LffHPAY PARTY T . Lex Jones entertained a yr 0f the young- folks at a ' Jrfriay party for her son> Henry Jones, on his fourth ituar last Tuesday. Henry had | yr of I'-is young friends I e occasion was very Games were played Refreshments were served the. ? folks. tfit foUovring "'ere present. I s i Mary Rose Fo-J fJj'F:. . Harold Dosh- ' Cbu^v McNeill Denny Lore, Cpgi , Holmes Hunt. Mary Car- ' ty Hunt. Larry Wolfe, Kitty Eja John Shelton. Charles I Mary Ann Dosher, Tommy Cfjelson, Marv Lib Fox, Patty Lre. Jimmy Jones and Watts r mscrve birthday jlr and Mrs. J. B. Douner of jplv, had a birthday party for ,r liaugiiter. Dorothy Ruth, at ir home near Supply on June ?dl Ice cream, cakes, soft drinks fi sandwiches were served and amber of games were played. They had some fine music and a contest in which Audrey Hold en won the prize. The young people present were: Dorothy Ruth Douner, Mary Lou Hewett, Audrey Holden, Morton Holden, Betty Jean Douner, Mina Hewett, Junior Douner, Roonie Mooney. Joy Belle Douner, Mr. and Mrs. Douner, Rosemond Mooney, Sammy Douner, John Paul Douner, Horace Floyd, Lon nie Bozeman and Mr. and Mrs. Obbie Holden. THE WELLS RETURN Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Wells are back for the summer at their home in Southport. Dr. Wells is head of the Department of Botany at State College. He plans to re tire from teaching in a couple of years and then he and Mrs. Wells will reside here permanently. HAD A BIRTHDAY Harris Nelson, Sr., prominent Leaksville-Spfay textile man who has a beautiful ' summer home at Caswell Beach, celebrated his birthday Saturday. A number of ffiends who had heard of the event called to offer their con gratulations. SCHEDULE W B &B-BUS LINE Southport, N. C. Schedule Changes Effective July 1, 1947) WEEK-DAY SCHEDULE JAVES SOITHPORT 5:15 A. M. 7:00 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 1:30 P. M. 4:00 P. >1. 6:30 P. M. ARRIVES WILMINGTON 6 :45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 2:30 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 7:45 P. M. BLUES WILMINGTON' 7:00 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 1:35 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 10:20 P. M. ARRIVES SOT THPORT ? 8:30 A. M. 10:50 P. M. 3:00 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 11:45 P. M. - SUNDAY ONLY ris SOITHPORT 7:30 A. M. 10:50 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 6:30 p. M. ARRIVES WILMINGTON 8:50 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 7:45 P. M. ?*ayes Wilmington 9:00 A. M. 1:35 P. M. 5:45 P. M. 10:20 P. M. ARRIVES SOUTHPORT 10:20 A. M. 3:00 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 11 :45 P. M. |EACH SCHEDULE (Now in Effect) fAVES SOITHPORT 11:00 A. M. 3:30 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. LEAVES BEACH 11 :30 A. M. 3:30 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 11:00 P. M. DON'T THROW IT AWAY SAVE MONEY -LET US FIX IT! BRAZING . . . ACETYLENE WELDING SOLDERING . . . ELECTRIC WELDING All Types of Motor and Machine Repairs SOUTHPORT MOTOR & MACHINE SHOP DENNY LORE JIMMIE PEARGE On The Highway Near The Hospital 1 SOUTHPORT, N. G. Mrs. Ramsaur Is Hostess To Club Mrs. Joe T. Ramsauer was hostess to the Cape Fear Club at her home at Pleasant Oaksj Plantation for the May meeting. The home was prettily decorated with summer flowers. Mrs. Ramsauer called the meet ing to . order with the club mem bers standing .and singing "The Old North State." After this the collect was repeated and the roll was called by Mrs. Helen Gallo way, the secretary. The minutes were read and a collection, amounting to $8.00, was taken up for the cancer drive. Mrs. Thompson McRackan gave a talk on '"Plumbing comes to Age." The Fashion Show was discussed by Mrs. Alene Mintz and plans were made. Triis show will be a part of the County Council meeting at Supply on ! June 26th. All club members in Brunswick county are urged to attend. * Mrs. John Ramsauer read a beautiful poem, "Your Home." Library books were returned to Mrs. Mintz who gave out book lets on heating and pulmbing. She also gave an interesting talk on a safe and adequate water system. Following the demonstration Mrs. Joe Ramsauer served ice cream, sheet cakes and ice tea to the following: Mrs. Thompson McRackan and her guest, Mrs. Grtfig, who is visiting her, Mrs. John Ramsauer. Mrs. Alene Min tz, Mrs. Helen Galloway and Miss ' Lillian Collins. This month's meeting will be held on June [ 25th with Miss Lillian Collins. Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The Auxiliary of the Shallotte Post, American Legion, elected its| officers at a meeting last week and these officers will be installed the first of July at the same time j that the Legion installs it's offi cers. Heading the Auxiliary for the year will be Mrs. Ida Parker, president; Mrs. Bennie Garner, vice-president; Mrs. Ruby Usher, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Virginia Bellamy, secretary- treasurer; Mrs. Odessa User, Chaplain; Mrs. Odell Williamson, historian; Mrs. Loma Andrews, sgt. at-arms. SOX GRADUATES Mrs. S J. Coker, of Leland, has been advised that her son. John W. Coker, seajnan second class, has been graduated from the Basic Engineering School of the Navy at the Training Center in Great Lakes, 111. Read The Want Ads AMUZU THEATRE SOUTHPORT, N. C. ADMISSION ? 