K^nAY. NOV. 12, 1941 flu- it iq lifer ^ii>e (Of Jfjfe K 2fn v'">ttr ifrlpwaif WTZZ Niernsee was hosTTT? ",:al Rod party u.as hel(1 and the M-. !' s 'onie. and The occasion was m 8 InnH every birthday Thomas' Chinese checkers ' high scorer bem< m pla>'e<h sa-v Vitou. At the Ann.e K. B Cross games delicious ref!^!!18'0" ?f th(' - the prin- served to the foiin'nts were runs wick Mrs. Ida Potter Watson'? gUests: the present Butler. Mrs c r T W'G' B this local b. Bussels Mrs a Uaik'Mrs. I 't thethe hostess and' ,> !!"' K V,tou Harry Harden J in"*''1' Mrs ember- Mrs. Helen Bragaw '"lnlsto" and hoped for this year .... were visitors. a member STUDENT HONORP^ - annual Red Cross "UKBD tB- cents joo to national On the eve of hi, various last week for the ,partu,e B aid emy of Commercial 4, *?8d" I ' '-'SS,S: ,lati Edmund Newton tatives in Southport bov ? ?, Popular Red Cross a surprise party at th "','" Wlth tie B..vd hank: and many Mrs. Harry Weeks home of Ir^?=55; jrss? ' * r-? ? 01 'he Junior .? at present 10 maiijunoir anu me aauit unoir a?--tiVs of garments made ^ of Trinity Methodist Church, Sfse'.vfflS ur.st to buy thread the honoree being a member of K, :no?e service: and for i both organizations, members of ..... his Sunday school class, school I" sn't need e\- mates from Southport high school It lias always been and other associates, came to wish -:ng organization for him well in his new field of . suffering ... at the study. He was the recipient of ^T. ... present emergency. , many useful gifts. Ho.-v ;t deserves and will During this an evening of felvl K willing co-operation of lowship, delicious punch and cookie . Brunswick county . ies were served. I SHOWER FOR BRIDE rr. MRS. THOMAS Miss Emma Lou Harrelson enH-..w of the F F. Club of tertained at Camellia Inn Tuesday H!-': honored Mrs. H. H. evening in honor of Miss Evelyn - ,v night with a mis- Loughlin, bride elect. The occasion . shower Mrs. F. M. | was a miscellaneous shower, and I READY TO I SERVE YOU |j Work goes on in remodeling our -- 'H 'i r ] ?/* ?*' ! 1 krt ?r\ okn r\Q fn Hiding aiiu SWU1I "t win i>t III iu Ike care of your merchandising needs Iter than ever. w;ht now you can get good service and fresh, new i mkrchandise at our | store! HALLOTTE TRADING CO. Hobsm Kirby, Prop. Bshallotte, - . . n. c. I Sensations hum iVVii I FURNITURE, RU< I Starts Fridi 2:30 P. M. and Contini I FOl ll. T. Mcl j the honoree was recipient of many (lovely and useful gifts. Bridge was played throughout ; the evening, high score prize a camellia plant, going to Miss Winj nie Willis, Miss Doris Butler binj goed and won an azalea plant: j Consolation prize, a daphne plant, 1 was won by Mrs, \.lex Bogie. Miss Helen Dean Sutton received peri fume as guest prize. At the conclusion of the games 1 refreshments consisting of icc cream and cakes were served to the following: Mrs. Dan Shan; non, Mrs. Roy Martin, Mi s. Fred Ashburn, Mrs. Dallas Piggott, Mrs. E. J. Prevatte, Miss Elizabeth Gilbert, Mrs. James M. Harper, Miss Nora Stevenson and Miss Peggy Carr. McCRARY-WOODBURY The wedding of Miss Susan ! Frances Woodbury and Robert Emmitt McCrary was solemnized j Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock at Zion Methodist church in Brunswick county. The church | was arranged with palms, ferns j and smilax. Large white chrysanthemums and burning candles i in candelabra were used on the ! altar. Rev. A. S. Parker performed the ceremony assisted by Rev. Walter Pavy. The bride had as her maid of honor her sister, Miss Mabel Elizabeth Woodbury, and matron of honor was Mrs. Robert MeDougall. another sister of the j bride. Bridesmaids were Miss ! Louise McCrary, sister of the bridegroom, and Mrs. R. F. NurnI berger of Richmond, Va. Mr. McCrary was attended by nis orouier, waiter tsruce mcCrary, as best man. Ushers were Cannon Woodbury, brother of the bride, Harris Evans, A. E. Burnette and Steadman Vick. The bride entered the church with her father, by whom she was