fl# pilot Covers l^rtsvvick County THE STATE PORT PILOT Most of The Newi All Tlie Time A Good Newspaper In A Good Community ___ ^S1XTEEN^ Na 6 8-pages today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, Ma7l9thT1948 published every wednesdai *\m per yea? iciaw Finals pinence Friday End May 27th ^ j ?tin? Exercises [<??? To C lost ^iSals'speaker <&Pi F By Rev* " ' old Stevens , .."^The commence ? V:;.."wu1 begin at Wac 0I1 Tuesday even f u\ O'clock at the ? twrtum when the #1 tade and high school Dort- L- ** ^11 be presented m a W 1 Harold Steven? of the' r' 'Bible College will de " ie baccalaureate sermon to; f ?< a"I their guests Sun-, . . May 23. at 3 t'V"the school auditorium.! iv evening. May 25., ^ exhibition; Li V held at the school; ' sponsored by the cecal departments. Agricul-j , goir.e Economics, and Corn ul Education. ; siivs and exhibitions will be the front halls by I kr. school and adult classes. ywH be awarded to the "secorst?- and third place win ' fashion show will be given Sk home economics girls, ?ill be followed by a pro- ? sponsored by the F. F. A.,| A ar.d commercial clubs. I ?r show will be given by florist. tier the program in the audi- i open house will be held' .. of the classrooms, with ? fj sponsored by each room. | __ Day-The Open Road?a; wish a gypsy setting will be Wednesday evening. May 8 o'clock. All members j ser. >r class and other 0 will be featured* in the final exercises will be held stay evening. May 27, at 8 1 with Dr. Henry G. Bed-, president of Flora Mae-1 k! College, delivering the j address. Principal | t C. Freeman will award j fcsas ar.d medals. members of the senior f are as follows: Levey: Roscoe Hughes; Tal-' Lr.tle Raymond Ludlum; Mintz: Eaiiie Smith; An-1 to Bennett: Joslyn Bennett; j Callahan: Madeline Evans; Formyduval; Geraldine taval: Janis Gore; Ruby L'lena Hewett; Norma Jean l J( Jacqueline King; Lela Sag: Marie Leonard; Mild k"e Bert Milligan; Annie Ina Mae Simmons; Lina Stanaland: and Earline Min Re mascots are David Stana Ka Carol Jean Bennett. - IritfStwt Flashts P "I'DDEXLY P J R. Edwards, pastor of [ i Methodist church in n*>rt for two years about M?i suddenly in Roanoke Ps yesterday morning, ac * to reports received here. tor Ll'XCH jailers of the Woman? Aux r ' St. Phillips Episcopal P *??! serve- lunch each day v>" during the present term f '" They are using the ^ - flext door to the tax of * lo MEMPHIS , Annie May Woodside left for Memphis, Tenn.. to ' ?^ ??nrls. She will also attend *^rr- Baptist Convention, ' er return trip will come i r'sboro f?r a reunion of L'ass at Woman? College, "5? 'if Xorth Carolina. K!S KRom FLORIDA P? and Mrs. Victor P. their sport fishing . ? ''.'a. have returned to after spending the N-'f SLtUart F'a- Bad wea >ttf, r things resulted in if ' p("'r season in Florid?, ^ Captain Lance. Bf. _" tes:ular meeting of t,. ' - County Board of 'K (h held at the of Titi . c''Unty superintendent 1 ?tli VaC iy 26' at 8 o'clock, take the place of the % ? r1"1^ for the first ' m June. OPPONENTS FOR HOUSE CANDIDATES?The political race in which the greatest Brunswick county interest is now centered is the contest between Odell Williamson, left, and Edward Redwine, right, for the Democratic nomination for mem ber of the House of Representatives. Carlyle Promises To Back Drainage Work Candidate For Nomination As Seventh District Con gressman Says Project Important in Agricultural Future STATE POSITION ON EDUCATION Believes In Federal Aid But Not In Federal Con- j trol Of Schools; Would Aid Shrimp Industry "If you will elect me to represent your district in Congress then I promise to align myself with the experts who know what should be done to reclaim thousands of acres of fertile farmlands in this section of Southeastern North Carolina," declared F. Ertel Car fyia Monday as he defined hid position with regard to the Wac camaw River drainage project. The Lumberton attorney was making an address before a gath ering of Brunswick county voters in Southport during the noon re cess of Superior court. "If we can put these waste lands into productivity," he con-j tinued, "we will have done some thing definite toward making the 1 7th Congressional District out standing as an agricultural sec tion. One of the projects nearest j my heart is to see this the ban I ner aigricultural district in the two Carolinas, and in order to be j I able to do this, we must reclaim j j that lost land." Mr. Carlyle declared that iie | and members of his family look j upon Brunswick county as their J i "second home" pointing out that since 1941 they have spent as j much time as possible at their cottage on Long Beach. "As a matter of fact," he recalled, "it was these trips that I have made through the district which fos tered my desire to serve in Con gress." The congressional candidate de