B^DAV, SF.PT. 10, 1941 31'ighter J&ihe (S)f 1?rjfe Wi ?8T Jielpmaie BH "v0 a" or_ the,r danceable version of -Dad wB ; . ,h:lI nave played at Long dy". I m?er here for a Then fQr Dan IK d order he plays "Intermetzso" and "Begh | musical tid-bits The Begiene" is good enough fo <B . onipnse a right us. Virginia Dare and the bov ' '"'ernussion, could colaborate. too. on "Whach # . 1 'f the older cou- Know Joe". B ?f?nLtSTiS We d let HaU Thurston play on. ^B ved mot,on for number- his theme song fslVivb'i to come front and * * ? ind alui play a A n?>st unusual thing happene. rales Of Vienna on Thursday morning when Mr' i The Blue Danube" and C. G. Ruark caught a 40 poum W" ... favorite. "Marie turtle on her crabbing fishing Un, ? 'lst 80 he couW She was out with a parf W ,... ivisati'tty. we'd get him on Capt. Charlie Swan's boa ut with his version of when the catch was made ^B ~ I clown through She assures us that it was i novelty, the name peculiar feeling and that she an, "eVel kn0Wn' two others nearly fainted whe. ause he is our Capt. Charlie grabbed the turtl B ike Van Keys j by his flippers and brought hin ^B # .v.:.i-special arrange- aboard . . . W. . -qivci'. Eyes', anu (sosi others on the trip and picni< I' i . ,. s t-ou!d have a happy {were Miss Ida Potter, Miss Min t] " \v ^chopper's Ball", j nie. Miss Annie K.. Thelnia Willis ;et him off, either, Mrs. Lingle, Marion Watson, Ele I S': / V. hi You can cut down the mental labor I hk 4 of keeping farm records if you pay by check. There is less figuring, less fyll worrying, when you know exactly 'M Ll'/.,'7 what payments have been made, t Checks are so easy to write at any Hi' D A V time, in any kind of weather. No rM T need to go to town. No large sums 1 BY of cash to carry?or lose. ^ Paying by check really does make H L/nuL/t\ farming easier. I TRADE WITH US We invite you to call on us for any of your ^ normal farm or family needs. You'll find that we only have a large, fresh stock of goods, but that merchandise is reasonably priced. I IJHAWES I STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS H Supply, N. G. ^ 1 I Announcer This is to announce that NA I as of August 15,1941, has had I with the affairs of the PEOP1 I BANK, of Southport, N. C. A I debted to that institution shou ment to the undersigned trustee I W. C. MANSON, ' 1 PEOPLES UNITED B -janor Russ, Mrs. Russ, Lois Jane j Bussells, and her company, Zip| ponah Rice. I Oh yes, the sequel to this is that Annie Louise St. George cooked it for Miss Eva and it was delicious . . . Most of those , who went had a taste of the delij cacy on Saturday . . . j! * * * Many of the same party went out again Saturday night for a moonlight fishing trip on the ^ same boat with the same skip1 per . . . They reported a fairly good sjcatch of trout (this really ought 1 j to go in the Fisherman's column) and had a grand time ... No e! tuftle on this trip, and only i drinks instead of a picnic". . . Let it be known to all interi i ested that the party made a ' j special effort and got home at I one minute to twelve ... As the 6 methodist preacher was along, y also a steward, Sunday school t teacher and circle leaders, much . was made of their desire to keep II their record clear of Sunday fish^' ing . . . Miss Ida Potter said she 1 never had, and didn't see any e I reason to start it now . . . Those who went on the trip were Miss Eva, Thelma Willis, Marion Watson, Miss Ida Potter, c Imogene Garrett, Ethel Farrell, Mrs. Farrell, Miss Minnie, Mrs. l' Lingle and Mr. Harrison. i CIRCLE MEETING Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. | H. C. Corlette were hostesses 1 on Monday evening to their circle ! in the home of the former. Miss Lottie Mae Newton, leader of the circle, presided. Mrs. Edna Bell conducted the devotional and Mrs. James Harper read several excerpts on "Happiness". The hostesses served iced tea and sandwiches to the good number of members present. BIRTHDAY PARTY Miss Jeanette Tyndall celebrated her sixteenth birthday with a party at her