given in marriage. She wore a wedding gown of white duchess satin. The sweetheart neckline had insets of lace and seed-pearls. The long full sleeves had insets of matching lace at the shoulders. Prom the long waistline a veiy full skirt fell gracefully into a train. She wore a halo effect of orange blossoms from which her veil of bridal illusion fell. She carried a bouquet of bride's roses centered with a white orchid and tied with white satin. The maid of honor was gowned in aqua satin fashioned with sweetheart neckline, short puffed I sleeves and a full skirt forming a slight bustle. She carried a bouquet of mixed fall flowers tied with matching satin ribbon. She wore a flower arrangement in her hair. The matron of honor was gowned in a frock made on ! identical lines as that worn by j the maid of honor only in fuchsia and wore a flower arrangement J in her hair. She carried a similar hnuouet. The bridesmaids wore I ?? J similar gowns only in pink satin [ and wore flowers in their hair i and carried bouquets of mixed J flowers tied with pink satin. While the guests assembled and j during the ceremony a program of nupilal music was rendered I by Mrs. G. H. Cannon, aunt of ! the bride. Among the selections j rendered were: Intermezzo, Even[ rng Star. Venetian Love Song, BiaizraaHjaiEfjargjaHrajaaBizjzr il Sacrific* All Vfl GS AND HOB ay, Not ies-2 Sales Dail R LIMITED T Cenzi WHITEVILLE, N. G jazjHJBBjafgrarBfaiajaHrajaHfgja THE STATE PORT P1L01 Schubert's Serenade, Liebestraum ' and the traditional bridal marches. | Miss Sailie Betts Knox sang Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, To Have, j To Hold, To Love and Will You . ; Remember. Mrs. Woodbury, mother of the j bride, wore black crepe with i j matching accessories and a cor. sage of white roses. Mrs. McCrary, mother of the bridegroom, , wore blue with black hat and , matching accessories. She wore a (! corsage of pink roses, i Immediately following the Cere: mony a reception was given at the home of the bride's parents, j The bridal party r eceived the J guests in the living room which | was decorated with ivy and i chrysanthemums. The dining table was centered with a bride's cake and burning tapers. Later in the evening the couple left for a wedding trip. Mrs. McCrary wore for traveling a light-weight wool suit ! of mulberry with black coat and accessories. Her corsage was a I white orchid. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Charles j Woodbury. She received her edui cation at East Carolina Teachers j college in Greenville. Mr. Mcj Crary is the son of Mrs. Robert | Emmitt McCrary and the late Mr. McCrary. He holds a position ! with Swift and Company. Those entertaining for the bride were Mrs. Odell Evans, Mrs. A. E. Burnette, Mrs. Harris Evans, Mrs. R. B. Howard, Miss Louise ] McCrary, Miss Mary Frances Mc [ Crary, of Fayetteville, Miss Sallie Betts Knox, Miss Evelyn Knox, Miss Mabel Elizabeth Woodbury, Mrs. Robert McDougall, Mrs. T. M. Sumner, Miss Elizabeth Frank Cannon and Mrs. R. F. Nurnberger of Richmond, Va. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. T. G. Martin and Miss Ann Elsie Martin, of Florence, S. C., Dr. j and Mrs. E. G. Goodman of DurI ham, Capt. Guy E. Pigford of Fort Screven, Ga? Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pemberton and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Newland of Rocky Mount, Mrs. R. F. Nurnberger of i Richmond, Va., Dr. and Mrs. J. C. I j Knox of Raleigh, Mrs. J. E. Pearson of Goldsboro, Miss Mary 1 Frances McCrary, Mrs. James Api plewhite, Miss Miriam Applewhite j and Jimmie Applewhite of Fay- J j etteville. WOMAN'S CLUB Miss Florine Thomason, R. N. I representing the Nurse's division of the American Red Cross, was j the guest speaker before the WE'VE BEEN Week after week wi wick farmers to get theil We've been advertising o i of our readers have the ii Well, come in and s one of the best stocks o you'll find anywhere, and able price tag. w. AGENERAL