jje Pilot Covers iwnsw'ick County fffBTEHT wo. 2 jnaland Case j [gds Here When. K0| Pros Taken tr JuTge Of Bruns5 County Recorder. *rt Required To ReliU from Office As Of fv 30. 1942 iiPLiES WITH * THIS JUDGMENT Growing Out Of In "Lnij Are Dropped i. Consideration Of This Action , pros was taken by the '/the 20 bills of Indictment Lf Walter M Stanaland last ' ,,v upor. condition that 'Zir judge of the Brunsr;;:.,tv Recorder's court re- , that office and upon ( 'vther condition that he pre; claim against Brunswick ; a for back salary, h Drought to an end a case . rtch there was tremendous l- interest and one which . miiA for a time last Wedrj" morning to bring forth , sensational developments. Ljing is the judgment rendito Judge Leo Carr, who pre Her the two weeks Septeminr. of court. -s cause coming on for trial jJaj heard by the undersignand it appearing to the p that the defendant has re- ( (This office as Recorder for 1 .-urine the present term of I office which expires the first i ksv in December, 1942 and I further agreed not to make , cam against the County of jjtick for back salary for (M by him from May 20, C until the first Monday in ( ax- 1942: ' toi the Court having heard a ^ W pernor, of the evidence and ( k of the opinion and finding II fit: that the public interest . A * test served and the ends ^ i,? will be met by the entj if the judgment hereinafter j B St: j H i therefore, in considers- t i * oe aloicoiiu agreemen'. ^ i testation, ordere-i. adjudg-l. DC decreed by the ijourt that ' Biraciial actions against the I defendant. Walter M. StanaI in directed to be and are Bj Ml prosed." It the County Commissioners j Htwswick cov ty. South port, ;C ' 1 hereby ter er to you gentletny resignation as Judge of , I scorde 's court of Bruns- . B wintv. effective as of May! -12 'or the unexpired term'. ' I m now holding." fc\g the term six divorces f granted: Delores Agnes 1 Moore from James Patrick ; e: Ruby Morris from Ru- ; ft Morris: Alma L. McCain vs. ; t S. McCain: Alfonso J. Green ! James L. Green: Robert W. vs Hazel B. Holden. j Bellamy was convicted on I? of burglary and was giv- ; years. tiy bong was given 12 this judgment being su- 1 upon condition that the;; tat remain of good behavior j' years, during which period.' s t0 be on probation. 1 *a avil action Man ley M.,1 w Vs Concordia Fire Insur-i ?? the court denied the de-'i ^ is motion to re-tax the, jY'a!? ''!CC Gwyn vs. W. ; e my was continued by conk action of O. W. Messick ? Hern and J. P. Hand it 1 ".'Mged that the plaintiff : ^ r 810.59 and interest from ' teu from fbe former. A Hi-/ nor''sult was taken as Uwood Farmer passes Suddenly Pjj Harrelson, 57, Propent Long wood Farmer I .,(d Suddenly On Satur- ( 1 jFuneral Rites Sun1 I pOR city. Sept. 24.?Fun-, trices for Donald Harreltj'' prominent Longwood, P^ck county farmer, were C-T.qay afternoon at 2:30 F* at the Longwood Baptist L; Burial was in Garrell' ?t Iron Hill. I KT Harrelson, former Kpm longwood church, tc I were J. W. Joyncr, SJ^rrcison, Leon Mills, Alec. C,. '"s BarnhiU. Dr. J. A. F ^coll? and Harold StephI Hj 1 F, Harrelson died suddenly KJ* morning at 1:30 o'clock K* * Heart attack. | paued on Page Two) 1 TH1 4 FATHER / 'IfyV ' to the Captain of the Port Coast Guard Service. His on so in the Coast Guard, ha1 severaJ months ago. Dave Ross Giv Governi ???- \ Chairman Of Brunswick County Board Elections Defines Rules To Be Followed By Service Men DCTOBER FOURTH IS OPENING DATE Ml Regulations In Regard To Casting Ballot Furnished In Statement From Ross "Due to the fact that so many >f the voting populace are in the irmed forces, in defense work or iway from his or her voting pre:incts engaged in private industry. it is the duty of the members of such persons' immediate family to see that the proper applications are gotten to them in tVne that they may be returned in time to be cast as absentee otes in the General Election to be held Nov. 3rd this year," said Dave Ross, chairman of the board >f elections, this week. "For this reason I am herewith citing such articles and sections 9f the absentee balloting law was passed by the General Assembly sf 1939 and which was not amended by the 1^41 session of that body. "The first requisite to voting an absentee ballot is that he or she is duly registered on the registration books of the precinct or ward in which he or she desires to vote. "The second is that a proper request in writing be delivered to the chairman of your county board of elections not before the 4th day of October or later than November the first in this present year