clared that agriculture is the backbone of the 7th Congression al district, and he promised that if he is successful in his quest for the seat in Congress being vacated by Hon. J. Bayard Clark that he will be found on the side of those who seek to enlarge, to expand and to protect the farm er and his interests. Mr. Carlyle also touched brief ly upon the matter of education, declaring that he felt that our goal should be that North Caro lina should be second to no state in the matter of education, and he declared in favor of Federal assistance, while holding stead fast to the matter of States rights. He spoke a word in favor >ii the shrimping industry, which he (Continued or. page 2) Strawberries Add To Farm Income Farmers In Various Parts Of County Realized Good During S?a?on Now Cos Returns From This Crop ing I With the strawberry season J over, County Agent J. E. Dodson j says that there has been no I check-up on net returns, although prices were very good, j T. T. Ward, of Longwood, is said to be the largest grower in ; the county. He had eight acres I in the New Massey strawberry. , W. E. Avant, also of Longwood, stood about next to Mr. Ward in j i Continued oo Page 62 Car Thief Run Down By Owner Stealing a car from its i>ark- ! icg place on Greenfield street in Wilmington Sunday after- | noon, Edgar Dudley, Wilming ton man wliose car Dudley took, commanded anotsher car J and set out after his own. The Parker car with the negro I driving is said -by State High- j way Patrolman J. C. Pierce . to have taken the ditch on first J one side- of the road then the ! other for several miles. Parker finally got ahead, j stopped the fleeing man and took him and his car back to Wilmington. Dudley wa* ar rested there by Wilmington po lice and was held under a thou sand dollar bond for trial. Service Officer Given Support Delegation Appeared Be- j fore Board Of Commissi oners Monday In Behalf Of Continuing This Work In County A delegation, including Sheriff j Walter M. Stanaland, appeared j before the board of county com-j missioners Monday to urge that the Veterans Service office for, Brunswick county be Included in the new budget. Board members promised to make provision for this service if it can be fitted in to the budget without the neces sity of increasing the tax rate. J. M. Williams was given the approval of the board for ap pointment as oyster inspector for Brunswick county and this re commendation forwarded to Capt. John Nelson. The sum of $20.00 was added i to the blind fund of the county. A resolution was passed to the effect that the debt service fea ture of the changes ordered two weeks ago affecting the office of the county auditor shall not be come effective until the end of this fiscal year. REA Will Move To Quonset Hut New Temporary Quarttrs For REA Office At Shal lotte Will Be Occupied By First Of June The Brunswick REA expects to move into its new temporary of fice in the large quonset building now under construction by the first of June. The building, erect ed for t*se as a warehouse, Is about completed, except for the temporary office quarters. The location is near the Shallotte school building. i E. D. Bishop, manager of the corporation, said Saturday that if nothing came up to delay mat ters the REA would be operating from the temporary quarters by the first of next month. The corporation will construct a modern brick office building as soon as possible. The office will be on the same lot as the ware house and will be quite an addi lion to the business life of Shal lotte although it is across the river and not inside the corporate limits of the town. Class Ds^y Will Start Closing Exercises Here Senior Class Play Under Direction Of Mrs. J, T. Denning Will Be First Feature In Local Com-1 mencement F. ERTLE CARLYLE FINALS SPEAKER Baccalaureate Sermon To Be Delivered On Sunday Morning At 11 O'clock Hour By Former Teacher Members of the senior class et Southport high school will pre sent their class day exercises on Friday evening at 8 o'clock to usher in the commencement sea son. This will be a play under the direction of Mrs. J. T. Denning. On Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock hour the Rev. Jerry New bold, a. former pastor of South port Presbyterian church and a member of the Southport school faculty, will deliver the bacca laureate sermon. The commencement program will come to a close on Monday evening with an address by F. Ertle Carlyle, prominent Lumber ton attorney who is solicitor of the 4th Judical District. Diplo mas and awards will be awarded at this time. Following are the members of the senior class: Mrs. Barbara Hayes, Mrs. Otelia Simmons Car rier, Mrs. Sue Fredere Bayard,; Mrs. Janice Arnold King, Mrs. Dorcas Watts Parker, Blanche Weeks, Hermine Dosher, Eliza beth Varnam, Doris Swan, Joyce Lancaster, Herbert Swain, Jack Swan, Joe Cox, Jimmie Cox, Billy Smith, Jimmie Smith, Bobby Sellers, Carol Brock. 