Covers jKuaflviclv County no- 1 ,tense ''cer ; 0i tiid ,atlon -r ixpUuna Ex% V " And Jusl !?? ; | .?v 'OST CENTER Qii i Explains ,gBv-Ste Procedure ? * .V emy r Broadcast RegionIs. : ;l. Wilming5 .s a warn' at at to the . - ? of Bruns- . I fin I what an air W. . it is not,"! I I . a flight of !. d:stI which the . warning I the planes I nd, at the | - sounded, the I, I is I civilian ' I I I E.leaders B, I E - tieuiar lo-, I R. tXwz from I E -alion fur-; E himnont I V I! is not I out.' I ' : . t , i platl ' I I I . ]t asr t . me, on i i r' . * t. ;ie erf. t '; .. . require; k . ' rt or air : ; it is 01the situation p . ..! be di- ( t v . location. exzz of having t:- '. 'ossly in < i sir ; that an un - caching a >' ' ition Cen. .. v .,r0 our f Navy or cii process c j< no irlen-ji ring planes i ships. j ispatched to , y are , away. , inception is j ] mission be-' j . t.t ?et. Pursuit, J will be (lis-: t m < nemy many', ; " tfc if the con-'! r v will not which is his ' happen after)' : i iimg, may nr.t an enemy . atrolman, ' walks that ho is not : -ible eiticss. Tlie in--' i 1 to take j - car Everything I !! v;hr. n.iift - i < '1 nfj;iinst. "" " has " " ' -t to lit- j V . ir) rtiic?' Are |iven dors r^y-One Persons In This 1 Certified II0 Co-- Classes In V>i Crr I this com-1 f lltials ! I F , 0 now j 1 ea in junior, | F: i st Aid.( L May Wood- j I Brunswick | I I I s traction. 1 L. club also was I I. L. AUiI \ Choquette, 1 I Miss Emma i I y, James I TH1 1 SOUTH POl : \ , : TTf.. A /' . M Only Four Mei , In Comn 5k Vame Of George C. Swain Not included On Ballot j For Second Primary Election Following Receipt Of Letter j' 5TATE BOARD RULES SWAIN FILED LATE j sam Joe Frink Will Run Against Three High Men I In Race For Party Nomination Saturday As a result of a ruling receiv- j sd during the past week from the| secretary of the State Board of I Elections the name of George C.! Swain will not appear as a can-j iidate for county commissioner j sn the ballots printed for the i second primary election to be I seld Saturday. The state board ruled that ,Mr. ( Swain failed to file with the Brunswick county board within the time prescribed by law, and 1 i* 1 ViirrVi mon in I I Lnai orny uic uucc mgu iwv<> , the first race, and Sam Joe Frink, i who filed within the prescribed I period, were eligible to make the second race. This means that the Democratic voters have their choice of three candidates for commissioner from the four men running. These are Stephen Mintz, Otho Bellamy, L. t~. Tripp and Sam Joe Frink. There is more interest in the second primary race between. So-' licitor David Sinclair and Clifton L. Moore for .the nomination as j solicitor for the eighth judicial j district than there is in the race 11 for county commissioner. Moore was high man in the first -prima ry, and received the high vote j In Brunswick. However, with Al- 1 ton Lennon, the third candidate, out of the race, followers of Sinclair hope to be able to pick up I ' A1- /?.-A?oomn tlio i I enough strengui w Moore lead. The prospect is for a light vote throughout the county. Dies Suddenly In This County ?i? Jack B. Coursey, Of Fayetteviile, Drops D e a d While Visitor At Howells Point; Became Overheated The hotly of Jack B. Coursey, 32, of . Fayetteville, general manager of the Cape Fear railroad, " * * tf/vndov ! J was shipped to his nome morning after Coroner John G. I Caison had investigated his death I and deemed an inquest unecessary. 11 Mr. Coursey was attempting to j crank an outboard motor boat at I (Continued on page 4) i E STi A Good 4 PAGES TODAY XT MEN ARE HER ( * Srara^tt MB^B^":jvMp31^wMBi n Running J* nissioner Race M Catches Snake In Dark Temporarily he D. I. Watson, assistant to be County Auditor R. C. St. ju George, had what was to him a rather exciting experience early ^ Tuesday morning. He arose at w: about 4 o'clock and went to the pc front door to fasten a screen, which was banging. f0 Not troubling to turn on the w light, he reached out in the Ji darkness to pull the screen to p! ?and caught hold of a two 5c foot snake that had gotten in- d< side the screen and climbed up P( to the fastening. It did not take Watson long at nn fbp. llfrhl. ?r DlUCh