by the voter or a member of his or her immediate family, that is to say his lawful wife, his brother, sister parent, or child only." "The .above is contained in chapter 159 of Public Laws of 1939 and sections No. 1 and No. 2. The Chairman of the county board of elections upon receipt of the proper written application shall issue the ballots with the certificate required by the application and shall either deliver to the voter in person; by mail; Dr to the members of his or her immediate family making the request for some to be mailed by them to the voter. "The voter upon receipt of same shall immediately go before an officer having an impres sion seal and, under oaui, xin m the proper forms signing them before the officer have the impression seal placed thereon and return by mail in the envelope prepared and furnished by the chairman along with the ballot for that purpose. "If a voter is in the armed forces of the United States the signature of his commanding officer or any commissioned officer of the Branch of service of which he is a member as a witness shall have the same force and effect of the jurat of an officer with a seal. "I wish further to call the attention of officer with impression seals who are called on to witness signature on absentee certificates. "Section No. 11 chapter 159 P L. 1939. "Any person authorized to administer oaths who wilfuly signs a certificate that any person has subscribed and sworn to an affidavit for use in obtaining an absent voters application as absent voters affidavit or any other purported affidavit refered to and required by the act when as a matter of fact he has not administered the oath to such person, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not (Continued on Page 2.) E ST, A Good 6-PAGES TODAY UND SON S. B. Frink, left, is assistant of Wilmington in the U. S. ly son, Malcolm, right, is airing volunteered for service res Rules ing Absentees fc Long Walk Leads i To Church Sunday i Three members of Co. A., 104th Infantry, of the 20th | Division, on Sunday morning during the wee hours were do ing outer patrol duty near ' Southport, according to Rev. F. 1 J. Hdward, local Catholic rector. They began valuing at three o'clock in the morning in order to reach Fort Caswell at 6:30 to get a Navy boat to take them to Southport to attend mass at eight o'clock. A _ in. Community hit Being Planned Women Of Town Creek Home Demonstration Club Are Purchasing Community Chest The topics of first aid and home nursing are gaining importance among the Home Demonstration Club members of this county. The Town Creek Club met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Carl | Galloway and plans for purchas' ing a community sick chest were ' formulated. Mrs. G. L. Skipper 'gave the treasurer's report and I the club voted to use money from I the treasury for buying the needed articles for the chest. Mies Sallie Betts Knox reported to the ; club her findings on the prices of the necessary articles for the chest and she was asked to make ' the purchases for the club. After the regular business of the club was completed the .Home Agent, Miss Eakes, gave a demonstration ion first aid in the home. All the club members took part in this demonstration and learned many I types of bandages, their uses and how to tie them. The hostess, Mrs. Galloway, served sandwiches, hot tea and cake. The attendance was better J than usual and all active members were present. These members are Mrs. E. V. Evans, Mrs. lOdell Evans, Mrs. Furman Gal| loway, Mrs. Carl Galloway, Mrs. D. R. Johnson, Miss Sallie Betts Knox. Mrs. W. W. Knox, Mrs. G. i L. Skipper, Mrs. Robert McDougall, Mrs. Pet Walker, Miss Bes| sie Ottoway and Miss Genevieve I Eakes. !Piano Recital At Training School There will be a piano recital given at the Brunswick County Training School Friday night, September 25, at 8:00 o'clock featuring Royel Howell, daughter ! of Rev. J. B. Howell, of St. James A. M. E. Zion Church. I The guest artist of the pro| gram will be A. R. Howell, teacher of the Brunswick County Train'ing School. I The public is cordially invited to enjoy an evening of music. [ There will be special seats for ?white patrons. Bolivia Group \ Holds Meeting The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Bolivia Methodist church entertained the parents of the# men from the com, munity who are in service with the army and navy. I An informed musical program I was enjoyed, after which the hostesses served ice cream and cake to those present ATE 1 I News paper In Southport, N. C., Wed Report Of Grand B Jury Submitted