PAOE 2 Mrs. Taylor /s Club Hostess Mrs. Edwin Taylor was hostess to the Winnabow Home Demonstration Club Thursday. September 17th. The meeting was presided over by the president. Mrs. Lee Kve. The group repeated together the invocation and sang "Cod; Bless America." After the discus-1 sion of the business the agent gave a demonstration 011 first aid in the home. Refreshments were served by the hostess to those attending, who were: Mrs". Clifton Cumbce. Miss Kate Johnson. Mrs. Let Kye, Mrs. Jack Potter. Miss Bertha Reid. Miss Josie Rcid, Mrs. E. W. Taylor, Mrs. Lyman Robinson. Mrs. Gilbert Reid. Mrs. Sudie Cumby. Mrs. Harvey Wallace. Miss Nellie Willetts and Miss Eakes. The meeting adjourned to meet in October with Mrs. Jack Potter. HOME COMING Town Creek Baptist church at ] Winnabow will observe their first j Home Coming Day. the first Sun H- CHAUFFEUR Ci /)/firv /rnnn f.vfpgv in lite' b if ft bi(/ bottle. Pep si-Cola is made only by Pepsi Cola Con Authorized Bottler: J. \V. Jai HBF .. m }1 m Mul< FOR \ We have se Load will arrive lected Mules air find ? They an for work. See tl -CA W.F. ' L _ " _ day in October, with dinner on | the ground. All former pastors, i c members and friends are invited. | ti lets all attend and have a good p time together. E Rev. Walter Phelps is pastor a of the church at this time. If I b Calabash Club Meeting Held On Saturday the Calabash Home a Demonstration club Ijad its recreational meeting at the home h of Mrs. Emma Dellinger in Little ! River, s. i_. a picnic supper was 4 spread, after which those at-1 tending enjoyed playing Chinese checkers, active games and sing-1 ing. Twenty-one were present. V j ti Mrs. Dresser Is ? Club Hostess c '?' Those attending the Leland |r: Home Demonstration Club meet-!,r ing Tuesday, September 15th, | ^ were Mrs. Lee Blake, Mrs. Neil| Kines. Sr., Mrs. Neil Hines, Jr., j is Mrs. G. A. Lossen, Mrs, John j c( Phelps, Mrs. Harry Branch, Mrs. | ai K. B. Dresser, the hostess and ir Miss Genevieve Eakes. j ai ar r>pony, Long Island City, N. Y. W; cksoii Beverage Co. *.i!>r b lier Car j f ss & Mi <(a "|K ^ * ?!* ) ~,fy I 'OUR SELEC * ?.4> ' vernl on hnnti now nnc Wednesday. These are d Horses and are as go e strong and blocky, bri lem before you ti ade. SHorTERN Cox Fum TABOR CITY, N. C. THE ? >. **. > ^ After repeating the collect of , lub women and a musical selec- I ion, Mrs. Dresser, the president; resided over the business. Miss lakes conducted a lesson on first-' id at which time those attending arned how to tie some of the | andages which are most likely j be needed in a home. The use of Thrift-T-Lids was; emonstrated. The hostess served grape juice nd home made cookies. The October meeting will be J' eld with Mrs. Ernest Peterson. -H PAGEANT tc HELD IN COUNTY J Annual Field Day was held at J /illard Test Farm last Thursday, j i the afternoon a pageant was iven by some of the 4-H club . lembers of Brunswick, Wayne, | uplin, Pender and New Han- j cer counties. The pageant port- " lyed how 4-H members are do- j1 ig their part in National De- j1 nse. i1 I S Other than the good work that j. being done by the Brunswick j1 )unty 4-H Club girls in the Food ' id Feed Program, many are tak- a ig Red Cross First Aid courses, re playing a great part in the tlvage campaign for scrap meftal, H jper, and rubber. 4-H Club mem-!a rs are showing a wonderful js lirit of co-operation in the de- u nse program. 0 e Sunday School ; Lesson ' - a By GROVER C. PHILLIPS BENNETT, N. C. (Lessori for Sunday, September t r, 1942. Text: Genesis 45: 1-15; r: 11, 12). h In the person of Joseph, we n id an outstanding example of agnamious living. A more touch- jj g scene could not be inagined n an the revealing of himself to e s brethren (Genesis 45: 1-4). j jj istead of having the spirit of' j, iolintinn 1 C> urnillrl ollVlAot OnV , _ lailaiiuii, uo vruuiu uuuvot un^i , g her person, Joseph's thought! c, as of saving life, of making rich' j, id full for those who had so g ossly mistreated him a few ais before. He sent word to his 1 ther that he had selected the ? rtile land of Goshen for him and