I le J^-EPTEMBER*'1941 I Ik ^tighter (!3f Ifiife I ?e <0ur Selpmale "* __ | The sport wasn't confined to .,~ ate occurrance on | the younger generation, however, I AS sudden rain which as we saw Mrs. Rufus Dosher and i|lt. south, running Miss Genevieve Eakes stay till H |ge on the big dark trying their hand at it . . . Mary Fergus' I z ? WANT ADS there as they up the night before FOR SALE: 34-foot boat, 22-ft. H rescued for the at waterline, 5-ft. 10-in. beam. :il)OUt midnight . . . Four cylindar Star motor. ThorB oughly seaworthy. Boat may be mstors distinguished seen at B. S. Reynolds Cottage, v: lay at the two par- Wrightsville Beach, or call or B this writer and her > I - won high score FARM For sale: .45 acres. 40 . _ , , . acres cleared, under good culth< afternoon. Ere y I tivation. good stock pasture, bal won the travel-1ance timber jand, 7-r00m dwelling, y ?y they 3 tobacco barns, good packhouse uiiy their mother didn't i and 0ther outbuilding. Tobacco al. , and make it a j lotment. One mile from school and I church. Cash or terms. L. M. BabI , quite an attract-1*?"' Ash' X C' . y v;,,!) Thompson s dock | FOR s.\L7: One good farm mule v, ;ast week . . Betsy | weight about 1,000 lbs. One 14 v ,v had her cousin, 1 Farmall tractor practically new. , t her and they spent i Will sell cheap. L. M. Babson, the tide was in I Ash. N. C. ,teh them . Little ! * : wazt'.v squealed with joy LCuALiJ fhen h? --ot one* * * FOKKCI.IlSt'KK XOTH'K ? A T ? " -,xvv A fine new assortment of boys' HI slacks in tweeds and solids? A? Lightweight knickers and slacks I M jftmgjlMIBm ^ brown, blue and green? i "JACKIE JUMPER" Wf 11 " \ Tweederoy knickers for smaller : JACKETS I SHIRTS In the "JACKIE .JUMPER' ! Broadcloth shirts, assorted eol line ?c have jackets to match ors. Sizes 6 to 12? $3.95 97c SWEATERS" SUITS (mv neck slipover sweaters Latest fall styles and colors l'?r bu\> in assorted colors? Sizes 4 to 12? SI OX $7.95 SWEATER COATS FALL CLOTHES i!?k. . . . , Xew line of herringbone anc UgMweight coat type boys' * * , -uters. a .sorted colors- ,WCedS '?r ,,Wer ^ I 12 to 16? S2.95 $18.50 ? SCHOOL DRESSES ?" r >< U of nice, washable cotIon l|rt'ssp\ in iirSntu nloLlc ?>n'l ?s\; v.-.: aSA - ?HATS? RAIN COATS ^ nirest assortment of new Fine quality garment* In plaids -?- ? ^"K^rs $i.? and $2.95 . S119 and $1.95 i - REVERSIBLES I SWEATERS The coat every smart girl will ??? children's all-wool this fall. Colorful plaids ((,a< and slip-over predominate. With and w colli, ' (a'digan necks and out hoods. Sizes 8 to 14? N S'*es 4 to 14? -JMSt?S2QS $8.95 and $11-75 BIRD'S DEPT- STORE WILMINGTON, N. C. Notice is hereby given that by virt tue of a decree of the Superior ' Court of Brunswick County. N. C.. | dated the 2nd day of .Tune, 1941. ( in an action entitled "Brunswick i County versus Luther Sellers & Wife j : If Any", the undersigned commfs- ! : sioner will expose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for I ' ash on the 6th day of October, j 1941. at 12 o'clock P. M., at the I Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. I I to satisfy the decree of said couM to enforce the payment of $140.53, I the following described real estate. ! located In Smithville Township. Brunswick County. C., hounded and described as fol)ow;s: ; In the City of Southport: BEGINNING at the point in the East line of Dry Street where it is intersected by the South ' line of Brown Street: runs thence Southwardly with the Eastern line of I Dry Street Forty-one feel and ] three inches to a stake: thence i Eastwardly, parallel with Brown j Street, sixty-six feet to the West- . ern line of Lot No. 92: thence Northwardly parallel with Dry ' Street forty-one feet and three I inches to the South line of Brown Street: thence Westwardly with the Southern line of Brown Street sixty-six feet to the beginning and being a part of uot No. 91 in said City, the same conveyed by Mary L. Mercer to C. Ed. Taylor. Feb. 10th. 1920, recorded la Book 32. at page 476. And all other lands owned by the ' said Defenedants in Brunswick Coun ty. North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and I confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 1st day of September. 1941. S. B. Frink. Commissioner. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IIRI NSWICK UNDER and by virtue of a Judgment of tjie Sui?erior Court of . Brunswick County. North Carolina, I June Term. 1941. made in the Civil Action. entitled "Brunswick County, vs E. H. Smith & Wife. Minnie Smith: Mergenthaler Linotype Co.. Judgment Creditor: American Surety Co.. Judgment Creditor: Becker Coal and Builders Supply .Co... Judgment Creditors; A. P. Russ. Judgment Creditor; Clerk Superior Court. Judgment Creditor; Gtirney. P. Hood. Comm. of Banks of. N. C\. Charles Dickson. Assignee and Judgment Creditor; \V. F. Cox & A. P. Rogers. Judgment Creditors: James D. Parker & Ira Lee. Mort- ] gagee; Waccamaw Hank And Trust Co.. Prince O'Brien. Trustee and \ Mortgagee: the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, the 6th day of October. 1941. at Twelve o'clock Soon, at the Courthouse door in Southport. Brunswick County. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, fot cash, that certain tract of land lying and being in Smithville Township. Brunswick Coynly, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:? On the East side of State Highway No. 130. BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of the intersection of 13th Street with Cape Fear Koad, runs thence Northwardly with the East side of Cape Fear Road 1465 Feet to the paved road leading to Wilmington: thence Northwardly with the East side of said road, being State Highway No. 303. 357.1 Feet . to the division line between the lands of H. E. Smith & Melissia Jackson: thence South 61 degrees 30' East 1348 Feet to an old corner on the road leading to Wilmington; I thence South 24 degrees West 528 I Feet: thence South 69 degrees 30' East 49.5 Feet to an iron plug by a stake; thence South 20 de- , grees 30* West 580 Feet to the edge of the right of way of the ; W. B. & S. Ha i road Northwardly with the Eastern edge of the said right of way of said railroad 130 , Feet to a point in the line with ; 13th Street extended; thence with the North line of 13th Street ex- , tended crossing said roalroad and then on the same corner to the \ beginning, a total distance of 412.44 J Feet, containing 20 acres, more or ; less, EXCEPTING, However, from j the said area (1). Two acres, more j j or less, odnveyed to .Joe Cochran as , recorded in Book 68. at page 198, and (2). The right of way heretofore conveyed for