fle Pi'ot Owen Uninswick County THE STATE PORT PILOT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The Newt All The Time No. sixteen NO. 39 6-PAGES today Southport, N. C., Wednesday, January 5, 1949 published every Wednesday 11.50 per yea* * Fores In junty Active In Beer Fight .Jul? of Meetings Plan H To Carry Battle Into ?rv Community Before ffpf Vote nr SHELDON JONES COMING TO COUNTY u Church Group Holds Jiing Meeting Monday JT, With Rev. J. D. Vithrow Speaker ^ at~Olive Church y night the Allied Church ? c:? Brunswick county, ^ of ministers and lay { the different denomina sought ways and means of out the vote in the jhear and wine election on uj 29. J meetings are to be held h schools and other public , throughout the county. A jpeaker has been invited to i these meetings to present Tand figures on the high |jf alcoholic beverages, poancement has been made [the Rev. Shelton Jones wilt ^ at v.'accamaw high school Monday. January 24; at on Tuesday, January 25; Southport on Wednesday, Jan T 26; and at Leland on Thurs January 27. All meetings iegin at 7:30 o'clock. In ton. the Rev. Harvel Icard of j (jjrscn will preach a special, pa over radio station WMFD Sunday morning, January 23, ,8 o'clock to 8:30 o'clock. | p. H. M. Baker of the South t Baptist church says that a : P0C5 campaign will be waged! (gfcout the county between i and the election. Rev. J. D. J tow of the Woodburn Presby c church was the featured itr at the Monday night lag. I Bong other the meeting j (ttd a resolution which plac- j i3 churches in the county on j id m favor of boycotting busi-1 i houses in towns which call J iro* elections and located in i tes where a majority of the j n have vot#<t Against of wine and beer. This resolu mdicates the belief that the ! us of towns should adherej te wishes of the majority of I voters of their counties. The1 pe proposes to exert all possi afluence through the church-j if the county and otherwise sake the boycott become a ?rf'Jl and effective weapon. tr itf Newt Flashit )ARD TO MEET H North Carolina Board of Rvation and Development Met in Raleigh on January M7. StGAR BOWL t and Mrs. M. H. Rourk of lotte went to New Orleans *eek to see the University Sorth Carolina-Oklahoma, foot game. mer resident dies b#s H. Schull, a former resl ' of the Maco community, a J? and farmer, died last week ss come in Wilmington. He resided there for the past W years. Run named ^ Rev. L. D. Hayman, pastor frinity Methodist church in "port, has been named to ' '?"e March of Dimes for ?"ick county this year. He 8 to thoroughly organize the ">'? and an announcement of program will be made next INCORPORATED " firm of Mintz and Com '? doing business at Supply Past two years, was grant - 8 certificate of incorporation l(*k. El wood, Leroy and H. ult2' Jr., are named as the ?POfators. The authorized b: stock is $100,000. H. L. "*? Jr., has been manager of ^business since it first began at Supply. '? A- MEETING J* Southport P. T. A. will in "nportant meeting, Thurs at 7;3o o'clock in the * auditorium. The most ur * Project of the organization fi^ke the elementary school and P. T. A. officials ^operation and help. At 8 * 'he picture "Eighteenth Life in Williamsburg" * shown through the cour the Eastman Kodak Com . public is invited. The ^?asketball team will seU Babson Looks Over New Y ear Prosnecfs Noted Commentator, Who Foresaw Truman's Vic tory, Again Gives His An nual Forecast BY ROGER W. BABSON 1. Total volume of business for 1949 will be less than that of 1948. There surely will be many soft spots. GENERAL BUSINESS 2. Most industries will show smaller net profits. Tktis means that, in many cases dividends will be less in 1949. 3. Military preparedness will be a new and powerful industry which this country never hereto fore experienced in peace times. It is destined to bolster employ ment for some years ahead, but not the standard-of-living. 4. Inventories quoted both at their dollar values and in volume will increase during 1949. Both raw material piles and manufac tured goods will be in greater supply during 1949. COMMODITY PRICES 5. Some rationing or priorities may be attempted in 1949. The Capt. Woortman And Seven Estonians Here Skipper And Hardy Band Of Refugees Return to South port Seeking Work In Lo cal Fishing Industry W. S. WELLS WILL PROVIDE JOBS One Of First Acts Upon Ar rival Was Attendance At Church Services Here Sunday Night Seven members of the Eston ian group which landed here in August of last year following a perilous crossing of the Atlantic In a 37-foot schooner were back in Southport Sunday in hopes of being able to establish themselves as permanent residents. One of the first acts of the group was the attent services at Trinity Methodist church Sunday evening in a "Body. When their own country of Estonia was seized by the Rus sians early last year many of the Estonians fled to other countries for refuge. Those who fled and those who remainded lost practic ally everything they had. Many of the Estonians fled to