^^P^ightcr ^?>xbc COf Itife I ?e (Our Jfclpttiatr jk I ___ , last Monday morning, not : B' weren't told, ratify day, to make tjjis year's ai H a column was even "m0re successful one . . . witl Vr , vou could do it , jjelj Cross national budget hiket H the first few ; f,om 4 to 11 millions it is hopci and then we'd j y,at Brunswick county will jumj H ng a column its membership accordingly . . . t j If the county does we won't b tired: 'J.' ; eighth from the bottom in count; ' ! an-v ' 8 memberships again this year . . ' single big j . ' can fimi j One morning last week we had 1 " know any. I phone call from Miss Edna Rob happened, and 'orison. one of the nurse's out a! very many Dosher Memorial, informing u: V' I that we could come get the Ret nj 0f be-1 Cross money; that she'd alreadj . . . ..s that are i collected it and that each nurs. definitely there had joined, making their': a 100 per cent record . . . Now I ? to if that isn't the nicest way 01 re 110 'doing things! . . . We wish more mi?' .u .. i i i'ikness * I0\ write in and tell us | People had that spirit . . . li P C0; . ;,,iU, up . They I would make it a lot easier on oui ^fu: h real news, just volunteer workers . . . ' 5'!',tiiir.ss that happen . . . j We think the nurses deserve s ;'iJ' r - | lot of credit for responding sc vMr the Red Cross Roll promptly, even before someont if!,i completed in Southport | went and asked them to . . . in o: e d:tv. and a rainy I Maybe it's because they, being P; ~Jt | so close to suffering, know th< workers started out great neegl for the Red Cross . . WILMINGTON, N. C. ' ^9 SPECIAL XMAS SELLING EVENT |pP? FRIDAY, DEC. 12 i Indies' Christmas j Ladies' and Misses I Handkerchiefs j New Fall Sweaters' aijre assortment of la- j A large assortment of lais' i0\ handkerchiefs, j dies' and misses' snappy to can always give j new style and color. . . . ndkerehiefs! j Slipover and coat styles. 25c-98c box | ' $2.49 i IYLON and Better All Pure-Thread Silk | lose in Christmas Boxes at Special Prices i I Men's Sweaters i Men's i it? new Fall and Win- Christmas Ties snaPP> Men's smartly styled well F style and color. Slip- A . ,. . < i , . constructed ties in attrac[ button and zipper tive patterns >1.98 and $2.98 49c and 98c i -MEN'S PAJAMAS- j Men's sleepy light pajamas in new broadcloth j 'ajama checks and styles. Fast colors. y|? i right always | | toys' Sweaters i Girls' Dresses j ? f 5 new Fall sweaters j Children's lovely dressy J If*-e newest style, slip- j jumper styles, pinafore 1 f ''ll!!on and zipper j and many others. In new J Fall patterns and colors. & and 98c | $1.49 L I i I -VISIT OUR TOYLAND?FOURTH FLOOR? a]-0,e'ave a n,ce assortment of wheel and mechanic 'f' ^ese ai*e sure to go quicklv ... So make ^selections now! BANKETS Gannon Towel Sets ^Pait , Christmas towels, new soii(| ? J? 'an'<ets Christmas box sets, cello.00,. Co'ors, regular phane wrapped. Bath rf a'ue. Slightly im- towels, face towels and ect? wash cloths. A package for every buyer. ^ $2.25 [ ^ 48c to $1.98 | > . THE STATE PORT PILOT m !:;:^|- 1 Pppr* m* ? 1 Hr I? P^i .?HHR .'-1 HHr I ^ e i ^^Ihsbv >'^H B I iSnr'iw^M ' v*?-? "MRS. JESSE CECIL ANDREWS?Of Shallotte, who prior to her recent marriage was Miss Eloise Buffkin, daughter ' of W. H. H. Buffkin and the late Mrs. Ella Strickland Buff- j kin of Tabor City. (Photograph by Adams Studio). MUMFORD-BARTELL (-cports of the work done during!] i the year, the funds raised and for I In a simple ceremony at mid- what purpose it would be ex-' morning on Thursday Miss Eliza-; pended, also, reporting personal ' beth Laverne Bartell became the service work done, bride of Lonne Paul Mumfonfl.1 P'ans were discussed and out-1 The ceremony took place in the lined for work during the coming chapel of the Sacred Heart of year. A delicious supper was set - , Jesus with Father Frank Howard ved by a special committee ap- j officiating. pointed from each circle. The chapel was decorated with T!,c ban1uet xvas largely attend- ' white chrysanthemums and ferns e(' ^y niembers of the three oilfor the occasion. 