te i PAGE FOUR f t, Winnabow News 0 Two more large rattle snakes ere killed at Mr. Charlie Selir's home in the field about 150 irds from the spot where the vo were killed last week. They id 15 and 16 rattles each. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henry. G. . Jones and M. A. Sullivan reirned. Wednesday evening from trip to the mountains of Westn X. C. They accompanied A. Henry, Jr., to Banner Elk. here he will attend Lee's McRae ollege for his second year, gog on over into Tennessee and i l through the Great Smoky Mt. ational Park back by way of . sheville. A surprise Birthday Party was ven Mrs. V. C. Garner last jnday by her children. Those esent were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde iradley and little son of Whitelie, Ballard Garner, Miss Dot een, Mrs. Mary Warren, Miss ?ona Robbins and Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker and little son of ilmington. John T. Snowden of Warren. * ' "X. is spending some time with ! r. and Mrs. C. H. Zibelin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rhodes of 'ilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. () Y S T E R S 8 "R" ? In Season TRY OUR OYSTER ROAST \\r m ice In . nuM, ktiuuiiii | TEXACO PRODUCTS Shallotte, N. C. MMHHDannJl WILMING BELLAMY I I THURS. SI ' pnly Railroad Rff2 iU DOROTHY HERBEI fflrR' the most recklessly fi ' LESS RIDER IN THE WORt EMPHASIZING THE IMMEA GREAT ALL-NEW PER Gaily Colored THE DAZZ1 DIP Tn n OPENING SUP] D1U IUH "PAN AMI A Gigtntlc Host of CIRCUS WIZARD REIFFENACH TROUPE, SENSATION) . ??FAMOUS NELSON TROUPE, RISLI FLYING THRILLERS?THE GREi THE GORGEOUSLY COSTUMED i "THE FETE OF THE < MILE LONG TRAIN OF WONDERS F 300 ARENIC STARS?3 HERDS OF HORSES AND PONIES?WILD Ah TWICE DAILY-2 AND POOH* OPIN AT 1 AND Enough i t ? L . SOUTHPORT " WHITEVILLE ~ CHADBOURN " TABOR CITY CLARKTON :M FAIRMONT ,&j| ROSEHILL ?3 * KENANSVILLE HOLLY RIDGE H i J. L. Henry Sunday afternoon. Misses Myrtle Laura and Mary | j Molly' Zibelin, George Henry and [ I George Zibelin, Rufus Hodges and ; ! family and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tharp of Wilmington viisted Mr. j and Mrs. C. H. Zibelin Sunday. Mrs. Jesse Lewis and Mrs. Haw* ! kins and baby spent Monday with W. D. and Barney Lewis. The Woman's Missionary Union of Brunswick County met Tuesday I at Town Creek Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Smith and [ two children of Alamance, visited I Mr. and Mis. Preston Savage I ] Sunday and Monday. | Mrs. Preston Savage and two children spent Saturday with her j parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ! Smith at Bolivia. Mrs. Hattie Daniels and chil-' I dren of Wilmington spent Sunday,' 'with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Savage.I1 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Millis I and baby of Wilmington spent h Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Preston Savage. PERSONALS . ? Mrs. Earl Hancock and dau- 1 'ghter, Patricia Jean, and son, Charles, of Baltimore, Md., * ar- 1 ' l ived last week to spend several; I jmonths here with Mrs. Hancock's:! mother, Mrs. C. F. Southerland. j i Mr. Hancock has been transferred by the Government to Hono-'! lulu, where Mrs. Hancock and l children will join him later.. |j Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed. Taylor left Friday for Charlotte, Black' j Mountain and other points in j s Western North Carolina. They will' i return Saturday. I ] O. L. Tall, of Maryland, was a ; visitor in town this week. ,, J. M. Wolf, of Wilmington, I spent the week end here with his i j family. , Mr. and Mrs. Leon Swain and I v j1 TON or 1 5ARK /S : EPT. ! Circus Coming SSJSjc^^^B B ttHj i IfefLOBOS SURABLE SCOPE OF THE FORMANCES OF 1941 t LING NEW ! A00E0 MM] ; iR-SPECTACLE GRAND 5MCANA" horse S New to Americt E A I B kL EQUESTRIANS F A I K Y ARTISTS?SIX jhtoOgit LT WEBBER. THRILLING iQUINE BALLET RICH 3ARLANDS" SISTERS ROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ELEPHANTS?50 CLOWNS?350 IIMALS FROM EVERY CLIME 8y ^ Popular Pricos > An Editorial Fror, News & Observer Out oth?*n in 77 uaT ?'M b> "huh st0,? s? r, OHfter ( r^h,? :i ? h?n 7? etf. ?> .">< *>>( + ^ "Us i/6"? Hi?? ,7 "o s?' 00 ? '"Joh- ' "">sf 'h <ln, "ePos/f! at '? 