? 2!l1-941 . 'rCltialiter (!)f 3tife J ^l. i a (.Our JMpnutie l ^HT""BRIDGE PARTIES v "" t jio most do- ? q week when Mrs. W. R. Lingle ami Mrs. j ' \\ '! But- Elizabeth Gilbert were hostesses q is around at two delightful parties at the gi we can home of Mrs. Lingle on Wednes- j ,l,e pret- day afternoon and evening. . we The home was attractively dec- j. front yard, crated for the occasion with mixed flowers. ' 1 quite a Chinese checkers were played at o The first the afternoon party in addition f ihe back to the five tables of bridge. b i , retaining Prizes in the afternoon were Z yard is won by the following ladies: Mrs. ? uve oak W. S. Davis, high score: Mrs. A. " I northwest ;K. Vitou, second high: Mrs. ll (v St. Pearce Cranmer, traveling prize: hole Mrs' R' Mintz aml Mrs- Delmas r U. - Fulcher, bingo: Mrs. Cronley Ru- F ,U\1' ??? ark. Cchinese checkers. f the house . ivv jS Evening prizes were won by 1 Mrs. H. C. Corlette. high: Mrs. ? - . their inomas ^t. George, second; Miss IS could see Eve'yn Loughlin, traveling prize; J Mrs. H. B. Newton, bingo: Mrs. n ' v mis like Houston Robbins. guest prize. \ ' Others who were there were i Mesdames J. D. Sutton. Prince O'- t ? . ht bloom- Brien- R L- Brendle. Percy J. cords Farre11' Charles Wells, E. H. Ar- 1 rington. L. T. Yskell, Bill Wells, ...... blooms in E H cranmer, Earl Brown. Joel . Mrs. jjooj-g r r Thompson. W. G. IJ ss to the Butler f M Niemsee, A. B.! t t fishing weeks. James Harper, and Misses \ . . when they Annie Louise St. George, Ethel f l . went to Farrell. Margaret Parkhill, Lois t l.cii catch Jane Bussells. Susie Newton, and I ' Miss Mary Weeks. [ r II ^ I LOOK WHAT THE U. S AND NAVAL RESERVE 0 FREE TRAINING worth $1500. FINESTSPOI Nearly 5-9 trades and vocations to any man cou choose from TRAVEL. AD m You can't be S: GOOD PAY with regular increases. m You may earn up to $126 a month. BECOME Ah You are entitled to a generous vaca- work for an tion period, with full pay, each year. Naval Acade . the Air at Fc h GOOD food and plenty of it. % future su <i TREE CLOTHING. A complete outm. Navy.traini 3 of clothing when you first en 1S ' paying jobs i U Over S100 worth.) _ M I |dppal R I FREE MEDICAL care, including regular Nav: regular dental attention. | ENROLL IN TH^NAVATr^^ I -K RELEASED AFTER THE EME J,,j .*1 R' -m will be retained on Reserve offer >ou fl vy dut >'1 broughout the period a . promotions, P S.T"'nM ermrl?ency, but they pjjyg^^requirements int' m ,v to inactive duty as soon 1 ' nlore liberal. . M <mirg.-my a3 their services serve a || serve your country build THE STATE PORT PILOl Mesdanies Wiley Wells, Mabel' , _ . larran, J. G. Christian. Robert jM| 111 I [_ C FjS Villis, Fred Willing, Bill Jorgen- BgH H J j l/l M f"\K| en, Kenneth Kinsler J. W,'|HiVl I U 1W.I I I? hompson. I. B. Bussells, H, W. ^WTTTTtTnTTTHtTnTTHli^ lood, Dallas Piggott, J. W. Ru Ik, Vienna Leggett, Lex Jones, uAl ?S w R Hins .. C. Fergus. James Can , Robert' ohurch' Woodrow W. Robbins. "hompson, Bill Styron, R. C. St. Pasto1 Sunday moimng 10. , eorge, Robert Jones, James Pre- SumJay sch?o1; H' ?atte, W. S. Davis, H. C. St. Sr" SuPl- Sunday morning. 11...0, '.eorge, Fred Ashburn, and Misses Poaching service, message by the larion St. George. Winnie Willis,1 Pasto1- Every member is urged to lenevieve Eakes, Elizabeth Wat- bf> present, as we \\i piepa.t on, May Phelps and Miss Lottie 0"1' associational letter, and close lae Newton. a11 of our business Sunday evening, 8, B. Y. P. U. 