Ml J BOLIVIA, - aiaiaraiafHjaiaJBJaHrarajgjararejaHii j For Cash HI i/IE FURNISHIl )ember ly 2:30 P. M. an IME ie &1 r, SOUTHPORT, N. C. Soirthport Woman's Club on Wednesday afternoon. The program was arranged by Miss Ethel Farrell who introduced Miss Thomascn to her audience. I Miss Thomason made a most intei esting talk on Red Cross activities which have been increased by the state of National Emergency. She told of the great work which Red Cross nurses are doing in the army camps and said that even more were needed light away. She urged that the club co-operate with the Red Cioss Chapter in establishing home nursing and nurse's aides classes in Brunswick county. Two club members who are graduate nurses volunteered to teach these ccuises, Mis. L. C. Fergus and Mrs. A. L. Lewis. These classes will be formed soon and more detailed information will be given in an early issue of the Pilot. Mrs. H. T. St. George was unanimously elected to membership in the club. Reports of the district meeting in Faison, where the local club won the $5.00 prize for attendance, were hea'd. A letter from Miss Elizabeth Lewis, of Winnabow, who recently received a Sallie Southall Cotton scholarship given by the North iCarolina Federation, was read. SHALLOTTE VILLAGE NEWS? Mrs. Lilly Hewett has been confined to her bed for the last week. Friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Holden of Texas are visitors of his aunt, |F IIACCfillsup YouRnUvLTONI6HT Do this?Try 3-purposa Va-tro-nol. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irritation, (3) relieves transient nasal congestion . .. And brings greater breathing comfort. You'll like tfifirc V V it. Follow directions " in folder. VA-TRO-MOl OYSTER ROAST Just the thing for a Cool Fall livening Grade "A" Cafe W. RUSS, Station TEXACO PRODUCTS Shallotte, N. C. I PREACHING e have been after Bruns ~ 11 rvlnntod I amaii am ^ ur seed, and maybe some dea that's all we handle. ee for yourself. We have f fresh, new merchandise all goods carry a reasonKOPP ERCHANDISE . - - - N. C. ^___ ErerejzjazjajHJHigJHjarejErajgjarjg IP! Ml ngs I 14th \ d 7:30P.M. I Co. areJHiHfglBffiig/aiBlgiafgigiHJHJgjjtfll 1 Mrs. W. R. Sellers, for a few | days. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Clifton and children were viistors of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Leonard, Mrs. Clifton's mother and father, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Zandy, j Fracces Chadwick and Luciell Miljlagen were visitors of Wilmington j Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chadwick and I children of Wilmington were visI itors of the Point Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horice Frink were' Wilmington visitors Saturday. MARCH Kitchen Cabinets . . . Upholstered Rockers Occasional Chairs . . RUSS Furniture Co. SHALLOTTE, N. C. i IKDSGtSTiON Relieved Quickly with PUSH Regardless of how many medicines you have tried for Acid Indigestion, Gas, or Heartburn j caused by excess stomach acidity | you can get quick relief with PUSH. A doctor's prescription, in powder form, it is especially j compounded to neutralize excess acidity, relieve indigestion quickly without constipation. Many have praised PUSH for the prompt re- | iief it brought them. Get PUSH j today and keep it on hand always. j LEGGETT'S SOUTHPORT, N. C. WANT ADS SALESMAN WANTED GOOD NEARBY Rawleigh Route open. Industrious man can earn better than average income. Com- J plete line household necessities established 51 years. Permanent, j | No experience needed to start.' White Rawleigh's, Dept. NCK| 211-Q, Richmond, Va. 11-12-* LEGALS NOTIt'K OF SAI.K I'MIKU MOKTUAUK DKKIl Coder and by virtue of authority contained in a certain MorlpaRe l>eed executed by T. K. Meares and wife. .Mina Men res. on the 18th day of October. 