Capital Letters By Thompson Greenwood -TKRING Editors of some J!I. larger news t N 1 . muttering In their davs about some ? formation they ftek ? " recent conference v.-s=*i"Ston with Secre ' st ; > uies Bvmes, Pres S Truman, and other officials. They aren't writing much about it. but Secretary of State Byrnes told them that Russia's next big request will bo large hunks of North Africa. This would enable her to protect the Mediteranean I outlet to the ocean. Reports from Washington are that Byrnes, a good old South Carolina boy now up to his neck in international DRESS MATERIALS Occasionally we get in some nice piece goods. We knew that the ladies like to get hold of materials for dress-making, and we are glad to have you stop and ask about this merchandise. RF.MEM3ER ! ? For your all-round shop ping needs it is a good idea to try ? MINTZ & CO HARRY L. MINTZ. JR., Mgr. SUPPLY, N. C. STOP AT JIMMY'S PLACE, Shallotte, N. C, Canned Music - Amusement Machines -Leading Brands of Wine s'/'/ Drinks, Confectionary, Etc. CANDIDATE ? F o r ? COUNTY COMMISSIONER My friends tell me that my campaign is gaining strength every week. That's because of their help and influence. I appreciate what they are doing to help me, and M nominated and eiected I promise to do my best to be the kind cf public official they can be proud of. PETER ROBINSON transplanters ? ? ? FOR YOUR TOBACCO We Have both Masters and Lynchburg. Gei yours before all are gone. COAST ROAD SERVICE STATION SHALLOTTE, N. C. Power Water Pumps, Farm and Garden Seed, YOUR FAVORITE FRESH MEATS Fill Your Grocery Basket With Us. politics, i3 racked' with worry and is really "standing in the need of prayer", as he so irrev erently expressed it when leaving for Paris conference last "week. COMRADE? It now begins to | look as if one of North Carolina's | most powerful positions may go to J. Wade Hendricks of States Mile. Hendricks, commander of the Fifteenth District, is now (being pushed hard for command jer of the North Carolina depart ment of the American Legion for the year 1946-47. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks have long been prominent in Le gion activities, and veterans be lieve the Iredell candidate may have a good opportunity of get ting the post. FOOD NOTE ? In the same week that former President Her beit Hoover, now in Europe studying the food situation, de claied that over a 100,000.000 citizens of that country are con fionted with starvation, a large percentage of the food-rich stu dents of Needham Broughton High in Raleigh went on strike against "unbalanced" meals and ' other wrongs in the school cafe ; teria. The irony of it is that most of these students come from soma of the wealthiest homes in Ra leigh out in Hayes Barton, where the average housewife probably wastes enough food from her kitchen in two days to feed a typical European family a week. If you really want to know how we are wasting food in our North Carolina communities, have a little chat some day with your garbage-collector. He will tell you it is disgraceful! SYRUP? They say that corn whiskey in the North Carolina and Tennessee mountains this spring is selling for S20 to $25 per gallon. The salesmen frank ly tell buyers that it is not "good corn" at that, being made of cornmeal and a little of every thing else. Like the housewife, the distillers aie using syrup this year instead of sugar. One old-line manufacturer re marked recently that he was "al most ashamed to say he made it." That's the stoiy going around, anyhow. SCARCITY? They say that ! there will be few drinks of any I kind by vfail ? soft drinks, beer, i wine, or whiskey. HANDSHAKERS. ? Negroes have little say-so in the election of North Carolina officials, but once they are elected, they are as accessible to the colored people as anybody else. Negro students in droves have been coming to Raleigh this spring and they all call on Governor R. Gregg Cherry. ! He not only receives them, but shakes hands with each and ev ery one of them in the old demo cratic spirit. One day last week he grasped and shook, more or less vigorously, an estimated 300 proud colored hands. And in the month of April total gubernator ial handshakes, included both white and colored, likely ran as high as 3,00. This will continue with ever increasing tempo through May. It has become one of the duties of your Governor. Broughton did it. though tire and rationing kept I it from becoming too arduous, and so have the other Governors. It's an indication of something, ! but what ? AGAIN ? Remember R. E. Sen j telle ? If you don't, skip on to the next item. Anyway, he's run ning for the Legislature again from Haywood County, where he now practices iaw. A former i school superintendent in Bruns | wick County, if