To Judge Carr Most Of Report Deals With Fil Inspection Of All The Schools Of Brunswick County INSPECTION OF PF COUNTY BUILDINGS Complete Report Made By Mi Members Of That Body V At Conclusion Of Their Investigation Follow ,ng is a report of the grand jury which met in connec- 1 tion with the current session of arj Brunswick county Superior court: hel "TO HONORABLE LEO CARR, Cri JUDGE PRESIDING: the "We the Grand Jury of the tisl September Term, 1942, Superior the Court of Brunswick County con- ' vened at the courthouse in South- ass port, North Carolina, on Monday, Ca September 14th, 1942, respectful- L. ly submitted the following report: al. "County Home: Everything in chi good condition except filler boxes po: in bath room and outer covers on oul steels in toilets needed. the "Court House: Found in good tal condition. the "County Building; In fair shape ma except for one pane of window L. glass needed in hall. > ga "Arthur Dosher Hospital: In see very good condition with the ex- Br ception of a small leak in Room in No. 7 and repairs needed to he: plumbing and doors. du Prison Camp: In good condition. I "County Jail: East rooms on he! Jower floor should put in order for occupancy. Repairs of fence {{ as recommended on a former visit not yet made. "La Savannah (Colored): In need of steps in front and one new window and five panes of glass. pi "Cedar Grove (Colored): Cords * Ti.ia in iwu wuiuuwo uivncu. -? nw pumps need repairing. "Shallotte School: A new building or an additional class-room needed. The class rooms in the old buildings are unseverable. Bus- an' ses are in good condition. About bei ten commodes need covers. th< "Leland (White) School: Cover mf of septic tank needs repairs. Outside drinking fountain in need of cla repairs. Two leaks in auditorium. "? Elutive light in fourth grade room out of order. Some provision for having water in first-grade room rcl needed. Several grates in furnace cl' need repair. 101 "Leland (Colored) School: Six me new desks needed and seven at desks in need of repair. All new toilets needed. Folding doors need. ani repair. Roof leaks all over. Two windows panes needed. "Phoenix (Colored) School; Folding-door need repairs. Two leaks in 1st grade room. Steps needed repair, New toilets need- ?r, ed. J01 "Northwest (Colored) School: Folding-doors need repair. Twen- 0 ty new desks needed and six desks need to be repaired. New Steps ^ needed. Seven brick pillars need repair. Three panes of glass need- ne ed. New toilets needed. an "Southport (Colored) School: 8 In good condition with exception of some small leaks in gymnasium need repairs. Two Or three stoves need some repairs. One window pane needed. .... J "Southport (White) School: V/ In good condition except for some slight repair need to plastering in hall. "Battle Royal (Colored) School: (Continued on Page 2.) V< E. H. Smith Is . Laid To Rest tic Southport Man Died In Do- al sher Memorial Hospital t0 Following Brief illness i Friday all E. H. Smith, 50-year-old resident of Southport, died at. Dosher Memorial Hospital Friday morning following a short illness. by Funeral services were conducted at 2 o'clock Saturday after- ic? noon from the home by Rev. A. L. Btown, assisted by Rev. R. S. Harrison. The body was then carried to Longwood for interment in the Smith family cemetery. Active pallbearers were Harry Aldridge, Butler Thompson, Lindsey Robbins, C. P. Willetts, Char- an lie Knox and James M. Harper, lh Honorary pallbearers were C. Ed ra Taylor, J. W. Ruark, F. L. Lewis, W Fred Burris, W. T. Fulwood, R. cr C. Daniel and G. E. Hubbard. ad Surviving in addition to his wife St are the following children: Mrs. J. B. Cochran, Miss Josephine mi Smith and Dan Smith. Southport; sa and J. E. Smith, of Washington, wi His mother, Mrs. D. J. Smith, of lit Longwood, also survived, along du with two brothers and four sis* hit tern. FJ I : POR A Good Cor nesday, September aptist W.M.U. Meeting Held At Mill Creek fty-Fourth Year Of Organization Observed At Annual Meeting At Mill Creek Last Wednesday tOGRAM WAS MOST INTERESTING rs. W. D. Briggs, State V. M. U. Secretary, Was Principal Speaker; Made Impressive Talk rhe Baptist Women's Missionr Union annual meeting was d last Wednesday at Mill ;ek church. This year marks ! fifty-fourth year of the Bapt Women's Work Auxiliary tc ! Southern Baptist Convention rhe meeting was opened with lociational Superintendent, Mrs rl S. Ward, presiding. Mrs. M McRacken conducted devotion Associational officers ant lirman made very inspiring re rts. Each W. M. S. presiding tlined briefly the work