s sons, and asked that there be 0 > delay in their coming to ?ypt. Telling his brothers to ake known his position of pow- d and glory in Egypt to their fa- a er, he bade them bring all their v issessions, promising to nourish F em until the famine snould be b er (Genesis 45: 9-11). a In order to live magnanimously a le must first of all set for him- t< If a high standard of life and a rive to live up to it. Joseph' g as not afraid for anyone to look o: hind the curtain and see his rr Load 1 li si IT e e: | el e: w g ci P1 is q el I * o a b e; * ares I Sfr ' < ' -K mr- " ti HON 0 J 1 another Car ? personally seod as you can * oke and ready r t II ISi. Co. ' STATE PORT PILOT, SOU! Consider Lime 4s ' O Land Requisite!! Zardwell Stresses Import- ^ ance Of Liming Land, Es- . pecially Now With The ]v War Program ^ By BUY A. CARDWEIX C. L. General Agricultural Agt. j For Increased profit opportuni:ies and for war purposes, it is >f importance, particularly at this 1 ime, ' that farmers increase |' rields of most crops. In this con-! lection, they are told how to do > his in a very recent Clemson Ag- 1,1 icultural College publication, Cirular 218, July from which I am ' jriefly quoting: j j Soil acidity is a shackle on tj. South Carolina agriculture, mak- jng it almost impossible to deve- (j op a system of diversified or ivestock farming, preventing the atisfactory growth of soil-build- o{ ng crops, and reducing average: a 'ields of pastures, general crops, j( nd truck crops. in Over 80 percent of the cropind and pastures in South Caro- p ina is too acid to grow legumes nd legume and grass mixture uccessfully, and because we are ising insufficient lime materials, ej ur soils are becoming more acid very year. In order to correct his growing acidity, it would be ecessary for farmers to use ap- . iroximately 1,600,000 tons 6f lime- c' tone annually. Our present an- fl, ,ual use of lime material is only! q bout 10 percent of the tonnage eeded. If South Carolina agricul- [ ure is to prosper, there must be substantial increase in the lime'. onnage used ahnually. Generally speaking, farmers ave been slow to include a defiite liming program in their E arming operations. This attitude! rc 5 due to several reason: (1) Im-i rediate results cannot be observd, (2) functions and value of ^ me are not fully understood, (3) | r? tadequate facilities for hauling j nd'spreading, (4) dependence on! ^ ommercial fertilizers alone, (5)!"' labiilty to finance a liming pro- F ram. 1 , L< A liming program will not olve all problems, but liming is ? le first step that is essential to ontinued profitable farming. Lime j i the key to diversification. j a* South Carolina soils are very j ]a eficient in phospates, and avail-! wi ble phosphates for crop use are be itally affected by soil reaction, pi hosphates are most available isi etween pH 5.5 and pH 7.5, while bove or below this range they' Oi re partly fixed by other ma- isl srials in the soil, and are less en vailafcle for plant use. The poor ? roiVth which plants often* make n very acid soils may be due as rnch to phosphate starvation as > any other cause. Lime and hosphate go hand in hand. t)n some of our very acid soils ; is often necessary to apply rcitively large amounts of lime, rhich sometimes causes potassium ) become less available. However, tch conditions can be easily corseted by applying potash fertizers. Calcium, magnesium, and potas ium are the principal basic ele- j lents which are known to be j ssential to plant growth. These [ lements are found to a certain Ktent even in acid soils, otherwise plants would not be able to row in soil below pH 7.0. Calium is the chief element of imottance in lime materials, and i often, referred to as lime. The uantity of calcium available for rop use increases sharply with icreases in pH. The relative vailability of magnesium is simiir to that of calcium. "Sand rown" of tobacco, "red rust" of Dtton, "streaking" in the leaves f corn, and the lack of normal j Dior in other plants are some-; mes evidences of insufficient vailable magnesium. Such troules ordinarily