the railroad. (3). The Church site conveyed by D. I. ! Watson tf the strand; thence with said 4trand to the Bay; thence with said Bay Wescott's line to his side ditch; Lhenre with same to a ditch dividing Wescott's & J. VV. Danford's land, thence with said ditch across the oay to South side; thence with the Southern side of ditch to the last litch; thence with said ditch across [he Bay. said ditch being T. J. Mercer's line: thence with his line Morth 95 deg. E. to the l>eginning 'ontaining five acres more or less. And all other lands owned by the taid defendants in Brunswick County, North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and onfirmation by the Court. Ten days illowed for raise of bid before ream fnade. Cash to be paid at lale. This the 1st day of September. 1941. S. B. Frink, Commissioner. NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR PARTITION Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a decree of the Superior 'ourt of Brunswick County. N. C.. nade in special proceeding entitled Marylilly Fisher-Williamson, etals. vs. Vnnie Thompson Brown, etals., dated Vugust 18th, 1941. the undersigned 'ommissioner appointed in said decree or the purpose will on Monday, the Ith. day of Sept. 1941, at 12 o'clock toon, offer for resale at public aueittn for cash at the court house door n Southport, N. C., for partition unong the several tenants in comnon, to the highest bidder, the folowlng described tracts or parcels of and, lying and being in the City of ' Southport, N. C.. and being more par- ' icularly hounded and described as dUows, viz:? Tract No. 1. Front UK nay oircci va icci ?? ?? idling back from Hay Street 143 feet, leihg parts of Lts. Son. 1 and 2 aclordTng to the plan of the town of fouthport. N. C. Tract No. 2. Known is part of Ix)ts Nos. 1 and 2 in the )lan of the town of Southport, N. C., md beginning at Thomas M. Thompioii's North line on Boundary street n Lot No. 1; running thence Northvardly with Boundary street 50 feet; hence Kastwardly across said Ixit No. and half across. Ix>t No. 2?99 feet; tinning thence Southwardly 50 feet to Thomas M. Thompson's line; thence Vestwardly with said Thomas M. Thompson line 99 feet to the beginling. the land herein conveyed is 0 feet in length and 99 feet in vidth. Said lands being bounded on he South by Hay Street; on the .Vest by Boundary Street, now Casvell Ave.; on the North by lands of iobt. Thompson and on the East by ands of Gertrude Loughlin. Tt being he intention and. purpose to sell all if the lands belonging to the heirs it law of Thomas M. Thompson and dary Thompson, deceased, located on he corner of Bay Street and Caswell Wenue, formerly Brunswick Street. Jaid lands will be. sold subject to onfirmatlon by the court and the iighest bidder will be required to de>o?lt te;i per cent of his bid with he commissioner, pending confirmaion of sale. Dated and posted this lugust 18th, 1941. J. W. Ruark, Commissioner. :3-c XFOR TAXES this day levied on the following the corporate limits of the City 8 iue City of Southport for the year S lest bidder for cash al City 1 fall S s [ IIE It 8th, 1041 S S j. City Tax Collector. S FOR, TAXR8 S T, W, C. S 2lly Tax Collector S HACK S 'ROPRRTY TOTAI, TAX S $ 16.00 S swick. 1 Swamp 26.70 S 14.16 S iwlck St . 15.20 S ?... 