'OURTH BIRTHDAY There will not be evening preaching service this Sunday as Master Edwin Veazey was host tfie tor ,g closing the revival n -Thursday to a number of his , , , , u - , , at Chapel Hill Baptist chuich. nends in celebration of his fourth ' ' The children played a number | y i giuup gamca utriuic Liiey weni i cMOKE ur I / \i ito the attractively decorated 1 -?rURHING \ \ t?5S ining room for the cake lighting. I SLOWER-8" 1 ^INTl The patriotic theme was car- 1 CAMELS CON 1 1, COU ied out with flags at each place. I. \ #j|5 >1 ted, white and blue balloons were : I 9,0 / ? L avors. Ice cram was served and I . ? he birthday cake was cut. I 1 p j j Edwin's guests were as follows: 1 nnTllllF wra,': itisses Jean Evelyn Thompson, 1 NlQO 111*" fsT^P lilda Gunnerson, Winifred Gun-j 1 _?tlie 1^5 lerson, Jackie Larsen, Nancy 1 than 'be average jelling l|J?: Vatts. Betsy Jane Galloway. Tru- 1 4 other large8' lcss ly McNeil and Anne Brooks New- I cigaretteste jtethem? rX Robert Galloway and Jim ray ^ accor^gcfcntlRc tcSts Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salter oftlemeda. Cal.. arrived Tuesday [g^|jjpHI||||fHj|pi[]^ o visit his sisters, Mrs. W. M. |||f SJ 1 I , | 1 j||| ||lli|j7T Veils. Mr. Salter, chief warrant of- J ffi |||? f ft I J | Ijl Rltltll icer in the U. S. Coast Guard, j Hjk |Tj _ I I I 1 SH W&$\y, legan his service rat Bald Head sland under Captain Sam Brinknan. 1 k jj READ HOWyOO TDD CAR SB ^ I an expert m AwmoN,* jk/j OR ENO/NEERfNO AND DRt ''MI GOOD PAY WHILE WO LEA I TF YOU WANT to get ahead fa: J J. to build yourself a good-payin portunity you've been waiting f< The U. S. Navy may train yc any one of nearly 50 skilled field new men will be sent to a Navy can learn to be a Diesel engine t tion mechanic, aerial photogra whatever specialized work you'r year's training which you get is ^The Navy foots the entire bill. In fact, it is possible for an enlist f per month?with keep. You'll have plenty of opporb M*?^1 position and pay ? and you'll h You'll come out of the Navy fu >. NAVY good job in private industry. A the Service, you can go right to t FFER YOU end of 20 years or 30 years with You can choose now betwee RTS and entertainment serves. Both offer equal opport Id ask for. VENTURE, THRILLS- Get this FREE Bool at the Navy for them! Mail coupon for your free copy of ' the U.S. Navy." 24 pages, fully illu I OFFICER. Many Can It answers all your questions. Tells wl appointment to the pay will be.. promotions and vacati ? ,. c can expect...how you can retire on j my or the Annapolis Ot come. Describes how you can learn msacola. of 45 big-pay trades from aviation to how many may become officers. 2' CCESS It's easy for from Navy life showing sports and g , i may be assigned to, exciting ports y 2d men to get good- requirements and where to apply. If n civil life. high school required), get, this free the Navy editor of this paper for a c< ETIREMENT-PAY for him the coupon. You can paste it on f men. WEAR THIS BADGE 0F1 booklet you decide to s ?I you will receive this sir ol honor you will be pr " j Tear out and take or sem jhV. | *? the Navy Editor of this ^ L 'L | Without any obligation on my if the length j me free