2e0'6f> teetf 's "/> ??/?*"<* ? tho l F'firf " e>' ? l"v,-'-nn,?!?rHI i ih?nh *n" "VmL'*"* le JHr* ?/; ?,ee 'C /?ojiPv - *ensib,**y Of epP it T| daughter, of Beaufort, visited Mrs. Amelia Swain last week. A. B. Weeks, of Charleston, S. C., spent last week end here with his family. Rev. A. L. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McKeithan visited relatives in New Bern' last week. Miss Eleanor Russ has accepted a position as teacher in the New Hanover high school, Wilmington. Mrs. G .H. Robbins, of Washington, visited her mother, Mrs. Athalia St. George, last week. Harvey Brown, of Wilmington, spent two days here last week with his patents, Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. Joe Ruark, who has been visit- 1 ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. > W. Ruark for the past few '' weeks, left last week for Phila- 'l lelphia, Pa., where he has ac- j cepted a position with the army j j juartermaster corps. j Soldiers Of Camp Davis Here On Field Maneuvers ' (Continued from page 1) 1 children were interested spectitors. Later in the afternoon Coach.' IV. R. Lingle led a Softball team ; comprised of high school and !' town players against a picked |' :eam of soldiers, the game re-1v suiting in a 5-0 victory for the visitors. j 1 At 5 o'clock a number of j t Southport people went out to the I c wsebail diamond to witness the 1 juard mount. j I Last night members of the 5 American Legion Auxiliary spon- 1 sored a dance in honor of the /isiting soldiers in the Army- I Vavy Club Building and officers jave the men permission to stay >ut until 12 o'clock. 1 Commanding the 1st Battalion i s Col. G. F. Nichols, who at- t ended the dance and expressed 1 lis appreciation for the fine man- t ler in which Southport people lad received his men. He said I hat the manoeuvres had been 1 ery successful and declared that fforts of Southport citizens to nake the visit of the soldiers injoyable had caused the trip to >e a complete success. MONDAY IS BUSY DAY FOR JUDGE (Continued From Page 1) o charges of breaking and esaping from jail. Sentence of 6 AMUZU THEATRE SOUTHPORT Program Week Of y Sept. 26 - Oct. 2 v e Friday and Saturday? 0 "NURSE EDITH t CAVELL" [ ii with Anne Nagel Also "PICTURE PEOPLE." 1 h FRIDAY?ONLY? d On The Stage r "DUROSO'S SPOOK P SHOW" b Unbelievable . . Uncanny ll ?On The Screen? "ROGUE'S TAVERN" v . ii Monday and Tuesday? il "LAS VEGAS NIGHTS" F with Tommy Dorsey & Orch. Also?"Willie and The Mouse." E cartoon. Wednesday and Thursday? c< "THE COWBOY AND THE BLOND" u with Mary Beth Hughes , n and G. Montgomery Cl Also Fox Movietone News. T Beginning Monday night ^ the first show will begin at 7 o'clock, EST. ti ti n The Raleigh bi , Sept. 21,1941 m t *'>OOo\'nt? a ? < rt fc*r or J"z '(y ? til't ' the t'I ? Oof h W. , <>e r, C"?/ , "Sve ?he fQQHH * HE STATE PORT PILOT, S months on the roads was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $50.00. The defendant must remain of good behavior for 2 years. On a charge of_ public drunkenness he was convicted and given 30 days on the roads, judgment in this case being suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $10.00. Another two-year of good behavior was also prescribed for the defendant. The case charging Otto Price with assault with a deadly weapon was nol pressed. Leonard Lewis, charged with having carnal knowledge of a minor, heard this charge nol pressed, but a warrant was immediately sworn out charging him with failure to support an illigitimate child. Howard B. Camden withdrew sis appeal from a former judgment for drunken driving. Raymond Johnson pleaded guil:y to charges of larceny and was jiven 90 days on the roads. Thurman Johnson was charged vith receiving stolen goods, but :he case was nol pressed. Judgment was with held in ;he case charging Jennings Robnson with assault with a deadly veapon. Judgment was with held in the ong, drawn out case in which he following defendnts faced :harges growing out of gambling: 3aul McDowell, Nathan Sonsky, tuth Snosky, Harvey Smith. The Sonsky's also were charged with arceny. RETURNS FROM EXTENSIVE TRIP (Continued from Page 1) Jot Springs, Ark. While there he 'isited the springs and other ineresting places