26.40 V I 7.24 \ t 8.00 V .2 S.01 Y ^4.00 V I SOUTHPORT, N. C. Brown, Charlie. 1 lot Lord St. ..... ? -- 7.8 Church. .!. R.. 1 lot Moore & I^ord. 2 S & W. 3 Spt. Heights ^ Int. 21.fi Cooker, Mrs. Sabra. 2 lots Brunswick Si ... JLd Crapon. C. M., 1 lot Moore St. ? .. ? 34.6 Crawford, J. X. V., 1 lot 3.0 Creech. B. H.. 1 lot Howe & Brown ? -0J1 Dallas. Mrs. Adria A.. 1 lot Bay St ? ?. -6-3: Davis, Mrs. Fannie G.. 1 lot Caswell Ave. ? ?... -4.0< Dosher, Annie Mae Est,. 1 lot Howe St o.O Dosher. Mary A. Est.. 2 Caswell Ave.. 1 West. 2 Smith A: Weeks lO.Oi Dosher, Edwin. 1 lot NAsh St. - - ? - 17. L Drew, Mrs. Gertrude. Heirs, 1 lot Lord St. ? ? lfi.J* Kamon, T. M? 1 lot Howe St - - Ellis, B. A.. 1 lot Spt. Heights - - - - - 12.6. Floyd. Geo. E., 1 lot Dry St. ? ? - - ?? J.4. Forrester. Mrs. Almirn, 1 lot Atlantic Ave - - O, French. Mrs. W. 0:. 1 lot St. George ~ 3.0 Fullwood, Mrs, J. W? 1 lot West SI - ?~ lLjjj Full wood. W. T.. 1 lot Dry St 7.3 Galloway. George, 1 lot Atlantic Ave - 4U.1? Galloway, Dr. W. C. Est.. 1 lot Water Front .. - 4.0. Gay. W. M. Est.. 1 lot West St ? - 10.0( Greer, Mrs. Geo. H. Eat, 1 lot Atlantic Ave ? 4.01 lfewett. Mrs. Marv J., 1 lot Brown St - - - 12.0( Holden, B. J.. 1 lot Caswell Ave ? ? 400 lloiden. Mrs. Sallie. 1 lot Howe St. .? - L>?J Jocelyn & Co., 1 lot West St. ?.Q( .lorgensen. Mrs. Xeils, 1 lot Dry St - - L-8i Jones, Johnnie. 1 Hark Alley .? ... - - ? 3.0 Larsen. Mrs. Peter Est.. 1 lot Brown St 13.01 Lewis. Mrs. Frank Est.. 1 lot West St. ? - - 3-3t Lewis, Mrs. Jennie. 1 lot Brown St ? 16.JM Lewis, Mrs. Miriam, 1 lot Lord St. 12.0C Liudsev. H. B.. 2 Smith & Weeks - - ~ -... 3.01 McKeitltan. Mrs. A. T.. 1 lot Howe St.. 1 Spt. Heights - 7.3i McKellhan. Mfs. M. A.. 1 lot Brunswick St ? 15.01 Moore. W. B.. 1 lot Clarendon Ave ? .. - - fi.Ot Xewton, Annie Z. & Nellie, 1 lot Moore St .. - 30.01 Newton, Clyde. 1 lot Moore St i -4.4] Newton, John Ft.. 1 lot West & Caswell - 42.0( Newton, Lottie Mae. 1 Caswell and Nash - 16.2Xewton, Walker Est.. 1 lot Moore & Lord. 1 West 72.01 Newton, W. J.. Heirs, 2 lots Owens ? 3.0] Peoples United Bank. 1 lot S. & W.. 1 Howe. 1 Atlantic 26.0( Perry. Nelson. 1 Spt. Heights 1 1 3.01 Phillips, B. R.. 1 lot City S.0C Pigott, M. AU 1 Howe 50.2^ Pinner. Mrs. Mattie. 1 lot West - 10.0( Pinner. W .T., Est.. 1 lot Dry. 1 Howe and Dry. 1 Spt. Hgls.. 1 Owens and Atlantic - 19.2( Potter. John F.. 1 lot Brunswick ~ ;. 20.54 Pi|Uey, W. D.. 1 lot Atlantic .. 4.0( Reno. Edward, 1 lot Atlantic ~ 8.04 Rice. A. M., 1 lot St. George & Atlantic 3.01 Bobbins, A. J.. 1 lot West, 2 Howe, Nash & Howe. West & Dry. 1 Howe and Leonard, 2 Howe and Leonard, int. in Howe. 1 Lord Owens & Howe .'. ! 175.22 Robhinson. Harry. 1 lot Howe 25.21 Rogers. Harvey, 1 lot Howe 12.0C Russ, W. A.. 1 lot Lord' and Brown 13.0(1 fellers, L. W., 1 lot Dry and Brown 12-4C Smith. Mrs. A. W? 1 lot Clarendon 6.JJ Smith, Isaac B.. Est.. 1 lot Moore and Nash ...? 42.01 Smith. Mrs. Minnie. 1 lot Howe s 3.01 Smith. W. L.. 1 lot West .. 4.5(1 Soulherland, C. G.. 1 lot Water Front - J.8fi Spencer. M. C\? 1 lot Brown 18.01 Stevens, A. E.. 1 lot Brown. 2 Howe, 24 Moore & Weeks <1.51 Swan, C. N.\ 1 lot West -2*51 St. George, C. H. A- D. F., 1 lot Npsh & Dry 7.01 St. George. Russell. 1 lot West -- - 9.0(1 Thompson, T; M.. Est.. 1 Ray and Caswell 38.33 Watts, (V W. Est., 1 lot West 1' 0(1 Watts, .S. W.. Est.. 1 lot Lord 32.0C W, B. & S. Railroad. 