memory serves | correctly, and a former legislator, . he has extremely strong compe 1 tition this time in the person of steady Glenn Palmer, who beat him badly two years ago and became ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee. Agriculture had no better friend in the Legislatute in 1945 than Palmer. NOTES? Two of the largest frozen food plants in the State are now being, constructed at North Wilkesboro and Henderson ville ? Politicians think that the nomination of Miss Jane Pratt, for many years secretary to Eighth District Congressmen, to succeed the late W. O. Burgin is a boost for Bill Horner ? Raleigh expecting around 2,500 visitors for the State Democratic Con vention Thursday, will not be able to find rooms for more than half that number ? too many peo ple living in hotels. HUiMBER ? The current issue of Reader's Digest has an in teresting word on Dr. Robert Lee Humber of Greensville, who is opposing Congressman Herbert Bonner in the First Congressional District. Sheriff Victor Meekins of Dare County refers to the doctor as "something of a crank," and doubtless the sheriff has fol lowers in this description. Dr. Humber studied at Wake Forest, Harvard, Oxford, and the Sor bonne, and is a Ph. D? and there fore won't be nominated, for North Carolina just doesn't send men of that ilk to Congress. But his candidacy is interesting just the same. Dr. Humber has been working for some time on his "common wealth of nations to be known as the Federation of the World," and 14 Legislatures, including North Carolina's, have adopted the pain. But Northeastern North Car olina is mo:e interested in its Congressmen knowing something about the floors and ceilings of Irish potatoes. and practical things like that, so Bonner will remain in Washington. HEARD AND SEEN? Because of veterans' strength, look for more power from the Young Demos. They held their first big meeting since the beginning of the war last week in Winston Salem ? One thing wrong with them is that Democrats who are no longer young try to inject themselves, or their messengers, into the workings of the organi zation. The group has the same trouble you folks have with your Young Men's Sunday School Class: when does a man cease to be young? . . . Woodrow Teague, smait-as-a-whip WF law grad just home from Lt. Command in the Navy, is J. M. Broughton's new partner. Teague will carry on under the Broughton-Teague banner if JMB goes north in '48 . . . . Raleigh, which defeated the airport bond vote, is now going after that ABC liquor money for the project . . . RGC heard last week that UNC is a "front" for liquor traffic. Mrs. Hewett Is Club Hostess The Boones Neck Home Demon stration club met Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Sidney Hewett. The meeting was call ed to order by the president, Mrs. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthat Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing Over two million bottles of theWILL ARD TREATMENT have been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., duo to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial I Ask for ?'Willard's Message" which fully explains this treatment ? free ? at WATSON'S PHARMACY Carvln Roach. "America the Beautiful was sung, followed by the Collect of the Club Women of America. Mrs. Hewett gave an interest ing demonstration on cleaning the sewing machine. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. Carvin Roach, Mrs. Velma Roach, Mrs. Clydie Hewett, Mrs. Eva Holden, Mrs. Mary Kiiby, Mrs. Lillie Robinson, Mrs. Lillie Hewett and Miss Madeline Robinson. GOOD GRAZING "An acre in soy beans will keep 10 shoates in fine condition from the time when the plants are 15 inches high until the fall," said county agent Dodson this week. He was commenting on the fact that many farmers aie now plant ling the beans to provide grazing for their hogs. The leavers of soy beans make an excellent hog feed and the plants will keep right cn giowing while the hogs are feed ing upon them. GOES TO MICHIGAN Rcddic R. Bennett, of Freeland, i has gone to Portland, Michigan, to work. His sister, Mrs. E. F. Leyrer. the former Miss Ophelia Bennett, lives at Portland. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR, If not pleased, your 35c back at any drug store. TE-OL, a STRONG fungicide, contains 90 percent alcohol. IT PENETRA TES. Reaches MORE germs to KILL the ilch. WATSON'S PHARMACY WANT ADS FOR SALE: One milk cow, Archie Holden, Supply, N. C. FOR REN'T: Two furnished rooms. See Mrs. J. J. Adams, Southport, N. C. Attention! Colored Readers "The Street," Ann Petry's novel of a colored girl struggling for happiness and decency can be read condensed in the May issue of Digest magazine of Negro literature. Home delivery and subsc:iptions WILSON'S NEWS AGENCY James E. Wilson, director Southport, N. C. LOST: Somewhere between Southport and Shallotte last Thursday front trailer-wheel. Finder please notify Fred Spen cer,' Southport, N. C. SOUTHPORT~ REAL - ESTATE FOR SALE 8 room dwelling on Moore St., opposite Attorney Frink's home. Large lot. Extra desirable loca tion. House needs repair. f- The "Bell" home. Nash St. 8 f rooms and bath, also servant's [house. Excellent condition. Beau tiful floors. Double front porch. Choice location. Old Capt. Morse house on water front. Lot runs street to street 330 ft. deep. Poor condition but with repairs can be made one of ! best properties in town. | Doctor Dosher home on Supply road, 3 miles out. Modern-central heat. 6 bed-rooms, 2 baths, double front porch. Desirable for tour ist's home. 5 acres. Robin's Nest. 3 miles from Southport. 22 acres with 1000 ft. frontage on Cape Fear River. Fronts on Inland water way. Just right for fishing and hunting lodge or where quiet, seclusion and natural beauty are desired. D. J. SMITH, Real Estate Southport, N. C. BEACH LOT: One nice ocean front lot, on corner. Hard-sur e face runs to this property. Lights and water available. Stevens Agency, Southport, N.C. FOR SALE ? Modern 6-room bun- ' galow with bath and electric lights, five acres or more of land. . Located on Holden's Beach road, just below Peter Robinson's Station. See or write Anthony Hewett. Route I, Sup ply. N. C. LOTS FOR SALE: Two desirable building lots in the colored resi dential section. Stevens Agency, Southport, N. C. WANTED AT ONCE? Rawleigh Dealer in nearby County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. NCE. 211-F, Richmond, Va. FGR_SALE SUBMIT YOUR BID NOW! ? Home Buyers are invited for j the next ten days (Until May 8) to submit bids for the follow ing properties: | ? 7 house, all conveniences. | ? 2 Apartment house, all conven iences. ; ?Splendid service station loca tion or wood business. ?Quarter Mile Ship Basin, Route 17-74. Properties WILL BE SOLD! I Reserve the right to reject all bids! CARL C. WEST IN CHARGE Leland, N. C. NOTICE OF SIMMONS State of North Carolina County of Brunswick In The Superior Court Eleanor McKeithan vs. B. L. McKeithan The defendant, B. L. McKeithan, ! will take notice that an action en titled as above ehas been commenced i in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, by the plain tiff for absolute divorce upon the grounds of two years separation, as provided by law of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswick County in Southport, North Carolina, on or before the 7th day of May, 1040. and answer ?r de- j mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 4th day of April. l?4?i. S. T. BENNETT. , Clerk of Superior Court. 5-tc NOTICE OF SUMMONS State of North Carolina County of Brunswick In The Superior Court Edith 1j. Thompkins vs. Franklin \V. Thompkins The defendant. Franklin W. Thomp kins, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff for absolute divorce upon the groundd of two years separation ; is provided by law of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Bruns wlck County, in Southport, North Carolina on or before the 4th day of May, 104fi, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This the 4th day of May. 1946. S. T. BENNETT, Clerk Superior Court. 4-10-4 times NOTICE OF SIMMONS State of North Carolina In The Superior Court County of Brunswick Helen H. Brock vs. Thomas E. Brock The defendant. Thomas E. Brock, j will take notice that an action en- ) titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, by the plain tiff for absolute divorce upon the grounds of abandoned and two years separation as provided by law of the State of North Carolina. Said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the Of flce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswock County in South port, North Carolina on or before the 13th day of May, and answer or demur to the complaint in satd action, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This 11th day of April. 1946. SAM T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court. 5-8o NOTICE OF SUMMONS State of North Carolina County of Brunswick In The Superior Court Collie J. Williams vs. Clark Mc. Williams The Defendant Clark Mc. Williams will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, by the plain tiff for absolute divorce upon the grounds of abandon as provided by law of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Brunswick County in Southport. North Carolina on or be fore the day of May. 1946. nnd answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded l! said complaint. This the 5th da*- of April, 194G. B. J. H OLDEN. Asst. Clerk Superior Court. 