in Hot Springs National Park. He also, went to he top of the Ozark Mountains. The return trip was by way of Jttle Rock. Ark., Knoxville, renn. and Asheville. Mr. Danford visited many daces and saw many interesting lights and found a ready audience lince returning to entertain with he accounts of his journey. He left Mr. and Mrs. Clarence lanford and son, Dannie, in Hot Springs to spend the remainder of heir vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Danford are both latives of Southport. They left here in June for Biloxi, Miss., ehere Mr. Danford in with the J. S. Coast Guard Air Service. JOY TO RECEIVE OFFICER TRAINING <Continued from page one) Young McKeithan, who left two ears ago this June for Panama. ,'as made a sergeant last Decmber when he was only 19 years ?f age. This made him one of he youngest men of that rank a the U. S. Army. His assignment to the Officers 'raining School is recognition of is outstanding service as a solier in the ranks, and after three aonths at Ft. Benning, if he asses the required work, he will e commissioned a Second Lieuenant. His mother hopes that her son nil arrive in the United States i time to visit her before report-1 ig at Ft. Benning. He sails from | 'anama on October 5. lastern Standard Time Goes Into Effect Sunday (Continued from page 1.) ounty. Eastern Standard Time will be sed for all engagements in conection with churches- in the; ounty whose announcements for j unday appear in today's paper, his included the homecoming day rogram at Zion Methodist lurch. IOMECOMING DAY AT 71DM ruiipru J ? * V i A V A 1 XX 1 1 I (Continued from page 1) I. will be the get-together for le renewing of friendships and le sharing of memories. A numsr of old timers and relatives of d timers have been asked to STOP! . . SHOP! BUY! . . . Quality At Reasonable cost is our inducement to our Customers. J. J. HA WES SUPPLY, N. C. ? POI '?AN' BESIDES VA KlhY/-' ' LEARN ANV ONE OF -r/<3EE -7 FORTS' ODD SKILLED J yOU CAN TRADES IN M BIG F [ UNCLE SAM'S ) \ WHEN r? NAVW / . -f \&E"f C Copt 194|. King Pr?ture? Syndi.-ju. Inc. VtlW nfhw fe??rved \ I OUTHPORT, N. C. speak. Old church records have and wife and W. Kendall Jenrette; s , been discovered and interesting Johnie Goodman vs. B. G. Sim- s facts of yesterday will be given, mons and M. B. Wattts; O. M. ' I At the morning service there will Shelton vs. Gulf State Creosote : be the reception into membership Co. v of representatives of families who ? c for many generations have be- YOUNG MEN TO longed to Zion, and the baptism BE ACQUAINTED of little ones, some of them great- WITH U. S. ARMY j J grandchildren of former pastors (Continued from oage 1) and others. men interested, j A picnic lunch will be partaken "Navy men are a 'hand-picked' i at noon, to which all families are Candidates must be men of invited to bring basket lunches. than average intelligence; c I This will avoid a shortage of food and ai"bition, of fine moral char-1' as it is impossible to estimate acter and must have the written; how many will be present recommendation of at least two I I With the return to Standard loctl townspeople." I* j time at midnight on Saturday, all As Navy Editor, Mr. Harper has 1 s services will be on Eastern Stand- ^ received from Washington a| ard time. supply of free illustrated booklets I for all men interested and, in1 ? CIVIL COURT FOR addition, will welcome inquiries J I SEPTEMBER TERM fronl young men who wish to look j j _MC fnirxAV new anu ADJOURNb FRIDAY rtUnities the Navy now offers for (Continued from page 1) (training for future civilian careers) Andrews. Lillian Leonard. Jame : ag gerye their country now I Wilson and Pauline Leonard vs.. emergency Mrs. M. G. Grissett, W, B. Gris-!In lts emelSency- | sett. Carrie Grissett, Dew-I Note thc couPon on the Nayy i ey Grisset, Mary Gris-iadvertisement in today's *?suesett and Luther Grissett; South- 1 il out and mal1 to the Navy I ern Kraft Corp. vs. John Gallo- Editor care of this PaPer" way; Elizabeth Grimes vs. H. J. I Hooks, H. J. Hookos, Jr., minor, U"abl<L T? nl,'. L Woodrow Britt, minor, and Claude , rmmrel^ i A . r (Continued from l.) C. Carter, guardian Ad L.ten of Hig cal mjsfortunc als0 I J' H?ok0s' ?Jr i v"wo n Singietary