,?Nesp W. OCTOBER 2I ^ 1 ' - ? wT^The lighter ? I Ohr Mr'; fl * *" fl ... Bragaw asked sev-j" ,v on Tuesday h Augusta Williams " BrooMy? Massachusetts . . .J? ^Hianis w.ll be with Mrs. j fl^,,-' .1! camellia Inn through I a B,V' - : '' Williams a thor- J ? - and could " as far back I * fl ami- she was P (we I H is correct:'! JH t o check on ' *' H. wart to sound too ' Is it true, a fl (* y.,. Frank Xiernsee presided at j fl akes cinna-1 " toast am! delicious minia-1 a fl s 'were served * fl were there are I'itou Miss Parkhill, Mrs.!0 ^Ejr Ruark Mrs. Rob Thomp- j ? fl v - Crapon. Mrs. Taylor. R Strron ami Mrs Farrell . . . a R-y. uvaMns of Miss Dorothy! fl-.. A.t.t: Bogie was sol'- ^ fl^ed a simple but impres^Ecrrentony at the close of the service the E < burch on Sun- S flv ?vf.":r.s. October 26th. * performed bv T A L Brown, pastor of the I j ^ p-" to the ceremony Mrs. D. vv fl iiTs- >!:::>!: pianist, pre- a, of nuptial ... fl Largo" by ! Vl fl ,i" ' Sihubert's Seren- b(' Mrs Eat: Hancock sang f" isr i it H?i church was simply, but 111 ll-rarged against an evergreen , w Bttewr.ci were tall floor bas-' M Hg filled with white chrysanthe- j (|i H~-i Madonna lillies and fern, j w :KJ::c; two candelabra of Cathe-! ^tarries. Tapers burned on s( Vi bride entered with the ' ei She wore a lavender , p crepe dress made in princess 01 ^E> with long waist and full tc . softly it the hip j H K Her large hat was of s< S : her other ac-1 lj .Hiees were black. Her only ; bi was a strand of pearls,' -j- of the bridegroom. She y a shoulder corsage of white r bnde. the only daughter I y and Mrs \V. F, Jones, f 'ftORIGINAL RADIO j* ! it r?\ Listen fir the RADIO I BROADCAST ||* "ed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 5-6-7-8 U ^atson's Pharmacy 1/ | SOl'THPORT, N. C. j J BWtl'THMiMIU'lJil'H ! v |0PEN FOR 1| Our stock has be |B?!d building into our ?workmen are remode f|:, But our business usual, and service ?ur customers will be Stion. I COME ON II I YOUR TR I shallotte T f| Hob son Kir 1 SHALLOTTE, ?, 1941 fofrc (Df 3?ife p.naif as graduated from Southport igh school, being a member of iie class of 1939, and is popular mong the younger set. The groom is the son of Mr. nd Mrs. James Bogie, of Orton lantation, and is also a graduate f Southport high school. He olds a position with Ethel Dow 'hemical Co., Wilmington, at the resent time. Immediately following the wed- 1 ing a reception was given at; he home of the bride's parents. Out-of-town guests were: Mr. j nd Mrs. Briley Howell and 1 aughter, Frances, Mr. and Mrs..! larl Bullard and children, Gene;ve and Ed., Mrs. Mina Grimsley nd daughter, Betty, and Perry lagan, of Wilmington, and Mrs. ienry Fullwood and son. Manley, f Shallotte, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. logie and daughter, Miss Ella logic, and son, Harry, and Mr. nd Mrs. Alex Bogie and daugh;r, Doris, of Orton. The couple will reside at the ome of the bride's parents. lNNOUNCEMENT PARTY The engagement of Miss Helen lean Sutton to Francis W. mith, of Panama City, Fla? and [yrtle Beach, was announced on hursday night at a delightful I arty given by her mother, Mrs. j D. Sutton. Bridge and Chinese checkers ere played during the evening | iter which delicious refreshments j f fruit punch and cake were sered on each plate was a small ag of rice tied with white satin bbon with heart attached which, ;acl "Dean and Frank, January, | )42". The bride elect was presented ith a pair of floral placques. [iss Evelyn Loughlin. whose wed- i ing is to take place in December, as presented with a similar gift.1 Mrs. Wiley Wells was high :orer in bridge and Miss Clyde ields Swain in checkers. They ich received toilet water as their J rizes. Miss Doris