6ig Cannon Is Added To Scrap Scrap Iron Drive For Bene-! fit Of Southport Baptist' Church Building Fund Takes In Civil War Relic i i Among the old iron salvaged' and sold this past week by Rev. H. M. Baker and the hard work ing bunch of Southport boys who are doing quite a bit in the way of raising funds for . the new Baptist church, was a four and a half ton Civil War cannon. . The gun was dug out, or un covered, by the boys and Mr. Baker on the Thompson McRack an farm, where it has been buried since the Civil War. Lying in a little valley, getting of the gun out to where it could be loaded' on a truck presented a big prob lem. Overcoming this difficulty, Odell Williamson of the William son Motor Company at Shallotte, volunteered to donate the power of his wrecker. The four and a half ton gun was lifted fairly easily and once on high ground the boys had very little trouble loading it on a truck and hauling it to Wilmington. Although the price of the gun for scrap has not been stated, it is figured out that the nine thousand pound piece of iron made a neat little addition to the building fund. Finals At Leland To Close Friday The senior class play will be presented tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock at Leland high school and on Friday the graduating exercises will be held. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Russell Caudill, with special music by the Sunset Park eMthodist choir. There are 12 members of the senior class: Johnny Burris, Alonzo H. Gainey, Jr., Samuel Arthur Sue, Jr., Barbara Bor deaux, Dorris Field, Glorious Ja cobs, Betty Jo Long, Peggy Lewis Betty Mintz, Delores Pe terson, Gloria Potter, Clara Wil liams. Diplomas also will be awarded to Garland Bordeaux and Alton Raynor, whose work was completed while they were in the Navy. River Road May Get Federal Aid For Completion Bids Being Asked For Ad ding Eight Miles Of Pav ing From Other End, Winding Up At Lilliput Reliable information is to the effect that the River Road be tween Southport and Wilmington will shortly become a Federal aid project. Months ago the State News Bureau made acknowledge | ment of the importance of this I road by designating it as Route 9 on the tourist maps. 1 Rapidly increasing interest on j the part of New Jersey and New York plant growers in the lands j along this road is adding to its importance. Unlike most of the ! strictly coastal lands, most of i the soil that lies along the River i Road is very fertile and with the land immediately along the river having many beautiful home sites, a wonderful development is assured once a road is built through. < * * An extension of the paving for a distance of eight miles from the upper end of the road to wards Southport, extending to Lilliput creek, will be contracted within the next 30 days if favor able bids are secured. In an in terview with one of the highway engineers this past week he stat ed that the River Road had been investigated from all angles, and from the standpoint of develop ing resources, it is regarded as one of the most important roads in the county. Early Paving Now Indicated Predicted That Actual Pav ing Operation On Holden Beach Road Will Soon Be Underway One of the state highway en ; gineers, interviewed here yester day, said that it was his under ! standing that the actual paving ( I work on the Holden Beach road j I will begin within one or two[ (weeks. Most of the grading Is ' said to have been completed. | The actual time of starting the] paving, he said, is of course de pendent on the contracting firm, I |E. W. Grannis Company, of Fay jetteville With the splendid equip (Continued on Page Six) YV. B. KEZIAH Our We had planned to go fishing i Thursday morning. The Wednes- j day issue of The Pilot had to be put in the post office and on' board buses before we could, j start. That was finished by 4 o'clock in the morning and the next thing preliminary to the! trip was to awaken Sam Bennett, | who was to be our fishing com-J panion. Awakening Sam was easy. By previous arrangement J we just dialed his telephone num-| ber and left him to guess what it was all about. He guessed all j right. The Brunswick county pitcher plant, second in interest to the venus fly trap, received a lot of notice in Charlotte during the past week. Cal Newton, native Southport man, in business in Charlotte for many years, car ried some of the pitcher plants I home with him and displayed them in his window. The result was a feature story on the front page of the Charlotte News, the story being accompanied by a large front page picture. The;;e Pitcher plants are found by the millions in Brunswick county and they probably go a long way to wards lessening the insect prob lem. The pitcher plants