1935. recorded in Hook 51 at pu^e 198. Kesris try of Brunswick County. North Carolina, default havinf Iippii maiie in liie nnvment of the indebtedness serured thereby. the undersigned W. P. Cox and A. P. Rogers, .Mortgagees, will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, in front of the Brunswick County Courthouse door on Monday. December 8th. 1!H1. at twelve o'clock noon, all that certain lot or parcel of land located in Shallotle Township. Brunswick County. North Carolina, ami described and defined as follows: FIltST TRACT: BEOINNNINO at a stake at a Canal .on tlie South edge of Shingle tree swamp. runs S. .17' 15" W. 2140 feet to another canal, thence with canal N. 51' 10" west 1250 feet to a stake on canal, thence X. 37' 45" K. 2310 feet to canal at South edge of Shingle tree Swamp, thence with said swamp to the heginning. containing 03 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: MKUINNIN<I at a stake on the west side of Pealanding Road and runs thence N 51' 10" \v 1500 feet to a stake at a canal, runs thence N 37 10 1050 feet to a stake, thence X 82 K 27fl feet to the Pealanding Road, thence with said road to the beginning containing 40 acres more or less. This being a part of a tract of land bequeathed to me by my husband A. C. .Meats, by his will dated August loth. 1921, recorded in Book of Wills B page 289. June 9th. 1924. state and county aforesaid and conveyed to A. C'. Mears by J. II. and Mary (Sore. September 11. 1888. recorded in Book HH page 04 and 55. September 17. 1889. The foregoing lands will be sold subject to a mortgage Due the Federal Land Bank and also taxes due Brunswick County. DATED and POSTED this the loth clay of November. If 11. W. F. CQX & A. P. KOCKKS. MOKT1IAGKKS. S M. FRIXK, ATTORNEY. I.KRAI. NOTM'K Under authority of Section Four, Chapter 186. Public Laws <?f 1935, the North Carolina Hoard of Conservation and Development at a special meeting on October 13, 1911. at Asheville. North Carolina, adopted the following regulation which is now in full force and effect: It shall be unlawful to hunt or take quail in Brunswick County except on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday of each week during th eperiod from November 20 to January 31 for the season 1911-42. Paul Kelly. Secretary, N .C. Hoard of Conservation and Development. 11-12-c 1 XOTIC'K OF SAI.fi Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain mortgago J deed executed by L*. <5. Williainsof j ami wife Francis Williamson to W. F. Cox and A. P. Rogers, dated Sept. 9. 1939. and registered in Hook No. 65 Page 399 in the office of t he Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, N. C. due and payable Sept. 1. 1940, default having been made in the payment of bond thereby secured at maturity, the undersigned mortgagees will offer for sale arid sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Southport, N. C'. at or about 12: O'clock noon on Tuesday November 25th. 11141 the land described in said mortgage deed, to-wit: Beginning on a maple in the run of Caw Caw Swamp. A. W. Ward's comer, runs north 25 West 13.75 chains to a pine; thence north 26.40 west 4.65 chains to a pine; thence north 23 west 6.40 chs. to a dead pine, thence North 21 West 7.70 chains to a pine stump; thence north 3 east 1,342 feet to the center of the road leading from Old Iredell to No. 5 School House and being a corner of our tract of Lot No. 2; thence with said road south 89 east 353 feet to the line of Lot No. 3; thence with said line south 3 west 189 feet to a pine, a corner of said lot; thence with another line of said lot North -88.15 east 370 feet to the In tersection of two ditches; thence south K. 15 east running part of the way with a ditch 29.16 feet to a stake at the run of Caw Caw Swamp; thence down the run of said swam?' as it meanders to the beginning, containing .12 acres more or less. Ami being hot No. t in a division made for Benjamin Bennett. June 192.1 by A. .1. Brown. Surveyor. And being the same land conveyed by Samuel T. Bennett and wife to .1. B. Williamson by deed dated Oct. SO. 1982, recorded in Book .17 at page i?9. And bv J. B. Williamson to C. ti. Williamson by deed dated Sept. 11. 