booklet,"Life in the N enlistment." ljK|!rjs j the opportunities for men in tt r Navy and V lesametrav- ? | ay increases. I | Name le Naval Re- |H jH ll . ;nd coupon! Ijgi \\ | Address TURE ^ Town f, SOUTHPORT, N. C. Shallotte. I BOLIVIA: Bolivia Baptist i church, Woodrow W, Robbins, pastor. Sunday morning, 10, Sunday school, Santa Potter, Supt. Sunday evening, 8, B. Y. P. U.. j Wednesday evening, 8, prayer service. j SHALLOTTE: Chapel Hill Baptist church. The revival, conducted by Woodrow W. Robbins, will continue on through the Fourth Sunday evening. There will net be sen-ice the Fourth Sunday morning, as Mr. Robbins has to be at Goshen at that time. But ! ; each morning during the week at : 10:30, EST, there will be services. ! . . ^MILDNESS : ui/rvriMC 1 ( IS ONLY ONE REASON I ) 100 f mwnm WME J mo f m ( RNf J st, to serve your country, g future... here's the opjr. iu to become an expert in s. Each month, over 5000 Service School, where you jperator, machinist, aviapher, radio operator, or e best fitted for. This first worth at least $1500. You earn while you learn, ed man to earn up to $126 unity for advancement in tave fun while you learn! lly prepared to take on a nd if you want to stay in he top... and retire at the a liberal monthly income. n the regulars or the reunities for advancement. klet 4 * / Wij j "Life in /f/rri ri / ons you / . 11 i life in- - II any one / ? i radio... B 7 scenes ames you may play, ships you ou may visit. TelLs enlistment you are between 17 and 31 (no book now. No obligation. Ask apy. Or telephone him. Or mail a penny postal card. HONOR! If after reading the free ipply for a place in the Navy, lart lapel-emblem. It is a badge oud to wear. 1 J this coupon A3 ; newspaper part whatsoever, please send avy,"giving full details about le Navy or Naval Reserve. Age j | State 1 3, , . and each evening at 7:30 EST. i Mrs. Gus Morse, Jr.. of Wil- j i: All visitors and friends are wel- mington. visited her mother, Mrs. j'," come. Eva Wolf, last week. _ ' K . Miss Lottie Mae Newton has b' BOLIVIA- On account of the returned home from Pennsgrove, si Zion Home-Coming, there will be N. J., where she spent her vaca- \\ no service at Bolivia, Sunday | ticn with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. morning, but the preaching serv- St. George. K ice will be at 8:00 p. m. instead. Mrs. Rufus Dosher has return- }j] The services at Shiloh and Lan- ed home from Fayetteville. where if vale will be suspended, so that all she has been visiting relatives. |'t can be at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Durham, 1 ? 'of Raleigh, spent the week-end ,V TO HONOR TEACHERS |here with Capt. and Mrs. I. B. The Methodist Youth Fellow- ' Bussells. " ship of Bolivia have planned a , G Swan of Wilmington,, ? Y\ einer Roast as a reception to Spen( the week-enil here with his i w the teachers of the Bolivia school family to be held on Thursday at 8 p.: Misg' c, de Fulch Swain, of ',M m. The Beta kappas will _ meet Camp Davis spent the week end " at me mgn scnoo. .mmeuuncy hel e wRh ,.elatives , after school Thursday. The elec- i " tion of officers for the 1941-42 Mrs' S' L Brinkman and Miss:;., season will take place at each Eve'yn ^"ghlin left Sunday for;,, group meeting. Greensboro to spend this week, * s with Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Har- j" 1 relson Mrs. Lillie Williams has re- reiaun- | rt turned home from Wilmington Mrs. Charles Parker and chil-1? 