Page 2 The State Port Pilot Southport, N. C. Published Every Wednesday james fct. harper, jr Editor (On Leave of Absence, In U. S. N. R.) Entered as second-class matter April 20, 1928, at the Post Offi>-e at Southport, N. C., under the Act of March 1879. subscription rates ONE YEAR $1-50 SIX MONTHS 1.00 ; THREE MONTHS 75 Wednesday, February 28, 1945 , i Sport Pishing Possibilities The fame of the Flori da citrus crop extends throughout the United States. Everywhere it is regarded a wonderful golden harvest, piling .up wealth "" """ll "c -fo mo the war. Not only that, we will soon see the beginning of preparations and plans to look after these thousands. iThe friendly co-operative spirit of Brunswick county people has always .been recognized. It may mean everything now to extend that spirit to its fullest toward people who come seeking to develop the things to which we have always paid scant attention. Do The Same Thing Here Several years ago the State of Louisiana put several boats into service, surveying for new shrimping grounds all (along the Louisiana coast. As one result of that survey more than ten of the largest shrimp trawlers in North Carolina left Southport and have since been engaged in fishing in the new waters off Louisiana. They have been there eight years and will stay there. \ The coast of Brunswick on the lower North Carolina coast is, apparently, the only commercial fishing grounds for shrimp in North Carolina. All of the fishing is done one to three miles off shore and the season is noticably short because of the fact that the shrimp move fuifher offshore at times. Just how far they go and in what grounds they congregate is a matter of conjecture, but it is believed that a survey would reveal them as existing in great numbers at points 5 to 25 miles offshore. Fishermen at Southport and all along the coast of Brunswick to Little River, S. C., are getting bigger and better {15 I'll ciO muiv. Very few people realize that Florida * has another great source of wealth and * attraction. That is sport fishing. Kip -Farrington, Wall Street broker and * sportsman, is our authority for that Bstatement that sport fishing carries infto the state of Florida more money . than the entire citrus crop brings. And everybody benefits; hotels, ^hoarding houses, moving picture shows, - food places, supply houses, all take in t leir share and it circulates. Not only Kip Farrington but other ^nationally known sport fishing authorities have repeatedly said that the Brunswick county, North Carolina, coast has great and undeveloped resources in the. way of sport fishing. . Southport has access to Frying Pan "Shoals where dolphin, amber jack bar' racuda and other medium size fish -abound. It also has access to the waters - where marlin and sailfish abound for 1 many months each year, if not for the v. hole year round. Not just Southport, but the whole of the Brunswick coast offers a won derful attraction to the sportsman. They were beginning to come when the war stalled. When the war ends they will come in great numbers. The coast of Brunswick is the halfway point between New York and Florida?halfway in distance and climate hut all the way in the sport fishing it can provide. Before the war stalled spoilsmen . from Maryland, Washington, D. C., K. Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and other states were just beJ!g nning to find Southport and the Brunswick coast. Only a month before Pearl Harbor a large group of spoils writers gathered here and were planning to do some plugging for the development of spoil fishing. Pearl Harbor knocked out their plans for the time being, but this section of Carolina has always been kept in mind. Unknown to Brunswick county people, another powerful development agency has been* quitely looking over things. New Yorkers, who usually know what is what regarding matters with money making and spoil providing potentialities, have been setting themselves up as a post-war planning board. Spoil fishing will draw thousands to the lower North Carolina coast after * ; THE SI boats, craft capable of going a great distance offshore and staying there Until they load. Will these boats also have to go to Louisiana because of the fact that the State of North Carolina has never done anything to develop commercial fishing on the lower coast? A request is now being made of the North Carolina Department of Conserv- = ation and Development to assign a good ! sized boat or boats at Southport to !i ! maJ<e a survey of the offshore waters ^ j along the coast of Brunswick and locate ri new shrimp trawling grounds. This is one thing that the State Planning ^ Board could and should undertake. j, b We Must Do Something Here " Few Southport or Brunswick county li people realize the opportunities we ? have to gain additional desirable residents. This applies to both town and country as inquiries regarding farms and places for stock raising are numIS1 erous. For homes for sale, houses and n apartments for rent or lease and for e hotel accommodations the inquiries o] come in every day. h( These inquiries are not entirely pas- s sed up as an effort is made to supply all requested information. * To give some indication of the nature d< of the inquiries, two of several letters n 1 1 rlnvino' fhp thst naye ocen icucivcu uuim6 w*<w ^ past week are being used here. Ob- ia viously, we cannot publish the names ?' of the writers. The letters are simply SJ printed verbatum, with the names of the writers omitted: v I would like to know about the hotels or boarding house facilities ir at Southport. I have in mind your. w locality for a vacation for a person ^ who needs a rest and change from a. overwork. a I should like to know something w about Southport and Smith Island. The signature to the above was that u of a prominent Asheville physician. The letter, as the one below, is on file and may be seen by any one inter- e< ested. * f i /! ti I am a retired business man of independent financial means and jointly with my wife I would like to locate permanently in a small tt sea-coast town around Southport. Therefore, I shall be very much te obliged if you could give me some H " - tt idea in tni5 matter ao( a*^mgv ^ rentals o? a modest small furnished q apartment or house of two or three r? rooms with kitchenette and bath for year round living in a white- w peopled district, also information h! about climate, rainfall, humidity 1-0 and means of transportation. ^ When this war ends inquiries like in tlie above are going to require a lot di of attention or we will be passing up 01 a great deal that would accure to the g? benefit of Brunswick county towns, 30 communities and people. In fact, a lot be of attention is required now and few sa are sharing the burden which falls to ps the local chamber of commerce secre- 01 tary. % * r p, T/J/hi/J Pv^/f/// o r ^ i i/nyu i ? tn st; The giant carrier-borne air blow at jjj the Tokyo area by the American Navy air arm should be evaluated in larger terms than the damage it undoubtedly inflicted on ground targets. It appears to be, without much question, one of the tactical steps in the strategy of an impending amphibious operation, probably the biggest so far in the Pacific. To make possible such a landing, whether it be on the China Coast, Formosa, Japan itself, or some near island steppingstones, the American forces would first have to secure two objectives: First, unquestioned dominance over Japanese land-based air power in th enear vicinity of the planned operation. That dominance has long ago been gained in the Philippine and other island theaters remote from Japan's inner defenses but not around the home islands. Second, the4 Japanese fleet must be forced to fight and be knocked