The pilot Oners Idrunswicfc County THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The Newt All The Time PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY ?1.50 PER YEAJI (ports Made On a Achievement png The Year J*, Woman s Club, Re ft, Accomplishments ^'committees ? -ne Meeting This ** \v'i!l Be Musical wram To Be Presen U On May 28th At Methodist Church k jouthpoft" Woman's Club * Il3t business meeting of i ?ar on Wednesday af ' i the library. Mrs. H. i George. president of the Lducted the meeting. One f*mb*r. Mrs Sam T Ben" taccepted. Lowing the accomplish L of the club during the L,, Mrs. St. George spoke L T B. and Crippled Child aivcs. the support of the through librarian's salary, arcer drive, the collection of L 30 filled pocket k :hc flower show, the con tows to headquarters, Sallie *a^ Cotton Loan Fund, the p Art Fund and the Christ , contest* She thanked the ga committees for the work t mve Jone during the year wised the club for the a* in attendance. ti James M. Harper, Jr., j:-:-".-elect, read the follow owmlttee appointment?, and newts for the year 1948 tasce Committee: Mrs. E. H. pgtor, chairman: Mrs. R. C. pi Mrs. Harry Weeks: Mrs. i t- Brown. Mrs. Felton Gar ; Mrs F. SI. Burdette and I Davis Herring. jtnare Department: Mrs. L Lewis. chairman; Mrs. M. I San :*rs. Mrs. Prince O'Brien,1 J T. Denning and Mrs. Roy' E Home Department: L L J. Hardee. chairman; I Dallas Pigott, Mrs. C. G. lit Mrs R. B. Thompson, k K. T. St. George. Mrs. Dan ks.r. and Miss Corinne He Welfare Department: Jce Young, chairman; Mrs. p: Leggett. Mrs. Bill Hyatt, | X M Hood and Mrs. S. B. L | a: Department: Mrs. Dal-' Bptt, chairman: Mrs! J. T. i c... Mrs. Bryant Potter and ? H. C. Corlette* I it Department: Mrs. H. B. | t chairman: Mrs. James ' a.": Mrs. E. J. Prevatte. :-r*-'.mal Relations: Mrs. 5 Butler, chairman: Mrs. I. I ??ells and Mrs. George Y. fercan Citizenship: Mrs. Cranmer, chairman; Mrs. t; Ruark and Mrs. H. W. H bics:*)n: Miss Annie Mae chairman; Mrs. Helen JP* and Mrs. F. M. Niernsee. * Books: Mrs. Paul Mes ^ E- J. Prevatte conducted quiz which was won by Harper, who received a PWtef as a prize. Annie K. Vitou and Mrs. Harper served refresh is. k- meeting of the year for J" tvi" n<>t be on the third ? ?<*> of this month, but - JeW instead on Friday ? May 28. at which time 'Program will be given Methodist church. (Va<ATI0\ Mrs F. M. Burdette t an,i Va' at'r,n in Greenville, Pb'i 'V1"' hc is away his being handled by Dr. ' r- of that city. ? W .^''taPP?'r'ted summer C, a.r .an" M?. H. T. Wttelv L""? Beach was ^siorntf '^ed by fire Sat" "eipiB.. " c cottage was timc and the is unknown. Wu'1, was moved in ky ?1'',|en Beach road apCrJS. now engaged in k to two brid r This out (Juring the j* roUte .mad 13 the main F^ne? den Beach S^irby ' Paved road from to the ,)cach ,s ENJOY SYMPHONY PROGRAM ENTRANCED?Boys and Girls of Brunswick county schools who heard the Little Symphony concert yesterday afternoon or this morning were delighted with their first close-up of classical and semi-classical music. The above scene is typical of their reaction. Little Symphony Back In County For Concerts Children's Concert Played Yesterday Afternoon At Shallotte And This Morn ing At Bolivia The Little Symphony of the j North Carolina - Symphony Or- j chestra was back in Brunswick i yesterday and this morning, and an estimated two thousand school children thrilled to the music of this fine organization. Yesterday afternoon students of Waccamaw high school travel ed to Shallotte to pack the high school auditorium to overflowing as the orchestra played the first of its two free concerts for child ren. This ? morntng Leland and Southport students made the trip! to Bolivia, where the orchestra; made its second appearance in] two days. The musicians were under the j direction of Dr. Benjamin Swalin, who quickly put his youthful au dience at ease and set about his business of demonstrating that i good music can be ea3y to hear. Interpretive remarks by Mrs., Swalin carried the boys and girls along the musical journey in company with ihe orchestra, and the kids seemed to particularly enjoy their in*?oduction to the various instruments. I Members of the orchestra were1 guests of Mrs. E. H. Arrington at a picnic at Long Beach yes terday afternoon, and last night they stayed in the Johnson Tour ist Court at Bolivia. Hospital Day j Observed Here Members Of Hospital Aux iliary Serving Refresh ments To Visitors; Re port On Chicken Salad Supper This is Hospital Day at Dosh er Memorial Hospital, and mem bers of the Hospital Auxiliary are welcoming guests and serv ing refreshments to friends and visitors. The benefit chicken salad sup per served Friday night was a success in every way, and this resulted from full cooperation and generous donations of food (Continued on Page 2) I Mrs. Sanders Is j P.