1 Bay. Rhett. Moore 40.0C Weeks. Wm. M. Est.. 1 lot Leonard. 1 Swamp Garden, 5 Owensville, 126 S. & w .!L 33.22 Wescott. John Est., 1 lot Atlantic ? '.JJC Willis. E. O. Mrs.. 1 lot Davis ~ - ~ 48.00 COLORED Ranks. Ada Est., 1 lot Lard 6.5f Hell, Flossie, 1 lot Caswell - - 6.5C Rerry, Aggie. t lot Rhett 8.7(1 Bellamy. Jasper. 1 lot Clarendon - - 9.12 Rerry. Bertram. 1 lot Lord and Owens 13.9ii Rerry. Henry Est., 1 lot St. George 7.01 Rerry, Sam. 1 lot Swamp Garden, 1 Grid Iron 8.0f Retts, Sam. 1 lot Caswell. 1 Lord .. 8.02 Blount, Phyllis. 1 lot Caswell ? ? - 3.01 Rowen, James R., 1 lot West .? -? ? - 2.0( Rrinson. Calvin. 1 lot Howe, 1 Owens, 1 Brown 28.lt Brown. Elizabeth Est.. 1 lot Brown 13.01 Brown, Olivia. 1 lot Clarendon 5.01 Brown. Sail v. l lot Clarendon 5.81 Brown. W. H.. 1 lot Lord. 1 St. George 11.0(1 Bryant. Henrietta. 1 lot Howe ?.. 2.0C Bryant. Henry W., 1 lot Brown 7.92 Bryant. Ransom. 1 lot Rhett - ? - 2.0f Burnev. Theodore. 1 lot Lord 4.2C I'ladldy, George. 1 lot Owens and Caswell ... 6.511 'lemmons, Allen, Jr.. Vfc Cottage 2.0C L'iemmons. Annie, 1 lot Lord. 1 Brown . 10.OC "lemmons, Geo. A., 1 lot Clarendon & Leonard 8.6(1 'lemmons, James. 3 lots Lord - 18.51 "lemmons. John, 1 lot Brown 9.0(1 Jotton. Sarah. I lot Lord and Brown - 9.01 David. Alice, 1 lot Clarendon - ? ? 3.01 Davis. Anthony Est.. 1 lot Rhett and West 18.0C Davis, John Heirs, 1 lot Nash - 6.0C Davis. Lydianna. 1 lot Rhett - ? 0.5(1 Davis. W. D.. 1 lot West 9.01 Ragles. Rose J.. 3 lots Roundary - 12.00 Sasley, Mary, 1 lot Lord 13# 7 ^'vans. India, 1 lot Rhett - ? - 5.20 ISvans. John Est., 1 lot Lord & St. George -- 18.00 Pvans, J; R. Est.. 1 Howe & St. George. 1 Clarendon. 1 Howe 8.02 5vans. Sally, 1 lot West - 13.01 Preeman. Annie, 1 Rhelt & West - 6.00 Prink, Geo., 1 lot Rnett ...; - - 9.00 Prink, John S? 1 lot Clarendon - 6.60 Prink, John W. Est.. 1 lot Caswell - 7.01 Prink. Lizzie Est.. 1 lot Caswell 7.01 Prink. Parrish Est., 1 lot St. George 6.00 Prink, Samuel, 1 lot Rhett and Nash .. .. 10.01 Prink. Tom. 1 lot St. George - 5.70 Jalloway, Alex, 1 lot St. George ..... 3.00 Jalloway, Ben, 2 lots Brown - 16JW) Jallowa.v; Carolln, 1 lot Brown - 7".01 Jalloway, Calvin. 1 lot Hankinsville 7.00 Jalloway, John W. Est.. 1 lot Howe 8.00 Galloway, Louvenia, 1 lot Caswell - 4.50 Jalloway, Mary Ann. 1 lot Lord and Brown . ? . 7.50 Jalloway, Oscar. 1 lot Caswell. 1 Owens 6.01 Jibbs, Hannah Est., 1 lot Nash and West 5.01 Joodman, Castella. 1 ' lot Cottage 7.50 Jordon, Carrie. 1 lot Caswell .. - 12.00 Jordon, Frank H. Est.. 1 lot Boundary and Caswell 7.01 Jordon, Viola, 1 lot Clarendon 5.60 Jore, Alexander. Jr., 1 lot Lord - 13.00 Jore. Alex S. Est., 1 lot Lord - ? 13.01 Jore, Brittie. 1 lot Caswell .. ?... 3.50 Jore, Elias, 1 lot Burlington, 1 lot St. George ? 9-10 Jore. John M., 1 lot Caswell 5.01 Jreen, Amelia, Est.. 1 lot Caswell TOO Jreen, Fred, 1 lot West 4.00 Jreen, Henry B., 1 lot St. George, 1 lot Clarendon & Leonard 10.40 Jreen. Isadore. 1 lot Rhett & Brown - 4.50 Jreen, Joe. 2 lots Howe and Brown. 1 lot Caswell 27.01 Jriffin, Whitfield Est.. 1 lot Lord and Leonard n .?... 6.00 Jrimes, Daniel C., 1 lot Burlington 6.00 iankins, Abe, 1 lot Hankinsville ?7.50 Jankins, Ben Est.. 1 lot Clarendon. 1 lot Cottage 17.30 iankins. Edward. 