'ks, together with the pastor. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. L. .T. , TI, r-n>r; l-c< M r Parens fiane "The Rosarv".< CONSOLIDATE CHICLES , | ?? - O - - .. Nevin and "Ave Maria", Bach .... ?7- 7 , ? /-. , li., A joint meeting of Circle No. 1 Gounod. Mrs. R. I. Mintz at the , i.. , .. . . ,, , .. . , , and Circle No. 2 of Trinity Meth- . organ played the traditional wed- , . , , ' ,. , odist church was held Tuesday at , I ding marches. .. , ... T _ _ ? [ 1 the home of Mrs. I. B. Bussells, The bride wore a suit of soldiei an(j fhese two organizations* weie , < blue with navy accessories and consolidated. This leaves two in- * carried a bouquet of white cal ,,a" | stead of three circles in connec- | tions. She had as her maid of tion with the local Methodist honor her sister, Margaret, who church. also wore blue with a pink cor- Mis. e. H. Cranmer was elected sa&e- leader of the group, with Mrs. I. J. A. McNeal was the groom s B Bussels assistant leader. Miss best man. Annie Zue Newton was elected; Mrs. Mumford is the daughter secretary-terasurer. of Mrs. Richard Bartell, of South- Refreshments of tea and cake | port. Mr. Mumford is the son of were served to members present. { Mrs. George Mumford, of Two Mrs j G christian was coHarbors, Minn. He is in the Coast hostess. Guard service and is stationed at 1 present at Portsmouth, Va. J BOOKS LOANED j About one hundred adult books ENJOY BANQUET ancl one hundred juvenile books i have been sent to the Southport | Circles No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 j Public Library for the use of its of the Woman's Missionary So- ' patrons for the period of about \ ciety of Southport Baptist church; two months. These books came held their annual banquet in the from the State Library Commis- j I church annex oh Tuesday evening., sion and among them are some j I Secretaries from each Circle made jvery interesting and timely titles. ; ni.. "T I i!i TELEGRA/i j m WHEN YOU BUY BEER PATRONIZE ONLY WHOLESOME lj I THE BREWING INDUSTRY MAINTAIN WHOLESOME / / CONDITIONS' IN PLACES SELLING BEER?AND TO j I HELP PRESERVE THE $1,600,000 INCOME EVERY A . SOUTHPORT, N. C. Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Furpless, of ialeigh, spent the week end here vith Mr. and Mrs. Price Furpless. Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Hall, of 2rifton, visited friends here last veek. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Creech md son, Bobby, who have been esiding in Colorado for the past our years, have returned here ind are occupying their home on fowe St. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skeret, who lave been visiting Mrs. B. P. Hnch, left last week for their icme in Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. "inch accompanied them home ind will spend the month of Dec. vith them. Mis. Roy Nader, who has been 'isiting her sister. Mis. Rufus )osher ,has returned to her home n Fayetteville. Mrs. C. F. Southerland, her son. Charles Southerland, and Mrs. H. V. Southerland spent Sunday in Vilmington with Mr. and Mrs. L. i. Smith. E. J. Prevatte was called to his lome in Red Springs last .week in account of the death of his lunt. Harold Aldridge, student at Vake Forest College, spent the veek end here with his parents, llr. and Mrs. Harry Aldridge. Miss Vera Jorgensen. of Wilnington, spent the week end here vith her mother, Mrs. Cassie Jorfenson. Mrs. Rufus Dosher visited relaives in Fayetteville Saturday. Miss Genevieve Eakes spent fuesday in Lumberton on busi less. Alex Williams, of Charleston, 5. C? spent the week end here vith his family. Friends of C. L. Rourk regret :o learn that he is a patient in he veterans hospital in Fayette ille. Mrs. Lillie Williams has returnid home front Wilmington where ihe visited Misses Etta and Car ie Craig. Mr. and Mrs. John Fullwood, >f Wilmington, spent Sunday here vith Mrs. Ethel Fullwood. Mrs. James Carr and Mrs. Edna Sell visited Mrs. Bell's daughter, Mrs. Tom Gold, in High Point ,'or