occur in very acid mdy Soils. A few crops, such as watermelons and strawberries, aparently require very little basic lements and make a satisfactory rowth at low pH levels. Tobaco and Irish potatoes are usually rown on relatively acid soils, ut this is done to control disases which are favored by lime, lost crops demand a fair supply f basic elements and make their est growth when the soil is on* f slightly acid. mer, personal life. The achievelent of magnanimous living is, hen, the achievement of personal haracter. One can never rise bove the high water mark of his wn ambitions. In his boyhood oseph had set the standard of igh service to God and his fel>ws, and during all his life that as his goal. How well he atlined it is sacred history. If you rould get most out of life, there oust be no half-way ground beween the low plane of sinful liv ig and tne nign purpose 01 King- [ FARM MO^ 1 Should Be r*.. At > FARMERS' ' Roland Simm^ A Service Station | ash, n. c. I HPORT, y. c. om service. Not only must we be true to urselves in our attitude toward fe, but also in our attitude to-ard wrong and evil. In the uiiding of strong character there in be no compromise with evil, i Joseph's life the line between ght and wrong living was cleardrawn. By adhering to the true ay of life, he became more and lore strong to resist the appeal r evil and it was easy to live ght. Magnanimous living demands lat we be true to others. Our res may be above the smaller lings of the world below us and e may avoid the differences and lisunderstandings that lead to ivyihg and strife. And we must ive the spirit of forgiveness, emember the words of the Lord isus: "If ye forgive not men ieir trespasses, neither will your ather forgive your trepasses" tatt. 6: 15). In Joseph we find ie spirit of big-heartedness to-. ard others, as well as the spirit forgiveness. In this Joseph is type of the Lord Jesus Christ. [ sus' life is the world's outstand-1 g example of unselfish living. He j ?. EGULATION LIMITS SPEED TO 40 MILES (Continued from page 1) gasoline quotas or tire quotas ther. The patrolmen are likewise inructed to report all persons mvicted of drunken or reckless iving, as well as taxicabs found lerating more than 25 miles om their home tiase, to the' PA, and these offenders will | so likely run into difficulty ( ith their rationing boards. ONGWOOD FARMER PASSES SUDDENLY (Continued -from page 1) He was the son of the late lijah and Patience Garrell Harlson. Surviving are* his widow, Mrs. irah Mills Harrelson, three lughters, Mrs. Helen Barnhill, rs. Martha Barnhill and Mary ose Harrelson, all of Longwood,, id two sons. Mclver, of Long- j ood. and Donald, Jr., of San 1 rancisco, Calif.; one sister. Miss ;ila Harrelson, of Tabor City, j AUTION GIVEN ON REGISTRATION (Continued From Page One) vay from home during the regur Registration period to register ith the chairman of the county lard of elections at any time ior to the opening of the regtration period. "The registration books open :tober 10th and close to regtration October 24th of this caldar year. B T) D w Tol ... And Can S< BRING U< AND WE WII U ' Thi We have h< one and all. W son. Our marl by that date. f < "VICTORY PIG" PROGRAM STARTS (Continued from page 1) winning of this war. Although sponsored by the Production Credit Association, the movement has the backing of the County Agents, Vocational Teachers, and other agricultural leaders. "The Victory Pig Plan," Mr. Rivenbark said, "is not only a patriotic movement, but also a good business deal for farmers. It encourages the production of pork aat a. time when pork is needed 'so badly; it encourages farmers to save and set up financial reserves for the future; and it encourages the purchase of War Bonds." B. & L. GIVEN CLUB MEMBERSHIP (Continued From Pafee One) ing tHe challenge of public housing by putting home-owner credit on a sounder and more practical basis, and progressive elevation of the standards for appraisal of residential real estate. REPORT OF GRAND JURY SUBMITTED TO JUDGE CARR (Continued from "Page One) A new pump needed. Heaters needs