1 lot Brown. 1 lot West 9.50 -finikin*. Francenia. 1 lot Clarendon ?.?u funking, J. H? 1 lot St George .. 7.33 funking, John Thomas, 1 adj. Cottage branch 4.50 fankins, Jester, 1 lot Khett and West 10.00 fankins, Sarah C.. 2 lota St. George - - 3.01 fankins, Wade, 1 lot Clarendon 4.01 fankins. Wm. H,. Sr., 3 lots Cottages .. 5.01 fewett, Irvin & J.ucenthia, 2 lots ffankinsyille .? - 4.80 fewett, Vula V., 1 lot Lord. 1 Hurlington .. 10.50 iewett. Olympus Est,, 1 lot Hurlington 0.21 fill, Geneva, 1 lot Caswell 6.00 fowe Sarah A., 1 lot St. George, 1 West - 7.01 'ackson. Eliza. 1 lot Leonard ?.... 4.50 'ackson, Frank, 1 lot West & Cottage .. 18.76 ackson, Isaac, 1 lot Caswell - - 7.50 ackson, John P., 1 lot Clarendon ? 11.71 ackson, Thomas, 1 lot Clarendon .? 6.50 vearney, Bessie, 1 lot Grid Tron 6.00 ^ee. Chas. W., 1 lot Caswell ..... - ? 5.50 a;e, Dan Est.. 1 lot Brown and Howe - 20.00 -ee, Florence, 11 Acres Cottage 14.82 .iee, George, 1 Clarendon and I Leonard - 5.00 ^ee, Phosie Est., 1 lot Clarendon ? 4.00 .IcKoy, E. E., 2 lots Howe ? 34.24 IcKoy, J. S? 1 lot Howe ?- - 16.00 -lcDonald, Elizabeth Est., 1 lot Khett - 4.00 dcDonald, John H.. Sr.. 1 lot West - .. 13.07 -IcKay, .Maggie. 1 lot Caswell * - 3.50 fcKenzie, Willie, 3 lots Howe St., - - 45.28 IcMillian, Mary. 1 lot HankinsvU^e ...t 4.30 'IcNeal, Rose Anna, 1 lot Hanking ..... - - 3.30 lcNeal, Tom. 1 lot Cottage - - 4.90 filler, James, 1 lot Hankins - - ? 3.90 rfills, Richard, 1 lot St. George & Caswell Ave 8.50 limms. Lavenia, 1 lot Clarendon Ave - 8.00 litchell. Henry, 1 home Howe St., - 10.01 loore, Fred. 1 lot St. George St - - 6.66 foore, Fred D.. 1 lot Lord SL ? - 10.00 loore, James, 1 lot Brown St - 13.76 loore, Sarah. 1 lot Nash and West. 1. St. George St 15.90 loore, Willie Sr.. 1 lot Lord, 1 Burlington Ave 7.60 ~ a no jorris, c/iuuue, i 101 mien 01 - lorris, Henry Est., 1 lot Rhett St. ... .. - 4.00 lumford. Herbert A., 1 lot Caswejl Ave ..... -? 10.00 lurphy, Walter. 1 lot Boundary and Caswell Ave .. 5.50 lurrayi" Robt., Est., 1 lot Lord St. 5.01 Jarker, Geo.. 1 lot Clarendon, 1 Caswell Ave 7.01 'arker, Lavenia. 1 lot St. George St ? 19.60 'arker, Wm. W. Est.. 1 lot lx>rd St - 3.01 'restridge. Alethia. 1 lot Nash St - 8.00 rice, Anthony, 1 lot Burlington Ave ~ 7.01 'rice, Harry, 1 lot Clarendon Ave. ..... ? - 10.01 'rice. Perry, 2 lots next to Geo, Clemmons - ? 9.00 leaves, Joe, 1 lot Howe St. ...? ? ? 6.00 teaves, Lizzie C., 1 lot Caswell Ave ? ? 14.61 leaves, Perry Est., 1 lot St. George St ... - ? ?.. 7.50 leaves, Saul Est., 1 lot Howe & St., George. St. .? 4.00 lichardson. Susie. 1 lot St. George St. - 7.01 Imith, Alex, 1 lot Clarendon and Owens - 3.60 mlth. Alt red Est.. 1 lot Burlington Ave 5.90 Imith. Alniira, 1 lot Cottage - W0imith. Florence M., 1^4 Cottage - ? 14 80 mlth, John Wesley, Jr.. 1 lot Caswell Ave ? - 6.00 imith, John Wesley. Sr. Est.. 1 lot Lord & St. George St - 6.00 imith. Robt, 1 lot Burlington, 1 St. George and Clarendon Ave 13.50 mith, Kosa, 1 lot Rhett St ? 5.01 tanley, Geo. H.. Est., 1 lot Clarendon Ave -? 9.01 tratmaiu Joe Est.. 1 lot Rhett & Dry St. 14.00 tratraiiu Willie. 1 lot Brown. 1 Brown & West St ?. -'6.50 wain, Ben, 1 lot Lord St. ...? - ^26 Iwain, Benjamin W., 1 lot Lord SL - ?? 7.00 Wain, Delia Est., 1 lot,' Cottage - ? - -? jUj? wain, B