4-here she spent the past month dren of Fayetteville are spending ,,', .vith her cousins, Misses Etta and i this week here with her mother, ! fj Carrie Craig. Mrs. A. T. McKeithan. _ ! I! FALL PLOWING I I i> There are some mighty good farmers in Brunswick county, and because that is true there is a lot of fall plowing going on right now. in i REMEMBER . . . for new equipment, repair and replacement parts the ;!i best place to go is ... . J,! it! \\ G W- KIRBY & SONS I ' said City, the same conveved hv p.i Nn T I P P | Mary L Mercer In C. IM. ' Taylor. \ \J 1 1 I , Feb 10th, 1920. recorded hi Book r Due to the continued rising pnKe .l71'" , , , , 7 " Ami all oilier lands owned by the 31 cost of supplies the following salt! Dcfenedaiits in Hrunsuiek Coun-j ,j , ii- in 1 t.v. North Carolina. : s price* on dry cleaning will be- All sales subjeet t.. ,v,,ort to and come effective on October I* 11 l,v "u .G'ourt. t< I allowed lor raise ol hid before re- |) ? ~ I iiort mailt-. Cash In 1 n* naid at I. Suits fcUc. Pants Altc . Dresses 60c. Skirts 30c This the 1st day of September. i i RML S ITTHPORT^ ,S" t'omn,'s;,<5oner ! ti DRY CI FANFRS ... *?TH-K ok ?m.K s l./iy 1 v>4l/l//-\1^i-vi\0 .statu ol noktii < \koi.ina SOUTHPORT, N. C. "M vn *KW "*><?vkis {, liv virtue, ami in pursuance of I he i > I power of sale contained in a cer- j tain mortgage deed. executed b.v ! s WY a n Tm a o iHeorge It. Koulke and wife. Dorothy | p \]aJ \ [\l | \ | I*'. Koulke to Amanda D. Davis I now i, if J, tfi 8 / f J I deceased), on the 38th day of April, o A. D.. 1933. and duly recorded in s - i the office of the Register of Deeds t| FOR RENT: Furnished rooms. "f Brunswick County, in Hook I,i ,, , . ... 1404 et seouitiir. the undersigned tie- IAlso small apartment with pnv- , vistees. under the last will and testa- :i ate bath. Ideal for couple or i ment of Amanda D. Davis, deceased, jtl ... . . ? . will sell at public auction, at the , v bachelor. Also four-room apat c- courthouse door, in the city of South-'s ment suitable for adult family. i??rt. County <4 Rrtinswhk. and the v . " state ol North Carolina, I*or Cash. S Dial 2641, Southport. on Monday at 1- o'ciock M. the 37th s; day of October. A. D.. 1911. all that il WANTED: 10 wood cutters, certain tract, piece or parcel ol land, s _ , , , . . . , situated, lying and being in Itruns- u Bunkhouse for quarters furnish- wick county ami the state of North k ed Carl C. West, white Flash Carolina, and bounded and described n " . . _. |as follows, to-wit: v. Filling- Statinn. Brunswick Rivet , , , , ^ & 1 . HKt.ilNN INC. at a marked pine ,L Bridge, Leland. N. C. tree at Leehuck's Landing in Town " I Creek, and runs thence South Jill j A FOR SAI.E: Fast boat "Kinlico" W?| , ? , Marked D. L. D. hi ail old road; now based at Swansboro. Thir- theme North degrees West nor. 11 ty-eight feet long. 10-foot beam. ?> "^^"heml" $ouW'l!? Practically new. Write or see J. degree* 3? minutes West a;** r....i i.. '' P. Godwin, Swansboro. N. C. ;???? ? 1. 