Sweden. Still fearing Russia and that they would be forced to re turn from Sweden to their native country, many hardy bands sought to leave Sweden last year for more distant and safer points from Russia. Among those leaving Sweden were Captain Woortman, his wife, daughter and twelve other men. Pooling together all that they had saved when they left Estonia, they were able to buy a small 37-foot sloop and enough pro visions to get somewhere. They left Sweden in their little vessel on the first day of last June. Nearly three months later, at the end of a 7,500 mile voyage, they arrived at Southport with all on board safe and sound. Their food supplies were almost exhausted. As they had no authority for entry into America, Captain Woortman, his wife, daughter and the other twejve men, were promptly taken by Custom offici als to Ellis Island, N. Y. There they were detained until it could be decided whether they would have to be deported. When they arrived here they declared they would rather die than return to their former country, now domin ated by Russia. Held in Ellis Is land for four months they con tinued to voice a determination Continued On Page Six Numerous Cases Tried In Court Piled - Up Docket Before Judge W. J. McLamb In Recorder's Court Here On Last Wednesday A back-log of cases which had piled up as a result of a one peek's vacation for Recorders court officials greeted Judge W. J. McLamb last week. The fol lowing disposition was made: j Elbert Smithwick, assault on female, defendant plead guiltyJo forcible tresspass, ordered to pay court costs and enjoined against further molestation of plaintKf. Reuben Hewett, non support, /months in Jail, sus^ndingon condition that defendant pay **00 weekly to the support of h.s nun (Continued on P*8? riy9' public will make demands for price controls in the case of cer tain products. Beware of install ment purchases in 1949. 6. We expect the peak in whole sale commodity prices has been reached for this cycle. We, there fore, advise going easy on inven tories. 1949 is a time to get out (Continued on page Z) Beer-Wine Vote On January 29th Chairman G. C. McKeithan of the Brunswick County Election Board has made arrangements to hold the beer-wine election in Brunswick county on Satur day, January 29, the date which was announced following a meetiug of the election board last fall. Chairman McKeithan says that every possible effort will be made to hold the cost of this special election to a minimum, but he estimates the expense to the county to be more than $1,000.00. The same registrars who serv ed for the general election in November have been named to serve, and the regular polling places will- be used for voting." Resume Schedule In Cage Program Leland Teams Have Given Notice Of Strength Dur ing Opening Days Of Cur rent Season Picking up again this week after the holidays, the Shallotte high school boys and girls go to Leland Thursday for a continua tion of the county-wide high school schedule. Friday night the Southport boys and girls go to Waccamaw. Next Tuesday night the Wac camaw teams play Leland at Le land and on the same night Bolivia comes to Southport. A review of the games played during the first half of the sche dule places the Leland teams as outstanding. In addition to their being in earnest in their efforts, the Leland teams will be at home for the deciding games. The tournament will be staged at Leland this year. Coy Hewett Is Laid To Rest Resident Of Antioch Church Community Died Wednes day; Funeral Services Are Held In Wilmington _ t Coy Hewett, well known resident of Brunswick county and former operator of the Ward's Farm store, died at his residence near Antioch church Wednesday. Mr. i Hewett was 65 years old. I Funeral services were conducted [at a funeral home in Wilmington i with the Rev. Charles A. Maddry land Rev. Taft Hewett officiating. Burial was in the Hewett family cemetery near Shallotte. Active pallbearers were Cecil Allen, Curtis Hewett, LeGrande Redwine, A. W. Bradsher and Rudolph Fulwood. Surviving Mr. Hewett is his widow, Mrs. Dena Stanley Hewett Df Wilmington; two daughters, Mrs.W. A. Stone of Acme and Mrs! T. H. McDonald of Wilming ton; one son, Coy Hewett, Jr. of Raleigh; a brother, A. R. Hewett, of Oakland, Fla.; two sisters, Mrs. Marshall Edwards of Wilmington i and Mrs. J. J. Ludlum of Shal-| lotte; and two grandchildren. Farmers Required To File Estimates By January 15th Everyone Engaged In Agri culture With Income Over $600.00 Have Date With Uncle Sam WAGE EARNERS NOT INCLUDED IN GROUP However, They Will Get Re fund Earlier By Making Their Returns In Earlier Than March 15 BY ALEXANDER R. GEORGE Washington, Jan. 2?