t V MARCH 21, gx ,, of Miss Annie \ i; Weeks was sole- 1 tidav night at the ' soiiage at Myrtle 1 The Rev. Theo Jon- 1 liond of the couple, i eeiemony. il Swan, a sister of < Hi idie Holden and 5 accompanied the! tie Beach to be mar- t wore a spring suit t ises with blue acces- s wore a corsage of 1 < the daughter of v ;ss and the late Mr. j s taught for several! Shallotte school and there for the present' sprite I-aku , jjjj Gllll SCOUTS i tht regular week- J : tin Girls Scouts of j % l. in invitation was J. tor them to have the the home of Mrs. Joe * v f Supply. At the : Z _ it ills were told of j recognition and that have the distinction . . n Xo. 1 of Brunswick J tr;v At the close of the regl ss meetnig, wkhen one 1 i; .. items of Business was * . - victory garden, the ' - i* invited to -a dining 1 : ulen with good things t Tit - special surprise was J planned, and given to 1 ,ats by Mr. and Mrs. Joe 3 Hatty Galloway. I ; .orations were hand I r lay candle sticks made e >!:- .- _letary. The girls were 1 uppteciation for the i md kindness shown I jv;,- piesent were: Erlene I 'hiistine Robinson. Mil- ( SMALL FARM A tract of 500 acres is - mi lie offered for sal wins. This land is locatet foi: Caswell road with No iotte. about 1 miles west of k -tili-divitied into small tract having a frontagr : - paper for announceme the ground. D. J. SI tare of CAMELLIA INN We can furnish you w rate-rials as follows: Insul footing. Brick, Cement, Iio E' i-tl. Plaster Board, Dc Lnlwure, Kyanize Paints, lumber when necessary lie; cations are furnished. Ca elements. DIAL 2 SMITH BUILDEF WILMINGTi MM -and on Hie This evening thousands < asking: for the Long Disl iknK. ?Sll- iL.!M LAntno oil win \>un ineir iiumw You'll bo doing them a rea toe lines open from 7 to date it. Southern Bell Telephone I N C 0 R P s 1945 P .1 ETYl Ired McCall Loreen Galloway,1 a Doris Vanium, Eetha Mae Gallo- ei vay, Lida Galloway, Connie Gal- e: oway, and Beatrice Lancaster, ti The absence of Arlene Robinson, \ T 5earl Varnum and Edith Gal- P. oway, assistant leader, was much t' egretted. Also present were Virginia Pope, leader, and two of the ' > committee women, Mrs. George a Swain and Ethel Satterfield. b The troop has been invited to c( he new Hanover Scout birthday,a jarty cn March 17, celebrating he thirty-third anniversary of s' scouting for girls in America. During anniversary week there E vill be a display in Belk's show, ^ vindow. The drawings in the dis- ^ >lay were made by Virginia Pope ?' issisted by girls of this troop. I iCI BIRTHDAY PARTY ? Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phelps a 'ntertained a number of young ( reople at their home in Bolivia on rebruary 15 at a party given in ionor of their daughter, Margie b. m the occasion of her fifteenth ,' lirthday. | Games were played and delight- jn ul refreshments were enjoyed by ill. Margie received several nice u fifts. Those present were: Miss Marfie Phelps, honoree, Mesdames Ru- 1 >y Danford, Ed. Mercer, Jasper ilurrell. Wesley Garner, Mr. and ^ drs. Robert Phelps Mr. and Mrs. larold Cox. Misses Sammie Lane ilercer, Juanita uavis, Ula Gain- j r, Annie Lou Johnson, Louise ^ lohnson, Betty Lou Cox, Aleze ( inox. Flora McNeill, Mary Leeia' ilercer, Louise Gray, Frances >esh and Margaret Ann Phelps.! Boys present were: Layman Jon-j is, James Alfred Clemmons. Vorth McKeithan, Tray Henry, .indsay Walton, Ted Stone, El>ert Knox, Hubert Keith Britton, .aVerne Edwards, Bailey Lee Mc- j j., Dowell. Guilford Hilburn, W. H. D joleman, Edward Murrell and ^ iQ rnu QAir l > LlJ i \Jk\ UnLib | in now being: surveyed and ibl e at low prices and easy |s< I at the junction of the f . 