10-8-* [stake; thence North X"! degrees West'" 183 feet to a stone marked D. L. ?J.; ? WANTFD1 An ambitious wide- thenr0 Norlh ,:!t ,k'?rccs West 190 ** * An wiai ,eet to a stake; thence to the low awake man or woman to look water mark the bridge crossing '' ?A?n,?oi0 ??,i ?r,wr 0,,kaerin Rice's Creek, ami thence with the after renewals and new subscnp- |lie2in<ierlof Rice's ("reek in a tions for the popular, fast-selling Northerly direction to Town Creek; \ Tko Amari/ion uftmu thence with the various meanders of , magazine, The American Home. ;?pown Creek to the begintiing. conIt's easy, pleasant work, and it tainlng M23 9-10 ai res, pays big commissions. Spare time < () 'h.'?,jlhe 1,1,1 <lay "f s,'pieiui'ei. A. s only required. Write today to i Xlnia I). Westrook ami IVwey H. i Director. Sales Division, The i I>"vi?. I>evl?tee* ami l.egaiees under \ the last will and testament of Am- | American Home Magazine Corpor- JUid? D. Davis, deceased, ation, 251 Fourth Avenue, New .Herbert M.CIarmny. Attorney. Wit- : nilngtnn, ,V < . r York, N. Y. I tii-:'L'-> _ t ?"24"* I ADMIN 1STItATItlY No'llt K ! Having qualified as administratrix ; FOR SALE: 17 -acre farm near for the estate of W\ A Uourk, Sr.. I Auh 14 acres cleared 12-acre 'Iccased. late of llrutiMVi.k county. : Asn. 14 acres cleared, d.z acr Carolina, this is to notify all i tobacco allotment. Also young persons having claims against the , vrt r? estate of said deceased to exhibit t mule and farm equipment. E. B. ^em tn jjie undersigned at Shai- .Smith. Ash, N. C. lotte, N. C.. on or before tho filh ;; 1f-v 1 day of September. 1943, <?r this notice j x A" will be pleaded in bar of their re- > ? ?? coverv. All persons indebted to said |; "WANTED?Man with good auto - jestate, will please make immediate j( mobile to handle established ''"S'sih day of September 1911. i rural Watkins business in Bruns-1 -Uis. Saiiie h. itnurk. Adminisiratrlx : wick County. Must be in good io!^V A Kotiik. Sr.. < health, ambitious, and business j ! . . j , ' . I NOTICE OF COM It I SSI ON E IIS minded. No loafers considered. I sa I.E I i $25.00 or more per week possible y' ,, f"b kV'nsivicK ' * A to right party. Write Watkins, UNDER awl by virtue of a Judg- J Rnv iQ7S PViartntte M f" merit of the Superior Court of i; BOX Charlotte, IS. C. Brunswick County. North Carolina. , 10-1-C June Term. If*II. made in the i X A T o Civil Action. entitled "Brunswick t LcVjALo , County, vs K. H. Smith & Wife. ; j Minnie Smith: Mergenthaler Linotype ] | Co.. Judgment Creditor; American , I'hRECMISt'RK NOTICK Surety Co.. Judgment Creditor: Beck- ' I N'otice is hereby given that by vir- er Coal and Builders Supply Co., ; tue of a decree of the Superior Judgment Creditors; A. J*. Buss. | Court of Brunswick County. X\ C., Judgment Creditor; Clerk Superior ; | dated the 2nd day of June, 1941, Court. Judgment Creditor; Gurney f in an action entitled "Brunswick P. Hood. Comm. of Banks of X. <\. . J County versus Luther Sellers & Wife Charles Dickson. Assignee and Judg- , If Any", the undersigned commie- ment Creditor; W. F. Cox & A. sioner will expose at public auc- P. Rogers. Judgment Creditors; , tion sale to the highest bidder for James D. Parker & Ira Lee. Mori- ; cash on the nth day of October, gagee; Waccamavv Bank And Trust ; 1941. at 12 o'clock P. M., at the (Co.. Prince O'Brien. Trustee and | Courthouse door. Southport. X'. C.. Mortgagee; the undersigned Commis- , to satisfy the decree of said court sioner will on Monday, the 6th day , to enforce the payment of $140.53. of October, 1911. at