PAGE 4 SOUTHPORT SCHOOL NEWS JUNIOR RED CROSS The Junior Reel Cross drive ir this school was quite successful Each grade became a member. The ninth grade was the first tc join while the senior class has the honor of contributing the most money for this cause. ARMISTICE PROGRAM The student body gathered in the school auditorium on November 11 to observe Armistice Day. The group sang "America". Rev. A. L. Brown gave the address. He began his talk by reading from AMUZU T H E A T R E SOUTHPORT, Program For Week Of November 21 - 27 Friday Saturday? ';UNDER AGE-' , with Alan Baxter and Nan Grey Monday - Tuesday? "YOU'LL FIND OUT" Kay Kyser and Orchestra Also Eov Movietone News. ' Wednesday - Thursday? i "POWER DIVE" with Richard Arlen SELECTED SHORT xi 4. , JLUlVlllWj lltAl Hccn. "SINGING HILLS" { With Gene Autrey ast SHOW 7:00 P. M.? -ADMISSIONADULTS 20c Befense Tax 2c g TOTAL 22c Children 9.7c tefense Tax 3c TOTAL 10c Lord, for Thy gifts?this daily bread, wherein oui fed; for all these bountie dear and living, we g;v giving. For this land, this rea< that all these are the fri we pray, wake in our h not gratitude alone, but s to guard our dream, to ramparts still against m< odds and darker perils gods than Pilgrim m measure. ?From a Prayer by Phy < THIS BAf THANK: THURSDAY, Ni WTTTWTTWT mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i Just Receiv NICE, Y MU1 Broken and R< ? >H We also have mules we have tra you can get him pi We Buy, Sell c ??" i We are dealei some good buys in Lewis ? f | Romans: 13?"Let every soul be | subject unto higher powers. For ! there is no power but of God: the ! powers that be are ordained of | God." He stressed to the students that Americanism is that form of existance which we have come to i learn in this country and that , | which we believe we want. "Do . | we want what we have when we i get it?" was a vital question aski ed. He closed with this statement: ; j "When we believe and obey the ! laws of the Prince of Peace, we | will be friends with all nations." ' The entire group sang "The Star Spangled Banner". Carl Ward, 1 president of the senior class, led ! the audience in the salute to the 1 flag. "There Will Always Be ; America", was sung by the sevj cnth grade. The assembly closed | by singing tribute to the State of North Carolina, "The Old North , State". PLAY CIRCUS On Wednesday morning the I two first grades presented a circus in chapel. Those who saw it 'got as many thrills as they would j have gotten from the Barnumj Bailey Show. Roger Ward was I | ringmaster. The monkey, Robert I I Galloway, amused the audience by! : munching a banana during the entire preformance. Emprisoned in j a strong cage was a ferocious j lion, Herbert Oberjohnn. The grey i elephant, David McRoy and Robert Banton, was ridden by Sylvia j Floyd. Little Harriet Corlette per! formed beautifully as a toe dan: cer. Six little white bears danced and sang. These wee creatures j were: Norman McDowell, Jack j Newton, Billie Cullies, Billie Drew, j Frank Creech and Charles Willis.! ; No circus is complete without an I acrobat and at least one clown. | William Henry Singletary was I wonderful with his acrobatic! stunts, while Kenneth Hewett and j CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for the many kind deeds and expressions of sympathy extended to us during the recent illnes and death j of our beloved wife and mother and for the beautiful floral tribute. S. W. MAULTSBY AND FAMILY more than needs are s, deep and 'e Thanks:hing land, lit of, Lord, earts today tubborn will watch our >re difficult ^ 4S& and falser inds could IK CLOSED SGIVING, OVEMBER 20TH JfnfJJJMBj ed Load of 1^. OUNG n LES 1 -ady To Work several good traded-in mules ded in on Ford tractors. If yo riced right. >r Trade for Cash or or rs for Ford Automobiles and used cars, trucks and tractors !