CBS J* cervices will begin at r^h" Baptist church Sun , P^^ptember 26. Rev. Mr. is*6'.,, assist the pastor, f V gritt Services wiU be (1 o'clock each morning l0-Oiock each night. The cordially invited to at F. ^ NOTICE p'j!!" Viriure of an order S* ie'r Court ot Brunswick r^^ '.nna. made In the ;"r ,V Iuntes T. Johnson? ? 1 v ,i, ,i-n of October. 1948. t tlw. pun at Courthouse P v.rth Carolina, sell r. for cash, to sat t all the right, title *rhi, 1, the said James T. ? an.I to the following ?uinal property. I. Cpe. Motor No. f vh day of September, r,?TFR M STANA LAND. *i[f of Frunswick County , , ^TTvI K I'SDER HEED foE ' o? TKC9T . ,nd bv virtue of authority !**/? .. ',-ertaii Deed of Trust i v s Mitchell and wife v a 1'. Rogwra, Trustee d?v ?>' January. 1944. re *?B$k "1 I'age 691. Office * itK -cer "f lVeds of Bruns North Carolina, default K'made > "the payment of 1 I.thereby secured and Trust 1-eing by the terms p-T'',vrh degrees east 1574 feet f Sn corner at the north edge ' , creek Road: thence south iir*? east 74:' feet to an iron .. e south i,u degrees west w ?ith the H. T. Kirby line . BEGINNING. containing 44% t according to a survey by J. Et-.i- August 13. 1942. including siwme site ? f K- T. Kirby and k, ?oodlaml as described as !,,j>t of the K T. Kirby tract L joeveved bv the heirs of R. Canal Wood Corporation .ii date?! August 13. 1942. and (|v canal Wood Corporation i ilit heil dated August 29. ?ruled m Book 75 Page 393. " the Register of Deeds of ? County. North Carolina, jr.i posted this the 8th day Inober. 1948. / VP ROGERS. Trustee B < HERRING jfllE SERVINGsrMM05S BY PI BMC ATI05 North Carolina. j 0: Brunswick ie Superior Court peck County Jaiiuon. Louise Brown. Solo nu Lizzfe Brown, Wesley L Charles Brown ,Vkmiant(s>. Charles Brown? lie : )t:c*f that an action en i? above has been Instituted in jwrior Court of Brunswick : \ Carolina, wherein tho n :or judgment for taxes k County, that the said m. * will further take notice Set are required to appear at of the Clerk of the Su ,v?;t of said County In the H in Soathport. North Car thirty 130) days after ? Jay of September. 194$. and per demur to the complaint m r. . or :-e plaintiff will apply ? :.rt for the relief demanded i ? mplaint. 3rd dav of September. 1948. S T bkxnett. lerk Superior Court RICE SERVISU ?r.MMOTS BY FI BI.IC ATION Itf North Carolina. ' y. Brun.*? ick fc r.rynor Court County Age an?l Eliza Jones iMndant(s). Eliza Jones "i notice that an action en above has been instituted in r^ Court of Brunswick J North Carolina, wherein the C asks for judgment for taxes t-* k County, that the said t'. *' will further take notice ire required to appear at m of th*- Clerk of the Su .? o? said County in the Hxje in Southport. North Car r v thirty ?30) days after ? lay of September. 1948. and demur to the complaint in ?r" or the plaintiff will apply 'fort for the relief demanded ?/aplaiM. W day of September. 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court tort SERVING sr.MMONS ?>I VI RI.H ATIOX * North Carolina. [ ? Brunswick ?-^trior Court County *'orner. Rose A. Joyner. ^te'aon and wife. ^ Kiiliam Anderson ?.?lant(s). Henry Anderson ; Anderson a l^at an action en ?*o?e has b?en instituted in PT : Court of Brunswick JJtk Carolina, wherein the for judgment for taxes ^ ? County, that the said ?ill further take notice L"*, rwiuired to appear at ,rtL'?f tl? Clerk of the Su sT ,?f said County In Cie in Southtwi t. North C'ar k thirty 130) days after , ; ?f September. 1948. and . ?mur to the complaint In 5"Jhe Plaintiff will apply .^urt for the relief demanded "Mot September. 134S bknnktt. ?f* .Superior Court i?RTISG SI MM0X8 ?' PI Bl.Il ATIOX 1 Carolina. f. Florence Skipper. O. ^Ury skipper. Jaaper Skipper. Agnes Skip H*r. Herbert Peterson. Naomi Kourk. Will Skipper, Charlie Flow Jessie Wllletts. "Sj Minnie Benton. Leon 7?nm Millinor. Hartford Jacob... (j race Jacob?. 1 .s Jacobs. Ethel is. Klizabeth Ja Skipper, Louella Walter Keener ?ip|?-r. Millie Rourk. Willie Skipper, Cora Courtney. Kdna Court ibs. William Mlllln ltlat an action en Hi, iu ***" Instituted In - ti Court of Brunswick ina. wherein the Igment for taxes ty. that the said irther take notice -j v ',rr"i*d to appear ?t mmrn Clerk of the Su IV .."?"I County In the ? South port. North Car Mrty no) days after September. 1948. and tsr >[ t0 ll" complaint In " pimmift wlu apply I to the Court for the relief demanded I in said complaint. I This 3rd Q^ ^entember. 