two days last week. Mrs. Harold St. George returnid Thursday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Ivan Bell, in Goldsbaro, for two days. Tom Gold and Rodney Snow, of High Point, spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday here. Miss Lois Jane Bussels is visiting relatives in Amhurst, Mass, BANK TO GET TWO HOLIDAYS CHRISTMAS RALEIGH North Carolina banks will be closed Christmas tnd the day after, Thursday and Friday, December 25 and 26, Christmas is a legal holiday, and Coventor Broughton Saturday proilaimed the 26th as a bank holijay to give employes of banks :\vo consecutive days off. John Polanski, Wake fullback, in two years against South Carolina's Gamecocks has turned in runs of 10. 22, 23, 19, and 47 partis from scrimmage. WE SPECIAL . , . but don't get the id< same service you expec here. Ask for what you w it, we'll get it for you, than you'll have to paj quality. W- A. GENERAL M BOLIVIA, - PLENTY ' We are now ablt floor-space of our building, and so vvil new permanent fixt put out our big stoc chandise on tempor your inspection. COME ON IN , CHRISTMAS SH SHALLOTTE Flobson K SHALLOTTE, | NEWS I BRIEFS IX HOSPITAL Joe Gore of Leland is a patif at Dosher Memorial Hospital. PATIENT Ormand Leggett of Southpc I entered Dosher Memorial Hospil for medical attention Saturday. FIRST AID Calvin Wescott of Southpc : was treated Saturday at Dosli I Memorial Hospital for gunsh : wounds. SURGICAL PATIENT Loftin Clemmons of Bolivia u | derwent an operation at Dosli I Memorial Hospital Saturday. hospital patient I James Smith, Sr., of Southpc . is a medical patient at Dosh I Memorial Hospital, having entc I eel there Saturday. ENTERS "HOSPITAL i Mrs. Mercer Cox of Bolic I ' BgJisyed Qssiskly with PUSH Regardless of how many nied i cines you have tried for Aei Indigestion, Gas, or Hcartbur i caused by excess stomach aeidit I you can get quick relief wit PUSH. A doctor's prescriptioi in powder form, it is especiall compounded to neutralize e.xcet acidity, relieve indigestion quickl | without constipation. Many hav praised PUSH for the prompt r< lief it brought them. Get PUS] j today and keep it on hand alway LEGGETT'S SOUTHPORT, N. C. HERE 'S QUICK ! W hose me Try3-purposaVa-tro-noI.It(l)shrin swollen membranes, (2) soothes irrit tion, (3) relieves transient nasal cc I gestion... And brings great- A A er breathing comfort, You'll like itl Follow "'"I? v directions in folder. VA-TRONC FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS NEED S Of Furniture, Linens, . , Novelty Gifts and Tree C corations see us early wh our stock is complete. 1 R U S S Furniture Co. SHALLOTTE, N. C. . ??b?umbm IZE IN SEEDea that you cannot get the t at any up-to-date store 'ant, and if we don't have and at a price no greater f elsewhere for the same KOPP [ERCHANDISE - - - - N. C. OF ROOM ; to use the combined new and remodeled hout waiting for our ures we are going to k of Christmas Merary tables, ready for \ND DO YOUR [OPPING EARLY! TRADING CO. irby, Prop. . - N. C. '"I I entered Dos'ner Memorial Hospital las a patient Monday. MEDICAL PATIENT Hulan Watts of Southport was admitted as a medical patient at ( I Dosher Memorial Hospital Friday. j BREAKS ARM J Andrew Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lewis of Bolivia, re,nt! ceived first aid for a broken arm j Friday at Dosher Memorial Hospital. )rt FOR SURGERY taI i Mrs. Sam Northrom of Southj port entered Dosher Memorial i Hospital for an operation Tuesday. | )rt; ANNOUNCE BIRTH iel. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Russ |Qt announce the birth of a son. Tommie Shelley, Nov. 24, at Marion Sprunt Annex, Wilmington. Mrs. | Russ was nee Ottice R. Holden, of in_ | Shallotte. iel VaDBIHBHHaiMB J (Clean) Clothes >r-j Make The Man SOUTHPORT fia DRY CLEANERS SOUTHPORT, N. C. , WANT ADS id n FOR SALE CHEAP: One Junior >' | Coal Circulating Heatrola in h good condition. J. \V. Ruark. n, J LEGALS CORREtTION H j In the last two issues of The s. State Port Pilot a notice has appeared stating that on Monday. December 8, three schoolhouse sites and one building will be sold to the highest bidder at the courthouse door at Southport. Sale of A the property will be made by seal^ I ed bids, and the following notice " is run in lieu of the one which rr J previously appeared: f I NOTICE a. j Brunswick County Board of m- ! Education offers for sale the following property: 1. Site of colored School at Rutu j land's Chapel. | 2. Site of colored school at Marsh Branch. 