-T.A President High School Glee Club Ren ders Enjoyable Musical Program At Final Meet ing Of School Year Mrs. M. R. Sanders has been elected president of the Southpoi ' Parent-Teachers Association for next year. succeeding Mrs. Thompson McRacken. . Serving with Mrs. Sanders will be Mrs. E. H. Arrington, vice president; Mrs. Otto Hickman, secretary] and Mrs. R. C. treasurer. .. At the final meeting of the year Thursday night the program was presented by the high school glee club, under the direction of Mrs. J. T. Denning. The follow ing numbers v-^re included. '?Sweet and Low," chorus; Ken tucky Babe", chorus; Sparkm Peggy Jane," Stuart Arrington and Iris Newton; "About Katy, chorus; "Lullaby," chorus, Over Three Hundred Vessels Now In Basin Brunswick River Lay-Up Basin Has Second Largest Number Of Vessels Un der Control Of U. S. Maritime Coirmission JAMES RIVER BASIN ONLY ONE LARGER With More Ships Coming In Daily, Prospects Are For Between Four And Five Hundred Brunswick county is now har boring the second largest num ber of ships based anywhere un der the control of the U. S. Mari time Commission, as the Bruns wick River Basin now holds 314 vessels, mostly Liberty type freighters. The fleet on the James River basin near Norfolk is said to be the only one larger than the fleet on the Brunswick River On the James River basin arc 440 vessels, according to a report from Washington during the past week. The number of ships in the Brunswick basin is expected to increase to over 400 in the near future. During recent weeks they have been going through South port at a rapid rate. One or two have been spending almost every night here in the harbor, while others went straight through in the early mornings. In addition to the men em ployed on tne eight or nine tugs that ply through the Southport harbor from the basin to the bar where they meet and tow in the freighters, nearly 400 more are employed on the basin. Most of these are engaged in main I tenance work, keeping ships j painted, machinery oiled, etc. Waccamaw Man Dies Wednesday Hiram Jerome Formyduval Died At Home Following Cerebral Hemorrhage; Funeral Services Thurs day. Stricken with cerebral hemor hage Tuesday night of last week, Hiram Jerome Formyduval, vete ran of World War I, died at his home near Freeland shortly after noon last Wednesday. He was born and reared in Brunswick county, one of the sons of the late Tobias and Armacie Formyduval of Wacca maw township. Burial was held in the family cemetery at 2 o'clock Thursday ; afternoon, following services at the home. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. P. M Williamson Formyduval, three daughters. Mrs. Teva Sellers of (Continued on Page 2) Planning Fish Fry For Redwine | Shallotte friends of Edward H. Redwine are planning what they i say will be the biggest fish fry ever held in the county. The event will be staged at Shallotte Village Point on May 21st ana everybody is invited. Owing to the fact that -fish have been scarce, they are setting the event 'far enough ahead to make sure that the ocean will provide 'enough fish in time. They began buying, cleaning and freezing fish I last week. , Report Made On Auto Inspection J. S. Edgerton, supervisor of Motor Vehicle Inspection Lane j No. 28, reports that while his [ equipment was operating In | Brunswick county during the j last week in April 278 vehicles I were inspected at Shallot te and 148 vehicles were inspected at Southport. At Shallotte tiiere were 146 rejections and at Southport 84 vehicles failed to pass their first time through the lane. Most of these rejections were , because of minor defects wfiiah ' later were adjusted, and a total of 194 vehicles at the two ! places returned and received their blue sticker. Lane No. 28 will return to \ Shallotte on June 22 and to | Southport on June 29. Commencement Is Now Underway Baccalaureate Sermon Will Be Delivered Sunday Af ternoon At Leland; Other Features At County Schools The consolidated schools of Brunswick county are entering upon their commencement sea son, and Leland leads off Sun day with the baccalaureate ser mon. This will be delivered at j 3:30 o'clock by the Rev. Russell ' Caudill. Music will be furnished ! by the choir of Sunset Park Methodist church. The finals program already is j underway at Shallotte with one piano and voice recital having already been given and another scheduled for tomorrow (Thurs day) evening. The glee club pro gram, featuring children from the I fourth through