1948. Clerk Superior Court .9-29c NOTICE SERVING SIMMONS ?V PUBIICATKlN State of North Carolina, j County Of Brunswick : In The Superior Court I Brunswick County I vs. (Henry Kelly. Arelia Weston. Eman j uel Kelly and Mildred Kelly The defendant(s). Arelia Weston. I Emanuel Kelly and Mildred Kelly will take notice that an action en 1 titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick I County. North Carolina, wherein the [plaintiff asks for Judgment for taxes | due Brunswick County, that the said ; defendant (?) will further take notice that they are required to appear at . ths Office of the Clerk of the Su -perior Court of said County in the; Court House in Southport. North Car Jollna. within thirty (3D) days after ! the 29th day of September, 1948. and ! answer or demur to the complaint In I said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September. 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9.29c NOTICE SERVING SIMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick I In The Superior Court Brunswick County 1 vs. , Lula Street. Ben Street. Ray Street, Sena Bell Plenty. Dick l'lenty, Sis I ter Piatt. James Piatt I The defendant(s), Ben Street and [James Piatt?:? will take notice that an action en Ititled as above has been instituted in I the Superior Court of Brunsw ick , County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes ' due Brunswick County, that the said [defendant (s) will further take notice I that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su iperlor Court of said County in the Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after i the 29th day of September. 1948. and [answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply ; to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September. 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, i County Of Brunswick I In The Superior Court I Brunswick County ! Annie Hampton. Tom Hampton. Susie | James. Oscar Allen. Marie Resbm. Hazell Jones. Jordan Jones, Alline I I'el'.um. Mattie Finch. Millie Brown. Winston Brown. 1-eo Knox. Lillian I Knox. Annis Loyd, Henry White, i Alary Lou Williams The defendant(s). Susie James. Os [car Allen, Hazel Jones, Jordan i Jones 1 will take notice that an action en titled as above has been Instituted In the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for Judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948. and answer or tremur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded ! in said complaint. This 3rd day of September. 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c i NOTICE SERVING SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION State cf -North Carolina, . County Of Brunswick . 1 In The Superior Court BltfttswitV County Vs.* ' * Telitha Moore and husband, MThe defendant(e). Telitha Moore and husband. ? Moore??? will take notice that an aotion .en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick i County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su-[ perlor Court of said County, n the Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Co?rt for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September. 1948. S. T. BENNKTT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County G.V K. Sullivan. Llllie Sullivan. W. B. Sullivan. Annie L- SuHivan. Thomaa Sullivan. Etta Sullivan. Jobe Sulli van. Fannie Sullivan. Charlie Gore. Blanche Gore, Tiney Chinnis The defendant(s). G. F. Sullivan, LUlle Sullivan. W. B. Sullivan. Annie U Sullivan. Thomas Sullivan. Etta Sullivan, John Sullivan, Fannie Sul livan and. Tiney Chinnis will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will thRt thev are required to appear at Ihe Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport. North Car olina, within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948, and answer or deinur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will aPP'? to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. . 10is This 3rd 1948 Clerk Superior Court 9-29c WO"ICE SERVING SUMMONS " BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Mamie Bellamy and husband. "The^defendanUs)* M?ml. ReUam: ?ui take^notlce that" an a'cilon en fafigT Court^of '"^wlck Sn^V^hfo?5?u"i:ment'h?or?,n,ai; the Office of the ClerK 01 ? ^ nerior Court of ?aid (-?.uny^rJh par_ & ?lnvr?;a gsg lnT^?d3rrtynof September. 1948. This Jru BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court I-29c *0TKbVpVBI-irATIo"0"" State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Al? Adams, norence Adams. Mat tier* Harris!* Laura A"""1, and Harry E^he defendant?*). Joseph"'8 Har ris and Wilbert Har action en will take n?,iteh?'hSLn instituted in tilled aa above has >. Hrunswick the Superior Court o wherei? the County. North Carom a. {or taxes plaintiff 48 Ji-.mtv that the said due Brunswick County.