done it i past year. Alt reports ant ks given had the theme o; t meeting "Lighted that w< ty Lighten," in them. Rev. A Brown, of Southport church ve a wonderful and hear irching message. Mrs. W. D iggs, state W. M. N. Secretary her message gave a heart t< irt talk after which she con cted an open conference. Next annual meeting will b< Id with Lebanon church. Victory Pig" Program Starts an Sponsored By Production Credit Association Will Be Followed Ir Brunswick rhe pigs of Brunswick, Pendei d New Hanover counties ?r< ing /T.obi'iizVU foi action i ; Axis in a "Victory Pig" move :nt being sponsored by the Wll ngton Production Credit Asso .tion, officials of the Associa n announced today. Under this plan, according t< B. Rivenbark, Association Sec Ary-Treasurer, a "Victory Bi| jb" is being organized in th< ritory with farmers becoming imbers who pledge to designati least one pig as a "Victorj j." This pig to be sold latei d the proceeds invested in Wai nds and Stamps, lohn R. Morris, President 01 : Association, declared that thii ib is open to all farmers whet r members of the Associatior not, and that farmers shoulc n in this movement to en irage the purchase of Wai nds and Stamps. 5a r men luld be willing to invest th< iceeds of one or more pigs ii nds, as their sons, brothers, 01 ighbors are in our armed forces d it is up to us to that monei provided to assure. an ampli pply of guns, tanks, planes an< ler materials essential to th< (Continued on Page 2.) aution Given On Registration iters Who Hope To B< Able To Cast Ballot Mus Be Properly Registerec In Person Dave Ross, chairman of thi unswick county board of elec ins, reminds voters that person registration is a prerequesit voting in North Carolina. "Therefore if your name is no corded in the registration book your precinct, you will not b lowed to vote in any eiectici til it is. "You cannot register by proxj mail or by telephone. "Therefore the law allows scrv ? men and others who will b (Continued on Page Two) olivia Boy Gets Promotion Hirman H. Leonard, son of Mi d Mrs. N. B. Leonard, of Bo la, has been promoted from th nk of private to corporal at th aycross Army Airport, Way oss, Ga., where he is serving a ministrative clerk in the Unite ates Army Air Forces. Lt.-Col. A. L. Schroeder. Com inding Officer of the Airpor id Corporal Leonard's promotio is based upon his soldierly qua ies and attention to militar ity. Corporal Leonard receive 9 basic training at Sheppar eld, Teaxs. T PII nmunity 23^ 1942 '? " Wells Retains As Reg ' Meeting Here Yesterday Naming Successc Annoui [ The Register of Deeds foi Brunswick county is W. S. Wells lieutenant (j. g.) in the U. S Naval Reserve on inactive duty. This statement in made in th< 1 interest of clearing up a series oi actions and counter-actions dur i ing the past week that has hat the citizens Of the county busil; debating one of the hottest issue! to come up lately in county af faiA. When Wells appeared before th< board a week ago Monday ant , asked for a leave of absence fo; I the purpose of accepting a com , mission in the navy, he asked tha his wife be named to serve dur , ing his absence, or to completi his un-expired term. This wai ( granted by a vote of two to one Chairman J. M. Roach being against this move. I As a result of the general out ] cry against this action, a specia meeting of the board was caliei , Thursday, at which time the ac J tion of the board was rescindei j as to the naming of Mrs. Wells f Basis for this action was tha , the Monday meeting had beei held at Wells' home, and that i could not therefore be considerei ? an official meeting. Miss Luc; Anderson, deputy Register o : Lumber Regu Somi County Set For State Black-Out * in TV DUVon AkoimMOn nf ?< U. Di9iiu[i? ciiaiiinaii v? 1 the Brunswick County Civilian 1 Defense Council, said today that arrangements are complete in almost every section of this r county for full cooperation with ! the state-wide blackout on 1 ne*l. Tuesday, September 29. .. The test Is scheduled for - some time between the hours of - 7:30 o'clock p. m. and 12 midnight. Chairman Bishop, Chas. M. 5 Trott, county co-ordlnator, C. - L. Alligood, commander of the ! local defense forces, and Dr. - Roy C. Daniel, chief air raid ? warden of Southport, attended ' a state meeting in Raleigh on r Wednesday and Thursday of r last week. ; B. & L. Given ; Club Membership ~r Southport Building & Loai , Association Admitted T< , Membership In U. S. Sav i ings And Loan League r The Southport Building an Loan Association was admitte this past week to membership i the United States Savings an Loan League, fifty-year old na tional business organization of th savings, building and loan assc ciations with headquarters i Chicago. It joins a group of 3 700 other institutions of its typ In as many localities which cc I operate through the League t advance the general interests c % thrift and home financing instl J tutions. | The local association will parti cipate in the League's farflun program which is now chiefl c concerned with War efforts o the institutions, incjuaing uie on mulation of War bond sales an e the financing of war housing i areas where privately finance! (. permanent housing is needed. 