3. Site and colored school building at Bell Swamp. Sealed bids will be received and opened at noon on Monday, Decemhp!* 11 1941. at the office of i the County Board of Education in t | Southport. The board reserves the j right to reject any and all bids. 'e" Annie May Woodsidc, Secretary, ;|e Brunswick County Board of Education. December 2. 1941. 12-15-c A IMIIN ISTKATOK'N NIlTKS Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Cornelia .lane Holden, late of Brunswick County. North Carolina. this is to notify all [lersons having claims against the estate of Hie said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Supply. North Carolina on or before December 3rd. 1942. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons B indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. 0 This November 27, 1941. j _ .1. II. Holden, Administrator. I NOTICE OF HALE I' N OK It MOKTOAOE Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain .Mortgage Deed executed by T. T. Browning and wife Kula Browning on tlie 23rd. day of April, if in. recorded In Book No. <;.r?. I'age Sll. Registry of Brunsw ick County. North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned \V. K. Cox and A. I'. Rogers. .Mortgagees, will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash, in front of the Brunswick County Courthouse door on .Monday. December '..'9th. 1911 at or about 11' o'clock noon, all that certain lot or parcel of land located in Shullotte Township. Brunswick County. N. C. and described and defined as follows:? Tract No. 1:?Being Tracts Twelve (12> and Thirteen (13) of the Wilna V. Thomas property according to plat recorded in Book 25, page l?2 6f the public records of Brunswick County, N. C. Tract No. 2:? Beginning al a stake on the west side of the Sea Side Avenue, the southeast corner of Lot No. 429. and runs thence with the line of Lot No. 429 westwardly 255 feet to a slake, thence southwardly with the east line of Lot No. ?30, 75 feel to a stake, thence eastI wardly with the north line of Lot No. 425 255 feet to a stake on the east side of Sea Side Avenue, thence Northwardly with the east side of Sea Side Avenue 75 feet to the beginning, and being Lot No. 427. as shown on revised map of Longwoori. made by \\\ [T. Sledge In i! _'a and revised In June. 19.15. which said map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. N. (\. in Book of .Maps at Page 29, reference to which is hereby made fo; a I full ami complete description, of the Tract No. 3:?Beginning at a stake on the west side of Sea Side Highway. the Northeast Corner of hot No. 123. and runs thenre Westward with the North line of hot No. 423 and parallel with Sunset Avenue 255 feet to a stake: thence Northward with the Hast line of Lot No. 1528 ami parallel with Sea Side Highway 75 feet to a stake, thence Hast ward with the South line of Lot No. 427 and parallel with Sunset Avenue 255 feet to a slake on the West edge of Seaside Highway, thence Southward with the west edge of Sea Side Highway 75 feet to tiie point of beginning, ami being Lot No. 425, as shown by revised map of Longwood. made by w. T. Sledge in 1925 and revised in June 1035. which map is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hrunswick County. N. C. in Rook of Mans at Cage 20. reference to which is hereby made for a full and complete description of this property. Dated and Posted this the 24th. day of Nov. 1941. W. F. Cox and A. P. Rogers, Mortgages. 