^ Ulke notice defendant (s) * , t0 appear at that they are required to ^ the Office of the ciera ? jperlor Court of said County In the I Court House In Southport, North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after I the 29th day of September, 1948. and I answer or demur to the complaint in I said action, or the plaintiff will apply I to the Court for the relief demanded: .in said complaint. I This 3rd day of September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT, 1 _ Clerk Superior Court ,9-29c " NOTICE SEKYING SUMMONS I BY PUBLICATION 1 State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick I In The Superior Court Brunswick County I vs. I ' N. J. Jackson. Lumbie Brown, Solo-' [ moil Brown. Lizzie Brown. Wesley' J Brown. Charles Brown \ The defetidant(s). Charles Brown? I will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in : the Superior Court of Brunswick > County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes ; due Brunswick County, that the said' [defendant (s) will further take notice that he is required to appear at; t the Office of the Clerk of the Su-, perlor Court of said County I11 the ( I Court House in Southport. North Car- I olina, within thirty (30) days after! ! the 29th day of September, 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint In I said action, or the plaintiff will apply I to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 19-29o NOTICE OF SUMMONS State Of North Carolina. \ County of Brunswick In The Superior Court ? Guthrie M. Harrelson t vs. Inez G. Harrelson The. defendant. Inez G. Harrelson. will take notice that an action as I entitled above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Brunswick I County. North Carolina, by the plaln : tiff for an absolute divorce upon the grounds of adultery as provided by [law of the State of North Carolina. Said defendant will further take notice tha tshe is required to ap |pear at the Office of* the Clerk of the Superior Court of Brunswick (County in Southport. North Carolina, on or before the 30th day of Oct ober. 1948, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff wil lapply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint. This the 30th dky of August, 4948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court. 9-22c. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of July. 1948. I did lease to J. S. Clifton of Shallotte, N. C. the following described oyster bottom. LEASE NO. 465 Located in Cooter Creek, Brunswick County, N. C. Beginning at a stake at the junction of Janks Channel and Cooter Creek In Brunswick Count> and runs N. 24 E. 26 feet; thence N. 1-40 E. 201 feet; thence across Cat fish Creek N. 89 E. 112 feet; thence S. 0-15 W. 245 feet; thence N. 67-15 E. 182 feet; thence S. 1-10.W. 87 feet; thence S. 55-15 W. 162 feet;, thence S. 18-35 W. 180 feet; thence "S. 31-30 E. 399 feet; thence N. 43-45 E. 585 feet across the mouth of Cooters Creek to the beginning, containing 1.7 acres. This the 31st day of July, 1948. John A. Nelson Fisheries Cprami?sioper 9-lc > t ? .' < NOTICE ? , Notice Is hereby given that, 29th day of July, ISW I/iid lease to C. R. Coleman of Shallotte, >?. C. the following described oyster bottom. LEASE >0. ? Located in the left hand prong of Clayton's Creek. Brunswick County. N. C. Beginning at a stake_ at the right hand prong of Clayton s and runs S. 38-10 E- 244 feet to * stake: thence S. 65-30 -Tsxeei across the mouth of Claytons Creek, thence S. 70-45 W. 395 t set .thence N. 71-45 W. 136 feet; thence N. 42-45 W. 472 feet: thence. S. 62-30 E. 496 fMt; thence N. 58 E. 408 feet; theno^j.N. 66-40 E..145 feet to the beginning, con taining '4 acres. _ This the 31st day of July,..1948. John A. Nelson Fisheries Commissioner 9-lc NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of July. 1948. I did lease to D. T. Ward of Shallotte. N. C. the ? following described oyster bottom. LEASE NO. 471 Located'in Blaines Creek. - Brunsw ick County. N. C. Beginning at a stake at the Junction of Blaines Creek and the Little Narrows. Brunswick County, ?a?; a?hdenrcT N8" ST" W thence N. 69 E. 505 feet; t|ienc,e Nj 55 E 479 feet; thence S. 14-45 t., m ? feet; thence s. 65 W. 228 feet; thence S. 45 W, 206 feet: thence S. 30 L. 509 feet* thence S. 45-35 W. 183 feet, thence N. 29-30 E. 575 feet to the be ginning. containing 6.4 acres. This the 31st day of July, 1948. John A. Nelson Fisheries Commissioner 9-lc NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the . 11. v of July, 1948, I did lease to Liston Thomas of Shallotte, N. C. the following described ^oyster^ bottom. Located in Middle Ground Shore of Dead River, .Brunswick County, N.C. Beginning at a stake In the Middle Ground Shore of Dead River, Bruns wick County. N. C.. said stake being 110 feet in a westerly direc*ton from a small marsh island; thence running N 61-30 E. 602 feet to a stake; thence ?' 