rr,r_ve can give the farmer much better e of the above warehouses. ^ Mr. Pinnix is well known to you, on North and South Carolina marthe ICES tu7 a nrum tcp W AKCnUU^C jprietors. iness Men Welcoi PEAL CHEVROLET CO. jui^ffisr *^Hr Sales and Service TELEPHONE 686 1 Ghadbourn, N. C. ?NEW AND USED CARS- I PAGE SEVEN iraraHrejaffjar2nj.ir.irBfsraaaiaigj^^ | j j q Get Confused !! I j ;ible Price For Your Tobacco! I | L. ;s j I | MYERS WAREHOUSE | QEO. A. MYERS & SON I Chadbourn, N. C. \ | -SALES SCHEDULE- f j ig. 12?2nd Sale .... 3 hrs. Selling | '| ig. 14?1st Sale .... 3'/? hrs. Selling | jj ig. 15?2nd Sale .. 2x/i hrs. Selling | ^1 WE APPRECIATE I I YOUR BUSINESS I J ne You! Auto Batteries, Horns, Radios, .... [j Accessories, Parts, Tires, Tubes. g -- - ig Bicycles Flashlights fi (Next Door To Lewis Jewelry Store) ^