12-25-c NhTKK NOTICB is hereby given that H. H. Thomas has severed all of his connections with the Caswell-Carolina Corporation. Southport. North Carolina. and that the said H. H. Thomas is no longer an employee of said Corporation. and that lie is without au thorny to bind said Corporation in any form or manner. Said Corporation zr - i >*?*1 PAGfe fr? Uereb^gives^tlce^ha^^r^ii?^^ be responsible tor any eontraet made and entered into by the said H. _ H. Thomas on and after November 'Mi*. 1941. I CASWKIJ.-OAROLf.VA COr.PfcRATlOX Snnford. Florida and Southport. V. C. \OTICK OK SAI.K I'MIKI? MOinViAV.K l?KKI> i , J Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain .Mortgage i>eed executed by Smithen \V. Bennett? wife. Annie Bell Bennett, on the 19th ilay of December, inriI. recorded in j Book 58 at page 11t?. Legist rftfttf | Brunswick County. North Camljnn,^j fault having been made in the pigment of the indebtedness I thereby, the undersigned ColumoTTs .Motor Company. .Mortgagee, will uu*r for sale, at public auction, for casn. in front of the Brunswick County Courthouse door on .Monday December 15th. 1941. at twelve o'clock noon, all i that certain lot or panel of land located in Brunswick County North Carolina, and described and defined as follows: < RKHLNNTNO at an Iron pipe on the public road leading from Juniper Creek to Kxum. Buns North tUgrees West 10 chains and 10 links to i an iron pipe near the road; thence North .''1 degrees K:\st 12 chains and t:: links to another Iron pipe; ttfMmt* South 52 degrees Mast 10 chains/and Hi links to another Iron pipe near a ditch: thence South 31 degrees West II chains and 17 links with a ditch to the Beginning containing 12 j|ores more or less. This tract being known as the Head of Bell Swamp. ir?fi BATKD and POST KB this the'lllh day of November. 1911. , / '/j Columbus motor company mouth At ik k s. B. FBINK. ATTORNKY 12-10-c f] Nt)TI( F. OF SVI.F rVI?Fll <02 MOUTH AO K BEKD j .? Under and by virtue of authority .contained in a certain Mortgage IVed j executed by T. 1\. Meares and wife. Mina Meares. on the 1 Si h day of October. 1935. recorded in Book 52 I at page 498. Registry of RrunsttMIc County. North Carolina, default hitvr (ing been made in the payment of llit i indebtedness secured thereby, the unI dersigned W. F. Cox and A. P. Rogers. Mortgagees, will offer for tale, lai public auction, for cash, in front Iof the Brunswick County CourthftUMt , door on Monday. Oecember 8th. 1911. . at twelve o'clock noon, all that cfrt tain lot or parcel of land located in J Shallotte Township, Brunswick County. North Carolina, and described t^nd defined as follows: '? j FIRST TRACT: BKHINNNINCI hf a stake at a Canal on the South edge I of Shingle tree swamp, runs. 8. i j 27' 15" W. 2140 feet to another canal. I thence with canal N. 51" 10" west 1 1 2"?0 f*?et lo a stake on canal. inswv ' X. 37* 45" 10. 2310 font to cnnaL -at South edge of Shingle tree Swamp/ ' thence with said swamp to the Iter I ginning, containing (53 acres, mora Hr SKCONTi TRACT: RBGIXNIXC^fW } a stake on the west side of IValandp * ling Koad and runs thence N 51* TO I \V 18t?o feet to a stake at a < j runs titence N .17 K 1050 feet to a J\ i stake, thence X 82 K 279 feel to 'lite i'ealanding- Road, thence with said [road to the beginning containing 4fij i acres more or less. This being a pari of a tract of land l>equcuthcd tqjiya. I by my hlllbaiid A <Meat s, by nfs j will dated August 10th. 1921. rectydefl/ >in Hook of Wills H page 289. Juno 9th. 1921, state and county aforesaid! and conveyed t<> a. C. Mean by .1. I li. and .Mary (lore. September 11. lftMJj recorded in Book HH page (51 and.155. September 17. 1889. " The foregoing lands will lie J>oiiL subject to a mortgage Hue the FedeHil Land Bank and also taxes due Brunswick County. I)ATKD and POSTRD this the JP|h % dav of November. 