5-00 E. 206 feet to a stake; thence s' 65-05 w. 608 feet to a stake; thence N. 30 W. 155 feet to the be ginning. containing 2.2 acres. This the 31st day of July. 1948. John A. Nelson Fisheries Commissioner 9-lc NOTICE "Notice is hereby given that on the 28thday of July 1948. I did lease to j W Ray of Shallotte. N. C. the fol ding describe^ ouster ^bottom. Located in Hungry Hole, Brunswick County, N. C. Beginning at the Junc tion of Hungry Hole and Calyton s Creek in Brunswick County. N. C. and runs S. 80-50 E. 913 feet to a stake, thence S. 10-15 E. 152 feet to a stake; thence N. 81-30 W. 603 feet to a stake; thenoe S. 28-05 W. 201 feet; thence N. 39.3O W. 462 feet to the beginning, containing 3.6 acres. This the 31st da^of Jul^im Fisheries Commissioner 9-lc ' : NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that on the 28th day of July. 1948. I did '?a|e t? E X. Morse And B. M. Cox 01 Biuu lotte, N C. the following described oyster bottom^ ^ 4;J located in Crooked Creek. Bruns wick County. N. C. Beginning at the Junction of Crooked creek and Dead River and runs N. 11 E. o1 ' f cr0oked assrs"&>????? Fisheries Commissioner I g-lc | NOTICE A | Notice is, herebygiven- JJat. on the 3lst day ot July. 1948, Idldleaae ,he w. D. Clifton of Shftllotte. W. C. tne ( following ^scribed ^oysterg bottom. . Located in' Teagues Creek. Bruns wick County. N. C. Eeglnnlng fOJl; stake at the junction of , i (?reret derslgned will sell the bidder for'^ash^at^hecourthousedoor. In Southport North Carolina on the 2nd noon.?or ?'W ~ ? ? necessary to satisfy the a ty (erred to mortgage. sam ' being bounded and described as fol '?Beglnning V. the GaUoway Unc Jn School House Branch at a Pl?. old marked corner; run? the the Galloway ""North t806 aaeSake fnteUsaid Une. a corner of AtwooJ 'S'Vne'feei l^a' stake^on'the'^Swic? rojd^, thence North 17 degrees 45 minutes fcag branch about 1150 feet t Excei)l. unds 33X -re reserved b? Walker SrmtheT wff-h grantor* hSDated' anf"poste'd 1 day of September. ^1948^t pRINK> Mortgage E. J. Prevatte, Attorney 2-29c NOTIC E SERVIS? .KSft*0*8 BV Pl'BHCAiluS State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Agusta Brown and husband. Simmon BThen defendant(s). Agusta Brown and husband. Simmon K|0%?Uon en. raw ?A- "sKsstiS s^^a&?r-a County. North Carolina, wnere... if &rio?COTirtof said County in the ESurt House in Southport North Car olina, withlh thirty (30) da ?s alter the 29th day of September. 1948. anu ? ? tleMur to the compjaint in iW??'??WPBKSStSU r&stp&jam I'.v IB-1 clerk Superior Court 9-29c ' VOTIGE BE 11 VIN O 8EMH0XS BY PUBLICATION Stiie ..of.North Carolina, CocntV bl Brunswick In -The Superior Court Brunswick County B.V8'0. Gandy S2li?iW' G^'deien3a,u('sKato. Gandy and :!?' t^tl?^?n^O^en titled as above has Brunswick the Superior Court o wherein the County. North caroi ? for laxeg plaintiff asks for j K h sai(l Sue ?^rTsf wfriuriher take notice defendant (s> ire.i t0 appear at that they are required to i[he Su. the Office of the Clerk (()e ?2?f House fe aiter tto????5O'Jemi rttf?bW^nt*|S iUThisd 3rdmdlyin of September. 1948. This. 3rd gaa'T BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9_29c ___ - ?0?CET8EHTI7caro?MOH8 C^unty?fOfN'0BrunswTk"a' In The Superior Court Brunswick County 9th day of September. 1948, ana the Court for the relief demanded Clerk Superior Court , 9-29c State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County SV0 and Mr?. S. O. Craven. Carl Si'rds 'X^SJSS%JS^ & Frankle Williams, Fred Anderson and Mrs Fred Anderson will take notice that an action _ en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment tor taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office, of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport, North Car olina, within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd dav of September, 1948. S. "T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c SOTICE SERVING SI'm m OX'S I BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick Iif The Superior Court Brunswick County Elizabeth McKoy, William Anderson, Jr Florence Merit, William Merit, Mary Sneed, Laura Williams. James Williams, Rosa Lee Bonnett. Louis. Bonnett. James McKoy. Annie Mc Koy, Mingo McKoy. Gladys McKoy. Eddie McKoy. Cella McKoy. George McKoy, Elizabeth McKoy The defendant^, Laura Williams, James Williams. Mary Sneed, Rosa Lee Bonnett. Louis Bonnett, George McKoy. Elizabeth McKoy will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. .... This 3rd day of September, 1948. ? S. T. BENNETT. ? Clerk Superior Court 9-29c ' NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Beulah Mitchell. Jessie and Emmaline Mitchell. Ethel and Ernest Ballard. Alvin and Rebecca Mitchell, Ossie and John Graham. Cradle Smith The defendant(s), Gradie Smith will take notice that an action en titled as above has been Instituted In the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for ta*es