1 s will also have part in the League' e peacetime concerns which ir n elude continuous modernization c statutes governing and affectin savings and loan operation, meel '' (Continued on Page Two) c Southport U. i | By MRS. IDA MARSHALL Program for the week of Sej I tember 21st. We are very glad to welcom f. Mr. D. L. Scudder into our Clu i. as our new director. We hope h e will be Just as happy in the clu e as we all are. Our quiz contes went off quite successfully lai a Friday evening, about thirty boy d contesting. Tom Morgan wo high score, i- Monday evening the Servic t. Men Council will hold their rcf n ular weekly meeting in the Clu l- Room at 8 P. M. y Wednesday afternoon the wive d of the Service Men with hold the d regular weekly meeting at ti club at, 2:30, followed by a eocii .OT SHED EVERY WEDNESDAY Position ister Of Deeds Afternoon For Purpose Of >r Meets With His icement riDeeds, was appointed to fill the . | office until a successor could be . named to fill the vacancy. In the meantime there was a . 5 period of deliberation provided for f the commissioners to name a new Register of Deeds, but nothing . 1 definite had been settled by Mon- ' t day. The board adjourned with 31 the understanding that another -! special meeting be held Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of ape pointing a new officer for this 1 position. r Wells was present at the meet ing, and when he asked to be t heard before any action of the - board was made final, he wasj e granted the privilege of making s any statement he wished. Resulti, ing discussion resulted in the fol* lowing action: Wells declared that he had been - granted no leave of absence, that ,1 his request for one had been tied i to the request that his wife be - named his successor, and that 1 when the commissioners rescinded i. one part, they rescinded both t parts. The board had no answer n for this situation, so until such t time as Wells either resigns, or i asks for a leave of absence he y appears to have the privilege of f filling out his term of office. ilations ewhat Clarified i it 1 Latest Report Received By County Agent J. E. Dodson Gives Information Governing Farmers NO RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN USES | Clear Set Of Rules Cover ing Softwood Lumber Is { Set Forth In Late Release " "Considerable confusion has arisen in connection with the recent conservation Order M-208 re-1 striding the use of certain grades and kinds of softwood lumber," says J. E. Dodson, chairman of the Brunswick N. S. D. A. War Board. "After a very thorough study of the order, it has been interpreted to mean that the lumber restricted for use under Order M208 is available for (a) construction of agricultural buildings, other than dwellings, and (b) for the maintenance and repair of agricultural buildings, including dwellings. | "All orders for softwood lumber to be used for the purpose of (a) and (b) above will be assignl ed and automatic preference rat> ing of A-l-a, effective as of Sep. tember 7, 1942. By this we mean that the user may be extended an A-l-a preference rating byj d signing the following statement J on the purchase order for the n lumber. d "The undersigned purchaser ,- hereby represents to the seller and e to the War Production Board that i- he is entitled to apply or extend n tlje preference ratings indicated ,- opposite the items shown on this c purchase order, and that such api plication or extension is in accordo ance with Priorities. Regulation if No. 3, as amended, with the i- undersigned is familiar. "In the case of new residential! i- construction, however, the situa- j g tion is quite different for the reay son that Conservation Order Mif 208 does not provide an autoI matic preference rating for softd wood lumber to be used for this n purpose. If a person wishes to use i, any of the restricted grades of [t softwood lumber in the construcs tion of a dwelling, regardless of i- the cost of the dwelling, it will if i be necessary that application be g filed on Forms PD-200 for prioity t-' assistance to purchase such re- j (Continued on Page 2.) 