home here Monday night, September 8th. Guests present were Misses Lula Marie Swann, Doris Price, Joy Arnold, Gloria Fay Moore, Evelyn Hickj man, Doris Hickman, Mary Ann I Mollycheck and Glenny Price, Mrs. Genevia Smith, Johnny Sim; mons, Rudolph Sellers, Olaf Thorsen, BasiT Watts and Pete Neaok1 rates. Games were played and refresh1 ments were served before the par1 ty broke up. BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. William Styron and Mrs. James Prevatte entertained their ; friends on Friday afternoon at a party of bridge and Chinest j checkers in the home of Mrs. Styron. Mrs. Fred Willing was high [ scorer at bridge and won an attractive blue cookie jar, Mrs. i George Y. Watson, high scorer at I j Chinese checkers, won a similar jar in pink. The traveling prize, a double deck of cards, was won by Mrs. Wiley Wells. Mrs. W. G. Butler bingoed to win an amber glass bell. Refreshments of coca-cola, cookies and nuts were served to FOR THE COUNTY . . . Our establishment is ready to serve the cleaning and presj sing needs of all Brunswick county. Inquire about our truck schedule in your comj munity. crtT TTHPHRT IJV/ C X X XX V/Jl*. x DRY GLEANERS SOUTHPORT, N. C. 1 nent than cole, no connection les united ill persons inId make pay/ Trustee ;ank THE STATE PORT PILOT, the following: Mesdames J. D. Sutton, Dallas I ? j Piggott, William Wells, L. C. 1j} | Fergus, I. B. Bussells, Robert <5. [ Willis, Robert Thompson, Thomas ?! St. George, James Harper, H. B. si 'Smith, W. S. Davis, J. G. Chris-:? j tian, Robert St. George, Martin s McCall, Wiley Wells, R. I. Mints,, *] E. H. Cranmer, E. H. Arrington, jst j L, T. Yaskell, Fred Willing, Vien- j ?! j na Leggett, W. R. Lingle, H. T. j s: j St. George, Pearce Cranmer, J. W. Thompson, H. W. Hood, J. W. tj j Ruark, A. K. Vitou, James Carr,! [ Elizabeth Gilbert, Frank Niernsee, i al | H. H. Thomas, C. G. Ruark, W. G. Butler, George Y. Watson and i; Misses Marion St. George, Marion Watson and Nora Stevenson. Personal ji Claud Ford has returned from s, Wilmington after spending sev- 'j' eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Tom j] Murrell. C Mrs. Poe Etheridge and two ' 1 sons of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. m j M. D. Walker of Ocean Drive and J* I Mrs. G. H. Piver and Lt. and s> i Mrs. Lester Jones of Greenville j, I spent Sunday here visiting Mrs. ?: ' Grace Ford. ( Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Galloway and family of Charlotte visited eI Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dosher last J,' week end. i> Rufus Dosher spent Sunday in ?'< Fayetteville with his wife, who w is ill. N ol Miss Mary Florence Moore has ri returned from a visit with her brother, Merritt Moore, in Mor- \\ gan City, La. ^ R. L. Brendle has returned to from a week's visit with his parents at Murphy. K Rev. R. S. Harrison has return- J" ' ed from his two-weeks vacation, f Mrs. Harrison and their daughter, P Theresa Hope, are visiting rela- si tives. Miss Marion Watson left Mon- ? day for Ashboro where she is a member of the school facultv v; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Taylor and jl children and Mrs. Ralph Merkle tl and daughter, Sally Ann, have re- Ij turned to their homes in Day- le ton, Ohio, after spending a week ^ here with Mrs. Thomas Larsen, r< mother of Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. *c Merkle. Mrs. Larsen accompanied T ithem home and will spend the " winter in Dayton. " Miss Lottie Mae Newton left h Tuesday for Penn's Grove, New Jersey, where she will spend her r vacation with friends. t< tl c PATIENT 51 Edward Winley of Wilmington, entered Dosher Memorial Hospital H for treatment on Tuesday of last " week. <; . o! OPERATION George Piner of Beaufort un- j, derwent an operation for removal of his appendix Tuesday at Dosh- 11 er Memorial Hospital. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ? Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan of di Leland announce the birth of a ^ daughter at Dosher Memorial a Hospital on Friday, September 5. e< f< NEW ARRIVAL [ Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Norris, of a? Ash announces the birth of a daughter on August 31st. ei W CHURCH SERVICES Services will be as follows, Sunday September 14th: Bolivia Meth- oi odist Church at noon, with church nnknnl of 11 a m CVtil/vVl phllfph 1/ OV1IWI C?b A.X a. Ill,, WIIIIVII, vovai vw (V school at 3:30, and public worship at 4:15 p. m., Lanvale at 6:00 21 p. m? and Picture Service at Zion v at 8 p. m., church school at Zion at usual hour 10 a. in., all E. D. S. T. The sacrament of the Lords j Supper will be administered at J I the Bolivia service. All Christians are invited to share in this service. The Rev. Walter Pavy will preach. WANTADS WANTED?Pulpwood saw hands. J Good timber-35c per ben-Steady ' work. Saw and axes furnished- I come ready to work any morning "j 7:30. Meet at Hallsboro Station. WANTED: 10 wood cutters. Bunkhouse for quarters furnish- 1 ed, Carl C. West. White Flash J Filling Station, Brunswick River ] Bridge, Leland, N. C. LEGALS , ADMINISTRATRIX N OTK'K Having qualified as administratrix I for the estate of W. A. Kourk. Sr., * deceased, late of Brunswick county. J North Carolina, this is to notify all n persons having claims against the J estate of sain deceased to exhibit ] them to the undersigned at Shallotte, N. C\, on or before the Mh day of September. 1942. or this notice -t will be pleaded in bar of their re- J covery. All persons indebted to said ] estate will please "make immediate . payment. J This 5th day of September 1941. 1 Mrs. Sallie H. Kourk, Administratrix J for W. A. Kourk, Sr., 10-15-c . FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir- J tue of a decree of the Superior " Court of Brunswick County. N. C., . dated the 2nd day of June, 1941. in an action entitled "Brunswick ' County* versus Luther Sellers & Wife ' If Any", the undersigned commls- J sloner will expose at public auc- i tlon sale to the highest bidder for ! cash on the 6th day of October. 1941. at 12 o'clock P. M., at the ' Courthouse door. Southport. N. C., J to satisfy the decree of said court i to enforce the payment of $140.53, J the following described real estate, ] located in Smithville Township, Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as follows: In the City of Southport: BEGINNING at the point in the East line of Dry Street where it is intersected by the South line of SOUTHPORT, N. C. rown Street; runs thence South-'g ardly with the Eastern line of ; g ?ry Street Forty-one feet ami \ iree inches to a ' stake; thence > lastwardly. parallel with Brown i treet, sixty-six feet to the West- , d rn line of Lot No. OJ; thence \ orlhwardly parallel with Dry \ treet forty-one feet and three tl iches to the South line of Brown o treet: thence Westwardly with the ! n oulhern line of Brown Street s xty-six feet to the heginning and i c ?ing a part of Lot No. Ml in | d lid City, the same conveyed by ; 9 lary L. .Mercer to C. Ed. Taylor. '? eh. lftth. 1920, recorded in Book' N i, at page 47fi. . \ And all other lands owned by the1 tid Defenedants in Brunswick Coun-|o \ North Carolina. ,j All sales subject to report to and; s >nfirmation by the Court. Ten days f| llow,ed lor raise of hid before re- : art made. Cash to lie paid at i tie. : J This the 1st day, of September.!., Ml. , I S. B. Frink, Commissioner. , s NOTICE OF COM >118810NEKS J] SACK J. TATE OF NORTH CAKOI.INA OI'NTV OF IIKI NHWlCk UNDER and by virtue of a Judg- , ent of tjie Superior Court of " runs wick County, North i_a?olin?t, li jtie Term. 1941. made in the ! ivil Action. entitled "Brunswick $ ounty. vs E. H. Smith & Wife. f innie Smith: Mergenthaler Linotype j ^ o., .Judgment Creditor; American urety Co.. .Judgment Creditor: Beck- s Coal and Builders Supply Co., | tl udgment Creditors; A. 1'. Russ. 1 d idgment Creditor: Clerk Superior Iourt. Judgment Creditor; Gurney tl Hood. Comm. of Banks of N. C\. tl harles Dickson, Assignee and Judg- ^ lent Creditor; W. F. Cox & A. 8 Rogers. Judgment Creditors; V imes D. Parker & Ira Lee. Mort- S tgee; Waccamaw Bank And Trust s n.. Prince O'Brien, Trustee and tl lortgagee: the undersigned Commis- S oner will on .Monday, the Hth day w r October. 