00 Yearly, o > Saturday Issue, including Maga: y] I Introductory Offer, 6 | | Name . i Address ! I SAMPLE COPY C ?????*? Save For Yourself D E M O C ?Buy A Defense Putting Oi Services On PRRRDI BEFORE VOII While we cannot attempt to lii all of the ways in which this is prepared to serve you, wi be able to remind you of fai which you are not using?but ,L.? use to good advantage. rW, Don't be afraid of "askir much" of us in the way of si ;(l; We have purposely made our ing facilities complete?for )>< use. We invite you to use th 'il" you need them. r PAY BY CHECK I'N H l.b' ^-,nnnn-nnr,r,r,r CHADBOURN WHITE 11 .FAIRMONT SOUTHPORT KENANSVDLLE r ?Member Federal Depot.! * >f undiluted calcium arsenic dus >r from 6 to 8 pounds of thor rnghly mixed half and half dus equal part of calcium arseni ind hydra ted lime) per acre pe ipplication. The use of the cal :ium hydrated lime mixture ha ieveral advantages over the un iiluted calcium arsenic dust," say dr. Dodson. Boon's Neck Club Meeting The Boon's Neck home demon tration club met Friday at i I'clock with Mrs. Jessie Robin on. The meeting was presided ove: iy Miss Fair Lee Lewis, an< ollowing the business sessioi liss Genevieve Eakes had chargi f the lesson on "Rcfreshinj )esserts". A demonstration on Freezer lade ice cream was given b; tiss Eakes and was served t( he guests. Ice tea and cookie! lso were served by the hostess he club was honored with tw< ew members, Miss Udell. Robin on and Mrs. Cromwell Robin on. The next meeting will be with Irs. Lindsey Lewis August 15tl t 3 o'clock. WASHINGTON LETTER WASHINGTON, July 30?Uncle am's efforts to serve as a policeian in the Far East by wieldig a night-stick rather than s un have a heightening effect on erves and tempers in this town, he crowded hours are so relete with recurring' sensations in jr foreign policy that even the ;st informed are hard-pressed tc eep abreast of changing trends, ust seldoms settles on one conoversy before strong winds from lother direction reveal new and stent issues in the international iplomatic chess game. The coniction flourishes in responsible jarters that only a hairbreadth iparates us from actual particiit ion in war. It is generally conceded that i economic blockade of Japan, i an aggressor nation and part;r of the Axis, will be met with >unter-moves calculated to up:t our contemporary "warning slicies". Freezing of credits is st so effective, as Nippon citens have taken a cue from :her countries and beaten our svernment by earlier withdraws of funds and seizable properr, such as ships. The clamour is again riveted public attenSeen Through ience Monitor 8 aily Newspaper $ ised?Free from Sensational- S 1 Instructive, and Its Daily v> kly Magazine Section, Make for the Home. 0 Publishing Society *7 iston, Massachusetts X r ?1.00 a Month. v zine Section, $2.60 a Year. X Issues 25 Cents. >N REQUEST | * * * * * * And Help Save RACY Bond Today? / jr CHECKING I ACCOUNTS I LOANS st here SAFE DEPOSIT ; bank ' BOXES e may j cilities [ SAVINGS could ACCOUNTS lg too CERTIFICATES :rvice. . OF DEPOSIT bank- [ ' y?ur TRAVELERS' lem as CHEQUES COLLECTIONS 1VILLE TABOR CITY CLARKTON ROSEHILL HOLLY RIDGE t Insurance Corporation / It ; | DIRECTOR c r .............,. 3 q y&Bi a 38ak r ^1 I k - 'm 5;:-'x >^K$33 ? ; v:::..W^^#?*Ww:KS !r . /'. ) VAN KEYS 3 > Van Keys Playim At Long Bead i 1 Famous Orchestra Formei ly Directed By Jelly Lefl wich Plays Tomorrow (Thursday) Night Van Keys and his orchestn formerly directed by Jelly Lefl wich, will play for a dance tc morrow (Thursday) night a ? Long Beach. Van Keys and his Musical Key features Webb Hurley at th piano, Johnny Powers, baritom and Irvin Markey, vocalist. Th band comes here from Atlanti Beach and is on its way to th Isle of Palms for a week-end er ( gagement, hence the opportunit to get them for this appearand One of the most highly recon rtrrOiaqfraa tr? nlflV thi ' season at Long Beach, the Va I Keys band has a record of havin made successful appearances r< cently at Tantilla Garden an John Marshall Hotel, Richmon< ' Va.; Virginia Beach, Va.,; Buci roe Beach, Va.; Belvedere Hote Baltimore, Md.; San Carlos Hote ' Pennsacola, Fla.; and Henr Grady Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Issue Invitation To Farm Meetim i1 * ,'N. C. State