fa pilot Covers i?vick County THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The News I All The Time ^ ^ A Good Newspaper In A Good Community ^sixteen 6-PAGES today Southport, N. CM Wednesday, May 5thTl948 published every Wednesday ii.so per yea? ake-Up Occurs , Organization County Officers r. y'ln Charge Of ^Service Account By nf Commissioners jction __ g$V CUSTODIAN i Tax Rate Is Set *, $1.55 Per Hun dred ^ oTthe board of coun !Lsion?rs tossed a bomb fiZ the official organiza a'the county here Monday wtien three of the most ?-? juf.es Of County Audi J c st. George were as-, i other officials. P jorgensen. county tax ? V3S directed to assume Mies of purchasing agent rje countv and was directed , Lie the debt service ac . Jf the county, including Ktirement of this account. w ordered that Mrs. Res (jatlev. assistant to Ml. St. ? : r'the past several years, preferred to the office of ax collector effective May D. Robinson, now serving as i jeputy and jailor under Itt Walter M. Stanaland. was sole custodian of county fr effective May 4. It was &il that Deputy Sheriff cor. is in full charge of all at the courthouse, county' aru the county building at It \r l the jail: and oversee-1 employees. i commissioners appointed! Irsersen to collect the 1948 itvv, and a tentative rate for i us set at $1.55. i other matter of routine bs was a reduction in the t ? of 18-acres of land own t Ur.es H Scull in North swnship. This valuation * at $420.00. which appear >4e commissioners to be in nth listing of other proper that section. Iriefttewi Flasha S CLI B i regular meeting of the tort Lions Club will be held K'*' at 1 o'clock in the ;ty Building. 'KATION *'? Soil Conservationist C. Eer and Mrs. Potter are i? toiay for their old home fesoma. where they will a three weeks vacation, ?ill return about May 20. "each at supply 1 Fred Hlntz of Wilming *11 preach at the Supply !* church Sunday morning ''clock. The public is cor "vited to attend this ser "WORK ALL UP " ?f framework for the big 'Wset building that is to warehouse and also pro taiporary office quarters ^ pEA at Shallotte is now buiMing will be ready * ^-netime this month. It '?* lot adjoining the Shal building. &DID r.WKIUXG G- Bragaw was in ^?on Saturday and Sun Went to attend the un I a monument to the #or war dead. Her son, ^archill Bragaw, was ? Washington and his ^ amo"g the number in the monument. **ARV ROUTE vf B,JS scrv'ce through . and Longwood has ^"tinued until the Gris ti S?lclier Bay road is ?? Paved. The grading is ?"'I the soft dirt .?vcl difficult over ? ? hus now follows 1Hce a" the way be ,.j Port and Whiteville. ROBIX s NEST ?fr, , ''a.ves. Winston-Sa lty .. ?l thc Standard Oil V i , Jersey, is here ^-'""king after the re :orr? "rk on the Robin's In Ch he recently 1 It H aR interview this ^ ".pv^'V'S stated he was eovp' ? ,pr'ng and would fei 0f Frank Warren *, warren, Pa? is here "?Jes this week. 1922?MODEL-T PASSES INSPECTION O.K.?The boys of Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane No. 28 are shown going over the fire truck of the Southport Volunteer Fire Department Thursday. Chief of Po lice Otto Hickman is at the controls, and a few minutes later drove off the ramp with a blue sticker on the hood of the 1922?Model-T Ford. Little Symphony Will Play Two Concerts Famous Organization Re turning To Brunswick To Give School Children Op portunity To Hear Good Music PROGRAMS RESULT FROM HARD WORK Enthusiasm And Efforts Of Mrs. E. H. Arrington Is Largely Responsible For Appearances In County Brunswick county music lovers heard the Little Symphony of the North Carolina Symphony under the direction of Dr. Benjamin Swalin this year for the first time, and two children's concerts nave tfeen arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. As a result of the enthusiasm of one person, Mrs. E. H. Arring ton, who organized a Southport Symphony committee after hear ing the orchestra in Wilmington last year, enthusiatic supporters of the drive for funds raised the quota for an appearance of the Little Symphony. But, since the J weather cheated the community 1 out of the scheduled children's concerts, the organization is making a special trip down next week to fulfill that obligation. | It all started last spring when Mrs. Arrington and her daugh ter, Pat, boarded a bus from Southport to Wilmington. They were going to hear the Full Sym phony appearing in Wilmington that evening. Mrs. Arrington knew the departure of the last bus out of Wilmington through Southport at night was entirely j too early to give her and her friends time to hear more than a small portion of the concert. I Proving herself to be a good persuader, Mrs. Arrington con vinced the sympathetic bus driv er that he could hold his bus an | extra half hour that night so a few Brunswick county people could hear and