1911. at Twelve o'clock k oon, at the Courthouse door in n riulhport. Brunswick County. North v arolina. offer for sale to the high- a it bidder, lor cash, that certain o act of land lying and being in J mithville Township. Brunswick Coun- V .\orui v.Hiuiuiii. aim muic |??i u- i >_ ilarly described as follows, to-wit:?' li On the East side of State High-'s ay No. 110. BEGINNING at the J ortheast corner of the intersection h 13th Street with Cape Fear Road. f ins thence Northwardly with the 1 aal side of Cape Fear Road 14ii5 s eet to the paved road leading to s Wilmington; thence Northwardly with t le East side of said road, being tate Highway No. 303, 357.1 Feet o > the division line between the lands n I H. E. Smith & Melissia Jack- A in; thence South cl degrees 80' < ast 1248 Feet to an old corner fi l the road leading to Wilmington; d lence South 24 degrees West 528 s eet; thence South t?9 degrees 30' 7 ast 49.5 Feet to an iron plug s y a stake; theme South 20 de- 7 rees 30' West 580 Feet to the I Ige of the right oi' way of the V W. H. & S. Rairoad Northwardly ' 4 Ith the Eastern edge of the said 3 ght of way of said railroad 130 3 eet to a point in the line with a Ith Street extended; thence with t! ic North line of 13th Street ex- < inded crossing said roalioad and d len on the same corner to the a >gilining, a total distance of 412.44 I eet, containing 20 acres, more or 2 es, EXCEPTING, However, from f ie said area (1). Two acres, more t] * less, conveyed to Joe Cochran as I tl teorded in Book <is. at page 198,1a nd (2). The right of way hereto- 13 ire conveyed for the railroad. (3). : p he Church site conveyed by I). I. la Watson to J. T. F^ee and others, > rustees. recorded in Book 18. page p 19. (4). Three-fourths of an acre s l the Wilmington road, being State f ighway No. 303. next to Aieliisia > ickson conveyed by E. H. Smith rl i T. (J. Peadrick as recorded In i ook 51, page 111. later conveyed ,| R .C. Wagoner. (5). Filling Sta- s on lot conveyed by E. H. Smith to ; . S. Watters as recorded in Book \ 1, page 512, to which reference is 0 ade for a complete description, and p sing the same lands allotted to E. a . Smith by the Trustee in Bank- ' j iptcy, and approved by the referee, t f ime being the Eastern portion of t rant No. 95. to Thomas Calloway <. April 10. 1770, found in the of- \ ce of the Secretary of State. Book ,| I. page 554. \ This the 1st day of September, i Ml. I S. B. Frink, Commissioner. >-l-c I s f FORECLOSURE NOTICE j? Notice is hereby given that by virire of a decree of the Superior ^ ourt of Brunswick County. N. C., ited the 4th day of August. 1941. ? i an action entitled "Brunswick 1 ounty versus Mrs. Fanny Sedbury n nd Husband If Any," the undersign- J 1 commissioner will expose at public ' uction sale to the highest bidder >r cash on the fith day of October. ' 141. at 12 o'clock p. m., at the 1 ourthouse door. Southport, N. C.. to ' itisfy the deecree of said court to iforce the payment of $118.42. the illowing described real estate, local- ' 1 in Town Creek Township, Bruits- * ick County. N. C.. bounded and de- ? ribed as follows: (' BEGINNING in an old line of ' ?i?or.2.1 lino crnKiiiPU S ,liza ."sellers wncic ?? ?. ^ ii old road leading to the crossing 1 f Hay Branch, said point being in a nail gum slash, runs thence with <" le old road to Hay Branch the fol- a iwing courses, viz; North 19 degrees I 120 feet North 30 degrees 30 West s fl feet, thence North I degrees \V. >4 feet, thence North 9 degrees 30* 1 /est 288 feet, thence North 18 deBRUNSWICS COURT CA September \ ?CIVIL ( ?SECOND MONDAY, SEPTE Vright & Ruark ?Grimes vi Tole?Peoples' United Bank Vink?Taylor vs. Insurance Tavlor & Prevatt?Spencer \ TUESDAY, SEPTf Allen vs. Watts. Vlintz?Shelton vs. Creosote tuark?City of Southport vs. ituark?City of Southport