(AP)? Many farmers, business and pro fessional people have a tax date with the federal government, I Saturday, January 15. That's the final filing day for! persons who still must file esti-j mates of income tax for 1948. It also is the last day for completing payments of estimated tax if any is due and for changing a tax estimate if a previously filed esti mate was short of correct tax. Most wage earners have nothing to do about taxes on Jan. 15 That's because their income is such that tax estimates are not required. However, Jan. 15 is an impor tant date for farmers. It's the first and the final day on which farmers are required to make an estimate of the tax on their 1948 income. That's providing their in come amounted to $600 or more. No person with an income ofi less than $600 during the year is required to make either a tax estimate or a regular tax return. The regular return is the one due to be filled on or before March 15. Persons other than farmers in the tax group were required to make their estimates and first quarterly payments last March 15 of estimated tax for 1948. Farmers, of course, may make Continued On Page Four Prevatte Named County Attorney Commissioners Also Appoint New County Agent Dur ing Busy Session Here On Monday; Hear Health Group E. J. Prevatte was reappoint ed county attorney Monday for the duration of the term of the new board of county commission ers. The vote was 2 to 1, with B. C. Williams favoring the ap pointment of J. W. Ruark. Ruark then was appointed to retain his office as solicitor of the Brunswick county Recorder's court by unanimous action of the board. The board appointed A. F. Knowles as county agent to suc ceed J. E. Dodson. Mr. Knwles is at present county agent for Hoke county and will come here as soon as he can be released from his work there. He is a nativfe of Pender county. The welfare fund was increas ed in the amount of $15.00, and the sum of $10.00 per month was added to the blind grant of one of the county clients. Phoeba An Waddell was relieved of all unpaid taxes due to the fact that the property against which it was charged had been double-listed. The commissioners voted to deed the Joseph Myers Estate land to Joe Myers, Jr., upon pay (Continued on page 2) W. B. KEZIAH We had our New Year's dinner at the Ocean View Tavern at Holden Beach, a sort .of guest of Rose Marie Holden and her bro ther, Halstead Holden, of the University of North Carolina. Having somehow missed the bus, these young folks brought us back to town. One definite conclusion following the lunch is that Holden Beach is a very active spot, even in the winter time. Several new and attractive homes were going up or being completed and the place has a surprisingly large number of year-round residents. Out went Christmas goods from the counters and shelves of the Shallotte Trading Company and other places of business there just as soon as Christmas was Dies HARRY F. WEEKS Burial Service For Harry Weeks Held Thursday Weil-Known Local Resident Died Wednesday Follow ing Stroke; Was Engineer On Pilot Boat Harry Fitzgerald Weeks, engin eer of the pilot boat of the Cape Fear Pilots association for many years and with the association for 23 years, died at the Dosher Memorial hospital Wednesday morning. He had been in failing health for more than a year, but was seriously ill for only about ten days. Captain Weeks was 65 years of age. Before going with the Cape Fear Pilots as engineer of their boarding boat, he had worked for a number of years on other pilot boats. He was born to the sea as was his father, the late Cap tain John Julius Weeks. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock from Trinity Methodist church, Rev. L. D. Haymap; the pastor was in charge of the services. Burial was in. the Northwood cemetery with members ,of the American Legion .perving as pall bearers. The honorary pallbearers included members of the Cape Fear Pilots Association. A son of the late Captain John Julius Weeks, Sr., and Mary Anne Davis Weeks, Captain Weeks took to the sea and river as a boy and followed them through life. He is survived y his widow, Mrs. Blanche Fulcher Weeks; a son, Harry Weeks, Jr.; and one sister, Mrs. Viola Gutherie, all of Southport. A number of nieces and nephews also survive. Southport Lady Dies In Hospital Mrs. Elsie Styron Ashburn Died This Morning Fol lowing Period During Which She Has Been Des perately 111 Mrs. Elsie Stryron Ashburn, \ wife of Fred Ashburn, died at the Dosher Memorial Hospital! this morning at 8 o'clock. Death is attributed to hign oiood pres sure and complications. Mrs. Ash burn had been seriously ill for the past ten days. (Continued of page four) Our ROVING Reporter over. 4. New Year Day visit to the above store showed tobacco bed canvas as one of the out standing items. George W. Cox, Waccamaw township farmer and tobacco grower, was buying sev eral hundred yards of canvas at the time of the visit. In response to an inquiry Mr. Cox said he would be planting his seed some time before the 20th of this month. Contractor W. Bruce Moody of Grissettown made good on his promise to have the large new fertilizer warehouse of the Col umbus Trading Company at Shal lotte ready by the first of the year. A visit to the place Satur day revealed (hat while all of the Continued On Page Four Famed Norwegian Boat