College Offici als Issue A Cordial Invi tation To Farm Folks T Attend Farm-And - Horn | Week From officials of N. C. Stat College comes a cordial invita tion to farm folks of this an other counties to attend the 38t annual Farm and Home Weel starting next Monday, August Accompanying the invitation i an offer to provide a room i one of the college dormitories fo the entire week for only $1.0( The invitation is signed, firs by Col. John W. Harrclson, ad ministrative dean of the college and by Dr. I. O. Schaub, direc tor, John W. Goodman, assistar director, and Miss Ruth Curren State home agent, of the Stat College Extension Service. An attractive program ha i l nA, I ut'i'ii ttiiaiigru iui LIIU lanii put. pie. It includes talks at joint as semblies of farm men and wome by Governor J. M. Broughtoi Col. Charles M. Busbee of For Bragg. Dr. Helen Mitchell, direc torof nutrition for the Fcdera Security Agency; Edward Scheid special FBI agent of Charlotte and Dr. Sankey L. Blanton, Bapl 1st minister of Wilmington. I. Bayard Clark representativ from the Seventh Congressiona district, will address the 20th ar nual meeting of the N. C. Fed eration of Home Demonstratio Clubs on Thursday. Miss Mai garet Edwards, head of the hom economics department of th Woman's College at Greensbori will speak op the Honor Da program Friday. Special conferences for me are scheduled Tuesday, Wedne: day and Thursday, and classes i a great variety of homemakin subjects will be conducted fc women Tuesday and Wednei day. Group singing, led by Jack I Criswell, will be held each nigh and quiz programs will be cor ducted by F. H. Jeter on Tuei day and Wednesday nights. A amateur program is planne Thursday night. tion on the squabbling withi government agencies connecte with the defense effort. Thes follies evolving around strong pei aonalities at the helm are cor sidered a danger spot in the am ament program. It is unlikel ! that the discord will be abate unless the Japanese angle takt a turn for the worse. Then common menace may force coi cord of factions. Every member or a large an strong-willed family knows fu well the havoc which results froi internal dissension. This is pri cisely the situation regarding tl j current feud between the Offii l of Production Management ar I j the Office of Price Control A< THE STATE PORT PILOT _ ministration as to spheres of au1 thority over defense plans. PerI plexities of business men and J labor leaders, who are expected 15 to cooperate with each agency | on a voluntary or mandatory ? basis, are such that essential prosi gress is slowed down. Apparently, i the stop-gag tactics of President IS Roosevelt are not sufficient to I lessen the breach. Indeed the |: Chief Executive and his Cabinet . are contributing to the melee by | name-calling stunts with isolaI tionists. A legislator, in deriding I the inconsistency of Congress in i voting vast sums with only a i futile gesture at possible econj? omies, hit the nail on the head with the comment that the legislature and the executive branches were like the frog trying to escape from a well by making one leap forward and slipping back two steps in the end. While the House is "debating" the new revenue bill this week, the oratory is not expected to persuade anyone that it is anything but a futile gesture. As r the leaders have invoked a "gag" ' rule which prevents amendments I from the floor, no changes can I be made unless the Ways and Means Committee which author.. ized the measure approves alter.. ations by the majority of the v House membership. Administrating forces have completed control of the tax measure. Speeches t on the bill are intended largely t- for public effect, particularly in >- the bailiwick of the orators. Many it persons who have never contributed to the maintenance of the ,s Federal government will be inie eluded, by the terms of the new 2i law, in the army of taxpayers. e It is noteworthy that emphasis is IC placed on the expenditures of e public funds for defense purposes. This strikes a popular chord. Lit y lie is saw aoouc ine uiiiiuns e for non-denfense items which Congress refused to pare down ig to bare essentials in the interests j n of economy. g Pressure groups seeking largesse for their members to harass Cond gress. A proposal to