vs. 3revatt?Goodman vs. Watts WEDNESDAY, SEP' Trink?Stewart vs. Hobbs?I i'aylor & Prevatt?Messick v rrink?Stone vs. Jenrette?W McEwen?Smith vs. Moore, < Taylor & Prevatt?Newton \ rrink?Southport Building & D 1779?Brunswick County vs. [780?Brunswick County vs. 1781?Brunswick County vs. 1782?Brunswick County vs. 1783?Brunswick County vs. 1784?Brunswick County vs. 1785?Brunswick County vs. 1786?Brunswick County vs. 1787?Brunswick County vs, L788?Brunswick County vs. 1789?Brunswick County vs. 1790?Brunswick County vs. 1791?Brunswick County vs. 1792?Brunswick County vs. 1793?Brunswick County vs. 1795?Brunswick County vs. 1796?Brunswick County vs. 1797?Brunswick County vs. S. T. BENNE rees W. 459 feet, thence X. 19 derees W. 150 feet, thence X. 13 deg. V. 537 ft. X. 16 (leg. 45*. W. 372 ft. ;. 37 deg. W. 200 ft. X. 28 deg. 18' W. 18 ft. N. 67 dep. \V. 264 ft. 43 eg. \V. 144 ft., thence X. 61 deg. 45' V. 195 ft. to a stake on the North Vest side of Bay Branch, just across he ford; thence with the North edge f Bay Branch to J. D. Sellers' corer of his two acre tract in what is ometimes called Roundabout Bay, acording to the following courses and istance. Viz: North 41 degrees 15 E. 6 l'eet. X. 71 deg. E. 91 ft.. N. 68 deg. 0* E. 107 ft.. X. 31 deg. E. 75 ft., f. 80 deg. E. 75 ft.. S. 75 deg. E. 7 ft.. X. 59 deg. 15* E. 91 ft.. X. 7 deg. E. 216 ft.. X. 81 deg. E. 05 ft.. X. 60 deg. E. 125 ft.. X. 69 eg. E. 152 ft.. S. 83 deg. E. 391 ft.. . 78 deg. E. 248 ft.. S. 64 deg. E. 171 L. S. 42 deg. E. 338 ft., to a stake aid J. D. Sellers' corner, thence with is line S. 57 deg. W. 396 ft., to his eginning corner, known as the Ratan corner, thence S. 10 deg. E. 350 l., with the edge of the bay. thence . 5 deg. \V. 366 ft., with the edge of he bay; thence S. 42 deg. E. 422 L., with the edge of the bay. thence . 8 deg. 30' E. 91 ft. to a stake .1. i. Sellers' corner in the edge of said ioundabout Bay. the same being the ead of Bay Branch; thence with .1. .. Sellers' line crossing said bay. X. 4 deg. E. 792 ft., to a spruce pine; ellers' coiner in the point known as tacoan corner, thence West 40 ft., l> a stake S. 4 deg. 30' E. 50 ft., a a stake in the strand connecting aid Roundabout and Juniper Bays, hence across the said strand S. 45 eg. E. 249 ft., to a stake on the last side of the strand, thence along he edge of the said Roundabout Bay. he following lines of R. M. Westcott. 'iss: S. 22 degrees 30' E. 137 ft.. S. deg. 15' E. 150 ft.. S. 13 deg. V. 280 ft.. S. 13 deg. E. 273 ft.. . 43 (leg. E. 121 ft., to a stake, uid Westcott's corner near ditch, hence through an old Bay field 76 deg. 30' W. to and then rith a ditch 710 ft., to a stake iiown as the Old Weather House, ear where said ditch Intersects ith another ditch. same being lso Capt. J. B. Church's corner f land recently bought from W. . .McDowell, thence X. 67 deg. 45' V. 1612 ft.. to a stake. said 'hurche's corner, thence with his ne S. 25 deg. E. 1316 ft., to a take in Eliza Sellers' line; now . A. Sellers' land. thence with is line N. 65 deg. 30' W. 973 I.. to the beginning. containing 37 acres, excepting about 18 acres old to E. AI. Danford on the X. ide of the Bolivia & Mill Creek lighway. BEGINNING at a dead cypress n the East edge of the strand coneciing Juniper Roundabout Bay. R. 1. Wescott's corner, runs thence Wesott's line S. 73 degrees E. 684 set to a stake; thence S. 19 egrees 30* West 281 ft. to a Mercer's line: thence S. 5 degrees 31)' E. 1066 ft. to a take in the West edge of Tail 'rough Bay. sometimes called toundabout Bay; theme with the Vest edge of the Bay X. 35 deg. 5' East 330 ft., theme N. ? deg. II* West 382.. thence X. 11 deg. 0' W. 115 ft., to a spruce pine t the S. edge of a small branch, hence X. 11 degrees K. 212 ft., tossing said branch, thence X. 05 egrees Bast 880 ft., a direct line long the edge of said Tan Trough lay to a small branch, thence X. 0 degrees W. up said branch 358 t.. thence X. 9 deg. W. on up he branch 177 ft. to a pine at lie head of said branch CI. W. tellers' corner, thence