due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to aPPear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County n the Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. ? This 3rd day^ pl^NETT^ * Clerk Superior Court 9-29c NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, In The Superior Court Brunswick County Bella Green. Annie Goodman, Oscar Edge, Archie Ed ko. Flasher Edge. Janie Bell Edge, Mary Thelma Moore, Freddie Moore. P. M. Clark. L-illie Clark. Mary Clark, Johnny Edge. JfThe defendant (s), Archie Edge, Flasher Edge. Osca? Edge. Lillle Clark. Mary Clark. P, M. Clark will take notice that an action en titled as above lias been Instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that _the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said bounty in the Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days arter the 29th day of.. September, 1948. find answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court fori the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd' dai' of September;r 1518. I , ' 6. T. BENNETT. - >7 Clerk Superior Court 9-29c " ' ' NOTICE SERVING- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ? State of North Carolina. - . County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Neodham Jones and %'ife, ?' - ^ The defendant(s), Needham Jones and -wife, ?, Jones will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted In the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Said County in the Court House in Southport, North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September, 1948; and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded inTh?sd3rdmSa>'"kf September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29C NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, Ceunty Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County D. S. Hoover and wife, Hoover . The defendant (s) D. S. Hoover and wife. Hoover will take notice that an action en titled as above has been Instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County. North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for Judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport, North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September, 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT, Clerk Superior Court 9-29c "notice SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Blanchie Watson. Ida Mae Watson, Frank Watson, and J. Watson The defendant(s). J. Watson will take notice that an action en titled as above has been Instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport, North Car olina, within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September, 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in *aid complaint. ?this 3rd day of September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County Roderick Hill. Mary Ada Hill. Ellen McKoy, Henry Hill. Owen Hill, Har riet Hill. Ruth Harrison, John L. Harrison. Charlie Hill. Leroy Hill The defendant (s), Leroy Hill and Harriet Hill will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at rhe Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the i Court House in Southport. North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after i j the 29th day of September. 1948, and ! answer or demur to the'complaint in, said action, or the plaintiff will apply to. the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. 1 This 3rd dav of September. 1948. I S. T* BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-29c [ NOTICE SERVING SIMMONS BY PUBLICATION fctate of North Carolina, [County Of Brunswick ? In The Superior Court I Brunswick County I Mary Bell Brown and husband, j ' Brown ! The defendant(s). Mary Bell B^own; and husband, Brown, will take notice that an action en- j titled as above has been instituted in. the Superior Court of Brunswick | 'County, North Carolina, wherein the, plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes. i due Brunswick County, that the said' I defendant (s) will further take notice j j that they -are required to appear al : j the Office of the Clerk of the Su-! ?perior Court of said County in the' (Court House in Southport, North Car-1 olina, within thirty ?30) days after I , the 29th day of September, 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint in I said action, or^the plaintiff will apply j . to the Court ? for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 3rd day of September, 1948. S. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-?9f> . NOTICE SERVING SI MMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County vs. James Shaw, William Shaw, Queen Grady, Odessa Troy, Jante Kobinson, Mary Alma Shaw, Leroy Shaw, James Johnson, Waller Everette, Sadie | Everette and Henry Ballard The defendant(s), James Shaw, ' William Sha'w, Queen Grady, Odessa Troy. Mary Alma Shaw, Leroy Shaw, Walter Everette. Sadie Everette, and James Johnson will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted in, the Superior Court of Brunswick j County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that thei are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Court House In Southport, North Car olina. within thirty (30) days after the 29th dav of September. 1948, and I answer or demur to the complaint in i said action, or the plaintiff will apply I to th^ Court for the relief demanded J in said complaint This 3rd day of September, 1948. S. ,T. BENNETT. ? Clerk Superior Court 9-2:c NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick In The Superior Court Brunswick County vs. Annie D. Kelly and William Kelly The defendaant(s), A'nnfe D. Kelly and William Kelly?* will take notice that an action en- i titled as ^bove has been instituted in the Superior Court of Brunswig County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff asks for judgment for taxes due Brunswick County, that the said defendant (s) will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said Coijnty in .tfie Court House in Southport. North Car olina, Within thirty (30) days after the 29th day of September. 1948. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plafntifr will apply to \he Court for the relief demar^ed in said comjflaint. f This 3rd day of September,. 1948. 8. T. BENNETT. Clerk Superior Court 9-20C 'r NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION State of North Carolina, County Of Brunswick . In The Superior Court Brunswick County vs. Dolphia Bobbins and husband, Ro zella Hob bin s The defendant(s), Polphi been instituted In the Superior Court j of Brunswick County, North Carolina, wherein the plalntiits ask I inent for taxes ?'ue Brunswick County] and the City of Southport. that the. said defendants will further take no tice that they are required tQ *PPear I at the Office of the Clerk o fthe Sup-1 erloi Court of said county in the I Court House in Southport. Northi Caro lina. Within thirty (30) days after the *2 day of October. 1948. and answer I or demur to the complaint In sa d { i action, on the plainti ffs will apply Jo 'the Court fo rthe relief demanded in said complaint. . | This the 18111 day o^Scptcml>er. 1948. Asst. Clerk Superior Court., 8-13c NOTICE S k 11 VIN M _Sl'M >1 (INS HY PUBLICATION Sfate 'Of North Canollna, County Qt Brunswick. Trt The Superior Court Brunsw ick County Ana The City Of southport C,.V'H. -Nl^oison arid Wife, If Any. The Defendants, G. H. Ni?-h?lBon and wife, if any, will takeiiotice jtn a In The Superior Court. Brunswick County And TUe City Of Southport Daniel C. Grimes and Wife, II Any. The defendants. Daniel C. Grimes and wife, If Any, will take notice that an action entlted as above has been instituted In the Superior Court of Brunswick County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiffs ask for Judg ment for taxes due Brunswick County and ihe City of Southport. that the said defendant will further take notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk . o fthe Sup erior Court of said county In the Court House in Southport, North Car olina, within v thirty (30) days after the 22 day of Octotjer, 1948, and an swer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiffs *dll ap ply to the Court for the relief demand ed in the said complaint. This the ISth day.of September. 1948. B J4 HOLDEN. Asst. Clerk Superior oourt | ?-lie .... NOTICE SERVING 81 HMO*? BV PUBLICATION | State Of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick. i In The Superior Court. Brunswick County And The ? i CHy Of Southport I vs. Central Commercial Company. The defendants. Central Cowmer ! clal Company will take notice that an ] action entitled as above has hefh In stituted In the Superior Govt of 1 Brunswick County. North Ctrolini, J wherein the plaintiffs ask (Of JM"* iment for taxes due Brunswick Qpuntjf. and the City of Southport. that the said defendants will further taka not ice that it is required to appAr at the Office of the Clerk of the Sup erior Court of said county in the Court House In Southport. North Caro lina. within thirty (JO) day? alter the 22nd day of October. 1949. and answer or demur to the complaiftt In said action, or the plaintiff* will ap ply to the Court for the relief dem anded in the said complaint. This the 18th day of September. IMS. B. J. HOLDEN. i Asst. Clerk Superior Court. 10-lSc i NOTICE 8KKVINO ftl MMOlCS BV PfBLICATIOH r - State Of North Carolina. County Of Brunswick. In The Superior Court. Brunswick County And The City Of Southport vs. J. N. V. Crawford. _ The defendant J. N. V. Caawforf will take notice that an a