-Peay Mol TABOR CITY, N. C Jerry Spencer were perfect clowns. The circus cast was completed with a toy band composed | of members of the first and second grades. hospital patient Captain Arthur Dosher was admitted to Dosher Memorial Hospital Sunday for treatment. treatment Harry Weeks of Southport entered Dosher Memorial Hospital birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Clem-1 mons of Supply announce the | birth of a son, Jackson Brown, J at Dosher Memorial Hospital on j Tuesday, November 18. WORKERS COUNCIL MEETING TODAY, (Continued From Page One) This Council holds monthly meetings for the purpose of furthering a more effective all-phase improvement program for Brunswick county. County problems and possible solutions arc discussed, and solutions often materialize from' the council. The Workers Council is at presend very concerned over the effect the defense program is having and will have on civilian life. The Department of Agriculture is attempting, through local county workers, to further a bigger and better plan of home production of food and feed. The local council feels that citizens must not only ."live-at-home" themselves, but that during this emergency, must produce a surplus for their neighbors. The Workers Council will be glad to have suggestions on piuulems and improvements. WRITER WANTS LOCAL STORIES (Continued from page 1.) ing a speciality of getting .vessels over the then shallow waters of the Cape Fear bar. John Harper of Southport, at one time owner of the Northrop building in Southport, was captain of the tug. Mr. Oldham naturally knows many of the old timers at Southport. Like many other outdoor friends of this section, he is asking for anything that will aid him in writing publicity stories about the town. ROUTINE SESSION OF COUNTY COURT (Continued From Page One) The defendant must remain of good behavior for 2 years. Joe Brown, white, was found guilty of making an assault with a deadly weapon and was given. 30 days. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs and a fine of $25.00. FARM MACHINERY MUST BE KEPT (Continued from page 1) warned Mr. Bennett. "It has always been good farm practice to use farm equipment as long as possible and to make necessary repairs in the off-season, but now it is a patriotic duty in National Defense as well." FIINFRA1 SFRVICFS "for "mrs.'maultsby (Continued From Page One) dren, Mrs. Lenard Gaskill, of Kinston, Hurley K. Maultsby, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Evelyn M. Bill, of Bolivia and Miss Ina Glenn Maultsby of Charleston; a brother, Frank H. Willard, two sisters, Mrs. S. B. Player, Wilmington, and Mrs. Francis Lewis Dixon, Bolivia, two grand children. Tommy Maultsby and Joyce Bell. state baptists conclude meet (Continued From Page One) schedule of Baptist hours over State radio stations during the coming year. Dr. Herring, pastor of First Baptist church at Winston-Salem, spoke on "The Local Church?The Final Unit in Denominational Work", at the closing session. He proposed that "just as the national government has applied priority rating to develop the best and also some good u need a good mule i Terms. See Us Tractors. And have or Co. i / THE STATE PORT P1L( for defense efforts the Baptist denomination should rank its agencies in proportion as they administer to the supreme call of i the great commission. Much con- J fusion and carelessness are mani- It fest now in our use of the term 'church' which may mean anything from a church building to the 'cause of Christendom'," he said. Trustees and members of vari- < our boards were named at the closing session. j. Among those named were Rev. S. N. Lamb, of Whiteville, who was chosen as one of the directors 1 of Bibical Recorder, Inc., with ' term expiring in 1942. E. J. Britt, of Lumberton, was named a trustee of Meredith College. Those from Columbus county 1 attending the meeting in Ashe-,1 ville were: Rev. Winfrey Davis, i( of Tabor City; Rev. R. J. Ras-'1 berry, of Hallsboro; Rev. Elbert 1 N. Johnson, of Fair Bluff, Rev. ' S. N. Lamb, of Whiteville, and ' J. B. Wychc of Hallsboro, who 1 is a trustee of Wake Forest Col-:' lege. | ( Healthy Interest Shown |i In Nurses Aid Training!' (Continued