his line X. 0 deg. 30" W. 702 ft. to a spruce ine. said Sellers' corner in the louth edge of Patrick's Bay; thence i. 30 degrees 30' West 890 ft. 0 a stake on the Xorth side of aid Patrick's Bay in E. .J. I>anord's line; thence ids line to the lorth edge of said Bay X. 55 leg. W. 281 ft. to a dead pine ). L. Gore's corner; thence S. 31 leg. W. along the West edge of aid bay 228 ft. thence S. 16 deg. V. 127 feet to a slake on the Vest edge of said Bay at the Id fire path; thence with said ath S. 88 deg. W. 173 ft. to stake in the 10. edge of Juniper lay; thence S. 3 deg. W. 387 t.. thence S. 19 deg. W. 229 ft., hence S. 2 deg. 10. 152 ft., thence i. 53 deg. E. 230 ft., thence S. 1 deg. W. 272 ft., thence S. 17 leg. W. 308 ft., thence X. 54 deg. V. 336 ft., thence S. 18 deg. W. 28 ft., to the road crossing Juniper lay strand, thence S. 1 deg. W. 95 ft., to the beginning all of aid calls from the end of above ire ptith being with the lOast edge if Juniper Bay. containing 108 acres, BIOGIXXING at a stake In T. Mercer's line runs thence X. 0 deg. 10. about twenty poles to , stake: thence North 75 deg. W. orly-two (12) poles near the edge if the strand; thence with said trand to the Bay; thence with said lay Weseott's line to his side ditch; hence with same to a ditch dividing Vescott's & .1. W. Danford's land, hence with said ditch across the iay to South side; thence with the Southern side of ditch to the last litch: thence with said ditch acros* he Bay. said ditch being T. J, ifercer's line: thence with nis line Corth 95 deg. 10. to the beginning ontaining five acres more or less. And all other lands owned by the aid defendants in Brunswick County, Corth Carolina. All sales subject to report^ to ami onfirmation by the Court. Ten ciaya .llowed for raise of bid before re>ort made. Cash to be paid at ale. This the 1st day of September. 941. S. B. Krink, Commissioner. t COUNTY .LEND AR "erm?1941 7JSES? WFFK" MBER 15, 1941 s. Hooks?Lyon & Lyon vs. Thompson?Thompson Company?Allen 's. Lewis?Frink 3MBER 16, 1941 Co.?Poisson & Campbell All Citizens All Citizens , et als.?Frink TEMBER 17, 1941 tuark s. Hearn, et al.?Frink fright. it al.?Bellamy & Sons. rs. Robinson?Frink : Loan Association vs. osher?Thompson & Ruark Bellamy. Grissett Evans Bellamy Bellamy Burney Bellamy Clemmons , Benton Gause Clemmons Bryant Bryant Evans Evans Evans Phelps Phelps / TT, Clerk Superior Court. I PAGE 3 =ggg==s;a r I . STATEMENT MERRIMACK Ml'TIAl, FIRE lNSIRAXIE OIMPAXY AXIMIYKK. MASS. COXIIITIOX DEI EMBER 31. l!UU. AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT MI.ISU Amount of Capital paid in rash - * lou.ow.uu rf 'Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year. $1,856,803.50 ? Increase paid up Capital, $ Total. 1.856,803.60 ?? Income?From Policyholders. Sl.329.960.3l: .Miscellaneous, $ 90.0.0 49: _ Total l,l20.0?0>W j Disbursements-ifo Policyholders. $487.480.11: Miscellaneous. $826,892.65; Total UH.3i2.7i .a dK IFire Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $1,702,476.62 In Force. ..o.u,?"i-?' All Other Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $502,788.71 In Force 48o.069.4b ? ASSETS I Value of Real Ktate Itl8.762.32 J Mortgage Loans on Real Kstate 57,083.18 /ft l^oans on other than first lien * gj , Loans secured by pledge of Bonds. Stocks, or other collateral Value of Bonds and Stocks 1,013.077.84 i Cash in Company's Office 200.f?o ^ i Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 187,724.52 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 283,560.25 Agent's balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1. 1040 225,860.63 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1. 1340 12.003.39 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable ?21.578.50 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks Bills receivable, taken for other risks Interest and Rents due and accrued 7,855.39 All other Assets, as detailed In statement 112.731.78 Total $2,047,287.40 j Less Assets not admitted 12.103.39 Total admitted Assets $2,035,184.07 '' LIABILITIES ; .Vet amount of unpaid losses and claims 33.855.53 i Unearned premiums 1,153,332.87 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees.^etc.. due or accrued 5,800.00 Kstiniated amount payable for Federal. State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 22.000.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 1.000.00 Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies $ZZZZ AH other liabilities, as detailed in statement . 12.958.90 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $1,228,947.30 Guaranty Capital paid up $100,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities $706,236.77 ? > i 1 j Surplus as regards Policyholders .. 806,236.77 Total Liabilities $2,035,184.07 BISINESM IX NORTH CAROLIN A III RIN0 11>40 Fire Risks written $4,597,058.; Premiums received, $49,994. All Other Risks written 542,300.; Premiums received. $90,396. Losses Incurred?Fire 12,736.; Paid $12,523. Losses incurred?All other 39.244,; Paid $43,375. President-Treasurer Henton S. Flagg Secretary Edward C. Nichols Home Office North Main St., Andover, Mass. Attorney for service: DAN C, HON FY. Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh, N, C. STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Seal) I NSC RANCH DEPARTMENT. \ Raleigh. June 3rd, 1941 I. DAN C. RON FY. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Merrimack j Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Andover. Mass. filed with this Departj ment. showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, , j 1940. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. HONEY, Insurance Commissioner. STATEMENT M It'll IRAN MILLERS MCTI'AL LIRE INSI ItANt E COM PA N > LAN SIN (i, MICH. CON DITlo N DEC EM HER 31. 19411. AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILED Amount of Capital paid in cash Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year, $4,714,156.39; Increase paid up Capital, $ Total, $4,714,156.39 Income--From Policyholders. $2,1114,333.60; Miscellaneous, $260,741.96; Total. 2,725,075.56 Disbursements?To Policyholders, $870,523.83; Miscellaneous, $1.7 03.07 $.55; Total 2.633.602.38 Fire Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $3,184,557.31 In Force, 3,271,964.50 I All Other Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $579,238.87 In Force 687.175.56 55#] \ssi l s i Value of Root Estate 1.048,081.86 i Mortgage Loans on Real Estate 648,418.87 | Loans on other than first lien 2,136.91 Loans secured by pledge of Honds. Stocks, or other collateral .... Value of Honds and Stocks 2,067,301.30 Cash in Company's Office Deposited in Trust Companies and Hanks not on Interest 689,069.25 Deposited in Trust Companies and Hanks on Interest 205,000.00 Agents' balance, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1840 308.331.78 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October I. 1940 129.47 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable ?32,470.13 , Bills receivable, taken for fire risks Hills receivable, taken for other risks Interest and Rents due and accrued 22,670.96 : f..~ All other Assets, as detailed in statement 30,943.65 Total $ 4.889.612 36 Less Assets not admitted .. 307,584.02 Total admitted Assets $ 4,582,028.34 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 200,856.93 Unearned premiums 1,821,264.67 Salaries, rents, expenses, bill, accounts, fees. etc.. due or accrued 10,000.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal. Slate, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 35,500.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued . 10,500.00 , Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies : ? ? ? - } wq All other liabilities, as detailed In statement 309,000.00 i Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $2,387,121.50 I Guaranty Capital paid up $ 25(1.000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 11.94 4,906.84 .. | I Surplus as regards Policyholders 2,194,906.84 '!