130, South port to Shal- ' h, Southport. The land will s, units of 1 to 20 acres? fc e on the highway. Watch w lit as to when agent will ai VIITH I ==^ ith non-rationed building I ation Board, Bock Wool, I ck, Sand, Plaster, Beaver 9 iors, Windows, Building I Terra Cotta Pipe. Also emits, ratings and certifiII or see us for your re-3339 IS SUPPLY, Inc. on, n. c. IIVl'JBIH?JiMWIHSMmiHJiiMMB j j '.ship I telephone j >f service men will be"" I .?'Uice lines that connect over America. . il favor if you help keep 10 P.M. They'll appre-' I and Telegraph Company ? ORATED 1! IOBO PARTY The Training Union of the aptist church was entertained t an outing Thursday night by iisses Marjorie Potter and Louise ees Nineteen guests arrived and ent out to Clear Lake for a Hobo Convention" Gathered round a big camp fire at the ige of the lake they played gam3, made some "trampy" tesoluons and roasted weiners. Miss helma Sellers was awarded the rize?a can of lye?for being the ampiest tramp. The occasion also marked the irthday of Mrs. George NVhatley nd she was presented with a irthday cake with candles. The ike was sliced by Mrs. What le v nd enjoyed by all the guests. Those attending the "convenrun" were Mrs. George Wliatley, Irs. Jessie Cooprider, Mrs. John ail. Mrs. George Stephens. Jr., Irs. Walter Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. hillip Golden, Misses Nancy Coprider, Thelma Sellers, Dora Wal>n. Olivedean Smith, Vickie Lanister, Susie Sellers. Pearl Mae ewis, Barbara Weeks, Marjorie otter, Louise Rees, Bobby Blown nd Hubert Livingston. AUXILIARY MEETS On last Tuesday night the Presyteiian Auxiliary met in the Dine of Mrs. Gladys Wolfe. The leeting was called to order by le president. Mrs. Jessie Harper, J ho also had charge of the ptoiam. i After the program delicious re eshments were served to the fo!-j wing by the hostess: Mrs. Harry Aldridge, Mrs. layton Hickman, Mrs. Jessie j arper, Mrs W. B. Moore, Mrs. J [iriam Newton. Mr.. James Pin-1S lt, Mrs. Doris Stephenson, Mrs. va Wolfe, Mrs. Kathleen Webb, id Mrs. Odessa Williamson. i 5 PFPOTflTS I X Lii\u V1UJXJU is Mrs. J. Hicks Bunting, Mrs. t any Smallbones and Miss Janie t: unn of Wilmington visited Mrs. ugusta Roberts and Miss Nora n orrison here Tuesda}'. 1C Willie B. Robinson spent the a ?st week-end in Lumberton visit- f ig Miss Esther Prevatte, who has A sen sick at her home there for r 'veral days. v, N. K. Taylor left Wednesday f >r Seattle, Washington, where ; will be stationed with the U. JEngineers for a short time be- v >re going to Hawaii. Mis. Taylor f ill temain with her parents, Mr. C id Mrs. Jesse D. Robinson, at upply until his return. j Misses Shirley Robinson and a No heart so sad, no home so sunshine and happiness to it. She and troubles and starts you on I ness. Readings?White and Colored, dai LOCATED in House Trailer < Earl Bass' Sendee Sta. Look for /^V T'oy " ' rep makes of farm tractors, p< or Diesel Engines. WE AL.< ELECTRIC OF ALL - n>i Lubricating Uiis For Trucks, Tractors a Good Lubrication Is Imp* You With Th We Have For Sale a La McCormick-Dee Whiteville Farm "Your John D< WHITER THE STATE PORT WILL PERFORM Helen and Ken Rene, \\1 ^resent their Southern Ball! Southport School auditorium.1 .ored by the Woman's Club.I uanita Seav of Wilmington spent B he past week-end with Mr. andj trs. George Whatley. Mrs. J. W. Norton and daughter, 'enelope, spent Monday with Rev. nd Mis. A. L. Brown. Ned Smith, son of Mrs. Minnie imith, with his wife and two litle daughters spent a few days his past week here with relatives. Last Tuesday Miss Maude Innan, T-5 Joseph L. Inman, Mrs., ). B. Sellers, Mrs. Wilson Arnold,1 nd son, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Clayton of Kingstree, S. C. tr. and Mrs. Clayton are former csidents of Brunswick County and /ill be remembered by a host of riends. Chief Warrant Officer Murley food is spending a few days here ,-ith his family. He is enroute rom Connecticut to a part in ;alifornia. Mrs. A. B. Pope and daughter, I liss Terry Pope, of Charlotte, re visiting Mr. and Mis. J. W. j a?111,?iWBMUH Jam Dean I " almist Life Reader?Advisor ES) Licensed by State of N. jubtful, discontented and unlit this medium. She advises fairs of life. If worried over me unhappy, love or some inholding you down and prefrom obtaining your object in this gifted lady, dreary that she cannot bring lifts you out of your sorrows he road to success and happilly and Sun., 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. j 11 Clarkton Highway at? Hand Sign. Whiteville, N. C. LET US REBUILD YOUR FARM TRACTOR Specialize In making airs to or rebuilding all >wer units, motor trucks 50 DO WELDING KINDS and Greases? nd Farm Machinery. >rtant . . . Let us help is Problem. i te Model Used 6-foot :ring Combine Equipment Co.. jere Dealer" /1LLE PILOT, SOUTHPORT, N. ( FRIDAY NIGHT * ho with their company will et on Friday night in the The program is being