I'V BniiVH v? v.v -0 r __ longer to get hold of a wea- n< pon and dispose of the reptile. cl Installation For || Legion Tomorrow fc ai Joint Installation Of Legion rc And Auxiliary Officers u) Has Been Planned For Thursday Evening A joint installation for newly ^ elected officers of the Brunswick Oounty PosL No. 194, American c< Legion, and of the American ss Legion Auxiliary will be held to- ei morrow (Thursday) evening at d 8:30 o'clock in the legion hall at r( Southport. g An interesting program has w been prepared for this occasion and a cordial invitation has been (Continued on page 4) Student Pastor At Work Here i David H. Coblentz Is ' Preaching This Summer < At Southport And At 1 New Hope Presbyterian ' l 1 l/nurwn j David H. Coblentz has assumed 1 his duties as student pastor at , Southport Presbyterian church and at New Hope during the j summer months. Mr. Coblentz is a graduate of j Davidson College and has just j completed his first year at Union . Seminary in Richmond, Va. His , home is in Ohio. , Services will be held in South- i port both morning and evening i on the second and fourth Sunday < in each month. On the first and j third Sunday he will conduct 1 services at New Hope. ] VTE I News paper 1 Southport, N. C., We DFFICERS been rec< "Sf * K-$&*jl ||g^B * ffej?g?E lumerous Cases Tried In Court onday Was Busy Day For E. J. Prevatte, Acting Judge Of Brunswick County Recorder's Court Eight cases were disposed of ire in Recorder's court Monday ifore E. J. Prevatte, acting dge. A nol pross was taken in the .se charging Edwin Reynolds ith carrying a concealed weain. Joseph John Hawoth, white, was, und guilty of drunk driving and as given 6 months on?the roads, ldgment was suspended upon lyment of costs and a fine of iO.OO, the driving license of thej ifendant to be suspended for a I iriod of 12 months. Notice of I ipeal was given and bond set ; $200.00. Paul Knayick, white, was found j )t guilty of drunk driving. John W. McMillan, colored, was larged with non-support. A mo- i on to quash the charge and re-1 irn the warrant to a justice of, le peace was granted. Arnold Gray Smith, white, was lund guilty of reckless operation id was given 90 days on the >ads, judgment to be suspended aon payment of costs. Notice of ipeal was given and . bond was it at S200.00. A jury trial was asked for acco Bowens, Bertie Brown, Al6 Reaves and Naomi Bowens, all >lored, and charged with aslult. Bond was set for $200.00 tch. John E. Holland, white, wasl larged with drunk driving and| rckless operation. He pleaded] uilty on the former charge and I as given 6 months. Judgment! (Continued On Page Four) 1 7armers Askei Premises For Every farmer of Brunswick , bounty is urged to diligently search over his premises and :ollect all scrap rubber, even :hough it might be a small amount, and take it to his nearest filling station that is being operated, requested J. E. Dodson, bounty Agent this morning. The rubber situation is so icute that every possible piece )f unusuable rubber in every lome or on every farm is needid for war purposes. The filing station operator will pay ic jer pound to those who wish to iell the rubber that they have iollected, or if the individual vishes to donate the rubber he nay do so and the sale of the ubber donated will be divided iqually between the Red Cross, \rmy Relief, Navy Relief, and [J. S. O. The collection of scrap -ubber is a small request made POR' In A Good Coi sdnesday, June 24th, 1 4th Registration For Boys Between 18 And 20 Years Registration Will Be Held Throughout Nation On Next Tuesday, June 30, For Men In This Age Group REGISTRARS HAVE BEEN APPOINTED Organizations Set Up For Registration at Six Places In The County In Addition To Southport The fourth registration for Selective Service in the armed1 forces of the United States will be conducted throughout the nation on Tuesday, June 30,' when boys of eighteen, nineteen and twenty years of age will be asked to register. Officials of Local Board No. 1 in Southport estimate that Tuesday's total registration should be about one-half the 937 total registered in the third registration. The following registrars have been asked to serve: Ash: Dave Ross, chief