the 12th grades, (Continued on Page 2) Murder Cases On Docket For Trial Next Week i Capt. E. I. Conway To Face Trial On Charges That Injuries Inflicted By Him Resulted In Death Of Sheriff JUDGE BURNEY IS PRESIDING JURIST _ Two Men Will Be Tried For Fatal Stabbing Of Bolton Man At Road house Near N^vassa The May term of Brunswick county Superior court will con vene here Monday for trial of criminal cases with Judge John J. Burney of Wilmington presid-1 ing. Clerk of Court Sam T. Bennett reported yesterday that a total of 65 cases are docketed for trial, with two murder charges head ing the list. The greatest interest is center ed in the case against Capt. E. 1.1 Conway, fleet captain at the j Brunswick River Lay-Up Basin, who faces trial on charges that Injuries inflicted by. him upon the body of the late Sheriff John G. White resulted in the death of that official. Capt. Conway is under bond of $5,000.00. Another murder trial in wsich there is considerable interest -is that of Marion George McDonald and Johnnie Martin Davis for the fatal stabbing of Leslie B. (Happy) Watson at a roadhouse in Northwest township in. March. Clerk of Court Bennett calls, attention to the fact that mem bers of the Brunswick county grand jury are expected to be here for the opening session of court Monday, even though none of these jurors have been sum moned. The Brunswick county grand jury is a year-round job, he points out, and men selected at the January term still are on duty. Committee To Help Umstead D. B. Frink Will Serve As Chairman Of Group Which Will Have Charge Of Umstead Campaign In County A committee of 18 members, with D. B. Frink of Shallotte as I chairman and Paul Fodale of i Southport as secretary, has been i named to handle the campaign 'of Senator William B. Umstead !in Brunswick county. Senator : Umstead is seeking to succeed [himself in the upper house of ! Congress, representing North Car l olina. The appointment of the com mittee was announced this week i by State Manager Joe T. Car i ruthers. In addition to Frink and Fodale, the following Brunswick [men are on the committee: | Charles E. Cause, Southport; I Louis Hardee, Southport; John |W. Stanley, Ash; Ross McKee, ? Leland; John Beck, Shkllotte; S. IT. Bennett, Southport; D. L. Ganey, Leland; John B. Ward, Ash; Henry Williams, Shallotte; James Chadwick, Shallotte; Fos ter Mintz, Bolivia; Bill Wells; Southport; C. C. Hewett, Bolivia; R. C. St. George, Southport; Ern (Continued on page 2) w. B. KEZIAH Our ROVING Reporter We were rather surprised the 'other day to note that a good friend of ours had erected him 1 self a barbed wire fence right alongside the shoulders of one of jour highways, this without any ! wooden pannel above it. In the (hope that he will notice this and I correct his mistake before some i officer comes along with a war irant' for his arrest, this is to re mind him that it is against the law to erect such ungarded fen ces along avenues of travel. J. G. O'Quinn of Calabash?and that is the most westernly sec ? tion of the Brunswick county coast line?was reminding us [Saturday of the fine fishing they have down his way. At this time I of the year it begins to get bet ter every day. This week Mr. .O'Quinn was inviting us to come | clown and see for ourself. After some argument as to whether he could meet us at Shallotte or Ed ward Redwine could take us from that point?both wanting to do the job?we agreed that we would come down to Shallotte some day this week and go on to Cala bash with Edward. Mrs. M. L. White of Shallotte dropped in at the office to see us one day last week. We had not been getting around her part of Shallotte as much as she seemed to think we should. To make amends, we went around Saturday and visited her and Mr. White for awhile. Mr. White has not been so well lately, but he is just as chipper as ever in spirits. We approached Tom Hewett of Supply Saturday. He appeared kind of peeved that his paper 1 (Continued on page 2) Wreck Of Blockade Is Good Spot For Fishing Visitors To Holdens Beach Make Bee-Line For Wreck Of Civil War Vessel For Good Fishing Although it has never received much publicity, residents of the 'Holden Beach community and thousands of visitors from up state are always ready to claim that the best fishing spot along the coast is the wreck of the Confederate Blockade Runner, Ranger, which lies directly in front of the hotel at Holden Beach. Some of the residents claim that the Holden Beach road was built where it is because, before the dredging of the intracoastal canal, visitors and nearby resi dents headed right down through Lockwoods Folly township; straight for the wreck of the j