sponHewett. Herman Sellers, BM 2-c, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sellers, at Supply. While his ship was in port he was given a short leave. Warren D. Hewett, G. M. 1-c, is at home from the Navy on a ten days leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hewett. Mrs. Margie Burnett, of Rocky Point, is visiting Misses Lettie and Margie Hickman. Miss Lottie Hewett and her little nephew, W. D. Dickerson, of Wilmington, spent the week-end at Shallotte with Miss Hewett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hewett. Ed. and Robert Marlowe, who have been spending a months leave here with their families, re turned to their ship in New York Monday. Both the men have seen much overseas service. VISITORS HERE Misses Alice Grayton, Mary Davis, Elizabeth. Skeen, Helen Dowels, Gertrude Coward, Bernadine Foyles and Mary Stewart, all of Wilmington, were the guests of Mrs. Annie K. Vitou and Mrs. Helen Eragaw .over the week-end. BIRTH ANNOUNCED Pfc. and Mrs. H. R. Thomas announce the biith of a son 0:1 March 4 at Dosher Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Thomas is the former Mary Joyce Weeks, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. A. E. Weeks. Pfc, Thomas is attending medical school in Denver, Colo. DON'T WORRY ANY MORE? About Where You'll Buy Your ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES We Are Now The Deafer In This Vicinity For General Electric Products Place Your Orders Now so we can serve You First ! k City Cut-Rate Store SOUTHPORT, N. C. * News From , Dosher Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs. Gafford Hewett of Supply announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth McKetthan was a medical patient from Thursday until Tuesday. Mrs. Delia Andrews is a medical patient, having entered on , (Thursday. Mrs. Lillie May Beck of Bolivia entered on Tuesday as a medical patient. Judy Lane Holden, infant ( (daughter of Mrs. Janie Holden of I Supply, is a medical patient, havj ing entered on Thursday. Park Gaines, of the Lighthouse : Service, is a patient, having enj tered on Friday, j Mrs. J. VV. Flowers of Wilmingj ton was a patient from Friday ! until Monday. | Mrs. Lillian Wilkerson of Le' land, has been a medical patient | since Saturday. Miss Belva Coleman of Ash en| tered on Saturday as a medical ! patient. ' i Mrs. Bertha Reach of Supply i entered on Monday as a medical patient. Green Lewis of Bolivia entered: on Monday for treatment, i Mrs. Charlie Newton has been ja medical patient since Monday. | Miss Marion Frink entered on Tuesday as a surgical patient. BOLIVIA CLUB The Bolivia Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. O. T. Lewis, Jr., for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Early Danford call-! ed the gathering to order. The; Collect was repeated, the Minutes' read, the roll called and the treasI urers report was given and approved. Mrs. W. K. Kopp, the food leader, gave an interesting talk on1 well planned meals from the pan-! try shelyes. She also had a demonstration with Dutch string; beans. During the social hour the Dutch string beans, hot bis- j cuit, coffee and cookies were serv-1 ed to the following members; Mr;: ; Amelia Eichorn, Mrs. Frank j , Mintz, Mrs. Ephriam Danford, Mrs. Early Danford, Mrs. O. T. Lewis, Jr., and Mrs. John Dan1 ford. CiPM AG1 TUAVVC v/i *??** v** Aitmi no Our friends, of Southport and| 1 Brunswick County of both races, J please accept our sincere apprecia- j tion for your thoughtful expres-, sions of love and sympathy we received, through letters, messages and flowers, during the illness and death of our beloved husband and brother, J. Fred Smith. WIFE, BROTHERS & SISTERS THIS BA Ma Wi BANK VISITING IN FLORIDA j Mrs. W. A. Reynolds of Shallotte and Mrs. Fred Newberry of Wilmington ate spending a month in Florida with Mrs. Reynolds' daughter, Mr3, W. P. Culberson. Mrs. Reynolds is a native of Florida and her husband, a Commander in the Navy during the first world war, says it is the first vacation she ha9 had since they were married 30 years ago. HOME ON BUSINESS Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bennett, former residents of Waccamaw township who now live in Charleston, were visitors at their former home on business over the week-end. They are