1988, duly filed by record. This the 21th. day of Oct. 1011, W. C. Cox and A. I'. RogersMortgagees. li-19-r Aim IN 1ST It A TIU X NOTK Y. Having qualified as administratrix fot the estate <>i Geo. li. Calloway deceased, late of Brunswick county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southport. X. C., on or before the SOtli day of October, 1012. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thier recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of October 1011. .Mrs. Ceo. K. Calloway. Administratrix^ for Geo. II. Calloway. NOTICE OF SAI.K IMlKK MttRTOAO K l?KKD L'nder and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Cezar Daniels and wife Haltie Daniels to J. F. Sommersett on the 26th day of December 1027 recorded in Book II at page 27 Registry of Brunswick County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned S B. Clink. Administrator of the Kslatt of J. C. Sommersett. deceased. .Mortgagee. will offer for sale, at publh auction, for cash, in front of tin Brunswick County Courthouse dooi on Monday December 1st. 1911. ai twelve o'clock noon, all that certaii lot or parcel of land located ii Shallotte Township, Brunswick Coun ty. North Carolina, and described ant defined as follows: BEGINNING at a stump. Join Jeurette's corner; runs thence soutl 82" west 2.1 poles to a stake it Charlie Ganious' line: thence soutl 20" east 2.1 poles to a stake ii Charlie Ganious line; thence east 111 poles to. a stake in L. W. Gatdoui line: thence north 2" west to tin Itciriiiiiiue. containing five and seveir ty-five one hundredths (.1 and 75-100," acres. I >ATKI? AND I'OSTKD thin the la*i day of November, 1011. S. K Krink. Administrator of tin estate of .1. ! '. Sommersett, deceased ll-LMJ-e MlTICi; Ol SAI.K Ol AI TO>|OKI I.K I SKII IN II.I.KRAI THAN SI'OUT AT ION OK 1.1 <11 OK NOUTII CA HOI.IX A HIUNSWKh KOI NT! Under and by virtue of an ordei of the court made pursuant to tin provisions of <\ s. ;jlll (fi. tin undersigned ?ill expose for sale am1 sell at public auction two certaiv automobiles, to-wit: t Hie 1031 model Kurd Coupe; motoi No. A2U80711. registered in the nanu of .Mac K. McLain and registerei in lite name of Tom .Mint/, one 102? Chrysler Sedan; motor No. 42721-J and no one having appeared to show that the aforesaid automobiles wen used in the illegal transportation o intoxicating liquor without his or theii consent, the undersigned after having made the sale hill deduct the ex nenses of keeping tin* property, tin fee for their seizure, the cost of tin sale, and will pay bona fide lienors if any. the amounts of their liens insofaras these amounts are realisable from the sale, and will pai over the balance remaining, if any after the foregoing costs and liens are paid, to the treasurer of tlu county to be used for the schoo funds thereof. This sale to take plan at the home of O. \V. 1'erry, Sat Nov. 22. l!?ll. This the 3rd day o November, 1011. (). \V. I'errv. Deputy Sheriff. 11-35-c " tinimahKK's SAI.K OK I.ANO Under and by virtue of the powei of sale contained in that certait Mortgage Deed made by Don Har re I sou and wile Sarah Albeiia Harrelsou to Wilmington Merchundisi Company. a domestic corporation dated April 27, 1038, anil recorded ii the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County, in Rook no at I'age 533. default having heei i., iu0 tinvmpni of the indebted ness thereby secured, the umlersignet mortgagee, or its attorney for it will on Monday. December s, JtMl. a 12 o'clock noon, tfl tin* Court Houst door of Brunswick County. State ol North (,'a roll na. offer for sale am sell at public auction to the lughes bidder, for cash, all that certain traci or lot of laud in Waoainaw Town ship, said County and Slate, adjoin in# the lands of 10. C. Smith 01 the North, 15. (I. Core on the Hast H. Core, Arthur Stanley- and C h. Ward on the South, K. C. I'iver ot the West, and others, and boundei