Ranger. The hull of the vessel is barely j covered at low tide. At such times men and women can walk out and fish just beyond the wreck, where the fish gather as the tide recedes. When the tide again comes in the sportsmen can stand on the beach and easily cast to the wreck. When the Ranger was beached ! to escape the Federal gunboats, residents of the beach section are 'said to have waded out and sav | ed many valuables before the 'ship gradually went to pieces. It j is said that Bud Lancaster, liv , ing in the Holden Beach com munity, has some silverware that his people salvaged from the ves sel. A little search would prob ably reveal that quite a number of Lockwoods Folly township homes have various articles sal vaged from the ship. According to John and Kemp Holden, who operate the Holden Beach bath house, lunch room and store, the wreck is especially good for sheephead, drum and blackfish. A boat is never need ed. In fact the wreck is right at the breakers and a boat could not be used except during high tide and in the calmest sort of weather. This fact that a boat is neither needed or can be used makes the wreck all the more at tractive to fishermen from up state. Menhaden Fleet Being Made Ready To Fish Next Stop Is Mayor's Court Twenty-six drivers, most of them Southport folks, were tagged with a summons Tues day afternoon, requesting them to appear in Mayors Court and explain why they neglected to stop at the Howe Street and Moore Street intersection. This is a regular N. C. Highway stop |>oint, but dozens violate it dally. Chief of Police Otto Hick man handled out the summon* in this case and probably sav ed some motorists the stiff fine that will result when the High way Patrol and other officers begin to crack down and send offenders to Recorder's court. I Increasing Work At Vet Office Report Of April Work At Veterans Service Office Indicates That More De mand Is' Being Made For Help Work among the veterans in Brunswick county is growing more active and the needs of such work is becoming more pro nounced as the veterans them i selves see the need of it, reports Cecil Edwards, Veterans Service Officer for Brunswick county, who is finding himself confronted with more and more of a task. During April, according to his report, Mr. Edwards received 49 letters and wrote 40 in relation to the work he is doing. During the same period he held 159 in terviews and had 6 long distance calls and telegrams. He made 12 field trips and 28 educational trips and had one on-the-job training program. Six cases of Readjustment Allowance were handled ?nd 41 persons saw him about compensation and pen sion. Three matters of Loans, P. L. 346 were handled, one case of insurance and one case of hos ! pitalization, 3 cases of farmer | training came up and legal or I business advice was given in 39 j instances. There was 36 miscel ; laneous matters. In an interview this week Mr. I Edwards stated that a veteran |was in his office Monday morn-, : ing, wanting some information | and advice. He stated that since ? his discharge from the service his health had been failing and (Continued on page 2) Herring Elected > Lions President I Southport Attorney Sue- i ceeds B. L. Furpless As Head Of Local Civic Or ganization At Election Thursday Davis C. Herring, Southport attorney, was elected Thursday to head the Southport Lions Club i during the coming year. He suc ceeds B. L. Furpless. | Named to serve with him are :Dan Harrelson, first vice-presl-l | (continued on page two) I Gifford Being Recondition ed Following Fire Which Practically Destroyed Her Last Winter , OTHER VESSELS UNDERGO REPAIRS Powerful Boats Will Be Ready To Begin Opera tions With Greater Range And Capa ? city The Gifford, local menhaden boat that was almost completely destroyed by fire last fall, is be ing rebuilt by the Brunswick 1 Navigation Company into better i shape than ever for fishing. I The burned-out hull was brought from the insurance com pany and work of rebuilding has been ni progress about all winter at the factory. At the same time Manager R. F. Plaxco of the Brunswick Navigation Company has been keeping another force, of men making alterations and| overhauling the Plaxco, Bruns I wick, John M. Morehead and W. ? P. Anderson. For speed and ability to make long cruises for fish and bring them in before there is danger of their spoiling, the Plaxco and' Brunswick are about the most powerful boats engaged in the' menhaden industry on this sec- j | tion of the coast. Both are con verted U. S. Navy minesweepers. The recent alterations are said I to give each of them hold ca- ( pacities of over half a million fish and they can load many I more fish