registrar, Mrs. J. E. Dodson, W. R. Jenerette. Bolivia: Carl S. Ward, chief registrar, Mrs. C. C. Russ, Mrs. J. D. Johnson. Shallotte: Mr. D. C. Andrews, chief registrar, Katherine B. Russ, Mrs. Clarence Elliott Tripp. Winnabow: A. P. Henry, chief registrar, Irene Jones Henry, Virginia Pope. Leland: Mrs. Roy Martin, chief registrar, H. O. Peterson, Henry Lewis. Tic!rt Tnrryort _ tJUUUI^'Ut iUI O. UiOlV/ tsvrsgw* son, Mrs. Lucy White, Miss Robbie Woodside. The following persons have been appointed advisors for occupational questionnaires in Southport: Mrs. Eleanor C. Willing, Evelyn Y. Thompson^ Lois Jane Bussells. Oil Painting To Be Presented Painting Of Dr. J. Arthur Dosher Will Be Presented Sunday Afternoon; Public Invited To Be Present On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock members of the board of trustees and members of the auxiliary of Dosher Memorial Hospital will meet at the instiution to accept an oil painting of the late Dr. J. Arthur Dosher. The public is cordially invited to attend. The painting is a gift from Dr. W. S. Dosher, of Wilmington, a CniifhrtArf nhiralaian lUiliiCl kjuuuipui t pilJOlVIUUi who was associated with Dr. Arthur Dosher in practice here for several years. The presentation will be made by W. R. Dosher. Wilmington postmaster and kinsman of both the donor and the honorec. Plan Program For USO Club Variety Of Entertainment Will Be Provided For Service Men At t USO During Coming Week Following is the program for the next week at the Southoort USO Club: Thursday, June 25th: Motion picture "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,"; Friday, June 26th, same program; Saturday, June 27th, club night. (Continued On Page Four) S 1 To Search Scrap Rubber of us comDared with the am ount of real good that every individual can do by taking that unusable rubber on his premises to his filling stations this week. Our President has requested that all rubber be collected before July 1 and every farmer as well as every citizen is asked to search diligently and take all old automobile tires, .innertubes, rubber shoe soles, rubber heels, rubber mats, rubber hose, old hot water bottles, rubber raincoats or any article that contains rubber regardless of how small the amount might be, for it will be the small contributions of millions of patriotic Americans that will make this rubber drive the success needed to supply our Army and Navy and Civilian Defense with the necessary rubber that must spell victory, r pil nmunity 942 PUBLIS1 Collect 35,200During First V R. D. White, Of Shallotte, Drive For Collection C The Gov< A record of more than two pounds of scrap rubber for each of the 17,125 persons in Brunswick county was compiled during the first week of the drive as the public cooperated onehundred percent with the filling station operators and officials in charge of the program. K. D. White, of Shallotte, was named county chairman, and on Saturday afternoon was able to report to state headquarters that 35,200-lbs of scrap rubber had been collected and paid for by gasoline dealers throughout Brunswick. The good work has continued during the early part of this week, and it is reasonable to expect the final total to go above the 50,000-lb mark. Various sources of rubber have been found, but one of the most nusual is the channel Two Importan In Ratioi * Proposes Bounty On Enemy Fish I Annoyed by the presence of too many garfish In the waters of Orton pond, Jim Ferger, the plantation manager, told a friend this week that he planned to pay sportsmen a bounty of $2.00 on each garfish they caught. The friend, with some knowledge of garfish and of the 1,300 acre pond, told Jim that he might be letting himself in for a lot of trouble at $2.00 per head. There are probably thousands of garfish In the pond, and if anyone went seriously about the business of catching them, it would take a mint of money to pay the bounty. Shallotte Man Passes Sunday R. L. Bland, Of Shallotte, Is Laid To Rest Monday Afternoon At The Pearce Cemetery R. L. Bland, 72-year-old resi dent of Shallotte, died Sunday | night at Dosher Memorial Hospital, victim of a stroke which he suffered several days prior to his death. The deceased