and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINXINO at an iron pipe ant five pine 'pointers on the South sidi of Oak Jtoad, which beginning poirr is 3,132 feel from Slate Highway No. 130. leading from Shallot te t< Whitevilile. said Oak Koad ruvniiitfi from said beginning corner North 8! deg. 15 min. East to said highway and from said beginning point rum with It. IS. (lore's line South 1: deg. 15 min. East 1 !?!? ? feet to at iron pipe and pipe pointers on tin South edge of a swamp or branch runs thence South 71 deg. 15 min West 451 feet to a point on tin edge of said swamp; thence North SI deg. 3u mill. West .VP I feet to : pine slump, iron pipe and two gun pointers in the edge of hull Baj hranch; thence crossing said brand North 81 deg. West 381 feet to i gum and four gum pointers on tin West edge of hull Hay Branch, thence South 84 deg. 30 min. Wes 107 feet to an iron pipe and gun pointers near the South edge of s swamp: thence North t> deg. 15 min East 543 feet to an iron pipe am three pointers; theme along (,i. H Ward's line North 71 deg. 30 min West 1387 feet to an iron pipe am there pine pointers; theme along thi line of H. C. I'iver North 1 deg 1511 feet to a stake on the Soutl side of Oak Koad; thence with salt ftoatl ilOULII ??i? HUMto an angle in said Road: theuci .South XL' dep. .'10 min. East l.'Joo fee along the South side of said Roa? t<? another angle: thence with sait Itoad South 78 deg. 15 mln. Kas 101 feet to an angle in the Soutl edge of said Road near the Wes edge of a hay: theme North 80 (leg 115 min. Kast 3U8 feet to the begin ning. containing one hundred am eighteen (118) acres, more or less, at* Icording to a consolidated survey b; [A. J. Rrown. October 30, 1938. am being the same lands conveyed l>: deed from George K. Rrooks and wif< to L. V. Clemmons (now I,. V. Ituss wife of A. .1. Russ) as recorded it Rook 38. at Page ??. and that deei from W. R. Coleman and wife t? A. J. Russ. recorded in Rook 38 at Page* 371. and by A. J. Russ am wife to K. K. Harrelson by deet recorded in Rook 57. at I'age 160, ii the Registry of Rrunswick County North Carolina, and also la;ing tin same land conveyed by deed fron K. Ii. Harrelson to Don Harrelsot and wife Sarah Alberta Harrelson dated April 3Kth. 1938. As evidence of his good faith, thi successful bidder at said sale will Is required to make a cash deposit o not less than Seventy Five Dollar i $75.00 > pending expiration of tht usual in day waiting period. Posted this the 5th day of Novem her. 1941. WI1.M I N G TON MRRCHANDIST COMPANY. Mortgagee. 1.LOYD S. ELK INS, Attorney. 12-3-* FOItF.CI.OSIRK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that hi virtue of a decree of the Superio" Court of Rrunswick County. N. C. dated the nth. day of October 1941 in an action entitled "Rrunswicl County versus? E. M. Cliff And Winnaford Clifr' the undersigned commissioner wil expose at public auction sale to th? highest bidder for cash on the Is day of December, 1941, at 13:01 o'clock P. M.. at the Courthoust door. Southport. N. C? to satisfj the decree of said court to enfom TfA'fl " PAGE 3 -* IT ! the payment of $217.45, the following *4 ? described real estate. located in i Waccamaw Tow nship, Brunswick County, N. C.. bounded and described "m as follows: ;<E| FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING at ntf * ( oak in Smith's line near the public*"" road runs thence S. 70 \V. HI poles t<f la stake; thence West 23 poles any.?m p I 2ft links to a stake thence X. i , m I I degrees Fast 25 poles to a stake ifpilMi I Smith's line, thence w ith sinne S. Ttiy . I degrees Fast to the beginning, t 'oi I mining three and three fourths acres. SECOND TRACT: LYING on the ? . South side of Hear branch beginning on a light wood stump known . as the Hargrove corner, running wvflQ i thence south s< degree?, Fast ?s poles to a stake said Cliffs own All corner of another tract; thence the Reaves line South 7n degree****** Fast 48 poles and 