on deck. Captain J. B. Church, veteran Southport fisherman, is said to j j be slated to command the Gif-J ! ford when the rebuilding is com-1 Ipleted. He is being transferred, from the W. P. Anderson, and | i John Shelton will succeed him jon that vessel. Merle Hood will I again be in charge of the John M. Morehead of the Plaxco has not been learned, but he is un derstood to be from Virginia. Re ports are that the fishing is ex pected to start up ab?ut the 20th. Opposes State Inspection Law Odeli Williamson, Repre sentative In Last Session Of North Carolina Gen eral Assembly, Opposes This Bill Odell Williamson, who voted [against the inspection law when Jit was passed In 1947, says that | if he is nominated and elected he will support legislation to do [away with or suspend the in spection of motor vehicles until such time that new vehicles and parts become available. | Williamson pointed out that | the law will force people to spend more money on their old equip ment to get it through inspection 'than they can turn around and 'sell it for. With ??his t.-ing the lease, he thinks the inspection should be withheld. He said he i is in favor of the purpose of the law and 'that is the safety fea 'ture! but he feels it unfair to say j to the people that they should spend more money on that car than it is worth or walk because they can't buy a new behlcle. Democrats To - Meet Saturday In Convention Spirited Battle In Prospect For Chairman Of Demo cratic Executive Commit* tee; Present Chairman I* Candidate PRECINCTS HAVE ALREADY ORGANIZED List Of Precinct Chairmen Listed; These Men Auto matically Comprise The County Executive Group The Democrats of Brunswick county will hold their convention on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Bolivia high school auditorium. There has been no announcement regarding a speak er for this occasion, but thera is widespread interest in thfs gathering and a good crowd is in prospect. Election of a chairman of the Brunswick County Democratic Executive Committee is sure to hold the spotlight. D. B. Frink has held this position for the past two years and probably will be a candidate for re-election. It is not known who other candi dates for the job of chairman may be. According to the plan of party organisation, precinct meetings were held Saturday with the fol lowing men being named sls j chairman In their respective lo calities: Paul Brown, Hootlf Creek; Dillon Ganey, Leland; J. N. Sowell, Winnabow; Lester Edwards, Bolivia; W. S. Well* Southport No. I; S. B. Frink, Southport No. II; Frank Lennor^ Mosquito; Morton Parker, Sup iply; Norman Bellamy, Seacesslon; i I. N. Fulford, Shallotte; Ernest [Parker, Frying Pan; Herman [Love, Grissettown; Henry Hick \ man, Shingletree; Dave Bennett, iLongwood; John B. Ward, Ash; I Wrent Mintz, Waccamaw; Ark sene Vereen, Exum. As precinct chairmen these men comprise the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee for Brunswick County. Recorder Hears Numerous Cases Variety Of Cases Heard On Wednesday Before Judge W. J. McLamb In Bruns? wick Recorder's Court A variety of eases were tried before Judge W. J. McLamb here in Recorder's court Wednesday, with the following disposition' be ing made: Henry Benton, public drunkenness, costs. Joe F. Atkinson, operating car after revocation of license, nol pros. Wm. Theodore Hill, improper equipment, capias. P. E. Walters, reckless opera tion, continued. Pasty Hackaway, public drunk ness, nol pros. John D. Johnson, public drunk ness, nol pros. Ralph A. Gurganus, speeding', continued. James Paton Barden, speeding, {2.50 and costs. Sidney Goodwin, reckless op eration, $15.00 and costs. Norman James Knowlaon, speeding, $5.20 and costs. Sidney Goodwin, reckless op eration, $15.00 and costs. Norman, James Knowlaon, speeding, capias. Lois Johnson, no operators li cense, capias. Cutman Davis, speeding, capiaa. Dora Gorp, D. L. Gore, violat ing stock law, on docket by mis take after it was sent to 8t? perior court by J. P. Cecil Southerland, assault with deadly weapon, $25.00 and costs. Roscoe Roosevelt Revock, carrying concealed weapons, $50.00 and costs. Mitchell Tyler, reckless opera (Continued on page 2) Elderly Citizen Dies In Hospital George Thomas Holden Of Supply Dies While In His 98th Year; Funetal Ser? vices Wednesday , George Thomas Holden of ttM , Supply community, probably of the oldest residents of Bruna* wick county, died here at tfct Dosher Memorial Hospital Wed nesday morning. He waa 97 years, 3 months and 20 days old. His death resulted from infirmi ties of old age. The body was prepared (Continued on pagt Two)

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