was a native of this county, and was a prominent farmer in his home community. His wife preceeded him to the grave several years ago. One brother, Joe Bland, of Ash; and four sisters, Mrs. Amanda Parker, Mrs. George Williamson and Miss Nettie Bland, of Shallotte, and Mrs. Dan Smith, of Ash, also survive. Funeral services were conducted at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon at Pearce cemetery at Shallotte with Rev. W. G. Lowe in charge. Active pallbearers were J. S. Parker, E. V. Gore, Ernest Parker, George Smith, Morton Parker and A. H. Parker. Auto Stamps On Sale For Owners Possession Of Federal Automobile Stamp Will Be Required Before Registration For New Gasoline Card Collector of Internal Revenue Charles H. Robertson is again calling attention to the fact that auto use stamps in the denomina-j tion of $5.00 were placed on sale in all postoffices and offices of Collectors of Internal Revenue on Wednesday, June 10. The stamps will be serially numbered, will be gummed on the face, and will have provision on the back for entry of the make, model, serial number and State license number of the vehicle. It is important that these stamps be ' purchased promptly, as possession of the auto use stamp with the serial number printed on it will be one of the necessary means of identifying the coupon book with the vehicle for which it was purchased in the securing of gasoline in the gasoline-rationed areas. Every owner of a motor vehicle which is used upon the highways should call at his local postoffice or at the office of the Internal (Continued On Page Four| Most Of The News All The Time ====== ===== $1.50 PER YEAS District Agent Visits In County With Home Agt. Together They Made Investigation Of Possibilities For Producing Food And Preserving For Future Use SEE GOOD PROSPECT FOR HOME CANNING Not Only Are Gardens Plentiful, But There Appears To Be Sentiment Favoring Conservation Mapping out a continuance of the gardening work with plans for year-round production of foodstuffs instead of just during the spring and summer. Miss Genevivie Eakes, home demonstration agent, had the assistance of Miss Veina Stanton, district agent, from State College, last week. Miss Eakes and Miss Stanton attended the Agricultural Workers Council at Bolivia and the home demonstration club meeting at Leland. The balance of the time was spent in conference with leaders among the farm women in several of the communities. Miss Eakes says that the spring and summer months have brought a splendid production of vegetables and fruits, much of which has already been canned. With a continuance of the good production weather throughout the summer and fall months, the coming of winter will see all records broken with the amount of fruits and vegetables processed by the farm women of the county. It is beir.g pu.nceu out that the matter of conserving foodstuffs is not stopping short of rural residents. The number of town and village residents who are engaged ,0T KED EVERY WEDNESDAY Lbs Rubber i Veek Of Drive Is County Chairman For )f Scrap Rubber For jrnment of the river near the town of Shallotte. It seems that the kids have made it a habit of long standing to get a head start and roll old tires into the Shallotte river to see who could make the biggest splash. Now 1 those same youngsters are just as enthusiastic about digging the tires out of the mud at ] low tide, to fishing for them at othef times with alligator hooks. These tactics doubtless contributed to the fact that the Coast Road Service Stataion led all other places in the county in Saturday's report with 9,000 lbs. At Bolivia Elmore's Garage was the central collecting place, and 8,500-lbs were collected there. Elbert Kirby's store at Supply was the cen- ! ter for that community, and 4,900-lbs were reported. t Changes ning Program Change Made In Value Of Stamp No. 5 in War Ration Book, But Provision Made To Have It Last Longer Period NEW GASOLINE DATES GIVEN' Extend Time For Present Gasoline Ration Card To July 22; Registration Begins July 9th Two announcements of interest have been received during the first two days of this week by the Brunswick County Rationing Board. The first is that