repairing. Four joints of stove pipe and two elbows, one of which adjustable needed. Porch floor in need of repairs. "Nevassa (Colored) School: Roof needs repair. One new door step. Windows need new cords about ten panes of glass, 7 in single and five double desks needed. "Chapel Road (Colored) School: Roof in need of repair. One additional pump needed. Fifty new desks needed. Four new toilets required. Library needs to be completed. "Pine Level (Colored) School: In need of two new heaters. Two new "toilets needed. "Waecamaw (White) School: Both school buildings in good conditions. All busses in good condition except No. 38 which is in shop. "Bolivia School: All buildings in gpod condition, as are all busses and all drivers are certified. "Longwood (Colored) School: Buildings is generally in hat! condition. Five locks on doors are needed. One bad leak by stove flue. Thirteen ?window cords are broken. New desks needed. Need three black-board. Porch floor and steps need repairing. "Little Prong (Colored) School: Building is in good condition. Royal Oak (Colored) School: Building is in good condition. "Piney Grove (Colored School: LAIR and LAI and FRANK 1 arehouse ARE STIL bacc o ..." v. - V?r :11 Yours Any Day > THE BAL/ LL MAKE SATISF ink You Fi id a most successfi re are looking forw (et will close Frida rHANK YCfU. . . I , 1 WE ~ - : I Four new windows needed in first grade room. A leak in this room needs repair. Hole broken in beaver-board back of stage. Two | windows needed in advanced jroom. Steps need repairing. 1 "Numoer of true bills returned. "Number of not true bills re-, turned. "The following magistrate's re-: [ports returned: James T. White," | M. S. Ganey, A. W. Smith. I.. H.' Phelps, E. H. Gray, G. F. Ganey, Coy Formy Duval, H. Foster J Mintz, Elliot Tripp. M. H. Watts, I J. B. Ward, not reported, and C. ' ' O. Blanton, not reported. "Signed ARMSTRONG EVANS, "Foreman j "G. W. LENNON. j "Secretary" n . Lumber Regulations Somewhat Clarified (Continued Fro.n Page 1) | [ stricted grades. There, it is sug- j gested that, wherever possible, the I non-restricted grades of softwood j i lumber be used in the construe- j j tion of dwellings. "It should be kept in mind, I ; however, that in no case may con[struction be begun on (a) dwell-1 j ings estimated to cost more than 1 [ S2Q0 or, (b) "on-farm" buildings. I j other than dwellings, estimated to [ ""Qf oveess of SI.000 without' LWOV < , I W. B, & S. R^ I Announces A N I Brunswick ? Freight trucks will be dpera I Wilmington, taking care of all I warehouse at 715 Chestnutt S I Wilmington, from which point f I ted for daily shipment to Winna I Southport and the Section Base Shipments made to Wilming I route and delivered consignee tl I tention to furnish these points I and it will be a pleasure to disci I along this line at any time. Call I mil MiwrTOW 1 I WJiLimnuiuiic i I SOUTHERN R) I Phone 2-1255 I WILMING1 TANE MOTL HAYES ...Al " -' ... * . " ?Whitevil L SELLING o Hi You Come To Marl iNCE OF YO 'ACTORY SALES I n armer trier d season and we wa rard to serving you < ly, Sept. 25, so try I '.PNESDAY, SEPT. 23, \<M first fili'':tainlng *!>- ' begin construction on the mM from the Wai Dave Ross Gives Ru!;; Governing Absent 1 (Continue '1 less than ($100.00 dollars or 1 than sixty I the discreti I That all ca I the election may a 1 selves with the I ers where by I may he obtaii 1 ashing that th ' B in the St I newspap''1 1 to give - ;|S ' 1 possible. 1 ~C1-KAN T.M I pf Before You PUT 'FM UP! SOUTH PORT CLEANFRS SOUTHPORT, N. C. lILROAD CO, ew Service For Countv:? ?/ ted daily between Shiilutt-.' -r.i intermediate point - WV.i. a trect. I Telephone No. 2-1255) reight outbound veil; h. ., !! -,. bow, Bolivia. Supp'y. Sh i!! '>. at Fort Caswell. ton will be picked up ! ::e :h he following day. It : '!; with quick satisfac'iy iss any contemplated us if we can be of service. BRUNSWICK & MLROAD CO, 715 Chestnult St. PON, N. c. BY r lie igh tat I UR CROP :0R YOU!! ids: nt to thank you I I MAvf C PAm S again iicai ^v. to finish selling

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