enjoy some good music. I Weeks after the Wilmington concert. Dr. Swalin received a letter from Mrs. Arrington tell ing how much she and her friends had enjoyed the concert but how they had regretted leaving before it was over. She wondered if it j (Continued On Page Four) Longwood Lady Dies At Home Mrs. Mary Eliza Russ Pass es At Home Following j Period Of Failing Health I Following a long period of fail ing health, Mrs. Mary Eliza Russ died at her home at Longwood last Tuesday night. She was 66 years of age. Burial was in the Mintz ceme tery near Shallotte, Thursday af ternoon. Rev. J. R. Carter offi ciated at the funeral services. Surviving are two sons, Mar vin B. Russ of Wilmington, and Alton J. Russ of Ash; six daugh ters, Mrs. George Ward of Clar endon, Mrs. J. D. Bellamy of Wampee, S. C., Mrs. Bennie Dun can of Clarendon, Mrs. Lennon Leonard of Ash, Mrs. N. W. Min tz of Wilmington, and Mrs. Doro thy Carter of Chadbourn; a sis ter, Mrs. Seymour Ray of White ville; three brothers, B. I. Jen rette of Clarendon, John Ellis Jenrette of Ashe, and H. D. Jen rette of Leland; and 18 grand children. Fire Truck Passes New Auto Rejected ! When it was learned that ! I the Southport fire truck was t? i be taken out to the Motor I Vehicle Inspection Lane Thurs- I day for its test run a number I of local well-wishers were on I hand to see if the ancient but I honorable vehicle could pass j the test. It did, and the group cheer i ed as though it were some 1 thing of a personal triumph. But this noise was as noth- J ! ing when compared to their j jeers after a member of the j group chose this ji*jrticular ! i time to test his 1&47 sedan of j ! popular make and design?only ! to have it turned down. (Edi j tor's Note: It was ours!) Ferry Resumes Service Today Visitors To Holden Beach During Past Week-End Encountered Difficulty In Getting Passage Over In land Waterway An employee of the State Highway Commission repair force, advised early this week that the Holden Beach Ferry would be back in service today. Scheduled to be taken out Mon day of last week for three days of repair work, the ferry was not taken out until Wednesday. In stead of being out only three days, today marks a full week during which cars have been un able to get across the waterway. Assuming that the ferry would be repaired and operating again over the week-end, or not know ing that it was -out, a great many people have been subject ed to a lot of extra work and inconvenience during the past week. A lot of home owners coming down from up state brought building materials with them or had ordered them sent in from this and adjoining coun ties Such material had to be either hauled back where It came from or places for storage had to be found where it could be unloaded and left until the ferry, resumes operation. Then it will have to be reloaded in order to reach its destination. | John and Kemp Holden who .operate the J. & K. bath house, j pavillion and cafe, were all in j i readiness to open up for the ' past week end. Much of their j I supplies were stopped from corr.-i ing in by the lack of ferry ser vice. John Holden stated to a (Continued on page six) Brunswick Has Turned To Soil Field And Garden Crops Hold Interest Of Citizens, Of County As Planting Operations Near Comple tion With nearly all of it planted, up and growing, the Brunswick, county corn crop is said by farm-i ers to be looking exceptionally, good. This early it is hard to get any figures relative to the acre*! aKe but the general opinion, ^Continued on Page 6), 1 Artesian Well Water Analysis Is Interesting Hot Water Well At Cas well Sure To Be Major Point Of Interest In Case Reservation Is Opened To Public With the probability that the deal between North Carolina Board of Conservation and De velopment the Navy may be com pleted, with the state getting possession of Fort Caswell and using it as a part of the Moun-I tain-Seashore park system, it is certain that the famous but un developed mineral well at Cas well will be one of the centers ol Interest. Inquiries about this well are being constantly j^-ived. it?1' eating general interest. In view of this fact an analysis of the water is of considerable interest. This analysis shows parts per million. It is as follows: Slicon Dioxide, 5.6; iron, 8.4; calcium, 598.0; magnesium, 40.0; sodium and potassium, 6.343.0; bicarbonate, 1.037.0; sulphate ra dical, 27.0; chlorine, 10.400.0; salt, 1.6 percent-58 pel-cent more than seawater; winter tempera ture 96 degrees Fahrenheit, sum mer temperature around 92 de grees Fahrenheit. The above water comes by ar (Continued On Page Four) Mrs. Jesse Long Passes At Ash Funeral Services Conducted At Soldier Bay Baptist Church Sunday By Rev. Z. G. Ray Following a long illness Mrs. Jesse Long died at her home near Ash Friday night. She was 34-years of age. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. Z. G. Ray at the late residence Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Burial was in the Sol dier Bay church cemetery. Mrs. Long is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Smith, her (Continued On Page Four) Cancer Drive Is Short Of Quota As End Nearsl Less Than One Hundred Dollars Of A Three Hun dred Dollar Quota Has Been Contributed Thus Far ACTIVE CASES POINT TO NEED OF DRIVE Citizens Of Brunswick Urg ed To Send In Voluntary Contributions To Meet County Goal Although the American Cancer Society drive for funds was sche duled for the month of April only, the appeal is being con tinued in Brunswick County, i where less than one hundred dol- j lars of a three hundred dollar I goal has been raised to date. This poor showing in Bruns wick has greatly disappointed County Cancer Chairman Harry L. Mintz, Jr., of Supply, andj County Commander Marion Frink, of Southport, who had an ticipated a far more generous re sponse in a county where there are approximately 44 active cases of cancer. The drive officials were greatly encouraged last week by the news that the first free Cancer Detection Center in North Caro lina was being opened in Wil mington and was easily accessible to Brunswick residents. This evidence of the practical value of the Cancer society ap parently Jiad little effect on Brunswick citizens, however, Mr. Mintz said, disclosing that very few contributions have been re ceived during the past week. "Please do not wait to be con tacted personally," Miss Frink urged, "but mall your contribu tion now to Harry L. Mintz, Jr., County Cancer Chairman, Supply, N. C." Waccamaw Plans t May Day Program Elaborate Plans Made For Festival At Waccamaw School Saturday After noon Of This Week Students of Waccamaw high school will stage a gala May Fes tival Saturday afternoon, with the program scheduled to begin ^t 1:30 o'clock. This will be the first May Day program ever (staged at this school, and from a modest beginning plans have expanded into an ambitious un dertaking which will include stu dents from each of the 12 grades. I Geraldlne Formyduval will be j May Queen with Talmadge Little j as May King. Chief attendants (will be Roscoe Hughes and Joslyn ! Bennett. i Phoebe Russ and Ogel Babson j will be crown bearers. J Members of the court will in | elude Lela Mae King, Mildred I Lois Babson, Kenneth Ward ! Smith, Jr., Annie Neal Long, Lois Babson, Kenneth Ward, (Waddell Long, Katrina Milliken, |Lula M. Smith, Edward Gore, jDudly King, Mildred Hughes, Ra chel Pruitt, Dewey Smith, New sman Stanley, Bun Stanley, Nevae j Ward and Oscar Allen. | Martin C. Freeman, principal at Waccamaw, announced the !following 14-item program: (Continued on page 4) W. B. KEZIAH Our Same things that please some women will often displease others. This week "Pretty Polly,"l at the Shallotte Soda Shop and I Cafe, told us she was mad a_t us because we did not put any thing in this column about see ing her playing with soap bub bles. Same day Rose Marie Hol den told us we had no business saying anything about the pin ups we saw in her room at Hol den Beach when we were shown around by her mother. Freshwater fishing one day j this week we lost five big bass,' one of them by his breaking the line when we tried to lift him in the boat. Anyhow, plenty of others came aboard the boat along with some bluegills and jacks. Freshwater fishing for this year is in the order of what was predicted in this column sev-1 eral months ago. It is the best in years. The Shallotte post office has had a substantial increase in the business handled during the past year, according to Mrs. Ernest Parker, the post mistress. Now in small but comfortable new quarters, the post office in our neighboring town will have really nice office space in the new brick building that R. E. Bellamy and Sons plan to con struct during the year. Throughout most of the county the small grain crop, especially the spring planting, appears to be suffering from lack of rain. The present dryness has also been bothering tobacco plant3. Young corn is seldom bothered by dry weather and the Bruns (Continued on page 2) River Drainage Plan Endorsed By Gillette Director North Carolina Ports Authority Approved Waccamaw River Drainage Project In Speech Col. George W. Gillette, di rector of the State Ports Authori ty and former ' chief of U. S. Army Engineers in this district, gave his approval to the Wacca maw River drainage project and declared it "feasible and econom ically sound" in an address to the Whiteville Rotary Club Thurs day evening. Touching on the proposal to divert flood waters of the Wac camaw by means of a canal 90 miles above their natural outlet, Col. Gillett eexpressed the opin ion that the project would not | adversely affect the fish and