1-5-4 times. Stale ot North Carolina County of Brunswick In the Matter of the Adminis tration of The Estate of Clare Nash Galloway. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned on the 27th day of March, 194G, qualified as Executor of the estate of Clare Nash Galloway, dec-eased. All persons indebated to said estate are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, or at the Merchantlle Establishment of "Galloway's " in Southport. N. G. All persons having any claims against the estate are hereby notified to file the same, itemized and in writing, with the undersigned on or before one year after the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of This the 11th day of April. 1946. CHARLES L. NASH. Hxecutor of the H state of Cl?re N*a?h Calloway. lJeteasea. . Goldsboro, N. C. S-15c ? NOTICE OF SI MMONS State of North Carolina County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Andrew \\". Puffy vs. Florence T. Duffy The defendant. Florence r. , Puffy, will take notice that an action en titled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Hrun*wi?k County. North Carolina, by the plain tiff for absolute divorce ui?on the grounds of two years separation, as provided by law of the Slate of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the Offline of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hrunswiek County in Southport, i North Carolina on or before the 27th day of May. 1944;. and answer or de mur to the" complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply for the re lief demanded in said complaint. This the 26th day of April, 1916. 5--2c S. T. RENNHTT Clerk Of The Superior Court. All.HIXTftTRATOR'ft NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the eetkte oi H. T. White, de ceased. late of Prunswlek County. North Carolina, this is to notify :? 11 persons having claims against tho estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Shallot to. N. C., on or before the 2nd day of .M:iy. 1947. op this notice will l>? pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This L'9th day of April. 1916. M. 1*. WHIT IS. administrator of the estate of II. T. WII1TB. 6-5 pd. Place Your Order Now For A CHRYSLER MARINE ENGINE We are ready to serve your marine needs. Drop in any day and look over our stock which in cludes Wisconsin Air Cooled Engines, Michigan Machine Pitch Propellers and everything else you may need to get your boat in tip-top con dition. MILL, MARINE and AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES Machine Shop Service & Motor Rebuilding MACHINE & SUPPLY CO. On Causeway Foot Beaufort Bridge PHONE B-481-7 P. O. BOX 98 BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA DR. JOHN B. MANN OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined . . . Glasses Fitted OFFICE? McROY BUILDING Over First National Bank WHITE VI LLE, N. C. Phone 236- J MISS ANNIE MERLE PIGOTT ? Office Assistant ? HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE FISK TIRE DISTRIBUTOR / RECAPPING and VULCANIZING REID & HASKETT 216 MARKET ST. WILMINGTON. N. C. FOR Better Crops V-C AND Bigger Profits APPRECIATION ? We want to thank the farmers who have placed orders with us for their fertilizer needs during the present year. We have been hampered by a shortage of labor, a shortage of transportation and a shortage of materials. Still, we have served you to the very best of our ability. We hope that you will continue to give us your patronage. ODELL BLANTON AGENT SUPPLY, N. G. W B &S. BUS LINE SOUTHPORT, N. C. The Following Schedule Will Go Into Effect, Friday, March 1, 1946 - DAILY SCHEDULE - LEAVE Southport .. Lv. Supply ...... Lv. Bolivia Lv. Winnabow, Lv. Lanvale Lv. Wilmington, Ar. LEAVE Wilmington, Lv. Lanvale Lv. Winnabow, Lv. Bolivia Lv. Supply . ? Lv. Southport Ar. LEAVE Southport .. Lv. Supply ? Lv. Bolivia Lv. Winnabow, Lv. Lanvale Lv. Wilmington, Ar. LEAVE Wilmington, Lv. Lanvale .... Lv. Winnabow, Lv. Bolivia Lv. Supply Lv. Southport Ar. A.M. 7:00 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:30 A.M. 7:30 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 9:55 10:15 A.M. 9:00 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 11:00 P.M. 1:30 2:00 2:15 2:30 1:35 1:50 2:05 2:20 2:35 3:05 P.M. 3:45 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:30 ? SUNDAY SCHEDULE ? A.M. 10:45 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 1:35 1:50 2:05 2:20 2:35 3:05 P.M. 3:45 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 6:20 6:35 6:50 7:05 7:20 7:50 P.M. 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:30 P.M. 6:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:15 7:30 6:20 6:35 6:50 7:05 7:20 7:50 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:30