1911. W. F. COX & A. P. R(>( iFIUif. .MORTGAGKKS. S. B. FRIXK. ATTORNFV. qj;q ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE ( Having qualified as administratis* for the estate of Cleo. R. (Jalloway u, eaikl; late "i Brunswick county North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the' estate of said deceased to ex^Jhit j thorn lo the undersigned at South-. ?poi*t, X. C? on or before lite day of October, 1912. or this notice will he pleaded in liar of thier covery. All persons indebted to Sftjdi estate will please make immediate' payment. , This 27th day of October 1941. ' Mrs. Geo. R. Galloway. Admimshaei trix for Geo. R. Galloway. Ti^/L vm A?. K K-S " SA 1. H L'nder and by virtue of the |>ower of sale contained in that <erWii/(j Mortgage Deed made by Don Hnj*relson and wife Sarah Alherta relson to Wilmington Merchatu()ise Company, a domesti?' corporation, dated April 27. 1928. and recordedlist, the office of tlie Register of Deedsfor Brunswick County, in Book,.CLif* at Page 522. default having hWm made in the payment of the imlehletUi ness thereby secured, the umit'isiRrtierfJ mortgagee, or Its ultorney for.tiLj ' will on .Monday, Decemlier 8. 194r, at'1 / 12 o'clock noon, at the Court Hnu*vf / door of Brunswick County. State bT I 1 North Carolina, offer for sale sell at public auction to the highest f bidder, for cash, all that certain ttflct or lot of land in Waccamaw ship, said County and State, ing the lands of 15. G. Smith^^H^H the North. B. G. Gore on the B. G. Gore, Arthur Stanley a nd^^R'^9R B. Ward on the South. R. C. Pived|^H^RBC the West, ami others, and lioui^^Hp^^S and described as follows, to-wit: 1 BEGINNING at an iron pipe x r:..- ..(no nAlnioru nn the South of Oak Koad, which beginning is 3,132 feet from State Ilight^^B ^Lvf No.. 130. leading from Shallotte ,Oj2 Whitevillle, said Oak Koad iuni^^L^g||| from said beginning corner North deg. 15 mil). Kast to said highvs^^^B^Kj and from said beginning point with H. G. Gores line South deg. 15 mill. East 1990 feet tctj^^^H9| iron pipe and pipe pointers on<B South edge of a swamp or runs thence South 72 deg. 15 mftl. # West 151 feet to a point on 'tflw' edge of said swamp; thence North 88 . (leg. 50 min. West 540 feet tflPlaJt pine stump, iron pipe and two gwn pointers in the edge of Hull 'JQy Branch; thence crossing said branch North 81 deg West 381 feet ft gum and four gum pointers on the West edge of Hull Hay BrancftfJ / thence South 84 deg. 30 mill. West. 407 feet to an iron pipe and tftoittl) pointers near the South edge o? a swamp: thence North 0 deg. 15 'firlJ !!> Kast 542 feel to an Iron pipe and three pointers; thence along CDifl?'t Ward's line North 71 deg. 30 ndji. West 1287 feet to an iron pipe 'wul there pine pointers; thence along ilie # line of It. C. Piver North 1 deg. d.UiU 1544 feet to a stake on the South# side of <>ak Koad; thence with Koad South ?5 deg. Kast *22 feet to an angle in said Koad; tAmfc/r South 82 deg. 30 min. Kast 1300 feet along the South side of said ludwl'* to another angle; thence with said#, I Koad South 78 deg. 15 min. R&I*1 191 feel to an angle in the South .. edge of said Koad near the Wtipl edge of a bay: thence North 89 4degv 15 mill. Kast :>??8 feet to the bWgt*-',f ning. containing one hundred grid, eighteen iii*t acres, more or less. (-online to a consolidated survey._by ^ A. J. 'Brown, October 20, 1933, :Whd being the same lands conveyed by from George E. Brooke &nd p|no to Ij. V. Clemmons (now f,. V. Rut*, wife ol' A. J. Kuss) as recorded Mn Hook 28. at Pago 01. and that deed--from \V. H. Coleman and wlf^'w" A. J. Kuss. recorded in Hook ,28. r at I'age 371. and by A. J. Kuss HmF?> wife to 10. 10. Harrelson by deed . recorded in Hook 57. at I'age lw in'--' the Registry of Hrunswick Gountiu North Carolina, and also beingdflvfc// same land conveyed by deed ftp mi r E. K. Harrelson to Don Harrewdn-* and wife Sarah Aiberta Harrelaojudated April 20th. 1938. ^ 9^011 As evidence of his $ood faith.^the successful bidder at said sale wild be required to make a cash deposit-ofr.. not less than Seventy Five DoH#w^' ($75.00; pending expiration of .lhfe usual 10 day waiting period. Posted this the 5th day of ' \V I L M I N G TON MERCHANDISE COMPANY. MorUaxee. PTTTIt LLOYD S. ELKINS, Attorney. 12-3-*

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