Twelve o'clock j the following described real estate. Noon, at the Courthouse door in j located In Smithvflle Township. [Southport, Brunswick County, North ' Brunswick County, X". C., bounded Carolina, offer for sale to the high- | and described as follows: est bidder, for cash, that certain i In the City of Southport: BEGIN- tract of land lying and being in ; XING at the point in the East Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun- , line of Dry Street where it is ty. North Carolina, and more parti- j *" " ?i-.1/u.i.blVu.H uu fnllnws liuwit I intersected by the soutn line m . ruian/ Brown Street; runs thence South- On the East side of State Highwardiy with the Eastern line of' way No. 130. BEGINNING at the , Dry Street Forty-one feet and Northeast corner of the intersection three inches to a stake: thence of 13th Street with Cape Fear Koad. j Kastwardly. parallel with Brown runs thence Northwardly with the ; Street, sixty-six feet to the West- East side of Cape Fear Road 1465 em line of Lot No. 91'; thence Feet to the paved road leading to , Northwardly parallel with Dry Wilmington: thence Northwardly with j Street forty-one feet and three the East side of said road, being ( inches to the South line of Brown State Highway No. 30$, 357.1 Feet } Street; thence Westwardly with the to the division line between the lands Southern liu&; of Brown Street of II. E. Smith & Mellsaia .Jacksixty-six feet to the beginning and son; thence South 61 degrees 20' 1? PAGE 3 ast 1248 Feet to an old eornerF'sKj 1 the road leading to Wilmington: njiice South 21 degrees West 528 et: thence South ??! degrees , -r ast in *. Feet to an iron plug*. fo r a stake; theiiee South 20 de-iU * rees :!?>" West 5 80 Keel to the *? ige of the right of way of the * * H. & S. Itairoad Northwardly * ith the eastern edge of the said "* ght of way of said railroad l""iMri#Jdl eet to a point in the line with Ith Street extended: theiiee with te North line of 1 Ith Street exuded crossing said roatroad ami ten on the same corner to the r M 'ginning, a total distance of 412.-I4 eet. containing 20 acres, mom or_ _ ?. FXCFl'TINO. However, from* te said area < 1 ^. Two ai res, more ^ jyj less, conveyed to Joe Cochran as otded in Hook ??*. at page J?HH'. jid (2?. The right of way heretoire conveyed for the railroad. t3? ? ** he Church site conveyed by I?. I. 'atson to J. T. Fee and others, rustees. recorded in Hook IS, page I'J. ili Three-fourths of an acre i the Wilmington road, being State ighway No. 208. nevt to Melissia i-kson conveyed by K. H. Smith i T. f*. I'ead rick as reconled in ook 51. page 111. later conveyed i It .C. Wagoner. ">>. Killing Stu>>u lot conveyed by F. II. Smith t ' 1 . S. Walters as recorded in Hook#,f""jy . page 512. to which reference is' ade for a complete description, and - - _ ing the same lands allotted to K. t f . Smith by tW Trustee in Hank-. <aV't A iptcy, and approved by the referee. * line being the Fastem portion of rant No. 05, to Thomas Calloway April 10. 1770. found in the of- ?1??H re of the Secretary of State. Hook ' >. page 551. j jp'ti This the lsl day of September. Torino S. H. Frink, Commissioner. ^ ll 11 FORE( L08VRR KOTICE i hit. Notice is hereby given thai by virire of a decree of the Superior '.J'*", ourt of Hrunswick Count v. N C., ?:./?, a ted the Ith day of August. 