1 5.0. Club News hour. )- Our movie this week both Wed\ nesday and Thursday evening at le 8:30, is "Scotland Yard," Mr. b Morgan has ;been quite busy makle ing the posters for the Street b Dance which is to be held Friday it 25th at 8 P. M. The street in it front of the club will be roped r8 off and lighted with blue lights n as well as a path leading to the club where different refreshments ,c will be served. We will have a P. good orchestra and everyone is b welcome. Next Sunday evening at 9:30 ;s | the movie is "The Ten, ComIr mandments" will be shown at the ie club at which every one is Weill come also. Most Of The News Ail The Time $1.50 PER YEAR ?=====^ Service Corps Development Is Next On Program ?:? This Undertaking Has Been Set Up As An immediate Goal For Civilian Defense Forces In North Carolina PURPOSE IS TO PLACE EVERYONE Effort Will Be Made To Determine Type Of Volunteer Service For Which Applicants Are Useful The next development in Civil-' ian Defense will be the organization and training of a Citizens Service corps, according to E. D. Bishop, chairman of the Brunswick County Civilian Defense Council this week. Under a general program of supplying volunteer workers for war jobs such as 'conservation, salvage, sale of war bonds and stamps, operation of home registration bureaus, transportation surveys and welfare work, the Service corps will detail specific duties to various groups of the Brunswick citizenry. Sample gfoups and jobs include:? Gardeners, Nurserymen ?training victory gardeners to prevent wasteful practices, aid in floral camouflage. Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians?teaching training courses in simple home repairs. Painters?helping to camouflage war factories, oil tanks, and other enemy targets. Machinists, Mechanics ? participating in spare time training classes for civilian, schoot, and factory groups to improve efficiency. Truck, Bus and Taxi Drivers? enlistment for duty in a system of emergency transport and information service. Retail Merchants?training sales forces to instruct people in-price control thpnrv Ipnriino* u/indnu/ - I displays to advertisement -of civilIan defense wiUa 'and civilian duties, using delivery trucks to aid in scrap collection. Sales Clerk ? educating public to facts of price control, shortages, rationing, and conservation;. volunteering for civilian defense office work, information booths, and the like. Accountants, Stenogiaphers, Clerks ? signing up for volunteer record-keeping jobs in various community agencies, hospitals, health centers, housing units, and similar organizations. Bankers ? aiding in community" fund-raising campaigns and with public speaking bureau. Grocers, Butchers ? helping in plans for emergency distribution of food, and co-operation with growers, dairymen, cattlemen, and truckers. Domestic Help ? joining nutrition and home nursing classes for service with soldier canteens or day nurseries that will be established for children of war workers. Salesmen, Canvassers ? interviewing applicants for volunteer jobs, helping in surveys of all . types. Other duties have been mapped and arc available at civilian defense headquarters for teachers, clergymen, doctors, nurses, librarians, lawyers, musicians, artists, architects, social workers, actors, engineers, photographers, and men and women in every skill, or trade, or profession in the community. In its finished form, the Citizens Service corps is scheduled to utilize the services of every avail- |> able Brunswick resident to further the war effort, and to preserve unity at home. Regulation Limits Speed To 40 Miles Patrolmen Instructed to Report All Offenders To The OP A; Offenders Will Likely Have Trouble Getting More Gas Corporal W. W. Carraway, of the highway police patrol of N. C. calls attention to the federal regulation providing a maximum speed limit for motorists over the entire nation of 40 miles an hour. He pointed out' that the speed law remains the same, emphasizing that this is an OPA regulation which limits speed to 40 miles per hour, but highway patrolmen have instniet?r? to ronArt any violators of this regulation to the OPA office in Raleigh, which in turn will notify the local rationing boards in each cdunty. In all probability, violaters (those who exceed the speed limit) will "have difficulty'in getting addition(Continued on Page 24. A

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