claims, precluded his son vs. J. Ballard: Virgmia-Caro- ? J church ^ that he I hna Chemical Co. vs. G. V. Smith haye committod the text. and wife; Annie Laura Morris vs. of. thfi Bjb]e to mcmory in this i J. B. Vereen; O. W. Messick vs. | manner. jj. A. Hearn and J. P. Hand; J.' The "preacher's" story is that| P. Newton vs. L. C. Robinson; one day seven years ago, he was | Southport Building and Loan riding on a wagon near Delco, i I Assn. vs. Bryan Dosher and wife; in this county, when he was seiz-! J. A. Stone vs. Sam T. Bennett ed with one of his attacks, and | q oTTdisplay se D B We S?rvici | CHEVROLET AIDS f NATIONAL DEFENSE ? ....... ... Here's the highest-quality m< ever offered to the motoring [ modern, aerodynamic lines a I which create "the new style 1 I *'with a powerful, thoroughly I "Victory" Engine, built of qu< ||| Jfj Jj signed to lead in combined per I Jl lH jl ... with all the fine comfort,? Ij^Tj features which have made I 1? .A leading motor car for ten of P^ IT PAYS TO BUY | AND GET THE LI Elmore Moto Bolivia, Nortl PEYE, THE RECRUITING OFFICER, HANDS C '-AM' VA GET FREE MEDlKAL AM'\j K-EXCUSE ME, t DC HEM \ DEMTAL CARE IM TH' NAW ) MEAM TO DO THA EARM -AM' TH' SUVELL FOOD FILLED < > BUT IT GIVES VA i AY \JUIT' VITAMIMKS /WAKES VA /? I j , ROUGH IDEA UJHA VOU MUSKLES SO BIG- OOP J / 7 TH' NAW DOME WEDNESDAY 1 laid that when he came to hia|many v.-,,,,.. . enses again, the Bible had been Bible: .. revealed" to him. He insisted oi/tl? he tiki A skeptical newspaper man viewer i:. ,- . S vho had heard Singletary's story ITS verst fl lecided to try to test out his in the cnowtedge ot the Bible. He asked Psalm, with ]| or John 3: 16, (the only verse est. /H vhich for the moment he could jje v jgF hing of) and Singletary immedi- about , . ' itely .recited it verbatim. man UriJ Asked to recite the 1st Chapter'in the Bil H )f Genesis, however, Singletary Chapter 'S lid not get it verbatim. He did 37th Cha I lot start "In the beginning^ jj,e, lod?" but got some semblence>Singletary w " ^1 if the context, which feat in it- wouM * V lelf, considering that the man aml lh|N . lannot read or write, is remark- momct H bIP- 96 in th, : On the day that he was inter- was brought H dewed, the "preacher" was anx- The ma I ous to display his knowledge. | but glib H le wanted to let those listening quit. H ?11 hnw this sprl,.., mow mat ne wu?u v,v" 1,11 ->iate. Si GROWING GRAIN I That's the Dew trend of Brunswick county farJ toward a balanced agricultural program. jfi We have all kinds of small grain seed for sa|,H INCLUDING:?OATS, ABRUZZI RYE REDHEART WHEAT AND BARLEY H We have just received a new shipment of ground from wheat grown in Brunswick county thiil year. 3 W- A- KOPP I GENERAL MERCHANDISE j| BOLIVIA, N. C. I zPTEMISER 26 ^ 4^ I designed to had in j otor car Chevrolet has STYLING Chevrolet atone of all low- j pub?c... with fleet, caps and Body by f'ther. i nd Fisher Body beauty _ ' ' designed to lead in ] hat will stay new" . . . PERFORMANCE Chevrolet alone comtlnei o \ proved Valve-In-Head powerful eVol,e "Victory Engine, Soft-'- j Special Hydroul'C Braies, ality materials and de- Unitized Knee-Action Ride, Si and Vacuum-Power Shift ot formance and economy 00 ",,a"" designed to lead in :onvenience and safety ECONOMY .. , , . , , Chevrolet is the most ??" | Chevrolet the nation's nomical of all lorge.t-sell ?9 low-priced cars from tte the last eleven years. standpoint cf gov c', and upkeep. THE LEADER nfl EADING BUY III ?r Company I hi Carolina I ?UT A ROUGH IDEA! _J >M'T \ > ]T~ a r?J/okav \ Yco'll look great in o Ncvy w'5, \'f popeve, vou - , , . h. -'"Eft T i CAN SIGN Every.one *ok; ch,ca \, -I )( MB UP uniform Uncle Sam s N> eJ ' VR16HTN01U' And that's only a start U*: " M greet care of his sailors Free meals. Free beard r " E&f ?/*"> j? Free medical and dental care He > fltrjl ing in cny one of fifty Off. ^ And the Navy pays you . \ W vhile you learn. , ' L / \ > What an opportunity! I' 1 . j ^B ?\/ // p./ ^ over, get a free copy of ' S. 1 \ B' /J\ booklet, "Life in the u. s. Novy \ll\fy ^ Navy Editor* of this newspeper (j . ,0 ^erve VOUR ccut-;^1 B ' H / 0<i \\ BUILD touR p- ' I B V I / / VJ CiET IM the MAW

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