1011. JlUttJ i an aetion entitled 'Hrunswick ? . ounty versus Mrs. Fanny Scilbury -*'U I? nd Husband If Any." the undersign- . / I commissioner will expose al public '**" action sale to the highest bidder / >r cash on the Otlt day of October. HI. at 12 o'clock p. in., at the; ourthouse door, Southpori. N. C.. to viii itisfy the deecree of said court to iforce the payment of ^I IS. 12. the ' J dlouing described real estate, local I 111 I own i i unTj8iu|>, ... irk County, N. C\, hounded :in?l de- i|.ii)L(. rilied uh follows: '"e"0 HKHINNINu in an oM lino "filling/; liza Sellers where said line crosses ii old road leading to the crossing T Itay Hranch, said point being in a nail gum slash, runs thence withv #i/ iv ' ie old road to Hay Hrainh the lul-1 v**w> wing courses, viz: North 1!? degrees 120 feel North ."in degrees 30 West feel, thence North I degrees W. t .it it feet, thence North 9 degrees 30' .'est 28S? feet, thence North 15 do- i j (|. J j T* ives W. 459 feel, thence N 19 deroes \V 1 ~>M feet, thence N. .13 deg. 'H\ fji 537 ft N. 15 deg. t.v. w. 373 ft 37 ileg. \\. 200 it. N 28 deg. 15' \\ . |lovjt*> IS ft N. deg W 2f.l ft. 43 g. W Itl ft., thence N. ? ! deg. 45' ( **? 195 ft. to a stake on the North * '' Teat side of Hay Hranch, jusi across ie ford; thence with the North edge f Hay Hranch to .!. I >. Sellers' cor- i , er of his two aire tract in what Is urn-times called Uoundabout Bay. :i<*- ?? ? ? naling to tlu- following courses and ' istanee, Viz: North tl degrees 15 K. .. , ; feel. N 71 deg. K. 91 ft.. V f.S deg. ' I ) IV H?7 It. N. 31 deg. t: 75 ft.. ||tfli . Ml ileu. K. 7.1 fi . S 71 .leK. K. I,(" V i ft.. N. 5? Otg. IV i: HI fU N. ml,, T dag. E. SIC II.. N. M ilfK B. "'""I 1.1 It. X 111! ilt'K I-:. 1-1 II.. N. 09 I i-k K. is; II. 0. st .1. U K .191 II . 78 ileg. K. 218 ft.. S. til deg, I!. 171 ? j S. IJ .leg. K. 338 ft.. ( ? a stake ' n 71 ti?1 .1. 1>. Sellers' corner, thence with ...i lfl is line S. 57 deg. \V. 395 It. to his " eginning corner, known as the Hat- ,. f...j in corner, thence S. in ileg. K. 350 ' * ( L, with the edge of the bay, thence iqt . 5 deg. W. 365 ft. with the edge of '' u 1 lie bay; thence S. IJ ileg. K. 432 . nt.. witii the edge of the bay. thence . s deg. 3o' i:. 91 ft. to a stake J. it . Sellers' corner In the edge of said1" J "Ml tmimiahout Bay. the same being the .. ead ?-f Bay Branch; thence with J. 8? Sellers' iine crossing said bay. V I deg. Iv 792 ft., to a spruce pine; ellers' corner in the point known as taeoon corner, thence \\'i?st 4u ft., i a stake S. t ileg. 3u* i;, 5o ft., /IO/ > a stake in the strand connecting ' i aid Roundabout ami Juniper Hays, lie lice across the said strand S. Id eg I*. -19 ft., to a stake on the )j |jj last side of the strand, thence along # j edge of the said Ri>un?labout Hay. U/lfO it- following lilies of ItM. VVtfHl i s il.-gre.-s .to K l.ti it., t* 10/I ii- i: ir.ii n . s. 12 'leu. .. y .yi |"i . S It! 'lt'K B. -.!! ft flljIlB lit doit K. 121 ft-. I" ;l stake, aid Weslcott's iiit'll*.t near ditch. tftJIIU hi.ure through an "lit Hay let" . 7# ilea. w n> a'"1 ' 'l.fH' ill* a ilitrh 710 ft., to O flake . II."Ml tis the (till Weathct II,disc. t tllU ear where said ditch internecls ill, another .lit, h. fame lieing .? I.U ls? (apt .1. H. Church* corner ! recenllv iKMiKhl from V\. J ttOq , ,.Nft.'