Butler was secad in bridge and also received >ilet water. Miss Annie Moore arker received face powder as ;cond checkers prize. Miss Eve'n Loughlin received sachet as ingo prize. Mrs. Sutton was assisted by lesdames H. C. Corlette. J. W. uark, and J. G. Christian. Others who were there are: iesdames Dallas Piggott, Robert j hompson, J. M. Harper, Fred filling, E. J. Prevatte, Robert iarlowe and Misses Lois Jane 1 ussells, Elizabeth Watson, Nora tevenson, Mozelle Bolton, Genvieve Eakes. Bobby Davis, Emma ou Harrelson, Ellen Newton, ouise Asbury. Gladys Asbury, ;obbie Woodsides. Marjorie Jones nd Betty Bottorf. iRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Thomas St. George and liss Marion St. George enterlined jointly on Friday night at Wallnwp'pn bridee Dart v. Fall; lowers and decorations suitable ar the occasion proved atmoshere. The motif was carried out l the refreshments and table ecorations. A congealed salad, with sandrich and punch all carrying out he orange color scheme, were erved. Miss Winnie Willis was high corer and received a crystal andwich plate. A fruit bowl in he same pattern was given Mrs. l. E. Huntley for second. Mrs. lartin McCall received a pottery itcher as bingo prize. Traveling rize, a handkerchief, was won y Mrs. Lawrence Blanchard, of laleigh. Miss Evelyn Loughlin as given a handkerchief. Others who were there were: BUSINESS I en moved from our I new building while I ling our old store. ; will be continued I and satisfaction to I our first considera- I V AND DO I ADING. I RADING CO. I by, Prop. . . . N. C. | r~- ?" " A ' ' 1 MISS HELEN DEAN SUTT Mrs. J. D. Sutton of Southpoi nounced to Francis W. Smith, Smith of Panama City, Fla., wedding will take place in Jai Mesdames I. B. Bussdils, H. W. Hood, J. W. Ruark, L. C. Fergus. Elizabeth Gilbert, H. S. Willis, of Northville, Michigan, Vienna Leggett, D. M. Davis, H. B. Smith. M. A. Northrup, E. J. Prevatte. Delmas Fulcher, James Carr, H. C. Corlette, Louis Dixon. L. T. Yaskell. R. I. Mintz, E. H. Cran-j mer, E. H. Arrington, Penrce! Cranmer, A. K. Vitou, Dick Brendle, Mabel Marran, Wiley Wells,1 Prince O'Brien, J. G. Christian, Robert Thompson, H, T. St. George, W. S. Davis, Fred Willing, K. C. St. George, C. C. Cannon. Miss Lois Jane Bullells, Annie Louise St. George, May Phelps and Lottie Mae Newton. Personals Mrs. Lizzie Southerland spent last week end in Wilmington with her daughter, Mrs. L. D. Smith. Clyde Newton, of Charleston. S. C., spent the week end here with his family. Miss Vera Jergensen,, of Wilmington, spent the week end here with her mother. Mrs. Cassie-Jergensen. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dye and children, of Wilmington, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Fullwood and children, of Wilmington, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Ethel Fullwood. Mr. and Mrs. D, I. Watson. Mrs. H. G. McKeithan, Mrs. A. L. Brown and daughter, Miss Martha Grey Brown, and son, Bobby Brown, spent Sunday in Rose Hill attending a home coming meeting at the Baptist church, a former pastorate of the Rev. A. L. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Langley, of Charleston, S. C. spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. Joseph Willetts, who has been residing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Potter, moved Monday USE A AklCKGP ' J-^( ,M AMBITIOUS C.h5A iD KIN LEARW V-f ^Y-l 3ST ANVTHIM' /f 7^T7 IMTH' / f 1-JjNAvyy \ \XiT^ I . 'A'' iM 'i i -1 . j"*^^ j ) ^ Prizes will be givi r. r the rrr- Ru liest costumes, elc. A c6ilecti< u ' tcr vill be taken to help lev :ir< the ' 'f virbgr of the class : o nr. winch betas been accepted as the proje err.lj if the ycung people. MEN'S CI.tTB The Men's Club for Bolivia ' c immunity will meet at the gym- :..... sasiunr Fiidafr night at * following basketball praii ice a ! business session will be held ::t i"# ivhich the nominating co- .mitt .1 will bring in nomination.