15 links to a . stake in said line known as the Rebecca Simmons corner, thence with the line of said tract North 23 deg. j West 82 poles, to the run of bear . | Branch; thence down said run as it meanders to l>. b. Longs line, thence ' with his line South 12 degrees West 26 poles to the beginning containing, | 25 acres more or less. : And all other lands owned by said ' defendants in Brunswick County. N,. | C. All sales subject to re|>ort to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of hid liefore rea" " *"1 port made. Cash to he paid at sale. I . O This the 1st day of November, 19413 S. It. Frink, Commissioner. ' 11-26-r lOKKIMIM ItK JNtTfCK ff ' I Notice is hereby given that l?y r 11 virtue of a decree of the Superior* VKI ' Court of Brunswick County, .V C.. I dated the 6th. day of October 1911. H in an action entitled "Brunswick, . . County versus? ' 1 George W. babsoti And Wife If Any",,. ' the undersigned commissioner will J Id expose at public auction sale to tin* , highest bidder for cash on the 1st day of December. 1811, at 12:ftu o'clock 1\ AL. at the Courthouse 24$V/ ' iloor. Southport. X. to satisfy ' the decree of said court t?> enforce the paymenl of $75.56, the following . I described real estate, located in 1'? II Waccamaw Township. Brunswick '| County. X*. C., hounded and descriltetf 4*> (J l as follows: , I Adjoining the lands of J. b. King. ' J. b. babsoti, Blon Simmons and Mothers and hounded as follows: to'lb/lf II wK: i ']* limilN'MXi; at n .lake J. I!/'"''" I King's corner, runs thence with big; ,i, I line to the bay Canal lo the Cole\ man ditch, thence with the Coleman i,,w{ ditch to .1. b. babson's corner thence With his line about West .lo David . . ,ii Ross and Bios Simmons corner; ' "-l thence with bias Simmons line to his..#,/.,! . corner, thence with his line to J. H.' babson's corner, thence with J. 'Vilfjli** babson's line u> my own line, thence to the Highway, and with the High- IT - " ?l>" Uuu-intiitiir cnil i way .-??#? u. iu v?v ..vB taining 131 acres more or less. . fill- f ' '' And all other lands owned by said ' ' I defendants in Brunswick County, /|m/\ ' I North Carolina. All sales subject to report to and '1*7 I confirmation by the Court. Ten days ' allowed for raise of bid before , I port made. Cash to be paid ut sale.' [ This the 1st day of November. 1941. S. K Prink, Commissioner. ! ? twO FOItKCI.OSVRK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a decree of the Superior im 1 Court of Brunswick County, X. C.,''? * I! dated the 6th. day of October 1911, ?r 'in an action entitled "Brunswick'o? 1 'j County versus? i, _ ill. I.. Hewett And Wife If Any", [ I the undersigned commissioner w ill I |expose aL public auction sale to tin- ."On '[highest Wilder for cash on the 1st : r ' f day of December. 1941. Jit I2:IMM HO t?| [ o'clock P. M.. at the Courthouse 1 , ? door, Southport. X. C.. to satisfy''4". the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $115.80, the following'1 '" " described real estate. located Shallotte. Township. Brunswick ' County. X. C., bounded and described -lj% ' a* follow>: <> ' BI'CIXXIX(I at my heginning cor- |jpu? [ ner. thence as my line runs until my entire premises are enclosed as . recorded in Book "7 at page 771 J Records of Brunswick County, con- . veying all of lands of I. U. * L. AjVfQM'1 llewett to I. L. & J. I-!. Ilewett. excepting from the above "'h acres conveyed to .1, K. Hewett, Pix<T*pf ing also in acres conveyer! to James 'I*. l 1 Hewett, recorded in Book 10 at pagep vftf) j 07. Fvcepiing also ." 1-:: Acres conveyed "I to .1. Paul Hewett in Book .'IS at' page 31. Excepting also II acres yjj-j J conveyed to Herman 8. Ifewett tv; corded in Hook .*'0 at page 365. And all other lands owned by the ' said Defendants in Brunswick CouuJ ty. X. C. * " * * All sales subject to report to and,((J Jj) confirmation by the Court. Ten days 'allowed for raise of bid before re-!f|c,|n' , port made. Cash to he paid a 1 sale. ' , This the 1st day of November. 