From Page One) I want to take it may contact her. I! A volunteer office in the library^ will be open from 10 to 12 and i from 2 to 4 every day. Nurse's aids must be between , the ages of 18 and 50, must have the eauivalent of a high school j education, give service without jc pay, take training course and give. i 150 hours service annually. They j wi I CATAPULTING A P SPACE takes nerves split-second accuracy. _ men work together like ^ ship football team. C branches of aviation a jgjS offered to you by the 'l'hey qualify you to be pilot, navigator, radiu WA Her, or aerial photogru you can learn any one THE U. S. Do things seem dull a Do vou feel tied down your chance to lead th the world ... and get ] to serve your country, new two-ocean Navy which are unequalled 1 ^ \ --W^i MANNING AN ANT1-AIRCRA if you know how to handle station?and a job to do. the gun-crew functiona a derfftly accuracy and super Are you cc iWHY N< Don't wait. Choose t now. The Secretary of nounced: "All men n< Naval Reserve will be Navy duty throughou national emergency, released to inactivi A. the emergency as t ' SERVE Y 1 y P' ' NO, SIR-HE, BUT I LIKE E CAM'T BEAT ]> I WANT To E TH' NAVV FOR \ AND LEARN HE-MAN THRILLS \ AM ACCOUk AN' ACTION 1 y? r f MM i >T, SOUTHPORT, N. C. act as assistants to nurses, and do their work in the hospital or 1 with other health organizations, i The course takes 80 hours to complete and must be supplement- j id by the 20-hour first aid course. , The government has asked that < 100,000 nurse's aides be trained ( in the next twelve months to 11 relieve the shortage of graduate | ( nurses brought about by the needs j of U. S. armed forces. < Annual Red Cross Roll Call Now In Progress (Continued from page one) j divided into districts, and workers j ivill each be assigned a sector. The policy ot the organization is to give everyone an opportunity to join the Red Cross, but not to tiigh pressure or beg anybody. It is felt that the present national i smergency is sufficient grounds for expecting all patriotic citizens to contribute his or her dollar to i cause that sponsors many| worthwhile activities during times sf peace, but whose duties during i period of war arc multiplied. Rev. A. L. Brown, in charge >f the Junior Red Cross program for the county, reports that splendid response has come from the schools of the county. So far, Southport is the first to make i complete report, but the local school is 100-percent. \11 Methodist Pastors Of County Returned To Posts (Continued From Page One) camps where our boys are being trained in our national defense program." JITTI , NAVY HAS PLI round town for you? nation by your job? Here's Navy e most thrilling life in work, i paid for it! A chance enginee too. For Uncle Sam's thrills has ships and planes life of i jy those of any other now if FT GUN is real sport? \ i one. Each man has his Ti If he does it correctly, us a single man?with human speed. aSSSSUSi BBBBeaaBMBgauiBaagagM msidering joining a milit )t choose the naval he Naval Reserve spared, regardle! the Navy has an- maining in their >w enlisting in the Remember?t retained on active Reserve offer yi t the period of the ing, promotion! but they will be requirements in I s duty as soon after liberal. Find on heir services can be serve. Send in tl OUR COUNTRY BUILI OPEYE, THE RECRI sooksu'1 r haw/th' nan/v v rruDV . TEACHES TRlPEO)RlTlNy I "TO BE \ BOOK-KEEP! kl' AW t> 1TAKIT J ALL kimds of , ] v ^ ^BOOK LEARMIMTy V WEI The conrerence picked Goldsboro The longest debate of the con- f v, "or its 1942 meeting, to be held ference came Thursday when the i< n St. Pauls church. report of a commission on world- J A Action was taken designed to wide service and finance, recom-1 ncrease the revenues of the Meth- mending that salaries of seven j K idist orphanage in Raleigh, which district superintendents remain at c1 "? "aa a low on ! sa soo a vear was being acted j T 'area iux ouv umuivi., T _ w :hurches of six percent of what upon. After a heated discussion, ;hey