provide a j, pension for every World War [. No. 1 veteran of $40 per month 1t is a source of concern with those lt who want to curtail government y expenses. A bill, H. R. 4845, has passed the House and awaits Senate action. It provides for a pension to those veterans who were in service at least 90 days and on reaching 65 years are in need, - without regard to service-caused j disability. This "touch" would, it is estimated, eventually take five j [. billions from the public treasury.' [_ Pensions and medical treatment; 0 are already given veterans for e disabilities traceable to war service. The pending measure goes way beyond to authorize gifts to e the former soldiers and sailors t. who were mustered out as hale d and hearty. Because it is sur- j jj runded with political spikes, such i c as bloc voting by potential bene1 ficiaries, the lawmakers are try5 ing to sneak it through without n heaving a loud protest as anir other "Treasury raid". ). Old Mother Nature may upset it the best calculations of govern1 ment statisticians who are now i; hazarding predications as far in j- the future as 1980. The Bureau it of the Census and the National t, Resources Planning Board are e agl-eed that the signs point to "a steadily decreasing rate of popus lation growth in the next several i- decades". The estimates forecast s- a population of 136,448,000 in n 1945 and one of 140,561,000 in Crutcl t- TOBACCO WAREHOl c Will Again Be Ready T< u HIGHEST MA \ COME TO RAYMOND and GAI1 e I : HOME ME s >r i- When you sell you e. your home merchant men who helped mal to grow your crop. T1 d have befriended yoi most. n jg Don't be lured a r- es of something-for-i i- Stick to the men wh iy id ?s '* SHALLOTTE1 Hobson Ki m ll SHALLOTTE, ie id ^ i- HHflU " ; atk. SOUTHPORT, N. C. J1950. By 1980 the population may number about 153,022,000, aa compared with the 131,669,275 enumerated in the 1940 Census. There may be a slight additional increase between 1980 and 1985, after which date an absolute decrease in numbers may set in. FIVE CASES ARE TRIED IN COURT (Continued from page 1) reckless operation. He was convicted on the latter count and was given 90 days on the roads, Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $25.00. Lonnie L. King, white, was found guilty of drunk driving and was given 6 months on th? roads. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $65.00. His driving license was revoked for 12 months. Notice of appeal was given and bond- was set at $200.00. NYA TRAINING OFFERED YOUTHS (Continued from Page 1) work. Raleigh?regular course, cooking, photography, woodworking, machine shop, and sheet metal work. Greenville?regular course, construction, photography, radio, wookworking, machine shop, and sheet metal work. Wilmington ? Machine shop, sheet metal work, welding, and radio instruction. Fayetteville ? Negro boys and girls?auto mechanics, cafeteria service, construction and maintenance, laundry, sewing, and woodworking. CERTIFICATES GO TO BUS DRIVERS WHO PASS COURSE I Con tinned from naee 1.) W. Hayes of Shallotte. The classtoom work was taught by Keith Saunders and Mrs. A. L. Ricks, of Raleigh. Patrolman W. Ferrell, of Whiteville, together with county mechanic Ernest Parker, gave . the road tests. The boys and girls were served free lunch on both days, the j meals being prepared by Mrs. { Ernest Parker. FREE MOVIE FOR SCRAP ALUMINUM (Continued from page one) | on Friday a truck will call at each depository in the county to | collect donations that have been | made. The load will be weighed I and the total amount credited to I the patriotic efforts of citizens j of this county. . : r Getting Married At Last Minute Won't Help Boys (Continued from page 1) Amendment No. 77 to Selective Service Regulations. Of course, there may be other conditions which would obviously temper the above announced modification of BRING YOUR LUGS ?TO? NAYLOR & CO. IN WHITE VILLE FOR HIGHEST PRICES ?Using? CRUTCHFIELD WAREHOUSE For Storage Beginning Wed., July 9th. ifielcPs JSE IN WHITEVILLE ) Sell Your Tobacco For RKET PRICE. SEE US I THER CRUTCHFIELD RCHANTS I r tobacco, remember I ts. . . . They are the I ce it possible for you I hey are the ones who li 1 when you need it I way by false promis- I lothing bargains. . . I o have stuck to