9c and 25c 2 Shows Nightly, 1st at 7 P.M. Except Saturday. 3 Shows Sat., starting 6:30 P.M. Thursday, - Friday, Juno 19-20 ? "THE IMPERFECT LADY" Ray MILLAND, Teresa WRIGHT ALSO ? Paramount News ? Saturday, .June 21 ? "DOWN MISSOURI WAY" MARTHA O'DRISCOLL and WIIXIAM WRIGHT ALSO ? "Reckless Driver's/Cart. Monday, Tuesday, June 23-24 ? "NEVER SAY GOODBYE" ERROL FLYNN and ELINOR PARKER ALSO ? "Kitty Kornered" Cart. Wednesday, June 25? MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY" DENNIS O'KEEFE and MARGUERITE CHAPMAN ALSO? Chapter No. 6 of? "SON OF ZORRO' COMING "TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST" Brian DONLEVY, Alan LADD | PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Leah, of Wilmington, spent the past week end here as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Evans. Mrs. Minnie Winnigate, of Jacksonville, Fla., visited her sister, Mrs. Archie Evans, during the past week. Mrs. Archie Evans is visiting Mrs. Lydia Grace at Freeman this week. Mrs. Jane S. Bernard has re turned to Cleveland, Ohio, where she is attending business school. She was called home because of the death of her aunt in Wil- 1 mington. Arthur E. Newton, of Cin- j clnnati, Ohio, will spend the summer with Mrs. D. E. Arthur. James R. Beavers, of Chillicothe, Ohio, is spending a few days here with Mr. Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilbert, of High Point, spent the week end j here with Mrs. Gilbert's parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hickman. I Mr. and Mrs. William Webb! and two children, of High Point, | spent the week end here with I Mrs. Webb's mother, Mrs. Wal- ' burg Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and children, of Raleigh, spent the week end here with Mrs. C. Ed Taylor. Mrs. Arthur Clark and son, Arthur, Jr., arrived here Friday from California. Mrs. Clark will take post graduate work at the University of North Carolina this summer, while the young man spends his vacation with his grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Cannon. Miss Anna Bell Huse is spend ing her summer vacation with her grandparents in Marshall, Mis souri. Mrs. Ed Mallison accompanied Mrs. Billy Bragaw and children to Chapel Hill Saturday and spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smeet, of Goldsboro, are spending two weeks at the McFarland cottage at Caswell Beach. The W. C. Mulls, of Burlington, are at their Caswell Beach cot tage for the summer. Thejr have as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. Miles and family, of Haw River. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Albritten and son, Harry, of Farmville, are | spending the month of June with Miss Mary Humphrey at her cot tage at Caswell Beach. News From Dosher Memorial Hospital Mrs Catherine Clemmons, of Shallotte, entered on Monday as a- surgical patient. Mrs. Pearl Leonard, of Shal lotte, was a medical patient from Tuesday until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Floyd, of Shallotte, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday. Monterville Hamilton, of Stacy, entered as a medical patient on Tuesday. Miss Erma Hewett, of Supply, entered on Tuesday as a medical patient. Sol E. Hewett, of Southport, entered as a medical patient on Wednesday. Master Bobby Muncy, of South port, entered on Wednesday as a medical patient. J. L. Fulford, of Supply, en tered as a medical patient on Thursday. Mrs. Elouise Lewis, of Shal lotte, spent Thursday until Sat urday as a medical patient. G. W. Hart, of Winnabow, en tered as a medical patient on Thursday. Miss Lewberta Hewett, of Sup ply, entered on Thursday as, a surgical patient. Baby Wanda Dozeman, of Shallotte, was a medical patient from Saturday until Monday. Miss Mary Hanson, of Salis bury, entered on Saturday as a medical patient. Miss Barbara Hanson, of Char lotte, entered as a medical pa tient on Saturday. Mrs. Lena Godwin, of Ash, entered on Saturday as a surgi cal patient. Melvin Mintz, of Leland, en tered as a medical patient on Monday. Mrs. Anna Bell Fulford, of Supply, entered on Monday as a medical patient. VISITING PARENTS Mrs. Elmer Alberger and little daughter, Mary Ann, of Phila delphia, and Mrs. W. W. Cyphers and two sons, Billie and Don, of Roanoke, Va., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Willetts, at Winnabow. AT CASWELL BEACH Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nelson, of Leaksville-Spray, have opened their beautiful new cottage at Caswell Beach and are here