among many Charleston folks, who get this paper and Mr. Bennett said it is something they looked forward to receiving each week. When Mother Goose, who in private life was Mrs. Isaac Goose of Boston, wrote "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary" she had Mary, Queen of Scots, in mind. MmMn Breathe jWk Wonderfully quick l a little Va-tro-nol ^ * up each nostril helps open nasal passages-makes breathing easier-when your head fills up with stuffy transient congestion! Va-tro-nol gives grand relief, too. from sniffly. sneezy distress of head colds. Follow directions in folder. VICKS VA-TRO-NOL W/AMT AHQ VV Ml IX X 1L/V7 FOR SALE?1936 Chevrolet Coach with pre-war tires in good condition. See Murley Hood, Southport, N. C. LOST?Ration Book No. 4. Please return to Albert W. Williams, Shallotte, N. C. LOST ? Identification bracelet with "Margie" engraved on it. Lost in front of Ruark's store. Finder please return to Margie Hickman, Southport, N. C. W A NTED ? Two competent person to qualify for dealer for the famous J. R. Watkins Products. Territory to be Northwest, Town Creek and Smithville townships. The position is clean, profitable and beneficial. To qualify one must have automobile and put up bond for credit, either personal or cash deposit. For complete information and qualifications see me at once. Your Watkins Dealer, EDWARD S. SMITH, Ash, N. C. NK kes All Typ esc This Bank has funds avai making loans to business fir or small; to owners of real town or country; to farmer other individuals who may r for any worth-while purpost Sound loans are an impor of our business. Come in ar if you need cash. You enjo important advantages when row from your Bank. Your tion will be given prompt f teous consideration here. iCCAMA1 AND TRUST COMI % Page 3 I FOR SALE ?Field Fence, I Barb Wire, poultry wire, 41 metal clothes lines, nails 6c II />er pound, Garden and I t'ield Seeds, Fishing Tackle, I Fish Nets. Shervvin - Wil- 41 liams Paints. Farm Tools. I Furniture, Linoleum Rugs. I Cow Halters, Bridles, Har- I ness. OSCAR HIGH, Court 'II House Square, Whiteville, I N. C. hi TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED ? I And Cleaned. Some adding ma- I chine work. W. V. Hammonds. jjl 203 W. Col. St.. WhiteUlle, N. C. I New crop ARTICHOKE PICKLES II by Mrs. Martin's prize recipe I at home of WHISKEY CREEK I HONEY, for twenty years a I favorite in the Carolines. At I your grocers. I ADMINISTRATORS MITK'K I Having qualified as administrator jl of the estate of Dunbar B. Hewett, I deceased, late of Brunswick County, I X. C., this is to notify ail persons I having claims against the estate of fl said deceased to exhibit them to the | undersigned at W. M. Hewett's store 1 in .Shallotte. X. C.. on or before I , March 22. 1946, or this notice will b* I ;pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail hill persons indebted to said estate will I please make immediate payment. | This 16th day of .March. 1945. I W. M. HEWETT. I Administrator of the Estate of 1 ! Dl'XBAR B. HEWETT. deceased. I 3-21-6-Weda. I EXE( I TKIX'jr VfiTII E I TO CREDITORS I Having qualified as executrix of the HI will of the late John D. McKelthan. 1 deceased, of Brunswick County. North j I Carolina, this is to notify all persons I having claims against the estate of I the deceased to exhibit them to the 1 undersigned at Southport. North Car- I olina. on or before the 16th day of 1 February, 1946. or this notive will I be pleaded In bar of their recovery. ftflB Alt persons Indebted to said estate I will please make immediate payment. The undersigned having qualified I as administratrix of the estate of J. I V. Simmons. decreased. late of i Brunswick County, this is to notify 1 ..ill n^rsnrm ha vine claims against I said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before 15th day of February. 1946. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reccovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of February. 1945. DORA ' SIMMONS, Administratrix R. H. BURN'S. Sr.. Attorney Whl tortile, N. C. 2-14-C-WV ds. PROMPT EFFICIENT * S E R V I C E SOUTHPORT |1 GLEANERS ! J SOUTHPORT, N. C. I )f Loans liable for H ms, large I estate in H s and to ^ j | ieea casn tant part id see us y several you borapplica ind courIV 1 MY I ^ I >1 \ . v