are in nowise related to the Venus Fly Trap, although both are carnivor ous. Getting up at 4 a. m. Friday, we went freshwater fishing with Acting Postmaster Bernice Russ. Reason for the earliness was that he had to be back at the office before the mail came in. For our part, during the short time we were out, we caught a nice little mess of fish. The mail man got (Continued From Page Six) Murder Trial Begins This Morning In Superior Court Conway Case Tomorrow LOCAL FISHERMEN SIGHT SCHOOL OF BIG BLUEFISH Party Out From Here Sunday Sighted Blues Running From 8-lbs. To 12-lbs. Near Lightship Fishing for blackfish off the Frying Pan Lightship Sunday, the Bill Jr., of the W. S. Wells fleet, came in with a thousand pounds of blackfish and snappers. The fish' were unusually large and all were caught In a day with hand lines. An interesting occurance to Capt. Dan Early Wells and his j party was that while fishing for the blackfish a huge school of blueflsh rose up all around them. They came up to feed on a school' of herring that was near the surface. For more than an hour j the water around the boat liter ally boiled with the leaping blue fish, as they broke surface and ofter sprang two or three feet out of the water. The fishermen say that this school of blues covered several' acres of water. The most in teresting thing was their huge size. Wells and the others all claim that they must have weigh ed between eight and twelve pounds each. So far as they knew, the fish were 'not moving in any direction, they just rose up to feed on the herring and when they had gorged them selves they settled down again. The fishermen, using hand lines, were not equipped to make an effort to capture any of them. The blues will only strike at a trolling lure. No sport fishing boat has been in the area where this school was sighted this year. The crew of the Bill, Jr., expressed the belief that some gulf stream bound boat is going to strike things big: In bluefish some time in the near future. Frink Again Named To Lead Democrats Week-End Rush Of Fishing Parties u - Southport swarmed with fish ing parties Saturday night and Sunday, all anxious to secure boats and go outside. More than half of them were unable to get boat accommodations. A Fayette vllle party Saturday night appealed to a representa tive of this paper to aid ttiem in finding a boat. They said that every boat here that would go out was taken. This proved to be tile case. Fayettevllle folks had to go home empty handed Sunday morning. Like overfolks were reported for Shallotte (Point, Holden's Beach and Howell's Point. About all of the large and small boats at those places that would take parties were chartered. At Holden Beach and How ell's Point, the folks who were unable to secure boats are said to have found some pretty good spots for fishing from tlie beach. U. S. Dredge Is Heading South Lyman, With Southport and Brunswick County Men Largely Comprising Her Crew, Heading For South America With most of its crew made up of Brunswick county men, a mat ter of local interest Is that the U. S. Engineers Dredge Lyman, now working in Florida, will go to South America in August. Present orders are for the vessel to be gone about four months, returning to the United States in December. This will not be the first over seas trip for this dredge or for (Continued On Page Four) Service Crew Working Here Southern Bell Telephone Company Workers Busy I n s t a 1 I in g Equipment Which Will Make Expan sion Possible A good sized Bell Telephone Company force is now spending .ten days or more here stringing new phone cables and suspension 'cables to provide additions to the present phone service. With a large number of new phones hav ing been installed during the past year, it is said that the number would have been much greater if the facilities had been sufficient to take care of the additional load. | While no announcement has been made, it is understood that the local plans call for enlarge ment of the present service here. At the same time the additional (Continued on page six) All Democrats In Good Standing Named Dels gates To State Conven tion Meeting In Raleigh Thursday CANDIDATES ARE HEARD BY GROUP Opportunity Given Each Candidate To Appeal To Support F rom Voters , n.e*ent At Conven tion i D. B. Frink was reelected chairman of the Brunswick Coun ty Democwtlc Executive Commit tee Saturday afternoon by a vote of 9 to 6 over Walter M. Stana j land, the only other candidate I whose name was placed in nom ination. Two members of the com mittee were not present for the I vote. Plans were made to have Brunswick county strongly re presented at the State Conven tion in Raleigh tomorrow (Thurs day), and upon motion of J. W. Ruark, seconded by W. S. Wells, the county organization voted (that all Democrats in good stand ling be made