you. I * I rRADING CO. I rby, Prop. I N. G. I policy, e. g., proof that the wife t was pregnant, or conclusive evid- 1 ence of absolute dependence 1 wherein the wife would suffer t undue hardship if compelled to t live on the registant's income as s a soldier, etc." I This modified policy, General Metts pointed out, is in line with i a recent amendment to the reg- I ulations, which is as follows: i "It is not advisable to defer * any such registrant if he acquir- e ed such status for the purpose of (avoiding training and service, and, f therefore, no registrant should be r placed in Class III if he acquired such status after the day when r he was required to be registered r unless (1) he or his claimed de- 1 pendent or dependents present to t the local board written statements 1 of the facts peculiarly within t their knowledge, showing the ' history leading up to and the * circumstances under which such ' status was acquired, and (2) such facts show that the status j1 of the registrant was acquired s in a manner consistent with the v ordinary course of human affairs ^ and was not acquired to provide ! the registrant with a basis for a 1 claim for Class III deferment." ' General Metts was careful to j. point out that in the application ' of these principles he anticipates, that some mistakes wil be made, j But he stated he was satisfied j1 that Selective Service agencies in!( ? - j- C the State would endeavor lu uu substantial justice in every indi- j vidual case. Warren Wilson Is Set To Launch Pro-Career (Continued from Page 1) few days here with relatives. With him have been his wife and eight-months old son. Today they leave for home, and next week i he goes to New York for a period of conditioning at Stillman's gym before going to a training camp at Pompton Lakes for training. His trainer, he says is to be Ray Arcell. Wilson, a clean-cut, blondheaded young giant, saw the Conn-Louis fight. When asked how he thought he might stack up against one of those boys, he didn't hesitate to say that he TOO HOT TO COOK... . . . Just right to dine out at ... . W. RUSS, Station TEXACO PRODUCTS Shallotte, N. C. Fartv Frier SELL TOBi WITH New Farn Tabor City M completely uni I have had and warehousi always welco; you the highe bacco. Rosci Farmer ... V TA1 / ; WEDNESDAY, JULY^W ^ ,a?.? fore iwbad-1 manner of ocoan^^^H nought he would" 3 mighty I several seasons of y against Con" , he has tion the peak is r.WM ast", he admit . ^ l dQn>t thereafter for several v^H l beautitul 1(;" me .. He also is a gradual falling otf'J^H hlnk he c?uld " aKainst Bob until things get near *W CT"r9vear This year the evci/?M Dastor las y g different be gradually moving Louis, th?^1 thought the again and tho S(>a3on natter. didn't look quite {airly goocl catches. Brown B0m QO..inst Conn as he I i?KSsI mD F0R SM*1 or the powress of the 1 By lamitcr. to be the I range a sale of the Wilson may turn ze I w00d-iands h.' . eal "golden boy u mcn, I late E B S inp A *Tk Satins, are going (l)-HO A. en W. ? H leaded by B. ^ ^ tu,e i R R thrpp mll(5 (rf? o finance his. q have the 1 port, joining 1, A Hois meansi he needs (2) hings he &n8 that he won't j I Governors Cif-k. r.:rhem, an hed along too rap-,| {rom Southpovt. n : ia,VeSlSse of h's need for funds. Uam ParUel. And there's no danger of War- I (3)_80 A. Residue ef -^B en Wilson ever becoming luge tract ending .f itumble-bum, because " ^ Ue Cottage H vhen he discovers that uie a i acre pr()polv. ]mai ,ame is not for him, nersonai. 'I owned by the Southpm^H 'ntelligent mind, a good P? ,1 vegtlng and Promoter. ty and a college education ,1 x am golng to H all back on. j| items and an interested ndications Are That can probably get a Shrimp Season Is On r rr> "S9 (Continued from Pa?e 1) i i TAYLOR, H -S ast season was the lowest in a h '*' 1X i ;ycle of production. The shrimp E' '* STEVEN'S. I J something of the DANCE TO THE MUSIC OfI VAN KEYS I ORCHESTRA I fli L???' Jil 10-Til 2 ... . Script $1.50 Couple I lers Warehouse has led the I arket since 1936 and it will be I der my management this season | " vr H_ 21 years* experience as a buyer I eman. Come to see me. I will me you?one and all?and get I st prices possible for your to- I oe Coleman I WAREHOUSEMAN ... Friend I 80R, CITY, N. C. I Li- r $Mi dra