shellfish industry and, on the contrary, reclaim thousands of acres of farm lands for produc tive purposes and prove a boon to health conditions. The State Ports Authority di rector was Introduced by J. P. Quinerly, a room-mate of the col onel at State College. Col. Gil lette recalled that "Joe was vale* dictorian of his class, while I had a difficult time getting by." The speaker listed four objects for North Carolina, naming in dustrial development of Eastern North Carolina, adequate port facilities, a drainage program and protection and promotion of the fish and shellfish industry as essential to the economic futur? of this area and the State. Col. Gillette viewed the pre sent State pattern as unhealthy from an economic standpoint, pointing out that 95 per cent of the industries in North Carolina are located west of Raleigh. The development of ports, he believed, would go a long way toward de creasing the disparity between the East and the West, and at the same time enable goods and materials to be sold more cheap ly in all sections. Henry B. Wyche, assistant vice president of the Waccamaw Bank and Trust Company, and B. Gor don Lewis, editor and publisher of the Columbus County News, were guests of Rotarian Quinerly. John Krahnke was program chairman. Enlarging Hardee Fish Packing Building Here Regulations On Shrimp Same Expected changes In shrimp } fishing regulations did not ma- I teriaiize when the commercial fisheries committee of the De partment of Conservation and i Development met at Morefoead | City Monday. The industry was j left wide open. Shrimping may I be carried on every day from i o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock at night. Likewise, nothing was done with regard to size limit. Fishing inn Sunday for shrimp Is, however, not allowed. This is understood to be the only change from the old order of things. Announce Plans For Cleaning Up Cash Prizes Being Given As Stimulus To Property Owners In Campaign To Beautify Southport Citizens of Southport are ask ed for their support and coop '? eration during the following year of the Home Demonstration club's clean-up campaign. Start ing May 1, everyone is requested to clean their property to the middle of the street and help beautify by planting flowers and keeping their property cleaned up. The chairman of the street j committee. M. M. Hood, has pledged full cooperation of the city trucks to remove trash and rubbish. Mayor John Erickson has stated that his interest and help could be depended upon, both in a personal and official capacity. The superintendent of streets, R. L. Brindle, will assist in any way possible. For the citizens showing the most improvement in their pro perty there will be valuable cash prizes awarded. The first prize will be $100.00, second $30.00, third $10.00, fourth $5.00, and five $1.00-prizes. Concentration should be given to the home properties and the water front, however entrants should not neglect the vacant lots which have grown up in weeds. Both rentors and property own jers are eligible to enter this con test. All cleaning and planting or (Continued on page four) Recorder Hears Numerous Cases Variety Of Offenses Cover ed By Docket Tried Be fore Judge W. J. Mc Lamb In Recorder's Court Wednesday Wednesday was another busy day in Brunswick county Record |er's court, with a variety of) [cases being tried before Judge W. J. McLamb. The following disposition of cases was made: James Patton Barden, speeding, (Continued From Page Six) Production Of Food Fish! During Past Winter Indi-1 cates Need For More ' Operations Next Season | FACILITIES WILL BE ABOUT DOUBLED Portion Of Building To Be Used For Machine Shop ? And For Repairs To Parts Of Equipment Seeing something really worth while In winter fishing as a re sult of the operations of a few boats in February ahd *Mkrctf, Lewis J. Hardee is now busily en gaged in doubling the size of his shrimp and fish packing house at Southport With the past winter the first one when the boats tried for food fish in the gulf stream off South port, nearly a million pounds of fish were brought in, this despite the fact that the boats started work two months or more later j than they should have started. In' addition to this the limited time, after they did start permitted1 only a small number of boats to get proper fishing rigs. With the end of the shrimping season sometime before Christ mas, a lot of boats are expected to turn immediately for four months or more of trawling on the gulf for food fish. This past winter Mr. Hardee only had unloading facilities for one boat at a time. Several times it took all night to get the boats unloaded and ready for another trip next morning. With the ad dition to his building Mr. Hardee will be able to unload the pro ducts of two boats 'at a time, pack the fish and load trucks