delegates. The remainder of the meeting was taken up with the matter of introducing candidates for the various offices and giving them an opportunity to say a few words in behalf of their candi dacy. Hargrove Bellamy, Wil mington man, was the only one of the three Congressional can didates present, and while he de clined the opportunity to make a political speech, he spoke inform ally to the voters and solicited their support in the coming prim ary election. Candidates for county offices present at the convention in cluded the two contestants for Judge of the Recorder's court, W. J. McLamb and A. H. Ganey; the two candidates for member of the House of Representatives, Odell Williamson and Edward Redwine; A. J. Walton, candidate to succeed himself as Register of Deeds; Dave Ross, J. Worth Stan ley, candidates for member of the board of county commission ers. The convention secretary made announcements of the candidacy of other contestants and W. S. Wells and E. J. Prevatte made brief talks endorsing Senator W. B. Umstead and J. M. Brough ton, respectively. Auction Sale Goes Off Well Report Received That Shal lotte Point Land Sale Sat urday Afternoon Resulted In Many New Purchasers The auction sale of 100 build ing lots at Shallotte Village Point I Saturday faternoon is reported to have been a big success, with jail but a few of the lots being sold at substantial prices. State Highway Patrolman C. J. Pierce stated that he estimated the crowd at about 250 people. Most of the buyers of lots are .(Continued on Pace 6) Two Defendant? In Cue Growing Out Of Fatal Stabbing Of Le?lie (Hap py) Watson Will Face 2nd Degree Count COURT DISPOSING OF CASES RAPIDLY True Bill Returned In Con way Case And Trial Set For Tomorrow; Numer ous Cases Are Set tled Trial of Marion George Mc Donald and Johnnie Martin Davts for the fatal stabbing of Leslie B. (Happy) Watson was schedul ed to begin this morning in Brunswick County Superior court. Solicitor Clifton L. Moore stat ed yesterday that yie defendant* will be charged for second degree murder. John J. Burney is pre siding.' Trial of Capt. E. I. Conway for inflicting injuries resulting il\ the death of the late Sheriff John G. White will begin to morrow morning. A true bill in this case was returned by the grand jury Monday. Another true bill returned by the grand Jury resulted In the arrest yesterday of Willie Belton, colored, and Curtis Robinson, white, on charges of fornication and adultery. Loftin Clemmons heard an 18 months road sentence from which he had been on probation invok ed by Judge Burney, who added a total of eight months more on three other counts, making a total of 26 months the defendant must serve on the roads. James McMillan was given 31 days in the county jail for con? tempt of court. Frances J. Williams waived ap pearance on a drunken driving charge and was fined $50.00 and costs. Jfcimdwii -Keeves and English Jackson were convicted for breaking and entering and lar | ceny. Reeves was given 12 .months, suspended upon payment I of $50.00 restitution to the prose cuting witness; Jackson was tax ed with costs. Each was placed on 5 years probation. Roderick Sellers was found not guilty of obstructing a public road. The following four defendants were acquitted on charges of drunken driving: Reed Smith, Is aac C. Rich, John Haley, Dan P. i Williams. Hospital Day Brings Gifts Visitors And Friends Show Appreciation For Dosher Memorial Hospital In Practical Way I Visitors to Dosher Memorial Hospital brought many practical gifts when they visited that In stitution Wednesday as a part of Hospital Day observation. Sheets, pillow cases, towels and wash ; clothes were the principal items. Among the donars we?-e: Miss Annie M. Newton, MrtM 'C. Ed Taylor, Miss Annie Louise St. George, Mrs. Cronley_ Ruark, Mrs. A. L. Llnd. Mrs. ""Merrltt Moore, Mrs. W. C L.elnert, Clyde j Newton, Mrs. George M. Step hens, Mrs. Grace Dosher, Mrs. Grace Jones, Mr. and Mrs. K. Tobiasen, Mrs. Thomas Larsen, (Continued on Page Eight) Ash Resident Dies Thursday Mrs. Mary Ann Bainet Dies Following I'.lness Of Four Weeks; Funeral Services On Saturday Afternoon* ' Following a four-weeks illness In the Dosher hospital, Mrs. Mary Ann Baines, wife of G. W. Baio ,es, of the Ash community, died Thursday morning. She wa| j 43 - years of age. i Funeral service? were held Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'cloek from the Soldier Bay Baptist | church In Waccamaw township. Rev. H. M. Baker of the South port Baptist church conducted" the services. Burial was in the Smith cemetery. | Surviving besides her husband are two daughters. Misses Beat rice and Lillie Mae Baines; three sons, Eugene, Isalania and Starl ing Baines. ' Active pallbearers were, Macy | (Continued on Pag? Eighty

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