- ; of- ;ficers of the club, .,ugg t a , name, and also a tentative const - ' tuticn. All men are ui: tend. CONFERENCE The fourth quarterly confer- ?^ ence -will be held a' Zior . iiodi.at church. Sunday. N . Bth at 11 a. m.. with Rev. Packer in charge. Reports of the year's work will be roe. 'v 1 : < -* all officials, stewards, trust and other officials elected for th next conference year, and rep-. ! prepared for the annua! i nft ence which conver ts t Durl . November lltli. For this co> ?ience, Chas. E. Wocdbu y. . a: i Kenneth McKeilhan rue tlr do -- i gales from the chary. Mrs. Verzaal Is Clab Hostess t -; Members of the Leiarrd Ho- roI Demonstration Club met Oct be 21st. at the home of M . r Verzaal in their rend: : nv: i. meeting. The meeting was j sirlr by Mis. J. B. Dress r, pre 1 All election of offie s for resulted in re-electing the sa. : officers with an assisvr. - ' ! tary. The food leader, Mrs. Pressor assisted by Miss Genevieve i t home agent, had chr r-ge of j lesson for the month. "Se-> Fi ' In The Diet" was dem i s: , 'very nicely by preparir.,: .'. ' salad and elam chow :. wh was later served with i and ice tea. The following enjoyed this onstration: Mrs. J D \\"i n-. Mrs. G. A. Lossen, Mrs. K. " Dresser, Mrs. O. W per , Mi Have Some Tun! jj DINE OUT j TONIGHT! I W. RUSS, Station E TEXACO PRODUCTS [ 5'iallottc, N. C. IFtco'.oi. sgiven you a miserable scr. tiv here's how to r.llsu: the 'V'/ 1 suffering. ' J' ' DO THIS NOW?Mi ! : : ;i of YanoRub on your tongue I fee! the comforting met, n 1 slowly trickle down your tl", c. bathing the irritated membranes ^ ; ?bringing blessed relief where y ou 11. want it, when you want it. i DO THtS TONMHT ? Ru! throat, chest with VapoRub. Its c r tinued poultice-and-\apor ttion i -loosensphlegm,relieves lrritatim. cases cough- a ? ing, invites y/j'BvlKtiS I restful sleep. V VgPORUII | JjM I FALLCL nr?i 1 1., { nc crisp, cut 11 u;i and its easy to tell it warm winter clothes. i 5 The best place to oufit the entire family G- W KIRB'! Supply, NES-iN A RECRUIT! i/f^NOWl'lieaniffi |/ ;//)/ \ yTHATS MO i Ai 0VI$L^- Want fc i! < odJ,rcd< "L ^?-Jsi?iNME Want a - ; / r; / / UP You're su J/!f 6 C v1v'SST' - fr" ,T-c::' ffiw.V! 7'"% \-V ond C;;": A fh*<0/i f* k >' " V J. 5. Nov I?' rr//lfyouc Jw opportunil i ""* " 1 ^ yTT \ tratcd bo J' i ?~ cb f .r. nj ... " ' ft front f,- r : 'i? T. . leffo ' . >nt. M; '3 R" i C: Durham col '. mbcr of the TT. f Women':- C'l1.1 i ip. Hov. rc' ? Ite: ('; :! >: n> ' roi" ? : ' !' : 1: ;;?jr>ii* , f Joolc I : |> n1 v - > , !' I' Sp- < " ti i i. . Il? ?*:' *.! I ' i ' lor ?% iV A . r.-c NOTTCj i ' IN Til . ' >!'! : IiIOI-' ( ST ATI 1 I CO 5 ; : A X). . k- >1.1 1.1 i:ii - \:.! Hie ' ! !: '.I i ' ' : ' " ill . 1 r> -T " T'" "1 lys of faii is time for >r e buy, the pi: : 'r> ... Is At? f Bl SONS - N. G. steady job v/i\ no lay- ? ro of that in the Navy. Went il ccrc? You go! cil this in the y:re 17 or over this is year great ;y. Oct e free to- / c.' ho . sJevy Edhcr of :w scRve SCU2. CCUhJTRV.' BUILD SOUR FUTUfr r"- > .ET IM THE Mf.W f-ic ' j, .. ? ' -J9 r ti. in*. ^ . f-r-'m SI : 11 - iti -r* 1 nt ,1 1 ' I _ > I li y :: *. i ?a .i Hit .lilt .7/ t " 17/ li ? 1 ..// L | 1" k I m r. -.!? | C.llt ! ivt [!' ;! Z it (fO .4 'J 4 "Jlli 4 n/tf iti'I nH it | tit ut(i ' (it '?'((? Wilt Hurt ; to v.ocl i.. .I i J ...? v,\ T hrrn Jfnt :j iali hfia ?<( ' . "JVO ) a oil I Wi :ii<( mill mm | *10 la I lem dbni .in wtf. I .tyt .i?i j SHOO Oil ft tt 90 >s(q JXilii ??ri nub j iaii> II ... I .M * \ u9B