out as an effective force, or it must be determined that this fleet A: has already lost its power of defense, e; Thus the American Navy strikes at 6 J targets which the Japanese must de- jj: fend and at the same time offers targets 6: to lure the enemy's planes and ships to come out where they can be got at and |destroyed. Similar measures were 8: taken by the Allied air forces in Eu- s! rope before the Normandy landings. Bombers found the targets which the |; Luftwaffe would defend in strength and kkept at them until Germany's = fighter strength was whittled down to the point at which Allied planes were supreme in the air over the beaches. The Christian Science Monitor. {.; . \ r ?ATE PORT PILOT, SOU" WISE AND Otherwise Maxie Cooker, who is T-5 Wi ajn M. Cooker to the Arm; TOte us this week that he gel iie Pilot regularly out in the M; ianas where he is now stationei "I read every item in it and ! also read by some of my Nort arolina buddies Mere," wrol laxie. "When I read of thos ig fish and shrimp catches lakes me anxious to get bac nd start fishing again." Maxie is with an engineer ba ilion and has been overseas fc bout a year. He joined the sei ice in October,-1942. Winnabow News Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burris. c 'ewport News, Va., arrived Wet esday morning' to visit Mr lizabeth Burris. Mrs. John Vines and little soi [ Wilmington, spent Wednesda ere wiui j. v-. i'uliui anu ivuc allie Potter. Mrs. and Mrs, A. M. Frazell rid daughter, Mrs. Forest Humi rey, of Riclj'iands, spent Wedne; ?y here with Mrs. Maria Gooc tan and Miss Lillie Sandlin. Mrs. Robert McDougall and lil e daughter, Roberta Sue, sper St. week in New Bern with M: :id Mrs. E. C. Woodbury. Mri Woodbury returned with them t pend the week-end here. Mrs. John Gill of Rose Hill i isiting her sister, Mrs. D. I ohnson. Larnell Willetts, who is attenc ig Campbell College, spent th 'eek-end here with his parent.' [r. and Mrs. A. L. Willetts. Mrs. Ray Stike and little so nd Mrs. Margaret Formy Duve nd little daughter, of Wilmingtoi ere visitors here Saturday whil iroute to Bolivia to spend th eek-end with their father, Lu ler Holden. George Mcllvaine, who bee Irving overseas and who recent! rrived at Pensacola, Fla., arriv i Sunday night to spend som me here with his wife. lounty Chairman Tells hov )ur Red Cross Money Goe (Continued From Page One) lem, through the Red Cross ith interest. Volunteer Red Cros orkers have given their time t iach First Aid, Nurses Aid, am bme Nursing Classes. Many i: ie county received great per inal benefits from these classes ther families have come in di set contact with the Red Cros id its work through Mrs. Grac uark, the executive secretary hose office is in Southport. Sh is travelled all roads and by iads in this county to obtain id bring messages of importanc and from individuals concern g their family, whether the sol er was in China, Europe or ii e next state. The Red Cross is the only or inization that can contact Pri ners of War. More than eve fore we are learning the stor 3 of how the Red Cross actually .ved lives by sending P. O. W ickages of food to camps. Ii e Wilmington Star there ap ared an article, "Tar Heel Offi r Describes Resuce from Naz ison Camp by Russians," 01 ibruary 22, 1945. In the articli e officer from Winston-Salen ated: "Rations they (the Nazis; For Bett BUY & Use AGI Leading U _ _ Place Your () odelli Suppl: wtb.