1941. 7(|0M , S. B. Brink, Commissioner. ! ? -'?- . IIIIIKCI.OMritK VHTK'H I Notice is hereby given that by 11 ' virtue of a decree of the Superior , r\ 1 Court of Brunswick County, X. dated the 6th. day of October 1941. ' .ci in an action entitled "Brunswick'1'*-'1 1 J Countv versus? ? ..... ' H. I!. Sullivan Ami Wife if Any". ' ' *' . the undersigned commissioner will t 1 ex nose at public auction sale to the* f highest bidder for rash oil Ihe 1st , day of Dei-ember, 1941, at 12:08 o'clock l\ .M.. at the Courthouse ' door. Southport, X. C? to satisfy ; the ilecree of said court to enforce|AJr the payment of $108.18. the following ??ii>n described real estate, located in il(* ' Town Creek Township, Brunswick*" *'9 County. N. ('., l?onnded and described 1 as follows: ilum BRirlNNlNtI at John Willetts eor: tier in Little Lords Branch, run with his line about West to Spring Branch; tr\^ thence Up Spring Branch to A. W. 11t \ Simmons corner, thence his line to 1 (Seorge Swains corner, thence with ] Swains line about Wast to a stake . in the Head of Little Louis Branch; H 1 thence down the run of said Branch f 1 to the beginning containing 85 acres1 OVlis ' more or less. Excepting from the j f. ' above description 21 acres more or'11 Jkl 1 less deeded to Lane Willetls. 1 A ml all other lands owned by these tj'J OJ 1 defendants in Town Creek Township, t Brunswick County. North Carolina. 1 All sales subject to report to and < confirmation by the Court. Ten days 'ICHI : allowed for raise of bid before re- ij ' port made. Cash to be paid at sale. WIJ L< This the 1st day of November, 1941. . S. B. Frink. Commissioner. Bill j m j.utrr ><tuKri.?KrK? \wio: e Notice is hereby given that by 1 f virtue of a decree of the SuperiorJli Court of Brunswick County, N. C, 1 J*111 ' dated the 2nd. day of September, 1941.: tpill t in an action entitled "Brunswick' i County versus? . '\ eg I l\ H. Phelps Ami Wife If Any". '* v the umierxiffned commissioner will - expose at public auction sale to the-'I* a ' highest bidder for cash on the 1st ... - day of December, 1941, at 12:00'? v o'clock P. M.. at the Courthouse ;t? I door. Southport. X. C., to satisfy M'wl' i the decree of said court to enforce . l* the payment of $378.90. the following^'* M ' i. described real estate. located III ,if i. ? liookwoods Polly Township, Brunswick? '* I County. X. C., bounded and described , > as follows: I't.Uil FIRST TRACT: BEGINS on a I stake at the Wine Branch. Ceorge 'OOI 1 W. I^ewls corner at Shallotte River; , . i runs thence North 10 East 212 poles CUU . tr? a small pine in Samuel Hewett, ji b line now (J. W. Ja;vvis corner; thence*-'' ** i South 45 Kast 27 |>oles to S. A. i I/ewis corner a small pine; thence 9 . South 187 poles to a large pine side of little Shallotte; thence West to u the beginning, containing 47 acrea ? i b with the exception of 8 acres deeded' }' ' !' to Murdock Hewett 4 acres to R. L. * 'Chadwick \K acre of leaving a bal- ' ?/?? b ance of 33 1-3 acres. ,, SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING on'1""*' - a large green pine on the South side j of Little Shallotte Simon J^wis cor-' ' ' ner; runs thence North 187 poles : to a spruce pine in Samuel Hewettn * ' old line; thence South 45 Kast 10. *ic ... poles to a stake Robert Hewettn Cor- 11 tl/' - iter; thence with Robert Hewetts line North 47 East 80 poles to 09, ('J' ' stake Simon Lewis corner of another r tract of land; thence South 85 poles fMPi'l . to a stake or stump the Samuel ' / Hewett old line; thence South 451 ; fnj < East 05 or 70 poles to a stake or stump the Samuel Hewett old linehVfvi . theme South 45 East I All sales subject to report to and/, if-4 b confirmation by the Court. Ten days * t allowed for raise of bid before re- iVff f ) port macle. Cash to be paid at sale, s This the 1st day of November, 194k i l r S. B. Prink, Commissioner. t I11-26-c

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