/[ Total I .labilities $ 4.582,028.34 ' ! I BENIN ENN IN NIIKTH CAROLINA IttlllNI. 1st* ' Fire Risks written $2,271,125.; Premiums received $22,117. All Other Risks written 1.U89.274.; Premiums received 5,617. Losses incurred?Fire 1,857.; Puid 3,092. 1 Losses incurred?All other 3.427.; Paid 2,773. President L. H. Maker Secretary L. B. Tobey ' Treasurer C. R. McAlvay Home office 208 N. Capitol Ave., Lansing. Mich. Attornev for service: DAN C. HON BY, Insurance Comrnimssioner. Raleigh, ! N. C. STATR OF NORTH CAROLINA. . . r> (Seal) INS PR A.VCR DRPARTMRNT. Raleigh, .Tune 3rd 1941 11; t f r. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Michigan Millers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Lansing, Mich, filed with this Department, showing the conditions of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1940. Witness my hand ami official seal., the day and year above written. DAN C. BONRY, Insurance Commissioner. '/.?ifj STATEMENT MECHANIC Mt'TI'AI. EIRE INSERANCE COMPANY PROVIDENCE. It. I. CONIIITION DECEMBER SI, 10AM. AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILER Amount of Capital paid in cash $ Amount Ledger Assets. Dec. 31st previous year. $2,511,935.58; Increase paid up Capital. $ Total. 2,511.935.58 Income?From Policyholders, $844,529.06; Miscellaneous $92,861.55; Total 937.390.61 Dlsbursements-To Policyholders, $97,184.52; Miscellaneous, $713,589.01; Total 810.773.51 Fire Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $1,461,560.59 In Force 2,532.180.02 . \\\ Ail Other Premiums?Written or renewed during year. $ in Force, - ' AHMET# Value of Real Rstate .Mortgage Loans on Real Rstate 1 Loans on other than first lien . ' Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Storks, or other collateral .... Value of Bonds and Slocks 2,223,509.79 Cash in Company's Office ' Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 300,356.35 I Denosited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest Agents' balance, representing business written subsequent to October 1. 1940 159.684.43 Agents' balance, representing business written prior to October 1. 1940 947.21 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable ?50.257.92 Hills receivable, taken for fire risks - Hills receivable, taken for other risks Interest and Rents due and accrued 5,983.51 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 4,466.54 Total - $2,644,678.91 Less Assets not admitted 201,651.78 Total admitted Assets $2,443,027.13 1.1 \ III I I'l l EH Net amount of unpaid losses and claims 37.539.02 Unearned premiums 1,070.207.18 I Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fee. etc.. due or accrued 679.32 Estimated amount payable for Federal. State, county and municipal I taxes due or accrued 7.200.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued /. Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies All otiier liabilities, as detailed in statement 37,320.30 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital $1,152,945.82 ' f Capital actually paid un in cash .. $ ? Surplus over all liabilities $1,290,081.31 Surplus as regards Policyholders .. .. 1.290,081.31 i Total Liabilities $2,443,027.13 ' BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA HI KING 1940 Fire Risks written $2,734,992; Premiums received. $14,531. All Other Risks written ; Premiums received, Losses incurred?Fire .. 20.462; Paid 15,286. Losses incurred?All other ; Paid President-Treasurer Hovey T. Freeman Secretary Raymond H. Lord Home Office 10 Weybossel St., Providence. R. I. il >i Attorney for service: DAN C. HONEY. Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. ??% Raleigh. June 3rd 1941 I. DAN C. BONEY. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Mechanics Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Providence. R. I., filed with this Department. showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of Deeepiber, 1940. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. ' MI -*?i

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