stamp No. 5 in War Ration Book No. 1 is good for the purchase of two pounds c? sugar between June 28th and July 25th; and that stamp No. 6 in War Ration Book No. 1 is good for the purchase of two pounds of sugar between July 26th and August 22nd. It will be noted that while the purchase value of each of these two stamps has been doubled, the period for which they must serve aiso nas oeen aouoiea, uius giving them the same comparative value as was assigned the first four stamps. The other announcement has to do with gasoline. Motorists will have to use their present gasoline ration card until July 22 instead of July 15, as had been previously announced. The period for registration also has been moved up to July 9-10-11 instead of holding it on July 1-2-3 as had previously been announced. A representative of the Brunswick County Ration Board wishes to remind persons desiring sugar for home canning that there is no deadline, so far as is now known, for making application for this sugar. However, when application is made, the information should be provided to show the names and number of persons in the family, together with the total number of quarts of fruit canned last year, and an estimate of this year's canning of fruits. Says Urgent Need For Stenographers Examinations Being Held Daily At Customhouse In Wilmington To Secure Girls To Fill Vacancies The Civil Service Commission is urgently in need of stenographers and typists to fill positions in Washington, D. C. To meet this need, arrangements have been made to give examinations for these positions daily in Room 225, Customhouse, Wilmington. These examinations will begin at 9:30 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. All applicants must be 18 years of age, and must bring their own typewriters to the examination. Because of the national emergency, qualification requirements have been lowered. The basic salary for typists and stenographers is $1440 per annum. All persons who may be able to qualify should make arrangements to take the examination as soon as possible. This is an excellent opportunity for beginning a career with the Federal Government. Appointments will be made effective almost immediately to those who pass the examination. in saving foodstuffs this year has increased ever previous years. Summer and fall gardens ift Brunswick will be plentiful and; in many cases, the efforts will extend right on through the winter, as far as possible. With this county having one of the longest growing seasons of any section of the state, and with very mild winters, when winter comes, something or other in the way of foodstuffs can be in process of making the whole year-round in the gardens and on the farms. Honor Ancestor Of Bolivia Lady U. S. Destroyer Will Be Named For Captain Ottoway Burns, Famous Captain Of War Of 1812 Mrs. George Cannon has received a letter from her uncle, Alex Canady, of Denmark, S. C., telling of his invitation to the laying of the keel of the torpedo destroyer, "Otway Burns," on May 9th at the Savannah ship yard. Mr. Canady will also make the trial trip on the destroyer. Captain Otway Burns, for whom the boat is named, was a privateer of the War of 1812 and was in command of the "Snapdragon" which worried the British during the course of the war. Capt. Burns was the maternal grandfather of Mr. Canaday and great-grandfather of Mrs.. Geo. Cannon, of Bolivia. The May 2nd, issue of The State Magazine carried an article on Burnsville and a picture of the (continued on page four) Tide Table Following is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These hours are approximately correct and were furnished The State Fort Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide TIDE TABLE ~~ Thursday, December 28 0:51 a. m. 7:16 a. m.( 1:10 p. m. 7:38 p. m' Friday, December 26 1:44 a. m. 8:19 a. m. 2:06 p. m. 8:33 p. ah Saturday, December 27 2:89 a. m. 9:16 a. no. 3:04 p. m. 9:24 p. m Sunday, December 28 3:3b a. m. 10:08 a. a 4:01 p. m. 10:11 p. m Monday, December 28 4:30 a. m. 10:57 s. m 4:55 p. m. 10:57 p. ? nr J . L AA x ue?u24y, ueccuiuvr ov 5:19 a. m. 11:44 a. ? 5:43 p. m. 11:43 p. ttt Wednesday, December 34 6:01 a. m. M6:26 p. m. 12:30 pt " > b