&s:b Southpo BUS SCI Effective J SOUTHPORT T Monday LEAVE Read Down M AM AM I'M I'M 15 7:00 9:00 4:00 6:00 Smith 45 7:30 9:30 4:30 6:30 Suppl 00 7:45 9:45 4:45 6:45 Bollvl 15 8:00 10:00 5:00 7:00 Winn 25 8:15 10:15 6:15 7:15 I.unvi 40 8:30 10:30 5:30 7:30 Wllm! SUNDAY 30 10:45 4:15 6:00 South 00 11:15 4:45 6:30 Suppl 15 11:30 5:00 6:45 Bollvl 30 11:45 5:15 7:00 Winn: 40 11:55 5:25 7:10 l.unvi 65 12:10 6:40 7:25 Wllml SOCTHFOKT 00 1:30 9:30 South 25 1:55 9:55 Mill ( 45 2:05 10:15 Winn. 00 2:20 10:30 T.anvt 30 2:50 11:00 ShipjBHAILOTTE 45 1:16 Shnlle 00 1:00 Suppl, 20 1:60 Bollvl 40 2:10 Whin. 00 2:80 I.anvt 30 8:00 Bhlpyi rHPORT, N. c, = 'provided would have broke j by starvation if it hadn't for the Red Cross parcels." , parcels were then received i ly and each day it arrive! ' men called it "Christmas I | Getting clown to bald stat there 727 Red Cross Ov< Clubs. The average numbe meals served daily in the theaters of war is 65,000. I makes an average of 2,0< 1- ( meals served each month. Y,! There were 10,800,000 food S eels packed at Red Cross Ce i- 37,500 emergency messages 3. Prisoners of War handled, " 112,700 medicine kits distribi 111 In the Home Service di\ e ; there were 3,000.00 servicemei |e families assisted and 550,000 ilies i^ceived financial assist k I The Red Cross' total exj i tures for disaster service ii 1 past 64 years has amountc ,r ?116,293,355.00. ** The Volunteer Special Sei reported 775,000,000 sui dressings have been made, 13 000 garments made and 3,24 kit bags made for servicem ,f The Red Cross has reci j.' 15,000 nurses for the Army s j Navy and now hopes to r< | more to satisfy the needs o ' services at present. ' J A great deal of foreign wa ^ i lief has been undertaken an< iS j figures which can be quote j the values of cargoes shlppe le and through the Red Cross r )_ j ed astronomical heights. Thi 5.' tal spent for foreign relie ^ ?102,969,817.42. This was sei ; over 25 diffenet countries. . | Here then, in part, is how ^! money is spent. I know your feelings a ' possibly be expressed in di Q and cents, but your generous tribution can help to express feeling of gratification. We all have a little "ego little fellow who lives insic US and varv nftnn t hrnwa r?u chest when we are complim e: with "I've heard a great '' about you" or "You're a ; 'guy" or "My you're a beai girl." Yes, we love to have ' pie give us compliments. ] ''1 nomal process and part of li c i 'But, just for a change lets t e | form that personal charm ii j real thing to be proud of no I cause of how we look or wha 11 j wear, but because of what v ^' and how we give. Your ego time is going to burst fori e full bloom because you "did best through the Red Cross.' s Captured Two Moonshine Si i, 3 Rural Policeman W. D. E j I of Waccamaw township, cap n two whiskey stills during past week. } The larger of the affairs J in the^ Grissettown section was of one hundred gallon < ? city, Two Hundred and forty r Ions of mash were seized : p with this outfit. A smallei I ga'lon outfit, was seized in " I camaw township. One hundrec e i twenty gallons of mash were en along with it. No oper were captured at either plac 1 WE HAVE GASOLIN REGULARLY - General line of Feeds r Merchandise. r DUN ROVIN' ; FARMS STORE & SERVICE STATION U. S. 17 Between ; Winnabow and Bolivi i J. O. Mintz, Opera er Results UCO The World' Fertilizer rder Now With 5LANT0N y, N. C. US LINES, Inc. rt, N. G. 3EDULES une 16, 1944 O WILMINGTON - Saturday ARRIVE Read Up AM I'M TM PM port 8:30 3:00 6:30 7:50 y 8:00 2:35 6:00 7:20 [n 7:45 2:20 4:45 7:05 ii bow 7:30 2:05 4:30 6:50 ilo 7:15 1:50 4:15 6:35 . [ngton 7:00 1:35 4:00 6:20 SCHEDULE oort 10:25 3:00 7:45 11:25 ? 9155 2:30 7:15 10:55 a 9:40 2:15 7:00 10:40 abow 9:25 2:00 6:45 10:25 fie 9:15 1:50 6:35 10:15 lugton 9:00 1:35 6:20 10:00 TO snirTARD port 9:00 5:25 1:25 'reek 8:35 5:00 11:50 ?bow 8:15 4:40 11:35 fie 8:00 4:25 11:20 ard 7:25 3:55 11:55 TO snirTAIU) lite "" 5:35 1:30 T 5:20 1:15 a 6:00 12:55 ibow 4:40 12:35 He 4:25 12:20 aid 3:55 11:55 ?