twice as fast as he could do when he was badly crowded last winter. A part of the addition to his building will be used as a ma chine shop and another part for the repairing of nets. When the work is finished the local man will be admirably equipped for the handling of both shrimp and fish. Next Wednesday Is Hospital Day Members Of Hospital Aux iliary Planning Benefit Chicken Salad Supper At Community Building Fri day Evening Next Wednesday is National Hospital Day, and Mrs. E. J. Pre vatte, president of the Hospital Auxiliary, urges every person in Brunswick county to help make this the best Hospital Day ever observed here. Friends of the hospital are in vited. The refreshments will be served in the sun parlor from 2 o'clock until 4 o'clock. Gifts of money, glasses, dresser scarves, small trays, sheets, towels, pil low cases, bath cloths and many other items arc needed. Every thing in the hospital has to be used so constantly that they do not last long. The Auxiliary is having a chicken salad and baked ham supper on Friday night of this week at the Community Building. The tickets are now on sale, and this supper is being given to help (Continued On Page Four) Flower Show Is Declared To Be Great Success Visitor* Agree That This Year's Program Deserve? Place Among Most Out? standing Shows Staged By Woman's Club MRS. R. B. THOMPSON GENERAL CHAIRMAN Out-Of-Town Judges Are Warm In Their Praise Of This Year's Edition Of Annual Flower Show The Annual Flower Show sponsored by members of the Southport Woman's Club war held last Wednesday at the Com munity Building, and visitor* were warm In their praise o f this year's event. Particularly flatter ing were the comments of the out-of-town judges. General chairman for this year's show was Mrs. R. B. Thompson, with Mrs. Dallas Pig? ott serving as secretary. How ever, the success of the show re sulted from the cooperation of club women and friends of that organization. Sweepstakes prize winner wa* Mrs. C. C. Ruark, with runner up honors going to Mrs. Louis J. Hardee. Prizes were plants which were donated for the pur pose by Orton Nursery and the Elmore Nursery, at Bolivia. In summarizing the show, Mrs. Thompson declared that she wanted to express her apprecia tion to all persons who .o.itribu buted to its success. "Mc bers of the Woman's Club are pi ud of our Annual Flower Shov," she said, "and each year we try to live up to the high standards of past exhibitions. It is only through the fine cooperation ct our members and friends of th# club that we are able to main* tain the flower show as an event to which we all look forward each spring. I sincerely thank all those persons who helped make the show this year a success " Class I, Perfection ui tiiooui: (a) large flower, 1. Miss Lot tie Mae Newton, 2. Mrs. R. B. Thompson. (b) Small flower, 1. Mrs. L. J. Hardee, 2. Mrs. D. C. Herr ing, ? 2. Mrs. Otto Hickman. Class II. Artistic Arrangement: > (a) Large living room table. 1. Mrs. Lundy Jones, 2. Mrs. James M. Harper, Jr., 3. Mrs. Glenn Frazfer. (b) Small living room table, 1. Mrs. C. G. Ruark, 2. Mrs. R. B. Thompson, 3. Mrs. F. L. Will ing. (c) Dining table with dishes, 1. Mrs. C. G. Ruark, 2. Miss Annie Mae Woodside, 3. Mrs. L. J. Hardee. (d) Dining table without dish es, X. Mrs. Delia Harrison, 2> Mrs. Dallas Plgott, 3. Mrs. George Watson. (e) Mantle, 1. Mrs. F. L. Will ing, 2. Mrs. H. T. St. George, 3. Mrs. C. G. Ruark. (f) Bedtray, 1. Mrs. R. B. Thompson, 2. Mrs. James M. Harper, Jr. (g) Seasonal, 1. Mrs. F. V Willing, 2. Mrs. H. T. St. George, _ 3. Mrs. Paul Messick. (h) Wildflower, 1. Mrs. Louis Hardee. 2. Mrs. James M. Har (Continued on Page 2) Parties Visit . Howells Point Good Inside Fishing Has Served To Attract Large Numbers Of Visitors To This Vacation Spot Howell's Point, where all that is necessary for some good la-i side fishing is to charter a row boat, has been drawing a lot of people during the past several days. The catches, according to reports, have not been large, but everybody has been satisfied and has promised himself or herself an early return when better wea ther will put the fishing more in its stride. Among the people reported at the Point during the past ftw oays have been F. M. Fancom and Mr. Buggs, from Gastonla; Mr. Linde and a party of four from Asheboro; V. P. Puttman and sons and a party of five from Rutherfordton; Claude Rob erts and a party of three from Kannapolis at the Roberts cot tage; Hubert McCam and a party of eight from Kannapolis also at the Roberts cottage; R. B. Babbington and his sister, Mrs. Stone, of Gastonia, at the Babbinton cottage. Saturday folks began to pull in . from various points in the state/ by the truck and car lor' Names of these parties and / results of their fishing Is / yet available to the paper.

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