Stops At Holden Basin Colin Archer Figured In Many Daring Sea Rescues Before Being Retired From Service Of the many interesting boats that travel the intracoastal water way it would probably be difficult to find one more with a more colorful history than the Colin Archer, which has been at the yacht basin at Holden Beach since December 23rd. The Colin Archer is a former widely known Norweign rescue boat, having had much the same status as the United States Coast Guard cutters. Working in the Arctic Circle during her long period as a rescue boat, the vessel rendered assistance to 67 ships and crews and was credit ed with helping 1,549 more. Only 45-feet in length and with a 15-foot beam, the boat, accord ing to local mariners, is one of the most strongly built wooden j ships they have ever seen. In-1 spected in the basin at Holden, Beach Saturday, she stood out, ? to all appearances, as sound as. Wilmington Man Is Charged With Murder Two Unusual Deer Stories Turn Up A hunting party up near Win nabow killed a snow-white buck recently, and the taxidermist in Wilmington to whom the hide was taken declared that the coat was wool instead of the usual hair. The appearance of albino deer is extremely rare. E. C. Blake, Southport man, was squirrel hunting last week when he saw a deer rise up from his bed in a small thicket. He raised his rifle quickly to his shoulder and dropped the deer right back in his bed with a shot between the eyes. The distance was about fifty yards, and the weapon was a .22-calibre rifle loaded with a short cartridge. Work On Landing Filed At Holden Work Of Leveling Suitable Area And Planting Grass Has Been Carried Out At Resort During The Winter Months L. S. Holden, one of the owners of Holden Beach, has made a notable contribution to the deve lopment of this popular resort during the past few months. Get ting a big bulldozer last Septem ber, he has leveled off something over eight acres of his beach property and now has a fairly firm area, suitable for any kind of sports, or for a landing field. As a matter of fact, a landing strip or field was the main idea back of the undertaking. The area leveled has fairly good soil, with just a little more sand than is desired. This disadvantage may be eliminated, however, as the whole acres has been planted in winter grass and this is up and growing nicely. In the spring other grasses will be planted and it is hoped to secure a good sod runaway, suitable for planes by the consistant planting of winter and summer grasses. Without waiting for grasses to produce the needed sort of ton soil, Mr. Holden is now endeavor (Contlnued on page 2) Warehouse To Be New Store Hardware And Electrical Appliances Will Be Han dled In New Store Being Created From Shallotte Warehouse Workmen are now engaged in remodeling the old warehouse of the Shallotte Trading Company, located directly across the high way from their large store in Shallotte. The building is intended to be the home of a modern hard ware department for the firm. The warehouse will be practi cally rebuilt. The improvements will include the construction of a brick front, giving a much more attractive appearance to the structure. It is understood that the plans are for the operating of the place entirely separate from the parent company business. Each building will have its own force of em ployees. ' i a dollar, a tribute to her builders and to the material used in ship building of other days. j Colin Archer, for whom the boat is named, was the designer land builder of the widely known !frame, another Norweign boat that gained world-wide recogni tion for its use in exploration work. Some of the same lumber bought for use in the Frame was used in the Colin Archer. The boat is now owned' and used as a pleasure boat by Cap tain and Mrs. Charles A. Crown shield. Ten years ago Mrs. Crownshield came to America aboard the Colin Archer as the bride of Captain Crownshield. Since then the Colin Archer has been her home much of the time. The vessell is now bound for Florida but may remain at Hold en Beach for several days, pend ing replacements in her crew. Allison Sellers Being Held For Murder Of Coy Bak er, Also Of Wilmington, Sometime Sunday Night PRISONER RELATES STORY OF FIGHT Denies That He Killed Bak er, But Story He Told To Sheriff Stanaland Ties In With Evidence The body of Coy Baker, 42 year-old Wilmington man, was found slumped over a limb and a log on the banks of the Cape Fear river near Hamme's Railway Monday morning and Allison Sel lers, also of Wilmington, is being held in the Brunswick county jail charged with his murder. Both are white men. Sellers, who is a waterfront character of Wilmington, told Sheriff Walter M. Stanaland that he and Baker have recently been rooming together. He said tfyat on Sunday night he had a fight with Baker at the site where thei body was found, but denied that I he killed his partner in a scrap metal foraging expedition. He said that the two had boarded a boat across the river from Wilmington