> I i "been FJNANC These / week- ( 1 the CLERK OF THF istics, !rrsea* Of Brunswick C As of Ja )0,000 ' par- GENER nters, J to and Cash - ited. Waccamaw Bank & Trust Co. ision' Waccamaw Bank & Tr. Co. Ti 'fam- Trust Funds ance. Miscellaneous Accounts >endi- Advanced Coi^l Costs 'd tb? Superior Court Costs, Crimina Superior Court Costs, Civil -vices Recorders Court Costs rgicai Fees :,000,-1 10,000 j en. I uited and :cruit I f the MISCELLAb ir re-( 1 thei Babson vs. Gresham td as| Brown vs. Brown d by David Bryant vs. L. B. Clemmt ?a^h" Brunswick Navigation Co ^ State vs. Buckman it to Robert H. Burn Cash Bond Account your Viney Brown L. B. Capps Companv jnnot Cjty of gouthp0rt, (Tax Suit di 3l'ars| State vs. F. T. Clemmons that! Corbett Packing Co James B. Church, vs. W. C. Mt ."?a Coast Road Service Station ie of J. H. Dixon, heirs 1 h's Federal Deposit Ins. Corp., vs. ent(# Cov Formy Duval c,ea' J. H. Frink, Estate Walter D. Frazier p'eo A. G. Fennel, estate ts q S. J. Frink, vs. L. H. Hewett, J iving. j Government Bond Account rans-i Charles E. Cause vs. City of So ito a | Griffin vs. Margan 1 be-j D. 0. Hewett, heirs redo Hewett vs. Sugg thia! Hewett vs. Hewett h'in Inland Waterway Account your Jenrette vs. Jenrette, et al John Jenrette, Pieferee fee Justice of the Peace fees Alex Loftin jfjs S. B. Frink, guardian J. M. Long, estate vans, I W. C. Manson tured W. A. Mintz vs. Maude Inman, the State vs. D. I. Mintz L. J. and Mary C. McLamb .... and Gladys McKay vs. J. J. McKay ,apa_ McKeithan, et al. vs. McKeithai gal. Norden vs. Gainey, et al iiong George Parker, estate "> 60 Peoples United Bank vs. D. F. Wac-| Pearsall & Company ! a"d Rabon, et al, vs. Wolfe, et al. .. Virginia Sellers, et al. e. ?rs J. 0. Smith vs. L. B. Clemmons - Southport Building & Loan vs. E Alex Swain, heirs G. R. Sellers, Gdn and Mrs. S. A. Todd M. B. Watts State vs. Johnny Williams George E. White B. M. Williams a ( ' TRU tor! ; Arnold, Herman Lee Burriss, Lawrence, et al Bryant, Ransom, heirs Beasley, Horace, estate SCottrell, Arvel Clemmons, F. T., estate Davis, Robert W., estate Edwards, S. L., estate Edwards, Mary G., Admr Frazier, Otto, et als Frink, Francis 0., et al., estate . I Fnnk, J aeon ana Mary rrinK, ei Finch vs. McDonald ------- Gaskins, Sadie Mason, Gdn Haskett, Carrie 0., estate Hewett, Coreen, et al Hewett, Norman Dykes Interest Acct. (Trust Funds) Inman, William L., estate Jenrette, Sylvia Julius, Isaac James,# estate Long, Nova and Velma : Meares, J. D., Gdn Mercer, Henry B., heirs 1 Pinner, Lizzie, heirs Phelps, J. D., estate Phelps, W. H., estate Reynolds, Van, heirs . riw Roach, Elizabeth ll:oo Russ, Dorothy, et al Robinson, Cornelia Fay 10:15 Robbins, Elsie, Gdn 10:00 Savage, W. C Simmons, Clarence M., Gdn Williams, et al., vs. Brown, et al Walker, L. Estate Willetts, C. P., Gdn Willetts, Rhoda, Gdn Wilson, Mrs. Opal, heirs ' ? S. T. BEN Superior Court WEDNESDAY, FEBRTTAPv 28 IIAL STATEMENT DF THE 5 SUPERIOR COURT ounty, North Carolina nuary 31, 1945 AL CONTROL Dr- Cr. ? 4,104.34 $ .3,447.12 General Acct. 10,3*16.68 2,308.16 ust Funds 6,361.98 21.00 24.00 6,670.89 564.85 3,599.54 ' 57.20 1,386.11 I 212.25 1,138.95 63.19 1473.86 4,421.78 181.80 $23,178.35 $23,178.35 IEOUS ACCOUNTS Dr. Cr. $ $ 5.00 5.00 jns 2.21 - 0:>.57 15.00 O 250.00 75O!OO 50.00 7.23 je County) 7,3D 23.95 50.00 inson 31.45 165.76 2.29 Price Furpless.! 3.25 2.00 3.90 1.50 I I r 1.50 6.0(1 100.00 mthport, et al... 1,121.99 3o!o0 8.00 J 1.01 6.00 68.25 36.25 75.00 50.50 6.00 1.40 8.00 4.00 9.00 et al 13.54 - 26.10 7.20 ' " 3.05 ft, et al 183.40 * 1.28 14.00 St. George 5.01 *. 6.00 2.50 43.50 [ 2.24 F. W. Spencer.. 7.08 30.19 358.40 10.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 53.24 $363.00 $3,397.69 ST FUNDS Dr. Cr. $ $ 253.87 3.05 120.00 ZZZ Z 26.25 28.01 11.31 1,042.06 130.00 105.57 142.50 701.66 12.67 7.80 state 13.20 100.00 Z ZZ~. 412.95 106.32 216.00 523.34 50.00 ZZZZZZZZ 35.32 375.52 7.50 27.33 25.00 2.00 42.21 80.32 14.53 8.34 4.25 38.32 35.71 26.17 8.44 ZZ 583.65 :=: 300-00 ,5.00 68.86 zzzzz 10-09 2,000.00 ZZZZ 1.00 300.00 $706.13 $7,353.02 NETT, Clerk of Brunswick County.

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