.1"to n -fHl o take in KIHta Sellers' line: nw , A Sellers' laud. thence with UIt ?l is line X. B3 tick. :'o' W. 972 t i.. the beginning. containing I JIIIJ :!7 acres, excepting about I* acre* ,,l,l to i: .M Itanford on the N-lp.l Jl i,|e ?f the Bolivia tc Ml" ? reek llghway. , , '* allll |JK<?INNIN<J al a dead <ypre?? ii Oih Kast f?lg. of the strand coii-fl fTt01 * ? tinfc Juniper Koundaboui Bay. It. ^ . I Wi-si'Hii'.s i oiner, runs thenee W, 1/ lu I otls I in*.' S. 73 <]eKrc'H K. eoi to a stake; theme b. UPUIttWC X"S MeroerV CS| i ne ^nce" S',,10^ fak^T-hf We*, 'edge "of tOTanM"UH0 rough Bay. sometimes called j.?oin tmnnlaliout Bay: thence with 'he rt Vest edge "I the Bay X- 25 [?*? , j| | J u jj Bast :::!" ft. thence X. IB kg*"""" West -'*2. thence X. II ' ?? // vt a,' \v. IIS ft., to a spruce pine ,t (he S. edge "f a small branch y, hence X II degrees K. -I- fy tossing said branch, thence X- gyjj 1,.,-ris. Baft xbo ft a direct line tin,IK the edge "I said ran I roUKjt, | lav to a small branch, thence V "I degrees W up said branch .. .a 1|40( i. thence X 9 'leg. V ?? u" he branch 177 ft. t" n P}ne at quO'l he head of said branch W. ' tellers' corner, thence Ids line N. rolgtl* to deg. W. 7?2 ft. to a spruce due. said Sellers' corner in the south edge of Patrick's Hay: the"".' V degrees ." West *00 ,1 vrt (\I ? a Stake on the North side ,,fVU\V\A taid Patrick's Bay In K. J. Datl'ord's line: thence his line to the v'orth edge of said Bay X. -> J/ leg. W 284 ft. to a dead pine I, |, i;ore's cornel: thence S. 1 IJ'I leg, W along the West edge nr. taid bay '-''J* ft thence s. 4B deg.i)9TH tV. 427 feet to -a siaw ?u uu- ,nr>pi, iVesI edRf of said Hay at thp, Id fire path: thence with saidtjO lath S. 88 deg. \V. 472 ft. ,0.#tr?Tl4* ? stake in the E. edge of Juniper* J to 4av: thence S. 2 deg. W. 287 (mit4, rt.. thence S. 40 deg. W\ 229 ft.. hence S 2 deg. E. 152 ft . tbencejO hit V 53 deg K. 230 ft., thence S. tii 11 deg \V 272 ft., theme S. \7 ^ YY leg. W. 308 ft., thence N. 54 deg|j IV. 335 ft., thence S. 18 deg. W. >28 ft., to the road crossing .lunipertJOO (ft [4a y strand; thence S. 1 deg. W-?ao? < >95 ft., to the beginning all of " mill calls from the end of above yJflU* 'ire path being with the East edge * if Juniper Hay, containing 108 acres. BEGINNING at a stake in T. ..j ? . 1. Mercer's line runs thence X, ... ;o deg. E. about twenty poles ?i> ?fOII i stake: thence North 75 deg. W. forty-two (12) poles near the edge if the strand: thence with said-// Urand to the Bay; thence with said. . Hay Wescott's line to his side ditch;! 00 k Lhence with same to a ditch dividing x,,,.,.. tVeseott's & J. \V. Danford's land?*1""1 thence with said ditch across th?4L,(j (|j lay to South side: thence with the Southern side of ditch to the last|Ii& 9l litch; thence with said ditch across.,,ttiiu the Bay. said ditch being T. J? 1 Mercer's line; thence with his IIno>|fflffK North 95 deg. E. to the beginning 0011 taining five acres more or less. tfl Jl And all other lands owned by tii^. mid defendants in Brunswick County,' , North Carolina. 'Oi All sales subject to feport to and 1 fl confirmation by the Court. Ten days .*'iy illowed for raise of hid before n*-Hf|Jrn port made. Cash to be paid af sale. )t137 ^ This the 1st day of S^Ptember^^H^ fc>. B. Frink, Commissioner. 3

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