and that they had collected numerous iron im plements and a heavy brass wheel, which they planned to break up and sell for junk. Sellers said both he and Baker had been drinking, and declared that an arguement developed and that Baker struck him in the mouth. He related that he then returned the blow, striking Baker with his right hand somewhere about the face, and that he then rolled him through the sand to a point above the high water marker and left (Continued on page Two) FundsForRre Truck Mounting Checks Coming In As Pri vate Donations And Bene- j fit Funds Help Swell To tal The fund to pay for the new fire truck for the Southport Vol unteer Fire Department is mount ing slowly, but steadily, accord ing to Ormond Leggett. During the holidays a dance netted the fund $126.20 and dur ing another dance in which the fund was not benefitting Mrs. Dan Harrelson hit upon the idea of selling paper caps. With this effort she netted $25.00, all of which was turned over to the fund. The order for the fire truck has already been given and the initial payments made. The mac hine is a modern one and the cost, including more than two thousand dollars worth of hose, runs to nine, thousand dollars. For years the boys have been pulling through and rendering in valuable service with their faith ful old truck, bought in 1922. Good as it has been, that truck would be more fitting as a museum piece and that is pre cisely what it will be used for when the new truck arrives. Meanwhile property ? owners will be making a real personal in vestment by contributing towards helping to make the paymenis on the new truck. All checks can be made out to the Southport Volunteer Fire De partment and mailed to or given to Ormond Legg?tt Inaugural Ball Is Slated After: Scott Induction Ceremonies Will Begin It Morning With ParwU From Mansion To Memoo ial Auditorium MANSION RECEPTION PLANNED AT NIGHT Kay Kyser And Wife, Geor gia, Will Be Chief Marsh al* For Spectacular Affair RALEIGH, Jan. 1?An elabor ate, and in all probability the most spectacular, Inaugural Ball in North Carolina history will climax inauguration ceremoniea here January 6 when Governor elect W. Kerr Scott is ushered into the State's highest elective office. Although complete plans for the ball have not been announced, indications are that the event will be as colorful and unpre dictable as the honored gueat himself. Godfrey Chesire, general chair man of the -ball committee, haa announced that Kay Kyser and his charming wife, Georgia, have accepted an invitation to serve as chief marshalls for the ball and will be on hand to direct the activities of the evening. Cheshire said he discussed tenta tive plans for the progarm with Kyser last week and hoped to have them completed by New Year's Day. Although he would not discuaa the nature of the activities he and Kyser had discussed, Che shire said the ball program would include an opening march at 9 o'clock in which the sponsors and their escorts would be presented. The sponsors for the bal! will be daughters of the members of the Council of State and other elec tive State officials, Including Sen ators and representatives. The Grand March which will be led by Governor and Mrs. Scott, is scheduled for about It p. m. (Continued on Pag* Six) Service Officer On Duty Again Temporary Arrangements Made Monday For Activ ating Office For Benefit Of Veterans And Depes; dents A large group of veterana were here Monday to press for the re employment of Cecil Edwards as Veterans Service Officer, and when it appeared that they had run into a stone wall concerning the matter of money, suddenly they found sufficient funds lying idle to use to finance the program' for the next six weeks. When the Brunswick County Veterans Committe was formed several years ago the sum of $300.00 was approprited for Its benefit. Only $25.00 of this amount ever had been spent, so when this discovery was made.. Monday there was a quick huddle, during which a decision was made to have this money used to pay the salary of the Service Officer until the county commissioner* are able to determine whether there will be sufficient funds m the present budget to carry this' load. Seberal recent deaths in 30 ranks of veterans made this move of particular importance, and the office reopened the same day. Tide Table Following: Is the tide table; for Southport during the next week. These hours are approxi mately correct and were furn ished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tife Thursday, January 6, 0:23 A. M. 6:27 A. M. 12:39 P. M. 7:00 P. M. Friday January 7, 1:12 A. M. 7:22 A. M.' 1:25 P. M. 7:48 P. M. Saturday January 8, 2:02 A. M. 8:22 A. M 2:16 P. M. 8:40 P. M. Sunday January 9, 2:53 A. M. 9:25 A. M. 3:11 P. M. 9:35 P. M." Monday January 10, 3:54 A. M. 10:25 A. ML 4:08 P. M. 10:31 P. ML Tuesday January 11, 4:48 A. M. 11:21 A. M. 5:54 P. M. 11:22 P. ML Wednesday January 12, 5:42 A. M. 0:00 A. ML 5:59 P. M. 12:14 P. M.

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