raised last year was approv- an amendment to reduce the sal- E :d, excusive of sums raised for aries to ?4,000 a year was de- 0 wildings and to pay debts. The feated. jrphanage, it was pointed out, un- Some of the speakers during the ler the old system, has been oper- closing days of the conference in- i iting under a deficit. eluded Dr. Frank S. Hickman, CHRISTMAS IS COMING.. Maybe it sounds early to mention a thing like this, but we honestly believe that the wise Christmas Shopper will do his or her buying early this year. MARK UP A GIFT LIST AND COME TO SEE US! I G- W- KIRBY & SONS Supply, - N. C. a MRILLS? j| ENTY FOR YOU! in the world. For those who enlist in the Zg ?^S(flK?% there is a wide variety of fascinating including everything from aviation to ON SHORE LEAVE IN A STI tring. Pictured here are a few of the of,a N"^y launch, the cc ~ , . i ashore. If you want to trave that are everyday occurrences m the jca> South Seas ... the Na i Navy man. They're open to you right you've reached your 17th birthday. Get this FR MOSQUITOES THAT TRAVEL AT 45 MILES Mail coupon for your frj PER HOUR! It takes a cool head and k^n NaP 24 illugtrated aKe' eyes to operate this new bullet-shaped PT Tclls pay> pr0tn0ti0ns, aii Torpedo Boat. You ve seen them in the news- vacations you can expect. . reel throwing up great waves of spray on how you can retire on a li: either side. But how would you like to handle income... how you can lcai one? Your Navy needs men with the stamina any of 45 big-pay trades . . to tackle this job! Have you got it? many may becotr officers. 27 scenes from Nav ????? ^ life showing games you ma f-t. ? ?j- -- play, exciting ports you ma , . ?1| V ^"0"^- visit.Tells enlistment requir ? \ |/t-v _____ merits. If you are between 1 ' ~ L. JBa . quired), get thisfreebook r i'J J fl ' Navy Editor of this paper. :F'Z ?. ^ him the coupon. Youcanpaa reading the < apply for a p y recc've t*1'8 8 MfeS9kfiiiiiif3BSSs5HIE5^^H badge of hone ^=*1 nvrf r'^ ? " " arv service7 4b2S$M< ! Tear out and take ^ send ary service. a t0 the Navy Edjtor of thi8 RESERVE! W&SlS ml; I Without any obligation on my I w of the length of time re- me free booklet, "Life in the Nai enlistment." | the opportunities for men in th< he regular Navy and Naval | ou the same travel, train- _ pay increases. Physical HW I Name the Naval Reserve are more H K I it all about the Naval Re- BM Address ? le coupon now! ) YOUR FUTURE M U ? ? ? ? ? JITING OFFICER, BOOKS A RECRUIT! PWOU BET- As A /"?kaw\I matter of pack, I'M A \ / jSEmA Trainina REGULAR BOOK-UX5RM_\) ,rDlnm9* I ONLV READ TH' CLASSIKS )( ) 11 *>"' ? AM' TH' BEST OF TH' YS UP' J you' From ENLI6HTENIMK LITERATURE') Uncl? w c y _ > No vol Rese* V frienVo'e ? ~ZZT V* \ C clothing on. * 1 -A.':-, )NESDAY. NOV, rho preached at the wotT'^B ;e Thursday afternoon abundant Life". Dr. T. D. Ellis, of '.y., general secret*-, hurch extension. spo'. t upper ajIJ^B sages, tin1, J, uttop^J^B breathmi: ftllAyS u' W V4P0t.j,^B We Are THAT AN ' Oyster RoastH Can lie Kept I w. RUSS, StatioM TEXACO PRODUCttB Shallotte, N. C, Rjjt , 1 ~~ v. H IANGE PORT: At the tiller ixswain takes bluejackew tl...Waikiki, South Amer. kVy's where you belong! EE Booklet I * / 7 and 31 fno l0w. No obligation. Art '" Or telephone him. f ite it on a penny postal caw. IADGE OF HONOR! If ?fW ree booklet you decidr' lace in the Navy, > * mart lapel-emblem. It ,r you will be proud to ?" ? --1 this coupon .'jl newspaper H3 fflI tart whatw <>r, ptaMMt 'y." (fivirpfun Navy or Naval Reaem jlI Age / f ..thrills...lun and^I ' *0 50 there'i O SfCt in fa No>y ** the first day of erl r~- '* * * payroll, la the regular Ne?y C ^e your chances fc cd'onceme^ d trades, for trove' the same. It ccs's nothing for,!(C d board. Medical and denta'core*1 ife for a potriot:c cd ombitio^^j or training in ony one of 0'"*^' ^ ?s with no lay-offs and poy-cvts 17 or over, write cr coll fa ^ is newspaper and ask fcr 0 free ^ trated booklet, ' iiff THE U > SERVE VOUR COUNJ#" H BUILD HOUR FUTU?'i ^B GET IN] THE KiAVV