for the summer. Mr. Nelson is an out standing textile man. TO MORGAN CITY Anson Lewis left last week for Morgan City, La., where he will visit friends before going to New Orleans for a flight train ing course. VOLUNTEERS FOR ARMY Jesse A. Bryant, young colored man of Supply, volunteered last week for service in the Army and was accepted for the 18-month period. He has not yet been as signed. Advice Given On Preserving Eggs ' ! State College Professor Of fer# Suggestions On Best Methods In Use Eggs produced during the , heavy season of' lay may now be preserved for use at the time when eggs are scarce, according ' to Prof. Roy S. Dearstyne, head 1 of the poultry department at j State College. In the past years the use of water glass solution was widely! carried out for this purpose, he! said, but with the recent wide- ) spread development freezer lock- j ers, a new opportunity exists. Where; the freezer lotk6r is to j be used, _ clean, fresh eg^s should | be broken into paraffined cups and refrigerated at zero tempera- j ture. If tire entire contept of the egg is to be frozen,, the eggs should be broken into, a clean bowl, and one tablespoon of corn syrup or sugar, or one teaspoon ful of salt should be added to each cup of Jiquid eggs. Break yolks, but do not whip. ? If yolks ? are ? frozen separate, add two tablespoons of corn sirup or sugar, or one teaspoon of salt to each cup of yolks and mix as for whole eggs. If the whites are packaged, nothing should be add ed. The containers should be ' moisture-vapor proof, and the ' product promptly. The eggs, when thawed, should be used im mediately. Undoubtedly, as time goes on and as freezer-locker, space be comes more available, this meth od of providing for periods of scarcity in egg 'production will become more popular, Prof. Dear styne said. VISITING FAMILY Miss Larcaine Galloway, a graduate of Shallotte high school, left the day after graduation for Morgan City, ' La., where she is visiting her family. She plans to return in August to begin train ing at James Walker Hospital, Wilmington. When blasting with dynamite, never use an iron bar from push ing the dynamite into the hole. Always use a wood tamping stick for this purpose. Many Veterans Drop Insurance Paramore Urges Reinstate ment Of Policies; Half " Of Total Lapsed Veterans who have failed to | keep their National Service Life i insurance in force were urged ^ today to take advantage of their present opportunity to reinstate it in a statement issued by Wal ter H. Paramore, executive se cretary of the Whiteville Mer chants association. "It is alarming that so great a- number of veterans have neg lected to preserve this valuable protection," Mr. Paramore said. "It is important that local "vete rans get the facts abcfut their G. I. insurance from the nearest Veterans Administration, county service officer or from any life insurance agent." Among the 5,000 veterans In Columbus county, 50 per cent have allowed their insurance to lapse, according to Mr. Paramore. "This protection may mean the difference between financial in? dependence or want for the vete rans' wives and children. It will have a marked effect on the economic security of our com munity. - "If the veterans who lost this protection knew the facts, they would lose no time in getting it back. Regardless of how long their insurance has . been lapsed, ' they can reinstate it, in most cases, without a physical examin ation if they apply on or before August 1st." SHERIFF A VISITOR The Cedric Edgertons, of Golds boro.'have as guest this week at their Caswell Beach home Sheriff and Mrs. Paul Garrison, of Colds bo ro. Mrs. Beell, of Wilmington, daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. Gar rison, is also visiting the Edger tons. REMODELS COTTAGE ' John Cook, well known resident | of Fayetteville, has recently j bought the Robert Jones cottage I at Caswell Bjach and has com pleted extensive remodelling. His i family is now occupying It for ^ the summer. I Egyptians in 4.000 B. C. had I reached about the same stage of [ culture as that of the Mayas, In I cas and Aztecs in 1492 A. D. TRUCK FOR SALE 1942 DODGE 1%-Ton Truck Chasis ? 195-inch Wheelbase SEE IT IN SOUTHPORT W- B- &S- BUS LINE Southport, N. C. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE We are building up a big following of customers who are finding our store a good place to buy their groceries, general merchandise, feeds and flour. LAST CALL FORlWCCO FLUES If you don't have yours, and you still need a set, or some replacement parts, you had better se us this week. T. H. (Hoover) SELLERS Richfield Service Station Supply, N. G. Only one of many Famous Models we now have in stock For Your Selection It is our purpose to render to our custom ers the very finest in Radio Sales and Service. We are proud of our new line, and we invite you to come in to see these fine Radios. KING'S ELECTRICAL SALES COMPANY . SHALLOTTE, N. C.